paulinaliskaart · 5 years
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“If we could live happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn’t we?”
Edgar’s mission
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paulinaliskaart · 4 years
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Prompt 1- #chef Prompt 2: #nocturnal . My chef cooking a night sky with her assistants . Not that easy sometimes the idea to come true with just black marker. Here we go 🖤 . . . . . . . . @inktober20 @inktober @wildoctoberart #inktober2020 #inktober20 #inktober52 #inktober52chef #chefillustration #nightchef #nightchefillustration #cookingnight #cookingnightillustration #paulinaliskaart (na mieste Praha City ❤) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGulRy3HX9G/?igshid=uu1ibqurlxak
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paulinaliskaart · 4 years
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Donkeys are friends 💚 •••••••••••••••••••••••• I’ve finished this painting a few days ago. And the original is for sale. It is a big size painting 800x1200 (mm) If you like to have an original painting with its beautiful energy, dm me 🙏 by buying my art you support 27 rescued lives we take care of 🍀 It is also possible to buy its reproduction size A4 for just 17.99 € This painting is inspired by rescued donkeys who live in a sanctuary now 💚 But I can’t find its name 😬 When I find it I tag the sanctuary. The painting was created on a #naturalcanvas You can see this artwork live at my #vernissage in Prague on the 7.8.2020 at 18:00 At beautiful place @mlsna.kavka Looking forward to see you there. . •••••••••••••SK••••••••••••• . Somáriky sú kamoši 💚 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Zopár dní dozadu som dokončila túto maľbu. Originál je na predaj. Je to veľkoformátová maľba rozmerov 800x1200 (mm) ak by ste si chceli zakúpiť originál s jeho krásnou energiou, napíšte mi správu 🙏 Kúpou mojich diel podporujete 27 zachránených životov, o ktoré sa staráme 🍀 Alebo si môžete zakúpiť aj jeho repodukciu na A4 formáte len za 17,99€ Táto maľba je inšpirovaná zachránenými oslíkmi, ktoré žijú v jednom azyle. Len si neviem spomenúť na jeho meno 😬 Ale keď sa rozpomeniem, azyl označím. Túto maľbu bude možné uzrieť na mojej vernisáži, ktorá sa nakoniec bude konať dňa 7.8.2020 o 18:00 v krásnom prostredí @mlsna.kavka Na Florenci, v Prahe. Budem sa tešíť na všetkých Vás, ktorí prídete . . . . . . . . #donkey #donkies #rescueddonkeys #somar #oslik #zachranenesomariky #donkeypainting #donkeyart #veganart #veganartist #veganartivism #veganartivist @vegan_in_prague #paulinaliskaart #malovanysomarik #malbaoslika #dnesmalujem #zachranenezvierata (en Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMBXvGHiXP/?igshid=11l6emkpdqae0
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paulinaliskaart · 4 years
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Karikatúra pána riaditeľa na objednávku. Formát A3 Akvarel, tuš, fixa, farbičky- kombinovaná technika Riaditeľ školy vyše 20 rokov, kedysi pionier, vedúci turist. oddielu Kuvíci 🦉, učiteľ chémie, nadšený turista, ide žiť do Novej Bane. Tak to tam má všetko zakomponované :) Cena podobnej karikatúry na formát A3 (s toľkými zakomponovanými prvkami) je 99€ Ak by bolo okolitých prvkov menej, cena je nižšia. Ak máte záujem, napíšte, poteším sa. Objednávkou mojej tvorby podporujete zachránené bytosti 🙏 Vďaka 💚 . ..................eng.................. . #caricatureart of a #schooldirector on demand. He is a hobby tourist, a #teacherofchemistry He is going to live to Nová Baňa. He loves #hiking He was a #pioneer He likes #redwine and nature. Therefore so many details in this #aquarellepainting If you like to order one, its price is 99€ per one A3 size. By buying my art you support rescued animals. Thank you . . . . . . . . #watercolor #watercolorpainting #caricatureart #schooldirector #cartoondirector #cartoonart #karikatura #karikaturapraha #karikaturabratislava #karikatury #veganart #veganartist #paulinaliskaart (en Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB56KhKHcix/?igshid=mn5gv1txzkso
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paulinaliskaart · 4 years
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3/10 ENG below Bola som nominovaná krásnou a talentovanou bytosťou Evou Francovou, aby som vyzdieľala 10 ukážok mojej tvorby. . Toto je srdcovka, prvé namaľované teliatko, na základe ktorého sa mi ozvalo viacero ľudí a nechali si namaľovať teliatka. Moc ďakujem a vážim si vašej dôvery a podpory môjho umenia (čím podporujete aj zachránené bytosti, o ktoré sa staráme a tie ďalšie, ktorým sa snažím pomáhať, vždy keď môžem 🙏) Naschvál dávam fotku kde som aj ja, pretože tie si všíma viac ľudí 😬 no, je to tak 🤷‍♀️ To leto som chvíľu žila a tvorila na mojej milovanej Mallorce. A v jednom obchodíku, kde som pomáhala, tento obraz chvíľu zdobil výlohu. . Ďalej nominujem šikovnů a talentovanů @hula_its_me s ktorou sme spolu chodili do školy. Hula sa láskavo stará o niekoľko dušičiek v nůdzi, a popri tom tvorí skvelý pop art, abstrakty, a všakové ich kombinácie 🍀 Jej umenie je svieže, mladistvé, farebné a veľkých rozmerov. Určite checknite. . . ...........ENG............ . I was nominated by talented and beautiful being Eva Francová to share 10 pieces of my artwork. . This one is so close to my heart. The first baby cow I’ve ever painted. A few people contacted me thanks to sharing this art to paint baby calves for them as well. Thank you very much for your trust and support (by supporting my art you help us in care of rescued animals, and the ones in need I try to help everytime I am able to 🙏) This painting was painted in my loved Mallorca, where I spent the summer time. I was helping in one little shop- this pic was made there. I am sharing picture with myself because more people like it 😬🤷‍♀️ . The next artist I would like to nominate is nice and talented @hula_its_me . We studied together at university. Hula is taking care of a few souls in need. She is creating pop art, abstract art, and its variations. Her art is fresh, young, colorful and of big sizes. I do advise to check it. . . . . . . . . #artivism #veganart #calf #calfpainting #teliatko #malovaneteliatko #paulinaliskaart #mallorca #summertime #mallorcatime #milkindustryisacrueltyindustry #stopsupportingmilkindustry #cow #babycow #cowpainting (en Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-0dpWHDzM/?igshid=xuwd7jw2u83y
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paulinaliskaart · 4 years
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This is “our” rescued duck Júlia, when she was a baby, saying: “All the children in the world should be loved and protected 🙏 Please consider your daily choices (a lots of them steal freedom, love, mothers, whole families, lives, .... to those innocent beings who can’t even protect themselves 💔)” . Toto je “naša” Julinka, keď ešte bola bejby, a odkazuje: “Všetky deti sveta by mali byť milované a slobodné 🙏 Prosím uvedomme si, že každá naša voľba má nejaký dôsledok (mnohé kradnů slobodu, lásku, matky, celé rodiny, dokonca životy, ... nevinným bytostiam, ktoré sa pred ľuďmi nemajů ako brániť 💔)” . . . . . . . . #childrensday #childrensday2020 #dendeti #julia #dendetipraha #ilustace #ilustracia #illustration #duckling #rescuedduckling #kacatko #zachranenekacatko #paulinaliskaart #artivism #veganartivism #veganartist (en Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA55BsjHCx6/?igshid=1ifdj6cqhfihy
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paulinaliskaart · 4 years
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18/100 of the #100daysofartivismchallenge . “ #treeoflife in progress “ . This one is still not finished, but hopefully will be soon 💚 We all are children of Mother Nature 🙏 . . . . . . . . #stromzivota #teliatko #babatko #listiatko #orlica #sova #prasiatko #vlcatko #mothernature #childrenoftheworld #childrenofmothernature #govegan #veganworld #tree #veganpainting #paintingdaily #paulinaliskaart https://www.instagram.com/p/CAu3_tmHh4L/?igshid=hg2v8ba84x8m
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paulinaliskaart · 4 years
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I’ve found another #artchallenge for october yesterday 🙈 #wildoctoberart Do you know this one? That is why I decided to connect these two challenges into one artwork. And here we go. For #inctober2020 there is a prompt for today #inctoberradio and for #wildanimals the prompt is #teeths #claws I’ve created a lion trying to eat an old radio #illustration Do you know how #oldelectronics end? There are a few documentaries about it. Unforunately nothing good for “our” Pacha Mama. That’s why I am trying to use everything as long as possible and when buying another one, the best is from second hand 🙏 . . . . . . . . #wildoctoberart2020 #wildoctoberartday4 #wildoctoberartteethandclaws #inktober52 #inktoberday4 #lion #liontattoo #lionillustration #spring #radio #radioillustration #veganart #vegan #veganartist #paulinaliskaart (na mieste Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF7kB7cnzAX/?igshid=1hk9aw5w40k4h
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