im-a-freaking-joy · 14 days
i have a proposition- lets all write the nastiest, most unhinged, atrocious mormon themed smut that we possibly can. It was honestly weirdly healing for me to read wild ass smut on ao3 that was themed around the religion and not the musical, and i want it to become such a popular trend for exmos and pimos to start doing that they have to start vagueing about it in general conference. It doesnt have to be good. It just needs to *be.*
Once im done writing my Ammon×Lamoni smut fic I'm absolutely reblogging this post with the link added, please join me in this unhinged rebellion
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apostatement · 7 months
Your body is not your enemy. It isn't a shell that you inhabit or an empty temple. Your mind is not a separate entity, your soul is not an inhabitant. Its desires and needs are not the devil trying to trick your soul. The 'natural man' is you. Your body is you. That's YOU.
It's okay to treat yourself with love and respect.
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exmotranny · 2 months
you will not be stuck here forever.
they will guilt you and force you to attend every meeting and participate in every activity but one day you will be gone and they won't be able to control you anymore.
one day you will not be forced to find solace in church bathrooms.
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People who talk about how “how could you believe in the church ever, how did they talk you into getting baptized when you were 8? I NEVER would’ve fallen for that!” Did you believe in the Easter Bunny? The tooth fairy? Santa Clause? All things that are made up but you believed were true even though there were some weird and honestly creepy aspects of it if you look at it now, but you still believed in it and believed in the good parts of those things. Do not blame people for believing in something that they were fully taught was the truth because the people around them were taught it was the truth. Do not criticize a little kid for believing in Santa.
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pixelgayte · 22 days
every conference is the same thing. Some old white guy goes up and is like: you should pray. If you don’t know what to pray for do it anyway. Then a different old white guy comes and goes you should go to the temple. Then ANOTHER old white guy comes up and tells you to not be gay/supportive without explicitly saying that. Cue a bunch of white people singing a song. Something about Joseph smith, something about worldly temptations, the longest prayer you’ve ever heard, then you’re done until they decide it’s time to waste more of your weekend. Fucking sick of it.
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wisteria-grows-here · 3 months
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ssejdoesthings · 7 months
Bro why does mormons talking about “marriage between a man and a woman” and “gender is ordained of god” and “god never changes his policies” hurt more than someone calling me slurs on a discord server
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aperplexingpimo · 14 days
I have never met a man who cared to know his Heavenly Mother,
though he parrots her existence as a symbol of our equality.
If there is a Mother in heaven, helpmeet to the Father, performing the same invisible labor as her daughters here on earth—
It's too bleak a thought. I hope instead that she dumped his sorry ass.
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myexmothoughts · 2 months
mormons: we don’t worship joseph smith
also mormons: 🎶praise to the man🎶
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seraphimfall · 1 year
“you need to summon your inner divine feminine.”
“why are you still in your masculine energy?”
“sex creates cosmic soul bonds.”
get the fuck away from me and start taking your meds lmao pls.
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darkplanets · 14 days
Is it just me or are Mormons REALLY bad at respecting each other's space? Like what even Are sensory issues in the face of fellowship and 'sisterhood'?? I'm gonna run my hands all over you and breathe horrible spearmint gum into your face to show that I feel such love and godly compassion even for freaks like you! 🙃
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apostatement · 1 year
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exmotranny · 2 months
it should not be stressful to question your faith. it should not be anxiety inducing to wonder if the church is right. and it absolutely should not be fucking terrifying to stop believing.
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what-the-fuck-god · 1 month
“The Governing Body has decided that sisters may choose to wear slacks when participating in the ministry and when attending Christian meetings, assemblies and conventions.”
what the fuck is happening
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isalisewrites · 22 days
Listen, it's that time of the year again! The biannual bullshit in the form of 10 hours over the course of two days called the Mormon General Conference has begun and I'm forced to watch since I'm a PIMO Mormon (physically in, mentally out). This means a bit of an interruption to my usual writing, fandom, Tomarry, Legend of Zelda, and general gay shenanigans.
However, this is the first time where I'm emotionally and spiritually in a powerful, stable place and I'm officially unaffected by these talks. (I still like to bitch about them, tho, haha) They don't wound me like they have done before. They hold no power over me now. I remember how deeply affected and spiritually wounded I felt in April 2022, weeks before my "shelf" would break and my faith finally deconstructed to its end. But even General Conferences afterwards, I would still feel sickened by the talks.
I'm free of their spiritual shackles on my heart and soul.
I'm sorry, but it's become glaringly obvious that these men have nothing truly good to say. When you're in it, you don't see just how vapid and empty their words are. There's nothing of substance. There are no solutions. No. Reading scriptures and praying and "following the covenant path" are NOT solutions.
These men have no power and no authority. They are too old to make true change, just like the politicians in our government. We're taught they have the power of god, but they don't. Sorry, gentlemen, but you're nothing in comparison to my own uterus, which ACTIVELY wants to kill me. I don't fear you. I have no fears. You are weak in the face of my unwavering strength and peace as an unbeliever, who has no absolute answers about the nature of life and death.
I have peace you can't comprehend.
After all, if there is an afterlife where we must face our actions with our fellow humankind, I'm confident in my personal integrity. I am filled with sass, but I am kind and loving. Those who know me know this.
You... however... there is need for concern.
After all...
Where is your integrity when you protect and hide the vast variety of abusers?
Where is your integrity when you actively suppress women, demoting their status to ONLY wives and mothers?
Where is your integrity when you hate and turn on your LGBTQ+ siblings and deny them access to your heaven?
Where is your integrity when you lie and hide the dark truths of the origins of Mormonism?
Where is your integrity when you point blank lie about the wealth accumulated, to the point the American government FINED you for it?
Where is your integrity when you use that wealth to buy commercial properties?
Where is your integrity in the lack of building homeless shelters, schools, parks, or whatever could enrich and protect the local communities?
Where is your integrity when you spend millions of dollars on gilded temples in favor of the dead when the living sit homeless, exposed to the elements and without food, in the streets a block from those doors?
True integrity is a strength of self. My integrity demands of me to call out the bullshit and the lies; it tells me to remain calm in face of those who refuse to see my true heart, who claim that I am the one without light. I remain unaffected when those I love lash out at me because I no longer align with their thoughts and beliefs.
If you cannot see my heart, then it's clear you're the blind one.
"Christian kindness is not a substitute for integrity."
This is a contradicting statement. True integrity cannot be without kindness and love. No kindness? No integrity. No exceptions.
True integrity is NOT where you avoid "criticizing the doctrine or the culture" or the leadership in Mormonism.
What hypocrisy.
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wisteria-grows-here · 1 month
In light of the new announcements made by the Governing Body, I wanted to share a few reminders. If these changes bring anyone hope for a better future within the religion, I am not trying to take that from you. I believe we are all allowed to be happy.
Women are now allowed to wear pants to meetings - But we are still not allowed to divorce abusive spouses. We are forbidden from having any position of authority within the congregation. We are still considered the "weaker sex" who must submit to their husband's. There is still the pressure to have sex with one's husband because it is a "marital duty."
Witnesses are now allowed to speak to disfellowshipped individuals - But only to try and convert them back. Not to reconnect with old friends or to even ask them how they are doing after losing everything. Witnesses still cannot talk to us as people, but only through the means of conversion.
Men can grow beards - but still lack basic autonomy over their bodies. Still no tattoos or piercings. Still no "flamboyant" attire that might label them as homosexual.
All in all, I see these changes as new manipulation tactics. As a way for the organization to say, look how progressive we are being! Look how welcoming and supportive we are! They are trying to deflect from the long list of constraints against the members. Trying to hide the irreversible pain and trauma that is still inflicted upon disfellowshipped individuals. These changes are breadcrumbs. They do nothing to reverse the institutionalized horrors of Jehovah's Witnesses
For anyone reading this: may you go in peace and happiness 🩷🩷
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