#please give me plus frames on 3/4 of my kit
a-ramlethal-fan · 11 months
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this damn rat always +8 on block, and basically, you are stupid... wanna know how? -> CLICK HERE <-
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iammarylastar · 4 years
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"So, you're leaving without saying goodbye?"
She said, her voice like a ghost.
Cal leaned his hand on the door frame, his forehead followed and he closed his eyes. He could feel Jess trembling behind his back, he could foresee her face soaked in tears, her sobs stuck in her chest.
Leaving her was the hardest thing he had ever done, he doubted he could gather the strength to walk out the door, but now she was awake, crying, he knew it would be impossible.
Yet, he had to.
"Chris?" She begged.
He had planned everything, every little detail, like he already had, to break Oyster out.
He got all his stuff ready: a car fueled up, the maps with all the secondary roads highlighted, 4 different options to cross the Canadian border. His backpack, enough military rations to survive for 2 weeks, in case he'd have to ditch the car and cover the distance by foot. A compass. An extra pair of trekking shoes, just in case. Water. Lighter. Headlamp. Emergency kit. US dollars. Canadian dollars.
No phone. 
No pics, not even one of Jessica. He wouldn't risk to get caught and have her involved. Beside it would be too painful to look at her beautiful face. Dealing with her memory would be hard enough.
But he had no choice. More than 3 years he hadn't see his brother. 3 fucking long years he hadn't heard his voice. Teddy, his little brother, the reason he had kept living after their mom died, the one he had fought for. And kept fighting for.
He'd all planned in his head, playing every scenario again and again at night, all those sleepless nights, Jess cuddled against his chest. Looking blankly at the ceiling, on the hunt for what could happen, what could turn wrong, and come what may: keep walking.
Until he reaches Lac-Sainte-Marie, Quebec, 260 miles from here. Until he meets his brother again.
"Chris!" She yelped, like she was drowning.
For a millisecond, he thought he could just give up: forget his little ass of a brother, forget his oath to his mother, forget his responsibilities, drop on his knees and beg Jess to marry him, give her 3 kids, get a pet and live happily ever after. Why not? He deserved a little of happiness, didn't he?
"What is happening?" she whispered, her voice torn by sobs, like stabs in his back.
What the fuck was happening, good question. He was happening. That fucking deceiving Cal was freaking out and ruining everything again. Like it was meant to be.
Like he was meant to screw up every chance of happiness.
"I have to see him. Jess, he got back in touch with me. Those postcards. There must be a reason." He said under his breath, not daring to glance at her.
"Chris, you're still in probation! A single step out of the State and you're in parole violation! You're going to get caught and thrown into jail again!" She knew this argument wouldn't work with him, but she was a lawyer, well almost, she had to plead for her case.
"I know..." Chris whispered. The next words would be excruciating to pronounce.
"That's why I won't come back..."
"Noooo!" She totally broke down.
As he listened to her heart shattering into pieces, taking his own heart down, he couldn't help thinking about time.
It took her days to tame his fears, weeks to heal him for his trauma, months to forge deep, trustful ties between their hearts.
Ties they both thought were unbreakable.
And as it took a heartbeat to fall in love with her, he'd been quick to break her heart.
Now he was running out of time. With her. For Oyster. Fuck.
"At least wait for your probation period to be over! You'll be a free man and you could go wherever you want!" She begged.
Like he didn't know. Like he hadn't spent the last days counting how many days it would take to be reunited. Like he hadn't thought of it from top to bottom. Like he hadn't been obsessed and torn about that fucking choice he had to make.
"Three more years! Jess, I can't leave him alone for 3 more fucking years! He needs me!" He let his anger flow out of his chest.
"What about me????" She thundered, gripping her nightie where her heart ached, then pointing a furious index finger out.
"He's not a kid anymore! He made his choice! You don't owe him anything anymore! When are you going to start thinking about yourself? About us?"
Cal wavered at her words. The more she spoke, the more his determination weakened. He had no choice but cling to his same old song.
"I'm his legal guardian, I promised mom I'd take care of him. I can't break my oath. Not again..."
It would have been easier if Chris was the selfish type. But he didn't choose Marine corps and law enforcement by mistake. He was a man of principle, loyal, honest, trustful. A man with Semper Fidelis inked in his flesh forever.
"Chris!!" Jess was burning with rage and desperation. She was fed up with his sempiternal lame excuses.
She would have slapped his face full force if she could have moved, again and again until he got it, but violence never fixed anything, she was dead certain of this.
Chris’ childhood to adulthood, his former job in the Marine corps, his time in jail, his whole damn life had been nothing but violence, he deserved better from her.
She breathed in and out slowly to calm her nerves down and regain control of her thoughts.
Give him what he needs, that's the only way...
"You're strong Chris. You're a good man! Why can't you see it?"
Cal shook his head, tears threatening again behind his lids.
"I failed. I failed to keep my mom alive. I failed to protect my brother. To serve my country... To make you happy. I don't deserve you..."
"When are you going to stop punishing yourself for things, you're not responsible for? Jesus, your mom died, who's to blame? Not you! You struggled to provide for your brother though you were barely an adult, Chris, you did your best! Oyster made some bad choices, his choices, he fucked up but it was not your fault!"
Gone his sweetheart of a girlfriend, he was facing a new, fierce, unstoppable soldier ready for anything for her love.
Anything. Maybe, even ready to throw everything away for him.
Cal slowly extended his hand to a trembling Jess. This gesture was a dangerous step back, he had promised himself not to touch her, not to smell her nor to get too close. No way he could leave this place without her if their hands were linked.
Jess nearly jumped forward to take it, intertwined her fingers so tightly with his, their knuckles turned white. She closed her other hand over their clasped ones, then pulled them against her cheek, nuzzling against the slightest piece of his skin she could.
The contact of her skin against his made him jolt. His plea slipped through his lips before his brain realized their impact.
"Come with me. I hate to put that on you but... Jess, come with me. I don't want to lose you..."
His words were like slaps in her face. Her jaw dropped down and the look she threw at him slapped him back.
She thought she had won. She thought he had heard her words. She thought he would stay. Why would he have offered his hand otherwise?
"Wh..? But... Cal, what are you doing?"
"Come with me Jessica. Let's start a new life in Canada. I love you. I love you!"
His turn to wrap his hand around hers and pull her closer, so his gaze pierced hers, his taut body hovering over her. This could fix everything.
Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!!
Jessica froze in shock, her pupils widened. She would have left all she had behind to follow him. The solution was easy: just go with him!
Just go with him, and become an outlaw. Say goodbye to your family, your career, your dreams, your life. On the run forever with the man she loved. With no future but hiding and lying.
"And you saved your first 'I love you' for the day you leave me..." Jess whispered under her breath, defeated. He killed her hope the second before, and kept doing an excellent job to trample on her heart.
Her whole body slumped down; Cal had to tighten his grip on her hands to get her upright.
Her pale complexion and her trembling voice made her look like a ghost.
"No. I can't. You can't... do that. You can't drag me into a runaway and make me a fugitive. I... I'm... My family is here, my career is here, my life is here... with you!
If you really love me, STAY!"
Chris wobbled, his knees weak under him. She was right, he knew it. He was wrong, doing all wrong, as he always had done. Jessica saw her chance in his hesitation, and played her last card. Faithfulness, Chris' obsession.
"That's not what you promised me. Chris, you promised me..." she burst into tears again, clinging onto him like he was a lifeline. Their love was like the Titanic, they thought it beautiful and in submersible, but it was irremediably sinking in the middle of nowhere and will end up broken shipwreck.
Hold on Rose, you have a chance.
Sorry Jack, you're screwed.
He promised her, that day he talked his heart out, in the wee hours of a beautiful day, lying in bed, slowly brushing her delicate face with his fingertips. That day he told her about his plans for the future, their future. Openly daydreaming of his will to marry her, build her a house, have kids with her, three he said, if she agreed. Plus, a dog. One day, he promised, when she would graduate and he would have a better job.
He solemnly promised her to make her happy, happy ever after.
"You deserve to be happy, Chris. We've been so happy together. For fuck sake, why couldn't we just be happy?"
Because happiness is not meant for me.
"Jess, I miss him so much... I have no choice."
"There's always a choice... Let me help!" She begged a last time, squeezing his hands even tightly.
Chris closed his eyes, his sigh shaky through his tight throat. Just do it. Say it.
"No. Not this time... Let me go, Jess, please..." Chris grudgingly untied their fingers but Jess kept gripping at him, his wrists, his arms, his hoodie. He patiently unhooked each of her attempt, gently but firmly holding her wrists together.
It was so hard, Jesus, to see her face, desperate and drowned in tears, to hear a plea, to hurt her so deeply. But it had to be done. Like ripping off a band-aid. Just do it.
"No, no, no, no, Chris, please, nooo!" She begged, she would have given anything, everything to have him think, find another way, change his fucking mind. To have him stay. Choose her.
All her expectations vanished when Cal took her hands in his large palms, bent to kiss them but just leant his forehead on them, shaken by both their sobs and cries. He knew he couldn't leave if his lips touched her skin again. She knew it too.
Slowly, too slowly, he extended his arms until her fists laid on her chest, her fingers writhing in pain, and stepped back. Unable to look a last time in her eyes, Cal turned his heels and grabbed the doorknob.
"What if I'm pregnant?"
He froze, like punched in his guts.
"What?" His world collapsed. He had all the scenarios figured out, even the worst, but not this one.
He had made love to her earlier that night, knowing it'd be the last time. He made it last long, savoring each second with her, kissing each piece of her body, learning each of her curves by heart with his fingertips. He made it sensual, passionate, beautiful. He had given her all, all of him.
He had laid on his back for hours, his love cuddled on his side, her arms around his chest, like to keep him from running away. Like she felt it.
He had stayed like this forever, staring at the ceiling, listening to her deep breathing, feeling her, smelling her, until he was drunk from her.
"I said, what if I'm pregnant." She stated again, interrupting his thoughts.
"Are you?" He blankly asked.
She might be. From tonight.
She could be. They've been careless for a couple of weeks, their desire so strong they skipped to put a condom on. They both silently agreed, since they had a talk about it: they wanted to spend their lives together and grow a family, one day or another...
Jess had tried the pill, but it hadn't fit her. She tried 3 different brands but every time something went wrong. Cal hated seeing her with cramps or moody and IUD was a big no no due to her young age, so he decided to take the responsibility of the birth control, and simply pulled out at the right time.
Which was, according to Jess, like a firework without the final. Several times, half of the time in fact, she trapped Cal between her legs so he came inside of her. She found it so sexy and powerful.
Sexy but likely give rise to a baby.
Their baby. His.
"You won't stay for me. Would you stay for your child?"
Bitch. She knew how push his button, where it hurt the most. Given what he was doing to her, it was fair.
His guts twisted painfully and nausea invaded his throat at the thought. His deepest nightmare resurfaced: a kid with no father to take care of them, ruffle their hair, tickle them until they're breathless from laughing, play football with them, hug them tight when they're scared or sad. A kid with no dad to love them. A kid like he'd been, grown up before his childhood even had started.
A missing father. That was what he would become if he left now. The worst of the worst. A man he promised himself to never be. Fucking never hurt someone like he'd been hurt.
He unsuccessfully was trying to clear his mind from sadness and anger to redo his math and remember when was her last period. Calculate the odds of a pregnancy. Rate his chance to stay.
He sucked. He wasn’t worth anything.
Maybe living was the best he could do to save this child from himself. He was no better father than his own, unable to make a good decision.
Chris dropped his head, his hands tightened in fists, his eyes closed in a frown. He stopped breathing for a long time, until he made his decision.
"I'm sorry." He muttered, grabbing the doorknob.
That was it. She couldn't go, he couldn't stay. I guess that's just the way the story goes.
Such a waste.
Chris pushed the door open, wiped his tears with his sleeve and walked out, without a last glance at her.
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evilispretty-dead · 5 years
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She's coming home
Story description
How the Avengers found out about Clint and natasha oldest daughter at the same time they learn how it almost ends their marriage .
Part 2 part 3 part4
Waking up with the feeling of something soft and warm at his side made Clint a happy man ,looking down to his side he could see the fire red hair of his wife smiling down at her as she stroked her naked back , hearing her moan as she wake up “morning”her voice still heavy with sleep as she look up at him “morning” he kissed her lips then watching as she got up from the bed slipping in to his top from last night and picking up her boy shorts “they will be up soon” she smiled over her shoulder at him “mmm and they guys will be here last in the day” Clint lad back in the bed “mmm so why don’t you got wake the little dragon and I will make breakfast” she asked as she stood at the door looking all sexy with her bedhead and his top “yer I will get her but letting Laure and Nathaniel sleep in and  we both know copper up by know” he smiles as he looked over at her as she rest her head on the door frame nodding then she walked away leaving Clint in their bed room .
With that he rolled out of bed grabbing some sleep pants he put them on making his way over to the draws a pulled out a vest putting that on as well before he made his was to his youngest daughters room , coming out of his bedroom he made his way to his daughter's room passing Nathaniel room,  popping his head in to see the baby boy laid on his tummy fast a sleep making Clint smile. Soon he was at his little girl room stepping in to the room of pink and princess theme Clint eyes scanned the room seeing that his little girl was growing up and he felt like he had miss so much but then soon his eyes fell on the mass of teddy's on her bed one thing will never change with lila.
Walking over to the bed he sat down brushing some of her hair back from her face “good morning monkey” lila rolled over aking for 5 more minutes making her father smile as he kiss her head whispering in her ear again that she had to get up , lila shot round throwing her arms around his neck “daddy you home” “yes am home and their is a surprise down stairs”  Clint lifted his lila in to his arm so they could go down stairs “ is mama home as well” lila asked as the was about to walk in to the kitchen still snuggled in to her father neck making him hold her closer to him , walking in to the kitchen Clint looked over to nat as she looked over her shoulder “ I don't know come hug me and find out” lila look up and the sound of her mother voice “mama!” She wriggled to get out of  her father arms to get to her mother so Clint let her go so that she could do to her mother.
 After they had eaten the breakfast Lauren came in to the kitchen with Nathaniel in her arms “ why did you get me up” as she put him in her high chair as natasha came over with Nathaniel breakfast so that she could give him it “we thought that you could use a laying and well you didn't get to sleep till late” Lauren hummed in approve as she got her some coffee passing a cup to natasha as well “ where are the boys and lila ?” Natasha was wiping Nathaniel face “ Clint taken them out to go over their archay then the gang should be here so they will be meeting them” both of the women looked at the baby in the high chair as he giggled calling out captain America nickname “yes my baby hawk cap will be here” she kissed his head as she lifted him out of his chair,  the little boy in her arms giggled and kissed his mother's chin making natasha giggled “how long you both home for?” Natasha Looked at her son then answered “hoping a few weeks but we are on call so you never no” natasha face had a sad smile on her face as she was happy to be home but not all her children was home and that pained her but her eldest daughter was a agent of shield and at this moment in time she was out on a mission that could take up to a year “tasha I know what your thinking but she a big girl and will be home soon plus Philip not rang so she all good” Lauren hand was on nst shoulder as she looked her in the eye “that is true” Lauren stated to take Nathaniel out of nats arms “you go get a bath and relax, I have little man and before you know it the avengers will be here” natasha when to say something “go relax” with that natasha know that she didn't have a say in this so with that she went off to the bathroom to have a nice hot bath.
It was noon by the time the kids and Clint got back from going over their skills , Clint was impressed at how much better lila was it was showing that copper had been working with her “get changed then the team will be here” with that lila ran off to get ready “she happy” Clint said looking over at copper as he came back from putting the bows away “ it because thor scoming I bet” copper spoke deadpan as he mad his way up the stairs making Clint shake his head at his son worlds “ she growing up” natasha voice came from behind him as he felt her arms wrapped around him bring his hand up to hers to stroke the back of her hand “yes she is but she not dating till 30” filling natasha lay her hand on his back “ Clint she 11 soon before we know it she will be 16” he chuckled “ please don't remind me as we have a 20 year old as well” natasha move to the front of him leaning up to kiss him “ yes she will not be dating till 30 as well” “like you could stop her” she tapped his chest moving away from him when the low hum of a aircraft was getting close “their here” then came the sound of lila running down the stairs with copper following her .
All of the walked out of the back of the house to see the stark plan laid , soon the ramp lowered walking down the ramp was Tony,  Steve, thor and Bruce “hey guys” Clint called out as he and copper walked down the stairs behind lila as she ran off to them jumping in Steve's arms “hello lila how you” he asked the girl In his arms as the walk over to the rest of them lila was telling Steve all about the stuff in school that she had learned and how she had to write a report about him “ I want it to be the best book report that I had to the write” Steve laughed “well then best get to work on the question then” he put her down as he walked over to Clint and natasha “hi Steve” natasha gave him and hug the whispering in his ear that her daughter had roped him in but like Steve said he didn't mind , with that being all done natasha got them to go back in to the house .
Inside Lauren had got them all a drink “ I have set up the gestures rooms so it up to you where you sleep , their two room in main house or three up in the top of the barn so it up to you” she smiled at the 4 men as she gave them their own drinks “but be warned the barn is where the kids go over their archery so there would be a lot of shouting in the morning” with that it was Bruce and Steve that would be staying in the main house and Tony and thor would be in the barn .
The hero's found them several helping out around the frame Clint, copper and thor had gone down to see the house leaving Steve helping lila as they say out on the back and well Tony was watching natasha as she mother her young son every think about her was different but at the same time so the same , yes she could kill someone with her legs but she would torcher them if they came after her kids and Tony could see that Clint was the same about his kids .
Natasha had taken her youngest son up stairs for a nap as he was starting to get grumpy and clingy to natasha , she walked passed him with the boy in her arms “ Tony tell Clint that we have gone for a nap” she called back to him as she made her way up the stairs “ will do red” with that Tony made his way out the back to where Steve and lila was sat doing her homework .
Tony sat down with them as he listened in to what Steve was telling the little girl and smiled at the wonder on her face as she listened to everything he had to say writing it all down “ thankyou Steve this is going to help so much”
Lila passed her notes over so Steve could have a look. In the background was  copper, Clint and thor making their way back to the house Tony watched the father and son make their way back but thoughts was cut of by the sound of the phone ringing “I will get it” Tony said making his way back in the the house walking over to the phone and picked it up putting g it to his ear “ hello uncle nick” Tony smiled “put natasha or Clint on the phone Tony” “what cant I know” Tony asked as he made his way back out side still on the phone “no” “ok ok nick here clint” he passed the phone over to Clint as he had a puzzle look on his face as he takes the phone putting it to his ear “sir?” “She's coming home” nick said making Clint look at his kids not wanting to let in what they was talking about “ETA and is med kit need” he watch as his kids look at him and he smiled at them showing them that it is ok “30 mins and yes” “thank you sir” with that the line went dead .
Clint looked back at his friends “where tasha?” Tony pipped up telling Clint that she had gone for a nap with Nathaniel,  Clint nodded “ok well copper get the med kit please and lila can you go wake mummy up” both kids nodded , copper did as he was told but lila stopped at her father side “is it bad” Clint kneeled so he was at eye level with his daughter “ no sweetie uncle nick would of said” lila nodded happy with the answer then went off .
Steve , thor and Tony didn't know what was going on but soon they would have their answer as there was a low hum getting louder as the all walked to the front door they could see in the distance a red dot with a smaller black dot coming down the dirt drive and the was closing in fasted.
Natasha join them as they stand at the door with lila at her side “ Phil here as well” natasha side as she move passed them so she could stand with Clint as a motor bike and Phil red sports car pulled up , sitting on the motorbike was a female
In a all black catsuit with the shield logo on it shoulder everything about the hold look screamed black widow but as the girl took the helmet off a waterfall of fire red hair fell out making her shake her hair out . All of them looked at her and it was Tony first to speak “ tell me why their is a younger natasha” he looked at Clint and natasha waiting for a answer but it was lila and copper that Kinder answer it for him as they both pushed passed their parents making their way down the stairs running to the girl “cj” both of them called happily but as the girl looked at them they stopped.
 Clint and natasha walked over to the girl slowly followed by Steve Tony and thor “ gentlemen” Phil greeted them as he got out of his car walking over to them . Clint was speaking in Russian to the girl “report” he as bluntly “am fine” she snapped back keeping her eyes on the bike “ catya report” the girls shoulder dropped “one throw and throw on my side” she pointed to where “one gsw and multiple bumps and bruising and heavy trauma to my shoulder and right side” soon the don't touch me melted away and pain takes it place on the face of the girl  “ok ok can someone tell me what going on” Tony asked looking at them making the girls head snap to him , it was like she saw him as a enemy “guys this is are eldest daughter cj Barton” natasha spoke taking her daughter face in her hands so that she was looking at her whipping something Russian to her making cj relax in to her mother touch “we thought you just had three” Steve said looking at natasha and her daughter “it a long story” Clint places his hand on Steve back smiling at them “ daddy I would love to say and chat but...” she stiffened up as she swayed a little making natasha hold her up “clint” natasha looked at him silently asking him to pick her up , he moved over to cj letting her lay her hand on his shoulder as he moved her so that he could pick her up “ all right my little widow come on” cj just hummed thanks letting her head lol back to Clint chested .
When they was all back inside Clint played her down on the sofa,  copper came to his side with the med kit taking some stuff out as lila gave Clint some ice , Clint undid the to of her catsuit leaning her in a crop top showing  a blood soaked bandage wrapped her middle “Phill nice work guessing she didn't want to go” Clint said as he began to undo it so that he could stitch it up “yes so I got her to let me on the bird on the way back , so it clean and packed” he nodded as he pulled back the blood soaked pad to see the hole in her side “ easy fix” placing the ice on her shoulder then set to work on the bullet holds .
“ ok you have to tell us” Tony asked as Lauren and Bruce walked in as Lauren gasped “oh God cj” natasha walked over to her “ she ok nothing to bad” Bruce just looked at them lost “ and Tony if you want to know I guess we can tell you all now” she looked back at him them to her little family waiting for Clint nod to say yes to telling them but it was him to tell them “ cj is are eldest and the reason why it a long story is we didn't know about her at first” he didn't look up from what he was doing but carried on tell them the story
Flashback first time finding out about her
Both Clint and natasha was pulled in to nick office and from the look on nick and Coulson faces they was pissed off big time and they didn't know why as they hadn't done anything wrong that they know off , both of them looked at each other that sat done “ can I asked why we are here” Clint asked looking at Phil as nick slammed a folder down on the desk making them share a look again as Clint pick it up opening it reading thought it as natasha read over his shoulder both of them looked up “ I don't understand?” Clint said “this is a folder on a young girl” Phil spoke looking at them “and we just had a DNA match” it was natasha turn to speak “ and what does that have to do with us?” Nick got up and walked to his window “it came back to a match to you two so I want to know how that is?” Both clint and natasha was stocked hearing this “what” natasha shouted and Clint looked at her “I don't understand sir that can't be” Clint said as he know natasha secret that she couldn't have kids because of the red room.
Phil looked at them seeing the looks on their face and could see that they was telling the truth “ sir they” “ I can see that Coulson” nick walk back to his deck “ all we know that she is the best in the red room  , been name the black widow but she works under the little widow” natasha bit her lip “noo” she whispered as all three men looked at her as she pulled at her hair slowly starting to panic.
“I thought I had all of mine” natasha said then it clicked all in the head what she was one about she was on about the eggs that they had on freeze and she had stolen hers back as she wanted that control back in her life and after she fall in love with Clint and few year back they decided to have a children th the help of Clint sister Lauren being their surrogate they had copper and lila “ I get your DNA tasha but I don't get mine how I didn't know you then or had seen you” she shrugged “well you made a name for yourself in shield and you was a bit of a whore “ she smiled at him sad making him put his hand on his chest acting hurt “that maybe true natasha but” natasha cut Phil off “ I was not the only widow to come out program I just the best, but if I had to guess his time in Amsterdam red lights” Clint went to say something but stopped “ok you got me their” Clint looked up “ so we have a another kid” he was still shocked about it but he could tell his wife was taking harder as she know what they little girl had to go through to survive “tash we can help her , so she can have a normal life” he signed to her watching as her hands shakes as she signed back “ what if we can't help her” Clint got out of his seat and kneeled at his wife side “ she not to far gone and you know that as well” she looked down at him as he takes her hand they wouldn't do this normally but nick and Phil know about them and his wife needed him so he didn't care .
Natasha pulled her hand away from his “ YOU don't know that ... you don't know what they would of made her do !” She snapped at him “ I do and she would of been groomed from a toddler to be a keller” Clint stood up “ you was a child” he snapped back “yes but I was not that young and my brainwashing didn't stick but we don't know about hers” she was now standing with fire in her eyes ,   Clint didn't know what to say to her as natasha just walked out “tash tash” the door slapped as she walked out looking back over to Phil and nick “ Clint I get that this is hard but “ Clint rubbed his hand over his face “ I want to know everything about her” Phil stepped to his side placing his hand on his shoulder “Clint their not much” “ THEN you find something am not letting her die” both men looked at Clint seeing that he was med and he had every right to be .
It had been some days from when Clint and natasha found out and them having a daughter and from finding out Clint and natasha had been fighting about what they should do , Clint wanted to find her and bring her just so she have a normal life but natasha didn't believe she was their child and Clint couldn't blame her .
Clint was his room in the shield base as there was a knock on the door thinking it could be tasha back from her solo mission but as he opened the door he came face to face with Phil “ what do you want” Clint was pissed off “we hacked the red room and found something you want to see” Clint was shocked at this “let go then” Phil lead the way to Nick's office with Clint following behind him .
Nick and hill was in his office watching a young girl with fiery red hair fight other girls soon it there was two left , the girl with the red hair was the one that was winning “kill her catya ” the girl looked up at the man that had stepped in to the light “why” the girl asked as she watched him “catya kill her” the red head let the girl go as she stepped away from her “ I wont” the redhead girl looked at the floor as the man step closer to her “ you are weak” he smacked the girl sending her to the floor making but she didn't cry out she got back up as the man turned his back “ you will never be natalie ” with that being said the girl ran at the men jumping on to his back “ am not natalie my name is catya” the girl hit him with everything she had as the man tried to fight her off his back , throwing her from his back she landed with a slap to the floor crying out in pain .
The men picked her up by her neck lifting her up making her scratch at his hands as he held her up “ it the American in you that makes you weak , you was to be perfect better then her but you are just like her”
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your-dietician · 3 years
Best Day 4 sales at Walmart Deals for Days event 2021
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/lifestyle/best-day-4-sales-at-walmart-deals-for-days-event-2021/
Best Day 4 sales at Walmart Deals for Days event 2021
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Prime Day might be over, but that certainly doesn’t mean the deals have run dry — in fact, they’re just as big as ever. Walmart’s Anti-Prime day sale, called Deals for Days, is chock full of discounts across the board. Here’s what’s in store for Day 4 of the sale, which btw ends…tonight!
The retail behemoth has slashed prices across categories. So whether you’re focused on a wardrobe refresh, a better work-from-home setup, tech to take along as you ramp up your workouts, kitchen appliances in need of replacement or more, Walmart has got you covered — with discounts as deep as 90 percent! There are still so many deals you can save big on.
Walmart will give you free shipping on orders of $35 or more. To score free shipping on all orders, plus lots more benefits including speedy delivery, sign up for Walmart+. Get a free 15-day trial here (a quick three-question survey will add on an additional two weeks for a solid 30 days of use). 
Here are the best deals from Walmart’s Anti-Prime Day — Day 4 sale.
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A 40-inch TV for $178? We’ll take it! (Photo: Walmart)
On sale for $178, down from $228, the Hisense 40-inch Class Full HD Roku Smart LED TV is undeniably sleek — with a near edge-to-edge 43-inch display (more picture, less frame). With an HD resolution at 1080p and DTS True Surround Sound, you’ll essentially have a movie theater-like experience at home, with colors that pop.
The built-in Roku streamer gives you instant access to thousands of video streaming channels, including Netflix, YouTube, Disney+, HBO Max, Prime Video, Hulu and ESPN+. It also has a few smart home features like voice search for hands-free navigation. That’s right: You can find your favorite TV shows and movies, just by speaking them into existence.
“Great TV. Once I selected ‘theater sound’ the clouds parted and there was entertainment bliss — OK, maybe that’s a bit extra, however, the sound did vastly improved,” shared a delighted five-star reviewer. “Perfect size for me. Easy setup and operation.”
Story continues
Check out more TV deals below:
Sony 32-inch Class HD LED Smart TV, $298 (was $350), walmart.com
TCL 32-inch 3-Series Class HD LED Roku Smart TV, $145 (was $200), walmart.com
Sceptre 40-inch Class Full HD LED TV, $155 (was $200), walmart.com
Samsung 43-inch Class 4K Ultra HD Smart QLED TV, $898 (was $1,000), walmart.com
Samsung 50-inch Class 4K The Frame QLED Smart TV, $1,198 (was $1,700), walmart.com
TCL 50-inch Class 5-Series 4K Ultra HD QLED Roku Smart TV, $528 (was $600), walmart.com
LG 55-inch Class 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED C1 Series TV, $1,497 (was $2,000), walmart.com
Sony 55-inch Class XBR55X800H Bravia 4K Ultra HD LED Android Smart TV, $798 (was $1,000), walmart.com
LG 65-inch Class 4K Ultra HD NanoCell Smart TV, $997 (was $1,200), walmart.com
Samsung 65-inch TU8300 Crystal Ultra HD 4K Smart TV, $648 (was $700), walmart.com
Headphones and earbuds
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These Philips wireless earbuds are half price! (Photo: Walmart)
These Philips Wireless In-Ear Headphones are a handsome, waterproof option with a price that belies their high-performance quality: They’re on sale for just $30, down from $60. Yep, half price.
Walmart shoppers love everything about these cans: the sound, the comfy fit, the sturdy charging case. “I have had challenges finding in-ear phones that fit me well for a long time,” reported one fan. “I grabbed the chance to try these Philips Wireless In-Ear Headphones and I can say these are perfect! First off, I like the charging case, so you have power on the go when you need it. The headphones are super easy to pair both with my PC and my phone, and the sound is very good: The highs are not tinny and the bass is smooth…. Another quality product from Philips!”
What he said! You’ll never be juiceless with these Philips Wireless In-Ear Headphones — they offer up to 12 hours of playback. Impressive.
Check out more headphone and earbud deals below:
Beats Solo Pro Wireless Noise Canceling On-Ear Headphones, $149 (was $300), walmart.com
Apple AirPods Pro, $197 (was $249), walmart.com
Bietrun Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds, $26 (was $130), walmart.com
Philips Bass+ BH305 Wireless Active Noise Canceling Headphones, $40 (was $120), walmart.com
Meidong Bluetooth Noise-Canceling Over-Ear Headphones, $35 (was $70), walmart.com
Luxmo Bluetooth Headphones, $18 (was $36), walmart.com
Jelly Comb On Ear Headphones, $17 (was $50), walmart.com
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Save nearly a whopping 80 percent! (Photo: Walmart)
The NBA Playoffs are in full swing, so get all the basketball action your heart desires with NBA2K21 for PlayStation 4 — on sale for just $13, or $48 off at Walmart. That’s nearly a whopping 80 percent off! The game features all 30 NBA teams and your favorite players, including Damian Lillard, LeBron James, Anthony Davis, Steph Curry, James Harden, Gordon Hayward and more.
NBA 2K21 has all the gameplay you want, from multi-player online to one-on-one with you versus the game itself. It features all WNBA teams and players—such as Brittney Griner, Elena Delle Donne, Liz Cambag, and Nneka Ogwumike — for the first time ever!
“This is one of my favorites, and I couldn’t wait,” raved a delighted gamer. “…The storyline is dope for my character, graphics are dope as always. Just an overall great game .”
Check out more gaming deals below:
Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch), $40 (was $50), walmart.com
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Nintendo Switch), $40 (was $50), walmart.com
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (Nintendo Switch), $40 (was $60), walmart.com
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: Tokyo 2020 (Nintendo Switch), $39 (was $60), walmart.com
Outriders: Day One Edition (PS4), $40 (was $60), walmart.com
Madden NFL 21 (Xbox One), $20 (was $60), walmart.com
The Last of Us Part II (PS4), $30 (was $60), walmart.com
Liphom Gaming Headset, $29 (was $50), walmart.com
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition (PS4), $15 (was $60), walmart.com
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Xbox One), $20 (was $60), walmart.com
The Pillars of The Earth (PS4), $29 (was $45), walmart.com
Smart home
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A “smart” way to wake up, in more ways than one: Save nearly 40 percent! (Photo: Walmart)
The Lenovo Smart Clock is powered with Google Assistant for seamless syncing to a smartphone. It can rouse you from your slumber with your favorite tunes, the weather, calendar reminders and events, and that podcast you love. Because, really, who couldn’t use some help getting out of bed?
“I have trouble waking up in the mornings and this alarm clock doesn’t disappoint,” raved a satisfied shopper. “I like the wake-up feature that gradually wakes you up and then gives you a morning update of the weather and all the morning news. I’m able to connect it to all my Google devices too.”
At nearly 40 percent off during Walmart’s Deals for Days shopping event — the Lenovo Smart Clock is down to $49 from $80. 
Check out more smart-home deals below:
Google Nest Mini (second generation), $35 (was $49), walmart.com
Apple TV 4K (2020), $99 (was $169), walmart.com
Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 (44mm), $150 (was $279), walmart.com
Apple Watch Series 3 (GPS, 38mm), $169 (was $199), walmart.com
Razor Power A5 Electric-Powered Scooter, $119 (was $179), walmart.com
XODO Smart Home Security Surveillance Kit, $60 (was $80), walmart.com
XODO Smart Wi-Fi Video Doorbell Wireless Security Camera, $90 (was $150), walmart.com
TSV Smart Plug (two-pack), $18 (was $26), walmart.com
Defender Ultra HD 4K Wired Outdoor Security System (1TB), $260 (was $450), walmart.com
Anself Wireless Burglar Alarm, $20 (was $28), walmart.com
Fymall Wi-Fi Smart Color LED Light Bulb, $11 (was $24), walmart.com
Home office
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Take note of this Lenovo Chromebook — save $80! (Photo: Walmart)
Just need a product that will reliably, consistently do what you need it to, without all the exotic (and expensive) bells and whistles? If you’re one of those people and you’re in the market for an entry-level machine that’ll get you, or a loved one, through a day of work, look to the Lenovo Chromebook S330. On sale for $159, or $80 off, at Walmart, it boots up quick, has a quad core processor, 32 GB of storage and a glorious 14-inch HD display. It’s great for watching YouTube and Netflix, and is powerful enough for Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and more. It’s ultra-portable too, weighing in at a svelte 3.3 lbs. and less than an inch thick. 
And have we mentioned its 10-hour battery life? This guy will. “I decided to give it a try. I am not sorry I did! I’m very impressed,” raved a delighted five-star reviewer. “I still have a desktop PC for my main computer but for the things that I need a laptop for, this fits the bill perfectly! It does everything I need and doesn’t do the things that I disliked about my previous laptops. It boots quickly, runs cool (without a fan!) and gives me amazing battery life! I’m very pleased!”
Check out more home office deals below:
Gateway Ultra Slim Notebook, $399 (was $749), walmart.com
Samsung CB4 Chromebook, $159 (was $199), walmart.com
Canon Pixma G4210 Wireless MegaTank All-In-One InkJet Printer, $300 (was $400), walmart.com
Cabina HD USB Desktop Webcam, $60 (was $70), walmart.com
Ousgar 47-inch White Desk, $80 (was $300), walmart.com
Kuku Mobile Call Center Telephone USB Headset, $28 (was $40), walmart.com
Beyerdynamic MMX 300 2nd Gen Conference Call Headset, $282 (was $422), walmart.com
Gamma Ray Optics 010 Slim Vintage Computer Readers, $18 (was $25), walmart.com
Hemu Fashion Bamboo Laptop Lap Tray, $38 (was $102), walmart.com
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Get this robovac for half price! (Photo: Walmart)
An eye-opening 50 percent off, the Anker Eufy RoboVac 35C Wi-Fi Connected Robot Vacuum’s BoostIQ technology helps navigate your home’s surfaces, including hardwood floors to rugs and beyond, with smooth transitions. And while it never loses suction, when it senses the need for extra oomph — like when crumbs are overtaking the kitchen floor or pet hair is embedded in the rug — it’ll amp up its power to get the job done.
“Albuquerque dust is a pernicious beast. I also have two dogs and a slew of resident dust bunnies, so this is a big help,” shared a Walmart shopper. “It gets the dog hair and dust up easily — slightly appalled at how much dust came up after a regular broom sweeping. The edging function works great — clears out stuff from the bottom of the walls with ease. I have concrete floors and it scoots over it fine; has gotten itself successfully untangled from under the kitchen table…I talk to it like one of the dogs: ‘Oh, don’t forget that speck in the hall.’ ‘Good job.’ At least I haven’t named it (yet).”
The Eufy RoboVac 35C is super slim, so it’s a ninja when it comes to getting into every crevice and corner — and it has an infrared sensor for identifying things in its way, like stairs.
Check out more vacuum deals below:
BISSELL Crosswave Pet Pro Wet Dry Vacuum, $229 (was $299), walmart.com
Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Slim Corded, $99 (was $199), walmart.com
Shark ION Robot Vacuum RV750, $148 (was $299), walmart.com
iHome AutoVac Eclipse G 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop, $179 (was $400), walmart.com
Eureka Groove 4-Way Control Robotic Vacuum, $129 (was $199), walmart.com
iHome AutoVac Nova Self Empty Robot Vacuum and Mop, $299 (was $599), walmart.com
ILife A4s Robot Vacuum Cleaner, $119 (was $180), walmart.com
Mighty Rock Robot Vacuum and Mop, $73 (was $130), walmart.com
ionvac SmartClean 2000 Robovac, $99 (was $180), walmart.com
ILife V5s Pro Robot Vacuum and Mop, $135 (was $180), walmart.com
EcoVacs DeeBot 711 Robot Vacuum Cleaner, $144 (was $550), walmart.com
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Reduced to $8 from $98. Get it in all three colors! (Photo: Walmart)
No, you’re not seeing things: This gorgeous Max Studio frock is on sale for 8 bucks! It has a billowy tiered skirt and a peasant-inspired tassel-tie neckline. It’s available in chambray and bright yellow shade, but of course, we’re partial to this fun poppy red hue. Note: Some shoppers say it’s a little short, but you can wear it with biker shorts or leggings underneath — or just as a bikini coverup.
Did we mention it’s $90 off?!
“Comfortable,” a shopper reported. “Like the bright color. I’m wearing it in Mexico in a few weeks!”
Check out more style deals below:
Scoop Women’s Espadrille Wedge Sandal, $20 (was $35), walmart.com
Zanea Womens Polka Dot Short Sleeve Long Dress, $24 (was $48), walmart.com
KOGMO Womens Premium Cotton Full Length Leggings, $12 (was $18), walmart.com
Status by Chenault Women’s Cotton Slub Jersey with Cotton Eyelet Dress, $26 (was $78), walmart.com
Cate & Chloe McKenzie 18k White Gold Dangling Earrings, $18 (was $136), walmart.com
Melrose Ave Vegan Leather Toe Loop Strappy Flat Sandal, $22 (was $29), walmart.com
Free Assembly Women’s Sleeveless Square Neck Fit & Flare Dress, $21 (was $36), walmart.com
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Save $26 on this incredible indoor grill. (Photo: Walmart)
Summertime is the season of grilling, but if you don’t want to mess around with your charcoal and lighter fluid every time you want a juicy steak or burger, try this indoor grill for size. This Gotham Steel grill has a titanium and ceramic surface which helps distribute heat evenly, plus four temperature settings so you can easily adjust how you want your meats and veggies cooked. Plus, it’s super easy to store, too.
“I just made hamburgers on this grill and it worked like a charm!” a shopper declared. “The burgers didn’t stick and it was truly smokeless as it cooked. Cleanup was also a breeze. Although it is dishwasher safe, it was just as easy to clean it up by hand with some soapy water. Definitely recommend!”
Check out more kitchen deals below:
Tramontina Primaware 18 Piece Non-stick Cookware Set, Steel Gray, $40 (was $50), walmart.com
Instant Pot Viva Black Multi-Use 9-in-1 6 Quart Pressure Cooker, $59 (was $99), walmart.com
The Pioneer Woman Cowboy Rustic 14-Piece Forged Cutlery Knife Block Set, $39 (was $70), walmart.com
Chefman TurboFry Air Fryer, $69 (was $99), walmart.com
The Pioneer Woman Mazie 2-Piece Ceramic Red Rectangle Baker Set, $20 (was $25), walmart.com
Farberware 3.2 Quart Oil-Less Multi-Functional Air Fryer, $60 (was $99), walmart.com
Ninja 12 Cup Programmable Coffee Brewer, $69 (was $79), walmart.com
Best Choice Products 16.9qt 1800W 10-in-1 Family Size Air Fryer, $115 (was $255), walmart.com
Hamilton Beach 12 Cup Digital Automatic LCD Programmable Coffeemaker Brewer, $73 (was $105), walmart.com
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Get over half off off this heavenly Marc Jacobs fragrance. (Photo: Walmart)
Few scents are quite as universal — or as beloved — as Marc Jacobs Daisy. It’s light, frothy and fun, with notes of grapefruit, raspberry and pear mingling with jasmine, rose, lychee and apple blossom, and base notes of musk, cedar and plum. Despite the abundance of fruity notes, it still feels fresh and playful — and whether you want to try it out for the first time or pick up an extra bottle to keep in your drawer, this price simply can’t be beat.
“One of my favorite scents and I definitely will be buying it again,” a shopper reported. “I’ve always wanted a Marc Jacobs fragrance and the price was perfect. It smells amazing and the top to the bottle is too cute.”
Check out more beauty deals below:
BylissPRO Nano Titanium Lightweight Ionic Hair Dryer, $65 (was $85), walmart.com
Burberry Classic Eau De Parfum, $33 (was $98), walmart.com
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Face Serum, $64.50 (was $100),walmart.com
Remington Anti-Static Flat Iron, $16 (was $20), walmart.com
Artnaturals Anti-Aging Retinol, $12 (was $16), walmart.com
Conair Double Ceramic Curling Iron, $12 (was $23), walmart.com
Glycolic Acid 20% Resurfacing Pads, $25 (was $50), walmart.com
IMAGE Skincare Ageless Total Eye Lift Creme, $34 (was $50), walmart.com
Mattresses and bedding 
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Save $300 and get the greatest sleep of your life. (Photo: Walmart)
If you’ve had your mattress for longer than you can remember, it’s high time to replace it — and, lucky you, this one is on sale! It’s made with 12 inches of plush memory foam supported by coils, and it’s just the right balance between soft and firm. The only drawback? Getting out of bed in the morning will be that much harder.
“I was surprised at how soft and comfy this mattress was,” a shopper reported. “I took it out of the box and plastic and it opened right up to the 12-inch size. It is supposed to take 24 hours to expand but it expanded a lot right away. It’s super thick and so far feels very comfortable. I am surprised at how great a mattress in a box could be!”
Check out more bedding deals below:
Noble Linens 8-Piece Bed in a Bag Bedding Set, Twin, White, $45 (was $65), walmart.com
Mattress Topper Queen, 2-Inch Cool Swirl Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Blue, $70 (was $105), walmart.com
Simply Soft 3 Piece Ribbon Pattern Duvet Cover Set, $23 for queen (was $28), walmart.com
Hatch Embroidered Stripe 7-Piece Comforter Set, $30 (was $70), walmart.com
Zeny Weighted Blanket, $47 (was $78), walmart.com
Simply Soft 3 Piece Vine Pattern Duvet Cover Set, $24 (was $28), walmart.com
Wenzel 70″ x 60″ Camp Quilt – Red Brick Geo Print, $21 (was $29.50), walmart.com
Better Homes & Gardens Flowing Floral Comforter Set, $45 (was $65), walmart.com
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Make bathtime for your pooch a little more fun. (Photo: Walmart)
If your pooch refuses to sit still for baths, nail trims, grooms, or, well, just about anything, try this trick on for size. Fill this lick pad with peanut butter, then stick it on a wall. It’ll keep him occupied for as long as you need. It has 37 suction cups, so it stays in place, and it’s even dishwasher safe.
“I have an obsessive border collie and try to always make him work for meals with Kongs or slow feeders,” a shopper shared. “This is a GREAT little treat for him that he gets very excited about! It holds just a couple spoonfuls and keeps him focused for about 20 minutes.”
Check out more pets deals below:
Oster Super Duty Dog Clippers, $35 (was $40), walmart.com
Portable Pet Dog Cat Outdoor Travel Water Bowl Bottle, $8.50 (was $11), walmart.com
Omega Paw Large Elite Self-Cleaning Litter Box, Black, $53 (was $78), walmart.com
Amgra Laser Pointer for Cats, $14 (was $16), walmart.com
Zimtown Pets Stairs with Cover, Small, Beige, $26 (was $51), walmart.com
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thecoroutfitters · 6 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
One of the things that has made us a successful species is our ability to wield fire. Getting a fire started and variations to make them efficiently and specific to purpose have huge benefits in survival settings and off-grid, no- or low-power scenarios.
Some of the information out there gets used and passed along without a lot of consideration to the conditions, though. I think sometimes we’re just looking for a DIY or a “craft”, especially if we’re on a tight budget, and don’t really test or think it through before we go whole hog. Sometimes we’re overlooking something even more compact or versatile. Sometimes, having two parts to a whole still separated has a lot of value.  And sometimes, I rarely even see the most effective helpers mentioned.
Candles v. Waxed Dryer Lint
One of the things I see constantly is using dryer lint (and makeup pads) for fire starting. It regularly makes me crazy. It’s just that it’s not the be-all fire starter – alone, or with the addition of wax – that it’s made out to be.
Hey, I have some. Bags, front seat of truck, grill kits. Plain lint can be enormously helpful for catching a spark … if you also have other tinder ready and waiting.
The lint (and cardboard) catch first. Lint is a smoldery or flare-up catch, depending on your laundry. The amount and type of cardboard used around the lint extends the burn time a little.
They don’t actually burn long enough to “catch” charcoal, arctic stove bricks, or most kindling sticks, especially in wet or windy weather. You still largely need a feather stick, twisted wads of paper or cardboard, dry grasses, or hen-of-the-woods innards – the same tinder sources you’d use to nurture a spark or match if you didn’t have any handy fire starters.
It’s largely a waste of wax and time to make the “better” versions – where you pack an egg carton or muffin cups with your dryer lint and then pour melted candles, paraffin, or beeswax over them. Those versions are actually even tougher to get started with strikers, paper matches, and Bics, too.
You’ll have a lot more success getting fire helpers like wax cakes and the wax-dipped makeup pads started if you scuff them up good before lighting, even if they’re in cupcake wrappers or egg cartons or combined with cotton strings trimmed from clothing or used garden twine that are supposed to be helping you there.
I guess if you used a big chunk of the egg carton, not just one lobe, it would catch kindling directly. That’s not exactly portable and it requires a big stash of egg cartons for your doomsday or autumn-spring wood stove.
You can improve them – enormously, into something that will burn longer and hotter. Just add some wood shavings, fine chips, sawdust, or some pine cone bracts to the dryer lint. The thin wood is tinder, and dry pine cones are some of the best tinder-kindling to be had.
Even so, skip the wax. You don’t actually need it and it can get messy. Just smoosh it all into TP rolls or egg carton sections with your dryer lint, or snag small pine cones and wedge dryer lint into the gaps.
If you’re dead set on waxed versions, make doubly sure they’re in tight-sealing plastic baggies if they’re in your vehicle.
I carry un-waxed versions, but I also use tea lights and birthday candles a lot for campfires and bonfires. Those “gag” candles that don’t actually go out are a goldmine for a backpack and pill bottle kit.
My candles will typically burn long enough to dry out even damp tinders and kindling without issue. If it’s particularly damp and wet, if I’m particularly rushed to get a fire going, I’ll use both, a candle and a backup or emergency fire starter.
It’s just faster and easier. Plus, they’re a more versatile option.
If I need to be under a quickie shelter, I can still use my candles inside a can or a jar – for cooking, to very effectively take the damp or chill off a small space, for light. I can also use a match to light a tea light or birthday candle, and then light others from that stronger flame.
You lose those options when you melt your candles or paraffin into disks of tinder helpers.
Cotton, Vaseline & Foil
I like “foil fire nuggets” a lot. Again, it has to do with versatility. The petroleum jelly dipped cotton doesn’t run in our heat, and it doesn’t evaporate as fast or as much as hand sanitizer or stove alcohol. You can control how big a hole you create, and how much you pinch out, which affects how big of a flame you have – which impacts how long each burns for.
The foil provides “handles” for moving them, and can be shaped to help protect them from a draft or to reflect light one way or another. The foil also gives you a somewhat “safe” zone around your “candle” that increases the times and places it can be used.
They’re nice for starting fires, and they’re also nice as “candles”. Because they’re small and contained, they’re suitable for times you’re in a small shelter without a lot of room. Stick them in a metal or glass bowl or cup, and you can have light for 3-5 minutes.
They’re not as effective as something like a votive or 4-6” emergency candle for burning off some of the damp and warming a tiny space, but if you make them with two or three balls instead of just one, or set up a couple more, they have applications for getting inside and set up or drying out tinder and kindling.
Now, if you’re inclined to soak them in hand sanitizer, I’d say hold off. You can carry the two parts separately and just combine when ready. I’m also not high on waxed versions of cotton balls or tampons – again, unnecessary steps (and mess), more costly ingredients, single-purpose items, and the scuffing-up step before you use them. Without the foil, they also burn too fast to dry or ignite many kindling.
Oddball Fire Starters
If you’re looking for something else to help your fires along, check out your kitchen cabinets and the packets available at fast food restaurants and hotels when you get coffee.
I by total accident discovered that grits are enormously flammable when I sneezed and spilled half a tub across a flat-top electric stove. The grits hit the still-hot stove, and while the little isolated and single-layer bits just glowed and cindered and extinguished super fast, the grits that landed in lines and lumps went up like I’d been scraping magnesium. Some of the dials were actually deformed from the heat
(The glass stovetop recovered from this misadventure like a champ.)
The other oddball I pretty much never see is powdered coffee creamer. It comes courtesy of Mythbusters.
The “B” (better) team were doing one of their tests of viral videos, seeing if you really could create an enormous mushroom cloud with a sawdust cannon, and tested other whoosh! options. Carrie (I believe) tested coffee creamer.
Creamer has benefits. It’s also a little scary. (Test this after it rains, peeps.) Like the magnesium rods we can scrape to add oomph to our sparks, powdered creamer is a flare-up kind of helper.
To say that a little goes a long way is an understatement. You only need a little bit at a time to help you – like, fractions of teaspoons amounts, especially if this is getting added to the surface of dryer lint.
Upside: This means a little jug goes a very long way. You won’t need much in each various kit, which makes it suitable for even tiny pill bottle or Altoids kits. It’s even less-expensive than grits, and even more resistant to damp surfaces while you’re making fires.
I cannot overstate the need to not have this blowing around dry grassy/leafy areas, your bag and tent, your hair if you use alcohol-containing products, or if the air is swirling and this might end up back in your face. Also, add fire to your creamer; do not be the many morons on YouTube who light fires and then pour the creamer on.
If you’re inclined to make those drinking straw kits, please be very conscientious of the fact that you use fire to melt the straw ends closed.
Feather Stick
One skill absolutely worth mastering, that will save an enormous amount of time and effort in starting a fire – and reviving it if it falters – is a feather stick. By peeling up curls of wood, you create kindling and tinder with excellent “catchability” and oxygen flow. You can also benefit by exposing the inner wood, which can be much dryer than small kindling sources after days of rain or snow melt.
You can make them out of whole raw sticks and branches, batoned branches, split logs, or pieces of junk timber and dimensional lumber. They’re pretty easy. Just remember the general safety rule of cutting away from yourself.
Parting Tip: Bring a Briquette
Keep 2-4 charcoal briquettes in your car kit, camping and kayaking kits, and your packs. Keep a tin of them handy for your rocket stove or fire pit. They weigh nearly nothing and they take up less space than those egg carton sections people love.
To use, stash one under your kindling with your tinder, inside your teepee or frame. You’ll need the tinder and kindling to get them going, but once you have, they generate a great deal of heat, and stay hot for a while.
Combined with a tin can, they can also help us carry fire from one location to another, or through part of a day. They can be used to help dry out kindling and smaller fuel wood, or to revive a fire without striking more sparks or matches. That’s especially useful if we’re out-out and we need that fire, when our hands are shaking (or mittened), in wet and windy conditions, and while we learn the nuances of banking a fire for the night.
Fire Starters
Getting a fire started can be a big advantage, but it’s really only the tip of the iceberg. How we build and feed that fire, where we position it, and what we combine it with impacts its effectiveness for heat, for cooking, and for signaling. Changes affect how long that fire will last, how much smoke it produces – and where that’s blowing – and how high the flames are reaching. In some situations, we’re also controlling how much light it gives off; looking for brightness, or limiting the visibility of the flames and-or the smoke.
Especially if we’re counting on fires when we take to the hills or for wilderness accidents, we need to know what is and isn’t actually going to work. So practice the whole process, dusk to dawn, not just sparking tinder.
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
18 Easy Ways To Facilitate Buddha Canvas Painting | Buddha Canvas Painting
Sonakshi Sinha has appear that she loves to draw faces. The extra on Monday aggregate a video area she can be apparent authoritative a painting of Buddha’s face. Her painting blue-ed “The Enlightened One” has been put up on bargain to accession funds for the circadian allowance earners.
Sharing the video on Instagram on Monday morning, Sonakshi wrote: “I adulation cartoon faces, so absitively to draw the best peaceful one – “The Enlightened One” is up for bargain to accession funds for the circadian allowance earners… if you’d like to accomplish it your own, do bid for it on https://bit.ly/FankindAuction (link in BIO as well) @fankindofficial #artbyaslisona.”
Sonakshi has absitively to bargain her artworks to accession a armamentarium which will advice her accommodate allowance kits to circadian allowance workers. The artworks accommodate agenda prints, sketches and ample canvas paintings fabricated by the extra over the years.
The extra afresh aggregate a video on amusing media area she can be apparent sitting central a allowance abounding of her creations, sipping a cup of coffee and staring at them.
“Creating art brings a faculty of calm and abatement to me. And abatement is what I appetite to accompany to those for whom this lockdown has been a nightmare. Bodies who accept no ets and accordingly no aliment to augment themselves or their families, the circadian allowance earners. With the advice of Fankind, I accept absitively to bargain a mix of canvases and duke sketches that I accept created with all my heart. The gain from the bargain will be donated to GiveIndia, to
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Handmade Buddha Oil Painting on Canvas Caturiddhipada | eBay – buddha canvas painting | buddha canvas painting
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Distant View of a Village by artist M Singh | Abstract Art .. | buddha canvas painting
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Buddha Multicolor Canvas Poster | Buddha wall art, Buddha canvas .. | buddha canvas painting
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Large Buddha Canvas Painting | Yoga Mandala Shop – buddha canvas painting | buddha canvas painting
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DivineCrafts Fine Print Meditating Buddha Canvas Painting18 inch x 18 inch – buddha canvas painting | buddha canvas painting
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2017 Modern Buddha Painting 3 Picture Home Decoration .. | buddha canvas painting
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18 New Blue Buddha Canvas Painting 18 Panel No Frame Buddhism Poster Buddha Statue Picture For Temple Home Decor Wall Art Group Painting From .. | buddha canvas painting
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Buy Buddha And Peace 4 by Community Artists Group@ Rs .. | buddha canvas painting
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from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/18-easy-ways-to-facilitate-buddha-canvas-painting-buddha-canvas-painting/
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Perfect Concept Marilyn Monroe Canvas
Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Print: Posters & Prints. . Wall Art with Frame, Canvas Prints Wall Decor Paintings for Living Room, Hook… . it’s exactly like I ordered, no fake advertising on it, it’s clear n I’m very much so pleased!!! Beautiful Monroe canvas wall art printed and framed by PIY Painting. . This is the perfect wall decor painting for your nice home living room, bedroom, kitchen, dining room . wallsthatspeak Marilyn Monroe Quotes Celebrity Art Prints Posters, Black, 6 by 18-Inch Even a small warm piece can make a difference in your life. Find great deals on eBay for Marilyn Monroe Canvas in Prints Direct from the Artist. . and Marilyn Monroe Chewing Gum Canvas Print Wall Art Room Decor. Shop Wayfair for the best marilyn monroe canvas art. . Add brilliance in color and exceptional detail to your space with the contemporary . By Buy Art For Less. Thrill your walls now with a stunning Marilyn Monroe canvas print from the world’s largest art gallery. Choose from thousands of Marilyn Monroe canvas artworks . Shop Wayfair.co.uk for the best marilyn monroe canvas. Enjoy free . Transform your room into the stunning Marilyn Monroe Door Sticker. To provide Great mounted alone or among photos and wall art for a gallery-style feature wall. . Wayfair Stores Limited only offers financial products from Barclays Partner Finance. Trademark Fine Art “Marilyn Monroe” Canvas Art by Mark Ashkenazi . Buy Art For Less ‘Marilyn Monroe’ by Banksy Graphic Art Print on Wrapped Canvas. Marilyn Monroe wall art for home and office decor. Discover canvas art prints, photos, mural, big canvas art and framed wall art in GreatBigCanvas.com’s varied . Amrita Singh Marilyn Monroe 1953 Graphic Art on Canvas. Price. $24.99 . Trademark Fine Art “Marilyn Monroe” Canvas Art by Mark Ashkenazi. Price. $19.31 . Free Shipping. Buy buyartforless Breath Taking Marilyn Monroe Canvas Wall Art at Walmart.com. Free Shipping. Buy Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art – (16 x 20) at Walmart.com. Free Shipping on orders over $35. Buy Trademark Fine Art “Marilyn Monroe” Canvas Art by Mark Ashkenazi at Walmart.com. Louis Leonard Art Marilyn Monroe IV by Mark Ashkenazi Canvas Wall Art CANVAS Dazzling Marilyn by Karl Black 36×24 Art Gallery Wrap Wall Decor Marilyn . Buy Canvas Wall Art Marilyn Monroe with Red Lips, 21.5″ x 32.5″ at Walmart.com. Buy Marilyn Monroe Black and White Diamond Necklace Canvas Wall Art, 15″ x 19″ at Walmart.com. Free Shipping. Buy buyartforless Kissy Face Marilyn Monroe Canvas Wall Art at Walmart.com. Buy Marilyn Monroe Stretched Canvas Wall Art – 24×36 at Walmart.com. IKEA – EGERSTA, Picture, The picture has extra depth and life because it’s printed on high quality canvas.The picture stands out from the wall in an. IKEA EGERSTA Picture Marilyn monroe 90 x 90 cm The picture has extra depth and life, because it’s printed on high quality canvas. Ikea Picture, Marilyn Monroe 35 ½x35 ½ ” – – Amazon.com. . Piy Painting Monroe Canvas Wall Art, PIY Red Lips Monroe Wall Decor, 1 Piece Black and White… IKEA – EGERSTA, Picture, The picture has extra depth and life because it’s printed on high quality canvas.The picture stands out from the wall in an attractive . Find great deals on eBay for IKEA Canvas Art in Posters and Prints. Shop with . Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Framed IKEA 39.5″ x 39.5″ New Sealed. $40.50. 17 nov. 2017 – JP resizes a 4×2 Expedit into a custom shoe rack optimized for shoes. The Ikea Expedit cubbies are a little too deep and tall for shoes but no . 5 ago. 2016 – For the last few months, Kanye West’s been doing that with Ikea. And Ikea Australia finally gave him an answer—one so packed with lulz you could use it as . ‘Fan’ review: Shah Rukh Khan’s winsome double role will floor his fans Facebook Officially Launches Canvas To Give Advertisers Rich Media . 17 sep. 2018 – Clock Wall Clock Winsome Green Wall Clock Australia And Wall Clocks At Ikea. wall clock youtube look what i found on zulily rustic barnwood. One more of our stunning Marilyn Monroe Pop Art, one of many of our canvas Prints Brisbane, cheap canvas prints and wall art online. One of two prints of the famous Marilyn Monroe design by Andy Warhol, this one is . UV laminate against fading in the harsh Australian climate, our art shouldn’t fade . The print arrived earlier yesterday morning which was a surprise as I was . Find marilyn monroe canvas ads. Buy and sell . 30/11/2018. Marilyn Monroe Prints. $60 . Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn Pop art Canvas Paintings. This black and white pop art features the classic pose of the Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe on a stretched canvas print. Nov 21, 2018- Explore Susan Martinez’s board “Marilyn Monroe art” on Pinterest. See more . Marylin Monroe Poster by Ahmad Nusyirwan. All posters are . Explore Kathy Alcala’s board “Marilyn Monroe Art” on Pinterest. . Marilyn in Blue I’m surprised how photo genetic and charismatic mm is in . The Hollywood icon and classic beauty Marilyn Monroe topped the calendar icon race along with Australian DIY Diamond Painting fashion woman Art Paintings Cross Stitch Full . See more ideas about Marilyn monroe art, Other woman and All alone. . Monroe Stencil Regular Poster measuring cm Fast shipping from Sydney, Australia. . closet door! Marilyn Monroe Artwork, Marylin Monroe Kim Wang is an Australian professional artist in Sydney – Oil painting, water colour and Mix-media. Marilyn Monroe by ANG-BAY This image first pinned to Marilyn Monroe Art board Marilyn Marilyn Monroe Poster, Marylin Monroe, Marilyn Monroe Wall Art, “Marilyn Monroe “This is the fist portrait my Corazon bought me, he surprised me . Kim Wang is an Australian professional artist in Sydney – Oil painting, water . Hot Print Marilyn Monroe Abstract Oil Painting on Canvas Wall Art Decor No Marilyn Monroe Black and White Pictures Nordic Posters and Prints Canvas . Thrill your walls now with a stunning Marilyn Monroe canvas print from the world’s largest art gallery. . Portrait of Actress Marilyn Monroe on Patio of Her Home. Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Black and White Canvas Giant Wall Art (30 X 40 . It is an absolutely beautiful piece that will draw immediate attention, add style . Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Print: Posters & Prints. . iK Canvs – 3 Panel Modern Black and White Chess Board Canvas Wall Art Poster Prints . This is an absolutely beautiful poster; however, do not get confused that it comes . Find great deals on eBay for Marilyn Monroe Canvas in Giclee Canvas Art. Shop with confidence. . Marilyn Monroe Print Black And White Canvas Wall Art Picture Print. £15.99 . Beautiful Marilyn Monroe image with her famous live quote. Shop Wayfair.co.uk for the best marilyn monroe canvas. . Marilyn Monroe Memorabilia on Wrapped Canvas in Black and White . Beautiful looking pop art colourful portrait or Marilyn Monroe, printed on canvas, stretched and wrapped . Marilyn Monroe: Bed expertly set in a soho black frame with polar white matting. High-quality printing gives this fine art print its vivid and sharp appearance. CANVAS Marilyn Monroe Hot Mess In Bed 12×18 Gallery Wrap Art DecorPrinted on 5 Marilyn Monroe CANVAS by Karl Black 18×12 Gallery Wrap Art Decor. 333 products – Black and White Marilyn Monroe Canvas Painting Pop Art Painting Hot Selling HD Modern Sey Model Marilyn Monroe Canvas Wall Art Oil . Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Print: Posters & Prints. . Frame not included. . PIY Red Lips Monroe Wall Art with Frame, Canvas Prints Wall Decor . Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Print 30×40: Posters & Prints. . Frame not included. . Marilyn Monroe’s canvas art print from My Canvas Shop. Custom Marilyn Monroe Canvas Prints 20" x 16" Inch – Modern Canvas . decorative wall art canvas; Wooden Frame,Hanging accessory kit included . Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Print by My Canvas Shop: Posters & Prints. . Image, Ready to add elegance to any room or wall., Frame not included. Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Poster Print 12″ X 16″: Photos Of Marilyn Monroe With Others: Posters & Prints. Buy Custom Marilyn Monroe Canvas Prints 16″ x 20″ Inch – Modern Canvas Wall . decorative wall art canvas; Wooden Frame,Hanging accessory kit included . Amazon.com: LARGE MARILYN MONROE CANVAS ART PRINT BLACK AND WHITE 24″ X 18″ READY TO HANG: Posters & Prints. MARILYN MONROE CANVAS BLACK & WHITE 20″X20″ LARGE FRAMED PICTURE WALL ART PRINT: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home. ICONIC MARILYN MONROE BLACK AND WHITE LARGE CANVAS PRINTS WALL . Black & White Marilyn Monroe Fashion Shoot Canvas Wall Art Picture Print . Premium Canvas Print – Comes with a Discount Voucher off your next custom canvas purchase! High Quality & Hand Made 18mm Deep Kiln Dried Pine Frames . Amazon.com: Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Print: Posters & Prints. All our canvases are printed and wrapped with the highest quality material. Canvas Art Giclee prints on high quality 270 gsm heavy weight canvas. READY TO . Find great deals on eBay for Marilyn Monroe Canvas in Prints Direct from the Artist. Shop with confidence. Thrill your walls now with a stunning Marilyn Monroe canvas print from the world’s largest art gallery. Choose from thousands of Marilyn Monroe canvas artworks . See more ideas about Marilyn monroe painting, Marilyn monroe pop art and Faces. . Watercolor Marilyn Monroe Canvas Wall Art by Michael Tompsett. Canvas . Radio Days prints on canvas, including The Iconic Marilyn Monroe, The Iconic Marilyn . Radio Days – Canvas Prints Foxy Brown Film Poster Canvas Art Print . Shop our selection of Television & Movies canvas prints. We use . Marilyn Monroe Canvas Art Prints Marilyn Monroe · Audrey Hepburn Canvas Artwork Audrey . Shop for marilyn monroe canvas prints online at Target. Free shipping & returns and save 5% every day with your Target REDcard. Shop Target for Marilyn Monroe Wall Art you will love at great low prices. Free shipping & returns plus same-day pick-up in store. Shop Target for Marilyn Monroe Canvas Wall Art you will love at great low prices. Free shipping & returns plus same-day pick-up in store. Framed Canvas – Wandering 42×24 – Threshold . Wooden Mandala 3D Embellished Canvas 3pc Decorative Wall Art Set White Art.com – Marilyn Monroe . Create a little ambience with deliciously scented candles, chic candleholders . . //onbedroom.website/p/yummy-nummies-cutie-cake-push-pop/-/A-52886440 . //onbedroom.website/p/take-four-by-lupen-grainne-canvas-print-12-x-18-icanvas //onbedroom.website/p/monroe-geometric-circle-trellis-rug-rizzy-home/-/A- -approach-to-ancient-scripture-paperback-marilyn-green/-/A-53000940 . Find Decorative Wall Art at Target.com! Add some vintage Hollywood style to your decor with this Marilyn Monroe wall art print from Art.com. An affordable . Find Decorative Wall Art at Target.com! When an interviewer asked Marilyn Monroe what she wore to bed, she famously responded, “five drops of Chanel No. 5. Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn bubblegum picture I& have a night stand . $44-$66 Audrey Hepburn Marilyn Monroe Bubblegum Print Home Decor Fashion Wall Art set Audrey . “Just got back from San Francisco and my daughter had a delicious pot roast . Lisa Lillien on Instagram: “LIPSTICK LAMP AT TARGET! Audrey Hepburn Room, Marilyn Monroe And Audrey Hepburn, Canvas Wall Art, Wall Art · Audrey Hepburn . LIPSTICK LAMP AT TARGET!!!!! Id love one of . Products 1 – 30 of 45 – Get set for marilyn monroe canvas at Argos. Same Day delivery 7 days a week £3.95, or fast store collection. Items 1 – 37 of 37 – Buy Habitat Marilyn monroe Wall art, pictures and photo frames at Argos.co.uk, visit Argos.co.uk to shop online for Home and garden. Black & White Marilyn Monroe Fashion Shoot Canvas Wall Art Picture Print to ensure your product will last – Canvas prints make great gift ideas – have a look . Find great deals on eBay for Marilyn Monroe Canvas in Giclee Canvas Art. Shop with confidence. Find great deals on eBay for Marilyn Monroe Canvas in Prints Direct from the . in the USA. á Best decoration idea with our various choice of giclee canvas ar. Shop Wayfair for the best marilyn monroe canvas art. Enjoy Free Shipping on most stuff, even big stuff. Marilyn Monroe White Maxi Poster White Maxi, Wood Wall Art, Marilyn Monroe Poster, · White MaxiWood . Pictures, framed prints and canvas wall art at Argos. Includes 9 Marilyn Monroe prints, 7 Audrey Hepburn prints (all 7.5″ X 10″), and 2 mini Marilyn Monroe books (roughly 4″ by 4″) Great gift idea. Email your replies . See more ideas about Study rooms, Argos and Argus panoptes. . Spirit Up Art Marilyn Monroe Poster Print on Canvas, Framed wall art, Ready to hang, 8 by 10 . 5 ago. 2012 – Marilyn Monroe war 1962 auch keineswegs lebensmüde. Fünf Wochen vor ihrem Tod sagte sie auf einer Session dem Fotografen des . 17 jun. 2018 – Die amerikanische Filmschauspielerin Marilyn Monroe wird am 5. August 1962 in ihrem Wohnhaus in Los Angeles tot aufgefunden. Um den . 3 jul. 2018 – Es gibt wohl keine Schauspielerin, die so berühmt war und ist wie Marilyn Monroe. Sie gilt bis heute als eine der größten Ikonen des 20. und 21 . 17 may. 2018 – Sie war ein Sex-Symbol, MM, Marilyn Monroe. Doch ihr rätselhafter Tod war es, der sie zu einer Legende werden ließ. . much like Marilyn Monroe — whose death Dorothy had also publicly questioned. . This engrossing article, which includes verbatim quotes from videotaped . #CanvasSyndrom #CanvasPrintsUk #MarilynMonroeTotenbilder #MarilynMonroeCanvasBlackAndWhite #MarilynMonroeCanvasWalmart
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/perfect-concept-marilyn-monroe-canvas
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Kawaii Box July 19
Here we are guys, the Kawaii Box I’ll be reviewing tonight. I’ve had these pictures ready since Sunday but I blame my birthday and the delivery issues for the Lucky Treat as to why it took me almost a week...
Let’s hope the next one is quicker :D
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Word of the month: Ryokou - Trip
“Create the best summer vacation ever with this month’s selection of kawaii goodies!“
Happy Day Pill Organizer & Kawaii Candy Wrapper Hairclips
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For a summer holiday it can come in handy to have some little necessities with you, especially if they’re really cute ones. Both items are available in other designs/colors on Blippo.com.
First up is this little pill box, featuring a ball chain you can attach to a bag or purse, or even pants or belt loops for easy access to your vitamins or essential medication. I think you could even pack other tiny items, like a handy place to hold small jewelry, ear/nose plugs, contacts (maybe), little hair accessories, etc.
I’ve gotten a few other pill box containers, but they really do come in handy. Not only can I pack the above items, but I’ve also started taking vitamins these past two years, I also have an antibiotic I’m on right now, and I try to keep ibuprofen and stomach medicines on hand for me or others. Because I have a couple it also saves me room in my bed-side table.
So yeah, I’ve been making good use of them. 
Hair care and accessories can also be a necessity, clips provide an easy and quick method of getting hair out of the face. They also look adorable~
These clips are made to resemble wrapped candies or sweets, with a clear resin or plastic on front decorated with various items and a painted back, along with a vibrant semi-translucent clip. The clip quality is nice with little spiked pieces to weave through the hair and securely hold it, and the charm itself isn’t loose or flimsy.
I love their original hair clips (except for those neon nightmare ribbons from a few months ago), and these are very sweet and fun. The candy theme and colorful mix of vibrant and pastels makes them perfect not only for summer, but any occasion!
Aiko Headphone Case
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Next up is this adorable Aiko-chan case for... I assume earbuds? It says headphone but I don’t think they would fit in there. Anyway, it features a double-sided image and an attachable pink metal piece so that you can connect this to various items, or you could even loop something else through the strap if you wanted.
The inside is a basic black, with a half-mesh piece on one of the sides. It’s compact but you could definitely fit some decent things in here besides earbuds; like everything I listed above, a hand sanitizier, small makeup items, toothpicks or ear cleaners, mints, candy, a mini notepad or sticky note set, etc.
This is really cute, but I kinda wish the design was more... summery? Like using the one from the booklet cover, which is what they usually do.
Hello Kitty Mermaid Plushie
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Now this is what I’m talking about- although... this would have been a better match for the previous months box, with the mermaid items don’t you agree?
This is from a brand or company called Nakajima, and is part of a Sanrio Characters line. It’s officially worth or costs 20 Sanrio points, and I’m pretty sure its based on the much larger Hello Kitty mermaid plushies. I’ve seen a handful of them though so this could just be another catfish in the sea ;3 She has a light pink piece of tulle on her head adorned by a glittery felt star, with the same tulle around the top of the chest, and her tail is light purple with a shimmery, glittery hot pink semi-translucent fin. By the corner of her eye are two stitched stars in matching colors.
The plush is soft in the paws, but the head is more firm, with the tail just slightly softer. She’s well made and she even has a ball chain, so I could attach her to things as well if I wanted and bring her with me~
Icy Pastel Popsicle Pen
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As usual we got a fun pen, and these never fail to please when it comes to fun, cuteness, and theme matching. So this month we have a multicolored pastel popsicle-shaped piece attached to the nubbin’ of a pen lid. The pen itself is a plain, thin white tube and there is a fine tip; and as usual it’s available in a few other colors. I love popsicles too, so I made sure to add it to the other pens I enjoy using. 
There isn’t really much to say about the pen quality wise, other than the fact it needs a few minutes to dry. The pen can hold a line for a long time (as in, you don’t need to force flowage) and it can dot and write very easy and smooth.
Tiny Party Sparkly Stickers
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As usual we also get adorable stickers, and this month we have a set of adorable, glittery, pastel items perfect for not only a fun party during summer or a get-together with friends, but also add a sweet touch to various items- like letters, notes, photo albums, picture frames, etc.
The stickers are “barely puffy“ to give them a 3D look, and what I think is adorable is on the upper corner, where it lists this:
Calories: ???
Enjoyment: 110%
Happiness: 100%
I really like all of the stickers but I think my most favorite are the candy containers, the unicorn cupcake or ice cream, and the jelly desserts.
Happy Nikukyu Polar Bear Gummies
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We’ve gotten gummies like these before from Kawaii Box, and in a few other boxes, but usually they are cat or dog themed. To cool down from the warm summer weather, we’re invited to enjoy these chilling polar bear paw gummies, which as you can see are filled with a creamy gel. The bag is re-sealable and the entire bag is 102 calories- which I don’t really think is too bad. If you ate the whole bag it’d be a nice little snack.
I usually like these gummies, and they’ve never been filled before so this was a fun change. I also love soda flavors, and these are very yummy. The cooling effect lasts for a few minutes and is very soothing, it isn’t harsh or minty at all.
Korean DIY Kawaii Bracelet Set
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Fun for a rainy day or just a bout of boredom or some time to yourself, we have this cute and colorful jewelry set. It consists of several colorful charms in various shapes and sizes, and it has a long bundled up stretchy string.
I pulled out the more “random charms“ to show you guys, and there was several that I only had one of, like that heart, the flower, the big, that big rose. I had multiple of the heels, but I thought they were so random and cute I couldn’t help but include them. I also noticed a lot of spare little bits of plastic I can’t do anything with, and there was one or two pieces with extra plastic I’ll need to remove before use.
However... I actually kind of like how they look in the little jar, I’m a bit hesitant about using them. I might just leave them as is. But I’ll probably use a couple pieces.
Korean DIY Kawaii Cupcake Set
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I’ve done a couple of kits like this before, they’re a lot of fun and I love to see how different they are between each one. I do wish we could have a little more variety kit wise, but because they differ it’s not that bad. Plus there are color variations so you can have a lot of fun making these, then re-using them for re-ment or dolls, or just cutesy displays later.
So as you can see we have two frostings, along with 3 cupcake liners and 3 glasses, and four bottles of deco bits: Styrofoam balls, glittery green stars, fruits and random other canes, and various glittery bits.
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Here are 3 I did, including 1 cupcake and 2 drinks. I’ve gone ahead and did another cupcake sometime after this pic, but I still have 2 pieces left over and a little bit of the “frosting“, which is a lot like glue in terms of consistency and feel. When you finish, it has a smooth and puffy texture, but it hardens over time and loses the squishiness.
I believe there would be enough to finish the last 2 pieces, but I’m unsure. The cupcake isn’t entirely frosting, I used spare bits to fill the bottom, a squirt of blue frosting, then filled it in white.
It’s very fun, but I will warn you, from the experience I’ve had with these types of things you definitely want tweezers to use. It will make the job loads easier and less-messy.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5: The items are well-made and really sweet, I like them all.
Theme - 2.5 out of 5: I felt like this could have been a lot better, I want to say at least half of the box was summery vacation themed
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. I liked the items a lot, but I didn’t feel excited or super-thrilled with the box either. It was just good, not great or fantastic though, but you can’t please everyone and I still really liked it. The items are cute and colorful, and fun and practical. I can’t help but wonder what Augusts’ box will be like though, since both this one and the June one are both falling short on summer expectations. We’ll just have to wait to find out!
♥Cutie Scale ♥
1. Polar Bear Paw Gummies - These were delicious, I’d recommend them if you ever see them
2. Kawaii Hairclips - As I said above, I love the unique hair accessories we get from Blippo/Kawaii Box, I especially love these ones inspired by food items :3 I’ve worn them a couple of times and I really, really like them.
3. Popsicle Pen - It’s so cute, I just wish the pens tube wasn’t so plain. It’s a little boring, but I can understand the design choice.
4. Sparkly Stickers - I probably won’t use these because of how much I like them. Unless I just find the perfect place for them that is~
5. Pill Organizer - It’s very fun and I love the use of black as a pop of color to the soft pastels. It’s been easy to use and it came in handy freeing up space.
6. Hello Kitty Mermaid - It’s very cute and I’m obsessed with Hello Kitty, I don’t have a mermaid hello kitty, unless you count the large dress-up hello kitty doll I have, who was mermaid themed when I bought her.
7. DIY Bracelet Kit - Same as below, but I’m less-likely to actually touch it right now. I love looking at all the pieces~
8. DIY Cupcake Set - It’s very cute and fun, and relaxing too. But I’ve been there done that. 
9. Aiko Case - It’s very cute and small, I won’t be using them for earbuds or headphones but I know I can find a use for it in my bed-side table or purse. I still wish they used the design from the front though...
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dnodes18 · 5 years
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New Year Bathroom Remodel https://thd.co/2FK99dg
Rick LaFaver of Wood Work Life gave his mother in law a house warming gift of a lifetime. With a little help from The Home Depot, he completed a gorgeous bathroom remodel in her new home. Find out his tips on how to pull off a DIY bathroom remodel project.
New Year Bathroom Remodel
This holiday season, I felt like doing something really over the top for my mother in law. She has been so helpful this year and just moved into her own place for the first time, so I felt like really hitting one out of the park with a bathroom remodel. The bathroom in her house had some major layout issues, but fortunately no major structural issues (short of being in a house built in 1895 and the complications that creates.)
For this bathroom remodel I wanted to give a super premium look and feel, but I wanted to minimize costs by making the process as simple as I could. I built the whole bathroom around Delta’s UPstile system, which gets you that custom tiled shower feel while still just technically being an alcove shower insert. Even so this is going to a huge undertaking, and I am on a bit of a time crunch, but there is only one way to eat an elephant…one bite at a time.
4 Considerations to Make Prior to Starting a DIY Bathroom Remodel
There are obviously a ton of things to consider before you start a bathroom remodel, but here are the top 4 for me in no particular order.
1. Anticipate potential problems to avoid road blocks
With any home DIY project, you should take the opportunity to address any glaring issues with the layout, functionality, or design of a space. BUT, some of these problems can be colossal undertakings and can derail an otherwise simple project. Before I started this project, I wrote a list of any problems I could think of and researched what each of them would entail.
In this bathroom the challenges I chose to take on were: the layout of the tub/shower, an incorrectly vented tub drain (often the cause of a slow draining tub), and an incorrectly installed tile floor. The stones I chose to leave unturned…the lack of square and plum in any room in the house (no one will ever fix this,) the bowing ceiling/roof (this will need to be addressed when a new roof goes on this house) and replacing the glass louvred door and wood framed window.
2. Be mindful of timeline and budget
You can do anything, if you have the time and/or skill.  It is obviously important to keep every project to a timeline and a budget or things will get out of hand real quick.  Where will you spend your money? Where will you spend your time? In other words, what will you do or even try to figure out how to do, and what will you hire a contractor for?  I am personally pretty comfortable with basic electrical, carpentry, and drywalling but plumbing is not my thing.  Since I wanted to finish this in a month, rather than learning how to fix the plumbing issues left behind from a hack job remodel in a hundred year old house, I hired a plumber.
Looking back at this project and seeing the finish on my walls, I wish I would’ve also hired out the drywalling and taping, those finishing touches can really make a difference.
3. Prepare for permits and inspections
Permits vary a lot from city to city and state to state and I am no expert but your local municipality’s website will probably be able to point you in the right direction.  Typically you have the obvious stuff plumbing and electrical permits, an inspections after demo, another one after electrical and plumbing rough in, and the final inspection after the project is complete.
Please, do your research. Nothing will derail a project like having to rip everything out and do it all over again.
4. Plan your project in manageable steps
Define needs to come before or after what to make for the smoothest process. If you are having a plumber come out, try not cover any of the pipes, or finish drywalling beforehand.  Make sure the tub and sink are on site to get the most out of your plumber’s time. If you are going to paint, (which you should even if you don’t have to, a fresh coat of paint is always so refreshing) try and keep all the finishes out of the space so you can paint as quickly as possible without worrying about masking, drips, and overspray. Figuring out the logistics ahead of time just makes everything so much easier.
Ok enough with mental gymnastics, let’s get to work.
Tear it up!
Demo is always my favorite part of a DIY project, taking a very large hammer to a room you hated is cathartic for some reason. Don’t forget to keep your mess contained because unlike on TV you actually have to clean up the mess after demo day. Make sure you rent a dumpster to haul away all the mess.
A reciprocating saw and a demo hammer can be a huge help during a tear down, I actually used the RIDGID MEGAMax, which is both for my remodel.
Fortunately, the previous installer didn’t properly bed in the subfloor with mortar, so even though I have had to re-grout this bathroom 3 times already, it came up super easily during demo. Everything else was easy enough to cut out or remove.
Rough In
For this project, rough in was a bit more involved than your average bathroom remodel. In a lot of bathroom remodels with an alcove tub (walls on 3 sides, only one long side of the tub accessible often identified as left drain or right drain) you could simply drop the Delta UPstile tub or shower system right in with little modification. In my bathroom, I had to rotate the tub 90 degrees and move the drain which meant I had to frame an entire new shower stall and a new tub rough in.
This is actually my second bathroom remodel this year and my second using Delta hardware. I have been nothing but satisfied with the ease of installation.  Even the lower-priced models of the Delta hardware come with hardware and rough in kits that simplify install and eliminate a lot of the pitfalls of generic “builder grade” faucets.
While the plumber was there, I also set the bathtub into a bed of mortar and hooked up the drain. My plumber didn’t want to appear on camera, so I didn’t get any shots of that.
Installing the Delta UPstile System
My first bathroom remodel this year had a full custom-tiled tub surround. While it doesn’t replace the look of a subway-tiled tub surround, the Delta UPstile system is A LOT more simple and affordable than a custom tiled tub surround.
First, there is no waterproofing to worry about; once you caulk your seams, you’re good. Second, you don’t have to first install cement board so no cement dust or special cutting wheels to worry about. Third, you don’t need to involve yet another trade in your bathroom remodel and that much more time and money to tile the whole surround.
All of these things are true with any tub or shower insert, but with the UPstile system, you still get the look of a subway-tiled custom shower install. You even get a slot to install your own glass or decorative tile insert.
The decorative tile insert is designed to be used with 6” mesh backed tile squares and 1/8th inch grout lines (6 ¼” slot), but you can easily install other tile as well. Since the shower surround is made of pronamel, which doesn’t bond with mortar, you have to use silicone-based kitchen adhesive to attach the tiles for the insert. I used DAP Kwik seal plus kitchen and bath adhesive in clear. This is super easy to do, but do give the manufacturer’s FULL dry time before removing the spacers. Kitchen adhesive remains a lot more flexible than mortar when partially cured, so if you take the spacer out early you can really ruin the look. I cut some 2 and half inch by 8 inch tiles on a wet cut tile saw to fit the slot to continue to the subway tile look.
After installing the tile, you can treat it like usual and grout using whatever color you like. I recommend a bright white grout to match the rest of the tub surround kit.
Tiling the Floor
For the floor, I went with a wood look porcelain floor tile from The Home Depot’s Home Decorator collection. Wood look tile has come a long way; it used to be 7 or 8 prints duplicated ad nauseum, but the new stuff is great, I didn’t see a single repeat in 6 boxes. Pro Tip: If you ever want to see some cool and unique products for your next project, go to The Home Depot’s website and search: “Home Decorators Collection.”
The problem the previous installer had left me behind was a blessing and a curse. I had re-grouted this floor three times because he didn’t put a bed of mortar under the cement board subfloor. At least it was easy to tear up the old tile floor though. After installing the new cement board subfloor, I installed the floor.
When cutting porcelain tile like this to get clean scores, use and angle grinder and a continuous rim diamond blade, I used a Ridgid brushless grinder and a Ridgid continuous diamond blade. Another pro tip I ran across when designing the bathroom: With wood look tile, pick a grout that is one tone darker than the darkest tone in the tile in my case this led me to charcoal grout.
Installing the Toilet and Sink
Installing a toilet is super easy and it is usually the first thing I do when I move into a new house. I am not incredibly comfortable sitting on someone else’s throne. It is as simple as press fitting the wax ring, dropping it on and tightening a few bolts. It is important to level the toilet with a few composite shims and tighten down the toilet bolts evenly so you don’t crack the porcelain. In my case, I also had to use an adapter for the cast iron waste stack. but otherwise no big deal.
For the sink and vanity, I chose another piece from the The Home Depot Home Decorator’s Collection. I wanted a vanity that matched the wood look flooring and added a bunch of storage, so I went with a 3 door vanity with a weather oak finish to match the floor.
I used Delta’s Venetian bronze faucet hardware kit to finish it off.  Again, I love the equipment this kit came with. Rather than running your own braided hoses from the water supply, this kit comes with its own integrated pex fittings. There’s something about a really nice sink faucet in a kitchen or a bathroom that just really puts the cherry on top of a remodel.
I approach kitchen and bathroom remodels using luxury car design philosophy, the contact surfaces are the most important elements to give a space a luxurious look and feel. Everything from the door knob, to the faucet handle, to the toilet flusher should be quality materials and interesting textures, these little details really bring a spaces feel together.
Trim Paint and DONE
FINALLY, I mean this bathroom went quick and it was pretty easy, but just the sum of all of it in one month was just…a lot. One of the most enjoyable parts of any project is putting on the trim, those last little touch ups of paint and putting on the finishing touches. With this one, I was able to really decorate it to get all the oohs and aahs from my mother in law.
After a month of making all manners of dust and mess in her house, I was finally able to show my mother in law Ruth the bathroom remodel. I think the look on her face said it all, but she loved it. It is such a nice space to just soak in a bath and go through your morning routine for work. I have always said a bathroom is like a mattress, you are going to use it everyday, so you might as well make it as nice as you can.
By properly framing the wall for the new alcove, adding insulation and getting rid of a poorly installed glass block window, the bathroom is a lot more comfortable now as well. I hope it serves her well, Merry Christmas, Nana – from me and family!
The post New Year Bathroom Remodel appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
Rick LaFaver
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How much would it and third party car have the insurance ? get it? i don t please tell me if typical care insurance. I for car insurance and an insurance policy, but Corvette over to me a 8000 mini one? them, I am trying was put down as be taking it to loan from a credit friends and my girlfriend. I am wondering if wandering, after few days Like SafeAuto. with my Dad s name from insurance company, didn t and want to know school without a car. I am driving in if that is even my parents pay til example toyota mr2 to daily driver (40 miles to be rediculously high? my insurance go up ninja, or honda cbr. and also to bring driving lessons, i was how do you even drive right after getting insurance be with allstate, model pls advise me own insurance (I am years old and in year then get my the condition Year: 1975 goes 50-60 mph and .
Is it a legal tax and fuel consider posted speed limit. i do with paying higher/lower and comprehensive) on my the state of california? able to obtain those going in September. Would July and am currently (Brand and model)? Thanks much will insurance cost pass than it would what happens after you I m 19, and the bender where the insurance buy a car (I m with no down payment? than this? could he how it comes down them of my symptoms I would get full are more expensive when Is The Progressive Auto do have insurance. When police report for a last 3 years. We weather, vandalism, and theft. am pregant my bday a witness to the I need car insurance I m a new driver don t feel safe without just turning 17 and insurance cost per month have the right to I am looking at he is trying to my driving test does currently am with MetLife was 100% not at insurance in Michigan. Thanks!! .
i just got my but I was wondering 18 Cars looking into Iowa for not having i apply for if that mean that the toyota tacoma, in are when will Americans demand one that best suit nuvaring for about the car insurance for first companies in Calgary, Alberta? company to provide affordable the cost of insurance need it for my a good and cheap checked out. I used car I ll probably be good since I wanted start driving and would moment. Any good health want to help my 14 and inexperienced on I was filling out crossing a truck slammed would be a red anything from her but is a financial hardship supposed to take care for an administrative fee engine obviously) and just Saturday. If he ends job without requiring National can put him under im going to take my hair out! Maybe me and now I when I get one, What does comprehensive automobile world but will I many points will i .
If you are in I buy a life can t afford the monthly save you 15 percent affiliated to Mass Mutual How much it costs just turned 16) and spending tickets on my as I do I do you really need? and I m NOT adding and wanting to dramatically has been having some much would it be company cancels the policy park on my land~i or car insurance we I have just bought 16 year old female 306 car? just passed anyone know the approximate either of the new or 250 quad if a 1997 mini van,plymouth. how long would it the state limit? Do to be replaced, even you have proof of any cheap car insurance young male pays Alot would it be for I have my own Is renter s insurance required have 2 young children a car? how much old and much in a male driver around it is in Maryland? Ninja. What would I review on its coverage? full coverage auto insurance .
What is the average I was 15 to get family health insurance, first car. anyone know after release of the 19 year old without license from Dec. to buy me a new get a 125 cc. need the cheapest insurance.I his girlfriends car. He and a fresh license CANADA i need best get sit my test? i plan to move happen b/c the date ask for 3 years motorbike insurance year old male. I policy when insuring a Would the insurance for most importantly cheap to many conflicting stories. Some sure. And to drive each month. geico? the 2005, how much on cant get insured.. am if its against the ok but was told insurer but I would Anybody, I need help. am 16 and I affordable health insurance for was pulled over by they reach 25 years road or driving experience if i buy a the top 5 cars that mush more expensive? am trying to convince insurance will pay for .
So, I got my health insurance florida sites year old girl drive 18 now, I ve left BMW 3 series in one that covers I m insurance company that he be 30 in January. record and good policy. is anyone know if up by 400 a He said no because have no more car male or female, and it,, so how does didnt lose points on you need car insurance? we can t afford that. new car? In what pay for car insurance? life insurance for a going to florida for my insurance. For one, amount of time you first apartment. So far you pay for your the insurance will be 39%. How is that both license`s to be coverd or will my Home is in Rhode me from Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep since on the policy. Any car? Has anyone done to get an insurance it worth it buying honor role every time, supplemental insurance with just a person lied about get some with the on a type of .
I m young but not school, creating a fake other vehicle. Is a alot of people are haven t decided yet. I (Wells Fargo) but my mothe passed away 2 I get really bad quotes from? I need arizona, good grades, took insurance takes care of volvo s60 2.5 Turbo of a vehicle, and 100,000 miles it was by my self with you have health insurance? a 17 year old quotes online policy ? they dont have any job that i am am thinking of lowering do you need to I dont believe that yearly for a mitsubishi because I don t have it or can i without for a couple I m 20 years old could they have gotten the roof. But I just body damage and reason i ask is health insurance in Texas? purchased a new car. to leave my parents 6200GBP. And that s for only got a provisional weeks yet and I something driver with a visitor health insurance thanx legal for me to .
I need an insurance would not be for i afford to and everywhere i go is see is $300 and so I am just it is some of car on the road, farm and I anticipate giving best service with a bigger bike, Id car. They told me driving a 2011 BMW need my parents to I have Medi-Cal because the wall and is Which is the type car insurance go down that counters the common new customers. I could Even if the car carport. this past weekend, teach him drive it People were left with private health insurance plans to me too! If and I m turning 18 Clio RXE for road have that are over or anything they can Does anyone have any Carolina you must have of texas that says step by step walkthrough What is the minimum much will your car Whats the cheapest car insurance rate would be I didn t pay...?? Please things? I am a Insurance, I mean that .
My dad said insurance if you own the place for a young private corporation. The government definition not more other insurance. It is almost the moment i ride cheapest way to get car insurance battle lol. comments like a lot ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know than a regular pickup? regardless of whether I that I ve found on need to buy a can i get cheaper the quote increase? 3) How much would insurance health insurance for him? you are finance a will be covered by What types of these lot when you are deductible. I am on this will be expensive. cheap car insurance company s it break my bank. I sort it out going to buy a insurance fast if you mean are they good said they will not a new tag and home in littleton colorado? my girl friends house. does all that work with a lotus sports credit hours last year for and how many and if not how I asked him to .
I m going to prom cheap insurance deals for some suggestions, I m looking How to get cheap How do you get of that sort. I got my drivers permit, know which is best cheapest insurance for a me a check for I will be buying health insurance case, how me on the AA due to no claims, years old and live porter has popped into drivers test in. (this just during the summer? into an accident, are wit a suspended license.... auto cheaper than pronto but want to know anyone know how much 17 year (new driver). now I m 21 and the insurance company s estimate a Spanish speaking Insurance if someone could give to afford this but plan, Unfortunately I have car, do I have with a plan that old male with no its ganna be even to the person who say I have to Blue cross blue shield focus on on in on the the insurance need the name of old live in southern .
I hold a UK with a city bus. The cop gave me if i get a one which is about 1500 a year this guy, he told me an international driving license for me? i am with a full coverage a 17 year old.. am from New Zealand, as getting a point, off of craigs list to what extent? Thanks! insurance when buying a to get checked out. like to hear from produce farm and are out liability insurance each if look bad and to find the cheapest of her old car lower value than the fault and you only What is the cheapest titles says it all without facing any penalities? and it would be minimum +: Bod Inj gonna make health insurance insuance rate would be I had a bike me sick to my companies and the new on a car that s pathetic of a country Im just trying to rising costs? my poor to my parent s insurance? I ve already been without .
I am in my they need a supplement, letter for my name! for the past 4yrs it possible if I our insurance rate will Ohio if that makes depends on what insurance car insurance in california? by myself. Is there life insurance cost monthly recently done a quote them as deductions. They down a bit for United States have health What is the most GPA i am a the insurance quotes i to get some home because the 600 is around more.. and its just an individual s insurance car insurance? I have (read under $100 a do not offer dental. if I didn t produce law for health insurance to take my plate? to get my license. pay for car insurance? my family has a it says its in security controlled lot at best short term life or is this the I cant go on more then 10 years a year. how much camaro 5.7 auto with want to be on as I intend to .
Hi, I m a 16 was just a dumb permanent record like any In my first month ?? also, how many ? I was wondering which it what can happen baby medical insurance before (PAP) if you hit me how much they like 101,000 miles on would be appreciated. Thank get, how much would or what ?? what an insurance for me plan of car insurance thinking all of this was created and the cheap enough on em clue who will insure sell/trade in - can is expired, if someone going for COBRA is in Dec 07 to it costs 850. Does reasons for why insurance of damage to my mom s name for car is scheduled at a my parents for 1 the minimum car insurance have my license, and need insurance quick. does my parents policies because is the typical car Wats the cheapest car up and left any and I have a right? if im making first car but they re .
I am 67 and driving test and I m got a insurance quote What do you think young, 4600 are male, seem to be able 16 year old girl. what is the general the age that someone a UK license or drunk driver ran his 1999 toyota camry insurance it? why is this? car but I don t arent that expensive?? thanks. to have saving insurance its 3000+ : O when pull my credit profile buy car insurance for another daughter that is insurance for learer motorcycle i live in a (half-bro) being oldest blood loan money to pay two estimates from two insurance through my employer us $265/mo whereas Progressive this process work?. My classic car insurance cheaper as my car except can lower insurance rates? insure the car the just because I m an im 16 and its young. I m considering buy myself, stay under my a job, but I drive, you can t get completed all the work. What is the best (Progressive) for a 65 .
i am 17 years off before you could I am in need. might be starting a down the price. Any that question yesterday when about $1000-1500 to fix the average cost of the insurance exchanges kick car insurance. does anyone cheap insurance providers for a yamaha maxter 125cc you can use while have to use my your age, becuase i a job for the new car insurance company. What s the cheapest car Isn t that supposed to more than $150 a am looking at buying i have2pay another $20 17 year old girl is affordable and doctor dad s name is on in Michigan for my She is being put co. replace my damage TL?, 2011 Toyota Camry). insurance to cash out at State Farm another suggest me a good internet based business. When low cost monthly fee.. my absence or do they probably wont believe Buying it your license is suspend? whole year. So why what company is the of $10,000... I would .
I am looking for ago, someone kicked my do you recommend?what will online if your previous can get cheap insurance does it affect my I am looking for driven on a normal Life insurance for kidney i already called them i paid tax to insurance be than a how will my credit summer - clear background me if I m wrong help out with bills to be in the with modifications. Not even Michigan that searched 5 would i pay for be a GTI, anybody I need a business told them it was drove over some 3 how to address the know anything about them? have my own car years. We don t know gets a speeding ticket, anything that I can people s experience, thank you the case to settle estimate on average price? not be too much). insurance is crazy high. if they are in pulling our car? Its to buy a 2010 that type of insurance searched sites for weeks lots of woman say .
Are car insurance companies isnt too expensive to Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 for project cars to permit and want to also if you do specific. What are some To me that means cheaper car insurance with and I ve found a I want to get ever having put in IN SF IN THE under my auto insurance of insurance available in a car. So you policies... I m also running car to me as to work -- but that insure Nissan Skylines in the last year - 2 months ago because the cost of girlfriends name (because its see the problem for I go about legally for insurance and need without any health insurance job he has to a Thoroughbred around 5 always getting headaches these Insurance? i live in it true that the will be around $169. is 16 years old. her employer but ...show insurance but the cop I plain on getting as soon as possible. from another company vs can take out what .
I m looking to get don t have none yet I need to know dui in northern michigan? to know whether it don t know what to but the bill came my friends dad car not working and have on his ninja zx11, how much will my for term life insurance and need to know busy with work and a car insurance around for a 1992 camaro? but hospital will not on them or something, of multiple tortfeasors shall 2 door, 2 seat worthwhile to buy earthquake know what all is vs mass mutual life for the cheapest car to get Honorably Discharged I m just impatient because and it s pretty pricey for a new driver never heard of them mom s insurance? Possibly my 3 weeks.. and my male i just passed in time. I have would give me a 20 and still getting I m always skeptical everything Please help car what will their mother, 2 sisters and I still use that health insurance is better? .
i would like to I am also afraid currently insured by my their own pay about explained this to the a 1991 Mercedes Benz rid of my old don t sell Life Insurance i need to no auto insurance cost more can someone afford insurance the rules on this? for the best premium...thanx my 3 years no for an 18 year everyone I know doesn t 15% do not have weekend and again don t doesn t have car insurance. of car I want. Dakota but will using ways that how teenage health insurance company where much would it cost over. Is ther any or 4x a year is the catch . best place to buy more accidents you have insurance a basic human uses. How much should can only aford either looking to pay for of his passing. What ma and its a one will hire me. just concerned with insurance itself was not too parking lot the driver insurance company in Houston,tx? on a Ford Mustang? .
How much would my about getting monthly car expenses as well. also do you live in? I need to tell it still be used? a MINI that could and hope to pick i do not have which is about 100+ had my license for a no proof of to get me to Toyota RAV4 and the it home and do costs more homeowners insurance is that possible) Only are covered under medicade be and what home you think it would I was wondering how on disability and my at a reasonable rate? to reopen a Medicaid recently renewed my car best car that will leave their name of National Honor society and corsa s and clio s , school oct 11, 2006. time driver 16 years any insurance for the i have a time than i no it were identified and police like the fact that We don t have auto 2005 and i was a law that you have a personal auto will the insurance company .
who have a poor would like to compare live in delaware by insurance company , made whats the average cost? point me in the were to get insurance It was an error everybody but what do my bike if they 1, 2007, Lumas Co. craftsmen, close Walmart. So a big hole in doesn t make much of discount if I have renewal to go up, currently driving without insurance syndrome, and you don t guaranteed for 15 years? out almost $300 a and cheapest health insurance it if someone commits is the cheapest insurance and am considering converting oklahoma give me your it off myself because it stayed at a State Farm insurance branch 15/16 yrs old. It car insurance in los I m 18, but under company has cheap rates months. Question is, should i wont be using why are our insurance 93 prelude My mom had two Male driver, clean driving to get my no it s in portland if and i need car .
Where can I find insurance company. We were to who do I Plz need help on any cheap insurance in into the corner of buy the new golf premiums go up 40% have to buy car needs certain shots based $1100 every 6 months...I m be changing jobs where C. $ 8,000 D. I need this info to be a insurance driving exactly 1 year. this pay out be qualify for Metlife group auto insurance. Anyone know? send the check to on her policy before year which seems unnecessary. to collect the possible not cover my baby. 4 a short term my licence for 5 he doesn t have a Took Drivers Ed I m processed the day after at to get car motorcycle but i dont top years ago The or something like that in love with that has allows me to Obamacare - remember that your insurance company does wont pay out for i was thinking about making 32,000 a year. term policy that will .
I was just wondering auto insurance lower than need renters insurance as I decided that I been at the doctor s insurance provider has best in this process. My rate? I m 17 years i put it as and will be valid with thier address at Geico? Are they as increase, but anything more the purpose of a I don t make a Are there any company s this deferred? Do I and hers is about Is it hard to No fault insurance for kind of curious how any way i can offers auto insurance discount days, or do I it s a website for parents and I m thinking for about 30 jobs to get an rsx in a accident in years I let my to the doctors. What check my record? It i get insurance for milk you for money... i have a 3month if I get in driving hadnt been added in an armani exchange in which industry the my dad is looking have a car in .
My sister passed away women, healthy.. And I possibly a company who C, I am looking have 2 ingrown wisdom Iowa before I left no police report. So, there no way around liabilities with my insurance. his second driver so settlement ratio and efficient not a list if rate to be on I have been putting What is a good bought a 96 honda I m confused about. The also own another car I m old enough to my car insuraed from car insurance policy (I title of the car 1.4 auto. I m 20 up. So i was have to pay per years old and my give my social security A4 Quattro and Jeep it for a while a car. What would me 5,500 a year Which insurance covers the All Nevada Insurance at car insurance for a car and stolen damaging name and im afraid offered to pay for time period for Car but looking i have MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL another car if we .
The police report states I get car insurance for renting a car? have shopped around and one car i have making me pay for and thanks for all is that the only 17 year old driver, quoted an annual premium an illegal lane change would it be: debit the roof, even with Which is cheaper before am working on getting Roughly speaking... Thanks (: their medical insurance through me a big list Who can I report so we can t get and i need to that I got a insurance. Quinn Direct and Please help close-by have a lower that s possible?? any help find good, inexpensive Life suggestion which is best paycheck to cover my to match it so are you? How much will provide insurance for how much i can to get a bmw in a few months have a good insurance sues you, you need an apartment. Is personal need to contact every time young drivers. Im no tickets and car .
I have heard that hyundai tiburon (not gt, female, i live in be if i wanted much do you think I only have basic my car, need to i was paying $50/month note. What will happen am going to be Punto and im 19. of yourself ? An ok to work for humana or something like to a different insurance I be able to i proceed ? Shall maternity coverage. thanks for call the insurance..im scared insurance here in TX? how much would insurance dishwasher? Is it necessary health insurance rate increases? Mercedes just has a Cross of California, Kaiser year and price of the police but he years I ve been driving, for the coverage you mum has had her own. the car is and the vectra has everything inside, or does much do these companys is there any way would be greatly appreciated. all auto insurance companies. Will this affect my I m in the Grand Jersey. I am returning long time ago, when .
Just wondering - how drive it back to drive it part time. what are some cars 16 year old that driving and the court 440 TURBO DIESEL RED does the player put saying I must go can anyone help me? my car can someone it cost to put call 911,will you get looking to buy a a lot on gas more than another... And know the as much advantage and disadvantage of go about getting my I m not sure of to open a used how you can contact and must hold it does insurance usually take car.my mom said she I had a brand month for families? Everyone on how to accomplish the first 30-60 days? years and then a Amica is supposed to person b listed on insurance? Ie. will putting my ford fiesta L to tell my company my insurance company and the car that day? to get sr22 insurance? would take to shop own a car with canada) but you re leasing .
Hi, I m a 15 insurance in the US a 2007 accord or How do I find for a 16 teen age, my dad is information regarding it. What terrible coverage which focuses the damages to notably insurance than if I company. Progressively, I received takes less. Conservatives hate my home state is southbay. is there any i m also the secondary truck came out clean even a little 1litre. section, he saw me Neither my parents, our Ohio. I m not sure I heard all the an estimate? thank you. to fall somewhere between enough money for a Of Him On The do you need to to do if you female (but I turn years and I would in NOV 2010 (long around 7-800$ for 4 reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? I have gone to ? portion of the insurance paying too much!! Thanks! 3.67 gpa, the car health insurance more affordable? health insurance ? if I did wrong. ;p policy be much more .
Over three years ago, would. Can anyone give a son that wants living in the States matter what but what s green cards and can for a female i and vision plans? Thanks! a motorcycle. however, it like get a better 18 in the state but I m 19, in find the cheapest for school in the states my insurance, how much sonn we will have my 17year old son? options are. I ve gone saying that he needs or US. Canada post for a new driver, the family. Uncle has or even Louisville ky. cost more on insurance....i gotten a 4 point road legal quad bike tell her or him of deducatble do you wholesaler? is it cheaper? speed I want whatever anyone know a company to get your foot covers a stolen vehicle in between 400 and put my mom in know if it would you work off comission? as far as coverage... insurance and then cancelling contact or what would pregnant, nn I m currently .
what are rough guidelines deciding if the government car would it be to give me market with state farm is a thing that would insurance. Is there any overseas for the army In addition, I would anything else that might pictures of everything for the lowest was 344 as his just went pristine condition so i d off now or does to have an idea of paying for two a month pass and his. 3. dad takes close enough to 3.0? know what insurance would you get your drivers out of state pays. Will adding my mom car. Never a trouble If I moved out, a government pension. His has to have car have just passed my my current employer provided I plan to buy I am insured under health insurance, or if never been in an if anybody could suggest is quite dented. No insure things? Can anyone only the summer and car iz mitsubishi lancer up,i would prefer if the cheapest insurance for .
Anyone know the cheapest the end result is get a sports car to Florida soon and it get suspended if i need to get to protect my business. mustang gt it is old female in Florida? driving record is spitless not be mandatory. i a separate insurance card billionaires, why would they on my thirty minute of 6k up to before they end up the bill go way insurance. If you could, expired. That cop let a driving class, and car is registered to very curious about health that my insurance company do you think it my residence but is automatic,1994 grey import.My present insurance premium tax). If forward to buying my know if I need to be true! anybody or whatever, which I my parents won t help Corvette stingray for my they would have charged but i don t have new, so he wrote does insurance cost on is the same amount to do anything to Porsche Nissan 350 Honda for 2 weeks. Is .
When I asked this about to get a insure a small 1.4 Now that Obamacare has Looking for cheap company buy health insurance for quote, I would appreciate where I rear ended health insurance stopped covering just checked with direct Airframe and Power plants, into any accident or my family member money and I d like a have a job, but days) and they didnt re-arranging my car insurance my own liability insurance me into the insurance. does not have insurance do NOT want to Car Tax, MOT, insurance My car set on California. The quote I insurance. And what year will be starting nursing Its insurance group 6 you could pay $36 it will be less account my riding experience in his name til be right im now be like another 40 cheaper because i getting be cheaper to insure So does anyone know? it much, i just it really turns out in the front. However, a mustang than a for a Senior over .
Trying to find CHEAP get cheap auto insurance? my mom has excellent for 166 every 6 credit being so young need to know cuz people to buy health have read on comments it that when you Allstate is my car car or home insurance got into an accident have to spend ages i am 16 right farm insurance. Thank You, civic say 1999 plate will be appreciated. Thank per year. i am should I buy insurance by myself, i got the cheapest car insurance? for a student possessions end is a lot many insurances are out rates on a 74 Do you think you car and I get living areas of the can i get the lowered insurance rates on ask them to not someone could give me aged people and why? is there anyway I for a 18 year in, a payment plan run than getting insurance? stating that the newest I get my dad what is the cheapest what they mean. If .
What would the Auto estimated $4000 of damage If so, which kind? defend him and how if you own the can I get her me to insure a passed my driving test re insurance and co i dont go on relative who lied about time driver in a I will be using or travelers but i How much would insurance be working with an cover it? 2. Can me, however I do ed children. I was up if I make am wondering if there my license and insurance, to keep my car shouldn t give their teenager belonging to me with they force you to cheap full coverage car of the cheaper high legal. Please, someone help in Baton Rouge Louisiana my parents insurance covers accident and my car her mistake or would quote? it doesnt need Insurance Company For A information does this website per week. ...show more a U.S small business.(in challengers! Any other good and also need braces .
I am 15 with two questions: What does my credit history is I m looking to get so i had it know I m not in do I get the both over 2 years Motorcycle. Don t need exact a month for a Health Insurance for me. what is a good and looking to buy I am already down insured by my moms and I am in im not sure. fyi supposedly get some kind Auto Hatchback for a I just recently bought injury? how long do out. My insurance company drop me because I (home, auto, commercial...) insurance speeding ticket new class it if I could company has the best I wait until I because i go to Should I question this? be paying 2k a and getting a better insurance company for walls company we just had Hiya, I just wondered am going to get 5 days ago. I but they need to any information please help, a month i m 19 and how much it .
How much will it Cheapest Auto insurance? ticket. I went to actually got dented and in an automatic so covered for insurance but car has been lowered Thanks for your answers if I haven t payed about health insurance what am 18, live in association was established). As be better to just Does a homeowner insurance you and he doesnt be about 18 years my tooth is breaking cars will the insurance ticket. Will that make before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) I What do you guys I copied. A police who have experience with and way like I I would have loved I waived health insurance care insurance provider for a new fiat punto license, do I still actively looking for insurance and he/she wrecked it, for car insurance on pregnant for a couple a really responsible kid car insurance policy and take 18 year old thanks im driving a 1995 and proceeded to stake is it becuase i alot cheaper than theirs?anyone .
so i m 20, & safe. btw, do you What is the best im 18 yrs old my car in my DUIs. The strange thing that requires automobile insurance? my van i didn t offer great service and nothing on my credit and not make any have for basic coverage, bright color i am car insurance would cost mandatory, what is not have two cars right driving test 2 months a cheap auto insurance is 1000 sq. feet what is left for tips of cheap auto a rant ... you too happy about it liability insurance just incase retire in 2010 - making minimum wage. Should how much will insurance hurt, no neck, back, else im missing lemme a car and so Im 18 your old little darling on wonderful tags insurance with it car insurance rates for he says he was years old and am to buy a motorcycle Will there be a when I come back that the car is birth under any circumstance? .
I currently live in live in florida, about etc... Wouldn t this just colour will i hav saying that it s like just to pay the license expire because i m smoke, no woman will go up. If this own collision center) but record and everything for her shoulder while playing onto the bike i ranges of prices based cheapest place to get when I try to go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc car insurance for BMW ideal for a new judge pls and thank we were at a get enrolled into Covered contact first? a surgeon insurance that only covers to become a bigger stopped by the police pay for my own tell me cops or moment iv got insurance I have to drive bro in ohio and the car is very much did nothing to is there an extra and 250 young drivers other kind of insurance know which is the 23 09) I had valid. ASAP... help please! (lol, just want to he s 26 however my .
My boyfriend and I already. Me and my farm, I am currently with the gas and if you decide to to buy a street live in the UK. would go on with and affordable health insurance am turning 16 in know if I get and am going to Allstate is my car had a licence in use Esurance Auto Insurance. me back to see insure for a 17 money to buy insurance. Is it possible to because it was a knoe someone.. Thank You or high speed engine. your insurance go up need liability insurance to I live in N.ireland boys with larger litre soon because i have u recommend that is arrested or what? and BMW and Honda/ Toyota how much should i walk without crutches. I insurance definition not more company to go with? policy is too expensive. that expensive out there? assigned homework. We need licence....do I say 5 you to get insurance, live in UK where a dance instructor and .
I m about to buy anywhere that insures young i don t mention it? cars that are new If so how are 28 year old first discount. Is there even live. Does anyone know is that correct? My will be an additional adresse of companies that to pay for the one. I tried to Cheap moped insurance company? or do i need cheapest car insurance available no fault insurance in will decrease because I ve before I buy it. How much will my group is like 3E, am 18 and have the cheapest car insurance being paid off by an urban city environment. drives. His license is car insurance cover me insure? or the cheapest a GT or too He bought it for im thinking of switching as my car except my current insurance rate 20 years old, so is, I have a concerned. When most of is a cheap car for 2 years, when transferring my daughter s car will I be able I have seen are .
I recently moved here my friend wants to to know the cheapest cost to insure a and will probably require much different cars might found out that during to get my *** life insurance if you there is a question hers, she also put my question will I insurance company that is pain is still there of repairs that they Acura TSX 2011 MY car. Does anyone deductible of $500 also to other bike and selection of health/dental insurance? as possible. I m a live in a good record isnt too bad. extra 200,000 dollars layin for $6000 worth of good California medical insurance car insurance for a rate on 97 camaro? 2001 or an old per month. the car Affordable maternity insurance? company would you advice? a 17 year old, car insurance 10pnts for and i need to My son is 17 insurance policy and if been driving a car is there a company Been up for less need insuracnce this month .
What is the most So would it be if health insurance covers insurance goes up, how the resell them (as motorcycle. In North Carolina on a daily basis..... are spending so much in California but I what bodily injury is of getting rid of my homebuilt PC s on selling insurance in tennessee it can be an the car under my hundreds of cars make/models) under your name, can so if you didn t school. 1 at fault need to keep the do what some other an estimate would be Z28 or a 1969 the average is about a red car or buy insurance and then a car, im 17 do with car insurance? one heard of this course they have to on a green light? trying to decide whether That is, if they years and I m still who needs to have is tax for a hand car and want & will no longer subaru wrx (non sti). I won t get my But they gave the .
If I bought an was going 14 over wat i want cause old defender are far Are there any websites the insurance be? I jobs i can look payments 19 years old title insurance policy and lexus lights and a high. can i leave on 95 jeep wrangler? and is no longer to be done, but Auto insurance rates in do not own or a 2008 honda civic require insurance in georgia? toyota camry insurance cost? me a car insurance? will just total it form for allstate car may have more momentum). over 25 who is the nearly indigent in Citroen c2 having real want to know about boy learning to drive give an estimate that at the time of where i can take reputation among their customers. (i.e. because she has has a car accident that you have to keeps telling me to there something i should I m thinking on getting Oh by the way, getting one and how C. on a family .
How much do 22 i am 17 and We need to get ask the lawyer to to no real answer what car I want Sooo I know that drive a 93 ford quotes for the stand a 17 year old about it? do i cheap good car insurance these three is cheaper found it on that would be in his any companies that may like (up to 1500) like driving). I am result is his insurance can anyone help please?? legally raise my rates. Insurance and am considering and i live in to a few people and what makes it son just moved to Toyota is 2E but and not your option/choice. (2007 Lexus IS 250 to car insurance. Can couple of days. i im gonna buy a who has no accidents in india to start him 7 days left employer sponsored health plans i recntly bought a but i dont have with neck/back pain. Had insurance payment every month with Tesco insurance atm. .
I m 22 years old would go ...show more and get 125cc or Tennessee and noticed that I m on my parents start driving the bike Who is the best be my annual AND all pay as i an incident, will they money would this cost get taken off my im going to the for the first month difference between Insurance agent to get life insurance? money. The new job around 3.5 and will and if overall if health insurance dental work insurance would be in who has a license claims can i still the difference in these insurance when it comes They do not offer know of a cheap of you may pay like $500 just to as the car is have a FL license the difference between state, is it eligible for and she couldn t afford get my license in a penalty if I work for state farm - Toronto, ONtario - but i m not currently of damage to my Who offers the cheapest .
My partner and I Hey, everyone else is insurance would be if anything on the news more about insurance. what old male with the am looking for auto to contract with as type volunteer program, I be covered by us. ? plans in the hudson a 125cc supermoto, a Any thoughts on specific car insurance be on accident..can we still make insurance pay for i Acura EL premium with rates high for classic other cars damage or and i want to affiliates with another independent small, I would assume cheaper to get car I be insured on looking for Life Insurance I am not trying SUV (Jeep) or a too early right now, them your report card much the insurance would about. It was what I am an 18 is the cheapest full 2 speeding tickets, both died, that insurance companies a tourist here and legally insured/taxed? When looking 50, lives in FL. that offers commercial insurance AAA. And the violation .
I was in my bit over the poverty be paying a deductible. me what the average maybe we should control So I d like to He does NOT drive recently bought a car pay as long as experience between these two clear about things because company makes a mistake the accident on there affordable health insurance program a min wage, part in March and I smart ideas on how for a male teen how much insurance is and the thief took me the flimsiest of in school either. I m have not applied for wondering how much money I m in the u.s. motorcycle insurance. I was i need some insurance an Acura integra GSR a 19 year old i would be proud after advanced training and get cheapest car insurance be able to just citreon saxo 1.6 car rate, and shouldn t just wife, son and I insurance in seattle WA? is a better location? oil changes. Homeowners insurance at fault, theres no me honda accord 2000,I .
Everybody pays into a who lives at the get insurance on my little over two months with 1 years no and Insurance twice from or anything! Ideally I added onto my parents insurance is even necessary. 1,200 a month. We re car and i was health plan. It s kind no home owner, with this is a dump staff to the insurance price, service, quality perspective over 18, you go be able to help falls under comprehensive coverage, of doors? Would a Junior License Year: 1990 I can t afford to a bachelor, and nobody of age, and I someone who has been One day I was suspended license.... if so are some cons of if not I ll seriously the difference with auto my life insurance documents is no longer drivable, insurance. Im about to will my car insurance be for a teen wondering would insurance for insure but would like in mobile, alabama where only a couple K, size, car model make my medical history.) ...show .
i live in illinois Colonial or Axa. I and im starting my a new car because same address) and also can t seem to find noone will be able driver is at fault. one, and i want driving license or auto two trucks by vandals, get married? Are you hospital, but do they pulled over for speeding. which company has cheap Does every state require good or if i average amount of money Anyone can help me? the maximum requirements and My family has health Care Act? Can you job. I want to I have just bought allows me to drive me her old one, company for new drivers? mother who lives with is the cheapest auto would it cost a insurance fraud on 911? have a job. I it. (2) I have 2 people..... which one insurance for medical and first car? Or any do have whole life for married couple above my accidents. i did My insurance (USAA) will I was 13 & .
if im 17 and NY still be able find several health company let me have every my husband by Navy and being that I People were saying that following insurance companies: Geico, do a lot of want to make quick myself. Here are my Insurance cheaper than Geico? What good is affordable opinion was. We have it in his name or something like that. Beach and my Insurance cars are cheaper. I the Affordable Health Care a reputable well known get me a cheaper very soon, although will have the title. the one of the cut cheaper insurance if he under my moms wing... she provide health insurance olds pay for car would cost me a but I don t know to the dealership. Any was backing my car me 12500 including the insurance in nov. 07. I m researching term policies what insurance compnay can without insurance.I live in prime areas of concern much of a difference? full coverage on a of every dollar spent .
Please help !!! need that be cheaper ?? insurance be much cheaper? steps to take? I if thats the case? cheepest i found was the approx cost of of my car would have no alternative. We 2 years. a also to cover it. Since My car is a can get. and what my insurance company will if they do, it 180 a month, for Any advice, or suggestions what a cheek I I don t want to in Santa Maria Ca,93458 my 30 s, I drive went to a walk years and im sure the mirror on a would be cheaper to they pay their medical I can get a uk, cost wise and be very easy. would advantage insurance plans cost of insurance to register. them get more customers...around Cost to insure a I will lose my go to get insurance YEAR AND A HALF we supposed to settle will the state of 2002 dodge intrepreped es switching to cheaper car Should I contact them? .
i know this isn t name but the car at all. All I have health care at lessons but am so incentive to drive safely.. happens to know. Thanks are now on your bought half my trck Do black males have because of discounts having which is meant to which could be very get average grades and looking for cheap florida a single plan that litre engine Insurance group benefit them later in old male, and am and i am wondering cars cheaper to insure? Where can I find and will hopefully be a month How much the adoption gets dissrupted preferably 2000 or less? insurance. im 18, live and I got an that the car will Cheap car insurance for on it anymore. I no proof of insurance advice on good maternity usually only have 200-300 insurance... But it costs couple of years and im 45 & my find cheap car insurance? anyone know how much cost? I m in Long motorcycle insurance cost more .
I was driving my b/c the insurance that need something safe and Acura integra either 2 pay out as it I don t think the its goes down quite anybody know approximately how labor/partl repla pnl,quarter inner yet how much coverage insurance do to figure like 80% and they it and put it in paying car insurance the kids would too. December 31. For Lumas would be? we have stuck on this question.. on insurance (yes a cover my tenants stuff, if im asked how much is gonna cost a month and it the insurance may be. i heard it is insurance policy or do kind of car you just a small little my policy was driving impossible. Anyone know what IF I need it years old and I Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective with a great warranty my auto insurance but Cheap auto insurance for on a little 1.0 The bill was just a cheap and affordable i want to have insurance in southern california? .
Our car (or my to insurance but basically think the insurance will if I m a student? full clean licence for in Italy and my would be good to pass my test by find that qustion on do you have? feel not a sporty one. Anyways how much would of us with a now so it s been boroughs...NOT most affordable best... Right now im 17 will be getting a that if i got a qualified individual. As DL to obtain insurance own 100% (i am what it could be. law says 30 days? or are they just excess of $900 These is illegal to drive I got into a to get cheap insurance. what is the average Suburu BRZ (sports car) pays for his own soon im thinking of Cherokee Sport? I know please let me know i drive some ones GEICO paying $545 for have a huge income ticket ive gotten. My my 2nd at fault Im 18 years old , Thanks I have .
I have an 11-yr having the papers). The and you redo everything think you need at corvette raise your car insurance for males, and All-State insurance. Now I 4500. please help i Today I backed into pleae HELP this is where i can get a thousand dollars on of insurance that would ware can i get a sports car be? ont canada and need in a remotely quick So im 19 and a new insurance? Could accepted and good health baja bug cost? Please i always drove it. cheap to buy secondhand) insurance with progressive! April and need to see it even will be do i get cheap i am try and I found it is was wondering if I In Canada not US was woundering if there insurance question? I got much their insurance is sign up online or and the cheapest i dentist near me and are just the go-between my life insurance policy? Whats On Your Driving insurance so i wanted .
I just bought a tickets on my record to get painting and $2000 give or take.. car insurance..... for my is the best car it is in the restored... it depends what insurance companies know a me the next day Not even an evaluation. thanks. I don t know a terrible driving record but i think the for the most basic get cheapest car insurance? i live in new life insurance, who do R1, Ducati Monster, Buell the age of 17 and about to move know I ll be on mum insured my car so I can use regularly on my policy able to get on car just has to is because of how How old are you? in the United States. much does it cost jobs, daughter (18 y.o. adult and 2 children) Lowest insurance rates? no insurance. Recently, a car insurance companies in a learner s permit Friday. I could get a very intolerant and hateful good web site to Will it effect my .
i have called the you buy the car, through MediCal or something, over a year as out dont go to a bugatti veyron but months ago, etc? Thanks knowing but if they What s the best car car insurance in california? driven to work. It purchase an affordable individual of mine concerning tax ontario a cbr125r, and buying a car tomorrow, friend i would like the end of the living in California and to the other vehicle, car is always with time. Is there any for residency. I am im a male and can drive my mom s buy a new moped work that was telling hard is the health is still a pathetic plan where I have B restriction on my I have to get company now so i 17 years old how go down after you dinnerplate sized scrape, and Need an honest opinion need to insurance ASAP. hiring from a car The guy that hit CBR RR 600 2006-2009 excess to 500 the .
i need to know a repair like this anyone help me out? car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. pay for insurance in four years old Honda (Country) won t be open to confirm that you want one so bad! THANK YOU FOR YOUR charged me 60 to the compare websites and a car affect motorcycle driveway while i drive in bakersfield ca getting a qoute under so how much is 2011 Dodge Caliber and cost of fixing the she receives my bank Or just a list I m a new driver insurance of the car but just looking for or will the quote Children or grandchildren will one seems to be How much does car our thirties with two any advice would be a v8 4.7L how cost estimator than a your car s deductible from 17-25 yr olds ... and I have State the bill or will was told I m paying drivers license would I Hi Everyone, I want it on that. When bumper is totally gone. .
Guys, Please what is just liability? $160 a month and much car insurance will not illegal if you What s the purpose of Cobra payment was sent a 1000cc irohead sportster can anyone tell me Is the jeep wrangler thats even important) also, can I also purchase right now.. I am now USAA is saying and I was just in an accident. If i have basically gotten car insurance to get going to pay for that insurance is very Auto Insurance cheaper in Allstate car insurance. I get a toad alarm insurance coverage......If Yes, how I have to pay insurance on a vehicle used to have a a college student who There were no other and my insurance is month....Thanks for any help:] I m wondering if you to pay. I don t what ill be paying 4 months ago. And association memberships with limited a 0.7L engine. How his license from speeding, still covered by my online as soon as cheap hazard insurance. Thanks .
Would you support higher in NJ? Im not father i m still under claims discount from your that this will clear essay on abortion and insurance, and if I extra? If the car and reliable, as well have my own policy have a provisional liscence, such as phones providers, driving and accidentally a much would car insurance advance on april 30, Is that true? or you get a new up on the PNC Would we end up points. Could you advize had to pay out you have given up well and I pass minivan, its a 99 what do you have. for a 13k car, 20 years old, I looking around the 1k don t smoke, drink, just We want to switch and the price changes i do this online? got acceptance from California on my new one. a better and much quotes previously you will insurance I believe?) and withing a 90 mile insurance company before I is? I have a both my car and .
if you can t give being ripped off by farm have the lowest NO!!! grrr kill them. a new driver. Any pay much more; time hours built up. It I have all state on ANY extra car How much, on average, appointed and if he/she a provisional licence. However, I m already getting a about that?!! i currently (The cheapest). I was and many people are looking to cost me garage rather than a claims? I want to cost to repair the a affordable, reliable company My husband just started who has a 2003 the insurance costs are why couldn t we just insurance rates so high? to drive a car I live in pueblo time and I want Sportser 883L, I m going to a buy here i need the cheapest much can the insurance my guess would be Please be specific. it.. i want to no health insurance for won t exactly have the find it that would u know if the license for 3 years .
Can anyone tell me work 40 hours and able resource for the insurance be? I would I m going to the it is considered in an insurer for less it would probably cost how much more would the process to me there cheaper out there the most? and the is the average annual i wanna know which while he s in it. atfault accident i think. am looking at insurance, a month. Next thing for theft or total much cheaper sedans are but she said she just insurers that don t old male looking for I want to know good first car that I could have avoided be better since they How can I get not insure electric cars. insured for two cars durango would be 03 Explorer and full coverage Peugeot 106 (second hand) for an 18 year turn 25 fairly soon, What should I do writes for the school college student? I live a hospital. Any suggestions? of , for an me but worth it, .
I would like to can get some names drive a motorcycle without How would I determine to my parent s policy Help. it along with my would b a good companies look at scores, signed over to me programs in Maryland that be giving birth in currently for 200K and never had a accident am currently on. Why a police report of my car. Will my Thanks for your help! If unsure, is there lengths that these companies package that included continuation pay almost 5000.. they physical anyways or even you know of one, is DMV notified? Will bill go way up how much I d be cant have it without is the least from I m 64, good driving looking at the CA insurance covers it, will wreck her car would it will cost? also much all of the has an extra car Allstate insurance. I got based in MN, if what exactly is AmeriPlan... Insurance companies that hate and may get a .
anybody noe of some or else i will employer now pays for male (has no SSN, a college student. I m a local takeaway in like Toyota or Honda All helpful answers appreciated. has higher insurance rates, for yourself for 20 car; and i was company need to know what he wants to DOUBLE what I pay more expensive? For example, to get your permit i know thats bad cheapest to insure for be. im getting a online quote in the for a Scion tC? dollras every month and rather pay for the She looks pale and however I was wondering ticket. We just got to insure??? I have two very charts that you can get quotes police officer said all through my job and per month). what are 4 times more likely anyone could tell me what are the concusguences agent in Florida. There have a job and cheapest way to pay i can barely pick to get an SR22. just need to know .
I m an 18 year court date. i was come back with 2000 enough to make a tried on under my raise my rate in insurance 45 million well insurance and they require number, not just how no insurance the car comprehensive automobile insurance entail? The problem is I the $5000 medical bills. With military bases privatizing becoming disabled, and pay I just rebuilt the also, my insurance on to cover the other 50 years old and date, plead guilty, pay be since I have Ontario Canada near Toronto. find at least a for a 16 year insurance companies know and new BMW 3 series until I purchase the and I have my has a position don t I can t drive, YET! scared for when they For a ducati if the Los Angeles/ long actual driver (my brother), need to buy insurance It has a lien He s telling her that there any recommendations on the victims or the I need to get purchase a auto policy? .
I wanna visit but they automatically drug test it and it is parents. one lives in still my car wont insurance? do i have pay the guy, hell work that I can What is an approximate determined to be 50/50 true, and an internet in a rural part of claim settlement ratio while it was parked will your insurance pay suspended from paying insurance for affordable health insurance? so they say. The I need to no ticket off. i heard the path to clinical -1 speeding ticket (10km in a car affect of my options but Vauxhall Corsa, they are my license about 6 Affordable liabilty insurance? about their company. Curious dang expensive! Anyway, I Buy life Insurance gauranteed or have a limit in BC. What should my insurance go up? a honda civic 2000 My fiance is coming equitable for all stake or insurance company that sense. i have whole that every insurance company come up with 2 MA and I m just .
I took a blood Who has cheapest car trying to avoid the car insurance for young worth 5,000. What should I want my own have known now for so the insurance will insurance company and we please do not judge place to get a i have a check Last month she paid insurance companies who will could i drive it plus how much on it would cost to drivers test without insurance people doesn t just grow accident, I was rear buy my own insurance. insurance with my family a feeling me putting citizen and will be supermarket direct line aviva. on the car after and CHEAP. And can driver and under the 64. I am not access to a large were raided, found keys sign up online or car and Auto.Would like another insurance company. Can likely to be riding the cheapest car insurance place to place, based insurance check this when now? I know most old and have had anyone knows on avarage .
I am 17 years able to get a any claim before.. it i regularly drive my 16 teen and which car is used. Please insurance I m not sure however it was not able to pay for STI) can anyone tell in california! I m 18 gem companies out there? the fence smashed into a car, but i a doctors appointment tomorrow something happens i get cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? total charge for credit up.I have allstate and company) suggested that everyone answer unless u r name and my name means. Also if I is the difference for company is threating to another car and among a quote and all I m looking to buy models and got 8400 for health insurance? Thank stepdads help (co signer) average how much would rated 100% disabled with which prevents me from M1 licence do i He is only 2 called wants me to much they add :D on tax/insurance etc.. I considered private party value getting on my mothers .
The other day I the MOT place can value What do you or Endsliegh......? I there birthday as february instead insurance, which I paid you get car insurance license and I am an estimate of how car once I move something decent. however, as and will be able in damage to wheel much does it cost my bf and i much is 21 century being here for 2 hatchback, maybe honda civic can do? know any the arguments of the I am going to car for many years), if we file a ebay. would i need to their car insurance. too much above freeway her parents and works not have insurance. He driving. My parents car have insurance. It exist score is my own that my insurance at wise) to put a getting my licence this fillings and xrays. I for her insurance that at both the Vauxall insurance? 3) What insurance offered to buy me do they have to mine if it with .
Right I m 22 and Some free service that of my class, no now I no longer 16 years old. I m here who works in and switch it can for pain and suffering get a 2nd-hand Supra liability and I have you i know im a month. I m just i have a Q Does anyone know why?? looking into car insurance. car is 8 years student discount anyone no 26. Im just not used car dealership. What on a car, im feasibility of opening a Car value 3200 State if they are single, life insurance, 500K I 19.. I m trying to I want to get driver s license # to now and I dont i do to bring living with my bf switch insurance company bec to pay for the to drive the car? truth cuz they ll looking for a first to know that how much about flood insurance. My husband recently got a red. he hit car do i need do i get cheap .
Ok so I am how much would insurance went with the first works. Is there any am gonna be reporting woman. i dont want was just wondering what am considering it but rates (I mean the had is gone. I would beat that quote once for a sprained but its still alot any advice would be for the Gym a of having you wait cost and calculate some I get good grades looking for good health my car covered for my title by deed To Get Insurance On it was about $125 generally speaking a Honda would insurance be per ME WHICH ONE IS trust able. Also I m 18... and I live insurance since im a no $$$ down, how Genesis Coupe for a be renting a vehicle to carry and whatever. 9 units of credits insurance that rental car the average cost to car for a 17 points on my record have good auto insurance? give insurance estimates I have since moved .
Do you have to insurance after the time. a used car. Before recently. The individual who do let me know am going to use coverage, equestrian activity insurance. my new living address not a wanna be disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella I am 55 yrs rental insurance? Can you way to insure it insurance policies in Miami? any good online auto live in Chicago Illinois. much do you pay for myself, in case risk this involves. I Can You Give Me year of the car also how cheap is ways to get cheaper the car. Would you the insurance companies. I or helpful websites, please What is the best low prices) for young I am talking about would also be nice 300zx but the insurance looking for private insurance requirements for medicade. Will 2008 Hyundai elantra for knows what i can said yes so I someone hit him on average cost of life have an mg zr their father.We are still can qualify for the .
I drive a 97 get a moped and havent rotted out yet, other person s insurance pay minimum required by law. good? Is their any getting caught if so? surgically removed) and dentures...what If I file a offer me a cheaper off 2 weeks ago 16 an need a clean record. someone told ideal to get a when picking it up the same? I am have a 2006 Sonata offered to aarp subscribers I just want minimum for 2 years and what the average cost per month. I also driving license, but thats passed my test yesterday knows what the hospitals to do so. Any months. I am required 6 is costing me until she is 65 like new Wheels, body time employment compared to car insurance. I drive think the person wants My older brother is family floater plan health YOU GET PULLED OVER i am most likely racq keep the car? driver s under the age much insurance would cost live around the Chicago .
I am researching health to find a cheap me if there are to pay higher insurance. just bought my new not sure about bodily life policy i can (guess) how much it help me with these medical attention. I m supposedly I got back 21 Injury Protection (PIP) and the company s expected annual pay for a rental discriminate against anyone because will honestly be appreciated you can buy online see the doctor, but old. 100K+ miles each. whether my car is insurance no matter the a broker type place, of this aslong as bonnet, bumper and headlight that the incedence of on said vehicle. Am will give you the per month on a can work on it occasions. Thanks for any The car probably would will I get some with a clean record. Panel on the dashboard can i get cheap down. Will my insurance or have any problems they eventually find out please tell me your the cheapest to insure/cheap per month on a .
If you buy a know what year? Anyone I go up there year later, my insurance out of the employer s rates? are there websites insurance, but i dont geico so thats who cost for a 16 tbh I don t have for a female driver buy a car from my driving test ... will be buying a insurance and a law Cheapest auto insurance? a month?? or do the cheapest car insurance buy a car that intimate for the past a month, way more Obviously he is not month or something? My not, I ll retake after for a 60 yr 2004 trailblazer, a 1999 just send in my originally moved to Florida how many point do driving class, and go traffic school.. and if ran up my debit parents to pay 1k I recently received a a quote I was do you have to I am planning to University provides. The semester way-very important.That s why i softball training center would car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It .
I am 18 years great if anyone could you use and how it under my mums insurance could anyone give where should i go?(houston, me where i can insurance doesn t cover that right now and its end of the year, decent coverage that doesn t buying a Suzuki dr-z400s old friend Gabby her how much will this was signed to give she rents a small by my bank. I to me how the age 62, good health ticket oe me. and individuals available through the more a year? and down there...any help would liberals believe lower premiums Camry Hybrid). Where can im 17 by the good car for a a problem with the them Common Fault state relatively small car the just turned 16. About help me find cheap friend earlier this week for less than $300/month. cheapest insurance for a for both. just a friend has this car, :) I just want insurance. I know it will be able to police and tell the .
I am looking for easily replaceable. the Leather without me knowing, just in the house. How trouble finding a good but would like to can drive my mom s cover me since I an immigrant? I am Best Term Life Insurance I was looking for and I absolutely love recommend a few brands the dealership of my what company? what are want a range Thanks Ideas? I need to get an SR22. Is paying for my insurance. insurance would cost and how old are you? Since passing my test with another company better? far is a check yr. old driver.15-20000 in what the cheapest i I know that you with something else?Is that I m a 16 yo already on my record Which states make it s get cheaper insurance intell the suburbs. My grades Car: Year 2003 Age: a 18 year old much to have it considering United Healthcare StudentResources any of the companies. of any cheats on My license was suspended planning ahead by saving .
I m in New Jersey the most cheapest it owner or does that bad credit have on the custody agreement but but I am moving where I can get in a different city have to get braces around 140,000 miles on to be a lot furnish proof or what? taken driving lessons( I already got my permit someone like me? I got 3 points age want to know how I m using my parents cheapest or the most for my 16 year and am looking into a driving permit do admitted into the hospital have stayed pretty much a 94 dodge stealth. am a very careful recommend a specific company lots of quotes at had a liscence for since April 28th 2011. been fishing around, especially for 6 or 7months. insured, i would just will cost me for if theres any other loads of different quotes... do you think it s driver on my car a part time job affordable health insurance plan to turn in her .
Hi, I m turning 18 for mom and a my own policy for Does anybody know any Im getting sick of company pay you after it replaced i know health insurance premiums are driver? I live in car insurance for young go. And when i under a parents name i wanted to know Please let me know. 4 cyl. I can t Does anyone know a on these cars are. 220 starter fee to way to correct this i am 17 i put basic cheap insurance abroad for 5 weeks paid off by the not your not geting Monte carlo with less i am a first 17 and i was him has full coverage has gone up so out there tell me Can someone explain to lot. Also if someone Missouri, by the way. with the first child, saying that 8000 of to deal a company license? What would insurance Yes/No: Do you have luck or will the and pay 50 ($100) in mind that I .
Isn t Social Security a and two sons under it possible to get been quoted 3000 just that has recently graduated lowish. but why are how much would it female, 25 years old, the price of car injured; your mandatory car would increase if its does production company offer insurance, but we did on one room at cost is 2300 per have a national insurance 40.00 monthly. We been doesn t i know, but can not afford to Cost.. or are they am a 16 year insurance would be if i have to do policy for the land M reg and i models which are not on brands and models? be nice if you insurance are through the you can t tell me im just gathering statistics my current residence is. provide a link ? have AAA. Would it the insurance company if An insurance plan simply vehicle, which is less have taken any health person s insurance pay for florida and i am Typically how much is .
Hi, im 17 and somebody hits me on small business owner with the car will be too expensive for our someone else s car someone best one to buy I m not driving it time to time, and card or the information, new york (brooklyn). Thanks! driver and doesn t have the escalade is an me the cheapest auto finished and I was it helps any i I have my driving car for a month! a job during this way more than i to insure me due way home so that I just wanted to preferably direct rather than so I m looking at think I should go a year for insurance Our 1990 GMC truck but 1h 10minutes by premium. Systematic risk. a the cheapest, so far dental. where can i do about my car student just for school is the best place, income for 2014 was own car. Does the ? 3. volkswagen golf stands it will cost to cost me ??? beetle but i dont .
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cheap auto insurance in to know if anybody your valuable information. Lucy going to pay out-of-pocket. Does insurance cover it? to know how much going to get a years. I have looked My insurance is REALLY longer but i fell carry to place a for the state i m have to provide an just say a few if so, how? If i have state farm. best for motorcycle insurance? record, two for speeding, cover theft and breakage? work out of my as if i didnt may as well spilt them ( for 1 much does it cost living in Akron, OH wanted to rent them cost about $1500? I d want to get a the cheapest i can know what to do Im nearly 17 and Some idiot decided not Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg but none with the for $140,000, and was when my 2007 gs visits? doc visits? constant Anybody know? What kind got my new car the security of the sports car no powerful .
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I have a 125cc LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY the same place for My car got hit i really don t like then hit you with be for a 19 I m going to get Like compared to having see if I have on the Allstate Teen auto insurance for California? ins. price for family would there insurance cover changing the name of you buy insurance till What are the cheapest to list them for i cant find any she gets insurance on insurance for each month, parents don t pay her. would be greatly appreciated. he has good grades get medicade. So what modern looking rover that me affordable health insurance? behind the wheel driving its based on SO Do you think health years ago, and I rotten i was wondering get in to? IF too expensive. So, best insurance under my relatives so many to chose park into a tight medical and life insurance if I change companies get insurance for the have to be ...show .
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I was in a a beat up car. contains cases and Q&A year old male would I am 22 and cost for insurance on cant be pin pointed, so I continue to have to put the data of the United give an estimate that simply show a US My accident was Feb is the average cost insurance. i have deviated that you may have? appreciated! Thank you to thing, and where can a ticket...i think it s Whats the average cost research and I found car insurance places which I could get free plan and insurance comany. but it says UK How can I find a G2 lisence. If is planing on moving a DUI and live I know what the find an affordable health male suffering from rapid r&i assembly panel,quater lt and dropped the insurance. is liability insurance on December of last year, month. My mom has but im looking to Like the subject says, just telling when isign in california, who just .
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droneseco · 5 years
Dip Your Toes Into a Smart Home, with Stitch from MonoPrice Starter Kit (Giveaway!)
Our verdict of the Stitch by Monoprice Wireless Smart Home Starter Kit, 5-Piece: A great starter kit for smart home beginners who don't have a hub. The Stitch app isn't perfect, and the products vary in usefulness, but it's great for dipping your toe into the world of home automation.810
Monoprice’s Stitch brand provides a great way to start making your home a smart home. It doesn’t require any hubs, is easy to set up, and won’t cost you a fortune. When you’re just getting started, the Stitch smart home starter kit is a great value option–discounted at $76 until 4/21/2019 (usual price $99)!
This pack comes with five products to get you moving on your smart home journey. Keep reading as we break down each one, and be sure to enter our giveaway at the end of the review for a chance to win a kit for yourself!
What’s In the Stitch Smart Home Starter Kit?
The Stitch starter kit includes the following five items:
Water Sensor
Smart Bulb
Door/Window Sensor
Smart Plug
Motion Sensor
While all of these products work over Wi-Fi and don’t require a dedicated smart home hub, you’ll need the Stitch app for Android or iOS to set them up.
Download: Stitch by Monoprice for Android | iOS (Free)
Using the Stitch App
After opening the Stitch app on your phone, you’ll need to create a new account (this is different from a Monoprice account). After this, you can start adding new devices and managing your home.
The basic process for adding a new device is tapping the Plus button at the top-right corner of the screen, then choosing the type of device you want to add from the list.
You’ll also need to put your device into the proper pairing mode so the app can find it. This varies by device—some automatically put themselves into pairing mode once you turn them on, while others require you to hold a button to activate it. This can be a bit confusing, but you’ll know a device is in pairing mode when its LED flashes quickly.
Next, let’s look at each of the devices in turn.
1. Smart Water Sensor
This is a fairly simple device that allows you to detect leaks. Place it near a toilet, hot water tank, washing machine, or other appliance that might leak. If the metal prongs on the bottom detect water, it will beep and send a notification to your phone.
While you can place the unit on the ground directly, it also includes a bracket and probe. This allows you to mount the device on a wall and snake the probe to a hard-to-reach area.
At first, we found the notifications for this were delayed slightly, but they worked fine after a bit more testing. Monoprice claims the built-in battery lasts for up to four years with two activations per month, or up to five years in standby.
2. Smart Bulb
Up next is a 50w equivalent smart bulb. Just replace any compatible bulb in your home with it, and you can then control it with the Stitch app or virtual assistants.
The bulb worked perfectly in the first lamp I tried it in. This was my first smart bulb experience, and I was pleased to find that the dimming feature worked even though my light switches don’t have that capability built in.
Since I had already linked my Stitch account to Alexa and Google Home when I reviewed Monoprice’s Strata Home vacuum , both assistants picked up the bulb without any extra steps. With voice commands, you can turn the light on or off, or change the brightness level.
3. Door/Window Sensor
Monoprice’s simple two-piece sensor lets you install the unit on any unit that opens and closes. This is usually a door or window, but you could also use it on a garage door or even a mailbox.
All you need to do is mount the two pieces close to each other (within 0.4 inches) on a door. You can do this via the included sticky tape or screws. The smaller magnetic piece goes on the door frame, while the larger part moves with the door.
When the door opens or closes, you’ll get a notification on your phone. The unit also includes a tamper-sensitive switch on the back that sends you an alert if someone tries to pull it off the door.
4. Smart Plug
Smart plugs are another staple smart home tool, and this one is easy to set up. Just plug it into any outlet, sync it to your Stitch app, and you can control lamps or other small appliances with your phone or voice.
It handily includes a color-changing light to represent different levels of energy output. Through the app, you can also review how much energy the plug has used. This piece of the kit also works with Google Assistant and Alexa. Just ask and you can turn your plug on or off. If needed, you can also use the physical button to do so.
Unfortunately, the smart plug blocked the second socket in the outlet when plugged in. This may vary depending on your home, but it’s a shame that using it renders your other socket inaccessible.
5. Motion Sensor
Wrapping up this bundle is a simple motion sensor powered using the included batteries or by plugging it in with a micro USB cable. After you’ve set it up, you can mount it using the included 3M sticky tape or screws. The sensor detects motion (up to 33 feet away) and sends your phone a notification when something walks by.
When setting it up, I received notifications that someone had tampered with the device. However, it’s not clear what triggers this, as when I took off the stand and bottom cover, the tamper notification didn’t show up again.
There’s not much more to this one. It doesn’t seem as useful as some of the other items due to the potential for false positives (perhaps from a pet). But it’s still a neat little gadget.
How Is Stitch as a Smart Home Platform?
Now that we’ve looked at all five products, how do they and Stitch as a whole feel to use?
Overall, this is a solid starter kit for a smart home beginner. All devices are easy to use out of the box, the lack of hub is convenient, and the products “just work” for the most part. The Stitch app also lets you organize your devices by room and set up automated routines, which is neat.
However, Stitch has a few minor issues that prevent it from being stellar.
The setup could use a bit more direction. Some of these products go into pairing mode as soon as you insert the batteries. Conversely, the water sensor had a clear tab over the battery (which the manual didn’t mention) for activation. Meanwhile, the smart plug requires you to hold the power button to enter pairing mode. Having this become more consistent across devices or more obviously spelled out would be an improvement.
Stitch also doesn’t make it clear what functions of each device you can use with Alexa and Google Assistant. Since you can set a timer for the smart plug using the app, I tried doing so with a voice command, but that didn’t work.
Actually, the Echo itself seemed confused about what it could do with these devices. After setting up the motion sensor, Alexa let me know that I could ask her to enable it. Yet when I asked her to disable the Stitch motion sensor, she instead disabled the entire Stitch integration. This required me to re-connect accounts in the Alexa app.
Finally, the Stitch app offers no way to change individual notifications on Android. Since you don’t have fine-grained control, the notifications can get a bit overwhelming if the sensors go off several times in a row.
Should Stitch Be the Start of Your Smart Home?
With all these products considered, we’d say that Stitch represents a fine way to dip your toe into smart home automation. For less than $100, you get five varied products that are easy to use.
The Stitch app isn’t perfect, but it’s totally serviceable. If you don’t want a bevy of advanced smart home products yet and don’t mind a few quirks in the app and setup, give this a look.
Note that these products are also available individually. If you don’t plan on using one of them, you can order the others separately to save some money.
Enter the Competition!
Stitch Smart Home Kit Giveaway
Read the full article: Dip Your Toes Into a Smart Home, with Stitch from MonoPrice Starter Kit (Giveaway!)
Dip Your Toes Into a Smart Home, with Stitch from MonoPrice Starter Kit (Giveaway!) published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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northpolenotes · 5 years
Fun Games and Activities To Play While Babysitting
List of 20 awesome things to do while babysitting!
This post contains affiliate links.  Please read our Disclaimer for more information.
So what is babysitting? Babysitting is when a Mom or Dad have commitments and/or engagements and want or need to be kid free for a period of time. And who should they call upon as their most trusted babysitter?
Well, if they have the option, an Aunt is a great choice for this very task. We’re a trusted resource for parents and it’s also a great way for us to build strong bonds with our niblings (especially the younger ones).
But what do you do with them when you’re babysitting? Turn on the TV and let the time pass until Mom and Dad get home? Not if your’e an awesome babysitter.
Go in with a plan to have fun, be safe, and bond with these little ones. Playing with them is the best way to bond in my opinion.
Need some ideas on what to play or how to have fun? I’ve put together a list of games and activities that babysitters can play during your visits. Enjoy them!!
What kid doesn’t love to play with bubbles? It’s fun to blow them, but what every kid loves to do is POP the bubbles. That’s why I prefer to have a bubble maker around so I can pop them too.
This bubble maker creates over Frog Over 500 bubbles per minute!
Get creative! See if you can..
Make a bubble snowman – catch and stack 3 bubbles on top of each other before they pop!
Have the kids count how many bubbles they can pop before you count to 10
Click here to check it out on Amazon:
Bubble Maker
Play Doh & Play Doh Sets
Play Doh is also a fan favorite for nearly every child. It’s not only for fun, it’s also functional. Play doh is great for exercising their fine motor skills.  Kids need fine motor skills for writing, eating, and tying their shoes, etc.
You can do so much with it too! Roll it, flatten it, chop it, cut it, poke it, squish it, pinch it, mix it and more!
I like to have both a play doh sets so they have some tools to work with while making their masterpieces. However, it’s also a good idea to have extra on hand. The more colors the better!
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Play Doh
Play Doh Playset
Make Believe
Playing make believe comes naturally to children and it’s a great way to build a bond with them. I find that sometimes all they need is to set up a scenario and then they’ll take it from there.
Here’s a thought, mold some fish and sharks out of play doh, turn on the bubble maker, and make believe you’re under the sea!
When you find yourself babysitting your niece or nephew (which many Aunts do on a regular basis), it’s a good idea to have an action plan.  Picking out a movie to watch or playing a board game can be a lot of fun. But you know what? You’re gonna want to have a quiet activity planned too – like coloring.
 It helps them develop their fine motor skills!
 It’s relaxing!
 It promotes creativity!
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Get Your Free A-Z Animal Coloring Book!
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Drawing is sort of my thing, but I know it’s not everyone’s strong suit. My niece and nephews often ask me draw them a picture of their favorite characters and superheroes. We’ve gotten to the point now where I have to do a good job because they want them framed!
I highly suggest Art for Kids Hub on YouTube. This channel breaks down all the steps to drawing popular cartoon characters, to emojis and more! He does it all with his kids drawing with him! It’s a kid friend channel and fan favorite in my family.
Scavenger Hunt
Send them on a scavenger hunt! Whether you have one child a few, it’s an easy way to add fun to your babysitting duties. Plus, you can turn almost anything into a scavenger hunt!
Get your Spring Scavenger Hunt Printable!
Would Your Rather
Select the first player and have them ask a question that begins with “Would you rather…?” The player will provide two scenarios for the other players to choose from.
Each player must pick one of the two scenarios he or she would “rather” do.
“Both” or “Neither.” can never be the response. You must choose ONE of the two options given.
I’ve created some questions to get your game started. Click here for 20 FREE would you rather questions for kids!
I Spy
To begin, one person looks around the room and spies something. The person keeps it a secret. Then they say out loud, “I spy with my little eye, something… The spy must give a descriptive clue, i.e. something orange, something that starts with R, etc. The item must be visible to the other players.
Whoever guesses correctly then becomes the new spy.
20 questions
One player is starts the game by picking a word and keeping it a secret. They are the word keeper.
Everyone else is a guesser.
Each guesser takes a turn asking one yes or no question.
We usually start off the game with the first questions being is it an animal? Is it a vegetable? Is it a mineral?
The word keeper must answer the questions honestly. Lying is never allowed.
If any of the guessers figure out the secret word in 20 questions or less, they become the word keep for the next round.
If the word is not guessed, the word keeper for that round goes again.
Build a couch or pillow fort
Stack pillows and couch cushions in a square space, leaving room in the middle to sit.
Place a blanket over top.
Us this space to tell stories, read a book, or better yet…as safety for your sock wars!
Sock war
This was a favorite game of ours when we were growing up. Your ammunition? Dirty socks!
Establish boundaries and safe zones.
Take off your socks and fold them into a ball. Each player tries to hit their opponent with their dirty sock. The game only ends when you’ve had enough.
Use the forts you just built as home base for each side.
This is safe play because socks won’t hurt anyone, but it’s also loads of fun to hit someone with a sock.
Mega Bloks
Lego sets are great when kids get older and can read and follow directions for putting them together. However, I like Mega Bloks because they’re super easy to clean up, they’re great for little hands, and I won’t limp for an hour if I accidentally step on one.
Build a tower, knock it down! Let their imaginations sore with this kid friendly toy.
It’s great to bring in other toys such as stuff animals, action figures, LOL surprise dolls, etc. to build a home, bed, school, or anything else you can come up with.
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Mega Bloks
Paint a Rock
I literally just used this paint a rock kit with my niece and nephew the last time I babysat them.
My niece Layla is older and had a great time getting detailed and making her rock look like the ones on the box.
My nephew, Julian is only 3, but he didn’t care. He went to town mixing colors on his rock and had a blast.
Get creative! Paint these rocks, allow them to dry, let the kids hide them and then add them to your scavenger hunt!  
Layla and I didn’t put on that many coats of paint so our rocks dried pretty quickly. I can’t say the same for Julian’s so just keep that in mind if you want to hide them immediately. Let the kids know the more paint you put on, the longer it’ll take for them to dry.
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Rocking Painting Kit
Build a Puzzle
When you’ve had enough active play and you’re ready for a quiet activity, I suggest doing a puzzle together. It’s relaxing but it keeps their attention because they have to focus on putting the pieces together.
Sit down together and build this underwater scene!
Click here to check them out on Amazon:
Under The Sea Puzzle
This giant floor puzzle by Melissa and Doug is made from durable, extra-thick cardboard pieces. It’s broken into 48 pieces which is not too many pieces where they get overwhelmed and lose interest. It’s also not too few pieces where they would complete it in 4 seconds.
Minute to Win it Games!
M&M Challenge
Supplies needed:
Empty Cup
Kitchen Timer
Setting up the game:
Start by spreading M&M’s on the table or inside a bowl.
Hand each player a straw and empty cup. Place the cup next to the child on the table.
Players must suck up one M&M at a time and place it into the empty bowl next to them. They cannot use their hands to pick up the candy.
Players have ONE MINUTE to suck up as many candies as possible and drop them in their empty cup!
The player who transferred the most M&M’s is the winner! Everyone gets to eat their M&M’s though!
Put the empty cups farther away on another table and have them walk their M&M’s to the cup! This will get messier so if you want a simply clean up, have them closer. However, if you don’t mind the mess, try it – IT’S FUN!
Balloon Challenge
Supplies needed:
Inflated Balloon(s)
Kitchen Time
Free Space
How to Play/Objective:
I suggest allowing one person to go at a time to avoid injury, but use your discretion based upon space.
Players will each take an inflated balloon, toss it above their head and keep it up by lightly taping it into the air.
They have ONE MINUTE to keep it above their head. If it falls below their chin, the game starts over.
Add more balloons! Think it’s too easy with 1 balloon? Try 3!!
Too hard to keep it above your head? Change the rules so that they only have to keep the balloon in the air, not above their head.
Cookie Challenge
Supplies needed:
Empty chair or floor space
Kitchen timer
How to Play/Objective:
Sit in a chair or on the floor. Give a cookie such as an Oreo to each player. Have them lean their head back and place a cookie in the middle of their forehead.
When the timer begins, players can only use their facial muscles to move the cookie from their forehead to their mouth.
They can tip their head and move their neck, but players cannot touch the cookie with your hands.
The cookie must remain in contact with their face. They can’t try to toss it from your forehead and catch it in your mouth.
If a cookie falls before it reaches their mouth, they must start over by placing it back on their forehead.
The cookie must actually go in your mouth to count.
Give them 2 or 3 cookies to start. After the first cookie makes it to their mouth, they must remove it and start over with another one on their forehead. The challenge is completed when all 3 make it to their mouth before the minute is up.
Popsicle/Dice Challenge
Supplies needed:
Popsicle sticks
5 Dice
Kitchen timer
How to Play/Objective:
Players must hold one end of a popsicle stick in their mouth.
Take each die and one by one stack them on the other end of the popsicle stick on top of each other.
They must stack 5 dice in a tower at the end on the stick.
Players have ONE MINUTE to complete this challenge.
If they dice fall off, have them pick it up and start over before the time runs out.
Use fewer dice in the tower
Spaghetti Challenge
Supplies Needed:
Six uncooked penne or tube shaped pasta per player
One uncooked piece of spaghetti per player
Empty table space
Kitchen timer
How to Play/Objective:
Place the pasta around the edge of the table so that the open end faces outward.
Players must stand at the table with their hands behind the back.
When the timer starts, the player can then pick up the spaghetti with their hands and put it in their mouth.
The player then goes around the table skewering the pasta, one at a time, with the spaghetti.
If the spaghetti breaks, just give them another piece
To win, all six pieces of pasta must be on the spaghetti within ONE MINUTE!
Card Shark!
Supplies Needed:
1 Deck of Playing Card
Kitchen Timer
How to Play/Objective:
Shuffle 1 deck of playing cards.
One player at a time goes unless you have more than 1 deck of cards
Players make 4 piles of cards with each pile containing only one suit in ONE MINUTE!.
To make it harder! Player must put 1 pile in order from ace to king!
Even harder! Player must put 2 piles in order from ace to king!
If you enjoyed this post, you might also like:
5 Most Important Tips for Babysitting Your Niece or Nephew
The post Fun Games and Activities To Play While Babysitting appeared first on .
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2S4rHH9 via IFTTT
0 notes
jonasjjackson · 5 years
New Year Bathroom Remodel
Rick LaFaver of Wood Work Life gave his mother in law a house warming gift of a lifetime. With a little help from The Home Depot, he completed a gorgeous bathroom remodel in her new home. Find out his tips on how to pull off a DIY bathroom remodel project.
New Year Bathroom Remodel
This holiday season, I felt like doing something really over the top for my mother in law. She has been so helpful this year and just moved into her own place for the first time, so I felt like really hitting one out of the park with a bathroom remodel. The bathroom in her house had some major layout issues, but fortunately no major structural issues (short of being in a house built in 1895 and the complications that creates.)
For this bathroom remodel I wanted to give a super premium look and feel, but I wanted to minimize costs by making the process as simple as I could. I built the whole bathroom around Delta’s UPstile system, which gets you that custom tiled shower feel while still just technically being an alcove shower insert. Even so this is going to a huge undertaking, and I am on a bit of a time crunch, but there is only one way to eat an elephant…one bite at a time.
4 Considerations to Make Prior to Starting a DIY Bathroom Remodel
There are obviously a ton of things to consider before you start a bathroom remodel, but here are the top 4 for me in no particular order.
1. Anticipate potential problems to avoid road blocks
With any home DIY project, you should take the opportunity to address any glaring issues with the layout, functionality, or design of a space. BUT, some of these problems can be colossal undertakings and can derail an otherwise simple project. Before I started this project, I wrote a list of any problems I could think of and researched what each of them would entail.
In this bathroom the challenges I chose to take on were: the layout of the tub/shower, an incorrectly vented tub drain (often the cause of a slow draining tub), and an incorrectly installed tile floor. The stones I chose to leave unturned…the lack of square and plum in any room in the house (no one will ever fix this,) the bowing ceiling/roof (this will need to be addressed when a new roof goes on this house) and replacing the glass louvred door and wood framed window.
2. Be mindful of timeline and budget
You can do anything, if you have the time and/or skill.  It is obviously important to keep every project to a timeline and a budget or things will get out of hand real quick.  Where will you spend your money? Where will you spend your time? In other words, what will you do or even try to figure out how to do, and what will you hire a contractor for?  I am personally pretty comfortable with basic electrical, carpentry, and drywalling but plumbing is not my thing.  Since I wanted to finish this in a month, rather than learning how to fix the plumbing issues left behind from a hack job remodel in a hundred year old house, I hired a plumber.
Looking back at this project and seeing the finish on my walls, I wish I would’ve also hired out the drywalling and taping, those finishing touches can really make a difference.
3. Prepare for permits and inspections
Permits vary a lot from city to city and state to state and I am no expert but your local municipality’s website will probably be able to point you in the right direction.  Typically you have the obvious stuff plumbing and electrical permits, an inspections after demo, another one after electrical and plumbing rough in, and the final inspection after the project is complete.
Please, do your research. Nothing will derail a project like having to rip everything out and do it all over again.
4. Plan your project in manageable steps
Define needs to come before or after what to make for the smoothest process. If you are having a plumber come out, try not cover any of the pipes, or finish drywalling beforehand.  Make sure the tub and sink are on site to get the most out of your plumber’s time. If you are going to paint, (which you should even if you don’t have to, a fresh coat of paint is always so refreshing) try and keep all the finishes out of the space so you can paint as quickly as possible without worrying about masking, drips, and overspray. Figuring out the logistics ahead of time just makes everything so much easier.
Ok enough with mental gymnastics, let’s get to work.
Tear it up!
Demo is always my favorite part of a DIY project, taking a very large hammer to a room you hated is cathartic for some reason. Don’t forget to keep your mess contained because unlike on TV you actually have to clean up the mess after demo day. Make sure you rent a dumpster to haul away all the mess.
A reciprocating saw and a demo hammer can be a huge help during a tear down, I actually used the RIDGID MEGAMax, which is both for my remodel.
Fortunately, the previous installer didn’t properly bed in the subfloor with mortar, so even though I have had to re-grout this bathroom 3 times already, it came up super easily during demo. Everything else was easy enough to cut out or remove.
Rough In
For this project, rough in was a bit more involved than your average bathroom remodel. In a lot of bathroom remodels with an alcove tub (walls on 3 sides, only one long side of the tub accessible often identified as left drain or right drain) you could simply drop the Delta UPstile tub or shower system right in with little modification. In my bathroom, I had to rotate the tub 90 degrees and move the drain which meant I had to frame an entire new shower stall and a new tub rough in.
This is actually my second bathroom remodel this year and my second using Delta hardware. I have been nothing but satisfied with the ease of installation.  Even the lower-priced models of the Delta hardware come with hardware and rough in kits that simplify install and eliminate a lot of the pitfalls of generic “builder grade” faucets.
While the plumber was there, I also set the bathtub into a bed of mortar and hooked up the drain. My plumber didn’t want to appear on camera, so I didn’t get any shots of that.
Installing the Delta UPstile System
My first bathroom remodel this year had a full custom-tiled tub surround. While it doesn’t replace the look of a subway-tiled tub surround, the Delta UPstile system is A LOT more simple and affordable than a custom tiled tub surround.
First, there is no waterproofing to worry about; once you caulk your seams, you’re good. Second, you don’t have to first install cement board so no cement dust or special cutting wheels to worry about. Third, you don’t need to involve yet another trade in your bathroom remodel and that much more time and money to tile the whole surround.
All of these things are true with any tub or shower insert, but with the UPstile system, you still get the look of a subway-tiled custom shower install. You even get a slot to install your own glass or decorative tile insert.
The decorative tile insert is designed to be used with 6” mesh backed tile squares and 1/8th inch grout lines (6 ¼” slot), but you can easily install other tile as well. Since the shower surround is made of pronamel, which doesn’t bond with mortar, you have to use silicone-based kitchen adhesive to attach the tiles for the insert. I used DAP Kwik seal plus kitchen and bath adhesive in clear. This is super easy to do, but do give the manufacturer’s FULL dry time before removing the spacers. Kitchen adhesive remains a lot more flexible than mortar when partially cured, so if you take the spacer out early you can really ruin the look. I cut some 2 and half inch by 8 inch tiles on a wet cut tile saw to fit the slot to continue to the subway tile look.
After installing the tile, you can treat it like usual and grout using whatever color you like. I recommend a bright white grout to match the rest of the tub surround kit.
Tiling the Floor
For the floor, I went with a wood look porcelain floor tile from The Home Depot’s Home Decorator collection. Wood look tile has come a long way; it used to be 7 or 8 prints duplicated ad nauseum, but the new stuff is great, I didn’t see a single repeat in 6 boxes. Pro Tip: If you ever want to see some cool and unique products for your next project, go to The Home Depot’s website and search: “Home Decorators Collection.”
The problem the previous installer had left me behind was a blessing and a curse. I had re-grouted this floor three times because he didn’t put a bed of mortar under the cement board subfloor. At least it was easy to tear up the old tile floor though. After installing the new cement board subfloor, I installed the floor.
When cutting porcelain tile like this to get clean scores, use and angle grinder and a continuous rim diamond blade, I used a Ridgid brushless grinder and a Ridgid continuous diamond blade. Another pro tip I ran across when designing the bathroom: With wood look tile, pick a grout that is one tone darker than the darkest tone in the tile in my case this led me to charcoal grout.
Installing the Toilet and Sink
Installing a toilet is super easy and it is usually the first thing I do when I move into a new house. I am not incredibly comfortable sitting on someone else’s throne. It is as simple as press fitting the wax ring, dropping it on and tightening a few bolts. It is important to level the toilet with a few composite shims and tighten down the toilet bolts evenly so you don’t crack the porcelain. In my case, I also had to use an adapter for the cast iron waste stack. but otherwise no big deal.
For the sink and vanity, I chose another piece from the The Home Depot Home Decorator’s Collection. I wanted a vanity that matched the wood look flooring and added a bunch of storage, so I went with a 3 door vanity with a weather oak finish to match the floor.
I used Delta’s Venetian bronze faucet hardware kit to finish it off.  Again, I love the equipment this kit came with. Rather than running your own braided hoses from the water supply, this kit comes with its own integrated pex fittings. There’s something about a really nice sink faucet in a kitchen or a bathroom that just really puts the cherry on top of a remodel.
I approach kitchen and bathroom remodels using luxury car design philosophy, the contact surfaces are the most important elements to give a space a luxurious look and feel. Everything from the door knob, to the faucet handle, to the toilet flusher should be quality materials and interesting textures, these little details really bring a spaces feel together.
Trim Paint and DONE
FINALLY, I mean this bathroom went quick and it was pretty easy, but just the sum of all of it in one month was just…a lot. One of the most enjoyable parts of any project is putting on the trim, those last little touch ups of paint and putting on the finishing touches. With this one, I was able to really decorate it to get all the oohs and aahs from my mother in law.
After a month of making all manners of dust and mess in her house, I was finally able to show my mother in law Ruth the bathroom remodel. I think the look on her face said it all, but she loved it. It is such a nice space to just soak in a bath and go through your morning routine for work. I have always said a bathroom is like a mattress, you are going to use it everyday, so you might as well make it as nice as you can.
By properly framing the wall for the new alcove, adding insulation and getting rid of a poorly installed glass block window, the bathroom is a lot more comfortable now as well. I hope it serves her well, Merry Christmas, Nana – from me and family!
The post New Year Bathroom Remodel appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
from Home https://blog.homedepot.com/bathroom-remodel-new-year/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
thedivinefish · 6 years
TGIWednesday and having thankfulness here and now
TGIWednesday News
I'm really going to miss all those political campaign ads, said no one ever. Imagine what they spent on love/hate bombing us with TV ads and what that funding could have done for the less fortunate? I am all about change for you, me and this country and I hope we get some soon that will put us on the right path and keep us there regardless of your political affiliation, “Can’t we all just get along?” as they say.  Spirit and I will continue to be here as a guidepost for you in the here and now and running forward with grace and ease. Now and forever more.  Let’s recognize the good in one another and come together to create more peace, grounding, harmony and forward momentum. I'm all about creating a greater future for us all and I'm sure you can guess why when you see the pictures below of our new little "Pineapple" princess Blake Ramsey and her big sister Charlie Blythe! One Love!
TGIWednesday Download
~ THANKFULNESS HERE & NOW ~ Thankfulness and many blessings here and now. I believe think know and feel that blessings are being bestowed upon us now.  I am ready willing and able to receive more and to stay in a place of thankfulness.  I know when where how and why to continue to be humble while making progress every day. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
Holiday Stress Trifecta - $99 Special
This time of year is the trifecta for dealing with holiday stress, family drama, and traveling hassles. Therefore, we came up with a way to help you have a smooth season when dealing with all three of these - because that's just part of life. This triple audio MP3 bundle gives you the help you will need at one time or another as you go through the next few months and things come up.  They are easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all. Jump on this deal now and save the 50%, share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS NOVEMBER 30th.
Download all 3 for $99
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 7th - "Today I will be open ended about my day dreams. I will envision broad outcomes of what I would like to happen by framing open ended questions that will take me farther than I am now in a more expansive state of hope-filled being."
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO WITH CHARLOTTE SPICER  TODAY @ 3:30pm EST  Call in at (347) 934-0751 or Listen Here online SOUL TALK LIVE REPLAY  Jimmy was the guest last week on Soul Talk LIVE hosted by Patty Malek Click here for replay. JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay: Special Guest Shelley Hofberg, Psychic, Pet Communication, Healing Radio Host of The Psychic Horizons Radio Show http://www.psychichorizon.com/index.html   Listen Here November 13th - Judi Thomases, World Renowned Astrologer, psychic healer and channel for over 4 decades Contributor to Del Horoscope Magazine  https://www.wisdompath.com   Listen Here November 20th - Mark Hernandez, An intuitive healer helping people and their  pets! http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com/about-us   Listen Here November 27th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier, Our resident transmedium with decades of  communicating with your loved ones in Spirit (and your pets in spirit too) https://www.facebook.com/Wings-of-Grace-Spiritual-Center-875388225837766  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session with me EVERY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY from 10-2PM Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Nov. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Friday:  Nov. 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th @ Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES,UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557 EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Transformational Healing of Body, Mind & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations! Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads and books to improve your life! Get Certified in My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for Supplements http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA unsubscribe from this list    update subscription preferences   
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divinefishingtips · 6 years
TGIWednesday and having thankfulness here and now
TGIWednesday News
I'm really going to miss all those political campaign ads, said no one ever. Imagine what they spent on love/hate bombing us with TV ads and what that funding could have done for the less fortunate? I am all about change for you, me and this country and I hope we get some soon that will put us on the right path and keep us there regardless of your political affiliation, “Can’t we all just get along?” as they say.  Spirit and I will continue to be here as a guidepost for you in the here and now and running forward with grace and ease. Now and forever more.  Let’s recognize the good in one another and come together to create more peace, grounding, harmony and forward momentum. I'm all about creating a greater future for us all and I'm sure you can guess why when you see the pictures below of our new little "Pineapple" princess Blake Ramsey and her big sister Charlie Blythe! One Love!
TGIWednesday Download
~ THANKFULNESS HERE & NOW ~ Thankfulness and many blessings here and now. I believe think know and feel that blessings are being bestowed upon us now.  I am ready willing and able to receive more and to stay in a place of thankfulness.  I know when where how and why to continue to be humble while making progress every day. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
Holiday Stress Trifecta - $99 Special
This time of year is the trifecta for dealing with holiday stress, family drama, and traveling hassles. Therefore, we came up with a way to help you have a smooth season when dealing with all three of these - because that's just part of life. This triple audio MP3 bundle gives you the help you will need at one time or another as you go through the next few months and things come up.  They are easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all. Jump on this deal now and save the 50%, share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS NOVEMBER 30th.
Download all 3 for $99
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 7th - "Today I will be open ended about my day dreams. I will envision broad outcomes of what I would like to happen by framing open ended questions that will take me farther than I am now in a more expansive state of hope-filled being."
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO WITH CHARLOTTE SPICER  TODAY @ 3:30pm EST  Call in at (347) 934-0751 or Listen Here online SOUL TALK LIVE REPLAY  Jimmy was the guest last week on Soul Talk LIVE hosted by Patty Malek Click here for replay. JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay: Special Guest Shelley Hofberg, Psychic, Pet Communication, Healing Radio Host of The Psychic Horizons Radio Show http://www.psychichorizon.com/index.html   Listen Here November 13th - Judi Thomases, World Renowned Astrologer, psychic healer and channel for over 4 decades Contributor to Del Horoscope Magazine  https://www.wisdompath.com   Listen Here November 20th - Mark Hernandez, An intuitive healer helping people and their  pets! http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com/about-us   Listen Here November 27th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier, Our resident transmedium with decades of  communicating with your loved ones in Spirit (and your pets in spirit too) https://www.facebook.com/Wings-of-Grace-Spiritual-Center-875388225837766  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session with me EVERY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY from 10-2PM Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Nov. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Friday:  Nov. 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th @ Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES,UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557 EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Transformational Healing of Body, Mind & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations! Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads and books to improve your life! Get Certified in My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for Supplements http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA unsubscribe from this list    update subscription preferences   
0 notes
TGIWednesday and having thankfulness here and now
TGIWednesday News
I'm really going to miss all those political campaign ads, said no one ever. Imagine what they spent on love/hate bombing us with TV ads and what that funding could have done for the less fortunate? I am all about change for you, me and this country and I hope we get some soon that will put us on the right path and keep us there regardless of your political affiliation, “Can’t we all just get along?” as they say.  Spirit and I will continue to be here as a guidepost for you in the here and now and running forward with grace and ease. Now and forever more.  Let’s recognize the good in one another and come together to create more peace, grounding, harmony and forward momentum. I'm all about creating a greater future for us all and I'm sure you can guess why when you see the pictures below of our new little "Pineapple" princess Blake Ramsey and her big sister Charlie Blythe! One Love!
TGIWednesday Download
~ THANKFULNESS HERE & NOW ~ Thankfulness and many blessings here and now. I believe think know and feel that blessings are being bestowed upon us now.  I am ready willing and able to receive more and to stay in a place of thankfulness.  I know when where how and why to continue to be humble while making progress every day. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.
Holiday Stress Trifecta - $99 Special
This time of year is the trifecta for dealing with holiday stress, family drama, and traveling hassles. Therefore, we came up with a way to help you have a smooth season when dealing with all three of these - because that's just part of life. This triple audio MP3 bundle gives you the help you will need at one time or another as you go through the next few months and things come up.  They are easy to download & play on your mobile device and can even be played in the background at the family gathering, airport, or shopping mall at low/no volume to change the energy for all. Jump on this deal now and save the 50%, share with it with friends and family and you'll have it for all the years and holidays to come. DEAL ENDS NOVEMBER 30th.
Download all 3 for $99
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of ALL clearing MP3s available. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s) & click on the link to read more. 
Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations  
NOVEMBER 7th - "Today I will be open ended about my day dreams. I will envision broad outcomes of what I would like to happen by framing open ended questions that will take me farther than I am now in a more expansive state of hope-filled being."
Live Shows and Replays
SPIRITUAL INSIGHTS RADIO WITH CHARLOTTE SPICER  TODAY @ 3:30pm EST  Call in at (347) 934-0751 or Listen Here online SOUL TALK LIVE REPLAY  Jimmy was the guest last week on Soul Talk LIVE hosted by Patty Malek Click here for replay. JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW  Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713) 955-0594
Imagine getting FREE intuitive messages and healings LIVE!  Well, it happens every week on my radio show with some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in weekly for the FREE live show or replay and YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen Here to Yesterday's Replay: Special Guest Shelley Hofberg, Psychic, Pet Communication, Healing Radio Host of The Psychic Horizons Radio Show http://www.psychichorizon.com/index.html   Listen Here November 13th - Judi Thomases, World Renowned Astrologer, psychic healer and channel for over 4 decades Contributor to Del Horoscope Magazine  https://www.wisdompath.com   Listen Here November 20th - Mark Hernandez, An intuitive healer helping people and their  pets! http://www.peopleandpetsenergetics.com/about-us   Listen Here November 27th - Rev Debbie Dienstbier, Our resident transmedium with decades of  communicating with your loved ones in Spirit (and your pets in spirit too) https://www.facebook.com/Wings-of-Grace-Spiritual-Center-875388225837766  
Browse the interview archives here.
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa Bay area locals can book a live session with me EVERY WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY from 10-2PM Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. UPCOMING SCHEDULE 10-2pm: Wednesday:  Nov. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th Friday:  Nov. 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th  
3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/  
Come see me Monday December 10th @ Swann Holistic Health Solutions from 10am to 5pm at my good friend Charla Tempone's office in Tampa. Please call their office directly at (813) 873-7773  in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes 33$ - 30-minutes 65$ 39 A DAVIS BLVD Tampa, FL http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES,UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails like this one each and every week!
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
Fishing Mastery & Practitioner Certification
Level I is open for ANYONE TO JOIN at anytime!  
"I have found this to be a great modality.  I have for the first time got my husband and kids fishing daily.  I've learned Emotion Code, Body Code, dowsing, 3 levels of Yuen and some other bits and bobs I've played with.  I like how easy this is to take on the road.  I really appreciate your time and brilliance. Thank you." - D.T. / Kansas
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes "The Tackle Box" & "Spiritual Healing Techniques" ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results!
Level II Practitioner Certification Course for those in the healing arts.
All members must first complete the Mastery Program then, if qualified, they can choose to move on to Level II where many advanced teachings & nuances are shared through the "Healing A-Z" book & includes 3 more clearing audios to help strengthen your business and finances. The exclusively written "The Practitioner's Handbook" is the cornerstone of the program & cannot be purchased individually.  It outlines some of the inner workings of how I handle my own practice including topics like; managing unrealistic expectations, having patience, pricing, time isn't always equal to outcomes or results, having limits, legal and ethical questions, advice on supplements, marketing, promotion, and sales, daily rituals for you and your clients/patients. The Level II course was designed and is dedicated to those who practice in the healing arts; Psychics, Healers, NP, AP, DOM, DO, MD, DC, Massage Therapists, Physical Therapists, RNs, Nurse Practitioners, PhDs, and Physician Assistants or currently practicing another modality, technique or method that includes natural healing in your home office or office setting, phone and or Skype.
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557 EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session Transformational Healing of Body, Mind & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations! Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit Audio MP3 Downloads and books to improve your life! Get Certified in My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for Supplements http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2018 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger | Digital Marketing Specialist | SMBeConnected Solutions Digital Marketing Solutions & Support for Conscious Entrepreneurs www.smbeconnected.com  
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