#no beta im sorry pookies
ty-the-trainwreck · 8 months
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Ronancetober, day 4.
Robin had made a stupid mistake.
An extremely stupid mistake. 
A mistake that not even god himself, not like Robin was religious, would forgive. 
If the world knew of what Robin did, she would be hunted down and scrutinized as a public threat. Eddie had been a prime example of what people did to somebody that didn't fit in, to people like Robin. They were the puzzle pieces that could never just slot in next to the others. 
The reason?
Robin had kissed Nancy.
Robin didn't mean to! It was just that...the dim orange light from the lamp on Nancy's bedside had made her already breathtakingly beautiful eyes into ones of a goddess. She had a piece of hair stuck to her glossy lips, the fluffy curls looking even softer than usual. Nancy's jawline shifted everytime she would scrunch her nose or pout. and Robin was weak.
Nancy had looked up from her textbook upon feeling Robin's gaze. The former smiled, placing her pink gel pen down and shifting so that she was facing Robin completely. "You're distracted, y'know." Her soft voice was teasing, and Robin could feel her resolve weaken. 
"It's not my fault I hate calculus, it's like watching Grease but they cut out all the music." Robin thanked her experience in doing highschool theater, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to improvise that so quickly. Nancy raised her eyebrows, an amused look on her face. "You don't even like Grease." 
Robin snapped her fingers and pointed at Nancy like she was a teenage boy trying to act smooth. "Hence why I don't like calculus." Nancy rolled her eyes fondly and tossed her textbook to the foot of the bed. Robin's eyes widened, but she followed in Nancy's footsteps and closed her textbook as well. "Are you ditching studying, Wheeler?" Robin quirked one of her eyebrows up. Nancy crossed her arms and rested her chin on her elbow, her eyes looking like they were peering into Robin’s poor gay soul. 
“I think we deserve a break.” Nancy hummed, drumming her fingers on her arm. Robin nodded, and she watched as Nancy closed her eyes and quietly hummed a song. Robin watched as Nancy sat there peacefully, completely oblivious to the mushy feelings Robin had directed towards her in silence.
Robin chewed on her lip, her eyes trained on Nancy’s movements. Everything was perfect, Nancy was perfect, this moment was perfect.
But of course, Robin had to go and mess it all up.
Robin leaned down and pressed her chapped lips against Nancy’s. She could feel Nancy’s gentle humming stop and her movements ceased the moment Robin kissed her. When Robin felt Nancy’s body go rigid, she pulled back so quickly that she swore she popped something in her neck. 
She regretted looking at Nancy so much afterwards. The girl in front of her was stunned, her eyes were blank and seemed to be trying to catch up to what just happened. Her hands were frozen in place, and she looked up at Robin with a look that could only mean one thing.
Why did you kiss me?
She felt dirty.
She felt predatory. 
Robin shot up from the bed, spewing apologies as she grabbed her backpack. She didn’t even pick up her textbook, all her brain was focused on was that she just kissed Nancy fucking Wheeler. 
“I’m so sorry! I don’t– I don’t know why I did that! Well, I do know why I did but I just– oh my god!” Robin fought back the fiery tears that brimmed the corners of her eyes.
 “I’m so sorry…I…” 
Robin was never able to keep friends for long, especially girl ones. She supposes that’s because all along she was no better than a man, no matter how much she told herself that she wasn’t. Robin was disgusting, and she couldn’t bear to see Nancy look at her like she was Vecna himself.
She couldn’t bear to see Nancy look at her like she was a monster. 
Because Robin was already looking at herself that way, and she was already repeating the word over and over again.
It thudded against the walls of Robin’s brain and it was joined with the familiar symphony of Robin’s family and friends calling her a freak. She couldn’t hear anything over the shrilling cacophony of the harsh words she usually called herself in their familiar voices.
The loudest, was Nancy’s.
Robin hated that she did this to Nancy.
She hated that she felt something positive when she kissed Nancy.
She hated that she kissed Nancy in the first place.
“I’m sorry for kissing you.” 
Robin rushed out the absurdly pink bedroom and down the stairs. She didn’t even say goodbye to anybody in her panic to get the hell away from Nancy. 
Robin could still feel the sticky residue Nancy’s cherry lip gloss had left on her lips when she had pulled back. Robin could still taste her, and oh how Robin hated that she loved it.
Robin gasped for air every few seconds as she sprinted in the direction of her house, her legs burned but she couldn’t care anymore. 
Nancy was never supposed to know that Robin liked her like that.
Nancy was supposed to be Robin’s friend forever.
Nancy was supposed to marry a boy that she would meet in her second year of college.
Nancy was supposed to grow old in a nice house.
Nancy was supposed to live her life normally.
She would still have the chance to live it all, even if Robin wasn’t by her side. Even if Robin had kissed her one night in her childhood bedroom while they were studying for their calculus test. Robin had voluntarily ripped herself from Nancy’s future the second she pressed her lips against hers. Robin was never meant to be Nancy’s, and Nancy was never meant to be Robin’s. Robin knew that this was true, but the fact that she enforced it herself was never going to stop haunting her for as long as she lived.
There it was.
That soft, tender voice.
Robin skidded to a stop, her shoulders tense as she slowly turned.
Nancy was running down the street, just as frantic and urgent as Robin. Although Robin must’ve looked insane from an outside perspective while Nancy looked like she had barely broken a sweat. 
The curly haired girl launched herself into Robin, her tiny arms wrapping around Robin’s lanky form and bringing them both down and into the wet blades of grass. Robin let out a grunt as she hit the ground, letting out a groan as she looked up at Nancy.
“What the hell?!” She croaked out, utterly confused at why Nancy just tackled her like they were playing football.
Nancy got up, hovering over Robin as she stared down at her with eyes full of meaning.
“Why did you run away from me?”
“Nancy, I kissed you, don’t you remember?” Robin was slightly convinced that the tackle had made Nancy lose her memory. Nancy shook her head, mumbling obscenities into the crisp night air. 
All that could be heard was the amused chirps of the crickets in the forest. Robin slowly adjusted to the feeling of having Nancy on top of her, but remained a little stiff.
Robin noticed green stains on Nancy’s clothes, and it must’ve been from when they tumbled into the ground. Nancy’s face also had a little bit of dirt on it, and Robin wanted to reach out and wipe it away with her thumb.
“Robin, you didn’t even give me a chance to tell you how I felt.” Nancy sighed. Wait, what?
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you ever since we escaped the upside down, you were the only person that I wanted to hold me after Vecna threatened me. Your arms are the only ones that I want to lay in. Your lips are the only ones I want to feel against mine.
I want to be able to love you so much that our friends make fun of us for it. I want to love you with all the air in my lungs, and I want to kiss you until it’s dangerous for us to keep going. Robin Buckley, I am in love with you.” Holy shit, Nancy Wheeler’s in love with me.
Nancy laughed, leaning onto her elbows so that she could be closer to Robin. 
“Yeah, I am.” Fuck, did I say that out loud?
“Robin, yes, you did.”
Robin blushed, her gaze flickering down to Nancy’s lips.
She took in a deep breath of air, and pressed her lips against Nancy’s.
And this time, it wasn’t an accident.
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mit0bee · 11 months
Hii! Could you write Silver and Jamil with a s/o who is touch starved? In the sense they're not opposed to affection, but aren't that used to it and get kind of startled, but crave it nonetheless? Thank you so much, have a great night!
WHY IS THIS ME???? ill def be making a pt 2 because i love this so much
Twisted Wonderland Boys with an S/O who is touch starved
Stuff you should read: touch starved s/o, a tinyyyyyyyyyyy bit self indulgent because me too anon me too, bulleted post, i didnt use actual grammar/punctuation because i am lazy, once again no beta we die like men Characters: Silver Vanrouge, Jamil Viper, Malleus Draconia, Leona Kingscholar, Sebek Zigvolt, Lilia Vanrouge
Silver first found out about your touch starved-ness when he accidentally fell asleep on your shoulder
When you shrieked softly in suprise, he shot up, thinking that he might've hurt you.
When you explained to him that you were just not used to physical contact, he sighed in relief.
i kid you not he genuinely thought he somehow headbutted you
And oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh boy when he learned that you craved touch, the boy was so ecstatic (for his standards)
from then on, he was always somehow holding your hand, or had his head resting in your lap or something
(at first, he would ask you or warn you before he would touch you, just so you wouldn't be too suprised or startled, but if you were okay with it, and as you got more comfortable, he'd just go for it)
if you were okay with more romantic displays of affection, he'd nap during lunch with you in the courtyard, with you somehow in his embrace
hes such a pookie i swear (im sorry his is so short idk how to write silver *sob*
Jamil actually found out from a silly little walk to Sam's
he went to hold your hand, and you pulled away, surprised
he thought you were mad at him and when i tell you this man tried to think of a reason why you would be mad at him
when he couldnt think of anything, he decided to just come out and ask if he did something wrong
and then you explained it to him
like silver, he sighed in relief
but not a little sigh
a big one
like muscles relaxing and everything he genuinely thought you were mad at him.
so when you slowly brought your hand to his, lightly squeezing it, you almost killed him
my dude ASCENDED like he actually would die with no regrets
when he figures out that you actually crave touch, he isn't as ecstatic as silver, but hes fairly excited
he'd definitely enjoy showing that he loves you through small physical touches (hand holding, maybe having your arm around his, ect)
Again, like silver, he'd tell/ask you when/if he was going to hug you or something
he wouldn't ALWAYS be touching you, but he would be in private
he himself is kinda iffy on pda but he'd hold your hand or something, nothing like kissing or full on big hugs, but hand holding is a big one for him
you two probably came up with one of those cute systems where its like "two hand squeezes means ily" or something
he found out when, on one of your nightly walks, he tried to hug you and you just...froze in the hug
he just comes straight out and asks, he doesn't want to assume you're mad at him, but he did do something wrong, he wants to apologize
"Child of Man, is everything alright? You froze."
when you explained that no, nothing is wrong and that you just were a little touch starved, he nodded thoughtfully
"Well then, would you be okay if I request a hug, instead?"
^^^ (all of these men are so polite omg)
when you say yes, he is very happy
if he had a tail, it would wag
you know those cute pictures of rlly tall people hugging their shorter friends, s/o's? thats what this becomes. he is just leaned over, hugging you
"tsunotarou....shouldn't you let go now...?"
give him a second
when he learns you crave physical touch HE IS LITERALLY SO HAPPY
i hc that one of his main love languages is physical touch, so he is VERY HAPPY that he gets to show you just how much he loves you
once again, is another who would start with telling you when he will touch you, but his telling phase ends fairly quickly compared to silver and jamil
his main forms of physical contact are those elegant ones like where he has a hand on the small of your back
more than silver
tfym he cant come to your ancient curses class with you when he has potionology? he already knows everything he needs to know anyway, so why cant he hold your hand a little longer :(
will 9/10 times end up sleeping over at ramshackle big spooning you (the big spoon in me wants to big spoon malleus but maybeeeeeeeeeee ill save that for another post)
he puts his head in your lap, and now youre shifting around?
come on herbivore smh smh you cant move so much hes trying to sleep!
when the thought eats a little too much at the back of his mind, he finally asks you whats up
when you explain it to him, he sighs and STAYS WITH HIS HEAD ON YOUR LAP.
but the only reason he keeps his head in your lap is because he knows his herbivore, and he knows all the signs that you're truly uncomfortable with something, so he knows that you don't mind
he breaks the cycle of asking. like i said before he knows his herbivore well, and he knows your boundaries and the signs that your uncomfortable even better, so he knows he won't overstep
i feel like he never had to figure out you craved attention, hes an observer, and just kinda always knew by your lingering touches, even after the shock of the touch
his favourite forms of physical touch are to lay his head in your lap, and basically anything (sexual or non sexual) where your body is on/close to his
hes another one whos main love language is touch, so he is too seen skipping his classes to hang out with you/to pull you from yours to the botanical garden
hes very aggressive with his affection, so when you shied away from his hug after training, he did a Jamil and tried to think of any reason you'd be mad at him
hes kinda sulking for the rest of the day until he decides to just come to ramshackle to ask you
"sebek wtf are you doing at my door its the middle of the night- WHY ARE YOU WET?!"
you had to run and grab a towel because this idiot decided to WALK over while it was RAINING
when you explained everything to him, how you were just surprised, he understood immediately, so, he joins the Polite Cult (tm) and asks you to give you a hug
when he finds out you crave touch, he is a man on a MISSION
he WILL make sure you get what you want becuase he LOVES YOU SO MUCH
(just dont use your power over him when hes trying to protect malleus. he will become crisis'd about what to prioritize)
he loves to hold your hand sosososososo much its such a little gesture that can mean so much
hold his hand.
he went to taze you (yk when you put your hands on someones waist and just pinch/tickle them while going ZZZZZT? yeah that) and you almost died of shock
hes seen many things, when your a prehistoric artifact like him, you know whats up
so you didnt even need to explain, he just kinda knew the second you screamed
hes also like leona in the sense he just knows you arent necessarily uncomfortable or anything
but he still tries to limit the amount he scares you but COME ON....your back is faced to him! its the perfect chance to scare you!
he, again, knew you needed more physical touch, so he's always stuck to you whenever he can be
not like skipping class level like malleus and leona, but he still is with you 90% of the day
another one to come to ramshackle with you, but he wont tell the others where he is so everyone thinks peepaw went missing
get peepaw to take his meds please hes a little deranged
--------------------------- I LOVED WRITING THIS SM but i was cramping the entireee time :( m.list @mit0ee 's work, please do not steal!
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betasquadx · 3 months
MY MANNNNN😭😭😭🙏 hes been looking sooo fine lately its concerning me😔 jk i love him hes so pookie wookie bear (im sorry don't kill me) but u feel me??? u get my point?? AJ i love aj.
confession,, ahem i used to hate his maniac ass🫢 BUT HEAR ME OUT i judged too fast based on one single vid where he was acting cocky and selfish BUT i recovered and realised my stupid decisions and opinions and now hes like one of my fav bs member
Its okay tho u don’t hate him anymore x
Yeah icl he’s a bit crazy sometimes but its okay
And real.. he’s been lookin a BIT too fine lately.. and also lately he’s begun to slowly be one of my favs too idk if this is happening to all of us like what
Tbf I started watching beta cause of niko, will continue to do so cause of niko ( and the others tbh I wouldn’t stop ) so he’s always gonna be my fav but aj lately.. like damn..
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deadfromthegallows · 9 months
RAGHAG ME AGAIN i had this idea of like all the beta trolls playing kahoot together. like winner gets a jar of candy or sum and it's like a flat out war. (also my discord is xxclown_fuckerxx) love you pookie bear <3
here u go sorry abt the wait btw had to sleep and then school lol, enjoy my little piss lord! (im sorry i run out of good nicknames quick lol)
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i dont remember doing it but the file names for the first drawing was "piss yeah yeah yeahhhh" which caught me so off gaurd cuz i usually name it like "drawing 2A" or "drawing 1B", ect ect.
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vintagepresley · 9 months
My friend made another "story" so now you get to read it 💀
P-pookie I can't believe you would do this to me.. *turns and starts growling with tears forming in eyes* y-you said you wouldn't hurt them *stares at you with malicious intent* o-oh no *notices it's a full moon* r-run…. I c-can't hold it back f-for too long *turns into dominant alpha demon beta wolf hybrid princess* p-pookie please… r-run before its too late *stares at you with bright red eyes and starts to slowly crawl towards you progressively getting faster, slowly turning into a chase* AWOOO *scratches your back as you’re running* i- AGH *falls down on knees and transforms back into a human* i-im sorry… i told y-you to r-run *realizes the damage hes done* P-POOKIE *starts crying over you* i-im sorry…. I-im so sorry I-i never wanted to hurt anyone… i n-never wanted to hurt you *starts crying even more and tears go dripping down my face falling onto you* w-what * you start twitching showing that your alive* p-pookie?... y-your alive! W-what… h-how is this p-possible…. No *looks at itself* d-does that mean… i-im the chosen one *looks up at you* p-pookie… im sorry…. I l-love you *i cover my mouth realizing what i said* y-you what? *looks at you concerned* … y-you love me too?...i don't believe that.H-how… im a monster *looks at you with loving eyes* b-because im not a monster i-internally? W-what does that mean? *looks at you with concern while slightly crying* n-no.. NO…. im not a good person
Enjoy bbg
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buffporcupine · 6 months
And thank you!! :D I've been kinda hyperfixated on this idea for a while now and I only have a little bit of the first chapter written :3
And it's okay!! You didn't sound dry, don't worry!! :D /gen
reminder i can always beta read my mutuals fics… sorry im js bored all the time and that sounds interesting anyway. if u want could i see? like if u want…!!!!!! no pressure pookie. ily /p
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