#my childhood nightlight was really close to top left
great-and-small · 10 months
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I have to say that “warm gentle glow emanating from the shell of a turtle” is without a doubt my favorite genre of lamp
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 years
Hi! I just read the fanfic about Brainy and Nia going to the future and meeting their daughter, I know you posted it a long time ago, I'm just new to tumblr, so if you can I want you to do a fic about the future, where Brainy's daughter and Nia is 5 years old. And it would be cool to see the antics that her daughter does.XD
- Sorry this took so long to fulfil, but yes! I’m sure she’d get into all sorts and this story probably only scrapes the surface! Thank you for the prompt x
Nia had always preferred the night over the day; maybe it was just her Naltorian side talking, but she’d always felt there was a certain peacefulness about the night-time that just couldn’t be replicated in daylight.
That definitely hadn’t changed since Nova had come into the picture.
The daytime had always been busy for a number of reasons. Balancing work and family life, balancing family and hero life - balancing work, family and hero life. But, now that Nova had reached an age where she was starting to explore her natural curiosities, Nia and Brainy hadn’t had the luxury of focusing on anything else. At five years old, they couldn’t let their daughter out of their sight for one second of the day.
The second the sun went down, though?
Nova’s sleeping pattern had always been pretty steady, and once she was out - she was out. She’d definitely gotten that from Nia’s side of the family. After all, Brainy didn’t really need all that much sleep, although he had admitted to her on more than one occasion that he enjoyed resting at her side, retreating to his inner network at hours Nia would otherwise be sleeping, working on small tasks and calculations reminiscent of an actual dream-state. In that way, he could still be close with her during the night, and Nia valued that time together immensely.
Of course, the fact Brainy didn’t actually need those extra hours had made him the best dad ever when it came to late-night wake-up calls courtesy of one baby Nova.
She still wasn’t old enough for them to know for certain the extent of her abilities; Brainy had predicted they wouldn’t fully develop fully until her teen years. Honestly, though? Nia didn’t care what powers Nova had; she was perfect no matter what.
Nia watched from the doorway that evening as Nova cuddled against Brainy on the bed. Her blonde hair was getting so long now, falling in relaxed waves down to her elbows, and the light green tone of her skin was almost washed out entirely by the soft purple of her nightlight on the bedside table. She was curled into Brainy’s chest, chewing idly on her thumbnail, her dark eyes scanning along inquisitively to the passages he was reading aloud to her. Nia smiled privately to herself; Brainy really got into character when reading Nova to sleep, making a big show with grand gesticulations and silly voices, even when the book of choice for tonight was an account on quantum mechanics from Carlo Rovelli’s collection.
Nova had a unique taste in literature, that was for sure and, while she was definitely getting a taste for mathematics and physics, she also still enjoyed simpler story telling. Nia and Brainy had decided to switch up who read to her each night. Sometimes, they’d choose something on Brainy’s bookshelf, and other times they would go for stories catered for a younger – human - mind, like The Far Away Tree, or even folk stories like Little Red Riding Hood or Goldilocks.
Nova really liked Goldilocks; Nia must have read it to her at least twelve times this month alone.
As Nova let out a big yawn, relaxing further into her dad’s side, Nia caught Brainy’s eye, jerking her chin towards the door.
He nodded his understanding, continuing his narration as Nia ducked out of the room, heading towards the living room where Alex was waiting for her, already working open a bottle of red.
“How is she?” Alex asked, sizing up her wine glass as she began to fill it up generously.  
“She should be asleep soon,” Nia said. “But, uh, Brainy sometimes runs Q and A sessions with her if she stays awake through a whole chapter.”
Alex snorted. “Only for Nova would I find that concept adorable.”
Nia collapsed onto the sofa, snatching her wine glass immediately. She reached out expectantly to Alex, grinning when she rolled her eyes, ditching her own wine glass to fill up Nia’s.
“Why, thank you,” Nia said, tucking her legs up beneath her.
Alex tipped her own glass with a wry smile. “It’s my pleasure, really.”
Nia took a long sip, savouring the rich taste. They couldn’t exactly go off the walls with a toddler sleeping next door, but right now, anything that could offer her a brief period of relaxation, Nia was more than eager to accept. She swirled her glass thoughtfully. “You know,” she murmured, “Brainy’ll probably need something a little stronger to take the edge off.”
“Oh, way ahead of you,” Alex said, shifting to the edge of her respective sofa to grab a bottle she had stowed away inside her backpack. She placed it on the coffee table with a flourish, giving Nia the opportunity to try and decipher the alien script scrawled across the label. “Kara recommended this,” Alex said, raising a finger. “Please do not ask me what it’s called, because I will not be able to pronounce it.”
Nia snorted, taking another sip of her own regular alcohol. “I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
“He better, this stuff wasn’t cheap.” Alex smirked, leaning back into the sofa. “How have you guys been, anyway? I feel like this is the first time we’ve seen each other in months.”
Nia opened her mouth, only to frown. Had it really been that long? All the days had been blurring together recently, and yet each one seemed to be separated by something inexplicably unique in its own right – courtesy of one overly curious toddler.
Nia wasn’t even sure she could remember the last time she’d visited the Tower, and going out for patrol or even something as simple as date night was so far off the table right now, it might as well have been in another galaxy. There wasn’t a sitter in the city willing to take on a genius, alien five-year-old with a penchant for mischief.
To Alex, Nia only shrugged. “Nova’s just been needing a lot of our attention lately. Well, all of it, actually. Or else she’ll burn the apartment down.”
Alex’s eyes widened. “Wait, like seriously burn the apartment down?” When Nia pursed her lips, Alex’s mouth fell open. “Is that normal?”
Nia rolled her eyes, leaning back into the cushions. “According to Brainy, yeah. Coluans express themselves through their intellect, and Nova’s been flexing that muscle a lot lately. Brainy thinks it’s a good sign, that she’ll probably rise to the twelfth-level, but we don’t exactly have much for a frame of reference, y’know?”
“Well, you have Brainy,” Alex considered. “How was he raised?”
Nia shifted uncomfortably, averting her gaze. She took a long sip of her wine to fill the silence. “Uh,” she said softly. “That’s sort of a… sore topic, actually.” She bit her lip, running her thumb along her glass’s neck. “He had robot caregivers for the most part.”
By the subdued look on Alex’s face, Nia knew she didn’t want to butt in with any more questions on the subject of Brainy’s upbringing. Brainy had certainly shared a portion of his childhood with his friends, at least enough for them to know that his parents were not a topic up for discussion if he could help it.
Even with Brainy occupied with Nova in the other room, Alex didn’t appear comfortable to continue the direction of their conversation.
Nia chuckled softly, trying to clear the air. “Anyway,” she said quickly, steering them back on topic, “there isn’t an earth-equivalent to a robot nanny here; well… except for…” She stopped herself suddenly, resisting the urge to grin.  
Alex narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Except for what?”
Nia shook her head, pressing a finger to her lips to keep from laughing outright. The wine was definitely starting to do its job - not thirty minutes ago, thinking about this would have only stressed her out. She reached for the wine bottle, eager to keep this high going for as long as humanly possible, topping up her glass. As soon as it was full, Nia took another long swig, breathing deeply as the wine warmed her chest. “Kelex,” she said on her next exhale, unable to keep the smile from her voice.
Alex laughed incredulously. “Wait, what? Kel- Kelex? From the Fortress?” She shuffled to the edge of her seat, almost conspiratorially. “Doesn’t Brainy hate that thing?”
Nia shrugged half-heartedly.
Alex’s eyes widened. “Why does he hate that thing?”
That question seemed to ground her, at least. Nia winced. She was pretty sure they were skirting back along unsavoury territory. “He was never totally clear with me,” she admitted, staring down into her glass, “but I’m pretty sure Kelex reminds him of his own caregivers. They – uh – didn’t exactly get along.” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, it doesn’t even matter. Brainy was happy to entertain the idea, but the second Kara brought Kelex over, Nova was obsessed with the thing. She rewired it in like… twenty minutes.”
Alex stared. “She’s five, right?”
“She’s also half Coluan,” Nia reminded her, toasting her glass in Alex’s direction. “Dismantling machinery is better than any toy I could buy her.” She closed her eyes at that, pulling a face. “I left her in the bathroom for ten minutes today to shower and by the time I got out, she’d turned my hairdryer into a blowtorch.”
Alex winced into her wine glass. “Oof.”
“She’s just curious,” Nia said quickly, rubbing idly at her forehead. Was she really getting a wine headache already? God, she was really out of practice. “She’s exploring her intellect,” Nia said eventually. “It’s healthy for her and I wanna encourage that, I do—” She sighed heavily. “It’s just…”
Nia smiled bleakly. “That obvious, huh?”
“Then, take a break,” Alex insisted.
Nia stared at her levelly. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Hey,” Alex said with a smirk, pushing the wine bottle over to Nia’s side of the table. “Start with this. Finish the whole thing. Trust me, I have more.”
When Nia laughed, Alex glanced up at her, eyes flashing with a smile. “And, if you guys need a real break, you know that Kelly and I would be happy to help out.”
“You sure about that?” Nia asked warily. “Remember what I just said about the blowtorch?”
“You think a bit of fire’s going to scare me off?” Alex challenged. She leant back, gesturing to herself with relaxed emphasis. “Don’t forget, I shared a bathroom with an incredibly overpowered alien for years. Hell, I used to work for a super-secret government organisation that kept alien prisoners.” She placed her glass back onto the coffee table, folding her arms with a confident nod. “I’m pretty sure Kelly and I can handle a five-year-old super genius.” She winked. “And, if we can’t, we can always rely on Auntie Kara.”
Nia nearly snorted into her glass. She remembered a few choice stories from Auntie Kara revolving her valiant attempt at babysitting for Cat Grant’s son when she’d still been a PA. Something about him ending up on a train that had had a bomb strapped to it? Considering Nova already knew her Auntie Kara was Supergirl, the novelty of being saved from a near death experience would probably still hinge on traumatic, rather than invigorating.
Although, Nia had to admit, the idea of a break – however small – sounded pretty great right about now. She loved Nova with all of her heart, but having even just a few hours with Brainy to herself where she was actually conscious enough to enjoy them would have been amazing.
Still, she couldn’t help but picture Alex and Kelly struggling to figure out how to appease Nova’s more unique interests.
She smirked to herself, pressing her lips against the rim of her glass. “It’s your funeral,” she murmured.
Alex’s cheeks were already a little rosy from the wine and Nia knew she probably wasn’t faring much better. Still, before Alex could promise away any more of her free time, Nova’s door opened and, a moment later, out crept one very dishevelled looking Coluan.
Nia beamed from ear-to-ear. She stood, pausing when the world pitched a little around her. Wine drunk. There was no denying it, she was definitely wine drunk.
After carefully placing her glass on the coffee table, Nia made her way over to the bedroom door. She ran her hand down Brainy’s arm, squeezing gently. “Is she asleep?” she whispered.
Brainy’s expression was warm. He smiled softly, bowing his head. “I believe her excitement today tired her out more than she anticipated.”
Nia chuckled. That was the least surprising statement she’d heard all day. She turned towards the door, peeking inside. Nova’s nightlight was still on, enough to illuminate the profile of her round face snuggled against her pillow where she’d half cocooned herself in blankets only seconds after Brainy had no doubt tucked her in.
Her little mouth hung open slightly, silent breaths escaping her lips. Nia could spy the ears of her own childhood teddy bear poking out from beneath the blankets, hugged tightly to Nova’s chest.
Nia squeezed Brainy’s arm once more before sneaking into the room, summoning a swell of dream energy in her fist to keep from tripping over any mislaid toys or, more likely now she thought about it, machine parts.
Nia smiled; Brainy had promised to fix Kelex for Kara tomorrow. Despite his grievances towards the robot, he still felt guilty over the extent to which Nova had indulged her curiosities. They’d already sat her down to explain to her why what she had done wasn’t appropriate behaviour, and Nova had seemed to understand. Enough that she’d pouted when they’d told her she wouldn’t be able to go with Brainy to the Fortress to help fix Kelex in the morning. The last thing Nia wanted was for Nova to get her hands on the kinds of weapons Kara and Clark had hidden there. Nia had nearly blasted a hole through the wall on accident in controlled conditions when Brainy had been training her, she could only imagine what kind of destruction Nova could cause if she was set loose in there.
It was strange to think all of that had only been a few hours ago. Now, Nova slept peacefully, odd ends of blonde hair strewn across her face. 
Nia reached out, tucking those strands behind Nova’s ears. She perched herself on the edge of the bed, pressing a kiss against her daughter’s forehead. Nova scrunched her nose slightly before relaxing again, and Nia had to bite her lip hard to keep from making any sound.
She was perfect. Even with the chaos today had brought, Nia wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
“Sleep tight, Firestarter,” she murmured fondly.
When Nia returned to the doorway, she found Brainy waiting for her. She grinned, linking her hand with his. “Come with me,” she said, tugging him along towards the living room. “We have alien wine.” She raised her voice enough for Alex to hear. “And guess who just offered to babysit?” 
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trashforhockeyguys · 4 years
Need The Sun -12- Tyler Seguin
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A/N: All previous parts are linked in my master list.
Slide By James Bay
“I need to go.”
His fingers were still lazily tracing shapes on your bare back. Neither one of you had tried to move in the last hour. Something about just being together made it impossible. You were too happy to even attempt to move and ruin the moment with him. You’d be happy if you could just stay like this and never leave his side. But you had to go get Ella. 
“I wish you two would just stay here this weekend,” he sighed, still slowly running his fingers up and down your back. 
“Ty, I know she’s only four, but our kid is too smart. So until we find a way to tell her that we’re back together, you know that it’s a bad idea for me to stay here too.”
He sighed and pulled you close to him. You didn’t want to leave, he didn’t want you to leave. For just a second you wished you could rewind to when you were younger and didn’t have so many responsibilities, but you also wouldn’t trade Ella for anything in the world. 
You knew that you could afford to wait another half hour. You were closer to Ella’s preschool since you were at Tyler’s. You’d gladly take this time to savor a few extra moments in bed with him. 
His lips started to trail over your shoulder and neck. You smiled as you rolled onto your back. For him, you’d stay just a little while longer. You’d let him do whatever he wanted, so long as you could still make it to pick your daughter up on time.
“Do we have time?” He whispered, his curls falling in his eyes as he slowly shifted so he was on top of you. 
You threaded your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled him back down to kiss you, “We have time.”
“When are we going to tell her?”
“Soon. I’ll talk to her tonight and see where she’s at,” you promised. 
“I love you.”
You smiled and kissed him again, savoring the feeling of his lips on yours. You never wanted this to end. The week that he stayed with the two of you, while Ella was getting better, was almost magical. You could see it being like that all the time. You wanted it to stay like that. 
“I love you too.”
Later that night, you sat with Ella in your lap. She was giggling over Paw Patrol on the TV, occasionally reaching for another dino chicken nugget. She was still a little on the sluggish side, after being so sick. But slowly her energy was coming back to her.  
You hated seeing her sick like she was. You never wanted to see her like that ever again. Tyler agreed with that statement earlier on in the day. It scared the shit out of both of you to see her like that. Your little baby girl was in so much pain and there wasn’t a thing you could do to help her. 
She cuddled into you, nestling her head into the crook of your neck. Part of you hoped that she’d always do that, that even when she was grown up she’d take a second just to hug you like she did now. 
When she was a baby, before the divorce, you would be cuddling Tyler, with her half asleep in your arms. The three of you would often be surrounded by the dogs, because they were like velcro to Ella. They never wanted to leave her. 
Even last week while she was sick, they would be circled around her all day long. Occasionally one would come stay with you, especially if Tyler left. But for the most part, they were glued to their little sister. 
“Yes baby girl?”
“Do you like Daddy again?”
You sat up and moved her so you could look at her. Those big brown eyes were enough to melt you. She couldn’t understand what you and Tyler had been through in the last few years. She had no idea what you’d done for her, to try and keep her happy and safe. 
“Sweetheart, what makes you think I didn’t like daddy?”
She shrugged, “You would yell at each other.”
Something so simple broke you. You always thought she was too little to remember or to even notice. Maybe she’d heard the both of you in the kitchen a while back. Either way, she knew and there was no going back. 
“Does Daddy like you again too?” 
You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her close. She couldn’t understand. You knew she couldn’t fully grasp it. But she was smart for her age, maybe too smart. So you had to find a way to explain some things to her. The most that you could. 
“Oh baby girl, Daddy and I never stopped liking each other,” You explained, “Just because people fight doesn’t mean they don’t like each other.”
“Does that mean we can live with Daddy again?”
“Is that what you want? To go live with Daddy?”
You weren’t sure how. But if she said yes, you’d let her go. You’d take her when Tyler was on roadies. But if she wanted to live with her father, you wouldn’t keep her from him. It would hurt but for her you’d do it. 
She thought for a second, “I want you and Daddy.”
“You’ll always have us. We aren’t going anywhere, I promise.”
“I miss Daddy when he’s not here.”
“I miss him too sweetheart. And he misses you. He loves you so much.”
She cuddled into your chest even more. Her chicken nuggets and paw patrol seemed to be forgotten. You only held her and rocked back and forth slowly, something you always seemed to do when she was in your arms. Maybe it was a habit from when she was a baby, or one of the few things you remember comforting you from your childhood. 
You missed the nights where you and Tyler would cuddle with her. When she was little, he’d have her on his chest, right over his heart. She could fall asleep like that without any trouble at all. He used to joke that she took after you in that way. You’d fallen asleep on his chest like that all the time. He always had a way of making you feel safe when you were wrapped in his arms like that. You knew your baby girl felt the same way. 
You wanted nothing more than to be able to pack up everything and go back to Tyler’s. You wanted to bring your baby girl home. The place where you could all be a family, without any second thoughts. But it wasn’t as simple as just leaving and going back. You didn’t think things through the first time around, you wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.
This time, you wanted to take your time and think everything through. You needed to make sure that this was the right choice for everyone involved. You didn’t want to rush back into anything without knowing for sure that it would all work out.
You didn’t want her to grow up with an even more broken family. The lifestyle that came with being the child of an NHL player was enough. The fact that you were divorced was enough. You didn’t want this to end badly when you’d gone all in. You couldn’t handle it if she broke even more. You’d never forgive yourself.
For your family, you’d fight. You would figure it out. If not for you and Tyler than for your daughter. The precious little life that you swore to protect, no matter the cost. No matter what it meant for you, you’d give it all up for her. 
“Mommy, I’m sleepy.”
“Okay, let’s get you in bed, okay?”
You scooped her up and grabbed Bear Bear from the other end of the couch before slowly making your way to her room. You knew she’d probably end up in bed with you before morning, but sometimes she’d actually stay in her own bed. However, sometimes you really wanted her with you. There were nights when you just needed your baby girl with you. 
You tucked her in and turned on her twinkle lights. She couldn’t sleep without them, even made Tyler get some for her. She’d never been afraid of the dark, yet sometime over the last year she started needing a nightlight, which then turned into the little twinkly fairy lights.
“I love you so much,” You kissed the top of her head and double checked that she was all tucked in. 
“Love you Mommy.”
She didn’t ask for a story. Her little eyes closed and she was asleep not long after. The apartment felt so quiet compared to the previous weeks. You’d almost forgotten how nice it was to have Tyler and the dogs around. Now that they weren’t here, you missed them so much that it almost hurt. 
You swallowed hard and gently shut her bedroom door. It seemed that the more time that passed, the more you realized how wrong it was that you and Ella were still in the apartment. Tyler told you that he wanted both of you to move back in with him, when you were ready. But what about when she was ready? Ella wanted her dad.
You started to feel like a stranger here. This was never meant to be your home, but you did your best to make it feel like one for Ella. The walls were covered in her drawings, because she always wanted you to put them up. You’d put up pictures of Tyler and the rest of the team with Ella, so she’d always have them with her. 
Slowly, you started to pick up some of the toys that had been thrown all around the living room. You wanted to keep yourself busy. All you wanted to do was call Tyler. You felt like you needed him, and even after everything that you’d been through together, it scared you. You didn’t like the feeling of needing someone, you never did. That was something Tyler tried to break you of for years. 
You loved him. At the end of the day that wasn’t something you could fight anymore. You wanted to be with him more than anything. You wanted to be able to put your family back together and give Ella the home that she deserved. She didn’t need to wonder why this happened anymore. She shouldn’t have to ask the questions that no child should have to ask. 
She shouldn’t have to wonder if her parents loved each other. 
You took a deep breath and made your way into the kitchen before reaching for the bottle of red wine that you kept on top of the fridge. You just needed a second. You needed to be able to think a little bit more before you made any decisions. Tyler was going to wait for you, but you didn’t want to make him wait anymore. You didn’t want to make Ella wait anymore.
You gulped down the glass of wine faster than you should’ve, and then poured another. 
You slumped down in one of the kitchen chairs. This felt like one of the first times you’d been able to stop in weeks. You could feel the weight of all of the stress pushing down on you. Tyler was right, this was becoming too much for you to handle alone. 
Not only were you raising your wonderful daughter, but you still had to battle your condition. Which didn’t make it easy. You’d been on an uptick recently. You finally had more energy and didn’t ache as much, but who knows how long that would actually last. Eventually your levels would plummet again and you wouldn’t be able to do anything on your own again. 
You worried the most about Ella when things like that happened. She didn’t understand that you were sick, and would be for the rest of your life. But you didn’t want your sweet baby girl to worry about you. She was too little to have to worry about anything other than what outfit to put Bear Bear in and who was going to sit next to her during story time. 
You let out a deep breath and reached for your phone, which had been discarded on the kitchen table earlier in the night. Tyler texted a couple of times and a few from some of the other guys, since you missed movie night earlier in the week. 
You finished your second glass before you called him. You didn’t need any courage to start the conversation, you knew this was what needed to happen. It was the right thing for everyone involved, you were just finally ready to admit it. 
“Hey, you okay?” Tyler asked the second he picked up. 
“Yeah, I’m good. I just put Ella to bed,” You told him, “What are you doing tomorrow?”
“Well, I kind of figured we’d see each other while she was at preschool, or are you canceling on me?” There was a hint of humor in his voice, but also worry. 
This was still so new to both of you. You knew he was worried that you might run, even still. Little did he know you were all in, just like he was. You wanted this more than anything. 
“No, I was thinking after I picked Ella up? Maybe we could come over and the three of us could talk?” 
“Really? You want to tell her? Tomorrow?” He stopped for a second, “I thought you wanted to wait a little while?”
“Tyler, she thinks we don’t love each other anymore, she doesn’t even think that we like each other,” You explained, “A child is never supposed to think about things like that. She’s four. Fuck, she’s four and she thinks we hate each other. I can’t keep doing this to her.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.”
“No it’s not Tyler.” 
“Y/N, we’ll make it right. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”
You felt your body sag. You wanted to be there with him, just so you could feel his arms around you. You wanted to feel something, you wanted to feel safe. With him you felt more than safe. You didn’t know how to explain it, but he was your person. He could make anything, no matter how bad it was, seem like it would be okay. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Tyler.”
He was silent for a second, “Why don’t you go crawl into bed? I’ll stay on the phone with you.” 
“Don’t you have something else you’d rather be doing?”
“No, you and Ella are the most important, and you sound exhausted. Go pour yourself some wine and crawl in bed, maybe turn on a movie, we can watch one together.”
“I already had some wine.”
His laugh filled the silence. You felt the weight lift a little bit. Even from halfway across the city he could still make you feel better. You gathered up what energy you could and slowly worked your way back towards your bedroom. You listened to Tyler talk about anything and everything. 
He told you about the dogs, and how they were all curled up around him. Marshall was whimpering because he was the closest to the phone and must’ve been able to hear you. You missed having the dogs around with you too. Before Ella, they were your companions while Tyler was gone. They’d keep you company when he wasn’t home. Marsh was normally the most protective over you. It constantly made Tyler laugh. 
“Are you falling asleep?” He asked nearly two hours later. 
“Mhmm, maybe,” You mumbled. 
“Do you want me to hang up?”
“No, it’s almost like you’re here.”
You pulled your blankets up higher and set the phone down on the pillow next to you and put him on speaker. You didn’t care if he hung up after you fell asleep, but you just wanted for him to stay for a little while longer. 
“Okay, I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I love you too.”
Tomorrow. Tomorrow the two of you would start figuring out how to put your family back together. Slowly, you’d figure it all out together. You’d get your family back. Ella could have both of her parents back, and one day under the same roof again. No more shuffling between two houses. No more missing one parent when she was with the other. 
Tomorrow, somehow, you’d work together to fix as much as you could.
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high5nerd · 4 years
Alone Together--Chap. Twenty-seven
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"Sadie, I'm going to attempt at making dinner again," I called from the kitchen.
She laughed before covering her mouth. I turned and glared at her, and the light brunette smiled kindly.
I smirked, "Well, it looks like you're asking for that horrible soup your sister likes to make so much."
Sadie's smile fell. She dropped the book from her hands and folded them tightly, "Please no! Anything but that!"
"Hey! I can hear you!" Alice snapped from the bathroom, the shower head almost drowning out her voice.
Sadie and I laughed, and I winked at her as she gave a sigh of relief. Relaxing back into the couch, she watched me open the fridge and peer in, not knowing what to take out and cook with. I was still trying to master it, but...some things were harder than others.
"Could you make mac and cheese? Yours is really good." she asked.
I sighed, rolling my eyes, "Sadie, we had that yesterday. You really want it again?"
She excitedly nodded, leaning up a bit to show she really did want it again. This girl, honestly. In defeat I admitted to making more, to which she cheered with a fist pump before picking up her book and making sure her page was marked.
"I'm going to go out and read outside, okay?" Sadie said as she headed towards the door.
"Have fun." I didn't even watch her leave, just continued digging around the cupboards for the damn box of cheap macaroni and cheese.
Sadie closed the sliding glass door after her, pausing to let the warm breeze brush back her hair. The sun was nearly setting, almost six thirty in the afternoon. The sky was slowly getting darker, now a calming mix of purple, pink and yellows. Sadie sat down and opened her novel, continuing to where she left off.
While she read, her mind would at times drift to thoughts of Sandman. She hasn't seen him in a while, but knew he's kept his promise of visiting by the amount of good dreams she's had. He continued to see her even as she slept. She grinned to herself as she flipped a page to the next chapter, almost laughing at a memory that teased her mind.
A few days before, Sadie thought it would be amusing to play a trick on Sandy when he came in that night. She stayed up past her bedtime when she usually fell asleep herself, long after Alice and I had gone to bed and the house was still. The only light was the nightlight she kept from her childhood, still dimly lighting her room in a pinkish hue. Just as she saw the faint glow of gold touch her window, she quickly burrowed under the covers and shut her eyes tight, pretending to be fast asleep.
Sandy phased through the window, watching his footing as to not trip his way into her room. Once he gracefully landed onto the carpeted floor, he turned his gaze to see a 'sleeping' Sadie. With a content sigh and a faint smile, he walked over to her and crouched near the bed, watching her sleep and breathe softly.
She was so pretty...she looked so peaceful. Sandy always liked seeing people sleep. It made them look innocent, like angels. Sadie had a hint of a smile ghosting her rosy lips, and her delicate hands curled tightly into the soft pillow under her. Her thick lashes dusted her cheeks, a tint of a blush there as well.
His hand gently grazed her cheek lovingly...when Sadie jolted towards him with her eyes open, whispering a, "Boo!"
Sandy opened his mouth in a silent shout at that, and foolishly covered Sadie's face with his hands to protect him, making Sadie laugh behind his fingers. Sandy, realizing it was a joke, smiled at that.
That wasn't cool, he gave her a playful pout.
"Sorry," Sadie whispered, leaning up and kissing his nose, "I couldn't help myself."
Pitch's antics are definitely rubbing off onto you. I can tell. Sandy laughed at seeing Sadie wink in pride.
With a smile, Sandy softly kissed her. She kissed back, tugging him to the bed to curl up close to him. His arms wrapped around her protectively, taking his lips from hers and kissing her forehead and her cheeks, then resting his chin on the top of her head.
"I love you, Sandy," Sadie sighed.
I love you more.
Sadie smiled at that memory as she shut her eyes, relishing the thought of Sandy's gentle love. He was so careful with her, loving and soft. She liked being treated like a princess by him, how he would treat her so delicately and with grace. It made her feel special, that he considered his own touch to be warm and gentle to her. She couldn't ask for a better Devout.
The last rays of light from the sun faded away into dark navy blues and purples, stars barely sprinkling across the sky. Not a cloud was to be seen within miles. Sadie finished her chapter before standing up, but a sudden chill ran down her spine.
She felt eyes watching her back.
She knew the exact feeling when someone was staring at her. She gained that ability due to school, since she always hung out with the 'misfits' and 'geeks'. She would wear what she found to be what she loved but others thought strange, and she knew when people stared at her and whispered. She grew used to it...but it wasn't normal to feel eyes from the edge of the forest.
She turned around, and was surprised to see her standing there, a benevolent smile on her face.
"You…" she breathed, shocked at her unpredicted return.
"Hello, Sadie," Misery greeted, tilting her head to the side.
Sadie looked behind her shoulder and peered into the glass door, seeing Alice and I talking. Her sister looked concerned about something, and I continued to talk before rubbing my face in what resembled close exhaustion and worry. She turned back to Misery, bit her lip and then cautiously walked down the patio steps towards the spirit.
"It's been awhile...you're not here to...you know-" Sadie started, now standing in front of her.
Misery shook her head, "No. I don't plan on taking anyone's misery today. I just thought of visiting...and sending my regards."
Sadie noticed the spirit was older than she last saw her, when she was nine years old. Maybe ten, her memory of the incident was shaky. She remembered Misery tormenting Pitch, and he grew so angry at her he attacked her. She remembered feeling empty and cold, just as she felt now. More whole than before, but...Misery's presence alone still had it's power.
"My, have you grown," Misery extended a hand, noticing Sadie freeze at the sudden touch of clammy, dead skin, "You're so beautiful, like I was when I was human. You look...so much like your mother."
She couldn't respond. If Misery wasn't who she was and was her greatest fear, she would have slapped her hand away and shirk away. Misery's compliment sounded completely backhanded.
"So beautiful...life just courses through your veins, doesn't it? Your very own heartbeat keeps you alive and well, so rosy and pretty."
"Misery, why are you really here?" Sadie looked up at her flatly, not wanting another fight.
Sadie knew that if I saw Misery touching her, I wouldn't be afraid to kill her. She didn't want anyone to get hurt, even Misery herself. Out of the goodness of her heart she urged Misery to leave before I saw her, for her to escape. Misery only smiled and touched her shoulders with both hands, and Sadie saw something glint on her hip, but was distracted when Misery pulled her into a hug that creeped her out, a hug most humans would avoid.
"Oh, dear sweet Sadie...I'm here for revenge," she pulled away, but still had a tight grip on the now terrified fifteen year old, "My spirit is dying...and this will be my final moment I vowed before I disappear for good."
Both girls turned and saw Alice and I standing on the patio, Alice's scream of her sister's name echoing throughout the air. I glared at Misery, holding a sword in my hands, ready to slay her where she stood. North knew I needed protection now that my nightmare abilities were diminished, which is how I acquired one. Never have I thought I needed it until a few days before now, when my senses told me an omen was to come...and I was right.
Misery giggled as she whipped Sadie around and held her against her chest with a strong arm that held her face, her fingers digging into her cheeks. Sadie's terrified eyes met mine, wide and with so much fear it still gives me nightmares today.
"Let go of her, before I kill you where you stand!" I shouted, stepping onto the grass, but stopped moving towards her when Misery's grip tightened around Sadie's face. I was afraid her nails would cause her to bleed.
"Silly Pitch," Misery's chilling voice rang down our bones, "Did you forget? I swore I would repay you for your foolishness in your cruelty to me, and now I plan to do just that before my time is up."
"What does she mean by that?!" Alice demanded, looking at me with horrified eyes.
Continuing to stare straight at Misery, I said coolly, "Misery was supposed to be dead centuries ago. But she would take humans that recently died and use them as vessels in order to live. But she was foolish, because the more vessels she used, the more her spirit diminished. She's near the end of her life...and I'm about to finish it!" I grit my teeth in pure hatred.
Misery's smile fell to an unamused frown. Silence fell around the four of us, fear choking up what words were supposed to be spoken.
"A-Alice…" Sadie cried, "P-Pitch...I'm...I'm sca-"
That's when I saw the blue blade protrude from Sadie's chest, right where her heart was. Sadie's mouth opened in a silent scream, her body jerking forward with the motion of the blade. A gentle smile spread across Misery's face, almost reaching her ears in glee that Alice was now screaming in horror and I was so petrified I dropped the sword, unable to even shout myself. All I heard was my own heartbeat and a high pitched ringing. My legs felt like jelly, watching Sadie's legs give out and fall to her knees as Misery gently let her down.
Just as she was about to let go, a sudden bolt of light erupted from Misery's chest. Sadie's body shook violently when she forced herself to turn around and see what the bright light was. Alice's screams were paused at the sudden golden light…
It wasn't her spirit dying. That wasn't the light of her spirit...that was a blade.
Misery's eyes widened in shock that it wasn't me who brought her to the downfall. Her eyes slid over to Alice, a look of utter sorrow in her glassy eyes.
The blade withdrew sharply, and Misery's eyes rolled as her body fell to the ground, blue blood pooling from her open wound. A soft blue light lifted from her body, like levitating water. Her soul. It dissipated into the darkness without uttering a sound, and soon, her body disappeared as well...leaving no trace but an imprint of dead grass where her body hit the ground.
Sandman stared at the now dead grass spot, breathing heavily. Dropping his dreamsword, he knelt down to Sadie and held her body close, trying to put pressure on the wound. Alice and I regained our senses and sprinted over to her and Sandy, kneeling around her.
Alice sobbed as she touched Sadie's head, brushing away hair and caressing her face. Tears fell from her cheeks onto her younger sister's forehead and nose. Sadie's skin was becoming pale from the amount of blood being lost...her breathing becoming shallow.
"S...Sandy?" Sadie's hand touched his mouth gently, noticing his tears.
I'm here. Don't speak, Sadie. We're all here. Sandy's tears fell onto Sadie's own face.
She sadly smiled, "Good...I like it when you're all here…" she turned towards me.
"She...she said this was...revenge." she softly said, now moving her hand to grasp Sandy's that covered her wound.
All of us could tell she was in pain. She was dying…
This was Misery's punishment for us. This was her vengeance. She was supposed to only get at me...but she destroyed Alice and Sandy along with me. She knew Sadie meant so much to us. She knew Sadie was the last remnant of her parents...of her family. So she vowed to take it away.
"This isn't f-fair," Alice wept, bowing her head so her forehead touched Sadie's, "I thought I would die before you...not like this. I thought it would be when we're old and-and-"
"Shh, Alice," Sadie choked back tears, "I'm thankful it wasn't any of you...I wasn't lying when I said I'd give my life for you guys."
She grew quiet. The only noises were the sound of whimpering and sobs, and the wind rustling the trees around us. Sadie's grip on Sandy's hand tightened, closing her eyes.
A hand touched my shoulder. I didn't want to look. This was all my fault...Sadie's going to die because of me. I can't live with that guilt…
The hand tightened on my shoulder to the point it hurt, causing me to look up. Sandy looked desperate, but...there was a spark of hope in the depth of his eyes.
I can save her.
Alice looked up at him, the same hope that glimmered in his eyes took over hers. She grabbed his hand and begged him through sobs, "Please! She can't die!"
Sandy stared at her, gulping. It was at that moment I knew what he meant...and what he was committing to do...was something no one can take back.
"Sandy," he looked at me, "You do realize she….she won't be human...right?"
Alice's crying lessened in shock at that. Sandy and I looked back at her for confirmation, some sort of signal that she would agree to her sister no longer being mortal. If Sadie were to live, she had to become a spirit, combined with Sandy's powers to be at his side in duty...it may not be something she would want, but she had to live.
"Why are you staring at me?! Just do it!"
"But Alice-" I started.
"Do it!" she screamed, watching with fearful eyes as her sister's chest moved up and down slower….and slower.
Sandy immediately reacted out of fear. His hand pressed against Sadie's chest, her hand still lying on top of his. Sandy closed his eyes tightly, concentrating.
Within seconds, a dull glow began throbbing where her heart lay. The dim yellow light began to pulse brighter and brighter, almost shining through both their hands.
As strands of golden sand began to curl into the air and touch Sadie, like the branches of a willow tree, I gently touched Alice's back. She no longer cried loudly, but bit her hand to hold back more tears. Her wet cheeks glistened in the light of the dreamsand. She leaned into my touch, never tearing her eyes from her beloved sister.
...Our sister.
The dream strands danced around her, swirling in the breeze that began to pick up with the movement of Sandy's power. Dreams formed from the strands, showing quick images of Alice and Sadie's parents, her grandmother, her friends, her home...even us. Sandy's face was sprinkled among the dreams, along with the visuals of vast beaches, Santoff Claussen, large trees in a proud forest, and the rushing rivers of streams she played in.
The dreams slowly disappeared, and the strands melded into Sandy and Sadie's hands, right over her heart.
The light dimmed….the pulsing glow faded away…
Sadie looked like she was asleep, as if the dreams that were shown to us were right behind her eyelids. Her pained grimace melted away, her eyebrows unknotted into relaxation. Her hand limply dropped to her side, her knuckles grazing the grass as she lay in Sandy's lap.
Alice leaned up, waiting for the indication that her sister was alive...or still dead. She dreaded that last thought, as did I.
I must bring her back to the Island. She will rest there.
"Sandy-" I started, but Alice beat me to it.
"Why not here? This is her home." Alice's crying ended, but remaining tears continued to fall.
She wiped them away stubbornly as Sandy sighed, standing up with Sadie cradled in his arms securely. Her head was nestled in the crook of his neck, her long braid draping over her shoulder.
Alice...she's going to be a spirit. She's joined by me, sharing the duties of mine as well as who I am as a being. She has to be at the Island in order for the ritual to be complete.
Alice bit her lip and looked down, angry at herself. Immediately I wrapped an arm around her, but she shook me off.
"I'm sorry. I just need space right now...this is…" Alice's voice was strained.
I knew what she meant. She was finding it hard to accept Sadie's new place, her new life. I was, too. The reason I became mortal was for them, and now Sadie's no longer that. Knowing that Sadie will never age into her elder years like Alice and I will, or get married or have kids...go to college and finish high school...What is Alice going to say to her friends at her sudden disappearance? How will she explain it to her grandmother or the school?
"Sadie's life is...is over, isn't it?" Alice looked up at me, hurt.
I shook my head, "No. It's just beginning. The ritual doesn't often happen unless the spirit life is written in their destiny…"
"So she would've become a spirit anyway?" she looked at Sandy, who shook his head slowly.
"Only if the Devout wills it." I murmur, sadly watching Sadie's breathing. She was, thank the stars above. But it wasn't fast enough to be considered fully well.
I need to take her now, Sandy looked at Alice, ashamed, before the time is up. I'm...I'm sorry it had to come to this.
Alice touched Sandy's cheek, the tears returning once more, "Sandy, you saved her. I told you to do anything, and you did. Because she's alive, I owe everything to you...Can I come to this Island? I want to be there when Sadie wakes up."
I looked down once Sandy timidly shook his head before saying, Humans can't come to the Island of Sleepy Sands. The entire island is crafted out of my dream sand, it'll instantly put them to sleep. They won't wake up until they've left the island. Sadie will be unaffected.
Alice took her hand away from his cheek, casting her eyes downward. She was disappointed greatly. But she knew what must be done.
"Once she wakes again, you have to promise to bring her back." my own voice came out strongly, as if angry.
Alice glanced at me, and then nodded at Sandy. Sandy continued to look at me, words crossing his golden eyes that I could not read.
"She is...like Alice, the light of my life. She's the daughter I've never had." My throat was closing up from the emotion welling up inside me...I hated it.
A faint smile crossed Alice's lips at my words, wringing her hands in worry. Sandy stared for a while longer before nodding.
I know.
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agentredfort · 7 years
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It happened one bright April day when the child, then barely five weeks old, was sleeping.
When It Started || The Strokes,  Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been || Relient K,  You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid II The Offspring,  Superhero || Simon Curtis,  On Top Of The World || Imagine Dragons,  Ladies and Gentlemen || Saliva,  Kill Your Heroes || Awolnation,  Fix You || Coldplay,  Everybody Loves Me || OneRepublic,  Invincible || OK GO,  Hero || Skrillet,  Kick Ass (we are young) || Mika,  Everyday Superhero || Smash Mouth
spoilers for Blink and You Die (as well as the actual playlist) under the cut.
Ruby looked into darkness and wondered who she could trust. Trust no one, she thought.
When It Started by The Strokes
Won’t decide, but he won’t debate Said, “thanks my friend, thought that we was dead” Oh why, oh why/I don’t know Think things move pretty fast down here But just wait my dear ‘till we get up there Oh maybe someday they’ll know
‘So do I do nothing?’ continued LB. ‘In which case, Baker, the person I regard more highly than any other being on this planet, goes merrily on his way, or do I choose to save one thousand and twenty-seven people that I have never met, probably will never meet and until now have never thought about.’ She paused, staring Ruby hard in the eye. ‘But are they not equally deserving of my protection? Would it not be monstrous to sign the death warrant of so many?’ She pondered the question, and then said in a distant voice, ‘I will never forget the final question he hissed into my ear. “The clock is ticking, dear LB, what price love, what price life; are the heartbeats of many worth more than your heart’s one true desire?”’ Her voice was almost inaudible now. ‘Ninety-nine seconds is all it took to drain all colour from my life.’
Who I Am Hates Who I’ve Been by Relient K
Stop right there, that’s exactly where I lost it. See that line, well I never should have crossed it. Stop right there, well I never should have said That it’s the very moment that I wish that I could take back
‘I don’t think you are seeing the big picture here,’ said the Count. ‘Such blinkered vision – the reason you should feel bad, very bad indeed is because, Ms Redfort, Casey Morgan is very much your spider too and he’s creeping closer and closer across his web and, forgive me for noticing, but you seem to have your wings all tangled.’
You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring (language warning)
With a thousand lies/And a good disguise Hit 'em right between the eyes/Hit 'em right between the eyes When you walk away/Nothing more to say See the lightning in your eyes/See 'em running for their lives
‘So you’re going to break in?’ ‘That’s my plan.’ Clancy looked at her. ‘Now that is a truly bad idea.’ ‘Well,’ said Ruby, ‘that’s tough because it’s the only one I got.’
Superhero by Simon Curtis
Stand up, everybody look alive/Say come on, come on, come on We’re gonna get it now/Hands up if you’re ready for a fight Say come on, come on, come on, gonna win now I don’t need you to believe in me
‘Any chance Spectrum might issue me with that parachute cape?’ said Ruby, her gaze trained on the cloud of gold. ‘It’s the coolest outfit I’ve ever seen.’ ‘I think you’d have to do something pretty remarkable before LB let you get your hands on her parachute cape.’
‘Talking of kit,’ said Hitch, ‘LB wanted you to have this.’ He reached into a bag and took out the little white fur parachute cape. ‘You’re kidding?’ said Ruby. Hitch shook his head. ‘As far as LB’s concerned, you found lost gold; and for that remarkable feat you get this.’
On Top Of The World by Imagine Dragons
'Cause I’m on top of the world, 'ey/I’m on top of the world, 'ey Waiting on this for a while now/Paying my dues to the dirt I’ve been waiting to smile, 'ey/Been holding it in for a while, 'ey Take it with me if I can/Been dreaming of this since a child I’m on top of the world
Blame it on a bad childhood, a life gone wrong, his ma and pa’s genes, blame it on the weather, but whatever the reason, it didn’t change the facts – goodness had deserted him utterly, and his soul had gone to rot. Around this monster of a man swirled a murky soup of the vile and the unhinged, all eager to do his dirty work. The plots they hatched and cruelties they inflicted were dark enough to give Wonder Woman herself reason to keep the nightlight lit.
Ladies and Gentlemen by Saliva
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening You’ve seen, and seeing is believing Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding Please check to see if you’re still breathing
‘Listen, Ruby,’ he said, ‘these people, well, they aren’t people at all, they’re monsters and they will track you down until they have what they want, and what they want above all else is you.’ She looked at him like she didn’t understand. And she didn’t understand. He grabbed her arm and closed his fingers hard around her wrist. ‘Wake up, Ruby, you gotta see, open your eyes, you start blaming yourself for any of this then you can’t win. LB did what she had to do, and she was right. I would have done the same.’
Kill Your Heroes by Awolnation
Well I met an old man dying on a train/No more destination, no more pain Well he said one thing, before I graduate/“Never let your fear decide your fate.” I say ya kill your heroes and fly, fly, baby don’t cry. No need to worry 'cause, everybody will die.
LB looked up as Ruby approached, and raising a hand, she smiled. ‘How are you?’ asked Ruby. ‘Full of sorrow,’ said LB.
Fix You by Coldplay
When the tears come streaming down your face When you lose something you can’t replace When you love someone but it goes to waste Could it be worse?
‘Shame,’ said her mother, ‘but he left me just the nicest note.’ ‘A note?’ said Ruby. ‘Yes,’ said Sabina, taking it from her purse. ‘See?’
Dear Redforts, Thank you for your warm hospitality. I loved every minute of the time I spent with you. I am only sorry it couldn’t have been a lot longer. Please forgive me for not saying farewell in person, but where I had to be just couldn’t wait. Yours with affection, Mo P.S. look after that kid of yours, she’s one in a million.
‘And you know what?’ said her mother. ‘He’s right, Rube, you really are the most incredible kid.’
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic
Oh my/Feels just like I don’t try Looks so good I might die All I know is/ everybody loves me
‘Her so-called guardian angel,’ said the Count. ‘Trust makes you vulnerable, leads you into trouble, the same sort of trouble you have just walked into, but at least you have a way out – bring Ruby Redfort to me and I will spare your life.’ ‘Never,’ said Clancy. ‘I would never do that! You can throw me to a pack of wolves or feed my toes one by one to a bunch of crocodiles, but I will never do that!’  
Invincible by OK GO
When they finally come to destroy the earth/They’ll have to go through you first I bet they won’t be expecting that When they finally come to destroy the earth/They’ll have to deal with you first
And then with one sudden move the figure jabbed it into the rump of Casey Morgan. The shock caused her to let go of Ruby and as she twisted around to face her attacker so Casey lost her footing, and tumbled away into darkness.
Hero by Skrillet
I’m gonna fight for what’s right/Today I’m speaking my mind And if it kills me tonight/(I will be ready to die) A hero’s not afraid to give his life/A hero’s gonna save me just in time
‘Hey, Clance,’ called Ruby, ‘thanks for saving my life!’ ‘Any time!’ shouted Clancy. ‘And I forgive you for blabbing!’ she yelled. ‘I never blabbed!’ shouted Clancy. ‘I was truth-serumed!’ ‘I know it! Don’t get your underwear in a bunch – I was kidding.’ ‘You could dangle me over a pit of wolves …’ ‘Feed your toes to crocodiles,’ added Ruby. ‘And I still wouldn’t blab,’ shouted Clancy. ‘And you know why?’ yelled Ruby. ‘Because you’re some friend!’ ‘It takes one to know one,’ shouted Clancy.
Kick Ass (we are young) by Mika
We are young/We are strong We’re not looking for where we belong We’re not cool/We are free And we’re running with blood on our knees
And as they pulled up in front of Green-Wood House, Ruby said, ‘You know, Hitch, you’re some agent.’ And he gave her one of his winning smiles and said: ‘Right back at you, kid.’
Everyday Superhero by Smash Mouth
I’m just your average ordinary everyday superhero Trying to save the world, but never really sure I’m just your average ordinary everyday superhero Nothing more than that, that’s all I really am Just a day job that’s someone’s gotta do It’s kinda hard when everyone looks up to you
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