#pls i love all the mama toph thoughts and feelings :D
stitch1830 · 3 years
Toph's water breaking in front of Lin? Would Lin immediately know what to do, or would Toph be like "ah shit, Lin, looks like I need to go to the hospital because your sister has decided to come today." Or does she fall straight into the pain and scare Lin?
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! Yay!! More Mama Toph questions! :D
Very interesting thoughts, can't say I've explored the possibility of Toph going into to labor/her water breaking in front of Lin before, but let's go!
I would say that Lin is really good at helping for her age, so she knows what has to happen when Mama says the baby is coming. She was told to call Katara, but if Katara isn't available, then they go to the hospital. She knows the plan, and she's ready for it.
Or so she thought...
If Toph's water broke, Lin would be confused, but she'd do as Toph told her. Depending on how quickly the labor progresses, I can see Toph fall into bouts of pain and scaring Lin. She's never seen her mom in pain before, so she's a little shocked at the sight. And she's probably confused as to why having a baby hurts (because no matter how plain and straightforward Toph is when it comes to explaining things, I think she'd spare baby Lin of the idea the details of childbirth LMAO).
But I also think there would be moments where Toph is calm and the contractions pass, and she just reminds Lin of what they have to do. When that happens, Lin springs into action, she just needed a quick reminder, but she's a great helper for the few minutes Toph needs her! In any situation, Lin likely would be nervous the second she knows her baby sister is coming, but if/when she sees her mother in pain or hears her ask for help, Lin remembers what her job is.
After, Toph would be sure to thank Lin for being an awesome and brave kid and that she's proud of her! Lin would be so excited and happy to get that bit of praise from her mom. To top it off, she's a big sister now! And she won't lie... Suyin is pretty cute...
So those are my immediate thoughts, but I would love to hear yours! Thank you again for the ask, and feel free to stop by with more Mama Toph feelings! Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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