#omgcp cait
atlasthemayor · 7 months
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Don't see anyone talk about farmer most of the time
I shall take it upon myself to rectify that
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birlcholtz · 3 years
so a while ago i invented a card game called Hell Tarot, which is basically the bastard lovechild of hearts and uno except played with tarot cards and all the major arcana have their own special functions that make things way too complicated
and i have no idea why this gives me frogs vibes, but it DOES, okay. they set up a pillow fort and play Hell Tarot with all the fervor usually associated with monopoly but (slightly) fewer grudges
farmer knows all of the double/triple card combinations by heart and made up a song to memorize them that she hums to distract the others
nursey accidentally shoots the moon the first time they play and he’s never managed it again despite trying it literally every time
dex has made spreadsheets of which card does what and will not hesitate to try to rules-lawyer chowder into losing (because chowder is winning. chowder is winning by a lot.)
chowder always, without fail, manages to draw the magician and is a virtuoso at using it in a way that will make someone else go ‘FOR FUCK’S SAKE CHRISTOPHER’
nursey and dex have a victory handshake they made up for if both of them finish a round without getting any swords
every time the knight of wands comes up farmer says ‘hey dex that one looks like you’ (it doesn’t)
whoever shuffles gets brownie points if they do a fancy shuffle
they almost lose the justice card after chowder flings it into a corner when nursey plays it to reverse the hierophant he just played
ties are settled by whoever can sing farmer’s card combo song backwards the fastest and most confidently
it’s a goddamn mess.
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pecanplease · 3 years
Caitlin Farmer headcanons because i love her:
- She was a band kid in middle school (probably played the french horn)
- She's comfortable in all temperatures but her hands are always cold
- She is TALL
- Her laugh is loud and when she laughs really hard she snorts
- Chowder loves it
- She's fluent in ASL
- Loves WarioWare and is the reigning champion
- Doesn't know everyone on campus but somehow knows of everyone
- Does a weirdly good Squidward impression
- Really likes to pick people up
- If she is capable of lifting someone off the ground she will do it
- Every time she and Dex hug they lift each other up
- Has a passionate love of sandwiches
- She's pan 💖💛💙
- She misses the "nice legs daisy dukes" memes
- Not a very good cook but is always happy to help
- Knows how to juggle
- Doesn't know if she believes in cryptids but she sure knows a lot about them
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
Charmer Heartflower AU!
Cait woke up one morning, four months into dating Chris to find a sprig of holly on the forearm opposite the cherry blossom.
That was Chris’ mark.
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sharkcastic · 5 years
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a doodle I made on my plane ride home that I may never get around to finishing
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fanaste · 7 years
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OMGCheck please Social Media
Phones: [Eric] [Chowder] [Cait]
The Volleyball girls are really fond of emoji’s.
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willdexpoindexter · 2 years
it was real for me
This is my @omgcpgiftexchange2021 for @theythemzimms ! I was so excited to get you in the OMGCP gift exchange! I hope you enjoy this little holiday polyfrogs hurt/comfort.
Tags/CW: nightmares, angst with a happy ending, break up, crying, Christmas
Will woke with the memory of tears still pressing against his eyes. Unbidden, they came again. 
He’d known it had been too good to be true, not one but both of his best friends liking him? Wanting to date him? There was no way it would have lasted. Better that it ended after only a couple of months. 
But the pain shook him to his core, he’d thought they’d been happy and then it had all come falling down on him. Turning his face into his pillow, he let the tears soak it. Get it all out, like his mom always said. 
After a few minutes, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He could do this. They could go back to being friends. The frogs. Just like before. Deep breath in. And out. 
Will wiped his nose and sat up, throwing back the blankets. He should get ready for practice. 
“Merry Christmas!” Chowder shouted, bursting through the door of his bungalow. 
Will gaped at him, Nursey close behind, each with two gifts in their hands. They had planned to do frog gifts today but he’d assumed they wouldn’t since they’d… since they’d broken up yesterday.
Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes again, just when he thought they were gone. 
“Will?” Chowder asked, setting the gifts down and sitting on the side of the bed. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t do this,” he whispered. It was too soon. He was too raw. “Not yet.”
Chowder and Nursey exchanged a worried look. 
“Can’t do what, babe?” Nursey asked, sitting opposite Chowder so they boxed him in on the bed. 
“This!” Will exclaimed, waving at the presents. “I can’t just act like nothing happened!”
“Will, you’re scaring me. Did we do something? Are you breaking up with us?” Chowder asked, his eyebrows furrowing. 
“What?” Will asked, hysterical. “You broke up with me!”
“We definitely did not do that!” Nursey said. He reached out and placed the back of his hand against Will’s forehead. 
“I’m not sick!” Will batted the hand away. “Yesterday, you…” 
But as he grasped for the details, they slipped away. 
“You…” he tried again. It had felt so real! “It was a dream?”
Chowder sighed with relief, his forehead relaxing as he threw himself on Will. “Just a dream,” he promised. 
Nursey wrapped his arms around both of them and they fell back into the bed, tangled together. Will sighed as he let himself be buried under his boyfriends’ weight. 
“Chill. You’re not getting rid of us that easily,” Nursey teased, though Will could tell he was a still a bit freaked out. 
He kissed them both, Nursey then Chowder, sweet, lingering kisses. “Sorry I scared you. It felt so real.”
“It’s okay,” Chowder said, settling into his side. “Do you still want to open presents before practice?”
“Yeah,” Will grinned. “In a minute.”
He pulled Nursey into a more comfortable position, nestling between them and letting their presence smooth him. Chowder began to tell a story, long and winding, about Cait’s volleyball game the night before and Nursey kissed Will’s cheek. 
His heart slowed and steadied, the fear of the nightmare disappearing in the light of the three of them together. 
Will was going to keep them both forever.
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thehockeyhaus · 7 years
(thought up because of this post - http://thehockeyhaus.tumblr.com/post/162471727623/au-where-bitty-watches-say-yes-to-the-dress ) So, TLC has various wedding based shows, and if I remember correctly they have a Say Yes to the Dress for Bridesmaids. Bitty has always wanted to go to the Atlanta store, so when it comes time for him and Jack to get married, he begs Lardo, Cait, and one of his cousins he is close to to go there. Since he is Eric Bittle, famous YouTuber, and he's marrying Jack Zimmermann, hockey legend, it's not hard for him to get onto the show. Bitty has his wedding theme and all, but he knows each girl is so unique and wants them to have their own dresses, although he wants each to have some silver on it. On the episode, they have the epic love story, some clips from Bitty's channel and interviews with Jack. They also show Bitty trying on several different tuxes. (I have strong feelings that the wedding will be soooo grand, but the guest list won't be like super long cause Bitty does just want it to be people they love and care about and not like his third aunt twice removed) (but also this does mean like all of the Falconers, people who have been traded, random hockey legends, a lot of smh team members from their combined time there, some of the volleyball team, some YouTubers Bitty is friends with, and they do have lots of relatives who love them so it's not *small*) There's great banter and chatting between the girls and also the people who work there. Everyone loves Bitty and the girls all find amazing dresses that fit them well. Bitty talks about the episode on his YouTube channel, the episode does have a small clip of their wedding included, and the episode also kinda advertises Bitty's YouTube channel, where everyone can see more of the wedding, so both gain views from each other. It's just really good and Jack and Bitty just look so in love when they see each other. (I image a place with three aisles or two and they each walk down at the same time ok)
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(I was originally just going to reblog this post by @alcoholanon about how Chowder says “fuck” as much as any of the frogs. But after a few paragraphs of tags, I just decided to make a separate post, so:)
I mean, we have next to no evidence of any of the frogs saying fuck? I have therefore concluded that they are all nice young men who only pull out the f-bombs for the ~impact~ or the ~aesthetic~
Nursey: while searching for a word, singing/rapping along with lyrics, when his hair won’t cooperate, when someone messes with Chowder (or Cait tbh)
Dex: fixing stubborn and ancient haus fixtures, watching Deadliest Catch or Cupcake Wars, minor inconvenient pain (stubbed toe, broken nail, shaving cut, etc.), when someone messes with Chowder
Chowder: while in the crease, very quietly under his breath while driving, during sex, when someone messes with him (or Cait)
Nursey: most likely to use fuck as an adjective (e.g. “fuckin’ torture”)
Dex--most likely to use fuck as an interjection (e.g. “Fuck! God dammit!”)
Chowder--most likely to use fuck as a noun (e.g. “You fuck/fucker!”)
Nursey--most likely to drop f-bombs in joy
Dex--most likely to drop f-bombs in despair
Chowder--most likely to drop f-bombs when angry
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luckiedee · 7 years
Tattoo (OMGCP Drabble)
For prompt #33 from @checkplease100: tattoo. 
Just some frogs friendship set during their senior year. Features headed-to-the-NHL!Chowder and discussion about Charmer.
“Did your tattoo hurt?” Chowder asks suddenly, looking away from the game to gesture at Nursey’s arm.
“It’s worse than a massage. Why? Getting a shark somewhere unmentionable?” he asks, to the amusement of everyone gathered around the TV.
“Since I’m still going to be playing —” Chowder’s interrupted by cheers “— I might get a ring tattooed on when Cait and I get married.”
The room falls into stunned silence.
“I’m asking her after graduation, so if she says yes. And if my parents don’t —”
He’s cut off again by shouts, and nearly smothered as his teammates pile on to celebrate.
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alphacrone · 7 years
OMGCP Heartbreak Fest Reveal!
title: anything for one more hour of light TW: major character death; vague mentions of bus crash, violent/traumatic deaths, and afterlife; ambiguous ending pairing: zimbits
On AO3 Here
Bittle was laughing just before the bus crashed.
Ransom and Holster were in the aisle, wrestling, just moments before. Lardo was perched on Shitty's lap, rolling her eye at their antics. Nursey and Dex were arguing, more playful than malicious, Chowder hanging over his seat to chirp them both. And Jack-
Jack watched it all fondly, heart feeling light despite the loss they were leaving behind. These were his friends and, in this moment, he wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
Bittle turned to him then, eyes bright in the neon lights of the highway at dusk, and Jack's heart skipped a beat. Bittle was laughing, warm and joyful and lovely, when somebody screamed and everything went dark.
Jack woke up at the Haus with no memory of how he got there.
Though he came to slowly and groggily, the moment he remembered the crash Jack leapt from his bed, stumbling out into the hall. Without a second thought, he burst into Bittle's room, heart pounding wildly.
Bittle was asleep on top of his covers, wearing the same sweatpants and t-shirt he'd had on before-
Bittle rubbed at his eyes, sitting up slowly. Jack hurried to crouch next to him, eyes raking down Bittle's body, looking for any sign of injury.
"Did we crash?" Bittle asked, voice hoarse.
"I think so," Jack said, brushing Bittle's hair away from his forehead. There was a faint scar there he'd never noticed before,  but no visible injuries. Bittle' cheeks grew pink and Jack pulled his hand away quickly. "I don't really remember what happened after, though."
"Me neither," Bittle said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Is everyone okay?"
"I don't know," Jack admitted. "Let's go check." He held out his hand and Bittle took it, letting Jack hoist him to his feet. Jack was reluctant to let go, but he did, leading Bittle into the hallway and down the stairs.
To Jack's immense relief, Shitty, Lardo, Ransom, and Holster were all seated at the kitchen table, staring intently at Ransom's phone.
"Oh, heavens to Betsy, I'm glad y'all're alright," Bittle said with a sigh. "I was so worried."
Lardo hopped up to wrap her arms around Bittle's chest, hugging him tightly.
"You two slept so long," Shitty said, standing to do the same to Jack. "We were afraid something might be wrong."
Jack squeezed Shitty tightly. "The frogs-?"
"Haven't heard from 'em," Holster said, gesturing to Ransom's phone. "None of our phones are working."
Bittle pulled away from Lardo, brow knitted together anxiously. "I'm sure they're okay."
"You two don't remember anything after the crash, do you?" Ransom asked, tearing his eyes away from the phone screen.
"No," Jack said. "I was hoping one of you might."
"This isn't standard procedure," Lardo said quietly. "For injured players or potential concussions. They wouldn't just drop us off in our beds."
"Maybe that's what happens when your team manager gets knocked out," Holster said, half joking. "No one's there to enforce procedure."
Shitty chuckled weakly, but Lardo's frown deepened. "Something's off," she said quietly, more to herself than to any of them.
"The weather sure is nasty out there," Bittle said, peering out the kitchen window. "So dark and gray."
"Still not used to real winter, eh, Bittle?" Jack chirped. But when he looked outside, Jack had to agree: the sky was unnaturally dark and gloomy, even for early spring.
"Hello?" Someone called from the entryway. "Anybody here?"
Bittle was out the door and throwing himself at Chowder before Jack could even turn. When the rest of them filed after him, Bittle was hugging Chowder tightly, rambling incoherently.
"Yeah, we're okay, too, Bits," Nursey chirped. "No need to worry about us."
Bittle made an indignant noise and threw his arms around Nursey and Dex, squeezing them with as much might as he could muster.
"Someone left you guys flowers!" Chowder told the rest of them. "I checked the tag but it wasn't addressed to anyone."
"It's probably for Bitty," Ransom teased. "From one of his many admirers."
Jack frowned. He hadn't known Bittle was being courted-
"Oh, shush," Bittle reprimanded. "Stop makin' fun of me, I could be concussed again for all you know."
"Not making fun of you, Bits," Holster said with a grin. "We happen to know several eligible bachelors who think you're a- Ransom, what's the exact phrase?"
"Stud muffin? Sex god? BILF? That's 'Bitty I'd Like to-'"
"I was gonna say cutie-patootie, but I think I like BILF better."
Bittle's face turned a fantastic shade of red and he shook his head. "They're probably from one of Jack's fangirls."
"Nuh-uh," Shitty said. "If it was, the tag would be addressed to the Most Glorious Ass in North America."
"Who cares about flowers?" Lardo snapped, hands on her hips. "Why did we wake up in our beds? Why don't our phones work? What happened to the rest of the team?"
The room fell silent. Finally, Jack couldn't take the uncertainty anymore, so he said, “Alright, let's just head to Faber and talk to the coaches. There has to be a logical explanation for this. Maybe something
happened to the closest cell tower. Maybe the flowers are from one of Bittle’s boyfriends-”
“Hey!” Bittle squawked.
“-but we won't know anything if we just sit around here.”
“Aye aye, captain,” Shitty chirped, gripping both of Lardo’s shoulders and squeezing until she relaxed.
They filed out of the Haus, into the oddly dark morning. Jack took up the rear, only a little happy when Bittle hung back to walk with him. He resisted the urge to take Bittle’s hand, despite the anxiety in Bittle’s eyes.
“Are you feeling okay?” Jack asked as they walked, keeping his hands shoved firmly in his pockets. Ahead, Ransom was giving Holster shit for not changing out of his bathrobe before going out in public. Behind them, Lardo just shrugged at Shitty, who wore raggedy sweatpants and nothing else.
“Yeah,” Bittle said after a moment. “I mean, I feel okay. But...things just seem off, don't they? I mean, did you see the number of flowers on our door? It's weird.”
Jack nudged Bittle with his elbow. “It's weird how many admirers you have?”
Bittle rolled his eyes, holding back a smile. “ Stop, oh my gosh, let me live, Jack Zimmermann.”
They bickered across campus, though Jack was unnerved by how few students he saw. It was a Saturday morning, but they'd seen only a couple souls at a distance, and one girl who passed them on the bridge without looking up from her notes.
They ran into no one from the team as they walked, and Jack didn't even bother pulling out his phone. They would get to the rink, talk to the coaches or use their landline or something .
When they approached, Bittle stopped dead outside Faber, eyes wide and face deathly pale.
There, on the western wall, a memorial had been erected. Bouquets of flowers were piled around the candles and pucks and the dozens of photographs that had been left there. Jack’s blood ran cold when he saw his own face among the frames. The others were there as well and...and no one else. Just the nine of them, the nine who'd woken in their own beds with no memory of the aftermath of the crash.
This was their memorial. They were-
“Dead,” Bittle whispered, shaking violently. Jack wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him in close. “Jack...I think we’re dead.”
“Oh,” Lardo whispered from Jack’s other side. “That...that explains…”
They all stood there in silence for a long, tense moment.
“Is this some weird joke?” Holster asked loudly. “Are we being punk’d?”
“It's not funny,” Chowder said, wrapping his arms around himself. “This isn't funny-”
“I don't think anyone’s laughing, C,” Nursey said softly. “I think this is legit.”
“I can't be dead!” Dex shouted, hands gripping at his hair. “I haven't paid off my student loans!”
“I think that's a moot point, Poindexter,” Lardo said sharply.
“Well...fuck,” Holster said, shoulders deflating like an old balloon. Ransom leaned against him, eyes wide and panicked.
No one else spoke as they stood there, staring. They didn’t move for a long time,
They gathered in the kitchen after they returned to the Haus, everyone clutching at someone else.
“I can't believe we’re dead,” Chowder whispered. “Cait- she must be-”
“Dead,” Nursey repeated. “Just...dead?”
“So you've finally figured it out.”
They all turned, startled to see two girls standing -- no, floating -- in the doorway. They both wore odd clothes, like things Jack remembered from his early childhood. They were both very pretty and wearing quite a bit of makeup and were so young...
“The sorority ghosts,” Holster said, mouth agape.
“You have to be shitting me,” Ransom hissed. “Ghosts aren't real!”
“Um.” Lardo gestured to everyone in the room. “Rans. Buddy.”
“Go towards the light,” the blonde one said.
“Excuse me?” Bitty asked.
“The light,” the brunette said. “When it comes to you, go towards it. If you don't, you'll be stuck here like us.”
“We’re not sure it'll ever come for us again,” the blonde added sadly, leaning against her friend. “Take the chance when you have it.”
“Where does it lead?” Ransom asked tentatively.
Both girls shrugged. “But it has to be better than living in a frat house for eternity,” the brunette said. “Right?”
No one dared answer, and eventually the girls left them alone in their silence.
Their parents came to the Haus in a flood. The Birkholtzes and the Oluransis -- who'd never met in person before -- spent hours in the attic, crying and telling stories about their boys. Ms. Dupre (Shitty’s mother had retaken her maiden name after the divorce) came by alone and quietly packed up Shitty’s things, not seeming to notice the weed stash or condom wrappers. She didn't speak to anyone, and left quickly, as if she could feel Shitty’s presence there.
The Bittles were all smiles, forced and polite, until they were shut up in Bitty’s room. Then Suzanne crumpled to the ground, and Coach couldn't do anything but stare at Señor Bun, perched on the beside table. They said nothing to each other as they worked, not even looking up from their hands. 
Bittle cried the entire time his parents were there, and long after they left, face pressed into Jack’s arm.
And then the Zimmermanns arrived. Jack stood in his room and watched as his parents wiped at tears and touched his stupid books like they were him .
Jack couldn't bear to see his parents cry. He was right there! Why couldn't they see him? Why couldn't they sense him?
Screaming in frustration, Jack snatched the coffee mug from his desk and chucked it at the wall. It flew across the room and shattered; his mother screamed, and his father nearly fell over in shock.
“That mug…” his mother whispered, grasping at his father’s shirt. “Honey...Jack?”
“I'm here!” Jack shouted, trying to grab her by the shoulders. His hands slipped through her, though, of course they did. She shuddered, lifting a hand to ghost over the places he'd been.
“Sweetheart, are you there?” She asked, voice small, broken.
“Alicia,” Bob murmured. “It was just a cup.”
“Right,” his mother whispered. “Of course.”
They packed Jack’s belongings in silence, though every few seconds Alicia’s eyes would dart to the broken mug on the ground.
Neither of them cleaned the shards before they left, and Jack sat next to them for a long, long time after.
“Chowder tried to talk to Farmer this afternoon,” Bittle said as he joined Jack out on the reading room. “It didn't work, obviously, but he did learn that they're holding a memorial service for us tomorrow.”
“No one else died in the crash, right?” Jack asked, leaning back against the roof shingles. “Just us?”
“Yeah,” Bittle said softly. “Nursey’s been pretty torn up about it. Dex, of all people, is with him right now. Chowder told me he needed to be alone, especially after seeing his parents, but I think he's gone to try and communicate with Caitlin again.”
Jack thought back to the mug shards on his bedroom floor and could relate with Chowder's plight.
“Ransom and Holster are in the attic doing Lord knows what. I think Lardo is grilling those sorority girls for answers, specifics and, well...Shitty goes where she goes.”
“You're good at keeping track of people,” Jack said, wishing he could feel heat coming from Bittle’s body as he sat close. But they grew colder the longer they were ghosts; Bittle hadn't blushed once today, despite Jack’s teases. “You should've been a manager. Or captain.”
“Right,” Bittle scoffed. “Like I'd be a good captain. The captain who couldn't take a check.”
“It's not about skill,” Jack said firmly. “It's about heart. You try your damndest at every practice, every game. You've come so far. You love this team and these guys. I'd vote for you.”
Bittle looked up at him sadly. “Thanks, Jack. Guess it doesn't really matter, though. Never gonna happen anyway.”
They sat in silence for a moment. Maybe it was something about this weird, limbo world they were in, or maybe it was because he'd never really looked until now, but the stars were so beautiful here, far more visible than when in the city proper.
“I’ll never play in the NHL,” Jack eventually said, voice soft. “After everything…I guess I’ve been living on borrowed time, anyway…I guess I was never meant to be anything more than this.”
“More than what?” Bitty asked, a bit petulantly. “More than a successful NCAA captain? More than a big, strong, handsome son who made his parents proud? Who excelled at the sport his father loved?”
“Bittle,” Jack said softly. “Your parents were proud of you.”
“No they weren’t,” Bitty murmured. “They loved me, but they weren’t proud of me.”
“Jack,” Bittle said sharply. “You were so much in life. You worked so hard, you accomplished so much. Be proud of yourself. Just for a moment.”
“I am,” Jack mumbled. “And you should be proud of yourself, too,” he added petulantly.
They fell into silence again. The stars seemed brighter, bigger, closer.
“I’ll never have to come out to them,” Bitty said eventually, voice trembling and watery. Jack didn't have to ask whom he meant. “Even if they find my vlog, at least I never had a boyfriend to disappoint them with.”
“Bittle,” Jack started, but he didn't know what else to say.
“I’ll never kiss anyone,” Bitty said, staring down at his lap, his voice cracked and small. “God, I died a closeted virgin. How sad it that?”
“It's not,” Jack murmured. They'd drawn closer to each other, faces only inches apart.
“Will you...will you kiss me?” Bitty asked, eyes rimmed red and puffy. “Please, I don’t want to leave without ever being kissed.”
And, well, Jack couldn't say no to that.
He leaned over slowly, watching as Bittle’s eyes grew wide, then fluttered closed. They’d never really been this close before, close enough that Jack could count the faint freckles on Bittle’s nose. He pressed their lips together chastely, for a brief moment, and pulled back as something clicked in his mind.
They surged together again like waves on a stormy sea, crashing until they mingled together like salt and foam. Bittle wrapped himself around Jack, and Jack could feel the ways in which they were no longer living: no warmth under Bittle’s skin, no heartbeat fluttering against his chest. But Jack savored this moment, this last moment together, and pretended he could smell the vanilla and cinnamon on Bittle’s clothes, could taste the sugared fruit on his tongue. They were nothing but winter air and memories, but Jack held on tight and forced regret from his mind.
“You fool,” Bittle whispered as Jack kissed down the column of his throat. “We could’ve- could’ve had time .”
“I know,” Jack murmured, bringing a hand to Bittle’s face. “But we have now. This.”
“I think I’m in love with you,” Bittle said sadly. Jack kissed him again tenderly.
“Thank you,” was all he could think to say in response. Bittle nodded, half-smiling, and Jack hoped he understood.
The stars above grew brighter and brighter until the dawn came. He and Bittle were there to greet the sunrise Jack knew would be their last.
They stood towards the front of the crowd at Faber for the memorial service. For once, the larger guys didn't have to worry about blocking someone’s view.
The rest of the team sat in the few rows of chairs before the standing crowd. Ollie wore a neck brace and Wicks had a cast on his arm. A few of the other guys sported obvious injuries, and the few missing ones Jack suspected were still in the hospital.
Next to the team sat the families and a few friends. Farmer, March, and April sat in a huddle, the older two stroking Farmer’s hair as she held back tears. Only Coach Hall stood at the podium, and Jack wondered vaguely where Murray could be. Had he been injured? Was he with the injured boys? Did he blame himself for the freak accident?
Coach Hall cleared his throat and said a few words, wavering and thick. He quickly departed the podium and, to everyone's surprise, John Johnson stepped up to take his place. After a moment, he began to speak.
"I didn't see this coming," Johnson said softly, shaking his head. "None of us could have predicted that these nine lives would be cut down so early, before any of them could fulfill their character arcs-"
His voice broke, and Jack stared in horror as John Johnson let out a small sob. He'd gotten along with Johnson, and John has really taken a shine to Bittle last year, but no one had been particularly close to him. Who knew he'd cared that much about any of them?
And that's when Jack knew it was all real. He was dead. He would never grow old. He would never play hockey again.
He would never wake up to Bittle's smile.
"They were too young," Johnson continued, wiping at his eyes. "I know this is a fan-derived universe-" Johnson paused, looking around at the crowd. "In another world, they will all grow older. They'll find themselves, graduate, start careers. They'll fall in love." Johnson looked straight at Jack, just for a second, then looked away. "But in this world, we can only hope they'll find some peace and strive to keep their memories alive.
"And if they're here, if they're still with us, I just want to say...I'm sorry." Johnson looked straight at them, gaze unwavering and sure. "I'm so, so sorry."
Someone in the audience wailed. Given the tears in Bittle's eyes, Jack wagered it was his mother. He wrapped an arm around Bittle's shoulder and kissed his head.
"Be at peace," Johnson said with finality, voice thick with tears. "Thank you for the stories you've left us, the memories."
As he finished speaking, a light shone through the windows of Faber, growing brighter and brighter and brighter-
“That’s it,” Ransom said softly, gripping Holster’s hand. “That’s the light.”
“It’s now or never,” Nursey said, his voice too calm to be real. “I think we have to follow it.”
“Where?” Dex asked, sounding small and young. Jack realized with a jolt that the frogs were all just 18, barely adults.
“Beyond,” Holster said with a shrug. “Eternity. Nothingness. Whatever you believe in, I guess, or...maybe nothing like what any of us believe.”
“So we just...go?” Chowder asked, face crumpled in anguish. Bitty reached out and took his hand.
“We’ll do this the way we  do anything else,” Lardo said sharply, taking Chowder’s other hand. “As a team .”
That sparked something in them all, linking hands until they stood in a long chain. Jack took a deep, shaky breath, holding Ransom’s hand on one side, Bitty’s on the other.
Noticing the anxiety, the fear on Bitty’s face, Jack nudged his arm and gave him a small smile. “Don’t be afraid, Bits,” he said softly. “I got your back.”
Bittle chuckled, soft and broken, and stood on his tiptoes to press a kiss to Jack’s lips. “I wish we could’ve had more time,” he whispered hoarsely. “I wish- I wish we-”
“I know,” Jack said, his heart breaking a little. “But we have now. We have this moment.”
“I wish I was alone, here,” Bitty said, shaking as the light in front of them grew brighter. “I wish I was the only one facing this, the only one who died. But I am so, so glad to have you all by my side.”
“Here, at the end of all things?” Holster asked, a goofy grin on his face.
“Shut up,” Ransom murmured, but he was smiling fondly. “You’re not allowed to quote movies when we’re about to cross over into God-knows-where.”
“We might as well get it over with,” Lardo said, though Jack could see her shaking as hard as any of them, face drawn and determined. “Whatever happens, just know I love you idiots a whole lot. A stupid amount.”
Shitty kissed her softly. Next to him, Nursey pressed his forehead to Dex’s, whispering something Jack couldn’t hear. Bitty leaned against Chowder’s arm, tucking his face against the bright teal of his Sharks sweatshirt for a moment to hide his tears. Chowder cried freely, his eyes not on the light but on Farmer, who sat with her arms wrapped around herself.
“Alright, team,” Jack said, squeezing Bitty’s hand tightly. “Let’s do this.”
Shitty laughed softly. “Aye-aye, Captain.”
Following Jack, the rest of them walked forward, towards the light. Jack turned, just moments before, and met Bitty’s gaze, piercing and sad and full of love, before everything turned white.
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cricketnationrise · 3 years
OMGCP Anniversary Week: Day 1
@omgcpanniversaryweek: day 1 - character
Oh fuck this.
Denice manages to roll out of bed and stagger to the bathroom, fighting the pain in her abdomen and the pain in her lower back the whole way. She does not have time for her body to betray her like this, It’s Tech Week for fuck’s sake.
Right now, the need for a heating pad and some Midol is overwhelming everything, but she knows there’s no way she’s going to make it all the way to the kitchen and back up to the attic.
She doesn’t have classes until her afternoon class in the theater building so at least she doesn’t have to figure out how to function in public yet. Another stab of pain shoots through her as she curls up in bed, trying to figure out how to muster up the energy to move.
Suddenly, she hears Nursey, and his baritone is like the clouds parting.
“That’s a major fine C! If you are gonna fine me and Dex for that, there’s no way I’m not fining you and Cait!”
This one time, she’s thankful for her loud hockey bros. Denice grabs her phone and texts her possible savior.
Denice: you’re still in the Haus? If you’re not on your way out the door can you bring me a warm heating pad (mine is under the sink and just needs like a minute in the microwave) and Midol? I already have a water bottle up here
Cait: absolutely! Have you had anything to eat yet? Never mind Dex made WAY too many eggs I’ll bring you a plate
Literally thank god for Caitlin Farmer.
“Hey Denice, I’m coming in,” comes Cait’s voice a few minutes later as the door opens. Cait’s carrying a tray that has a pill bottle, a plate of steaming eggs and toast, and, the holy grail, Denice’s warming pad.
“Oh thank god, I love you so much.”
“Of course!” Cait says. “Do you want to borrow my plug in one? I left it here last week.”
“That would be amazing,” Denice says as she tucks the heating pad in place and starts to eat. The sooner she gets food in her, the sooner she can take the Midol.
“I’ll go grab it.”
Denice texts Chowder while Cait’s gone.
Ford: your girlfriend is literally perfection
Denice: Are you absolutely sure you want to be dating her Cuz like I’ll take her off your hands
Chowder: get back witch I’m literally in love with her
Ford: booooo Okay If you’re absolutely sure
Chowder: You helped me pick out the ring???
Ford: 😘 I guess I’ll find my own If I must
Chowder: you must 😘
“Okay here it is, I’ll move your surge protector closer so you don’t have to leave bed if you don’t want to.”
“You’re amazing thanks again, Cait.”
“Got your back.”
“What were they fining you guys for anyway? That’s how I knew you were here, bless Nursey’s stupidly resonant voice for once.”
“Visible hickey,” Cait shrugs as she pauses in the doorway, ready to head back downstairs. “Just one. Not like Nursey can talk, he and Dex had about ten yesterday.”
“That checks out, honestly.”
“See you later, Ford.”
Denice has just finished eating when her phone starts buzzing.
Legends Only
Tango: Why is Farmer threatening me and Whiskey into bringing you dinner tonight? We were already going to? You never remember to eat properly during tech week.
Whiskey: yeah I was about to ask if you had any requests for tonight since it’s my turn to buy
Foxtrot: period started Massive cramps Much pain very wow
Tango: ☹️ noooooo
Whiskey: you need one of us to come back before your first class?
Tango: We absolutely would!
Foxtrot: nah I’m good Cait brought me some stuff I should be mostly human by the time I have to leave for class
Whiskey: 👍
Tango: sounds good! Feel better!
Whiskey: so you’re basically drowning trying not to be a lesbian on main, right?
Foxtrot: shut UP Leave me alone I don’t feel well
Whiskey: :p
Foxtrot: I did text chowder and ask if he was sure he wanted to be dating her
Tango: Didn’t you help him pick out a ring for after graduation?
Foxtrot: yes But god at WHAT COST
Whiskey: haha
Tango: bahahahahahahhaa
Whiskey: get some rest Foxy, see you at dinner
Foxtrot: I was gonna say I don’t know why we’re friends you’re so mean to me But then I remembered you’re bringing me food See y'all later 😘
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punkfistfights · 7 years
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OMGCP Rare Pair Aesthetics (1/?):
Derek Nurse/Chris Chow/Caitlin Farmer
‘Caitlin laughed and shook her head as she cuddled into Chowder. “Whatever Dee,” she said. “I could still kick your ass, easy.”
Nursey laughed as he collapsed on the couch. “Shit, Cait, you act like I don’t know that.”
Chowder didn't bother to suppress his large grin. “Ok, now that we've all acknowledged the fact that Cait’s amazing, can we start the movie? I’ve been dying to see Moana!”
Caitlin and Nursey smiled at him as they cuddled into either side of him and Nursey started the movie.’
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fanaste · 7 years
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omgcheckplease Social Media
Phones : [Eric] [Chowder] [Cait]
**Lock screen courtesy of @wallpapers-okay**
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peonyaurora · 7 years
Women of OMGCP and their preferred lip products
Lardo - she loves all sorts of colour and finishes - from hot red to midnight black, from matte to metallic, she loves ‘em all. Yes, she can only afford drugstore-priced lipstick, which might have a tendency to flake or go patchy or have to be retouched more frequently, but damn, when she swipes it on, she feels empowered.
Pink is for days when she is in a lighter mood and more likely, when she is going to spend all day in the studio working her ass off and promptly forgets to retouch. Lilac is for days when she is somber and needs to deal with seemingly endless number of things, plus it looks really good with her hair. Nude is for days when she has her sharpest, cleanest cat eyeliner on. Orange, albeit not really her cup of tea, is for days when she wants to be more energetic. 
And red - Samwell Red - is of course designated for match days.
Alicia - she has a collection of lipsticks, a lot of which are from designer brands, but her favourite is actually clear lip gloss, or those that only bring a hint of colour, She is definitely the one who passes the “tendency to dress like a Burger King robber while giving no fucks” gene to Jack*, so you can often see her rocking cherry-coke favor lip smacker, red top, blue leggings, and green converses while walking around the town; in fact she does like putting different colours onto her lips, just that she often forgets to remove it properly and directly faceplants to bed, and y’know, it is not good at all. *[the fantastic Alicia does not dress well headcannon belongs to @foxtrotdefencesquad ]
Camilla - she loves pastel pink satin lipstick, which really suits her. I mean, just look at how lush her lips are. When she is in a match she usually only wears lip balm, but she often wears bubblegum pink liquid lipstick in the gym.
Caitlin - Rosy tones look really good on her! It doesn’t hurt that this shade is relative low-maintenance - swipe, blot, and you’re done. Cait does have a blue lipstick which she proudly wears when watching a Shark’s game, live or not, and she puts it on Chowder too. That Californian ray of sunshine is ecstatic.
Mandy & Jenny - they cannot really put on any sort of lip product now, but they can change their lip colour to whatever they want. Still, they miss the sense of being in physical touch with a wand and the feeling of painting the colours on; it might very well be one of their last links to tangibility.
George - she prefers lip balm. It is practical, efficient, and on point; her natural lip colour is more than enough. Burgundy shades look amazing on her though.
Suzanne - she wears lipsticks with only a wash of colour, though deep in her heart she has a thirst for opaque unique shades. Well, she secretly wants to be a hipster afterall.
Bonus: Beth, from my Bittle’s fav cousins headcannon - She is aggressively ginger so her hair alone is already fantastically vibrant. Still, she wears a lot of different colours, and her favourites are reds and mauves. She wears green as a joke occasionally (that combination makes her look like a honest to god carrot, and it is rad, okay) and once when she was rocking it and did not think twice before skyping with Bitty, his immediate response was, “Oh my Lord, Beth, you look fabulous, but are you a Flyers fan now?????”
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falconerjack · 7 years
I really, REALLY need to be writing my essay, but instead I’m going to procrastinate for a while longer and start on another omgcp character instagram profile. i made one for cait farmer here! which character should i do next?
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