dhwty-writes · 1 month
OC aak: mistake (if character specific, then for Thearis please)
Darling, I would love to answer that for Thearis but it has been so long since I thought about her that I cannot think of an answer. So, unfortunately, you will have to contend yourself with an answer about my current WIP.
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
Since I went with Eridis and Morys before, let's answer that for Amalinde. The tragic thing about her is that basically her worst mistake was staying alive. She completely destroyed her relationship with her mother when she was 14 and decided to flee the country and go live with her uncle, instead of condemning herself, her mother, and her little sister, as well as all the people living in her castle to die. Her mother has never forgiven her for it and Amalinde is haunted by that. Now, do I think it was the wrong choice to make? of course not, she's my protagonist, I need her to stay alive to tell the story. But there is no fixing it. As for how she moved on, she has managed to adapt to her new environment by climbing the social ladder and becoming a wizard. But in her heart, she is still yearning for home and her mother will never forgive her until she dies.
Send me some OC asks!
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commander-krios · 2 months
Telling myself I won't go there Oh, but I know that I won't care Tryna wash away all the blood I've spilt This lust is a burden that we both share Two sinners can't atone from a lone prayer Souls tied, intertwined by pride and guilt
(Ooh) There's darkness in the distance From the way that I've been livin' (Ooh) But I know I can't resist it
"Daylight" by David Kushner
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felidaefatigue · 15 days
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sketchin some poses from @parttime-creative 's recent vid! I couldnt resist giving them the poofy mullet though
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flowercrown-bard · 9 months
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I had the honour of embroidering @parttime-creative 's amazing jacket
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girls-and-honey · 1 year
Who are some of your favourite mutuals? Pick as many as you'd like!
this question makes me so happy get ready to get tagged y'all (also sorry it took me so long to answer anon, and thanks for asking this is truly a great question <3)
I'm going to start off with a favorite non-mutual asdkfsl @hellinglasses! we've actually been mutuals for a while but due to the incredibly top tier functionality of this hellsite I accidentally blocked her last week and she hasn't followed me back yet :') (I literally just noticed while writing this up but milena pls follow me i miss u)
some of my oldest mutuals on this account who will always have a special place in my heart: @king-ten, @overthepapermoon, and @mielgf, also @isitaliveordead I know we don't talk much but I'm putting you in this category too <3
two mutuals I've recently started talking to more (see guys I can be social... ish) whether it's messages, replies, tags, etc: @stinastar and @arsenicflame
some mutuals I think of as a grouped sets (do not separate) bc they were already friends/mutuals with each other first and/or you seem like you'd be friends: @sidewalk-scrawls & @p0ochy (I'm invested in y'alls tumblr love story), @dhwty-writes & @flowercrown-bard & @parttime-creative, @kiwifluid & @astrowizardry & @percethecurse
and more beloved mutuals who make me smile when I see them on my dash or activity: @canonheadcanons, @inkamumbles, @subtle-skipping, @futureempressoftheuniverse, @fangirleaconmigo, @toapoet, @hmariee, @heyitslozza, @cream-and-tea, @the-moon-loves-the-sea, @writingpostmidnight, and @treesofgreen you guys are all like friends to me even if we don't talk
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scentofpines · 7 days
Long depressive ramble sorryyyy (read if you feel like a loser, bc you will feel better afterwards, knowing you are way less of a loser than me lol)
my ex friends came out of school thriving, traveling abroad, doing internships, going on adventures, going to uni, partying, all this NORMAL stuff. When I dropped out of highschool bc i couldnt take it anymore i was a fucking wreck and a shell of the person i once was and sometimes it feels like i will never recover from this. i wasted years of my life. sure i did my a levels/highschool grad/abitur whatever you call it as an extern two years later and excelled but then i didnt do ANYTHING official for 3 fucking years. I go to uni now but parttime and will only start full time next semester and i dont even know how i will be able to do that bc it drains me so much. i dont even know if i will enjoy archaeology (i only studied history as of now, arch will start next semester). i never had a proper work. no one will ever employ me. what will i say when they are like ok what did you do between 2020 and 2023? NOTHING BRO I TRIED NOT TO KILL MYSELF (yee ok i did a lot of stuff for personal fun/development, like fucking knitting and gardening lol but nothing of substance). The three uni exams that i got graded on as of now i excelled in but what is it worth? I have no friends, any social interaction that isnt with my fucking mom is so draining, i constantly feel like an alien when i try to talk with the only girl in uni i know bc she is so absorbed into everchanging niche tiktok shit that is so superficial. I am constantly stressed I sweat writing this fucking paragraph right now lmao. I have my dog and I love her more than anything but I got her at 16 and bc I was very responsible and wanted to care for her always and not burden my mom with that i never went to student vacation and left early at parties etc. Having her definitely held me back. Now it doesnt even matter anymore, bc I dont want to do these things. She is also the reason i didnt kill myself so its an overall win i guess lol. I conditioned myself into sadness as my default since the age of 12 and I dont know if i can ever get out. I dont know how to be happy or content for longer than like a minute. The three therapy attempts i did were horrible and i just dont think that is the way for me. I lowkey hate what i have to do for uni but i cant drop out i have nothing else, im incapable of doing anything else. the fact that im an introvert and that i had basically unrestrained access to the internet in my formative years really didnt mix well, i was just consuming consuming consuming content. i have no creativity anymore. i genuinely dont know how the average screen time of ppl can be 8 hours and there are still artists out there? mine was way less and it still left my brain crippled. i was such a bright child, so creative, i dont want this all to be lost. Nothing ever changes for me, while everyone is living their lives I'm so paralyzed.
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babblingstacey · 9 months
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End of Fall, Year 1.
First adult career completed, and it coincided with the season change so it's time for a quick update.
Previous completed careers/skills/aspirations here.
Traits: Genius, Loves the Outdoors, Outgoing, Clumsy, Lactose Intolerant, Cheerful. (got a popup to add Cheerful as a new trait.)
Newly Completed Aspirations: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Curator, Angling Ace (knitting was taking so long, decided to do Angler Ace in the meantime). 5/67 completed.
Newly Completed Career: Scientist. 3/51 completed.
Newly Completed Skills: Cooking, Fishing, Knitting, Rock Climbing, Snowboarding, Skiing. 8/50 completed.
Newly Added Reward Traits: Inspired Traveler, Creative Visionary, Ice Proof, Connections. 24/43 purchased.
Using James Turner's Super Sim Progress Tracker. I own all applicable packs except the Bust the Dust kit.
Next up for Gerdie is uni! Plan is she'll get a degree (thinking Psychology at Foxbury), work the jobs that the degree applies too, then eventually go back to the other university to get another degree for those jobs. I will not be getting all the degrees. She'll also work on some of the parttime jobs - using James' method of working at least 3 shifts, as she will probably be hired at top of the career.
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noelxbe · 1 year
pottery creations
         trying new things has always been something noel is fond of, perhaps too fond of, because he has the habit of picking up hobbies just to end up leaving them behind. as the male has had basically every parttime job on the world, he’s also tried every sport basically. he likes being physical, he likes trying new things, and he’s usually a natural talent when it comes to sports and being physical, but it’s often that he tries a sport and leaves it behind after a month or two. so the male, had had a great idea he believed, to try something that wasn’t a sport, a hobby than didn’t need too much physical of him, wasn’t that a good idea?
of course along with him he had brought hyejin ( @behyejin​ ), because everything was more fun with a friend, right? and today the two were taking a pottery class. he’d seen people online who looked pretty cool doing pottery, of course he himself had forgot that creativity definitely wasn’t his strongest point. after looking at his own creation, which was a pretty simple (yet not very decent looking) bowl, he leans a bit over to the other female, “what are you making?” he asks.
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
29 Self-Employment Opportunities to Pursue and Start Today
Having some work that licenses you to use your capacities, seek after your inclinations, and acquire cash as per your own special inclinations. Whether you're a visionary wanting to create a job of your scope of capacities or a money manager searching for another seasonal work, a freely utilized occupation can get you to your targets. Parttime, full-time, remote, or up close and personal, creative or not, I deal with you. Coming up next is a once-over of the fundamental 29 insignificant cost and mastery based freely utilized positions you can start obtaining today.
29 Self-Employment Opportunities to Pursue and Start Today
Temporary positions You Can Begin Today Give Organizations Your Viewpoints Pass Basic foods Drive with Lyft Pass Eatery on to Go Requests Transform into a Property manager Show English Web-based Rent A Room In Your Home Transform into a Financial backer Light Pulling On the web Diversion Specialist Video Creation Site design Inside Embellishing Keep Composing Free Composing for a blog Life Training Event Planning Capable Speaking Eldercare Guiding Fix Work Educational Mentoring Music Coaching ESL Mentoring On the web business Picking Selling Eminences Childcare Something else - despite the fact that the subsequent positions (or the entire day hustles) on this summary are numbered, it's everything except a situating - that is just for the straightforward affiliation. What will conclude the value of a freely utilized work is whether it's fitting for you. So explore. Advancement Advancements by Cash disclaimer Business accomplishment begins with better banking. Find a Business Financial records that resolves your issues. Click on your state to get everything going. Hawaii The Frozen North Florida South Carolina Georgia Alabama North Carolina Tennessee RI Rhode Island CT Connecticut Mom Massachusetts Maine NH New Hampshire VT Vermont New York NJ New Jersey DE Delaware MD Maryland West Virginia Ohio Michigan Arizona Nevada Utah Colorado New Mexico South Dakota Iowa Indiana Illinois Minnesota Wisconsin Missouri Louisiana Virginia DC Washington DC Idaho California North Dakota Washington Oregon Montana Wyoming Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Pennsylvania Kentucky Mississippi Arkansas Texas Open a Record Today 1. Take Online Overviews and Item Exploration Accepting that you're looking for approaches to acquiring cash rapidly, likely the most clear way is with online review regions. While the payouts can vary, these survey associations let you get cash just for resolving questions, and examining the web, from that point, anything is possible. Expecting that you're willing to give the time, you can complete audits commonly over the course of the day from your PC or phone and get made up for your viewpoints. Routinely, the more long of the survey or undertaking, the more imperative the payout. You won't get unbelievably rich, be that as it may, you can acquire cash in light of your circumstances. On specific objections, as Vindale Exploration, you'll gain some place in the scope of $1 to $5 for each survey, which isn't dreadful money for the time that you'll contribute. Update: As of November 2021, Vindale halted its undertakings. You can now track down fundamentally more honors through their accessory, Assessment Station. Make sure to data trade for however numerous objections as you can to extend the quantity of possibilities you have: Outline Addict Secure up to $45 right away! INBOX DOLLARS Watch accounts, answer outlines, and wreck around, from that point, anything is possible. $5 Join Reward Jump all the more profoundly into our top review districts for acquiring cash. 2. Convey Food A few people focus profoundly on their places that they have a short period to perform even significant undertakings, for instance, looking for food. You can get money to a business that handles that occupation for them. Additionally, with the Web, it is very easy to mechanize that business. People can simply email or text their orders to you, then, at that point, you can coordinate movement. You could set up an online portion strategy, as PayPal. At the point when you get adequately enormous to have various clients, you could doubtlessly try and join shopping trips, by searching for a couple of clients at a comparable store and period. You can charge a level cost or one in view of the level of the stapling demand. 3. DRIVE WITH LYFT Lyft is offering a guaranteed $1,000 to move toward a driver. It's significant for a program called Profit Ensured. As demonstrated by the Lyft site, the progression says drivers will get a dependable total inside a particular period. In the event that the driver doesn't make the dependable aggregate inside the period, Lyft will cover the differentiation! Furthermore, at present the dependable aggregate is $1,000! Torment free pay. Make an effort not to have a vehicle? Try not to perspire it! HyreCar is a business community for vehicle rentals prequalified to drive with Uber and Lyft! 4. Pass Eatery on to Go Requests Expecting you have a strong pickup truck or van, you could have all you need to work organizations for light pulling. People need help like this for occupations that come up short concerning a full-scale family move. For example, they could require the movement of something enormous that they purchased at a store. Then again, they could require something colossal that they proposed to people who moved to the buyer's home. It very well may be a situation in which an adult youth is moving out isolated. 5. Transform into a landowner Guaranteeing properties and renting them out is one of the most settled free work reasons for living around. Assume you buy a lone family home for $150,000 and your routinely booked portions are $1,250. In the event that you can bring $1,800 in the rent, that is $550 in your pocket reliably! This is the idea behind being a property chief and anyone can get it going. There is research included, you'll require cash for a downpayment, and all issues with the house are your anxiety to oversee — be that as it may, trust me, it wouldn't be the most prepared bringing in the book in the event that it didn't pay off. With the presence of the web, you could be dwelling in New York City and buying a home in Portland, Oregon that was actually rebuilt and goes with paying occupants! This methodology for cash the executives is named "Turnkey land" and as I might want to think, Roofstock is the most trustworthy. 6. Show English On the web Do you convey in English? Do you like acquiring cash from the comfort of your couch? Do you have a PC? Then, maybe the best autonomous work thought for you is to show kids English! This is a prospering industry that repays reasonably and is wildly expected on each side of the world. Most associations that work with web instruction expect basically a few hours out of each week. As the teacher, you'd should lead the class for the student, yet from what I've heard, most students essentially need to practice the English they learned in school. VIPKid is a web educating and enlightening association arranged in China. Chinese gatekeepers expressly keep up with that their kids ought to acquire English from neighborhood speakers, preferably from America. Work your hours. Get up to $22/hour. Try not to go out. 7. Rent a room in your home Online business communities that arrange abodes among property holders and journeying guests are jumping up like crazy. Also, unendingly lots of people are making to the point of covering the bills by renting their homes. For example, assume you have a guest house or additional room where you live. Why not list the space on Vrbo or Airbnb to get cash? What you can charge every night depends upon the area. It's straightforward and permitted you to join as a host. Basically make a profile (integrate a picture!), move photographs of the room or space, set an expense, and really look at whether there's any interest! Make an effort not to need to give pariahs admittance to your home? Airbnb, rather than the others, moreover figures out for "neighborhood experiences." For example, assume your town or city has a nightlife locale that travelers never seem to find. Make a profile on Airbnb as an "Experience Host" and have a good time with the tourists while getting redressed! 8. Transform into a monetary patron Like land, placing assets into associations and living off their benefits or appreciation, is one of the most prepared free work reasons for living in the book. Certain people, like our site head, Mike Gardon even traded stocks skillfully prior to getting into online individual bookkeeping. Not by any stretch of the imagination like in the previous times, regardless, today a person with a smidgen of money can place assets into fundamentally any association it needs! Take a gander at your decisions on our best stock trading stages page. 9. Light Pulling In case you have a strong pickup truck or van, you could have all you need to work organizations for light pulling. People need help like this for occupations that come up short in regards to a full-scale family move. For example, they could require the movement of something tremendous that they purchased at a store. Then again, they could require something huge that they proposed to people moved to the buyer's home. It very well may be a situation in which an adult young person is moving out isolated. 10. VIRTUAL Diversion Advisor In the event that you're more youthful than 30, you probably partake in a fundamental advantage for a precise this. Expecting you contribute a lot of energy through internet based diversion - Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, or various outlets - you could have the choice to find a couple of clients who are requiring an online diversion guide. Expecting you know how to propel events, things, and even thoughts, using on the web diversion, then, this can be the best business for you. Which started as a social game several years earlier, is rapidly becoming critical in the business neighborhood. Electronic diversion is a huge
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Part time maids Singapore: No. 1 cleaning service now
Brief specialists Singapore is a kind of cleaning that is evidently sensible for all neighborhood families in Singapore and abroad. Particularly, you exploit utilizing the cleaning association whenever. Contact a Maid Singapore rapidly in case you truly need to have a good, clean, and open to living space with your friends and family.
Related data of Parttime house managers Singapore
House boss office is a detectable firm that has tremendous obligation with giving cleaning affiliations. With a high money related potential, laborers Singapore has developed quickly, changing into a confided in partner to 30 fundamental and little undertakings beginning with one side of the world then onto the going with.
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We as a whole in all around to plan and set up our workers so they have full cutoff points and authority. With the basic work in equipping you with the best help.
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You by and large need to call the Singapore house watchmen on the web, and your home space will really depend on the opportunity of a 5-star inn in a brief timeframe. Every strength and corner has been scoured.
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•        Wash and clean covers that have been wild for quite a while.
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The data above is everything about Parttime house specialists Singapore. You could thoroughly trust on and pick us from today.
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dhwty-writes · 8 months
Hi hey hello
I am craving some historical funfacts preferably about the middle ages.
May I ask for you to sate my hunger?
Some fun facts huh?
Did you know that the most important mode of transportation in the middle ages were ships? Only shipping allowed for a specialisation of certain regions and assured that those regions could find markets for their products. Still, it took a pretty long time for a coherent trade network to develop. While the Mediterranean was already being used for trade since antiquity, the North Sea only gained importance for mass shipments during the High Middle ages, while it took until the late middle Ages to connect those southern and northern trade hubs. Oh also did you know that piracy likely played a big role in trade on the Mediterranean during the middle ages (although not as big as it was commonly believed)?
Anyways, I love ships and miss the ocean
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naznin-7259 · 1 year
        free frelancing course
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How might I begin freelancing for free
Instructions to Begin Freelancing (Complete Fledgling's Aide)
Stage 1: Get The Right Hardware.
Stage 2: Track down An Attractive Expertise.
Stage 3: Clean Up Your Abilities.
Stage 4: Form Your Standing.
Stage 5: Make A Portfolio.
Stage 6: Have a go at Freelancing Parttime.
Stage 7: Track down The Right Freelance Stage.
Stage 8: Charge The Right Cost.
Stage 9: Send Your Most memorable Proposition
Stage 10: Convey Past Assumptions
Which is best course for freelancing
Courses to kick you off
1.Copywriting - Become a Freelance Marketing specialist, your own chief.
2.Seth Godin's Freelancer Course.
3.Fiverr Freelancing 2023: Sell Like The Top 1%
4.The Manual for Freelancing in the Cutting edge Gig Economy.
5.Freelance Clinical Composition as a Lifelong Decision.
6.The Freelance Masterclass: For Creatives.
How would I get the hang of freelancing
Turning into a freelancer in 7 simple tasks
1) Characterize your administration and offering.
2) Track down your interest group.
3) Foster an evaluating structure.
4) Make your portfolio with past positions.
5) Compose an incredible proposition.
6) Make a relationship with your client.
7) Keep fostering your abilities.
Could a fledgling at any point begin freelancing
Begin searching for clients by utilizing freelance stages
Freelancing stages can be an incredible spot to go to look for a job, particularly when you're shiny new. Yet, freelancing stages can likewise be where (alright, we're about to say it)... modest organizations go to take advantage of the time and ability of unpracticed freelancers.
Which freelancing ability is generously compensated
Computerized advertising advisor
You can accomplish these goals through different exercises, like website improvement (Search engine optimization), email promoting, web-based entertainment showcasing, content showcasing, and online commercials.
Which freelancing position is most significant pay
Programming and Programming Advancement
Programming position, particularly programming and portable application improvement, pay the most elevated for freelancers. Simply because it's an expertise that is very hard to dominate and there aren't numerous great coders out there. Thus, the interest for good coders is high.
What is the simplest freelancing expertise
Top Ten Freelance Abilities you can Acquire Rapidly
Content Composition. Content composing is an expertise that can be mastered rapidly and is popular on locales like
1.Fiverr and Upwork.
2.Social Media The board.
4.PPC publicizing.
6.E-book composing.
7.Digital craftsmanship.
8.Graphic plan.
9. Web advancement
10. Website optimization trained professional
Which freelancing position is best for fledglings
Freelance composing position can without much of a stretch be found on LinkedIn, a free business stage, and incredible for fledglings since there is no obstruction to passage. You can be as passage level as you like and gradually increment your ability over the long run.
What freelance positions are popular
1.Virtual entertainment director.
2.Web optimization and content essayist.
3.Menial helper.
Which application is utilized for freelancing
Upwork is by a long shot one of the biggest freelancing stages. This site posts more than 3,000,000 positions every year, which makes it extraordinary for business people who are simply beginning in the freelance world free frelancing course.
Step by step instructions to begin freelancing (in any event, while working all day)
1.Define your business objectives.
2.Find a viewpoint specialty (and stick to it)
3.Identify objective clients.
4.Set your freelance rates.
5.Create a site (and portfolio)
6.Find your most memorable client.
7.Expand your organization.
8.Balance your everyday occupation with your parttime freelancing second jobs.
Might I at any point freelance with my telephone
Whether you pick Android or iOS, the cell phone in your pocket is a minicomputer. There is a wide assortment of freelancing work that might be finished utilizing a cell phone.
Instructions to turn into a freelancer
1.Decide your specialty.
2.Start structure your expert profile.
3.Find your objective clients.
4.Decide your estimating structure.
5.Create your site.
6.Start effectively advertising your administrations.
7.Build a client base.
8.Keep track of your funds.
Click here  https://www.facebook.com/amazingtechbangla to more details.
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flowercrown-bard · 3 months
Thank you @restless-witch for tagging me ^^
Questions for 15 friends
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Not as far as I know (i like to believe I'm named after a character feom "Pippi Longstockings" but i know I'm not) If, for some reason, i don't want to tell someone my given name I tend to use names of characters I played in a ttrpg or in a play (my favourite name is Valentine from Twelth Night) if that counts?
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Monday, from 8pm until 10:30pm, with some breaks (i had a bit of an exhausting week with a lot of bottled up emotions and rehearsing for a play in which sickness, death and loneliness are prominent topics is both cathartic and very hard sometimes)
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: i used to play handball (hated it), vaulting (loved it), track and field athletics (hated it), hip hop dancing (it was fun i guess but i also felt incredibly awkward), Judo (loved it), Jiu Jitsu (loved it). Now I dance (for the theatre but I'll still count it) and go running sometimes and very rarely I do some sword fighting with a friend (i feel like I'm missing something but i dont remember anything else)
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Yeah, but only with certain people. I am very bad at telling if someone else is just being sarcastic or is genuinely insulting me, so i often worry that my sarcasm comes across as such. I often follow it up with "just a joke" or something
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: Probably hairstyle and clothes? Visual things by which i can try to remember them
ANY TALENTS?: One time I got out of bed and failed so hard that i broke a foot. Make of that what you will
Theater (including singing, dancing, acting, building the stage set, crafting the props)
cooking (i love doing it, i just don't do it very often)
playing the guitar
going on long walks/hiking -running -creative writing -indulging in the hubris of thinking i can teach myself a new skill without doing any research (aka. Whittling, embroidery, crocheting, making my own dnd dice) I feel like I'm missing something but oh well
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: Sadly no. But I'll give an honourable mention to the dog I'm taking on walks whenever i got time
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 168cm probably. I haven't measured my height in ages
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: Theater and literature. Honourable mention to maths, not because i liked o4 understood the subject but because my teacher was the absolute best
DREAM JOB?: Kindergarten teacher (and maybe publishing a book one day)
Tagging: @dhwty-writes @parttime-creative @sinilumi @combatbootsfemme @lycanbucky @lokibus @a-kind-of-merry-war @witcher-and-his-bard and everyone else who sees this and wants to do this <3
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girls-and-honey · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
I've been listening to the black parade on repeat the past few weeks so these are all going to be mcr songs ur welcome:
the sharpest lives
I don't love you
thanks for asking <3 I think my asks haven't been sending right lately so I'm just going to tag some people and please do this if you want to! and ignore me if you don't lol (and if I didn't tag you but you want to do this then consider yourself honorarily tagged (how is honorarily a word it feels wrong))
@king-ten and @overthepapermoon since the tag games topic recently came up! also @mielgf @isitaliveordead @seashellronan @kiwifluid @parttime-creative @flowercrown-bard @hellinglasses @sidewalk-scrawls and @stinastar!
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fauziyusoff · 2 years
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New semester @ MMU. This time teaching 80 students to understand and practice about Live Visual/ VJ & Projection Mapping. Technically, now I’m back to teaching at 4 universities in a week, 7 subjects with 304 students. Bridging the gap between education and creative industries ​http://fauziyusoff.com/casestudies #mmu #mmucyberjaya #fcm #cyberjaya #livevisual #VJ #parttime #lecturer #fauziyusoff (at Faculty of Creative Multimedia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjCtT6_J_9T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dfwnews · 2 years
16-year-old opens new Generations Skate in Ennis
16-year-old opens new Generations Skate in Ennis
Patty Hullett Daily Light contributor Over the past several months, Corsicana high schooler Mikaiah Spencer became overwhelmed worrying about turning age 16 and not having any idea of what kind of parttime job she should seek. All she knew for sure was that she definitely didn’t want to be a fast food slinger. This creative-minded teenager discussed her dilemma with her mother J. Nicole Jackson.…
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