#non-snowells ships
ageless-aislynn · 3 years
Since we’ll soon be celebrating all things Eobard and Caitlin/Frost with Snowells Week 2021, I thought I’d give my Eobard or Caitlin/Frost fans who aren’t so into the Snowells pairing a little something something. I give you... the Ships of Look It’s Not Actually Snowells!  (Because there will soon be SO much Snowells love on my blog, frens and fam. Just SO MUCH. 😜 )
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Eobard and Wanda Maximoff have a few things in common, starting with a love of head-tilting and dramatically smiting their enemies! 😉
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Eobard and Nora aka Reverse XS or Eobara! My love of tol and smol gets put firmly on display with this one, what can I say? 😍 [fic]
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Caitlin/Frost and Hunter | Jay | Zoom... Boy, do I ever have a fic about them that I’m looking forward to writing... 🔥❄🔥 😜
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Eobard and Barry aka Barrison or Eobarry, because you generally don’t see THAT much hate without there being some sort of love to begin with... 😳😉 [vid]
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Caitlin and Jordan Mahkent (from Stargirl) are a crossover fav of mine! My Frosty Queen and her Icy King! ❄💗❄ [fic] [vid]
Welp, I hope you enjoyed this little trip down Alternative Ships Lane. Thanks for having a look and...
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Lol! ♥♥♥
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secondaryworks · 2 years
new fanfiction!
it’s my take on a scene between caitlin snow and eobard thawne, written before 8x05 aired. it’s mild one-sided snowells (i think you can guess which side), but it can be read as a non-ship fic as well.
everything that you had said to me was just a lie (until you left)
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keep-it-i-resign · 3 years
Fic Writer Asks
tagged by the lovely @vampcoffeegyrl23 I am soooo sorry this has taken over a week! I promise I was just busy away from my computer and using mobile is not the way to go about answering these! 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
6 on AO3 and 6 on ffn.net. I haven't used the ffn.net account in years, i.e 2013 (and therefore my user name isn't even the same) so those 6 stories are different from my AO3 ones. I don't post most of what I write and now that I'm in my mid-20s with a few published papers behind me - I'm much more confident in my ability to write a cohesive and interesting story so expect more posted!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
17,425 words which isn't bad for only 6 fics with two of those stories having additional chapters coming soon.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3? Just 1, which is The Flash and by extension Stargate SG-1 for the crossover I did for Snowells Week this year. Counting ffn.net that's 3 more with Castle, Doctor Who, and Firefly. Over my lifetime of writing fic for myself? I think only 7 more. Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Harry Potter, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: TNG, and Left 4 Dead. Left 4 Dead isn't much of a fanfic but I did use the zombie types as place holders in an original story until I developed my own.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'll Be Waiting (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Well... This is Awkward (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry, Frost/Nash, Caitlin/Nash, and Frost/Harry)
Rewind Time (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
Through the Gate (The Flash/Stargate SG-1 - Caitlin/Eowells)
Harvest Season (The Flash - Caitlin/Harry)
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I don't write angst much and I haven't posted many stories yet but of the ones posted I guess "I'll Be Waiting" is the angstiest.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
"Well...This is Awkward" has a pretty happy ending with everyone alive and together. Or maybe "Twilight of the Gods" because ReverseSnow/ReverseFrost happens and there is hope of bringing everything lost back and balance the universe again. I guess it depends on your definition of what constitutes as a happy ending. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one - The Flash/Stargate SG-1 crossover. I don't normally think about crossovers just because the shows I watch are so vastly different they can't really work or they are already in the same universe with the canon crossovers. I'm also not always a fan of reading them because they can get chaotic quick and characterization takes a dive in order to fit characters into other universes/situations. I admire anyone who can write it well though!
As a side note: I did have a thought about a Snowells into the Arkham universe fic just because I have been replaying the Batman Arkham video games which I might give a shot at.
8. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
👀I wrote one smutty story years ago and it's terrible because I was young and naïve. I haven't tried recently but I'm not opposed to giving it a shot now. I have a few ideas on a prompt list I have for Snowells already so it's really a matter of when will I get to it!
9. Do you respond to comments. why or why not?
I do when I can! I like to get feedback from my readers and having an open dialogue of what they liked or disliked is important for me! I want to know what my audience enjoyed and what to improve on! Responding to them also shows them I saw that they said and appreciate what they had to say! 🥰
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Surprisingly - no, even on my old and terribly written stuff. I'm perfectly open to criticism but hate? If you don't like it, you don't like it but others might. Why spend the time spreading negativity when the world has enough of it?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know - no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No but given enough time I could probably translate mine. It would be grammatically atrocious because I rarely translate from English into any of the languages I know. It's normally the other way around! I'd definitely need a Beta who is fluent to correct my mistakes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it's definitely something I'd try! I co-wrote an original story with a few friends of mine years ago in high school and enjoyed it. I like the idea of getting to talk and bounce ideas off of someone who enjoys the same fandoms and character as me! I haven't really done that since I grew apart from one of my friends from high school who I did that with.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
What kind of question is this? Do people actually have an ultimate ship? Is that even possible? I have ships from several fandoms and sometimes multiple ships within a fandom. Most of the time I have a main ship from a fandom but that doesn't mean I discount any of the other ones that I or others enjoy as well. I'll throw out a few that I still got out and read for in order of what I read most often (either new stuff or re-reads) to what I read occasionally, at least according to my AO3 favorite tags.
Snowells (all variations) - The Flash
Jack O'Neill/Sam Carter - Stargate SG-1
Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla - Sanctuary
Harry/Hermione - Harry Potter
William Murdoch/Julia Ogden - Murdoch Mysteries
Phil/ Melinda - Agents of SHIELD
Kathryn Janeway/Tom Paris - Star Trek: Voyager
Kate Fleming/Steve Arnott - Line of Duty
I will occasionally go check what kind of fics the fandom writes when I start a show just out of curiosity. Sometimes you can tell if there is fandom hate between ships by doing so and I know to steer clear, especially if I ship a lesser ship/non-canon ship. Also - the number of canon-divergence or rewrites will tell you if the shows writers start being ridiculous *cough* The Flash *cough* and whether it's worth getting attached at all.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Hoo boy. I have a drive full of them. Most of which aren't even close to being posted. My biggest one right now is a complete re-write of The Flash dealing with a what if scenario of Earth-1 Tess Morgan being pregnant the night that Thawne kills them both and he chooses to birth the kid rather than let it die with her. It's set a few years earlier (so 18/19 years stuck in the past rather than the original 15 that the show has it) so the kid isn't Jesse but it changes how season 1 plays out and definitely how season 2 plays out when Harry finds out about the kid while dealing with the Jesse/Zoom issue. Plus it's Snowells too and I want to deal with Barry's mistakes and the consequences of them better than the show did since the show just kind of brushes them off? For some reason? I wanted things to have a little more consequence because some of the mistakes made are egregious and then they acted like it never happened which bothers me. It's a beast of a project and I'm - unfortunately- a perfectionist and a completionist. I'm thinking an episode per chapter rewrite but right now it's in bits and pieces and a lot of notes on how episodes would play out differently with an added character and dynamic.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and scene positioning. I can write out the dialogue for a story quickly with the bare bones of the scene and movements playing out. After that, it takes me ages to expand the scene and fill in the bits between speaking lines because I can see the piece play out in my head and putting that to paper accurately and engagingly without being overwhelming is a multi-layered process.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Some of this is normal, you know, like grammar and spelling. My brain moves faster than I type so words or bit of phrases end up missing and I later have to fix it. I'm also a Southerner who grew up watching a ton of British shows so a lot of the way I phrase things isn't commonly used anywhere. I have to spend a lot of time double checking things like that. I think my biggest one is not knowing how to end stories satisfactorily. I haven't posted many fics because it's hard to post them when you don't know how to wrap everything up.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It depends on whether it's an established part of a character or story and whether or not I'm comfortable with the language. Like with Sherloque - it's established he'll say something in French and then repeat it in English. I took 3 years of French so I'm comfortable writing it and it fits the character and situation. But take Cisco, we know he speaks Spanish, but it's never really shown in the show. So fics that I've read where he breaks into Spanish can be distracting as we've never seen him do it - even in dire circumstances. I also never took Spanish in school and I only know rudimentary pieces (I took Mandarin and Latin instead), so I'm unlikely to use it in any fic I write unless the circumstances warrant it (say - Cisco is talking to a grandparent or a meta struggling with English).
But again, it depends on the situation, what we know of the character, and how comfortable I am with the language enough to get it correct and in character. Any fic writer who can get the situation and character down while using a secondary language, and not make it distracting deserves applause!
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Hit me with a hard one why don't you? 🤣 I think it was Stargate SG-1 or maybe it was Stargate Atlantis. You're asking me to think back over a decade and a half ago to when I started reading and writing fic at the tender age of 7 or 8. I'm fairly certain it was one of those two fandoms and it might've been a crossover. I do remember writing part of it on an old Gateway computer running Windows '98 with a glass monitor that was mine and my sisters. The other half was written on an electric type-writer that I owned because this was before laptops were widely available and affordable.
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
It's a tie between "Twilight of the Gods" and "I'll Be Waiting". "Twilight of the Gods" because I got to show off a few of my degrees (History and Classics, I couldn't shoehorn in my others but they are science related and that doesn't quite fit that story). "I'll Be Waiting" is a favorite because it's a big middle finger to whoever / collective group wrote The Flash season 7. I'm still pissed off at how the Wells plotline was dealt with and let's not get started on the whole Chillblaine/Kramer/Forces as kids of WA plots (ewwwwwww 🤢). I'd need a whole new post to talk about how tired I am of the WA kids showing up (because screw how that'll effect the timeline, right?) and the reliance on the future to drive what decisions are made (because, again, screw how bad that would be for the timeline - it's not like we have seen how much that effects things before right?) 😒
Phew.....That was longer than I expected, honestly, but a lot of fun!
Tagging whoever wants to talk about their works because you are all wonderful people who should get a chance to share!
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
TV Show Asks
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Your favorite TV show: AHS,CAOS,BTVS,The Flash,Stranger Things,Xena and Riverdale.
Favorite TV show character:  I’ll do one of each show I listed :p Michael Langdon,Zelda Spellman,Faith,Eobard Thawne,Jughead Jones,Ares and Steve.
Show you thought you wouldn’t like but did: I didn’t think I’d like Ash vs Evil Dead as much as I do. 
Favorite TV show ship: Canon-Ezra and Aria. Non Canon-Snowells 
A show you used to like but don’t like anymore: PLL. I was really into the first 2 seasons and then it just got ridiculous fast. I feel like Riverdale is headed that way...I still will watch it for the fashion and The relationships (though i probably will stop again once they’re adults) but that’s it. Also OITNB I stopped watching after the 3rd or 4th season,after Nikki left,it just got a little too graphic for me. I also hated the last season of Dexter and the last two seasons of TVD. I also grew bored of Weeds,Shameless,Bitten and Glow after awhile. 
If you were able to be a character in a TV show, which one would you pick?: I’d wanna be a Warrior Princess or Messenger for The Gods in Xena!
A show you want to watch but still haven’t started: The Magicians,Titans and The Umbrella Academy.  
A TV show you started way after everyone else: Reign I started watching after it was over lol
Last TV show you watched: Ash Vs The Evil Dead. I’m on Season 2,ep 5 and I finished the first season in one day! 
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danceswithseatbelts · 6 years
Handsome Devil
‘Handsome Devil’
Fandom: The Flash
Snowells (Caitlin Snow x Harry Wells)
Rating: mildly mature? Implied shenanigans
Word Count: 3019
Trying to improve public relations for STAR Labs, Team Flash throws a Halloween party. Coerced into attending, Dr. Wells is his usual intractable self and Caitlin is assigned as his keeper. The devil may be in the details but…this devil, as Caitlin discovers, was capable of unraveling her hard-fought peace of mind. There's no better job for a Snow Angel after all…
Set roughly in season 4, pre-wedding - as canon feeling as I could manage. I tried dammit. Ah, the feels Snowells gives me. <3
Caitlin stifled a sigh and kept her smile in place for Iris, nodding as the other woman read off every item of the Halloween party list they'd both worked on last week. Impressed with the amount finished, but anxious to get back to work, Caitlin had stopped actively listening. She gave an occasional 'hmm' or 'okay' in acknowledgment only to be brought back to earth when Iris became super excited. What the hell had she agreed to?
"I knew you'd be the one to make sure Dr. Wells comes and wears a costume!" Iris clapped her hands and closed her notebook. "I gotta go talk Barry out of us dressing up as Superman and Supergirl."
Despite herself, Caitlin giggled. "His heart is in the right place at least."
Iris rolled her eyes. "We don't need any more reminders we were basically raised as siblings."
"Good luck!" Caitlin waved goodbye to Iris and wished for her own mega-sized portion of luck; getting Harry to attend and wear a costume was going to be an uphill battle. Well, no time like the present to distract and attack. Guilt, would that work on her favourite grumpy scientist? Ah, no matter. If all else failed, she'd go quiet and sad - that ought to bring him 'round to her wishes.
Knocking softly on Harry's lab door, Caitlin waited almost a full minute before slowly letting herself into his lair. He might be engrossed in an experiment or tweaking a piece of tech, but Cait knew he'd allow her inside. But it was his lair, his lab was his first home - and if he wasn't here, then she'd just hunt him down to his actual set of quarters.
No Harry, no machines busy with esoteric tasks, no activity save one Caitlin Snow walking the perimeter, checking for her own interest the last experiment Harry had been enthusing about.
Plan B then, perhaps Harry was already holed up for the night in his set of rooms. Caitlin couldn't stop herself from letting her fingers caress the stack of books to the right of the computer station. The top tome fell and she hurried to pick it off the floor. Always curious, Cait opened it and flipped through. It was one she'd recommended to Harry - not even two days ago. Interesting.
This time, surer of finding Harry, Caitlin knocked with confidence, loud and authoritative; as if her alter ego Killer Frost was telling Harry she was there. No meek miss asking for entrance -rather, telling the occupant there was company to be had. The idea had her grinning and as Harry opened the door, it was her grin that Harry reacted to first.
"Good news?"
"I'm thinking, no." Despite the negative words, Harry's tone wasn't - he was curious about exactly why the woman he'd been thinking about had shown up on his doorstep. Reality gave him a hard slap and Harry sucked air over his teeth. This had to be a trick or something else - something unpleasant. Caitlin was a delight, but the universe wasn't in the habit of giving him presents. "Come in, you're letting the warm air out." He smirked. Of course that was a lie, but it suited his sense of humour.
"Thank you." Ever the polite and attentive guest, Caitlin hurried over the threshold and shut the door. "I hope I haven't interrupted you doing anything important." She let her eyes dance over everything she saw - she'd been wanting to visit his rooms for the longest time, but she'd never had a good excuse. Today though, she had a reason. Caitlin smiled. "I've come to help you!"
Taken aback, Harry almost dropped the book he was holding. Snow couldn't know of his personal plans; the lubricant waiting in his shower, could she? No, of course not, it was just wishful thinking. "With what?"
"As you know, Team Flash agreed to throw a Halloween party for the fine citizens of Central City in the environs of STAR labs." Caitlin could feel her natural enthusiasm rise to the occasion. "It's my pleasure to assist you with deciding on a costume and attending!"
Harry wondered briefly if he'd become senile. Snow was prattling about a Halloween party? "I’m far too old to play dress-up."
"Don't be such a party pooper, mister!"
"It's doctor, Dr. Snow."
Caitlin gave a rueful smile at the snide comment. "Noted." She chewed her lips and tried to jam her hands into non-existent pockets on her skirt. "It would mean a lot to the team if you showed up and joined us."
"I have experiments to plan and more important issues to take care of than helping inspire the plebian public to feel any sort of indebtedness towards even this Earth's STAR labs." Harry winced as Snow blanched. "Not that it isn't a worthy effort…"
"No, I understand." Caitlin looked at her feet and mentally girded her loins. Resolute, she moved further into Harry's room - closer to his rumpled bed. She'd pegged him as a ship-shape type of man. If he wasn't in bed it should have been pristine. Covers smooth and pillows arranged with military precision. What an odd random thought. Back to the matter at hand. "You're afraid."
Incredulous, Harry did drop the book he'd been cradling. "Don't be ridiculous. Me? Afraid? Of what?"
"Having fun, relating to people, not being a grump, and having fun," Caitlin rejoined quickly. "You're especially scared of having fun. You don't have to pay for your mistakes until the end of time - we know you're a solid member of the team. We all want you to be there. You deserve to have fun."
Harry stared at Snow - such a lady, but right now spitting fire and ire as if that would be enough to bow him to her will. "Crowds aren't fun. Costumes and stupid heathenish rites aren't fun. Halloween is a waste of time."
"You're wrong!" Cait actually stomped her foot. "It's a chance to hide your regular self and have fun exploring any avenue of behaviour you want."
"Oh?" The timbre of Harry's voice dropped.
Caitlin felt the hairs on her arms stand to attention; that raspy voice was sinfully sexy. Without considering her words further, Caitlin said, "A costume is both armour against the world and expression of one's deepest self."
"Unless it's one of those sexy, mass-marketed costumes," said Harry drily, "then it's all about making money from a postage sized scrap of fabric. The people who buy those are foolish, deluded souls."
Aghast at Harry's cruel words, Caitlin blinked and stood frozen. A sharp look entered her eyes. "I bet I can prove you wrong." Not letting Harry speak, Caitlin strode over to him and poked him in the chest. "Why don't you wear a sexy costume and I'll wear something that matches you, but innocent. You stay at the party until I give you permission to leave and I'll --"
"Do whatever I demand?"
"Yes!" Caught up in the moment, Caitlin agreed. "Doesn't matter what! Any of your experiments at all! Whatever you want - I will deliver."
"I accept."
"Y-y-you do? I mean, good!"
"Meet me here tomorrow night and we'll discuss your half of our couple's costume." Harry inwardly screamed. Heaven and hell; both god and the devil had to be laughing. Snow was too innocent even with Killer Frost's influence. "Even as excellent an experiment partner as you are, I may not require that as my fee."
Resolute, Caitlin shook her head. "Doesn't matter. I know you won't take advantage, I'm not scared of you."
Caitlin nodded dumbly. Harry had just told her his costume and it was indeed sexy. There were few things that revved her engine as much as a man in a fine suit - and to whit, Harry, in an immaculately tailored suit, even garnished with horns, tail and pitch-fork... That was a recipe for a perfect lust storm.
"--You'll be my Snow Angel of course." Taking it for granted, Harry smirked, arms crossed. "Covered from neck to toes, you'll be pure and pristine to match my evil and loathsome attitude."
"Much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so must be evil." Caitlin snapped back her rejoinder and stood defiant in front of Harry. "Even angels fall." She flushed but refused to retract any of her words. "Be ready to have fun Friday night dammit!"
Head held high, Caitlin stomped out of Harry's private set of rooms.
Loud music and a steady stream of guests entering and winding about the decorated rooms of STAR labs had most of Team Flash excited. Cisco's spirits were high and only getting higher while Joe pessimistically lamented the chances of criminal activity only spiking. Iris and Barry held hands and gazes. Wally rolled his eyes. Jesse tugged the neckline of her costume higher - suddenly freezing as the last two members of Team Flash entered the designated main party room of STAR labs.
"Lookin' fine you two!" Iris jumped in excitement. "You do know most people dress opposite to people's expectations?"
Barry snorted and then looked immediately apologetic. "Oh, I bet lots of people who don't know Dr. Wells wouldn't think of him as Satan."
"Yeah," Cisco gave Barry the 'okay' symbol, "only the people who don't know he's a dick might think he's unsuited to be the devil." In response to Caitlin's moue of dismay, Cisco made an overblown bow and took her hand. "You make a lovely angel."
”A snow angel, dolt." Harry took pleasure in being even more blunt than usual. "She's obviously a snow angel. Look at her voluminous and icy white gown, snowflakes on her cape and icicle halo." Tossing his own red satin cape over his shoulder, Harry gazed coolly at his co-workers. "You'll be lucky if tonight doesn't bite you all in the ass."
"Good talk!" shouted Cisco as Harry dragged Caitlin towards one of the refreshment tables. Cisco cupped his hands around his mouth and continued to sass Harry. "Remind me never to use the phrase 'bite me' with you." Cisco exchanged high-fives with the rest of his team. "Stage one, complete."
"Thank you." Caitlin accepted a cup of mystery punch and tentatively sipped. It was boozy but sweet and therefore pretty good. "This is nice, isn't it?"
Harry scowled. "Has the definition of nice been changed? I hate crowds and I dislike them more when they're drunk and disorderly."
A man wearing a Captain Marvel costume stumbled into Harry and reached out to steady himself on Caitlin's shoulders. "Ooh, an angel!"
Harry gave the man an evil look. "Keep your hands off the snow angel. If you can't handle your drinks, you ought not be drinking." He detached the offending fingers and glared. "Go away."
"Way to keep in character dude!" Drunk Captain America clapped his hands and smiled lopsidedly. "I'd keep my wife safe too - if I had one!" He laughed as if he'd delivered the wittiest joke. "I gotta go find my own Peggy Carter and Bucky." As fast as he'd interrupted, the stranger staggered away, disappearing into the partying crowd.
"My hero."
"Only you, Snow, would ever have the brass tacks to say that like you meant it." Harry looked down and away before draping Caitlin's free hand into the crook of his arm. "I should keep you close. There's a lot more drunk idiots who might accost you."
"I'll allow it." Caitlin looked at Harry from under her lashes. She wanted to say so much more. Something like, 'I'd rather be with you than without.' God have mercy, how strong had the punch been?
"Excellent." Despite himself, Harry's grin was warm; Caitlin had the ability to rev his engines and soothe. "Hungry?"
"Not just yet." Caitlin giggled. "I was thinking about drinking more before dulling any alcoholic haze with food."
"Then let's indulge."
Caitlin shivered. Harry might not have intended to sound like pure carnality - but he had. Indulge? Oh, there were so many things that Caitlin wanted to do and have done to her. Instead of pouring out her dark desires, Caitlin nodded then drained her cup of punch. "Let's get some real drinks."
Cisco adjusted his turban. "The amazing Carnac votes we go to the karaoke room!"
"Really?" Joe breathed even heavier into his Vader mask. It was hella fun, making his speech into the notable sound of James Earl Jones. "Make it so, number one."
"Wrong!" Iris shook her head. "Dad! You're mixing up Star Wars and Star Trek!"
"Yeah, 'fraid so, Joe!" Barry flipped his Iron Man mask up to look with worry at his foster father - slash - soon-to-be father-in-law. "Can't you keep D.C. and Marvel separate?"
"Tch! Star Trek is Paramount!"
"Then what am I confusing with D.C.?"
Several voices shouted and began arguing with immense fervour.
Several shots of tequila later, Caitlin smiled at Harry. He'd kept the worst of the drunken revellers from her as well as staying right next to her side. This might be the best day of the year as far as Caitlin was concerned. Nothing else could compare with being escorted by a tall and handsome devil. Caitlin snorted sudden laughter.
"What's got you amused?"
Harry's gravelly tone stoked Caitlin's hormones.
Harry scowled, but his deep blue eyes betrayed his curiosity. "What else do you need?"
"Don't ask something like that if you don't want an honest answer." Caitlin reached up to adjust her icicle halo. "And before you say anything else, I do understand the difference between need and want."
"Of course." Harry masked his sudden confusion by withdrawing the red silk handkerchief from his suit pocket, tucking it back with more care. "I've always been impressed with your intelligence, Snow. You're remarkable."
"Maybe it's the drinks talking, but why don't you call me your Snow Angel?"
Harry wanted to say so much but settled for a quick nod. There were worse things Caitlin could have asked of him. Sidestepping her last question, Harry decided to guide her back to the bar area. "How's about a few more drinks?"
"Such a naughty, handsome devil. Trying to get me drunk and take advantage? I mean, way to get into the festive feel tonight!"
"If only you were my Snow Angel." Harry muttered this louder than he'd intended - making Caitlin clutch his arm and stand still.
"Are you going to give me a Christmas miracle gift on Halloween?"
"We're both a bit drunk. I don't know what you mean." Harry made the mistake of looking into Caitlin's eyes. Warmth rocketed from the pit of his stomach. "What sort of gift were you wanting?"
"Honesty would be a great start."
"Well, I honestly think I've attended this party long enough," Harry smirked. "I know you like to keep a clean slate. You up for your end of our bargain?"
"More than you know." Caitlin raised her chin. "Let's blow this popsicle stand."
And very much like a Christmas miracle, the crowd had parted for both Harry and Caitlin; the escape to his private set of rooms at Star Labs was quick and uneventful.
Closing the door, Harry dropped his pitchfork and detached the cheap red horns of his costume. "Ahhhh."
"Not to be rude, but I kind of liked the horns." Caitlin removed her halo, holding onto it with twisting hands. "They didn't look wrong."
"Thanks." Harry drew out the 'ess'. "Your halo - I'd imagine a flower crown would be the only thing to suit you more."
Touched by his sincerity, Caitlin blushed. "What's with the compliments?"
"That's actually tied in with our little wager." Harry stalked further inside his rooms, jamming his hands into his pants pockets. "You've agreed to anything I demand - and even dressed as the devil, I can't imagine forcing my true wants."
"Which is why it was so easy to agree to your demands." Caitlin flopped onto Harry's bed in a boneless display. "I know you and you're much kinder and sweeter than you present yourself." She kicked off her shoes and giggled as they made a god-awful racket. "You're not even close to devil-status, Harry."
"I might be afraid to do the thing I want, but it remains the thing I want."
The sincerity in Harry's voice made Caitlin sit still. Her intellect, only slightly slowed and addled by tonight's alcohol made sense of his words. "I freely agreed to your terms."
"That you did." Wonderment glowed in Harry's eyes. "Are you sure?"
"Are you?"
Harry stalked closer, grinning as he pinned Caitlin to the side of his bed. "What I want is your active participation. If you can't join me, then there's no point."
"Didn't I tell you earlier that even angels can fall?" Caitlin licked her lips. "I'm no angel for all that everyone seems to believe that." She kept smiling at Harry. "Why don't you elaborate exactly what you want?"
"Lots of heat, sweat, and passion." Harry swooped in, connecting his lips to Caitlin's - delving his tongue deep, coaxing a moan from his Snow Angel's lips. Harry plunged his fingers into Caitlin's hair, closing his eyes as he deepened his kiss. He slanted his mouth and panted harshly.
Long minutes passed as the couple writhed on the bed. For her part, Caitlin could only react with delight - and Harry poured his considerable ardour into their lip-lock. Harry groaned, lifting his weight from Snow's body. "This is moving rather fast. I, ah, you don't have to stay."
"I know. I want to be here. Now, let's get rid of these clothes." Caitlin slid her hand from Harry's hair onto his chest and deftly popped several buttons of his dress shirt. "They're cramping my style."
"We can't have that."
“Not when we can have the heat, sweat, and passion you mentioned earlier.” Caitlin smiled up at Harry and winked. “Don’t hold back.” She ripped Harry’s shirt open the rest of the way. “This Snow Angel is very inspired by her personal handsome devil.” 
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eoiris · 6 years
My beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: HR Wells, Iris West-Allen, Wally West, Cisco Ramon
My trash-shit fave: Harrison “Harry” Wells, Eobard Thawne
My I love to hate them fave: Ralph Dibny
My I hate to love them fave: Killer Frost
My I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: DeVoe, Hunter Zolomon
My I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can’t stand them non-fave: Julian is the closest I can find for this
My I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave: Savitar
My I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: Honestly? I don’t feel that intensely about any ship at all, period. I enjoy shipping but I don’t live and die by it. Snowells, Harrisco and WestAllen are my primary ships for this tho.
My dirtybadwrong fave ship: EoBarry, ReverseFrost & Savitar x Iris 🤫🤭(don’t judge me)
My they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship: Cynco, SnowStorm
My I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship: ColdFlash, Spallen, Snowbarry
My make it stop non-fave ship: Julian x Caitlin, Caitlin x “Jay”
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The Flash
My beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: Barry Allen, Iris West, Wally West, Cisco Ramon  
My trash-shit fave: Harrison Wells he's such a mess I love him so much
My I love to hate them fave: Eobard Thawne  
My I hate to love them fave: Killer Frost  
My I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: DeVoe and Savitar  
My I didn't care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I can't stand them non-fave: don't really have one?  
My I could take them or leave them kinda non-fave: Ralph Dibny (I don't hate him as much as most people, but he's also not my favorite person in the world)  
My I will go down with this ship and I won't put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I'm in love and always will be fave ship: WestAllen <3  
My dirtybadwrong fave ship: Harrisco and Snowells (I don't know what it is, the age gap bugs me for some reason but I still low key dig them)  
My they're cute together and I dig them but I'm not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship: Quickwest I'm still holding out for Parkwest even though with Wally on Legends I know it won't happen :'(  
My I didn't care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can't stand it non-fave ship: ColdFlash. I just...I'm more into Barrisco and Olivarry as alternate ships for Barry, so I guess it's not a really a non-fave, it's just meh for me.  
My make it stop non-fave ship: Snowbarry  
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coldtomyflash · 6 years
i’m sure you get asked this a lot, but what are your non-coldflash ships?
I don’t think I’ve been asked this in over a year, so not really a lot ^^;
Hmmm, I’m a huge multishipper, so I ship a lot of things. If I gave you an exhaustive list it would be long but here’s the best approximation:
My ‘big three’ are: 
I also actively enjoy:
killerwave (caitlin/mick)
coldray (meaning leo snart/ray terrill)
goldenboo (lisa/shawna)
goldnews (i really like lisa and iris together idk why but it appeals to me)
scholsen (winn/james from supergirl)
joesco aka westvibe
And I have some poly ships:
goldencharmvibe aka goldencynco
superot3 (is there another name for this? james/kara/winn)
poly legends (just like… all of them)
poly rogues
And I either used to ship and/or casually enjoy the thought of:
nyssara (still sad they’re not still together)
snowells (earth-2 harry only)
roguecanary (ot3)
parkwest (iris/linda)
parkwest (wally/linda… is there a different name for this?)
weatherboo (mark mardon/shawna)
… probably more idk
singhaway (except david is happy with rob so that’s okay too)
And beyond that, I genuinely enjoy most canon ships, past and present, like olicity and westhawne and barry/patty and joecile? But admittedly some canon ships grate on me a little. And I had more Arrow ships way back when I watched it, so a lot of this is influenced by me mostly just watching The Flash and Legends in the past year and not the other shows.
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elrhiarhodan · 7 years
001 | The Flash.
Thank you for asking!  And how are you doing?
001:        Sendme a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:  Eobard Thawne|Harrison Wells
Least Favorite character:  Savitar
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):  EoBarry, HartMon, Jarrison, JellyQuest, Barrison, Thallen
Character I find most attractive:  Any character played by Tom Cavanagh (and that does include HR Wells)
Character I would marry:  Joe West
Character I would be best friends with:  Cisco Ramon
A random thought:  Fucking hell, S4 can’t be worse than S3.
An unpopular opinion:  Flashpoint is Harry’s fault. 
My canon OTP:  Joe and Cecile
Non-canon OTP:  EoBarry
Most badass character:  Eobard Thawne (EoWells, not that shitheel, EoBlondie), closely followed by Harry
Pairing I am not a fan of:  SnoWells or SnoBarry
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in oneway or another):  Iris West
Favourite friendship:  Cisco & Caitlin
Character I want to adopt or be adopted by:  I want to adopt Cisco.
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
What about W for the fandom meme? 👀
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
(I've been working on this for 3 days, lol. Overachievers, FTW! ;) )
Instead of trying to do a list of 5 fav ships and decide whether to do all Snowells or a separate Snowells list -- and then is it asking for 5 kinks for each ship? -- I decided to restructure it a bit. Artistic license, y'all! ;)
5 favorite kinks/tropes
Body swap
There's only one bed/huddling for warmth
Soulmates/sex pollen (Not the same thing but a lot of the elements I enjoy for both overlap so... All right, so I ran out of room, okay? They just have to share this spot. :P ) 
Anonymous or concealing identity
Consensual power exchange
5 favorite Snowells, The Flash ships and kinks/tropes I like for them
ReverseSnow/ReverseFrost (body swap, anonymous/concealing identity, soulmates/sex pollen)
SnowHarry (consensual power exchange, there's only one bed/huddling for warmth)
FrostNash (there was only one bed/huddling for warmth, soulmates)
HR/Frost (soulmates/sex pollen)
Snowthawne/Frostthawne (consensual power exchange)
5 favorite non-Snowells ships and kinks/tropes I like for them
Snowhunter/Frosthunter, The Flash (anonymous/concealing identity, soulmates/sex pollen)
Ten/Donna, Doctor Who (there was only one bed/huddling for warmth, soulmates/sex pollen, body swap)
ScarletVision, WandaVision, Avengers (soulmates/sex pollen)
Jordan/Caitlin, Stargirl/The Flash (there was only one bed/huddling for warmth)
Loki/Darcy/Clint, Avengers (and then the first Avengers movie wrecked my awesome OT3 :S ;) I'd already written half a dozen fics for them and then never posted them :( I wrote wingfic, people, WINGFIC and then the movie made me so sad I never posted it. Maybe that’s for the best, lol. ;) ) (body swap, there’s only one bed/huddling for warmth, soulmates/sex pollen, consensual power exchange)
I realized I’d done this as tropes instead of kinks the first time around, then I had a version that was ALL straight-up sexytiem kinks but that just felt like too much so I ended interpreting “kinks” as a mix of both of them.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thanks, Anon! Sorry for the delay but hope you (and anybody else who sees this) enjoyed reading my answers! :D
Fandom meme
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eoiris · 6 years
Tagged by: @lostinthespeedforce​
Relationship status:  Married (going on 3 years this summer!)
Favorite colors:  pink and black
Top three ships:  Canon- Peraltiago, Clois, WestAllen |  Non Canon- Snowells, Harrisco, Jimmy x Richard (this was really hard lol)
Lipstick or chapstick - Lipstick
Last song listened to: Nuggets - Mura Masa feat. Bonzai
Currently reading: Saint Odd & Final Crisis 
Go ahead and tag yourselves
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