#peen talk
squishysoftmonsters · 4 months
Triggers : Random Hornyposting/Peen Talk [Mature +18 Minors DNI]
💚Let's talk about peens... 🥒
Is it spotted,twisted with clasps that hold your holes open? Idk,is it like a drill bit that vibrates?What if it has huge throbbing veins on it that naturally pump once they start getting in those guts? 😵‍💫
Does it bloom like a flower when they're hard and then the stripped peen reveals?Do little tongue thingies come out of the pee hole to tickle and touch more sensitive parts or penetrate and open up your other hole with some crazy aphrodisiac that makes you all fuzzy and super sensitive to touch😏 [Throwing Beleth under the bus]
Does it split or something and just goes all insane while they're thrusting,with fine keratin hairs decorating it to tickle their lover once they get in? Do they stick in those areas and pulse tickles through you? 🥴
Because when you think monster,you think otherworldly. Their stuff shouldn't be generic. It's good to always give the reader a gloss of what they're going to get from that said monster.
[Plants and other creatures/bugs/aliens/slimes are my faves to write about. Their peens don't have a default option or default size! Or my Katten species! Their tails double as peens! So you get three🙃]
The fandom is mostly wolves,vamps and orcs. Some writers get really creative with their packers..which I really can't do😳Spectacular reads I tell you..🥵💚
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TYSM for reading 💚
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beskarboobs · 2 years
Hey.... it's been a minute..... penis
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LMFAOOOOO hi wassup u right
penis 🍆
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bbrissonn · 7 months
stop sign that did they do to you?????
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procrastiel · 7 months
so thanks to the wonderful @gallup24 I was made of aware of the vase in the theatre 1941. I had to get better screenshots because guess what
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yes, these figures are naked. hold on, let me enhance that for you
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and also the figure on the left seems to be entangled by either a person or a snake, but I see something above their butt, like an arm
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this vase has the exact same vibes as the angel statue, just insanely suggestive. Let me add it here again for reference
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jrueships · 2 months
Never saw how sexy lou dort was until you drew him like that. Now I want him pregnant. I blame you.
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ct-multifandom · 10 months
Can you guys rb this or comment with how you pronounce “Goncharov”? I didn’t really think anything of it until one of my friends said it out loud and I was like huh? I think it’s interesting how people can have different pronunciations of a word or name they’ve never heard out loud in their head an not question it. For reference, I’m a native Russian speaker and I’ve always read it like gohn-CHArohv and my US American friend said GAHNCHA-rahv.
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robotslenderman · 22 days
You might want to take a closer look at that image you just reblogged from oneterabyteofkilobyteage because uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't think that's the kind of material you want on your blog.
You gave me a fucking heart attack. I thought I’d posted a hidden swastika or hate symbol or something.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 2 months
aside from jackie’s zweihander and dawn’s double swords i dont think anyone in promethea actually has like? a weapon? so now i gotta think about everyone’s weapons. sparrow and walter fight using their hands so they dont count and ani has the big beast form she uses to beat the shit out of people with
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gardenianoire · 18 days
Taylor Russell is entirely too glamorous to have been from c*nada 🤮 she should have escaped the confines of a small great plains town or been old money from rich ass family in Louisiana like you can't be that breathe taking and like be from the absolutely nothibg that is c*nada
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thebimbopalace · 1 month
do y’all have a fictional man (or woman) that no matter how many times you stray away, they’ll always be your first love?
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taichouu · 2 months
Confession of the day, I genuinely forget cis people exist on the daily ... and I forget people generally think cis is the 'default' for fictional characters in fandom spaces. So every time I go into a tag and see suggestive art of a male character it's like a jumpscare. Wheres his kitty cat !!!! 😨
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atopvisenyashill · 11 months
i don’t care that rhaenyra’s oldest are illegitimate not bc i’m a targ stan who thinks she can do no wrong but because legitimacy is a social construct that does nothing more than enforce the patriarchy and class system, and rhaenyra having kids out of wedlock with a man she is consenting to sex with is fine, actually, and if you’re hung up on that it is my opinion that you are clinging to the rules of propriety and patriarchy when analyzing her because you think she should be punished for having sex outside marriage and not like, all the things she actually does that are morally wrong, which is like, textbook misogyny.
“but the lords” so the thing is i don’t give a shit if the lords think she’s a slut. i understand the time period bc not only am i not stupid, i also understand that it is still a big issue in many communities for mothers to have children out of wedlock. i am saying i do not care because it’s a fake issue the way “brienne can’t really be a knight because she’s a woman” and “sansa can’t rule winterfell when she has true born younger brothers” or whatever else. legitimacy is a tool of the patriarchy, of colonialism irl, of classism, and the argument “rhaenyra is a bad person for having children out of wedlock when she knew that would put them in danger” is stupid bc legitimacy doesn’t fucking matter and neither does marriage.
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oappleofmyeye · 4 months
I love Gale so much.
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animentality · 1 year
Everyone on Tumblr be like I love penises just not near me.
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noirapocalypto · 1 year
Would it bother you guys if I started reblogging vaguely spicy thirst trap inspos of my OC's?
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sweetfirebird · 1 year
Finding an 18th century naughty poem on the Gutenberg Project is fun because humanity loves dumb penis jokes.
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