#omg I'm sorry for this joke
shehsart · 1 year
When you swat a lizard really hard but it just refuses to die.
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HEARTBREAKING: James Somerton DID plan to make a Disco Elysium video for his "fall" release
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p4nishers · 9 months
can we actually take a moment and remember swan upon leda? can we actually shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down and think about our lord and savior swan upon leda because i'm tired of doing it alone every single day guys
#the title itself!!! THE FUCKING TITLE#swan UPON leda#god he's an actual genius THANK U HOZIER SO FUCKING MUCH#i hate how that myth is portrayed and received and objectified bc they make it out to be such a funny little chuckle story like 'hahaha led#is SO easy that she fell for a swan isn't that actually the funniest thing you've ever heard omg like women are literally so easy to please#whatever whatever blahblahblah yes that's fucking hilarious matthew thank u SO much for that absolutely fascinating commentary on a women#getting raped by a god really truly an amazing insight into ur pea fucking brain#like fuck sorry but i just absolutely despises how this myth is made out to be and i remember learning abt it in class and being literally#nauseated bc guess fucking what it's literally not hard to understand wtf is happening and while u r laughing away about i repeat a WOMEN#getting RAPED some fucking of us have brain enough to be mortified#jesus ANYWAY#hozier dropped that song after roe v wade was over turned and i just i love him so fucking much he cares SO MUCH and before anything else#he's an activist and he actually gives a shit about women's rights and he dropped this song as a comfort as something to hold onto but also#as a social commentary and he linked charities and resources to help women and keep them safe and this song just means everything to me#bc greek mythology often gets reduced to children stories bc most ppl know myths from children books and obviously a book for kids not gonn#outloud say the word rape or even imply that that's what's happening and that's fine ig but bc so many ppl know it from there it gets#reduces to a joke and a raped women gets ridiculed but hozier actually took one of the few poems about leda being raped and it being a rape#at all and made it into a song during a time that was so traumatizing for ever afab person in the world basically and it just says 'i see#you i see what you're going through and i'm listening and i actually care and i want to help you' and he's helping by writing a song yes bc#he's spreading the word that way bc that's how movements are spread and people listen to him when he's singing and that's how he helps and#i did i mention that i love him? bc i'd actually do anything for him and to meet him and tell him how much he fucking means to me#the line that always gets me is 'a crying CHILD pushes a CHILD into the night' bc yes she was a fucking child who had to deliver 4 KIDS BC#AN ASSHOLE DECIDED SHE WAS PRETTY ENOUGH TO FUCK and nobody ever cares that she was just a child and her child helen was just a child when#she was abducted and raped and impregnated (JUST LIKE HER MOTHER) by theseus a supposed great hero and im genuinely sick she was just a#child like so many women or girls in greek mythology and ik it was a different time back then or wtv but they were just GIRLS and nobody#cared about that or cares now. but this song does.#bc of course it does it's hozier.#hozier#swan upon leda
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azures-bazar · 1 year
Let’s do headcannons with Sadie, Arthur, Charles, Mary beth, Karen and Dutch reacting to fem s/o that has such a hilarious funny laugh. When she laughs it sounds like a crow mixed with a seagull XD she can’t help having such a crazy laugh and one day she cackles so loudly that the people in Valentine could hear it. What would their reaction be?
Headcanon - Peculiar Laugh - Female!Reader
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Hey there anon ! Thank you for your request ! Having a very strange laugh myself, I couldn't relate more to this lol
I apologize in advance for all character inaccuracies and grammar mistakes, as always :')
I'm also really sorry for being this late, things are not going so well at my job so I kinda struggle at the moment to keep up with my usual writing pace, but I'll be back on track soon ! <3
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Request : Female!Reader
Characters : Arthur Morgan, Sadie Adler, Charles Smith, Dutch Van der Linde Mary-Beth Gaskill, Karen Jones
Relationship : Romantic, settled
Lines : From 8 to 10 per character
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Arthur Morgan : 
You were cleaning your riffle with Tilly after a long day on guard duty, talking about some common stuff you both enjoy. You even get to talk about Arthur, who is sitting nearby, drawing something in his journal… but then, out of the blue, Tilly asks you a very strange question. "If a cougar and a cat could reproduce, would their kids be huge or average-sized cats ?". 
At first, you don’t really understand what Tilly just said, so you just shrug. Her question is genuinely interesting to think about, but your brain processes it as a very good joke, causing you to start chuckling. What the hell was going on in her mind ? The more you think about that question, the louder you laugh. And Tilly follows. 
Arthur quickly rises from his spot to glance around when he first hears your peculiar laugh. Of course, he had already seen you chuckling and was somewhat surprised by the noise you could make, but he never heard you roar with laughter. "What the hell was that ?" he mumbles. He quickly drops his journal in his satchel and puts his hand on his gun, walking closer to the noise. What if it was an attack ?
He spots you laughing with Miss Tilly, who can’t hold back her tears while you’re nearly suffocating. In fact, the way you’re laughing is so amusing that even Arthur can’t help but chuckle at this lovely sight of his sister and his adorable lady having a good time ! 
Being a protective bear, Arthur instinctively takes both your riffles away before Tilly is called by Ms. Grimshaw to help her clean the camp’s round table. "Lemme take ‘em riffles, ladies." he chuckles as he calmly puts your weapons on the ground. You can’t stop laughing, still thinking about Tilly’s peculiar question. What if ? Indeed, what if ? Arthur quickly gets you some water in a cup, but you can’t drink it just yet. 
Arthur progressively looses it what watching you go further and further into an endless hilarity. He still chuckles, trying to understand what made you start laughing like this, but you can barely explain it. You can’t even breathe properly ! "Well, I don’t know what you girls were talkin’ ‘bout, but it sure was fun !" Arthur giggles. 
You try your best to keep breathing, but can’t stop laughing, even if Arthur begs you to calm down a little. He tries his best to hold himself from laughing out loud with you, believing the rest of the gang would think he’s crazy, or that the Pinkertons would find you. He’s somewhat ashamed of his laugh, which is terribly sad. "Stop laughing, Y/N… please…" he giggles as tears start streaming on his face, rubbing your shoulders. 
While you try taking a deep breath, your voice suddenly turns into the exact same noise a crow would make… and this is what causes Arthur to start laughing with you. He just gives in, your laugh is too fun for him to remain stern-faced ! Not even the toughest of Dutch’s men can resist this funny laugh that is yours ! 
The more you laugh, the more he laughs. He just adores the overall noise you’re currently making. It’s so hilarious ! Your laugh is so peculiar, so fun to hear… looking at you trying to calm yourself down only makes him love you more. His amusement perfectly matches the total adoration he vows you. 
It takes you quite a while to stop laughing, and Arthur almost feels a little sad that this moment has to come to an end. "Your laugh is funny, Y/N… You’re quite a strange lady…!" he tells you before dropping a sweet kiss on your forehead. This event causes him to write a new entry in his journal, describing your laugh as a "strange combination between a crow and a seagull which probably had a few drinks.".
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Sadie Adler : 
Your day is so boring ! You just want to do something relevant, apart from washing clothes or cleaning tables while some gang members are out there having fun ! So you’re tasked to help Mr. Pearson to chop some vegetables. Leeks, for instance. At least, it’s more entertaining than having listen to Ms. Grimshaw’s complaints ! 
Sadie passes nearby and quickly takes two round slices of the leeks you just chopped, removes the middle part and gets them to her eyes. "Hallo, I’m Herr Strauss !" she jokes, obviously not expecting your reaction. She had seen you so bored that she just wanted to make you smile, and did much more than that. 
The single view of a happy Sadie, who doesn’t smile much because of what she has been living, warms your heart… but her childish imitation of Strauss is absolutely worth the watch, causing you to literally drop your knife on the table and start cackling. Loudly.
Sadie never heard you laugh like this. At first, she freezes in place and looks at you trying to calm your breathing. "Wow, didn’t know a seagull was in there !" she chuckles. Her words don’t help you, you’re pretty aware about your peculiar laugh, and you don’t mind it !
Listening to the noise you’re currently making cause you to enter into an infernal circle. You can hear your laugh, and now… you’re literally laughing at yourself, but you can’t stop. And Mrs. Adler, who tries her best to remain calm, hides some early laughs behind her sleeve. She feels so good and relaxed ! 
As you try breathing, making very strange noises, Sadie looks around while wrapping her arm around your shoulders. People pass by you with wide opened eyes, not only because of this unique laugh they hear, but also because Mrs. Adler is having a good time as well. 
"Stop laughin’ or I’m gonna loose it !" she chuckles, not able to keep calm with you the way you cackle. It’s been a while since she didn’t feel something so great, so calming as some sheer happiness. Your laugh, as strange as it sounds, makes her feel really happy. 
When Pearson comes back, he immediately dismisses the two of you, which makes you laugh even louder. Everyone looks at your direction, either surprised or amused, and Sadie keeps her arm wrapped around your shoulders. At this moment, if she closes her eyes, she feels like she’s having fun with a literal seagull. 
Sadie tries her best to calm you down to allow you to keep breathing, but nothing truly helps. Not even her covering your face with kisses. Nothing really works, but Sadie still resists the idea of bursting out laughing with you. She doesn’t want to suffocate ! 
After some time, your laughs finally come to an end, allowing you to take a deep and well deserved breath. You look at Sadie, who is giving you a very bright smile. As she tried to make you grin, your laugh made her genuinely happy. And it was definitely worth it, for the two of you. 
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Charles Smith : 
You and Sean were having a drink together by the campfire, somewhere in the middle of the day. MacGuire is already drunk and keeps saying very awkward things, but something really triggers your laughter. "I thought I’d try runnin’ a dating service for chickens, but I’d be strugglin’ to make hens meet.". 
This joke is so simple and unexpected that you burst out laughing. Everyone knows that your laugh sounds a little funny, but you never really had the opportunity to start cackling the way you did. People around the hideout literally stop what they are doing to look at you and smile… but not Charles. 
When he first hears you laughing, Charles somewhat freezes in place. He nervously looks around the hideout, trying to find the source of such very… peculiar sound. He knows about your laugh, but something in what he heard did not sound right. "I don’t know what animal it is…" he whispers to himself.
Charles instinctively runs towards camp to see if there is any source of danger. Thankfully enough, everyone seems to be calm and quite happy, but this weird sound he can’t recognise can still be heard, causing him to feel a little worried. Is there anyone hurt outside the hideout ? Is that a wounded animal ? Who knows ? 
He walks around the hideout to the find the source of such sound, finding you laughing with Sean. He even notices some tears of laughter and smiles. "What did you tell her, MacGuire ?" he asks Sean, but your local Irish Terrier can’t respond, nearly suffocating. He had first laughed at his own joke, but now… he’s laughing because of you. 
Let’s be honest, your laugh is contagious. This very strange combination between a seagull and a crow is so unique that nobody can remain stern faced while listening to your laugh. And, despite trying his best to hold himself from doing the same, Charles starts chuckling. 
He calmly sits nearby to just look at you. You’re so beautiful when you laugh !… even if it basically sounds like an animal is dying nearby. Charles loves you for what you are, and your laugh, as peculiar as it sounds, only makes him love you more. 
Charles sees you suffocating a little because of this endless spiral you slipped into with Sean and starts massaging your shoulders. He still tries his best to hide his chuckles as he’s worried while watching your inability to breathe properly, but gives in and laughs with you. "It’s okay there, darling. Please take a deep breath." he tries telling you between two subtle laughs. 
It takes you about five or six minutes to calm down, and Charles is right here, holding you by the shoulders. As Sean leaves to get another beer, you finally get to sigh, being watched over by Mr. Smith who only has eyes on you today. 
"Feels good to see you laughing." he says before gently kissing your temple. He wants you to be happy more often and never to hide your peculiar laugh. He loves you so much, and wants you to be the happiest woman on earth. You deserve the world… and the world is not ready to hear your laugh again. 
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Dutch Van der Linde : 
You had a long day and could finally relax by reading a book outside Dutch’s tent. As you thought you picked up one of Evelyn Miller’s works, you unexpectedly stumble upon a book that appears to be… a little erotic. The worst is that you genuinely believe Evelyn Miller wrote this, which causes you to chuckle. 
The more you read that book, the more you giggle at your expectations about Evelyn Miller. You start cackling so loud that Dutch, who is out there smoking his cigar, quickly runs towards his tent. He knows about your peculiar laugh, he was first somewhat surprised hear it. But right now, he genuinely thought you had hurt yourself. 
"Are you alright, sweet girl ?" he asks you before kneeling down. You can’t stop laughing, causing him to look a little concerned about what triggered your sudden hilarity. He looks around to check if the rest of the gang is alright, it looks like you started laughing because of the book you’re holding in your hands. 
You try telling Dutch that you thought Evelyn Miller was the one who wrote that book, but you’re suffocating so much that no clear words but the author’s name come out of your mouth. Dutch takes the book away, a little confused, and reads a few pages. 
For a few seconds, he wants to scold you for believing that his favourite author and absolute role model is the one who wrote this erotic book, but the way you’re laughing quickly stops him. You look so sweet when you’re happy ! "Well sorry, dear Y/N, but Mr. Miller didn’t write this book." he smiles. 
The more you laugh, the more he wants to laugh with you. He tries his best to remain stern faced, coughing in his sleeve do stop a burst of hilarity you triggered in him. Your peculiar laugh always made him smile, as far as he could remember ! 
"C’mon Y/N you’re gonna make me laugh and I’ll look ridiculous." he tells you, but you can’t stop. No, you can’t. Still having in mind that Evelyn Miller is the one who wrote this book, your ideas about Dutch worshipping his favourite author makes you loose it. Who would have thought Mr. Van der Linde owns an erotic book anyway ? 
At some point, your laugh is so loud that even birds start flying away. Dutch sits besides you and clenches his teeth before letting out a soft giggle… which doesn’t last long, since just a few seconds are needed for him to slip into hilarity. Your laughs don’t match, but it’s somewhat funny !
In order not to be seen laughing, Dutch drags you to his tent and sits on the bed with you. He even reads a few extracts of the book with his eyes wide open, tears streaming on his cheeks because he can’t stop laughing. Your laugh is too genuine for him to walk away as he usually does ! 
When the night comes, the two of you finally stop laughing and can leave Dutch’s tent. "I love seeing you laugh." Dutch smiles, kissing your lips. "But I have completely forgotten about this erotic book, don’t tell anyone.". You will try your best, but that’s quite tempting !
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Mary-Beth Gaskill : 
You’re sitting alone by one of the trees of Horseshoe Overlook, before the cliff, facing the sunset. You had a long day after doing a successful robbery, nobody wanted to bother you. Not even Ms. Grimshaw, which is quite surprising considering it’s ‘her camp, her rules.’.
You’re gazing at the sky, noticing that two birds are currently making some sweet figures above you. While they're chirping, flying away from each other and then coming back, they unexpectedly bump their heads, causing you to gasp. You see them chirping louder afterwards during a short fall, causing you to start laughing. These two birds are literally an old couple having an argument, just like Dutch and Hosea !
When she hears your laugh, Mary-Beth is absolutely startled and quickly grabs her knife, believing someone is currently being tortured nearby. "Oh lord…" she gasps, looking at the surroundings as she notices that this strange noise is coming from a tree near the cliff of the hideout. No one seems to care much about that noise. 
She calmly gets closer to your spot and notices you laughing, causing her to sigh and kneel before you, calmly taking your hands between hers with a sweet smile. "Are you okay, Y/N ?" she asks, still looking a little concerned. Your laugh is absolutely hilarious, causing her to chuckle a little. 
You’re laughing so loudly that people could easily hear your voice in Valentine… if not even in Strawberry or Blackwater. Mary-Beth tries shushing you a little, calmly passing her hands through your hair while looking around. What if Pinkertons found you because of your laugh ? 
The more Mary-Beth listens to your voice, the more she wants to chuckle with you. "Sweet Y/N, you’re going to make me laugh !" she giggles. Your teary face and beautiful smile are not helping her resist this sudden temptation to join you in a laughing session. 
Mary-Beth finally gives in after a few good seconds, letting out a nice laugh to accompany yours. Your voices don’t really math at the moment, but that’s no big deal. Mary-Beth needed to laugh, she never really had the opportunity to have some fun since the Blackwater incident. It felt so good !
The two of you laugh until the sun goes down, called by Ms. Grimshaw to get your portion of stew. You had completely forgotten the notion of time ! You finally get to explain that these two birds, the way they bumped their heads, the way they chirped made you loose it… it gives Mary-Beth a new idea for the book she’s currently writing. Your laugh will also have a very detailed description ! 
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Karen Jones :
You and Karen spent an entire day doing laundry, taking care of the camp, patrolling around the hideout with your respective riffles in your hands. Right now, the only thing you want is to have a good drink. And… let’s just say you had a few of them. After all, don’t you deserve a beer for what you’re doing ?
With this dose of alcohol held in your body, your brain can’t really function normally. So anything Karen says can easily trigger either laughs or tears. Karen starts mimicking Arthur, who is grumbling on his cot, obviously not happy about this sudden imitation. "I’m a strong and threatening cowboy who eats flowers !" she roars. And the overall situation is what triggers your sudden laugh. 
The noise you just made quickly freezes Karen who quickly stops her imitation, looking straight towards your direction. "What the hell was that !" she gasps with a large smile as she sees you trying to mute your laughs behind your hands. "Oh my god, Y/N !" she chuckles.  
You try apologising, but no word can come out of your mouth some other very weird noises. As she notices you can’t stop laughing, Karen restarts her drunken imitation of Arthur, who is still pouting on his bed. "Fear me, I love horses more than humans ! Fear me !" she shouts. 
Karen absolutely adores watching you laugh, despite being a little weirded out by this hilarious noise she just heard. It only adds some more depth to your incredible personality, and Karen loves people with very strong personalities… or drunk fools like Sean.  
She keeps imitating Arthur, causing him to leave his tent to have a drink with John and Bill. "And now I’ll head for a beer with ma’ dumb brothers !" Karen groans, leading you to laugh even louder than before. Dear lord, it feels so great to see you smile, and Miss Jones won’t make it stop just yet ! 
At some point, her legs can’t hold her anymore, causing her to sit by you. She looks at you for a moment with starry eyes, still amused by your peculiar laugh. Being drunk makes her enjoy this moment even more than what she expected, as she chuckles with you ! 
You stop laughing after some time, causing Karen, and the rest of the gang, mostly, to feel a sudden void around the hideout. Even if your laugh was peculiar and not forcibly the most elegant, Karen loved it, but she will surely shiver whenever she will hear it again !
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maddy-ferguson · 7 months
i saw someone say they were hoping noah would apologize and it's just kinda fascinating to me...if he thought zionism was sexy on monday (or i guess on sunday probably and for many days and weeks before that) why would he suddenly think it's an awful ideology on friday?
#and like i say: brf slt#i think people found out what zionism was like three weeks ago and think it's a slur or something when like#no it's an actual ideology it doesn't just mean killing and displacing an entire people that's only what ends up happening when you...put#the plan into motion. but yk#i would say zionism can mean one of three things: supporting the establishment of a jewish state. supporting the state of israel#specifically. supporting whatever awful thing the israeli government/army is up to that day#i saw someone get yelled at in the replies of a post because they were saying this when they were literally right? it was a post about noah#so again i'm assuming people don't know what they're talking about because. they don't. lol#and like obviously proudly being a zionist rn and being like zionism is sexy while israel is bombing people in the name of zionism after#killing and displacing people for decades in the name of zionism can only mean that you condone all that. but idk. i didn't like the way#people talked to that person WHO WAS LITERALLY RIGHT when they were probably the same people who were saying no going to israel and saying#you love it there doesn't mean anything at all this summer#and about the apology. lmao. i've seen people say the same thing about timothée chalamet on twitter and like yeah if he thought the hamas#joke was funny on saturday why would he be like omg nooooo this is really unfunny on monday. i'm not saying you can't expect anyone to#apologize for anything ever but celebrity apologies...................lmao. even when they do apologize it's always like i'm sorry#you're offended not i'm sorry for doing it#and explain to me how or why you would expect noah to be like sorry i didn't mean that zionism was a good thing. like what about his track#record would make you think he'd change his mind😭 if he ever realizes how wrong he is it definitely will not be now#and people saying that video should get him fired is like. brett gelman posted something about how if you don't get called a racist on the#internet once a day you're doing something wrong and you think they're gonna fire noah for being around stickers that say 'this ideology we#the creator+producer of the show subscribe to is sexy' and 'this organization we have decided has beheaded 40 babies and we're so#sure of that we repeated the lie in our open letter thanking the president who corroborated that lie is isis'. like they agree with him#i'm not defending anything btw i'm just saying why the fuck would you expect him to be like oh my bad you're right and apologize😭
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daz4i · 8 months
i need that man inside me (his hands rummaging through my entrails)
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cosmichawk · 1 year
!shitpost warning!
okay so i have this psd file where i just dump all of my crack pierro ideas, and....
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i have no idea under what influence i was when i drew this, but it became one of the pillars of my mental stability. truly one of drawings of all time
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this one always sends me. i actually think of drawing clown/jester pierro just bc it's so fucking funny. like.. you have no idea HOW funny this is to me
i feel like people don't pay attention to the fact that pierro himself chose his title (and that he also gave names and titles to other harbingers). like??? this bitch is the king of post-irony. i don't mind people hc him as this stoic cold man but PLS. HE NAMED HIMSELF 'THE JESTER'. there is no way that this bitch doesn't have really great sense of humor
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 10 months
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I wish
girl she would rip your arm off if you tried to 😔<333
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marc--chilton · 2 months
oh my goddd of course chase let his dad in on the cut
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While Team 1 enjoyed their time in Memory of Ikedaya, Saniwa was sneaking around taking pictures of the new Shinsengumi
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miyakuli · 1 year
omg guys I’m sorry for the art I just posted a mn ago if you saw, I was too focused on the characters, I didn’t notice the behind of the scene if I can say it like that ><” ty to the person who told me ;; 
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mooseyspooky · 10 months
Okay fine yes I did look up Slurpee lore
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Turns out, there were slushees in the UK as far back as the 1980s, but they were called Slush Puppies. Slurpees are the American name for them - which was (seemingly) branded by the chain store 7/11.
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
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in-class scribbles except its all just rui because. read my blog description
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volfoss · 1 year
The worst shit about the games is how triss is the canon love interest
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if I had a nickel for every time my favorite character in an asoiaf show got killed by falling objects, I would have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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noxtivagus · 1 year
theme for my class's christmas party on friday is most listened to artist.. bro how do i dress as masayoshi soken
#🌙.rambles#joked abt wearing yk a suit but i could actually do that#i'd be shy tho 😭😭 but it'll be v cool omg#nobuo uematsu is top all time but soken is for 2022 & 2021#yoko shimomura's 3rd all-time.. oh man i really love vg osts fr#uemtasu's my second for 2022 tho n#txt is 4th all-time n 3rd for 2022#random but i rlly like my hair now i didn't like it when it was blowdried but now i do ehe#it matches me i think >< i rlly prefer this length i don't like long hair unless i put it in a ponytail or braid of smth#square enix music is oh wow top 5 all time n top 4 for this year#aghh sorry i don't rlly have anything to do anymore for my deadlines due today it's just my grpmates' parts now but#i'm worried bcs i don't think the output in general for one of them is creative enough? we lacked time#n it's the course i hate the most n it rlly just ruins me but#i'll just take my mind off it 😭 i hate my regrets so much i can't comfort myself n it rlly just leaves this emptiness in me but i'll#distract myself n just write creatively or just imagine n dream n i'll be alright#despite how much grades n acads may seem so big rn it wldn't matter when i'm actually working n all#but every single mistake every single shortcoming just hurts so much bcs i used to do better or maybe i just think too high of myself#i'll work on my article critique n then when my grpmates for our research stuff finish the results n discussion#i'll work on the conclusion n then i'll do some other small assignments n then i'm done#maybe i just don't want others to think less of me to see me as inferior. i'll still get at least high honors for sure but not having#just one semestral awardee or some bs feels like a failure to me despite. my family telling me i'm not a disappointment#my friends don't know but wnvr apollo n i don't do SUPER well in acads they get suprised so. yh..#who the fuck cares about what others think oh my god i hate my mind i need to stop this i was doing well earlier today
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