#nico tag
feydfuckernation · 21 days
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misc luke castellan edits (1/?) → camp counselor luke
requested by @itey / @castellanx
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yaoibattlepass · 3 months
i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows i know because tyler knows
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schumiatspa · 4 months
luca nardi world domination ‼️‼️‼️
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Look at my beautiful boy‼️ he is obviously gonna win the Calendar Slam in a couple of years and you all are not ready for this
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kaserolly · 8 months
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🩵💙💜 Lewis Hamilton X Stay Close by Bawo 💜💙🩵
Keep it a hundred and not one less
Woke up in a mess, that don't mean that the love can rest
Bro got dreams, let's flee this nest
All for the team, it's really a quest
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my-lover · 4 months
15 questions & tag 15 friends !! tagged by my beloved @degloved - thank you <3
1. are you named after anyone?
yes & it's incredibly embarrassing tbh
2. when was the last time you cried?
hmm, i'm not sure actually. i used to cry so much - like 3-4 times a week - but now it's pretty rare. maybe when i finished god of war over christmas ?
3. do you have kids?
i do not
4. what sports do you play/have played?
i'm not one for team sports, but when my body allows i adore rockclimbing & running
5. do you use sarcasm?
no /s
6. what is the first thing you notice about people?
hmm, i guess probably hair styles ? they generaly stick out to me a lot, because i'm not great at remembering faces
7. what’s your eye colour?
green !!
8. scary movies or happy endings?
very both (would not be the answer like, a year ago)
9. any talents?
happy endings are my favourite thing
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
baking, reading, video games, cross-stitch :)
12. do you have any pets?
yes !! i have a cat (alice, old lady) and a dog (freya, 5yr old samoyed)
13. how tall are you?
i am about 5'6, maybe a little over
14. favourite subject in school?
history !!
15. dream job?
archivist hehe
tagging: @bellameblake @ronanlysnch @bowofbalance @starjunkyard @ninazenikvibes @egonkula + anyone else who'd like to do it <3
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fxreflyes · 4 months
Hello! I saw the end from the begging and the bloodlands sound fire 👀 can you please tell me about them? :))
hi Nico!!! 💖💖 thank you for asking 🥰
Answered the bloodlands here! But as a short summary it is an prequel to my marauders clue Au and would take place in 1944 on the eastern front & the MC’s would be Remus, reg, barty & Evan as undercover spies in a Soviet gulag
I saw the end from the beginning is a POA au if it had happened 9 years earlier! So Sirius escapes, but Remus is very much not doing well. drama ensues. I really haven’t figured out the plot a lot this one is a whole lot of angst haha. Including a snippet from a few ch in the future under the cut :) (i don’t rlly like it but its what we got haha)
He might have been a beast, but what he hungered for wasn’t to sink his teeth into flesh. He starved for someone to sit with, to laugh with, to talk to, not out of obligation, but because they could think of no better way to pass the time.
He wondered if he was the first monster to be lonely. He wondered if all monsters were lonely.
He wondered if that was what a monster was: a creature permanently alone. 
Every time he considered joining the others, he thought of the price his skin would fetch and the pages in the library he had read and so Remus hungered in silence and kept his head down the way one did when they lived always waiting for the next blow, his entire being held in a permanent flinch. 
Wip fic game
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petekaos · 5 months
2, 7 (!!), 19, 70 🫶💛💙
hiii caro!! 🥺🫶🏾
2) EDEN, ‘reaching 2’
7) minho, ‘heartbreak’
19) ermal meta + elisa, ‘piccola anima’
70) stray kids, ‘DLC’
reaching 2 being my second most played song is SO depressing omg 😭 it was initially because that song is just chef’s kiss but then the summer saga happened and it became about [redacted] … you know what i mean 💀 but this is a good selection 🫶🏾💙💛
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trick or treat ghostie:3
Give me a trick, babes 💚
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kaaaaaaarf · 3 months
Ooh happy birthday Karfy!! I hope you have/had a lovely day!! <33
Thank you so much, Nico!!! So far so good. ❤️
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 11 months
happy tiana kermit heartbreak sunday to all who celebrate
omg stop you’re gonna make me feel special… 🥹🩷💖💗💞💘💝💓
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sepiamestus · 10 months
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feydfuckernation · 3 months
austin butler 2024 esquire photoshoot but its austin butler luke castellan and the leather jacket is thalia's that he kept and held and wore is this anything
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yaoibattlepass · 2 months
Bouncing around watching fun star trek episodes with my friend and completely forgetting to explain that vulcans are telepathic until we both watch spock grab someones shoulder and they pass the fuck out and going "oh yeah so about that yeah thats normal for him"
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jaja-dingdong · 10 months
okay qui nico. la storia di come sono finito ad ascoltare paolo meneguzzi nell'anno 2023 è esilarante quindi ora la racconto nella tua askbox (anche se nessuno me l'ha chiesto). eravamo tutti a tavola a guardare il tg, dove hanno iniziato a parlare del caso orlandi, di cui io sinceramente non so molto anche perché manco ero nato, ma comunque parlano dello zio che a quanto pare si chiama mario meneguzzi... e qui io esclamo "OH! ma ve lo ricordate paolo meneguzzi???" (io mi ero totalmente dimenticato di lui) e la scena successiva è comica. mio padre: "mengoni????" io: "noooo che c'entra, paolo meneguzzi" lui: "mingardi?" niente, i miei pensavano me lo fossi inventato, anche perché non mi veniva in mente mezza canzone. a questo punto arriva in mio soccorso mio fratello, lo vedo tornare a tavola e gli urlo "TE LO RICORDI PAOLO MENEGUZZI???" finalmente qualcuno che mi dice di sì. (mio fratello ha una memoria di molto migliore della mia) allora nel casino generale che il tutto ha creato (secondo te ho sentito una parola del servizio del tg ?) chiedo a mio fratello di dirmi che cosa aveva fatto meneguzzi. lui mi risponde "musica" al che io ???????? SÌ MA CHE CANZONEEEEEE e a quel punto dico basta, mi alzo e corro a prendere il cellulare. cerco paolo meneguzzi e.... oh. la canzone si chiamava 'musica'. mi sento scemo, ma vabbè, torno a tavola e metto su la canzone, cercando di far stare zitti mio fratello e mio padre, mia madre appiccica l'orecchio al mio cell, un casino, il verdetto di mia madre è "non me la ricordo" e io MA COMEEEEEE no ma dai ma ha fatto questa e un altro paio di canzoni famose negli anni 2000 ve lo giurooooooo!!!! e dalla disperazione mi metto a canticchiare (stonato) (sorry) 'musica' e LÌ. LÌ MIA MADRE FA "AAAAAAAAAHHHH ma sì quella lì, me la ricordo" ALLELUIA GRAZIE GESÙ. e alla fine 2/3 hanno concordato con me che sì, paolo meneguzzi esiste, ma che fine ha fatto?, boh comunque non sono pazzo, visto??, va bene va bene. fine della storia. ogni tanto i momenti Maaaaa ti ricordi [insert hit degli anni 2000] ci vogliono
NICO STO MORENDO ASDJSJSJS 10/10 per la narrazione, impeccabile
Paolo Meneguzzi è assolutamente il classico tipo di musica improbabile che ti ritrovi ad ascoltare alle 2 di notte quando non riesci a dormire, in mezzo a una canzone di Camp Rock e i balli di gruppo del grest, per quella dose di nostalgia potente e immancabile (spero succeda anche a voi e non solo a me)
Classica persona della cui esistenza ti ricordi solo per quello o se qualcunə a tavola (o in macchina, perché ste cose succedono sempre a tavola o in macchina) se ne esce completamente random con il suo nome, e in quel caso la risposta ineluttabile sarà "MIIII COSA MI STAI RICORDANDO"
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theveryattacheduser · 11 months
calling your bestfriend in the dead of night is so fun and comforting
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fxreflyes · 2 months
This sounds fun! Nico for the send me your name and i'll make a mini playlist with the letters in your name :)
hi Nico!! So sorry for the late reply, hope you’re having a wonderful week 🫶🏻🫶🏻
N. Neon moon - cigarettes after sex
I. I would die 4 u - rose cousins, bears den, cristof van der ven
C. Come on Eileen - dexys midnight runners
O. Oh, you pretty things - David Bowie
Send me your name and I’ll make a playlist w the letters :)
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