#pretty short bc i'm in the midst of finals
pentagon-fics · 7 years
Hi! I love your blog like I love when I can find pentagon writing! Can you please write an opinion on pentagon as dads of newborns? Thank you!
Jinho: Lowkey stressed.
Hui: Kind of a mess but gets stuff done.
Hongseok: Surprisingly very calm and efficient.
E’Dawn: Googles everything.
Shinwon: Wants to hand things over to his wife but wants to seem like a good husband.
Yeo One: Somewhat a natural and super good at parenting.
Yan An: Overwhelmed but cautious.
Yuto: Calm and handles everything well.
Kino: Literally perfect, has been waiting for this moment forever.
Wooseok: Stressed and always asking for help.
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borathae · 4 years
Hey... about the drabbles? Could you do one where you're supposed to have a first date with one of them but either you or he gets in a minor accident but has to stay at the hospital overnight and the other person is extremely hurt and therefore angry bc their (hard to get) trust was "used to hurt them" but then they find out and it's fluffy? And could you maybe do it with yoongi bc atm I'm so soft for him like 🥺 Thank you, love your work❤ ~procrastinating anon
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff 
Warnings: low self-esteem, self-hatred, heartbreak, descriptions of minor injuries nothing major I promise, so much pain and sadness; but I promise the ending is fluffy and healing
Wordcount: 2k (I’m so bAD AT KEEPING THINGS SHORT jsjsjs)
a/n: I apologize for the total angst fest in the beginning jsjsjsj. This was not how I actually planned it, but I let my feelings flow free soooo I’m sorry? 🤧😂 also lisTEN I relate so muCH I’m so goddamn soft for Yoongi lately, this man owns my heart 🥺😭 I hope you enjoy this cute little drabble and I love youuu!  💜
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Today you were supposed to have your first date with a cute guy, who you had been chatting with for quite some time now. Two months and six days to be exact. Min Yoongi was his name. Min Yoongi was currently working as a music producer, he was the proud father of a brown toy poodle named Holly and had a soft spot for holding hands. His hair was dark, almost black with the ends twisted in soft locks. His eyes, the prettiest eyes you had ever seen, made you giddy just thinking about them. Oh how many hours you have spend getting lost in them when you looked through the many selcas he had sent you.
At first you didn’t even want to accept his chat-request, too scared made you the thought of talking to someone again feel. Quite honestly you had terribly bad luck in your relationships – lovers and friends alike – you got cheated on, got used and abandoned when you were no longer of use, got called ‘not lovable’ and worse things you don’t even want to think about anymore. So downloading “the best dating app on earth” – so your best friend called it – was the scariest thing you had done in forever, followed by pressing “accept” on Yoongi’s request to chat and actually answering his dorky but loveable first message.
Yoongi turned out to be the sweetest and most understanding guy – person actually – you had ever talked to. He listened to your worries and told you without a hint of hesitation that he would love it if things would developat a speed you were comfortable with and that you can take as much as time as you needed.
He agreed on your terms to not rush meeting in person, because god that would make you practically have a full-on panic attack. That was the first time you had honestly smiled in a long time, rereading his message over and over again, you weren’t able to believe your luck.
Time passed and with it your trust grew. You were chatting on a daily basis with him by now, wishing him a good morning and waiting excitedly for his good night phone calls at exactly ten twenty every night. You felt totally comfortable with him. You felt safe to be yourself around him, even if it was just through the phone. You felt sexy when you noticed the way his eyes travelled over your features when phones calls weren’t enough anymore and they turned into video calls. You felt loved and you were pretty sure the warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest every time you thought of him was love too.
So when Yoongi asked you if you wanted to meet up in person soon, your heart practically did somersaults in your chest. You had never typed “Yes!” faster in your life and judging by his quick answer neither had he.
The date was settled, two days from now you will meet each other in a little corner café. You couldn’t sleep in excitement, your mind was practically racing with scenarios of your date.
When the time finally came, you spend the entire day getting ready for your date, washing your hair, moisturizing every inch of your skin, picking out the perfect outfit. You showed up an hour earlier than arranged, just so you could mentally prepare yourself for finally seeing him in person. You were so excited.
One hour passed. Half an hour passed. You sent him a quick text asking if he was running late. He went online, typed and went offline before his message was able to reach you.
Two hours had passed since you came here. You quickly send Yoongi another message, asking him if he forgot about today.
Half an hour passed. No answer, no calls, no nothing.
Another thirty minutes pass and here you are still sitting at the corner café and waiting for him.  
Today should have been epic, exciting, remarkable, unforgettable. You were so sure it would bring a smile to your face every time you think about it. How could you be so wrong about that? You trusted him, you believed him when he told you he wouldn’t use you, you ate up his promises of support and comfort without as much as patting your stupid eyelashes.
You call him. It rings once then his voice mail tells you he isn’t available right now. He really rejected your call just like that.
So he just used you. You should blame him and be angry at him, but truth be told you weren’t. You were just hurt, so deeply hurt you have to look down your chest for a moment to see if you were actually bleeding. You honestly feel like you do.
Without any hesitation you block his number, block his social media profiles and delete all of his pictures. And just like that he is out of your life, your ability to trust is ruined for another year and your heart is broken.
Three days pass where your life consists of nothing more than crying yourself awake, forcing yourself to go to work and then continuing where you had left of in the morning when you go to sleep. You would have probably continued your daily routine if an unknown number hadn’t called you on the morning of your fourth day. The caller turns out to be Kim Seokjin, best friend of Yoongi who had stolen your number out of Yoongi’s notebook and who had made it his plan to explain everything.
Yoongi had gotten into an accident on the day of your date. The “idiot” – so Seokjin called him – walked into the busy street and got hit by a car because he was in the midst of typing out a message. He was lucky, nothing major happened. His right shoulder got dislocated and whilst getting thrown across the street he hit his head, resulting in a slight concussion. The entirety of guardian angels must have been with him on that day, so Seokjin said, the doctors told him such an accident results in death or life-changing injuries most of the times.  
As quickly as possible you are the hospital Yoongi is currently recovering at and find yourself standing in front of his room with shaking hands. Would it be awkward between the two of you after everything that had happened? What if you look at him and won’t feel the same warm love you had felt for him before?
A nurse opens the door before you can even knock, eyeing from head to toe before greeting you with a bright smile. It’s now or never. With held breath you enter the small hospital room.
“Yoongi?”you almost whisper, tiptoeing to his bed.
You have to take a deep breath when you finally take a look at him. All the feelings you wanted to push down and forget come rushing back into your heart, overwhelming you. You stumble back, holding onto the footboard of his bed.
He looks just as beautiful as he did through the phone screen, maybe even prettier if you were being honest. Even in his current asleep state he is able to take your breath away.  His eyes are closed, his lips slightly parted as steady breaths make his chest heave up and down. He looks so peaceful and calm, despite the white bandages covering the entire top part of his head and his right arm resting in a black sling.
Waking him up feels so cruel, but god, leaving him without having said hello feels so much worse. So you call his name loudly and gently tap his foot. He stirs, licking over his lips and swallows. His eyes flutter open. He mumbles your name, totally confused and still half-asleep.
“Hey”, yousay shyly.
“Hey, wow what a nice dream, these pain meds are awesome”, he murmurs, closing his eyes again.
“This isn’t a dream. I’m really here”, you chuckle.
“Seriously?” he gasps, surprisingly high-pitched for his normally deep voice. He sits up abruptly, hissing when hot pain rushes through his shoulder.
“Careful”, you rush to his side and help him sit up with a hand on his upper back, “you are still hurt.”
You sit down at the corner of his bed, careful not to hurt him.
“Yeah, for a second I nearly forgot about that”, he chuckles in pain, “how do you even know I am here? I thought you blocked me.”
You cringe at his words. So he noticed.
“Uhm, yeah I have. I, I mean had. I kind of had a slight mental breakdown when you ditched me at the café and I blocked you everywhere and deleted all of your pictures and basically locked your memory behind a big steel door in my mind and I swore to myself to never trust again.”
“Understandable”, Yoongi says. He takes your hand, squeezing it gently. You don’t even realise his gesture, too lost in rambling your thoughts out loud. It makes Yoongi tighten his hand around yours just all the more as a fond smile hushes over his face. You are so adorable when you rant like this and forget everything around you.
“But then your friend Seokjin called me”, you continue as if nothing happened, “and explained everything and now I feel like a total idiot for ever believing that you used me and at first I didn’t even want to come because I was too embarrassed, but then I started to miss you and-“, you pause to take a look at Yoongi.
A fond smile sits on his face, his eyes sparkle in adoration. Heat washes over your face as you start to blush vividly. You can’t even look into his eyes right now.
“I was rambling again. I’m so sorry. You probably think that I’m crazy right now”, you cringe, “sorry.”
“Actually I was thinking how cute you are right now”, Yoongi says softly, giving your hand another squeeze.
One you finally feel and one that sends in your body into complete overdrive. Your heart starts racing, your whole face becomes as red as a tomato, you stutter an answer but give up when you can’t even get out one basic word.
“I’m glad that you came”, he breathes.
You smile as an answer, squeezing his hand.
“It’s not an outfit I would normally wear nor is the location nice for a first date, but I hope that, I don’t know, it is still enough to give me a second chance?” he asks, almost scared.
“Of course it’s enough, it wasn’t your fault that you missed our date. I know that now”, you reassure him, making him smile, “besides I think you look cute in that hospital gown. I like the little pandas on the fabric”, you giggle, touching one of the dozens of animals on his shirt.
Right above his heart, you can feel it speed up underneath your fingertip at your gesture.
“Just wait until you see the back, because there is basically none.”
“Oh my god Yoongi”, you gasp at the mental picture of Yoongi sitting here with his butt all bared and naked.
“I’m wearing underwear don’t worry”, he laughs.
“What a relief”, you giggle, lowering your head in giddiness.
He pulls you closer to his body, making you scoot up the bed until he can wrap his arm around your middle comfortably and your back is rested against his side. You are careful not to put too much pressure on his body in order not to hurt him, despite your body wanting to basically sink into his arms. God finally being able to feel his touch, his warmth, his heartbeat is even better than you had imagined.
“Please stop me if this is too fast for you. And also I know you don’t really start a first date by kissing the other person, but-“, he inhales shakily, staring at your lips longingly, “-can I kiss you?”
“Yes please”, you whisper, leaning closer to his body.
His hand comes to rest on the back of your neck, your own cups his cheek. You are staring at each other for as long as possible, mesmerized by the other. Only when your lips brush over his and a gentle sigh leaves his throat do your eyes flutter closed and the feeling of his soft lips on yours drowns you in warmth.
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On a Trip
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(This is, like, the only clear picture I could get. All the others are just trees and buildings and are hazy af)
30th October.
I'm supposed to be off net for a while, but the family who's here with us has amazing net connection, so why give up the chance?
I'd made it a point to note any weird things, if I saw any, on the trip, so here I am.
First offs, I slept through most of it. I'd woken up at 4 am for the damn thing, and the previous day, I'd been down with some serious cold (surprisingly, I'm mostly fine today). For some reason I've been expecting something to happen, I don't know why, maybe just bc it's the end of October? My senses were on high naturally through the whole 8 hr car drive, but being outside usually calms me down, so actually most of the adrenaline rush came just 2 times: the twice when we'd stopped to eat by the roadside. I've got time, I could explain in detail :p
There's another family with us: my dad's business partner and his family. They're nice peeps and though I don't know their daughter that well, she's twice my age, we get along well. The first part of the trip was pretty fine, and I thought that I was just getting worked up for no reason at all. However, when we stopped by the roadside to have our breakfast, there was this pack of mangy street dogs that managed to creep me out like heck. Like even after my dad shooed them away they kept on coming back, and there was this particular black dog that kept its distance and seemingly just kept on staring at me. The dogs kept on barging in on us until we finally left.
My brother and the other girl threw up a few times on the trip. I don't know if that's just them being nauseous. My brother doesn't throw up easy, and my dad drives pretty well.
The other time I felt unsafe was when we stopped at this shop in the midst of the woods. Ok, maybe not literally in the middle, but somewhat to the side, on a trail. I'd been filming a video, and I think I saw something over there. And there was this numbing static in my ears, so I had to cut that thing short. Now that I later watch that thing, the video won't play out after a certain point ( I can't put it here since there's family in it and they'll literally beat the shit outta me)
Welp, I gotta scram. We just arrived at the hotel. It's like totally at the edge of the town, but at least not in the woods lol. Guess that's something to be thankful for. I'll update more later.
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deathbyseventeen · 5 years
From my story game...
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Alrighty - Good Love from NU’EST’s Aron for Joshua *I'm grooving to the song* shoutout if you can tell where incorporated parts of the song’s lyrics hehehe.
Anyways like I said before, I’m trying to get my sea legs back (my writing abilities) so my apologies if this ain’t it chiefs. (Also I didn’t tag you who requested this bc I didn’t know if it was alright to tag you....) 
To start off let me just say this was making me groove so hard. 
Alright, so this definitely a soft fantasy type of story. Lots of Romance with just a tinge of angst. 
So let’s say this a world where life has moved onto plants far away from ours and because of this Earth can’t really control the life on those plants and they’ve gone rogue and independent, and somehow y’all have gone medieval. You, dear reader, are a member of the royal guard on your planet; and so is Joshua. However, the two of you are part of different teams, the two big teams that everyone wishes to be a part of. The teams’ citizens pit against each other. Just for fun lets call your team “Starlight” and Joshua’s team “Starbright” 
So this is basically how it goes down “Starlight would totally kick Starbright’s ass.” “Would not!” “WOuld too! Starlight has Y/N!” 
This plant y’all live on was discovered to be extremely green. And by green I mean it has Earth-like life -- plant life but to extremes. Plants can move now and grow exponentially. So where does our story begin? 
The dear king of your plant calls both of y’alls teams down to his throne room and makes you each volunteer two people that will go on a mission. These two people, in the end, are you and Joshua because it was decided you both would be the least likely to go at each other's throat. 
Your mission? Figure out what’s been causing the plant to have these extreme tremors. On the other side of the plant. 
So you take off, all geared up with your swords and stuff. Capes and all. 
But do you guys want to hear a little secret? Joshua likes you. And you like Joshua. But... every time he asks you out...you keep saying no. WTH
Traveling through the dense forests Joshua doesn’t bring it up. But when you guys reach your first stop, a little village a day’s away from the main kingdom. 
You guys are trying to conduct interviews, seeing if anything is out of the ordinary. But, people are avoiding you guys. they see you guys and they turn the other way and one guy even ran away. But one kid, one freaking kid decided he’s got nothing to lose and ends up telling you guys that a weird man had been setting things under the ground and threatened the entire village to stay quiet or he would return and kill them all. WoW, Evil. 
Anyways, no one wants to give you guys a room to sleep in and spend the night. So Joshua suggests sleeping in a barn. What other option do you have? And there’s no escaping his flirting. His coddling. His scooting closer to you and enveloping you in his arms because “it’s winter, Nights are colder than ice. WE need to preserve HEAT.” When all he really wants is to cuddle and take you into a really long kiss. And you’re almost asleep when he-- “Y/n?” “Hm?” “Go on a date with me.” “No.” “But why not?” “Because I don’t..like you?” “Y/N.” But that’s where it ends. ALways, And it keeps happening at every stop you make. Now even sometimes when your traveling in the forest.
 (but let's be real here. He doesn’t give up because you actually do reciprocate the flirting he does every now and then)
And then it seems you reach one village that is in the midst of a festival. You guys pause your search for clues as to what the hell the man has been planting underground. You say it’s because this village hasn’t been touched...but really it’s because the villagers have coaxed you both to enjoy their moonlight festival. Long story short-- you end up dancing with Joshua and under all the pretty lights that have been strung across the village. You’re finding it really hard to resist Joshua’s advances. Y’all are dancing when Joshua has the guts to ask you out again and this time you can’t seem to say no but you don't say yes either. Both of you are leaning in getting closer and closer. Your eyes are starting to close and you can feel his breath fanning over your face. You can almost feel the ghost of his lips. They’re brushing over yours when a scream rips through the air and hell is set loose. 
“I warned you what would happen if you didn’t do as I said.” A dude is floating over the festival, getting closer to the people wishing they could sink into the ground. Wait. Is that dude riding a cloud? What the-- 
You and Joshua pull out your swords and face the man when he notices you guys. 
“It seems I have come at the wrong time. No matter, this will teach you all a lesson about disobeying.” He charges at you and somehow you can't seem to move. The entire moment is just overwhelming. The dude is manipulating elements. And just as he's about to grab you, Joshua jumps in front of you. Lightning strikes him and he’s hauled away. 
The villagers are coming up to you screaming. They’re telling you everything and I mean EVERYTHING. Even where to find him. 
You don’t know what to do. can you face this man alone? You need your team! But there’s no time to head back, the man’s hideout is a week’s journey away. So you set off alone. Battling the beasts and deadly plants that pop up along the way. Then you reach the place. This lair is hidden within the structure of these rocky mountains. You haven’t rested, you’re running on pure adrenaline. Your about to set off up the mountain when someone tackles you. 
“What the hell, Y/N?!” It’s your team...and Joshua’s team, all dressed up and ready to go. Oh, and they are going off on you. They know you haven't slept. And you didn’t even send a messenger to tell them what was going on. 
But they’re on your side too, it’s time to get Joshua back. Y’all set off and infiltrate the place. It’s strangely empty. Everyone’s splitting up trying to find Joshua. 
You’re on the brink of tears. Your heart’s pounding. Blood is rushing to your ears. Then you find him, deep underground, at a low level. Keys were conveniently left by the side of the door. 
And when you finally reach Joshua, oh geez, he’s been tortured and stripped of all his gear and armor, left in only his underwear (boxers). He’s a bloody mess on the floor, cuts, and bruises literally everywhere. You’re a mess too, not caring about the noise you’re about to make as you run to him and throw anything and everything in your way away. 
“Joshua?! JoSHua?!” You’re crying, pulling him onto your lap and using your hands to wipe some blood away from his cheeks. “Joshua wake up! Wake up!” 
You can just barely hear him say your name. “Joshua,” you cry. 
“I need...” 
“What? WHat?” You full on sobbing. 
“I need your love.” ....that effig flirt. Really? Right now? 
“Joshua, you idiot.” You cry. You’re trying to stand up and pull him with you when you notice that he has chains attached to his arms. You’re unsheathing your sword, pulling it out to break the chains. You’re so engrossed in getting him out you don't realize there’s someone behind you, and it’s the evil dude! With his own freaking sword. 
Luckily he’s only able to lodge the sword in your shoulder before your teams are running swords at the ready. Jeonghan, one of the members of Joshua’s team gets him before he can kill you. 
but sadly you’re losing a lot of blood, and you’re sleep deprived....and really you didn’t each either on your journey here. My my you aren’t getting past this one. 
You black out. The blood loss is enough. The last thing you see is the floor getting closer, but on the bright side so is Joshua. 
The next time you wake up you’re in the royal infirmary and you’re all patched up! You’ve been ordered bed rest though. But Joshua’s still in the infirmary too and like hell, you’re about to leave. So you sneak off to his cot and just sit there. At one point you reach out to run a hand over a cut he has on his cheek. 
“I’m sorry. Please wake up. I do like you. But our teams--” 
Joshua stirs awake. He mumbles something. ‘
“When I’m with you everything is special.” Bam! He opens his beautiful brown eyes TT 
“I need--” 
“What? What do you need?” 
“Your love.” He smiles and it hurts! Because you can see it hurts him to smile. 
“Stop smiling you idiot.” You say. He chuckles and you can’t help but bend down to nuzzle his cheek and press a kiss there. But he isn’t having any of that! He’s been waiting for that kiss! So moves his head and pulls you into a kiss, that slow and passionate kiss that oh dear...he’s been waiting so long for. 
On another note - Neither your team nor his were opposed to the both of you. Jeonghan told them all. Joshua had told him how long he had been in love with you before so....
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