#object show hcs
sillygayoscfan · 3 months
beanrotaircorn headcanons because the autism is still going strong baby
first it was aircorn. now ive expanded. take the headcanons ya filthy animals
hcs under cut
popcorn is such a spider monkey to me
always clinging onto one of them. Holding onto rotten apple’s arm as they walk, wrapping her limbs around them while cuddling, gets airy to give her piggyback rides everywhere, etc
the sleeping situation is very confusing. sometimes they sleep in one big pile on the bed, sometimes someone will be on the couch, someone is on the floor and two of them are sleepily battling for territory on the bed.
beanie and popcorn have almost broken up because of giant arguments about whos the best lps popular character.
adding onto that they get into the stupidest fights all the time
from a badly timed joke to the best mcdonalds mascot they will take any excuse to fight
Rotten apple usually has to break these up
popcorn has made them all in The Sims and keeps putting them through these bizarre scenarios and everyone is mildly disturbed
airy and rotten apple are both hardcore warrior cats fans and will infodump about it to each other at random times
popcorn and beanie are getting sick of it
*in the middle of the night* R.A.: “hey.. you awake?? what did you think about spottedleafs heart?? I finally read it..” airy: “i-“ popcorn: “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
beanie and airy are the designated drivers (mostly airy depending on the situation)
beanie and airy can drive and will, rotten apple technically has a license but hates driving and will do anything to avoid it, and popcorn is legally not allowed to drive
airy and beanie both have mild road rage problems though. beanies more of a spam the horn for a few minutes muttering under his breath and flip them off when he passes guy and airys more of a trail behind them a little too close for a while and give them the death glare when they finally pass kinda guy
none of them can cook, but airys probably the best (but thats not saying much), beanie is the only one that can bake and refuses to do it with any of them because they always ruin it
popcorn likes full on makeouts, rotten apple likes kisses all around on the face, beanie prefers just little pecks on the lips, and airy likes those fancy kisses on the top of the hand (and maybe forehead kisses too. yeah i think so)
ermmm thats all i got for now sooooo yeah. hope i convinced you all to like my shitty polycule byeeee <333
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norazingrid · 1 month
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maxphilippa · 3 months
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OJ: I just lost 300,000 dollars but it's okay cause I got 700 bucks back!
OJ: Please never form an gambling addiction, Mic. Don't be like me.
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gpfours · 3 months
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thinking about them… 🍊📱
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lilacs-stash · 1 month
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Hello Tdos fandom
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circusclowne · 29 days
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do yall fw rarepairs
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vortexstars · 1 year
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also she/he silver les go
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"terminator parody robot built to be a fucked up and evil twin of another robot (and kill said robot,) grows and changes separately from him and escapes her original purpose over time and becomes less evil more just unhinged but well meaning. she pretends to be tough and "cool" bc of how she was built and raised to be by her shitty abusive father but in one scene its revealed she likes more typically "feminine" things (think sparkly pink hello kitty stuff) and its kinda a meanspirited joke in canon but the series is from 2011 bear with me. im not explaining this very well but she is an awesome girl in my heart" - Anonymous
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sillyshenaniganz · 2 years
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5sostar · 3 months
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Play-doh from burner is the adopted son of money man and banana from 5sos
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how different hfjone characters would react to being put in a microwave
Bryce: literally melts like the plastic he’s made of will actually just become a liquid
Liam: microwave safe, just make sure you take out any non microwave safe items from his pockets (eg. a charger)
Airy: sparks like a fork. then explodes and dies 💔
Charlotte: nothing happens. she’s microwave safe I gues
Amelia: at first it would just smell good bc yknow she’s a scented candle, but then her glass would melt off her body and she’d be dead. but hey at least her corpse doesn’t smell like ass
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donut-table · 27 days
Can you doodle.. Paper from Inanimate Insanity?.. you don't have to !!
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Yes I can 😎
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dailyballcobs · 11 days
daily ballcobs : day 3
headcanon time!
ballpoint and steve studied in the same university and EVEN THEN they really liked eachother but were too shy to confess
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maxphilippa · 7 days
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taco transitionating post show. he's learning after letting go. slowly. but it is progress
@all-boxedup hey
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quartzitess · 6 months
Doodle page! Woohoooo !!
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Two appearing in the short gave me life. I love my strange British number.
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sentientobjects · 8 months
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hey. heres some object bio stuff :)
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