#op is right he is a goofy boy
thesoftboiledegg · 6 months
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"Mort: Ragnarick" was pure fun, but a different kind of fun than "Rickfending Your Mort" and "Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie."
"Rickfending Your Mort" was a laid-back clip show that gave the viewer a break after the insanity of "Unmortricken"--a smart decision but not one with a lot of substance. "Rise of the Numbericons: The Movie" has been controversial. I thought it was entertaining, but it would've worked better as a YouTube short.
If "Unmortricken" represented lore episodes at their best, "Mort: Ragnarick" was the best of classic Rick and Morty adventures: a wildly imaginative plot, goofy satire, fantasy science and Rick and Morty working together as a duo, reminding us how much they need each other.
Rick's the driving force behind these adventures, but without Morty, he's just a miserable old man trying to distract himself. Morty's the heart and voice of reason. He also gives Rick something to live for. Without him, Beth, Jerry or Summer, why do anything?
Rick pretends to live for science, but "science" just caused decades of grief and isolation. His family isn't a concept; it's an entity that loves him back.
Bigfoot, an evil pope, Pokeballs, Valhalla, clone bodies, infinite energy sources, zombie Summer, Rick screaming "PO-O-O-O-OPE!": only Rick and Morty could combine all those concepts into one cohesive episode. I never thought "Wow, that took me out of the story." The Pokeball came close, but the end credits scene tied it all together.
Jerry's scene was a standout, too. Chris Parnell's reading of "Nana!" was genuinely sweet. It seems like Jerry's becoming a (mostly) willing participant in Rick's schemes instead of a helpless guinea pig. Is Rick learning that releasing his iron grip on his family makes them more attached to him, not less?
I also loved it when the Vikings called Rick a witch. He loves crystals, plays with magic, has two crows as familiars: damn right, he is!
You have to suspend your disbelief a couple of times, mainly when Bigfoot attacks Rick in the kitchen (he crushed Rick earlier like it was nothing, but now Rick walks away with a few scratches?) Still, the little character moments overshadow these flaws.
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Judging by old posts that I've seen floating around, I think Rick and Morty's relationship is finally becoming what fans wanted it to be in seasons 1-3. Rick's still mean, but he's less dominant and more of Morty's mischievous co-conspirator. An alien mobster freaking out in "The Jerrick Trap" because of Rick's "touch my grandson and die" policy is straight out of fanon.
Rick's more physically gentle, and Morty responds in kind. He grabs and supports him when Bigfoot attacks him at home and touches his arm during their weird, overdramatic Bigfoot send-off. His pained cry of "Rick!" when Bigfoot nearly crushes him is heart-wrenching. Operation Phoenix is back online, but Morty's tired of watching him die!
Season five is when Rick started showing emotions on his face besides that cold, pissed-off glare--we all know the one--and in season seven, it's accelerated to Rick crying in front of others. He matches Morty's feelings instead of pretending that he's above human emotions.
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Needless to say, dudebros have been flooding Adult Swim's Instagram comments and Twitter replies with "Rick and Morty is shit now!" "Rick's too nice!" "Rick and Morty has gone woke!" Justin Roiland's firing gave them more fuel, but they started even while he was still on the payroll.
Their favorite line is "Rick isn't Rick anymore!" And they're right. Rick's not the asshole from seasons 1-2 who had a couple of redeeming qualities. He's not the monster that he was in season three and parts of season four. He's not the defeated man in season five who started to realize that he's hurting people but still wanted Morty to look after him like a child.
Season six is when he started to grow up--not a lot, but enough that he began taking on adult responsibilities instead of thinking he's a teenage boy who sees another teenager as his peer. I wish we saw more therapy appointments, but while they're mostly off-screen, we're definitely seeing the effects.
This doesn't make Rick a great person or atone for what he's done. Some of his crimes are beyond atonement, and not just the obvious ones like blowing up planets. This is a universe where everyone has a body count and events that should've destroyed Earth have no effect on civilization. Death and destruction don't mean that much.
His worst crimes are the personal ones: destroying Morty's psyche in "The Vat of Acid Episode," treating his family like garbage for most of season three. You can't atone for that. You can't apologize for that.
However, I don't only judge characters by their past. I judge them by their capacity to change.
Walter White is a brilliant character, but he's not a personal favorite because his arc is a slow descent into hell. Rick's slowly climbing out of his crater, and while it doesn't erase the past, it's still happening. For me, that's more satisfying than watching a monster become a bigger monster.
Of course, he's still not above cosplaying as Odin while wearing a golden crown that literally says "GOD." But the former "no girls allowed" alpha male has become a dedicated therapy patient who's also a thirst object that would make bros cry about double standards. Sure, Rick, you're a god, now put on that weird half-shirt and prance around a little.
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onepiece-polls · 9 months
One Piece Shipping War - Round 4 Quarter Finals
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Shanks x Buggy:
What if we were childhood friends who gave up our drama for each other then never saw each other again for years
What can I say, I'm a fellow shuggy truther too 🤝
Shanks obviously adores Buggy, and Buggy is so tsundure~! Mr 'I hate Shanks'-but-will-take-every-opportunity-to-talk-about-him-and-be-with-him.
Oden says in his journal that he can't tell if they're friends of enemies, and I just love that. Plus when you add in the revelation about Shanks and Buggy in the recent chapters.
They're childhood friends. They're exes. They've been married for 20 years. They're opposites. They're the same. They're silly goofy guys who make me want to cry my heart out. Red/Blue is always meant to be.
Buggy """""HATES""""" Shanks. This hate is so strong that he WILL yell at this red-haired bastard despite the fact that he is a coward, who is terrified of all the Emperors. Everyone thinks this is strange. However, when you grow up with said Emperor on the same boat, watching him stumble over his feet as he's trying to learn to use a sword, stuck scrubbing the whole deck because he was stupid enough to prank "Dark King" Rayleigh, and make that same stupid pouty face every time his Conqueror's Haki doesn't do anything because he is an itty bitty child, most of that fear gets pretty quelled. Also, that same fucker lost an arm because he's a DUMBASS and he deserves to be made fun of for it (not because Buggy is worried and missed him not at all no no Shanks is just DUMB and needs to be TOLD he is dumb more. But just by Buggy. Because Buggy has known his idiocy forever. He has earned the right to yell at this stupid, stupid Emperor for being a self-sacrificing fool and for giving away that stupid hat and... Wait, hang on, when did this bastard get hot!? WHAT THE FUC-) And Shanks just keeps smiling at Buggy and his antics because he has 100% been in love with him since they were children (his actions while they were on the Roger pirates are the DEFINITION of pigtail-pulling as flirting) and he is just happy to see that he's safe while being exactly the same larger-than-life clown he always knew. He would gladly give up his life of sluttery (that I am convinced this man has. Just look at how he exists) if Buggy would just agree to join his crew, but will not push him if he doesn't want to. He just loves his pretty clown from a distance and waits. TLDR: Buggy is mad that he's in love with Shanks and Shanks just likes existing with and/or annoying Buggy (they come as a pair). GOD I just love childhood friends to lovers bro. Just let the cabin boys kiss.
[Spoiler Warning] Red and Blue gays! Emperor husbands! Childhood friends to enemies to lovers!
Propaganda for Nami x Vivi:
Yes, Nami has a new girlfriend on every island, but her heart belongs to Vivi. Vivi in turn refuses to marry, because her heart belongs with a pirate ❤
THEY’RE LESBIANS! IN LOVE! another point: my friends who are watching OP for the first time came to me and asked “so Nami and Vivi… they’re gay right?” So it’s pretty apparent to even newcomers
I just think they’re neat! And in love. Nami gave up money for Vivi that’s True Love
Anyone who saw them can just tell they’re gay. Like Nami gave up money for her
They're one of the rare lesbian ships in op, they care for each other so much !!
They were so gay that Luffy offered to share food to cheer Nami up when they were separated.
i dare you to read Baroque Works through Alabasta without shipping them. the way Vivi and Nami are so affectionate with each other, and Vivi putting saving her nation on hold to get Nami healthy again ???
Let’s go lesbians!!!!! Ok but actually, I think Nami saw a lot of herself in Vivi (ha) especially when Igaram “died” and then throughout their journey together Nami really encouraged her to open up to the crew. Nami showed Vivi it was ok to ask for help just like Luffy showed her.
Vivi was Nami's gay awakening and you cant change my mind. Nami was in love with Vivi and Vivi def had some kind of feeling for Nami. They were so close and they were more then just 'gal pals'
Lesbian Pirate Supremacy! they clearly care a lot about each other and considering when nami meets vivi she is probably one of the first close female friends she gets to have.
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hab-a-nice-day · 2 months
First NHL Hat Trick for Our Favourite 1OA April 9, 2024
Pregame Media Ops: Slaf commenting on how all the young guys on the team are growing... A nice, humble reflection from the one who's had the steepest growth this season:
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First Period 1:05: Matheson rips it and scores. The guys are pumped, Matty leads the high five line in front of the bench.
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Oh, wait. It deflected off Slaf, who was obstructing the goalie's view at the net. #17 on the season for this kiddo.
Kelly Greig caught up with him during intermission to give him credit for the deflection. After apologizing for not having much of a voice for the interview, Slaf laughed off the praise as usual:
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Second period 8:43: Suzy dishes a nice pass that Slaf puts right into the net.
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Cue Slaf immediately crediting Suzy for that Spooky Suzuki pass:
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Of course Cole had to grab Slaf's face... because who can resist pinching those goofy baby boy cheeks?
Not Coco, the king of nose boop cellys and chin scratches, obviously.
And Slaf was all... 😝
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Goal #18, check. 2-0, Montreal. Little guy returns to the bench all smiles... and on hatty watch.
Gally scores, 3-0. And then, after RHP hit a player and created a little space, he and Slaf executed a quick line change and Savy sent a long pass in his direction, for this beauty at 11:22:
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And it started raining hats... A pretty special experience for the fans and for Slaf, who later quipped that he'd had a hat trick as a kid and the only one who threw his hat was his dad. [I don't know whether that's a laugh about it or cry about it piece of information, but anyhow it's very endearing.]
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TSN's Frankie Corrado was thrilled and may have used the phrase "ELITE SNIPER JURAJ SLAFKOVSKÝ!" and gushed a little about Slaf's perfect-for-Montreal personality. [He loves Junior, and I am here for it.]
His teammates weren't bothered by his success either and gave him a round of fist bumps, head pats and congratulatory stick taps. Mike snatched up the puck before skating over and giving Slaf a little extra congratulations, Suzy reached over the bench to give him a good stick tap, and Newy had a happy head pat for the team's baby. Slaf later mentioned that one of the guys saved a hat for him.
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Montreal went on to score 5 more goals, ending the game 9-3. Big W.
The three stars at the Bell Centre:
⭐⭐⭐ Dvo
⭐⭐ Gally
⭐ Slaf
The little fist bump between Gally and Slaf in the tunnel... Aww.
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First career hat trick, 19 on the season now. How did that feel when you saw the hats flying on the ice?
—Marc Denis, RDS
Slaf wasn't able to respond right away because of cheers coming from the crowd. He asked if he should respond then decided to wait a little.
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Once the crowd quieted enough, Marc Denis asked him a few questions, and Slaf mentioned how happy he was for Dvo (who scored two goals in his first game after returning from injury/surgery) "and especially for Gally." (who also scored two goals and got an assist).
Listen, we've seen it a couple of times… You're pretty calm and quiet right now but you're had some crazy reactions when you're scoring goals.
Juraj, immediately... 😝
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Where does that comes from?
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Marc Denis translated his answers for the crowd and Slaf broke out his best "Merci beaucoup!" walking the fine line between cracking himself up and patting himself on the back for his efforts as he signed the lens:
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The kid was happy, the team was happy for him.
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He hasn't stopped smiling and he shouldn't. I mean, it's a pretty cool moment for him, especially to be at home for the fans to obviously reward him like that. I mean, they support him. They love him for a reason. I think he's gonna be a good player here for a long time, an important player on this team.
—Brendan Gallagher, Montreal Canadiens, Post Game, April 9, 2024
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The progression he's had this year is unbelievable. He's a special player, so it's been a lot of fun to watch him from up top per the TV. Now to see it on the ice, see his first hat trick, was a special moment. Yeah, he was having a good time.
—Christian Dvorak, Montreal Canadiens, Post Game, April 9, 2024
Slaf was beaming during the post game media ops, although admitted that he hadn't been able to nap that afternoon because he just couldn't fall asleep.
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He was pretty hoarse, too, but shrugged it off as no big deal, jokingly adding that being tired and under the weather was a small price to pay if it helped to achieve the same results every game.
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After a little more chatting, one of the reporters brought up Slaf's latest history-making accomplishment...
Maybe you've been asked, but you're the second youngest player to score a hat trick for the Habs. How does it feel?
...which led to a classic *humble shrug* Slaf moment:
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I don't even know these records. It's not important. [ … ] It's not about records, it's… Yeah… I'm just happy for team win, and yeah, I got lucky, scored three. [ Laughs ]
—Juraj Slafkovský, Montreal Canadiens, Post Game, April 9, 2024
The Habs can count their team lucky to have scored such a gem of a kid.
Slaf's parents, Juraj, Sr. and Gabriela, and his little sister, Lucia, had recently left Montreal after visiting him for his 20th birthday, so they didn't see his hatty in person, but some of his friends were who were visiting from Košice were at the game and got to celebrate the win with him and some teammates.
After the game, my friends and I went to a restaurant with a few guys from the team. It was a great evening. We were heading to New York the next morning, so I couldn't stay up too late. Unlike my pre-game nap, I didn't have any trouble falling asleep. I took some medicine since I was a little sick—I had lost my voice, I had a cold and a runny nose. Nothing too serious. With three goals against the Flyers, I have 19 goals. I don't really like talking about my personal records. I've already said it: I want to win, I want to help my team. But I'm not gonna lie, I want to reach 20 goals. I still have three games left to do it. I can say the same thing for the 50 points—I have 48 after 78 games. Reaching those personal goals would be great. At the beginning of the season, those numbers looked unrealistic but then things improved. My game has probably grown more than some people expected, but I don't want to slow down.
—Slaf (via French + Slovak versions of his NHL blog), April 13, 2024
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brb-on-a-quest · 2 months
What's one of your favorite childhood memories?
Hello, friend, good to see you, even if you do hide in the shadows. Hope you are well. <3
Let me tell you about a time I fell in love with storytelling all over again. I grew up on stories; I loved having my dad read to me when I was little (we read Narnia books, the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, Robin Hood, etc. I loved *all* of it). I loved the stories of found families and tight friendships like it was my bread and butter because I hadn't made any friends I could get closed to bc family moved around a lot (a decision I don't resent my family for now, but despised as a kid), and I wasn't really *that* close to my family either due to probably a variety of factors, not excluding mental health issues. I won't delve for the sake of length, you get the point. I was a sad and lonely child and my closest friends were imaginary. Anyway back to more concrete events:
We had just moved from Florida to Virginia, which is about 1000 miles away and over 13 hour drive (for context), and we had just started a new co-op (think like homeschool school, but it only met like once a week, it was one of the ways we'd start building up a new social circle or something). And one of the classes I took in was something music (more likely theater? related but that might have a different semester) and the first week of this co-op I remember they gave us a bingo card with a bunch of famous movie soundtracks and they told us we were going to identify the movie based on the song alone.
I got 2/20 or something bc I hadn't even heard of most of these movies bc i just hadn't been exposed to it. It was things like Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, maybe spongebob- pop culture stuff that I just hadn't seen. So everyone else was getting excited and I was feeling more and more out of the loop and alone.
I swear this turns happy at the end, bear with me, anon. They play the final music track and I don't recognize it at all but it fills me with such great joy and a call for a new adventure that I hadn't even realized music could do that before (we didn't listen to a lot of our own music growing up, it was mainly whatever my parents found appropriate or what my dad liked).
It was How To Train Your Dragon. Test Drive. John Powell. And then like the musical scores, they showed the scene it was from. A boy and his dragon racing, flying through the air. And I fell in love With the characters arcs per se, but I could tell there was a deep lore there and a story of friendship that I craved so much. It was also right up my alley with stories my Dad had read me so there was also that. But like the music was fantastic, I really liked the visuals at the time (i usually hate most 3D animation films, HTTYD is the exception), and I craved the story behind it.
I saved up money from Birthday and Christmas and ended up buying it. And I watched it. And I fell in love even harder. Cause, in some sense, I related to hiccup too much. I was a creative person, like he was, I had very little friends like he did at the beginning, we had similar senses of humor at some points, and he was fascinated with knowing and learning things. And he had a big dragon friend and i again craved that friendship deeply. So he added to the crew of imaginary friends and I went on many imaginary adventures with Hiccup and Toothless and told myself so many stories that I wish I could remember now for writing inspo.
I ended up moving from Virginia to middle of nowhere Midwest US (not saying where in case the Fey Find Out), and I did end up meeting my IRL Toothless. A little bit scary on the outside at firsts, but with an actual heart of a silly, goofy, dragon. (brb, im getting emotional just thinking about it. It'd be about 7 years now? Coming up? I may be bad at math. I feel old and happy and content.)
So yeh, in short it was a very much right place, right time kind of story and film. I still watch it a lot whenever I need a comfort film that's not as long as LOTR or something. I love the soundtrack and all of the things about it. Sorry, this was probably way longer than it should've been but IDK how to describe my love for this story without giving you some context.
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toxicpineapple · 1 year
hi, I don't know if you want to tell us more about this but... I saw an old post you wrote about toxic and healthy oumota. I was curious about how you'd write them differently, if you feel like the portrayal of the ship isn't satisfying sometimes.
it's been months since i got this ask. maybe even over a year. but the reason i left it sitting was because i wasn't sure how to articulate my feelings and thoughts and i think i've formulated properly what i want to say now.
so there are two main angles people can come from when they portray oumota in a way that i personally feel is unhealthy. both have to do with reducing either kaito or kokichi's agency.
from kokichi's end, if they kind of soften/wooby kokichi, they'll make him really wimpy and weak and focus on his small bone structure or whatever. really pick on him in the narrative and have kaito charging in to be overprotective and take care of him. a lot of times also they'll have kaito kind of acting as the. what do you call that. "seme"? except in the sense that they'll really like have kaito treat kokichi like an object, often times initiating kisses or more without asking or elaborating. a lot of size play in that dynamic, where kaito will kind of take advantage of kokichi's smaller stature. but this isn't portrayed as a bad thing i need to emphasise, like, it's written as romantic and so cute when in reality it's kinda terrifying-- especially when they'll also write kaito as overprotective and aggressive towards the others who interact with kokichi. so basically you can tell that op assigned them "girl" and "boy" roles.
on kaito's end, you'll see a lot of content where kaito is really really stupid, and wrong, and kokichi is very right. a lot of stuff playing on the idea that kaito is like, a massive hypocrite or coward and everything he puts on is a facade. i don't necessarily take issue with the read that kaito's hero complex is exaggerated -- i personally feel that he projects outwards to hide an inferiority complex -- but sometimes people push it a step too far. kaito's earnest and goofy and he likes helping people, and kokichi is NOT completely correct about him. kokichi misunderstands kaito in a lot of ways. kaito's not wrong about everything and oumota should not exist for kokichi to tell kaito "your entire ideology is flawed, come join my emo band". like i think they work because they challenge each other and if you take away that dynamic on kokichi's end and just make the pairing kaito getting schooled then i'm not into it. i also don't really like this thing oumota fans will do where they won't like. let kaito have friends lol. not that i think he has to keep any particular friends, but he should have friends outside kokichi and his relationship with kokichi. otherwise he's just kinda isolated.
what i want for oumota is for them to have a really strong back and forth. they have conflicting viewpoints in such a way where both of them is correct on the issues where the other is wrong. that's COOL because it means there's mad growth potential for them while interacting. they can challenge each other to think beyond what they've always assumed and they can also cover each other's blind spots in tough situations. i like that! it's cool.
it's important to me also that they HAVE failed each other in many ways. kokichi targets kaito's biggest insecurity repeatedly and intentionally because he fundamentally misunderstands who kaito is. kaito does not understand kokichi from the get go and struggles repeatedly to see what he's really saying, even when he says it outright. there are failures. but then they still choose to work together, they find a common ground and learn to understand each other and when everything seems hopeless, they stand up together against the killing game. that makes them stronger in my eyes than two people who have always been in agreement. this is the RIGHT choice and they BOTH think so. middle ground.
so what i look for in healthy oumota is push and pull from both sides. they're both right. they're both wrong. they can mess up and hurt each other, but i want to see them BOTH apologise and take responsibility; it can't just be kaito saying it, and kokichi DOES have to change how he communicates sometimes in order for kaito to feel seen and heard. simultaneously though, i don't want kokichi to have to change who he is or stop lying just for the relationship to work. i think oumota is strong because regardless, kaito will always chase after kokichi, he will always keep falling for the jokes-- and also, because kaito is a liar in as much the same way as kokichi is. his free time events are full of tall tales just like the kind kokichi is always telling. shuichi just sees them as more benign because they're hoeric. they're silly and childish and i want kaito to see what he does and what kokichi does aren't all that different.
i want them to play together!!! banter!!! wrestle!!!! kokichi pulls pranks on kaito and kaito chases him down and tickles him. they launch into these mad stories about whatever bullshit they made up today and leave everyone else just kind of struggling to keep up. kaito wants a partner who will challenge him and always leave him trying to get the next point. kokichi wants someone who will chase him to the ends of the earth and meet his eyes when he shows who he is. they ARE each other's ideals, they ARE the best for each other.
just. you know. some people aren't really sure how to write that.
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rayclubs · 4 months
Ever since watching Live Action One Piece, I can't stop thinking about how good the writing is in the actual show, so I'm going to seriously analyze it for my own fun and pleasure.
OP is kind of notorious for being nonsensical, whimsical, goofy and not particularly loaded with themes and heavy-to-grasp concepts, so a lot of people think of its arcs as mere sequences of events without an underlying thematic structure. This is what the Live Action gets wrong, but to the original show's credit, the formula is so intricately woven that you can't easily define it like in other serialized media. It's also a bit more... Nebulous? Okay, I can explain.
At least four of the earliest arcs follow the same formula. I'm sure it applies to later arcs too but they get longer and things become muddled down the line - not in a bad way, the core concepts still apply, just differently, so I'm only going to talk about the first four important ones. The formula is this:
The main character, Luffy, is introduced to another character who, in one way or another, displays a character flaw that prevents them from achieving their goals and dreams.
They encounter a foe who displays the exact same flaw in a different way.
Luffy confronts the foe on moral grounds and demonstrates a virtue that overcomes and overpowers the villain, leasing him to victory.
The newly introduced character, inspired by Luffy's example, experiences a change of perspective, which helps them overcome their own flaw and take a step towards their goal.
If you're thinking that sounds about right, then holy shit, our wavelengths. If, more likely, you're thinking "this is kinda far-fetched", then oh boy do I got proof of concept for you.
It's incredible how clear and well-executed the parallels between heroes and villains are. Like, okay, listen, here's Zoro's arc.
The villain, Axe-Hand Morgan, is a self-assured, self-centered tyrant who treats his comrades and subordinates as expendable tools and has no loyalties except to his own greatness.
Zoro isn't a tyrant, he's kind-hearted and has a strong moral compass, but he is still flawed: like Morgan, he doesn't have any loyalties except to himself. He's self-assured as hell. We learn later that he used to have mercenary friends but they went their own separate way at some point, and when they meet again, Zoro shows no clear loyalty to them - he's kind-hearted, so, of course, he cares, but he was never bound by their alliance and obviously considered the three of them to be drawn together by coincidence.
And to be clear, in the world of One Piece that is a flaw. Most characters swear allegiance to factions - pirate crews, marines, revolutionaries, other groups - and draw strength from them. Villages and towns are shown to survive hardships through unity and companionship.
Even Zoro's ultimate goal, the person he swore to defeat in mortal combat - Mihawk - although he appears solitary and not "bound" to a crew or a cause, we learn later that he is affiliated with the government. But that's a bit off-track.
While trying to save Zoro from execusion by Morgan, Luffy demonstrates a stubborn determination to work together. As soon as he recognizes that an injustice has been done to Zoro, he works not to solve the problem by himself, but to help Zoro deal with it. While another character tries to free Zoro from captivity directly - literally untie the ropes that are holding him - Luffy hands him his swords first.
Notably, Zoro is the only main character who defeats the main villain of his arc, all others are defeated by Luffy. I say "notably" because Zoro specifically is ony able to achieve this through cooperation with Luffy.
As the show goes on, Zoro's loyalty quickly becomes one of his core traits.
That's just one of them, so let's do Usopp's arc next.
The villain, Kuro, is a pirate captain who gave up his name and title. He is trying to turn away from who he is, remake himself into someone new through deception and trickery.
Usopp is doing the exact same thing, albeit in a decidedly more innocent way. He lies about his heroic feats and achivements, about his strength and the size of his crew, about practically everything. His lies aren't a flaw per se, as he never stops lying in the future. It's not his cowardice, that doesn't change much either. It's his conflict with himself. He's a pirate but he isn't. Pirates are coming but they aren't. He's proud of his heritage but he doesn't really get to be proud all that much until Luffy comes along.
Luffy defeats Kuro by being a better pirate, or by being better at being a pirate, or by being a pirate at all. Luffy has simple, clear-cut views and ambitions, he knows what kind of person he is and what kind of person he's trying to be, and he lives by it. That's the virtue.
As Usopp says his goodbyes before leaving his village, he gathers his little "crew" of kids together and makes them state their ambitions - one wants to be a writer, another dreams of owning a bar, etcetera - this is him imparting a lesson he just learned himself, on knowing who you want to become and living to be that person.
Usopp's best friend Kaya, inspired by him, resolves to become a doctor.
All this is also a showcase of Usopp's legacy, but don't get me started on legacy in One Piece, we'll be here for an hour.
So there we go. Let's do Sanji's arc next, it's way easier than Usopp's 3D chess pirate-gender.
The villain of the arc, Don Krieg, engages in malicious dishonesty to secure advantage in battles because he doesn't believe himself to be prepared enough for the journey he's undertaking.
Sanji is exactly the same but without the trickery. He justifies his inaction with the vague concept of being indebted to his mentor, even though his mentor considers the debt fully paid and sincerely wants him to live his own life.
Luffy defeats Don Krieg via stubbornness, bravery, endurance and ingenuity. It's similar to his other fights and not emphasized enough, which is probably why it's always been one of the more boring parts to me personally, though it's still wonderfully executed.
More importantly, Luffy reduses Sanji's mentor's journal, stating he wants to have his own adventure, not follow in someone else's footsteps. This is almost word-for-word the lesson Sanji needs to learn. Get out of there and do your best, you're ready, you'll never be more ready than you already are.
And finally, Nami's arc.
The villain, Arlong, believes himself to be inherently superior to those around him. If he recruits help, it's out of convenience, not necessity. If he forms bonds, they're business, not camaraderie. He does care for his fellow fishmen but that has more to do with the extended fishmen backstory and politics than anything so I won't touch on it.
Nami is equally flawed by hubris. She thinks she's better, more competent, more capable than the people around her, she has that complex you get when you don't have any friends in high school and end up doing all the group projects by yourself.
While fighting Arlong, Luffy makes a point out of stating and showing his own reliance on his own crew, and even lists off the skills they excel at that he himself doesn't possess. It's very on the nose but still awesome to watch.
He then absolutely fucking wrecks Nami's old prison-slash-workshop, demonstrating symbolically that, while her skill is great and important, it's not the main reason he values her as a crewmate and friend.
Nami gets over her hubris, begins to rely on others as allies more than assets, and relaxes a little about her paranoid hypercompetence. Good for her.
Okay so hopefully this convinced you. This was also going to be the part where I go on a long tangent about why Live Action One Piece fails on so many levels but then I realized I'd need a whole separate post for that, so I'm just gonna state the main point and leave it at that.
Netflix screenwriters seemed to have watched One Piece (roughly up to episode 130) and decided the arcs did not have any thematic uniting element even though they clearly did, as per above. They proceeded to rework the plot to introduce what they thought would work as unifying elements (introducing Baroque Works early, having Coby in every episode, cutting out Don Krieg and replacing him with Arlong) which inadvertently undermined the story structure and ruined the show.
Anyway, there's more. One of the earlier arcs is Buggy's arc which follows a different format. It doesn't see any new additions to the crew but it does see Luffy's worldview challenged by an outside force. This is an early example of a Luffy arc. Other examples include Loguetown, Jaya/Skypiea, and Foxy's arc (regrettably). Also Marinford and the events prior but that's, like, self-evident, I think. This story format borrows from classic romance literature and is way more straightforward. Buggy being an early example of it in the show, while being a comedic element himself, also introduces a lot of these story concepts. His journey could also be considered somewhat parallel to Luffy's, but that's a bit of a stretch, to be honest.
I completely forgot how I was going to end this analysis but hopefully reading it was worthwhile anyway. Live Action One Piece sucks. Cheers!
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magnuficent76 · 9 months
Ermm Pokémon for Nan and Mewmew?
Also optionally for Lassi (or Siru) if you want
YES !!!!!! MEWMEW IS ACTUALLY WHAT PROMPTED THE POST SO LETS GET IT. Also I'm gonna do all of them. Because >:3c
MEWMEW - (Either Normal/Steel or Fairy/Steel, but the Steel has to be there. I like to think m was an elite 5 trainer until mew decided to retire and settle down.)
- Blissey/Clefable [Most obvious picks imo, but these thangs are TANKS while still being very sweet, much like Mewmew :] Aggressive healing and Metronome just sounds like a strategy m would use tbh.]
- Klefki [Listen. M is a cat. This is the key jingle Pokémon. M can and should have one of these bad boys]
- Togekiss [Vibes-wise I think Togekiss is THE Mewmew Pokémon. Its round, its smiley and its AWESOME ok. Trust me I am Pokémon expert, Mewmew would love this guy]
- Tinkaton [Listen.......its THE big hammer cute little wee face Pokémon. It's Mewmew coded]
- Snorlax [Same reasoning as togekiss, but with the added bonus of being on the tankier side so it balances it out more. Very beautiful very powerful. Also the little ears it has just makes me think of ms own lil' ears :]]
- Magearna [I know its a little op to give m a mythical Pokémon....but have you considered that Mewmew is the world's specialest kitty. Also these two give me the similar vibes tbh, especially with the Moon description being "Its mechanized body is merely a vessel. Its true self is its Soul-Heart, an artificial soul".]
NAN - (Flying, because she's the silly birt :] also, I think she's a gym leader of some kind)
- Pidgeot [Nan strikes me as the kind of person who'd catch her own Pokémon without the help of professors tbh, so I think her starter being a pidgey makes sense ! They're easy to catch, are everywhere and are still pretty dang solid as Pokémon. I like to think she and this pidgeot grew up alongside each other, and although its not much of a battler anymore, they used to have glory days together :] ]
- Unfezant [Same reasoning for pidgeot, but also, it just has SO much sass. I think Nan would love Pokémon with attitudes, so she would deliberately catch hard Pokémon to train just for the challenge]
- Swablu [It's a little bird.......its blue.... I think she deserves a little guy Pokémon that looks exactly like her /silly]
SIRU - (Dark, cuz you just know she's seein' the horrors <3 maybe Ice too. Probably a regular trainer, long past wanting to be an elite 5 gal, but still has a theme bc she has STANDARDS)
- Sneasel -> Weaville [Probably her starter tbh, I can see it. Its her Permanently Smug Emotional Support Guy !! It loves fighting, but Siru is So So Sleepy and Tired she just gets dragged around by her Pokémon <3]
- Froslass [I just think it fits her really nicely !! Also, the singing thing.......I think Siru would find comfort in it, in a fucked up way. I too sing songs of death lil guy, do you wanna be my travel buddy*]
* not so subtle glance at Pesticinger
LASSI - (Water/Grass, I just couldn't pick one, he gives both vibes !! He's the Haru (Pokémon sun and moon rival) to Siru in my humble opinion)
- Bulbasaur/Squirtle [Look at this man's face and tell me right now he wouldn't be charmed by one of these little guys. Honestly I think if he could, he'd get both.]
- Quagsire [I just think he would be so enamored with the goofiness of it. He doesn't even know if it's very good for combat, he sees it the first time and doesn't even hesitate in catching it.]
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babstheyaga · 11 months
Yoo question about the fmod characters.
Have you thought about what their personality types would be? Like I am an isfj 🤭
okay... omg... wait... omg- so like- I'm about to go on a rant hold on-
I'm not all that knowledgeable when it comes to the 16 personalities, so I'm going to go off my own experience with my friends and alters...
Optimus is a Commander Ratchet is a Defender CliffJumper is an Entertainer Arcee is Virtuoso IronHide is Virtuoso Jazz is Entrepreneur Mirage is Protagonist BumbleBee is Executive
One of my alters is a debater, and I thought about it for like .2 seconds and thought "Hmm I wonder if Optimus would be a debater..." Hell. No. My alter who's a debater is the most outspoken, extroverted, and hyperactive person you will ever meet in your life. He doesn't have an off button EVER, so that obviously doesn't fit OP...
Omg I'm literally about to take the test like 8 times in the headspace of the squad just so I can figure this out like literally wait hold on-...
YES! omg I was right! Optimus is a ENTJ-A, Commander! With 68% Extraverted, 54% Intuitive, 86% Thinking, 99% Judging... Wow! and 88% Assertive. I feel like this fitted him instantly, it makes 100% sense for him to be a commander. I relied mostly on thinking in the headspace of someone who is extraverted, but also very cold and shut off. He's just not the type to be nice!
I'm VERY curious what Ratchet and CliffJumper will get... Omg...
omg... Ratchet got ISFJ-T, Defender. LOL VERY fitting! With 90% Introverted, 58% Observant, 73% Feeling, 90% Judging, and 51% Turbulent. Makes a LOT of sense! He's very shy and grumpy, he very much so prefers to work alone, but he's also very understanding to emotions. He's the doctor! He has to be compassionate to a certain degree!
WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE ALL OF THESE SO ACCURATE?? CliffJumper got ESFP-A, Entertainer! With 85% Extraverted, 71% Observant, 95% Feeling (VERY much so him), 85% Prospecting, and 75% Assertive. I kinda just played the role of a lover boy who just wants to make everyone happy... CJ is def the golden retriever boyfriend.
Arcee got ISTP-T, Virtuoso! 53% Introverted, 94% Observant, 69% Thinking, 65% Prospecting, and 86% Turbulent. I tried to think about how she's very emotionally driven, and basically just totally depressed with herself and very hard on herself, but also very shut off from the people around her. She's just a little depressed baby :(
IronHide also got ISTP-A, Virtuoso! 90% Introverted, 96% Observant, 96% Thinking, 53% Prospecting, and 99% assertive! WOW! Yeah, he was very easy to do. It didn't take a lot of thinking. He's extremely shut off from anyone and everyone, he does NOT like social interactions, he doesn't care what affects you, and he does what needs to be done for his own sake, not yours.
Jazz got ESTP-A, Entrepreneur! With 89% Extraverted, 77% Observant, 87% Thinking, 68% Prospecting, and 94% Assertive! I don't know a whole lot about this personality type, but reading up on it, it definitely makes sense! He's very goofy, talkative, but also very closed off from his feelings. He doesn't really care most of the time of how something affects other people, if it doesn't benefit him in the long run, why bother?
Mirage got ENFJ-A, Protagonist. With 53% Extraverted, 72% Intuitive, 95% Feeling, 57% Judging, and 76% Assertive! Mirage is very loving and caring, he's happy when you're happy. He seems very carefree on the outside, but he's actually very heavy-hearted. He has very bad depression and often results to drugs and alcohol as an escape.
BumbleBee got ESTJ-A, Executive! With 73% Extraverted, 74% Observant, 54% Thinking, 65% Judging, and 79% Assertive! He's very level-headed, he knows what he likes and he refuses to change that.
Wow, that was fun I need to do stuff like that more often... Sorry if this is WAY more than you asked for, I got VERY excited when I seen this in my inbox... >:)c Hopefully I'm not missing anyone this time...!!!
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estel-eruantien · 4 months
If you're still doing the alphabet asks
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(Also hi, I finally got this done! So sorry for the wait!)
A - Aftercare
Shane is always ready to sit with Cam after some intimate time, ready to do whatever he needs to do to help his lover. Sometimes, Cam wants to be held, to just feel Shane close to him; sometimes, he just wants to be near him and talk about things they enjoy. It's a special opportunity for them to just relish in being alone together.
B - Body Part
Shane adores Cam's hands. He loves to watch his fingers flit across a keyboard, ruffle his hair, or wrap around his cock.
Cam loves Shane's back and shoulders. Cam especially loves when Shane chooses to go shirtless during training or when skating~ -- C - Cum
Shane likes the mess and will lick it off of Cam after sex. Cam, while he doesn't really enjoy being sticky, feels very attractive when Shane is riled up by it, so he gladly lets Shane cum on him and do whatever he wants with it from there.
D - Dirty Secret
Shane and Cam both want to fuck the other members of their team (especially when some of them can't keep their shenanigans quiet *Hunter/Dustin*) . Any of them would probably be down for an orgy if the two asked, but Shane's pretty possessive of his time with Cam, and Cam couldn't bring himself to ask such a thing of his friends.
E - Experience
Shane has gotten around, especially with his skater friends. He'd mostly dabbled in handjobs and blowjobs, but he wasn't a virgin when him and Cam got together.
Cam had very little experience. He had kissed exactly one girl, when they were kids, but when the feelings weren't returned, he gave up on romance to focus on his other studies.
F - Favorite Position
Cam likes to be on top of Shane, getting to look down at his beautiful body. Shane also enjoys this, because the view of Cam's face as he fucks into him leaves him breathless every time.
I - Intimacy
While not super lovey dovey, Shane and Cam have many small ways they share intimacy. Shane bring Cam some coffee or tea for his late nights, leaving small kisses on his cheek. Cam likes to leave notes for Shane, normally something sassy.
K - Kink
Shane likes the thrill of possibly getting caught. He'll drag Cam outside to fuck in the woods, by the waterfall, or even at the skatepark. He knows all the best places to go.
Cam is less into the exhibitionism, but he does enjoy the thrill. His favorite location is right in the ninja ops. Shane loves to suck him off when he's sitting at his desk.
O - Oral
Neither boy will shy away from going down on the other, but Shane loves to tease Cam. Getting to see the put-together samurai come undone by Shane's mouth is one of his favorites.
S - Stamina
They're both fully capable of going several rounds before passing out for the night. Shane especially likes to drag out sex time with his boyfriend for as long as possible.
U - Unfair
Shane is a tease! He knows exactly how to turn Cam on and how to make him suffer for it.
Cam, however, is a lot more straightforward and doesn't really tease Shane, unless it's unintentional.
V - Volume
Shane is so much louder than Cam, and, if he didn't find it so damn hot in the moment, Cam would probably have a talk about it. The walls are quite thin at the Ninja Ops. They already know some people's sex life, the others don't need to know theirs!
W - Wild Card
These two have DEFINITELY fucked on a zord before.
X - X-ray
Shane is fucking RIPPED due to his training and skateboarding and whatnot. Cam is a lot of lean muscle that Shane adores, even though he tends to cover up with button ups and hoodies.
Y - Yearning
Cam has been in love with Shane since before they were rangers. Cam kept it quiet, but enjoyed the goofy, lightheaded nature of the leader. He saw the ways that Shane cared for others, stood up for his friends. He admired Shane, despite constantly being late for training.
This definitely transferred to a sexual yearning once they became an item. Shane knew what turned Cam on and would purposefully do things that would catch Cam's attention.
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Thank you for such an in depth response, I feel honored by it and that I was able to inspire you about the concepts and I agree. I had similar thoughts about the theming of Sora’s name and him being the void of space. Even had musings of how in primordial myths the heavens (sky) and the earth are considered the couple that brings about the first forms existence. Gaia and Ouranos and on the Egyptian mythos there was a love story of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) although interesting enough geb and nut are kept separated by Ra (the sun).
But regardless, I’d say nomura is quite interesting and impressive to consistently yet subtly equate riku to that of deity so easily. Yes, I believe in riku being a dia in some sort. Probably kingdom hearts sending out an avatar to grow, or the king to kh reincarnated, or some other thing I can’t quite grasp right now but overall with the ending of the series hopefully not too much farther in our lifespan. This is why I enjoy reading and interacting with metas and theories especially about sora and riku and soriku because I said in a comment in a YouTube video that discussed the sleeping real theory and I said it feels like we have the right answers but just not forced into the right shape (a key perhaps 🫣) to unlock the final gate.
Riku has always had all those "subtle" visual shorthands used to denote super special celestia mystery powers (etc) but, like the Subtly OP antics of the Disneytowners (e.g. Donald casually casting the Boss-level spell 'Flare', Goofy tanking hits from Literal Deities with 1 shield & no apparent magic of his own), Riku looking "anime" gets brushed off as "standard JRPG aesthetic".
Naturally silver-haired youths in anime tend to be Plot-Relevant, typically having ☆Super Special Bloodlines☆, typically being Secret Royalty &/or related to Angels or Spirits.
(and it WAS suspiciously easy for Riku to just... BECOME Sora's Dream Eater, especially given what we know of the Chirithy spirits, their abilities to act as psychopomps, & whatever the Dream Eater crafting system in DDD may imply about Dream Eaters as a whole)
From what I can recall, the only naturally silver-haired characters original to KH are:
Xehanort (confirmed descendant of Ephemer)
Xemnas (Terranort)
Ienzo (taken in by the Always Sus Ansem the Wise, origins unknown)
From the Final Fantasy side of the crossovers, we have Setzer (who only appears in the DATA Daybreak Town, not the "real" one) and... Sephiroth.
For being such an "anime" JRPG, Kingdom Hearts is pretty sparing in its use of Anime Hair Colours. Aqua & Isa's blue hair aside, the colour palette is fairly "natural": pale blonds & yellows, oranges & pinks amongst the reds, browns & blacks. There aren't many characters old enough to have "grey" hair but the ones that do are ALSO fairly mysterious: Merlin, Fairy Godmother, Master Yen Sid, Zeus... Kairi's Mysteriously Knowledgable Grandmother (who i am, like, 75% convinced was a retired Princess of Heart). Even the "silver/white" House of Duck are all Very Suspicious: Donald is, canonically, the most powerful Black Mage of the FF franchise; Scrooge & Donald's Nephews casually worldhop for fun & profit as if they were Moogles or something.
So, yeah, even Riku's "anime boy" aesthetic is itself pretty Telling of Riku being Plot-Relevant. He's canonically part-spirit, after DDD, but his ability to do that at all IS unprecedented (just like his ability to Balance Light & Darkness within himself, like his Light being equated with the Sun, like his easy grasp on using Darkness...). Whatever the KH-universe equivalent of an "angel" may be, Ephemer & Riku seem closest to it. That Riku met JOSHUA (himself a kind of Gay Angel) in DDD does not seem at all a coincidence.
oh! there's also that whole [terra] sigil thing! Riku's costume/keyblade designs imcorporate it (i forget how) & THAT sigil is probably the in-universe namesake for Terra, the character. Rather than [earth] or [land], the [terra] sigil seems older & is likely referencing an "[original/first] earth" or mean "[land of origin]".
It makes me wonder whether Riku's parent/s were themselves Aware of Other Worlds? If he's a relative of Xehanort, it's plausible that Xehanort's Skuld-resembling mother learned about Xehanort's ending up at the Destiny Islands & their family possibly moving to the World in hopes of a reunion. Which... would mean they weren't just AWARE of Other Worlds but ALSO capable of traveling between them. This is probably going to Come Up in Missing Link.
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wellntruly · 1 year
The problem with just giving my whole M*A*S*H Season 1 viewguide a watch, is that I think I might have been good at this. Because now I’m like, hmm Season 1, best season? Cannot possibly be!! But! !
Anyway I never posted my backstage notes on the first season because I didn’t take any notes on the first season, because I’d just had a minor surgery and was, a little bit rather medicated. Just enough to be like, peaceful dismissive flomp of the hand, wrist Very loose.
But I have thoughts now.
M*A*S*H Season 1 Notes Finally (Deluxe Episode Selection)
1x15 ‘Tuttle’
Phasing out the bits of original score laying over the start of the cold opens was a mistake, this is so worn-in & cozy I could cry
I had missed Hawkeye promptly swooping up this nun’s hand—to clean the engine oil off it with the bottom of his jacket. Overwhelmed that this would be his introduction to anyone following my list.
Also hadn’t realized I’d kicked off with an episode where Hawkeye starts talking about a man getting pregnant within the first three minutes. Starting strong for our BOY (gender neutral)
I’m just so happy. I was right, 'Tuttle' best first episode. 'Tuttle' best episode? I am also so happy watching the laugh track version again, I don’t know! I really can't figure out why I feel it highlights somehow how the early seasons were soooo Catch-22, the idiotic and painful absurdism of the military, and the surreal blitheness that those who can see it take refuge in.
Have I not noticed before that Radar’s cot is just one the beds from post-op, with that cross bar across the head of it
WAIT WE SAW SPARKY HERE???? ‘Tuttle’ perfect intro wow
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Hawkeye does not frequently tent his eyebrows like this and good on it as we might be in a 'some dead, many injured' situation otherwise
Hehe I’d missed early seasons Radar, this sweet but entire little freak...
1x09 ‘Henry, Please Come Home’
They are all SO scruffy (even Radar!!!), yet Hawkeye also has his shirt tucked in. Disorienting visual moments to come back to. (Don’t hate it!)
I think about the physical dialogue of this wordless bit of Frank trying to get Hawkeye & Trapper to salute him all the time
I cannot figure why Hawkeye and Trapper are staying sooo low in the bath, up to their ears, besides that maybe they just happened into it on the day and found that it was extremely funny, because it is.
Okay and now I want to know why they are wearing kimonos over full Class A uniforms, with tie. They look so handsome and silly.
Really remembering now why this was my second up: the sequence where Henry takes charge is one of the more interesting and rewarding character bits of early Season 1. It’s important to know early on that Henry can step up, and really cares about his people, as he’s gonna be such a goofy buffoon a lot of the time, but will be called upon for gravity and pathos in certain moments. Seeing him in this episode bolsters those moments so much when they come later.
he literally seduced him
Fun I had just meant to stylize that with a hashtag and Tumblr did this to it. Leaving it!
1x06 ‘Yankee Doodle Doctor’
They really talked to generals a whole lot more in the early days huh
Lol wait, he’s only a brigadier general
The scene of Hawkeye & Trapper dancing in each other's arms around their tent is just….they are Together. This was the sixth episode.
TRAPPER JOHN, YOUR GOLDEN RETRIEVER BOYFRIEND: Hawkeye: “Oh, that’s my bad side.” Trapper: “You looked good to me.” Hawkeye: “Oh-oh-oh, you were good in that place! Isn’t that good?” Trapper: [laughs delightedly, beaming]
Trapper, literally, stepping in between them as Hawkeye's bodyguard, Hawkeye playing up the leading lady, “Save your voice, my darling”—THEM IN THIS EPISODE.
It’s funny that this is also our first & only glimpse of Alan Alda, Future Actual Director
Wait, is his name Crandle?? Oh lord I looked this up later: yes. Brigadier Gen. Crandell Clayton. Naming Awards.
Gary laughing when Wayne bonks him on the head with this prop mallet for “anesthesia” as powerful a painkiller as one ibuprofen
It’s just a good little monologue, huh. It gets me every time. Part of it is those haunted silver eyes, and we have the black & white to thank for that, but it’s just a nice bit of writing too, and a nice choice to play it almost calmly (tiredly) direct. He is Looking.
1x07 ‘Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts’
This muted, meandering riff on the theme is so so pleasing
Trapper asleep on a bed in the OR, welcome
Oh my god, this episode was their “Our first fight” moment. My babies…<3 Why does Alan keep Hawkeye’s bent knuckle resting against Trapper’s bare arm for half of this vacation planning…<3
Trapper: “I’m worried about Hawkeye.” Frank: “Well I wouldn’t be. He does very well looking after himself.” Margaret: “Very well.” Trapper: “That’s exactly the point, he’s not himself.” Frank: “What’s that supposed to mean?” Trapper: “He seems to be losing touch with reality.” Henry: “I think the last person we have to worry about is Hawkeye Pierce!” Margaret: “I second that.”
You know what. This episode is destroying the scraps that remained of my own sanity. I’m ruined maybe most by Trapper jumping on the idea of “he looks after himself” as a worrying sign of self-editing. I’m reading into that but also, as Frank asks, what's that supposed to mean? If not something like that?
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Ah this shot of the moon beyond the PA speaker…!
His like, James Dean look up through the forelock of his hair talking about the man he’s in love with…fucking hell, Hawkeye
“You know she dyes her hair blonde? That’s why I died my hair black. I think Frank should have a clear choice.” This joke has always killed me. That’s such good bonkers logic, and also a bit custom-made for Tumblr.
Absolutely adore Frank & Margaret silently conferring with each other just upstage, actually. Something that is really well rendered with them is the co-conspirator angle of being a couple.
“This is the Army, no one can do the best they can!” See I did miss this kind of thing later. This is a whole nuanced essay I need to write about Lt. Colonel Blake to Col. Potter, and it will be so much about the Vietnam War.
I think I’m starting to figure out the difference in early Radar, and it’s that he was still super innocent but simultaneously, crafty. He is constantly, or at least every episode in my list so far, roped into schemes by Hawkeye & Trapper as like their inside man, which he tends to perform well, for a comedic value of well.
The ‘Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts’ rewrite where the psychologist is Sidney Freedman. Everything goes the same, except of course, Sidney has no previous connection to Margaret. But they still send Radar in trying to make this scheme happen, and Sidney is just so amused watching Radar try to pull something off, sipping his soup surreptitiously, that he goes along with it. He just keeps going along with it, cheerily makes the same burnt-out bulb joke about how “my profession is helping people find their way in the dark,” and then when he finally figures it out of course tries to stop Margaret from undressing, and she flips, but then cracks up at the idea that she’d be trying to sleep with HIM, the opposite of her general type (pun inteeeended), and she actually makes this joke, which cracks Sidney up, partly just imagining himself as a general, so when the boys rush in to catch him they’re just cackling together, and Sidney’s like you know what, this has been entertaining. I’m not taking Pierce right now as it’s clear he has a support system (cut to Trapper and Radar), but I’m gonna be back, to check in on ALL of you. Margaret’s like, I’d like that. :) Frank is like, Margaret?! This is my vision.
(And then the Wouldn’t Actually Happen In Real M*A*S*H But I’d Like It final button is Sidney having breakfast with them all in the mess tent the next morning before he heads out, seeing how they all are together under what passes for normal conditions, and then as he’s clearing his tray outside with Hawkeye just mildly asks, “So, Frank was it?” And Hawkeye’s fork stills over his tray, but already Sidney is just smiling at him and saying “Good choice—I really could have thought you were crazy.” And Hawkeye grins, and Frank comes outside, and they both laugh, and Larry Linville does that little sort of shifting stomp thing that he does over how he keeps walking into spaces where the psychiatrist is laughing and he doesn’t know why. FIN.)
Anyway trying to figure out why this scene with the not-Sidney psychiatrist and Margaret, in real M*A*S*H, didn’t bother me as much as it seems to have bothered lots of others. I think maybe it’s partly because it was never going to get very far, as they were already waiting outside to stop it as soon as it started? So it plays without an air of actual threat. And also that we’re supposed to hate this guy, he’s the episodic enemy, so Margaret’s fury against him is all framed as right & justified & him getting his just desserts. Unlike, sadly, a number of other “jokes” these early seasons, this episode positions a man trying to take advantage of a woman as wrong, punishable even. I think that’s why I was weirdly kinda okay with it. Though on the whole I mean I would have preferred we just, not. If we have to, would prefer the Sidney version I already laid out, OF COURSE.
1x11 ‘Germ Warfare’
Hey Oliver Jones was still here in this one too! Godspeed fella, your stay at the 4077 was too short.
Hawkeye, sleeping in a chair so the wounded North Korean soldier can have his cot, whispering “Trap?” without opening his eyes. No note I just like it.
The fucking theremin cue when they start stealing Frank's blood while doing their Dracula bit
“In the morning he will be one of my brides!” Alright.
Larry’s little meow in his sleep, omfg
Hawk stop trying to seduce Frank while he sleeps, this psychological torture is so…subliminal
Truly what makes incorrigible flirt Hawkeye work is that in just so many of his ceaseless attempts to seduce Nurse Cutler and Lieutenant this blonde babe, the joke is on him. He has no sense of shame or self-preservation.
“I’m only paranoid ‘cause everyone is against me.” I’D MISSED FRANK.
They walked back a little Radar being so, so psychic as well
The thing about Frank & Margaret is that while we hate Frank for Margaret (because we know later Margaret), it’s also extremely good that they fully are set up as the counter couple to Hawkeye & Trapper. Like 1000%. Those are the two couples. Constantly engaged in battle.
Was briefly considering if this should have gone before ‘Bananas, Crackers, and Nuts’ in my viewguide, but have decided it’s funnier if Hawkeye hits on Frank so much after the one where he pretends to be in love with him, like it puts the idea into his head.
Wait the boys brought Frank daisies???! Huge Frederick Chilton visiting Will Graham in the hospital tbh
1x12 ‘Dear Dad’
‘The Longjohn Flap’ is the first true And They Were All So Cold episode in that it’s the plot, but I was loathe to forget that this one invented being bundled. Hawkeye in his scarf writing this letter to his dad....my absolute origin story.
I MISS GINGER. Her vibes with Hawkeye and Trapper were so good.
Father Mulcahy is So Cute, look at him!
Henry stressfully cajoling his unruly audience, “Let’s just can the jokes, I’d like to get right down to the sex,” did make me laugh
A whole interlude about how Trapper is the strapping sweetie-pie of the outfit, wow
WAIT this was the first time you would have seen Klinger!!??! And he was so rowdy!!! Wow wild intro for him
“Attention all personnel: when filling out GI insurance forms, be sure to state your age and sex at the time of your last birthday.” Innncredible.
What do you think a snail smells like anyway
I’d forgotten that the first time Hawkeye kissed Margaret, just out in the middle of camp as a bit, he then promptly volunteered to go down on her, in so many words. Y’know this is the other thing that makes his pursuit of all the nurses (slash everyone) work: he’s extremely keen on making sure they have a good time. “I’ve certainly done my share to keep up [the nurses] morale,” he wrote earlier, “but I’ve only got two hands.” This apparently is the perfect cocktail for an incorrigible flirt: 1 part complete willingness to embarrass yourself, 1 part complete willingness to be a service anything.
And then of course that scene is immediate followed by one where he makes a joke that Trapper is getting him pregnant. ~HAWKEYE PIERCE~
Hmmm. Hawkeye paused before getting on the chopper and tried to say goodbye to Trapper just in case, and Trapper went “Tell me when you see me!” Aw Trap…
“All the ladies of the ensemble” oh my god...<3
1x19 ‘The Longjohn Flap’
I love Radar and Henry so much
It’s actually all of the cots, they’re all taken from post-OP supply huh
Trapper dealing cards into the stove one by one…
It’s just soooo goooood watching Hawkeye comically cave to poor shivering sneezing Trapper, he’s so resistant and such a soft touch at once
Have I ever mentioned in public how much I love Radar's makeshift ear-muffs---surgical gauze layered under his radio headphones---that he uses for multiple season's worth of cold episodes. Man...Now That's Television
‘The Longjohn Flap’ is so perfect. Hawkeye listing out all the descriptors of the long underwear Trapper has just lost (“double weave! semi-woolen!”) while he just sits there in shock, Radar already trying to unbutton them off his chest.
Trapper: “Hey. Look what the giant rodent has on his body.” Why is this line killing me.
Loretta’s bizarre little cold voice is just the greatest, wtf
Y’know, this transition from Klinger, in a bandana but fatigues, trying to blow Frank up with a grenade, to now being outside in a dress in the cold and saying “I’m crazy, ask anybody. Crazy Klinger,” kind of works?
Hawkeye: “Only God knows where they are now…” [Cut to Father Mulcahy bringing a sentry coffee] Alan I want to kiss you on the cheek
It also works as a second Klinger episode that once again his closest relationship seems to be with Father Mulcahy. Incidentally, I’m also seeing where the Klinger & Mulcahy truthers are coming from lately.
“—which we own” Oh so now the 'johns are collective property of the two of you
Hawkeye’s sweet overwhelmed joy when he gets them back, oh my gOD
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What is this!!!!!!!!!
1x17 ‘Sometimes You Hear the Bullet’
Loretta Swit’s “trying to figure out how to grab crouched-over Frank to move him out of her tent” acting is so, so funny
Loretta Swit’s “pointing where Frank was coming from” acting is, you guessed it, so, so funny
Admittedly, the way Tommy fully seems like Hawkeye’s wild gay friend, is incredible. McLean Stevenson’s reaction to Tommy kissing him though is just the bee’s knees & all the rest of her.
But…this episode does still throw me off a little! Not for nothing is I think their only homophobic joke from Hawkeye? Unless we want to count “If you kiss me I’ll throw up,” but he says that while eyeing Trapper over a sip of his drink so it still just feels flirty ultimately.
“I’d give you a kiss but I…can’t move my head” is just quite good as a line I’ll give you
God I’m so sorry ‘Sometime You Hear the Bullet’, but look at that I’ve just come right back down on you again. It just doesn’t work for me! It’s too quick, you can’t introduce a character I’ve never heard of before, tell me he’s one of Hawkeye’s best friends, and kill him 10 minutes later, and not have me just looking at all the brush strokes and not the picture.
1x21 ‘Sticky Wicket’
“You go right to Major Houlihan, you set your jaw firmly, and you look into those cool, killer eyes of hers and you tell her I’ll be right there.” McLeeaaaaan
Radar waking up Hawkeye is always the cutest. I’m injured.
Sorry sorry to just bag again on ‘Sometimes You Hear the Bullet’, but really, I just feel like its relative emotional depth is shown up in sophistication by even just a few of these other S1 episodes. Margaret going from threatening Hawkeye with a formal complaint in one scene to the two of them working seamlessly together in the operating room in the next, and that’s the point, is so much more real about the nature of living in a surgical hospital camp during a war, if that’s what it is that 'Sometimes You Hear' is supposed to be giving.
Hawkeye, operating: “What’s the score, John?” John, minding the patient’s vital signs: “He’s doing pretty well, considering what you’re doing to him.” I can’t really explain exactly what emotion this inspires in me, but it sure does it
Putting this one right after the episode where he loses Tommy does give Hawkeye’s behavior in this one a specific interpretive flavor. Not sure if I prefer that though; there doesn’t always have to be reasons, you know?
Trapper hauls Hawkeye away from trying to murder Frank by the waist. Just FYI.
Ah and yes also the first time we see Trapper just physically steer him out of the hospital. Hawkeye is upset and Trapper has gone hands-on. Hmm I was probably going to rest easier before I noticed this.
The “I told you to leave me alone, Trapper,” bit, TRULY ...truly
Wait then Trapper ACTUALLY SHOWS UP, with booze. And literally is like, so is she helping? Wow? Wow.
Was this the first one that started on how Margaret is very good at her job
Y’know what, one of S1’s hottest episodes is: ‘Sticky Wicket’. This episode has everything: The very beginnings of Hawkeye & Margaret, Besties. Operating on war victims feeling like it has Consequences. Trapper jilted that Hawkeye left him for two nights, then relenting and being like [literally chucking his cheek] baby at least you came back. :) The first shower scene in my viewguide. McLean Stevensen sleep mask acting. And what's that? Why, it's Radar O’Reilly.
1x20 ‘The Army-Navy Game’
I do love how open Hawkeye always is with his fear. It’s nice.
Had missed before that Margaret is fully just leaning on Trapper as they cower near Henry comma concussed
“Yeah yeah, don’t panic, I’m doing that for everybody. Go inside.” LOVE Leadership Pierce, when it kicks in.
Army brass: “Call me at half-time, will ya Captain?” Hawkeye, amazed, mockingly polite-society: “Certainly.” Army brass: “If I don’t hear from you, I’ll understand.” This Catch-22 shit in this episode is SO GOOD
Wait so was S1 just entirely the Klinger/Mulcahy hours and I just never noticed the pattern
Henry: “One foot, can you imagine!” Radar: “Twelve inches!” Literal lol
Henry: “….It’s whose?” [scene cut] Hawkeye: “The CIA!?” Sublime.
Reading off the flyer: “Give yourselves up. You can’t win. - Douglas MacArthur” It's perfect.
Viewguides (selected episodes for each season; M*A*S*H reduced like a gravy)
Misc. MASH (formless notes from my watches)
#M*A*S*H hours (all this & More)
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gsstories · 1 year
You know Boku No Hero Academia right? You might also know it as My Hero Academia. The MC is a former quirkless broccoli boi who gets his powers through eating a magic hair and all that fun stuff!
This AU, however, will be slightly different. A mix of other fandoms, I’ll say. 
Imagine a boy who has many powers, some that are so strong he has to wear limiters so he doesn’t destroy the entirety of Japan and said boy just wants to live a normal life. You know where I am going with this right? Yep, talking about Saiki K. Well, not him exactly, but a character who has his same powers.
This character is called Zane Rivers, son of the number 4 hero Flare Blitz and younger brother of the number 6 hero Mimic. He is an extremely OP guy and he could easily become the strongest hero alive! But he doesn’t. He only does UA’s entrance exam because that’s what every other kid does. He didn’t mean to end up first place! Well, at least he isn’t alone, his twin Josiah was accepted as well, although they are in different classes.
However, he is curious about the guy who tied with him in the exam...
A few months earlier, a strange individual with dark hair and red highlights is found. He knocks out the pro heroes that were sent to catch him. He hates humans, he hates everything! They took her from him! Maria...
Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form, is not happy. He is livid. All he wants to do is to take out the humans that took his family away. All these heroes come and try to get answers out of him, but he says nothing. He doesn’t say a thing, not even to that flaming bastard.
That is until she came along. Mimic, the heroine who takes the form of any person and animal. She came in as if she owned the place, with an aura of confidence. Yet, she did not act like those other heroes.
‘I know, very unprofessional of me to just start rambling and shit. But hey, at least I am not boring! Unlike Endetrash.’ she had said.
Mimic was 18 years old, she had become a pro at 16, being the youngest hero ever. Despite being a goofy and chaotic, she is very caring and wants to help everyone to her best of her abilities. Even Shadow, even after telling her it’s no use, she still tried. And thus he warmed up to her, not finding her as frustrating as the other heroes. Maybe it was because she reminded him of Maria? Was it because she brought him foods he never thought he would be obsessed with? Or was it she never judged him when tears fell and only listened when he was troubled, never critizicing him?
That’s how he came to UA. He found himself already disliking the place but it was necessary to keep his powers under control. So he had to blend in, that would be easy enough. No one but the heroes knew what he was. He didn’t intend to make friends. But the boy with the gem on his forehead was to kind to push away.
Zane and Flare Blitz belongs to my friend @ikari-shinsei​ ! Mimic belongs to me!
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mistydeyes · 11 months
If it’s still open if not you can completely ignore and delete this message butttt can I get a
MW2 Pairing Please 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Pronouns: she/her 
Race: I’m Hawaiian, Filipino, German and Italian (I’m a lot more things but these are the one I know by heart.)
Appearance: Recently I buzzed cut my hair so I don’t have my curly hair anymore, Hazel eyes, I would say I’m average height for a female (5’5), I’m more on the curvy size, glasses and light tan skin. 
Personality: Oh boy where do I start, we’ll for staters I can be very goofy and very serious at times, I have a very dry and dark humor when it comes to my jokes, ENTP, usually at work I’m very bubbly and always being a motherly type figure to my kids, but I will add that I am Bipolar so my personality tends to change whenever I hit a manic episode but nothing to hurtful or mean just more of tired and hardly energetic which usually leaves me in bed for a few hours during the day usually on my off days I’ll let it sink in I’ll never bring that type to things to work.
Things I Like to Do: Reading and Playing video games is usually what I like doing on my free time if not I usually go to the gym to get out of the house if I don’t want to be around family, if not I’m usually drawing or doing a bit of voice acting for my friends series she has going on. If not I love a good hike or driving around very late into the night or star gazing.
Job/Interests/Education: I currently work as summer camp group leader which is me helping the kids learn new things, and play fun activities with them. But right now I just signed up for National Guard as a combat medic so I’m hoping I can head to training sometime later this year for my training. As for my education I actually have a associate degree in Digital art…yea 😅 I don’t know how my job or me joining the military even fits in with my degree 😅
Fun facts: I love tattoos and have a few of my own, I have two tarot cards (sun and moon), a ghost face knife and a Star Wars quote, I can speak a little Hawaiian, Spanish and German, I’m also bipolar, bisexual, I’m the only girl and youngest out of 6 kids, little bit autistic usually if I stim I like to trace or hold one of my friends hands or arms (usually my best friend bc he has tattoos on his arm and lets me color it in).
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
How you met: Military After years in the National Guard, you would think as a combat medic you would have seen it all. But now you had an interesting story as you helped to patch up Johnny Mactavish. After a joint US and UK op, he presented to your tent with not 1 not 3 but 10 shallow knife wounds. The most you had ever seen was maybe 7? "This is a new record," you said as you cleaned his wounds and applied antibiotic ointment. "What can I say, lass? I am a record breaker," he smiled at you as you examined his extremities for any remaining cuts. You grabbed a variety of bandages and went about applying them to the necessary areas. Soon he looked like a child who fell off his bike with the amount of bandages on him. "Alright I think I got all of them," you smiled before taking off your gloves, "just be sure to let them heal and you can replace the bandages in the next few days if they fall off." You made sure to hand him a few extras as you knew combat and traveling would inevitably cause some of them to peel. "And try not to get any more cuts, I don't want my new record to be 11," you said before signing off the appropriate documents and sending him on his way. "Okay, bonnie but I might be seeing you around," he started as he got up, "gotta find more excuses to see your pretty face."
A peek into your relationship: You anxiously looked at your face in the mirror and adjusted your glasses. Today was the day your family would meet your boyfriend. "Nervous?" Johnny asked as he snuck up on you and nearly scared you have to death. "Yes!" you exclaimed before playfully hitting him on the shoulder. You had made sure everything was perfect, preparing some dishes from your childhood and relentlessly running through all the characteristics of your family with Johnny. "I come from a big family, sweetheart, don't worry" he said in an attempt to reassure you. But as you waited at the door, your nerves were unmatched. When the door opened, you saw your 5 older brothers and parents standing there. Your parents were overjoyed to see you but your brothers looked like they were about to eat your boyfriend alive. Your mother quickly ushered you to put down the trays of food and your brothers took Johnny aside for a little talk. As you chatted with your mom about some of the more recent events in your line of work, you could hear a mix of languages happening in the next room. You and your parents peaked your head in to see Johnny and your brothers fully engrossed in a conversation about the nuances of languages. "No you tube, its 'Pishin’ it doon out here'" you could hear your boyfriend say. Your brothers laughed before the oldest one replied, "why wouldn't you just say 'it's a downpour'?"
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frobin · 2 years
For the one piece party series, I never said they were canon story wise. But they are more like mini adventures. For the scene where Nami is calling Law cutie is in volume 4 if I’m correct. This comedic series does have their quirks and habits,somethings that were discussed in sbs’ while never put on paper in the main manga. I read it in the French version, so don’t know what the Japanese version said. The storyboard is approved by Oda and maybe the dialogue also(don’t remember that though). Con
Hey there anon! Thank you once more for writing and clearing that up!
I decided to answer this directly (later than planned, thanks to tumblr deleting my answer before I could save it) because it's about the posting that was posted earlier:
I don't know if this is the right scene but it's what I found in volume four (please excuse the bad quality and that it's in german):
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Nami is teasing Law about the "D" and says it might mean "DO" which apparently is short for Dotei and means male virgin in Japanese why Law reacts so embarrassed.
Chopper tries to tell him that there is no need to be embarrassed and that everyone starts out as a virgin.
To which Law answers that maybe he isn't even embarrassed and also not everyone is starting out as a virgin!
Which makes Chopper react with a "huh?"
Because same XD Maybe Law means the D. again or he means the zodiac? idk.
Anon: Continued…*** **** thing,I read about it 7-8 years ago, so I doubt I could find it easily again. It’s like an interview fan translated into English. Also Oda deemed it too dark as well, thus why he changed it. This isn’t Berserk after all. Yes, the author of that opp just uses Law in these stupid scenarios because the real Law doesn’t do that in the main manga. They do everything in a goofy,over exaggerating way. But the series is approved by Oda storyboard wise and dialogue(don’t remember that) Anon: Either it was written at the ends of the volumes or sellers websites description. I don’t remember it cause it’s been a while. Again if Oda’s ex assistant seemingly ships somebody, then it’s certainly not a problem for anybody. I just found that seemed to be his preference shipping wise. That’s all.
I still feel weird about Oda saying something like that. Because yeah it really does seem to dark. Berserk levels of darkness indeed and again, OP is supposed to be for teenage boys.
I couldn't find anything and I feel like there needs to be a trace of that... but nothing. :Ia A page with all the interviews translated would be neat... if anyone knows about something like this, please share!
Anyway, it is true tha Ei Ando used to be Odas assistant and that he is checking the stories. It is written in the Volumes, that is correct.
I'd still take it with a pinch of salt because I don't think he is reading as closely as some of us fans and I don't think that he checks on possible hints towards ships.
Personally I don't see any prference of Ei Ando but that might be because I haven't read it like that. All I know is that there is not much FRobin which could be a concious decision because they already have a strong presence.
But if she indeed ships Law/Nami... good for her!
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umihoshi · 6 months
Autumn 2023 REVISED
I felt the high need to adjust my list (this one LINK), since I obviously missed out on some gems, and also some of the ones I felt really praiseworthy about PLUMMETED to hell;;;
Undead Unluck It's a difficult choice for the first place, but I think that on the long run, this is the one I'll be remembering. the system is cool, it has the potential for multiple seasons and the main duo are a great combi! Andy is such a refreshing guy who shrugges through life as Fuko is regretting every step they take. I'm also interested in knowing more about the group members.
Migi and Dali I compared it to Sakamoto, but it's actually a whole lot better. Despite the over the top bizarrity, or maybe just because, the story is really thrilling and even though the characters are all kinda weird and creepy, you just end up rooting for them (even the annoying beaver kid)
Apothecary Diaries Autism rights. I'm not too keen on the whole Chinese court drama, but the raven courtess had mellowed my prejudice. These characters are a whole lot easier to keep apart (though I still struggle with names) And watching a little girl bully a beautiful and snobbish man is a trope that never gets old.
the 100 girls who really really really love you A harem series?? in my top 5??? yes, this is actually so amusing. all the girls are cute, they all fit the mc well, and I can actually believe that multiple guys would fall for a guy like this! everyone's so down with the entire polycluster, it's so refreshing. and the girls are ✨getting along✨!!! No jealousy, no bitchiness, we're all ride or die for one another. (spoiler: though adding the mother of one of the girls to the cluster is A BIT weird....)
Kamonohashi Ron's forbidden deductions Dropped quite some places, since it doesn't feel like the characters are really sticking. I see the main plot seeping through here and there, but it kinda feels monster of the week overall. Still a good watch, though. The main duo is fun and Ron is such an idiot, amazing.
My new boss is goofy Nothing wrong here, entertaining and a good watch in between. not really going anywhere, but it doesn't need to. The 'no one pays me attention =n=' gag is a bit annoying and repetitive, but the goofiness is doing well on its delivery.
Dog Signal Ceasar Millan, the anime. Very antisocial dog trainer who I feel in my bones, because how absolutely UNEDUCATED can these dog owners get??? please for the love of god, do some research before getting a dog! Especially if it's a breed! Collies get bored easily, lifting dogs creates napoleon syndrome, don't fucking wind your dog up with anxiety before leaving the house!! anyway *clears throat* good show. very relatable.
Crash course on Naughtiness Not a lot happening here, but the main ship is cute and I like how the girl is growing more confident over time. They could have made the boy a bit weirder with the reputation he has and the 'naughtiness' falls kinda flat sometimes. But I like how they redicule themselves with the 'this strange man is teaching me naughty things ^^' as people watch upon her with concern.
Yuzuki family’s 4 sons The focus lies quite a lot on the 3rd son, which is a shame (please give me 5 seasons about just the little one, he is so precious), but it's very cute for a slice of life. I like how they all are their own person and break stereotypes. And it's both sad and beautiful how they don't act their age, due to their situation. Not a lot going on, but amusing enough to keep watching.
Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch a bit clichee, but the comedy is quite on point and the characters are fun. love the little ending dance Might continue once I can binge them: Kamierabi (love the OP song) I'm in Love with the Villainess The Experienced You and The Inexperienced Me Nanatsu no Taizai: 4 knights of apocalypse Dropped: Ojou to Banken-kun (I'm sorry, it just made me rly uncomfortable..) Ragna Crimson Kingdom of Ruin Frieren Bullbuster Shy kawagoe boys sing Tearmoon Empire
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3hams · 9 months
My thoughts on One Piece live action…
The casting is fantastic. Every actor put their all into it. If I had problems with characters, it was the writing and not the performances.
Taz Skylar as Sanji. Very charming. Cooler than his dorky manga counterpoint, but not too much. That smile is killer and the way he approached the womanizing aspect was perfection. Funny but not gross.
Jeff Ward as Buggy. Everyone is right, he killed it. Hard to do an evil(ish) clown and not bring up thoughts of the Joker. He somehow managed it.
Steven John Ward as Mihawk. I confess, I am utterly uninterested in the anime and manga Mihawk, but this guy played him like a more butch Vincent Price with his tits out. It’s the kind of drama and scale I look for in an OP character. Thoroughly enjoyed him.
Emily Rudd as Nami. My absolute favorite by far. She is an incredible Nami and gave the show direction and emotional depth. Loved her dynamic with all of the crew. Her thieving was fun to watch. So so good.
Even some of the minor characters stood out to me. Lucky Roux and Yasopp. Nojiko. Kaya.
The sets are amazing. They really built their own world. Incredibly artistry there. The music was as epic and pirate-y as it needed to be. I loved seeing all kinds of people in the main cast and the extras. Racial diversity but also nationality and body type.
THE FIGHTS. Wow, the choreography was breathtaking. Of course, Mackenyu kills it as Zoro, but they also did a fantastic job on Luffy’s CG rubber moves and Nami’s staff fighting. I had a great time watching every brawl. They may have been my favorite parts of the show which is weird for me.
I was expecting the fish men to be cheesy and not scary, but they looked and sounded great actually.
Why this pacing? I was bored stiff during the unnecessary marine storyline and then they go and rush other stories meant to build on the camaraderie of our main cast and underline OP’s theme of freedom. The manga and anime regularly make me weep, but I was fairly unmoved by the sappy stuff here. It wasn’t earned.
Usopp got shafted. I get that they had to tone him down, but he disappeared for me. He wasn’t even the starring character in his own arc. He’s my favorite, so I was bummed despite the great acting.
Confused by some of the wig and makeup choices. Stylized and cartoony isn’t a bad approach, but some of these wigs would be mocked for crustiness at a local drag show. You can do a wacky orange but make it look like nice hair. Mihawk’s contacts looked like painted plastic to me. Why did they draw a random line of eyeliner on Sham’s nose?
Some of the camera angles were overdone and made me think of 90s fantasy shows like Xena and Hercules. All the low angles and fish lens.
Shanks and Garp lost most of their charm. Again, not because of the acting, but because they wrote the humor out of them. Shanks is scary because he covers his power with that sardonic goofiness. Garp is a senile doofus to hide his strength and threat to authority. The contrast is where the sweet stuff lies.
Like most shows these days, boy was this show dark. Not metaphorically. I could not see many scenes very well with my mid-thirties eyeballs.
Inaki is so sweet and cute as Luffy. He’s got his enthusiasm and his love for his people down. But he’s more naive than stupid and way more considerate than manga Luffy who never second guesses his decisions. I like them both, but they feel totally different to me. Live action Luffy is gonna be a lovable but slightly more traditional hero than my boy in the manga.
Deadpan Zoro is a lot of fun, but I do wish he were less cool and laughed more. Again, manga and live action Zoro are both great, just different. You can tell one of the show runners is gaga over Zoro. He got a lot of development.
I liked it, but didn’t love it. Not much desire to watch it again save for maybe a few scenes.
However, I definitely want it to keep going.
It has so much potential, and they can develop these characters more over time. A first season is often tough. Also, Alabasta is an excellent arc to adapt. It’s self-contained, lots of interesting enemies. Live action Crocodile has the potential to be amazing. And Robin!!
I hope this strike gets settled in favor of the workers and Netflix invests in more of the show. The roots are decent and can grow into something great. Please watch it to help that happen.
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