#non royal
ilovethewaleses · 8 months
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Not to completely spiral on my blog that has absolutely nothing to do with a Jonas brother about a man I had an entirely neutral opinion about until 2 days ago but this whole thing is making me crazyyyyy I can't stand it. Two days of press about how Sophie is a bad mother and a party girl -- things his kids will read about some day -- and now this??
Sophie has literally dedicated her entire existence as a mother to keeping those girls out of the spotlight. She's complained to the press multiple times. When the first pap pics of Willa came out when she was a baby, she was on the verge of tears talking about how it's disgusting that paps follow children around and that the kids never asked for this life. She accidentally posted a picture of Willa a few months ago and begged people who had the picture or took screenshots to delete them. I always figured that as someone who had a really rough time of it growing up in the spotlight (she's talked extensively about her mental health issues, getting bullied because of a character she played and her weight, and eating disorders), she wanted her girls to be totally protected from that and as far from the spotlight as possible.
I've seen like 1 picture of Willa's face. There's barely *any* paparazzi shots of them. She obviously called to take down the Page 6 post of Willa when Meghan and Harry did not a day later with Archie. We don't even know the name of their second daughter. And now he goes out... to a table outside... with both girls.... facing the street... for PR. Or just to be a dick. I feel so terrible for Sophie I don't even know what to say.
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I know there’s gay and straight and bi and pan and asexual and so on. But what do you call it when your sexuality is just Carla Gugino wearing lingerie and a skull mask while threatening people at an orgiastic blood bath?
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victoriademedici · 9 months
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Angus Cloud passed away 💔
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backtonormallife · 7 months
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heir-less · 1 year
I think what a lot of people don't understand is that the cultural and societal aspects of religion can still exist in a society that is 100% secular. Most atheists aren't anti-theists, in fact, most of them still take part in many religious customs and celebrations in a secular form. Anti-theism doesn't even mean the eradication of religion, it's typically used to describe the intellectual opposition to belief in a deity,
So, I'm honestly perplexed whenever I see people arguing that the "end goal" of atheism is to eradicate religion, this is something both religious people and ill-informed atheists believe, for some reason. I guess this is what happens when Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris are your go-to atheists and you're measuring atheism against the most extreme religious zealots because that's what most people are reactive towards.
What should be completely removed are almost all forms of institutionalized religion and religious power structures. These are the exactual oppressive structures that have used religion as a tool to justify every form of bigotry and crime against humanity. They are also not essential to the practice of the religion or the survival of the religious culture. Your right to practice your religion ends if you're using said religion to advocate for the oppression of Muslims (assuming you're not practicing Islam), atheists, LGBT+ people, and other minorities. You can be a church-going Catholic without advocating for state-sanctioned religion or the rights of others being removed. This evangelical breed of religious extremism has no place in society and is what actually leads to real genocides happening today.
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royalpain16 · 6 months
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
American Girl Chapter 4: Shifting Sands
Series: American Girl
Fandom: The Royal Romance (Non-Royal AU)
Pairings: Riley x Drake
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: Mature themes
Word Count: 2,223
A/N: The kick off of Drake Appreciation Week seemed like a good of time as any to brush this one off!
My other stuff: Master List.
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He walked back into the room bare-chested, towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets still clinging to his hair.
Riley had composed herself. She was sitting cross-legged on his bed tapping on her phone.
“Who you talking to?” He asked curiously.
“Hana,” she answered, “my roommate.”
“Tell her I said hi,” he grinned.
“Your phone kept going off while you were in the shower,” she told him, “someone is blowing you up.”
“Oh, yeah?” he glanced down at the screen, typed in his pin, and scrolled through the notifications before closing it again.
“Do you need to call someone back?”
She watched as he pulled on clean clothes, her eyes tracing his movements. She had watched him change clothes before, but it was different now, somehow.
Everything was different now.
She had never cared who was calling him before. Now she desperately wanted to know who Sasha was.
Whoever she was, she had called him eight times and sent about a dozen text messages while he was in the shower.
She could only see the beginning of the most recent message on the scroll at the top of his screen.
Not that she’d been looking.
True to his word, he didn’t pressure her about their relationship status, he didn’t even bring it up again. He went right back to treating her exactly how he always had.
Only now she was interpreting everything differently.
Before she had much time to think about any of it, they were back in his truck on the way to eat.
“I’m thinking we go to Plano,” Drake said as he drove, “so we don’t run into anyone around here.”
Riley nodded in agreement, “That’s a great idea!”
Plano was the next town over, and it was bigger. It was less likely that they would run into anyone they knew there.
Less likely, but not impossible.
Drake pulled into a parking spot at Ruth’s Diner, “Remember this place?”
“Of course I do,” she laughed, “I haven’t been in California that long you dork!”
He had been so excited after getting his license, he’d insisted on taking her for a ride. They’d ended up at Ruth’s. After that, it became their go-to place anytime either of them needed cheering up or asked the other for relationship advice.
“Good!” He smiled at her, “because it’s kind of our place.”
She pushed the butterflies in her stomach away as she agreed with him.
He held the door open for her, something he’d always done, but now it felt different.
He slid into the booth next to her, instead of across from her. That was new.
Once they were seated, she asked him,“ Are you going to get your own fries this time?”
He lowered his menu to gape at her, “What’s with that tone?”
“You never order fries of your own,” she accused him, “then you always eat mine!”
“I was always in training, Riley! You think being an offensive lineman was easy?”
“What the hell does that have to do with eating my fries?”
“I had to stay in shape! I did not eat your fries!”
She arched an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, maybe one or two…” he smirked. “What? They’re good!”
She rolled her eyes as she tried to suppress a smile.
“Hey, Riley, haven’t seen you in here in a while,” the middle-aged waitress with greying hair greeted them as she approached their booth.
“Hey, Gertie! I’ve been away at college, remember?”
“I remember! How’s California treating you?”
After some small talk and catching up, Gertie took their order. She tapped her pencil on the table before walking away, “Glad to see you two are still together. I always thought you were such a cute couple!”
“Oh! We’re not-“ Riley started to correct her, but Gertie had already walked away.
Drake laughed, “Let her have it, Brooks.”
“Yeah, all right,” Riley murmured, “I guess it doesn’t hurt anything for her to think that.”
She suddenly felt awkward around him, something she had never felt before. Their relationship had shifted subtly, and she was still finding her footing.
She was relieved when the food came, so she could use eating as an excuse for not talking.
She was actually glad when he snatched a fry off her plate. It grounded her back in the familiar patterns of their lifelong friendship, “Seriously? You had your own fries this time!”
“Yeah, but they’re gone!” He protested, “and you never finish yours anyway!”
“That’s not the point!” She shook her head and gave him a chiding look, “You’re not supposed to-“
They were interrupted by a voice calling their names, “Hey, Drake! Riley! What are you doing here?”
She turned toward the voice, to find one of their former classmates striding over to them.
Blond hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders, Kyle Jacobson had played on the football team with Liam and Drake. “Oh! Hey, Kyle! Ah…just visiting…”
Kyle’s face lit up, “For how long? Maybe I could drop by tomorrow and-“
“Her parents don’t know she’s here,” Drake interrupted as he leaned across her, effectively blocking Kyle’s view of her, and grabbed another fry off her plate. He slid it through the ketchup and popped it into his mouth before turning back to Kyle, “and we’d like to keep it that way.”
“But…” Kyle looked back and forth between them in confusion, “Then where are you staying?”
“With me,” Drake said casually as he leaned back and draped an arm across her shoulder.
“Oh,” Kyle sounded disappointed, but he recovered quickly, “Well, if you’re going to be in town for a while, give me a call so we can hang out! I gotta go, I’m just picking up a to-go order, I’ll see you guys later!”
“I’m leaving tomorrow,” Riley told him, “but I’ll give you a call next time I’m in town.”
“Sounds good,” the blond waved at them over his shoulder as he walked away, “Nice running into you, Riley. See you around, Walker!”
“Yep,” Drake responded. He watched Kyle until the other man left the restaurant before turning back to Riley, “For a theater kid, you sure are a bad liar! I thought all those improv sessions made you quick on your feet!”
“You sure jumped to making him think we’re sleeping together pretty fast!” She responded.
He gave her a dumbfounded look, “We are sleeping together! Besides, did you want me to tell him the truth?”
“Well, no… it’s just that I’ve never seen you act territorial before, it’s weird.”
“That wasn’t territorial!” He protested.
“It was a little territorial…”
A piercing high-pitched voice echoed through the diner, “Drake!”
“Oh, no…” his eyes closed briefly as he tried to will away the inevitable.
Riley spun in her seat toward the sound of the voice, “Who’s that?”
“The biggest mistake I ever made, that’s who,” he groaned.
Riley saw the moment the other woman’s gaze fell on her. Her mouth twisted in anger and fire snapped in her eyes as she made it to the booth, “Who the fuck is this bitch?”
Riley’s body jerked back in surprise, “Oh…I…”
Drake was on his feet, placing his body between her and the interloper, “First of all, this is my friend and you don’t fucking talk to her like that, Sasha!”
“Oh, you’re Sasha!” Riley leaned around Drake to get a better look at her.
She was gorgeous, but of course, she was. All the girls Drake messed around with were.
Her hair cascaded down her back in dark brown waves, almost to her ass, which was on display in a pair of skin-tight yoga pants.
Sasha also leaned around Drake to glare at Riley, “Friend, huh?”
“Yes,” Drake replied moving his body again to keep himself positioned between them, “Riley and I have been friends since preschool.”
She turned her attention back to him, jabbing him in the chest with a perfectly manicured fingernail, “You expect me to believe that bullshit?”
“Frankly I don’t give a shit what you believe. We..” he gestured between himself and the crazy woman, “are not a couple!”
Sasha jolted back like she’d been hit, “I thought we were official!”
“Why would you think that?” he asked in genuine confusion.
“Your mom knows my name!” her voice rose.
His mouth fell open, “Of course she does! You showed up at my house and told it to her!”
“Why would she have let me wait for you in your room if we weren’t official?”
“Because you lied to her and told her we were! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?”
“Nothing’s wrong with me! You’re a liar and cheater!”
“We hooked up a couple of times, Sasha, that’s it! If we were official, I would have specifically said so! And I would have told other people! I don’t play stupid games,” He shook his head, he had met, and slept with her at a drunken party, and hadn’t been able to shake her since.
“I’m sure that’s what you told your little girlfriend here!”
“Oh, I know everything about him, and have since preschool,” Riley interjected, “everything important anyway. And he’s never mentioned you!”
“You know what? Fuck you both! It’s your loss!” She spun on her heel and stormed away.
“His mom, dad, and sisters all know my name!” Riley called after her.
Drake retook his seat, shaking with laughter.
“What?” Riley snapped irritably.
“Nothing,” he held his hands up in the universal sign of surrender, “just…who was being territorial tonight?”
“Shut up!” She shoved him as her pink swirled across her cheeks.
“Hey, It’s okay, you can admit it,” he dropped his arm across her shoulder again, and gave her a sidewise hug, “I liked it!”
“Whatever,” she studied her plate as she willed her face to return to its natural shade, “We should probably get back, I have a long drive tomorrow.”
“Yeah, okay,” he agreed, “You sure you don’t want dessert? We could get it to go.”
She glanced up to find him giving her the same cajoling grin he’d used in grade school to get her to go along with whatever caper he’d come up with that was against her better judgment.
It always worked.   
Thirty minutes later they sat on his bed, eating chocolate lava cake and watching Spongebob reruns.
“This is just like third grade when Ryder and I would spend the night over here and we would stay up all night watching cartoons and eating all the junk food in your kitchen!” Riley sighed. A full stomach and comforting childhood memories had her feeling almost normal again.
“Yeah, that was great,” he agreed, “What happened that made us stop doing that?”
“Puberty!” she snorted, “One day I grew boobs and suddenly our moms didn’t trust us alone together!”
“Huh.” He looked at her seriously for a moment then shrugged as he brought the last piece of cake to his mouth, “Turns out they were right!”
“Oh, my God! Stop!” She laughed as she slid out of the bed.
“Where are you going?”
“To brush my teeth and put on my pajamas!”
She closed the bathroom door and looked at herself in the mirror.
She had dark circles under her eyes. She looked fatigued, even to herself. The emotions of the last several days caught up with her and suddenly all she wanted to do was sleep.
She changed into a long sleep shirt with a pair of shorts under them. By the time she was done, Drake had changed into a plain white t-shirt and a pair of fleece pajama bottoms.
The bed had been cleaned off and the covers pulled back.
“Ah…I’m just going to brush my teeth now,” he told her, “Go ahead and try to get some sleep.”
She climbed into the bed, pulled the covers up, and found herself engulfed in his scent. She pressed her nose into the pillow and inhaled. How a simple smell could flood her with so many conflicting emotions she had no idea.
Drake clicked off the light on the way to bed. “Goodnight,” he told her as he slid under the covers.
“Hey, Drake?”
“Thank you again…for everything.” She couldn’t imagine going through this with some random guy from a Saturday night club hookup.
She realized with sudden clarity that if that had been the case; if she had gotten pregnant by some random guy, it would still have been Drake by her side, helping her hide it from her parents, supporting her, giving her a shoulder to cry on and making her laugh despite everything.
“Come over here,” he held his arms out.
“I’m too tired and emotionally drained for that.” She told him as she scooted closer.
“I wasn’t going to ask for that,” he assured her as he wrapped his arms around her, “Can’t a guy just want to cuddle?”
She laughed even though she was already on the edge of sleep, “Never pegged you for a cuddler.”
“Only for you,” he murmured as he dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
“Happy to know I’m special.”
“You are.”
“Mmm,” She burrowed into his side as his fingers combed through her hair.
“Hey, Riley?”
“I…nothing, never mind,” he sighed as he pulled her closer, “just get some rest, okay?”
“Mm-hm,” she mumbled as she drifted off to sleep.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
1 aston vila x 0 chelsea at least baldy must be happy
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thewomenofwindsor · 6 months
Matthew Perry is dead....
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in-amor-veritas · 8 months
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Hey! Chapter 11 of our Soulmate au Grasping at Shadows is up! Written by Kastin 💜
Shit is getting even crazier now so hold on tight.
Moments later, two men enter the room, Wilhelm can't quite make out their faces through the darkness but they’re tall and broad and heading right for Wilhelm’s cell.
“Wilhelm doesn’t seem too willing to come on his own,” Jan Olof speaks, “he may need some help, gentlemen.”
Wilhelm’s eyes flash to Simon as the boy springs forwards, his hands gripping the bars tightly, panic written on his features, his fear filling the entire room — a pulse that Wilhelm can feel beneath his skin.
“Where are you taking him?” Simon practically shouts.
He’s ignored as the men continue to make their way towards the Prince.
He feels his own heartbeat spike.
“It’s okay, Simon.”
“It’s not okay!” the boy replies frantically, moving towards Wilhelm, his hand reaching between the bars just as the cell is opened, “they can’t take you!”
Wilhelm’s reaction is immediate. He takes Simon’s warm hand in his own. Squeezing gently.
It’ll be okay, Simon. I’m coming back. I’ll always come back for you.
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emmashouldbewriting · 11 months
are you okay @duchessbitch @world-of-wales?
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victoriademedici · 9 months
Javon Walton paying respects to his Euphoria co-star Angus Cloud ❤️‍🩹
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backtonormallife · 8 months
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Some Sargent for @betweenfrocksandbooks
These must not be included in the MFA show in Boston Ma. Looks like they are a part of the permanent collection at the Worcester Art Museum in Worcester, Ma.
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heir-less · 11 months
Funny how people are like "Fires from Canada are fucking up New York!" And I've seen zero people ask how Canadians are dealing with any of it, they're just mad at Canada for "starting it"
Like, sometimes I get why the British hate y'all so much.
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royalpain16 · 3 months
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Writer and director George Lucas and Luke Skywalker-actor Mark Hamill on the Tunisian set of Star Wars, A New Hope
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
American Girl Chapter 3: Confessions
Series: American Girl
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Drake
Rating: M
Warnings for this chapter: Mature themes, language
Word Count: 1,848
My other stuff: Master List.
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“Where did you park?” Drake asked as they made their way into the parking lot.
“This way,” she pointed and tried to change direction.
“No,” he guided her back the other way, “We’re going to my truck first, then you’re going to wait in it while it warms up and I’ll go move your car.”
“Because it’s cold out here,” he told her as he unlocked the passenger side door of his beat-up Ford Ranger and opened it for her.
He climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. After ensuring the heater was on and turned up, he held out his hand, “Give me your keys. Do you need anything out of it?”
“Yes, please,” she fished the keys out of her purse and handed them to him, “If you could grab the duffle bag out of the backseat, that would be great.”
“Okay, cool. Be right back!”
She watched as he jumped out of the cab of the truck and jogged across the lot to her little blue Chevy Cavalier, her mind spinning with the day’s revelations.
Drake wanted a relationship with her? A real one?
That was news to her.
She wasn’t sure how she felt about it.
If it were their sophomore year of high school, her fifteen-year-old self would be over the moon, but after a year of unrequited pining on her part, she had moved on.
By the time Drake and Kiara had broken up, she had been with Liam. His best friend.
And she had been in love with Liam, she had lost her virginity to him, and she was still struggling with her residual feelings for him.
But she’d be lying if she said she didn’t harbor some sort of feelings for Drake too.
Always had.
She didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with it at the moment though.
Whatever was between them had to stay in the realm of future possibility for the time being. She had more pressing things going on.
But she couldn’t deny the tug on her heart as she watched him walk back to the truck.
He tossed her bag in the bed before climbing in the cab and handing her back her keys, “Do you mind if we stop at my place first? I need a shower, and we can drop your bag off so it’s not sitting in the cold while we eat.”
“Sounds good,” she answered, “just pull around on the side you can’t see from my house.”
“Of course,” he grinned at her as he threw the truck into gear and pulled out of the parking spot, “who do you think you’re dealing with here? I’m the world champ at sneaking in and out of houses!”
It was true, throughout their entire high school career, Drake had never been caught by his parents or the parents of the girls whose windows he climbed in and out of.
“Oh, I remember,” she rolled her eyes, “It’s part of why everyone called you Drake the snake, your ability to slither in and out of places undetected by parents.”
“Part of it?” He sounded surprised, “What was the other part?”
“Yeah, seriously!”
Her mouth fell open, “You really don’t know?”
“Know what? Just tell me!”
She scoffed loudly, “You were a known fuckboy, Drake.”
He cut his eyes sidewise at her, “I’m not a fuckboy, Riley.”
“Yes, you are!”
“Do you even know that term means?”
“It means a promiscuous guy.”
“No, if that were all it meant, I’d own that. It means a guy that doesn’t respect women and lies and misleads them for sex. I’ve never done that to anyone. If I want casual, I’m upfront about it.”
“How do you know all that?”
“I looked it up after you called me that the night of junior prom,” he said tightly.
Riley jolted in surprise, “Why?”
He shrugged, “I wanted to know what it meant.”
It had hurt his feelings.
“I don’t know. I think most people just use it to mean promiscuous. You’ve dated a lot of girls, Drake…. a lot!”
He had, in fact, worked his way through half of the girls in their graduating class as well as the one above and below them.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean-“
“You went through them pretty fast, too.”
“I dated Kiara for a year and a half!” he protested.
“More like a year and two months,” she corrected him.
A gloating smile spread across his face, “You were paying attention to the length of my relationships?”
She ignored his obvious pleasure at the revelation as she rolled her eyes, “Relationships? Plural? Other than Kiara, you just had flings and hookups.”
“You know she broke up with me because of you, right?”
“No! What? Why? What did I do?”
“It was nothing you did,” he assured her, “it was me.”
“I don’t understand…”
“Remember the night that shit happened with Tariq?”
She shuddered at the memory as she wrapped her arms around herself, “How could I forget?”
He hadn’t wanted to take no for an answer. He had gotten handsy and pushy.
After slapping the dog shit out of him, and kneeing him in the balls, she’d called Drake to pick her up from the party she’d been attending.
“Yeah, well, we were about to walk into a formal dinner for her grandparent’s fiftieth wedding anniversary. She was not happy that I bailed on her.”
Riley’s eyes went wide, “Holy shit! I’m so sorry, I had no idea!”
“How could you have?” He shrugged as he slid a quick glance at her before returning his attention to the road, “Like I said, it wasn’t your fault, it was mine.”
“That’s why you were wearing a suit that night!” she laughed, then confusion washed over her, “But why was she mad? I mean, I get that it was a big night, but surely she could understand that it was an emergency.”
“She did understand that, Riley, but she said you could have called someone else, like a parent, or your brother, or your best friend.”
Shock coursed through her, “I…guess I could have….”
It had never occurred to her to call anyone else.
“It’s okay, I’m glad you called me.”
“Tariq wasn’t.”
Drake had taken her home that night, but after hearing the full story of what had transpired, had gone back and beaten the crap out of him.
“Yeah, well, he fucking deserved it!” Drake shifted gears as he braked at a four-way stop.
“I’m not arguing that point. You’re just lucky he didn’t press charges.”
“I know that wasn’t luck, Riley,” he said softly, shooting her a meaningful look before pulling through the intersection and taking a right hand turn.
Riley had threatened to press charges of her own, and an agreement to drop the whole thing on both sides had been reached.
But she had told every girl in school not to trust him.
“I still can’t believe she broke up with you just for that!”
Drake didn’t bother to tell her that it wasn’t just that. The night with Tariq had merely been the straw that had broken the proverbial camel’s back.
Every time Riley had needed him, he had gone. If there was a conflict between being there for her, or for his girlfriend, he had always chosen her.
It was why he stopped trying to have relationships after that.
What he said out loud was, “Yeah, well, we weren’t that compatible anyway.”
“Wait…I don’t remember ya’ll breaking up then, it was like two weeks later or something.”
“She took her time doing it, but when she dumped me, her chief complaint was that I never put her first. Apparently, her grandparents asked where I was that night and she was embarrassed.”
Kiara had waited two weeks after the night in question to break up with him.
One week after that night, Riley had started dating Liam.
He’d wondered a million times what would have happened if Kiara had dumped him that night.
Maybe he would have had a chance with Riley then, but once she’d started dating Liam that had been that.
“She wasn’t good enough for you anyway,” Riley told him.
He laughed, “You say that about everyone.”
“Well, it’s true! And you must know it because you never even tried to get serious with any of them. Other than her.”
“Yeah, well-“
“That’s why I said you were a fuckboy! Because you went through so many girls!”
She had hated the girl he’d taken to junior prom. Or, more to the point, she’d hated the way the girl had hung all over him. Like she owned him or something.
“There’s a reason for that-“
“Other than you being a fuckboy?”
“Okay, what was the reason?”
“None of them were you,” he said softly as he pulled into his driveway.
“What?” The bottom fell out of her stomach.
He pulled onto the hard-packed dirt next to the house, threw the truck in park, and turned to face her, “Kiara wasn’t wrong. I didn’t put her first.”
“No, that’s not true, you did-“
He ran a hand down the side of her face as his eyes searched hers, “No, I didn’t. I put you first, every time, and I always will. It makes me a bad boyfriend for anyone else and I don’t hurt people on purpose.”
He dropped his hand from her face and looked away, “I’m not a fuckboy, Riley.”
“Okay,” she nodded, at a complete loss for anything coherent to say.
He glanced at her then away again, hands fidgeting with the steering wheel as he asked, “Is that why you don’t take me seriously?”
“I take you seriously!” she protested.
“As a friend, yes, that’s not in question. But you don’t look at me the way you look at Liam, do you? Like someone you could have a future with?”
“I….I never thought of you that way because I didn’t think you thought of me that way!” she struggled to keep her tears at bay.
He nodded as he turned off the truck, “Well I do. I know this isn’t the time for it. I don’t want to add any pressure or stress to your life, but…think about it, okay?”
“About what…exactly?”
“A future, with me. I know you have stuff you still want to do out there,” he gestured toward the whole world, “but I’ll be right here, Riley, waiting.”
She opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out.
“It’s okay,” he told her, “You don’t have to say anything right now. I just wanted you to know how I feel. Come on, let’s get inside while there’s no one around to see you here.”
He hopped out of the cab and grabbed her bag from the back.
She followed him quickly through the door that went directly to his bedroom.
Relief rushed into her when he closed the door to the attached bathroom and started the shower.
She collapsed onto his bed and let the tears of grief and confusion pour out of her.
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