#professor gaon
squeaksquad524 · 8 months
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boy crush
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yohankang · 2 years
god i love that scene in ep 2 when yohan says that the trial result 'turned out well' and gaon acts appalled and asks if it's okay if the result is good
like 🤡 babe you had the exact same reaction just the day before ahjsgjsfjs
it's so funny because his morals aren't any better than yohan's!!! he doesn't really believe any of this and it's sooo sexy when his belief system collapses because of yohan in just a few eps 🥵
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tenderlywicked · 2 years
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That’s really nice, subtle foreshadowing - Gaon playing basketball with Professor Min and Professor tricking him.
Gaon: Gosh, I can’t believe you did that. How can you cheat your own student when you’re the chief justice?
Professor Min: I was faking, not cheating.
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sanpape · 3 months
gaon's law professor hated gaon's gay situationship so much he litterally propped up a fascist regime to stop it
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kdramastrix · 28 days
One thing we know about TDJ is that it's INCREDIBLE when it comes to foreshadowing and parallels and while i was rewatching this scene i noticed this:
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Interestingly, the professor literally quotes Yohan's mindset when it comes to the corrupt justice system here. Yohan LITERALLY says later on "There's no justice in real. It is all just a wicked unfair game."
Which tells me that he DOES agree with Yohan, he just doesn't agree with his ways. But then he goes on about how Yohan has illogical rulings & stances and has passed weird impractical laws. Which has no substance, only Bias and i really like that Gaon is witty enough to recognize that little undercurrent of dislike & tinted passive aggressiveness the professor has for Yohan.
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Onto Gaon's intuition and his ability to understand the subtext here. I like that he recognizes that MJH not only despises Yohan, he also harbors injustifiable abbhorence for his ways which further leads to him suggesting that Gaon infiltrate Yohan's space, that too, not just by playing spy but by being Yohan's JUDAS.
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Judas who was one of the most important people to Jesus, a companion, a devotee, a lover, a lifeline. and because he was so much, his betrayal wounded all the deeper, fatal even.
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Gaon is aware that his professor is not only asking him to dig dirt on Yohan but to actually INDULGE & blend into Yohan's life to find his ultimate weakness (that is so fucking gay OMFG im trying to stay sane, wise and political here but jfc, pun intended). For him to actually UNDERSTAND and USE the word of Judas for his role is so. Yeah. Okay. Let me take a moment here.
Additionally, i would also like to point out THIS foreshadowing.
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Even as Gaon & the Professor essentially stand on the same side rn, they are still standing at odds with each other IN Yohan's court, faces away, eyes set at different points, different goals.
While the professor is looking at the Balance (symbol of justice), Gaon is gazing into the darkness, a void unbeknownst to him, a field he is not certain of, unbiased yet unafraid.
Which basically translates to how they will oppose each other & that force which will compel them to disagree with each other is going to be none other than Kang Yohan.
I just really. Love this bit. And i was so gagged when i watched it so i had to come and talk about it hehe.
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thedeviljudges · 1 month
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god WHY is the tdj's dialogue and set up so juicy and incredible???
couple of things to talk through here:
the first scene is the professor scolding gaon for thinking that the trial worked out well. gaon then takes it back and says it's 'not a child's game.' so here we have gaon expressing his honest thoughts and being berated about why it's wrong to think someone got justice in the way they did (nevermind that something was a lil fishy but that ain't the point rn lmao).
then, we have yohan who juxtaposes the professor's beliefs in the following scene. and while gaon probably never believed the trial was a game, it's very interesting wordplay.
yohan's dialogue is so important because even after he says 'it's not a fair game to start with,' he also says that it's full of manipulation and lies......
Which is exactly what the professor did during the basketball game in the scene prior with gaon. he cheats gaon by acting hurt to steal the ball and make a dunk but calls it a fakeout rather than admitting what he's done.
i find it so fascinating how they already insert in the differences between yohan and the professor, the start of the friction as to what will ultimately have gaon questioning everything.
but what i'm most intrigued by is how quickly the professor put gaon's thoughts down and gaon immediately backtracking. such good characterization right there and the insane amount of growth he has by ep 16 where he tells a room full of people his own thoughts and beliefs.
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xdhsquad · 6 months
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⚡ Quem É Você, Jooyeon?
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🎸 Risadas Maravilhosas Que Me Distraem
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⚡ Running To The Beach
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🎸 Seoul Drift
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⚡ Sobre Gostar De Abraços E Um Felizes Para Sempre
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🎸 Vem Pra Mão, Otário!
status: indisponível (leia aqui👉💙) personagens: o.de + gaon = odeon créditos: @shibuinni3 (design) / @maluyoongi (plot) plot: Seungmin queria até ser quietinho, mas havia se apaixonado pelo baixinho irritado que queria resolver tudo na base da paulada.
⚡ Essas capas e plots estarão disponíveis até todos serem doados, então esperamos muito que gostem e os levem com vocês. O tempo para seu pedido de adoção ser aprovado é de + ou - 1 semana. Se for aprovado, você já recebe a capa com a mudança de user e seu prazo se inicia neste dia. As entregas por MP do Spirit serão feitas através do perfil do squad.
* : o asterisco ao lado do "disponível" significa que há pessoas de olho na capa, mas que ainda não adotaram. Ou seja, os pretendentes.
🎸 Continuem villainizando por aí, divulguem a doação para mais villains e VIEWS EM PLUTO!!!
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amethystina · 11 days
I'm waiting so excitedly for your updates, old and new, I can't begin to tell you! You are the fandom treasure! And as I'm waiting and biting my nails I wanted to ask something, what do you think about the final scenes of episode 8 where Gaon has dinner with his professor and tells him he chooses Yohan's side. How come Yohan knew where to find them and the precise moment to come in and pick Gaon up, was he following them or did he and Gaon had a deal?
And what's with leaving his car to stand next to Gain and look at professor? I love this scene so much but I don't know if I understand its message right. Was it posturing, laying a claim on Gaon or what? I tend to feel that Yohan was possessive of Gaon when it came to professor and his police friend and I think I feel some of it in this scene but I'm not sure, I just don't have a clear grasp on it. Would love to know your thoughts!
Aww, thank you so much, sweetheart! This is definitely the first time I've been called not just a fandom treasure, but the fandom treasure. Thank you 💜
Ah yes, the "Ga On runs off with his new sugar daddy" scene. Or, as I sometimes like to call it, the "You just don't understand, dad professor — I love him" scene.
I'm joking, obviously.
(... or am I?)
I would say that Ga On and Yo Han made an agreement beforehand, yes. They probably talked about Ga On's choice to switch sides and while Yo Han would no doubt have loved for Ga On to continue on as a double agent (feeding Professor Min intentionally faulty information) Ga On is way too honest for that. So he probably insisted that, no, he'll call Professor Min, meet up with him, and just flat out tell him that Ga On's spying mission is over. He's now going to elope work with Yo Han instead.
And I find it hilarious to think that, most likely, Yo Han was just sitting in his car, perhaps scrolling through his phone, waiting for his newly acquired sugar baby to finish telling his semi-father figure that he's going dark side. Because Ga On gets up and starts walking before Yo Han drives up, meaning that it's not like Ga On saw the car coming and went "oh, better wrap this up now." It was probably the other way around, where Ga On leaving the table was the signal for Yo Han to come pick him up.
So yes, they definitely had an agreement, especially since Ga On seems to know in exactly which direction to walk, even before the car shows up, and doesn't look the least bit surprised by Yo Han's arrival.
They planned that shit.
As for the fact that Yo Han gets out of the car? Well, buckle up, my darlings, because I think we should take a detour to discuss intent.
Now, intent isn't necessarily important when you want to interpret a scene, but I like the extra nuance it can offer. And by intent, I mean what the scriptwriter/director might have intended with a scene. Why is this scene here? What was the plan behind it? How is it supposed to impact the overall story? How does it tie into the rest of the plot?
Which is never something you can say for sure, of course, unless there are interviews expressly stating it, but, a lot of the time, we can guess.
The intent behind this scene, in its simplest, purest form, is to show that Ga On is switching sides. And, with that in mind, it makes sense that he crosses that road to Yo Han's car (if you know me and my metas, you know how much I love lines, characters crossing said lines, and the symbolism of that) and stops to stand next to Yo Han. It's a very simple yet effective way to show Ga On's choice and where it will take him.
Into Yo Han's arms.
NOW. Intent is very useful because, depending on how skilled the person writing is, you can hide a lot of subtext and leave room for a lot of interpretation with a cleverly formulated intent. That's how censored shows get away with so much, because they can point to the perfectly reasonable, heteronormative intent behind a scene and pretend that there aren't also a lot of subtler nuances to the reading.
And, if they're extra bold, they also add hints in the presentation and execution.
The scene where Yo Han invites Sun Ah to the house is a perfect example of this, where the intent is to make her feel lonely, like an outsider, as she's invited to observe this warm, comfortable family. Not a bad tactic as far as manipulation goes, I have to say. So, in other words, very reasonable intent — makes sense with what they're trying to achieve.
The fact that it ends up looking more like Yo Han is proudly showing off his doting, doe-eyed househusband who's passively-aggressively and not-so-discreetly staking his claim is... well, that's just an accidental side effect, isn't it? Not intent at all.
And that's true. It's not intent that makes it look gay.
It's the presentation of the intent.
(Sidenote: To be a fly on the wall when Yo Han and Ga On came up with this strategy. Because, clearly, they were both in on it and, I mean, how did that conversation go? Inquiring minds need to know.
Like, how did they go from: "We need to throw her off balance. We'll invite her to the house, show what she's missing out on, but also give her hints that she could have it all, if she's willing to surrender" to Ga On going: "I'll cook a fancy dinner. That'll make her jealous."
I mean, he's not wrong but, like, Mr. Sugar Baby. What? x'D
Also, imagine Yo Han's face. Transcendent.)
Anyway. Intent can also ruin a story. I think most of us have read a fanfic and gone: "... that character wouldn't do that. This makes no sense." That could be a sign that the author's intent is clashing with the characters or the story they're trying to tell. Or, put more bluntly, that the author is so focused on forcing an idea that they don't realise that they're going against the logic of the story or characters' personalities. Things happen because they want them to, not because it makes sense, meaning that the intent isn't tied to the story or characters, but what the writer wants. This is badly planned intent.
And, most of the time, readers can tell when the intent is off, even if you might not be able to put your finger on it while you're reading. But if you're feeling a niggling doubt at the back of your mind, wondering why this scene is here, what this scene even means, or why this character suddenly seems to act so strangely, it could be that the writer didn't plan it well enough.
That's not to say that a reader must always know the intent behind a scene. Ideally, the story should be good enough that they don't have to stop and think about things like that. If the intent and internal logic are sound enough, it should just flow naturally.
Because, when it comes down to it, pretty much all scenes in a story have an intent and that intent should be in harmony with the characters' personalities and how they would choose to behave. And I don't mean that there can never be conflict or that characters can't disagree — I mean that all scenes should have a reason for being there. It doesn't have to be a deep or complex reason, but there should be a reason that ties into the overarching plotline. And characters shouldn't be forced into a scene they have no business being in. Intent is very important from a crafting standpoint.
And intent is one of the things that makes The Devil Judge such an absolute joy. Because while there is always a perfectly reasonable — and very heterosexual, we promise — intent behind most scenes, they often choose to present the scenes in a way that leaves room for a much queerer reading. Now, that can happen with almost any story, but what sets The Devil Judge apart is that it seems to be entirely intentional.
The presentation is by no means subtle or accidental.
Like, they didn't have to make Ga On shuffle up in a soft, comfortable sweater and greet Sun Ah like a caring househusband, but they did. That was a conscious choice.
And this scene you mention, with Yo Han getting out of his car when he's picking Ga On up, falls into a similar category in my mind. The surface-level intent is clear — show that Ga On is switching sides — but he could simply have said so. He could have borrowed a car and driven himself. Yo Han didn't have to come pick him up. And he certainly didn't have to get out of the car.
But he did.
And that might be what you're picking up on when you're saying that you're not sure if you're understanding the message correctly. Because in a drama this clever, that puts so much effort into details and, again, intent, it feels almost a bit odd to leave this gaping hole, doesn't it? Yo Han stepping out of that car should mean something, right?
And, once you've gotten this far, you've got a couple of options to choose from to fill in the blanks. Either you can assume that it was just something the creators chose to do because it looked/seemed cool and therefore might not mean much at all. And considering that this drama does that a couple of times, this could honestly be the case. Maybe they just thought it would be more effective to have Yo Han to step out of the car? To really hammer it home to Professor Min what's happening?
Your other option is to bring in the harmonisation between intent and characters. Because, if the writer is good and their characters consistent, you should be able to pick up on secondary layers of intent, running parallel with the main one. Because while each scene has an intent, each character IN that scene also has one (though perhaps it would be more comfortable to call it purpose at this point?).
In other words: If "it looked cool" isn't the answer, could we find it in the character's behaviour instead? What is their intent, based on their personalities and previous actions? Does that give a more satisfying answer?
What reason would Mr. Kang "Abyss" Yo Han have for stepping out of that car?
I, personally, think that the answer is pretty simple.
He is absofuckinglutely staking a claim.
He's stepping out of that car because he's a Possessive, Dramatic Bitch and wants to rub it in Professor Min's face. He wants to show that he's won, that he's turned the spy Professor Min sent, and that he's, quite literally, taking Ga On away.
Yo Han is basically going: "Thanks for the sugar baby — I'll make sure to ravish savour treasure him."
So while the main goal of that scene is to establish that Ga On is switching sides, the intent Yo Han adds with his actions leaves room for a very gay reading. In fact, I'd argue that doing so only makes the scene more believable, since Yo Han's actions are otherwise kind of... unnecessary? He has no reason to step out of the car and make himself known, unless it's for the dramah.
Again, the presentation of the intent is where the magic happens.
So, why this long, godawful rant about intent, you ask? When I could just have answered the question right away?
Because while I know that I'm preaching to the choir in terms of this drama being gay as hell, I just want to highlight the importance of intent and how it can change the reading of a scene. I think intent — or specifically the harmony between characters and intent, and the various layers of intent — is absolutely fascinating, especially in this drama.
Especially if you want to argue that it's gay.
Because there is, in fact, some scenes where I just... I can't. The intent and characterisation don't match at all — unless you add a queer element. Like, this drama is so clever. Not perfect, mind you, but so clever. And so careful with especially Yo Han and Ga On's characterisation. Very little is left to chance.
And so, if you keep everything I've said about intent and characters in mind, and I ask you to explain the intent behind this one, singular shot, can you do so without making it gay?
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I'm not joking when I say that this scene, right here, was the one that definitively made me go "oh fuck, this is gay gay."
Because in most others — if not all — I can find that safe surface-level intent which means that the people behind this drama can claim plausible deniability. Of course it's not gay! Look at this perfectly reasonable, heterosexual intent!
Except this one.
There's no explanation for this. Ga On has no reason to look this jealous unless his jealousy is the main intent behind this shot. There just isn't. And it's only made worse by his huff and the way he clenches his jaw a couple of seconds later. Not even the argument that Sun Ah is their enemy so letting her fix Yo Han's tie might be dangerous can justify this, since that's not a look of concern or alarm — that's jealousy.
The intent is jealousy. Plain and simple.
And that's why intent is important. Because, if push came to shove, the intent behind this one, singular screenshot could, theoretically, be the only evidence you need if you wanted to defend a queer reading of this drama.
Because there is, quite frankly — in my humble opinion as the fandom treasure — no other way to explain the look on his face in a drama this meticulous and obsessed with details.
In this scene, unlike all the others, the queerness isn't just in the presentation anymore — it's in both the intent and presentation.
So, if you want the scene that says "this shit's gay, fam"?
This is the one.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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blooevil · 10 months
seeing some of the things ppl have brought to light about gaon's character, I do feel a bit sad for him bcs while he is a genuinely good person, I can see how much professor min and soohyun wanted him to be a morally right robot, wanting him oblivious to see the bigger picture (especially professor min).
I think professor min's reasons for this is kind of odd because he wanted gaon to spy on yohan and gather information on his plans. I assume he was told to do so under sunah's orders, hoping to bring yohan down before he could rise in power, trying to gain the upper hand in the process. I also think it's odd for him to try and convince gaon that yohan was the bigger evil, yet he was working with sunah most likely before gaon was even sworn in as a judge. very hypocritical and gross of him to use him in that way when he knew gaon had thought of him as the closest thing to a father and had the up most respect for him as well. but of course professor min would do that bcs yohan is who he's going up against, making the enemy seem far worse than your own cause, looking the other way when something went wrong.
I find it absurd how he wanted gaon to be by yohan's side in the beginning but when yohan gave gaon the freedom to be true to himself without repercussions, all of a sudden yohan is deemed too dangerous. (???!!!) still treating him as a child. it makes me think that him and soohyun still see gaon as the troubled kid who acted out after the loss of his parents. it's unfair to gaon for them to try and guide his life just bcs he got into some fights, rode a motorcycle, got a tattoo and a piercing when he was in his mid to late teens. but they've seen him change as he grew up no? became a judge and made something of himself, so why all the push back ? hell even yohan tried to stop him from being too impulse and reckless sometimes but the difference between him and professor min and soohyun is that yohan gave gaon a choice, instead of backing him I to a corner trying to convince him of what is right and wrong as the final word without negotiation.
what I'm trying to say is that yohan never treated gaon like a child and let him think for himself without repercussions (unless he crossed the line with him ofc..) and never saw him as only a person who would act out bcs of grief driven anger.
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yohangaontdj · 8 months
The Devil Judge Rewatch Ep 9 ( Part 2)
Continuation of Part 1, which can be found here.
We left off in Part 1 with clueless Gaon looking forward to Ms Ji's cooking.
And here we have him being so happy at the spread Ms Ji had prepared. And I guess maybe it had been a long while since he had someone cooking a proper meal for him. Maybe since his parents' deaths cause Soohyun and Professor Min didn't seem like the sort to be able to whip up such a thing. And neither could Elijah or Yohan as well.
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And then we see his expression going from this...
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To this.
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And hoping that it was just the soup that sucks. He had went on to try the ginseng kimichi.
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Only to realise that the tastiest thing that could be eaten - it was the rice.
With this, we have another misunderstanding getting cleared up.
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That Yohan had banned Ms Ji from cooking, and Elijah saying she disliked Korean cuisine. They were all due to something else and not what Ms Ji had thought. That Yohan was afraid she would poison him or that Elijah was being unappreciative.
In fact, it was Ms Ji using every healthy ingredient she could get her hands on that made it hard to stomach her cooking. And it goes to show how much she do care for Yohan and Elijah, despite how they weren't the most friendliest towards each other.
Suspecting each other in the wrongest way possible, most of the time. Yet that hadn't stopped their care and concern. And that is so much more heartwarming than to keep saying 'I love you' when your heart isn't in it.
Next, we have Gaon confronting Elijah. And I just love how cute the two are.
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To me, this is where I think Gaon had fallen further in love with this new found family of his.
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And maybe that is why he is so motivated to get the entire family to eat together. So much so that he had held the cutlery hostage and made Elijah call Yohan.
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To be continued in Part 3 as the next bit, I want to put the pics all together in one post.
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stay-mon-army · 1 year
A Little Bit of Chemistry
Warning(s): embarrassment, self-consciousness
Word Count: 2,417 words
Pairing: Gaon x Gender Neutral!Reader
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It wasn’t that you were bad at chemistry. You wanted to get that clear right off the bat. You were fine at chemistry; it was just that this professor was an absolute asshole. All he did was complain that his students kept failing his exams, but he wasn’t ever teaching you what to do. You would go to class, you would take notes, you would study said notes, and somehow you always failed his quizzes because none of the content was anywhere in your notes.
You hated to admit defeat and go to a tutor. You weren’t stupid, you were just a victim of bad teaching. But finally, you realized that if you didn’t get someone else’s input (preferably from someone who had passed the class), you were going to have to take the class again, and you just couldn’t do that. You refused to sit through another semester of this professors horrible test-making.
You had asked the professor if he could recommend you a past student who might be willing to help you with studying and he had been quick to mention a boy named Jiseok who had passed the class next semester. He gave you his school email address and seemed very excited that a student was working towards passing his course. Whatever, he was the one who made everyone fail anyway.
You had emailed him last week and he had quickly agreed to help you study for the chemistry class. Apparently he was a chem major and was always excited to talk about his passion and help others understand the arguably difficult topic. You agreed on a time and place to meet up to begin working.
Before you know it, it’s the day you are meeting with this mystery boy at the library. You grab your chem stuff and begin the trek up to the large building. You wait in the entryway for a moment, realizing you didn’t ask where in the building you were going to meet. He had said he would book out a study room for you both to have a bit of privacy, but you don’t know which one he had booked.
As you stand there, looking around for the boy that you’ve never seen before, you feel a hand tap against your shoulder. You turn around to come face-to-face with a smiling boy with shoulder-length black hair, his eyes crinkled up with his grin.
“You must be (Y/N), right? I’m Jiseok!” His voice is lilting and upbeat, exactly as you would have expected based off his happy demeanor. He looks like a happy puppy, excited and bouncing with energy. “I got us a study room so we can go work on your studying!” He points towards the back of the library, where the study rooms and computers are located.
He begins to walk in that direction, smiling back over his shoulder as he checks that you’re following along with his stride. You quickly start after him, taking long strides to catch up with him so you weren’t following at some uncomfortable distance. As you reach the study room, Jiseok pulls out a key and unlocks the door, stepping inside to hold it open for you. Inside is a small table with three chairs around it. On one wall is a whiteboard with markers and an eraser so that students can work together.
You slip past him through the doorway, thanking him as you set your stuff down onto one of the chairs. He closes the door and plops himself down onto the edge of the table, crossing his leg under the other that’s dangling over the edge.
“So, what exactly are you learning right now?”
You spent the whole two hour session letting him know where you are content-wise in the class. You tell him your problems so far and how everyone seems to be struggling but that you think the professor doesn’t want to change anything even though he’s obviously the reason you’re failing. You let him know what you know and that in every previous test had nothing gone over in class. At this, Jiseok laughs.
“Oh yeah, Mr. Donaghue is horrible at making tests that actually meet with what he’s teaching. That happened with my class too. Since your class is still on the periodic table stuff, your next test will likely be on atomic structure. He somehow always assumes that students make that next jump on their own, and they never do.” He quickly pulls out papers and his laptop, flipping it open quickly and typing hectically on the keyboard right away.
You sit and stare at the boy before you, blinking for a moment before you chuckle softly to yourself.
He doesn’t pause his typing, but he looks up at you with a small smile. “What?”
“You’re kinda amazing.” You laugh, shaking your head. “You just remember all of this and know exactly how to help. What are the chances I found the only person who could manage to help me ace this class with just a simple question to Mr Donaghue?”
Jiseok smiles even wider, his eyes sparkling at you obvious content at him as a tutor already.
“Maybe you’re just lucky.” He grins, ducking his head back behind his laptop as he keeps searching. Finally, he turns his screen around so that you can see it as he shows you some sort of powerpoint presentation. “So, I’ll go over some of the basics, and then I have some worksheets and problems to see how much more detail I need to give you.”
You ended up loving to spend time with Jiseok. You liked chemistry before, but the way he taught it made it feel so much more fun. He always made jokes to help some content stick, or he would create problems that had impossible situations or ideas hidden within them. He smiled every time he saw you and always wished you an amazing day when you two went your separate ways after a study session. You could almost call him a friend; you never hung out outside of your study sessions, but you looked forward to your study sessions, and part of you was interested in interacting with him in a more relaxed and fun environment.
So, one day, you decided to invite him to hang out with your friends. You were throwing a small party, which was just a couple people having food and watching stupid movies, but you thought he might be interested. He was always laughing and making jokes with you, and he hadn’t been shy when you first met each other. You were hoping he would respond positively, even if he might be a little unsure at first.
What you weren’t expecting was to watch his face drop. He had been smiling, ready to start talking about the newest topic after you passed your last exam, when you’d interrupted to extend the offer. His smile slid from his face, almost comically, and his eyes visually shuttered. He paused for a moment, his mouth hanging open, before he snapped back to a smile, although it didn’t reach his eyes again.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I have to study for an exam the next day, so I’ll be busy. Maybe next time though!” He grins at you, throwing in a sheepish shrug when you really look at him for a second.
You try not to think too much of it and you smile back, although your eyebrows stay furrowed as you look down at your notebook as you flip to a blank page to prepare to take notes on what he teaches you today.
It doesn’t hit you until you get back to your dorm that you hadn’t gotten to tell him the date of the party, so he didn’t even know when you were inviting him over.
The next time you began to raise your eyebrows at Jiseok’s behavior was when you managed to run into him on campus. Before that, you hadn’t seen him anywhere on campus; you almost thought that he wasn’t really a student. You were always on campus with friends, doing work, or just getting some exercise, and you had never seen him anywhere. However, the day before a major test, you were walking around campus to destress from studying on your own in your dorm and you saw Jiseok sitting with a few people you assume are his friends.
At first, you weren’t going to approach, because you thought he might want to spend time with his friends and you didn’t want to bother him. But then you remembered that you wanted to get to know him, and you thought that this would be a nice way to break the ice between you two and your study-only relationship. So you took a breath to calm yourself and you stepped up to their table, smiling down at Jiseok.
“Hey, Jiseok! How are you?” You try to sound chipper and surprised to see him. His head whips around to look at you, mouth opening and closing for a second as his eyes nearly bulge from his head.
“Um, hey.” He says, turning and looking at his friends quickly, obviously awkward about the situation. You stand there for a moment, looking at his friends. One is looking at him with a look of disapproval, another is chuckling behind his hand, while the last is looking at you, pityingly and kind.
You stand for what feels like an eternity with Jiseok not looking at you. Finally you clear your throat, mumbling a “goodbye”, and rushing off, holding your notebooks closer to your chest as you turn away.
You can’t believe you made such a fool of yourself. You wanted to be mad at Jiseok for treating you like he had never seen you before. You wanted to scream and cry about how he let you flounder there in front of his friends when all you did was say hello. You wanted to be so angry about his dismissal of you like he didn’t want to recognize that he knew you when you so obviously knew him. But instead of all that, you hated yourself for thinking that it was a good idea to approach him. That he would accept your random friendship when you were just some stupid student who needed help with chemistry. You weren’t friends. You didn’t really know each other. You felt absolutely idiotic for thinking that this was a good idea. You never wanted to show your face on campus ever again. You never wanted to see Jiseok again.
But you had a study session with him tomorrow.
You almost cancelled your session. You almost texted him and told him not to worry about meeting. That you would just figure out the last two months of class on your own. That you weren’t worried anymore and that he had helped plenty, thank you, you were finally a chemistry master.
But you knew that wasn’t going to help anything. While you were tired just thinking about having to interact with Jiseok after that super awkward interaction with his friends, you needed his help. Another quiz was coming up in a couple weeks and you needed to practice what only he knew was on it.
You arrived just on time to your session, in the same room as you always meet in. Jiseok was sitting in the room already, his laptop and notebook open before him, texting vigorously on his phone. As you open the door, he quickly locks his phone and places it face down on the table. He looks up to you with a wide smile on his face.
“Hey, (Y/N)! How have you been?” He’s got that giant smile on his face that always makes you feel like the coolest person in the world— like you had done something amazing by just existing.
And that smile alone destroyed your mental fortitude.
You drop your backpack onto the table and cross your arms. How dare he. Acting like he didn’t complete embarrass you in front of his friends yesterday, like it wasn’t the worst possible option from the interaction, like he didn’t act like he didn’t know you when you were out in public. You hadn’t done anything to him, so you needed to know why he felt the need to treat you the way he did.
“Why did you treat me like that?” You ask, voice coming out much smaller than you meant it. His smile falls from his face, his eyes wide, mouth agape.
He gulps and blinks at you. “What?”
“Are you embarrassed to be seen with your stupid little tutor case? Is that what happened? All I did was say hello. Do you not want to be seen with me? Huh?” He stares at you as your voice rises, you can feel your face getting hot, but you don’t care. You need to get this off your chest. You need to know. He doesn’t respond and you repeat yourself. “Are you embarrassed to be with me?”
You finally stop, breathing heavily as you feel the emotions boiling in your blood. When Jiseok doesn’t respond at first, you groan loudly, spinning to face away from him and dragging your hands over your face. You hear him shift, but you don’t look at him. You can’t, because if he keeps looking at you with those sad, scared eyes, you might just combust into anger again, and you want to compose yourself again.
“I’m not embarrassed by you. I was embarrassed- I am embarrassed about how I feel when we are together, and I- I was afraid...” His voice is quiet, gentle, soft, you almost don’t hear him. You pause, back straightening at the response you weren’t expecting.
“A-about... how you feel?” You whisper back, staring at the wall before you, afraid to turn around and scare him off. Maybe, if you don’t look at him, he might continue to confess to you, explain what happened.
“I’m afraid others will know. That they’ll figure it out because I’m not sure if I’m ready to do anything about it. I like how our little tutor sessions are. I’m not ready to change anything about that yet. Because, I’m such a coward, and I’m afraid.” He sounds choked off and you turn quickly, throwing caution to the wind.
His eyes are staring at his hands in his lap, like he knew you were looking at him and he couldn’t meet your eyes. His hands wrung in his lap, his body shaking lightly like he was afraid of something. Afraid of you learning this about him.
“What do you feel, Jiseok?” You don’t know why your voice won’t get louder than a whisper, like you were afraid that he would run away or shut down if you spoke too loud.
He raises his eyes to yours, shining and wide like a sad puppy. He blinks, takes a deep breath, exhales, and opens his mouth. “I think I like you.”
You blink back, having had a suspicion that was where he was going, but not totally expecting him to say it. “I-”
“We can pretend I didn’t say anything. Like I said, I don’t think I’m ready for anything to change. But I don’t want you thinking I don’t like you or that- that I’m embarrassed about knowing you.” He’s looking back at his hands, twisting them tightly around each other like the pressure will take away the embarrassment you know he feels.
“Let’s meet for dinner later.” You say, standing still and holding your breath.
“What?” His head snaps to you, eyes shining now with something new, something deeper.
“Let’s meet for dinner tonight. We have our study session right now, like normal. And then later, we get dinner together. It can be at the cafe or the dining hall or wherever you want. We hang out as friends. We get to know each other. We see how things go.” You sit down on the seat across from Jiseok, feeling tense and self-conscious. You don’t really know what’s come over you, but you know that this is what you want.
Weren’t you feeling bad because he didn’t seem to want to be around you? Didn’t you invite him out because you wanted to spend time with him outside of the tutoring session? You didn’t know if you liked him, but you wouldn’t mind getting to know him better to figure it out.
His eyes flicker across your face, looking for something. He must decide he likes whatever he sees, because his mouth splits into a wide smile.
“We see how things go.” He says, holding out his hand. You smile back and shake his hand.
You were excited to see how things go.
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mymediacollection · 1 year
If Korea changed last names after marriage...
Still thinking about how Gaon could've rubbed it in everyone's face- including the professor's- after he got married to Yohan and changed his last name to Kang.
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Secret wedding and all until one day he shows up to work and exchanges his name plate to Kang Gaon and everyone freaks.
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clawbehavior · 9 months
You are so right about saying that Gaon "the female coded character" holding kkomi, both of them pretty and Doe eyed was done on purpose (especially sitting there on the sofa looking soft while Yohan is working in the same space looking at ease!). They gave him so many characteristics usually given to a female lead (headstrong, nurturing, caring, impulsive, bratty and understanding) to seduce and tame the byronic hero "Yohan <3"
Sometimes I feel sorry for Sunha, She thought she could manipulate Yohan by distracting him with an Isaac doppelganger. Which happened but not in the way she wanted 😅 She practically put "his perfect " boyfriend in his lap, ready for the taking!
i mean...
exhibit 1
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and exhibit 2
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TDJ makes blatant use of the tropes you listed. we know cats, or kittens specifically, symbolize innocence, (feminine) sexuality, the femme fatale, a fickle nature, and nurturing. yohan's obsessed with touching and dressing gaon (sexuality). gaon wears risque clothing while snooping through his boss's house (femme fatale). he's hard to read, even to his childhood love, while yohan desperately wants to (fickleness). and gaon reminds elijah and yohan of how to be a family again (nurturing); every scene with kkomi centers their found family.
but the trope i'm most fascinated by is innocence because gaon's innocence is what sunah uses to destroy yohan. it's also what leads to her downfall. 
she practically drops gaon in yohan's lap (thanks for that image) as the perfect distraction for yohan's mission. gaon has a strong passion for justice but he's also corruptible and unafraid of power, qualities which make him an asset to yohan's inner circle. this is where sunah wants gaon so she can turn them against each other.
but her mistake was in only seeing gaon as a pawn. perhaps she thought this because the professor was a minion through and through and his influence over gaon was integral to sunah's plan. so she doesn't see how yohan has spent the entire series encouraging gaon's sense of agency or how deeply they've changed each other. these efforts pay off. yohan can't have convinced the public to execute their elite without the footage gaon risks his life to acquire.
this is why i enjoy your description of yohan as a byronic hero so much, because the other brooding, enigmatic guy who breaks the law for necessary ends is batman…and he has his partner in catwoman. 
i actually think sunah could've been yohan's catwoman if she hadn't given him gaon. the qualities which redeem her by the end of the show were always inside her. had yohan encouraged them rather than driving her into madness, they would've made a powerful couple, but sunah's allure paled in comparison to gaon's so the rest was history
tysm for sharing your thoughts because they were spot on fr
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tenderlywicked · 2 years
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Soohyun is so sure Kang Yohan is a bad influence on Gaon (and Gaon comes to the same conclusion at some point), but is he really?
Gaon is an impulsive person. He reacts without thinking. When he sees someone in danger, be that a little girl or a driver who almost killed her, he rushes to rescue. When he’s curious, he doesn’t hesitate to put a listening device into his chief’s office or break into a locked room. When he’s furious, he lands a punch or reaches for a knife. When he’s desperate, he’s ready to kill himself. At the same time, Gaon gravitates towards people who ground him with their authority and practically force him to make the ‘right’ decisions. Soohyun threatens him with ending their friendship if he becomes a criminal. Professor Min thrashes his bike with a golf club (!) for Gaon’s ‘own sake’. They expect him to behave because they tell him so, because they think they know best.
Kang Yohan, on the other hand, tends to calculate possibilities and outcomes. (He even plans his own demise. Twice.) He always tells Gaon to take the causes and consequences of each event into account, encourages him to think for himself and check everything. Even when Gaon tries to kill him, he basically says, “I’ll let you do what you want if that’s what you really want, but think first.” He’s just as impulsive when it comes to personal matters, but years of scheming have taught him to curb his instincts at least partly—and he tries to pass it to Gaon, but without preaching and presenting himself as a ‘moral compass’, especially since he doesn’t consider himself as one, and confident that Gaon can make his own decisions.
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you're not alone
Read on Ao3
Warnings: gaon's canon abandonment issues
Pairings: gahan
Word Count: 1986
He still has nightmares about it. 
About opening his eyes and hearing the news that Kang Yohan is dead. About watching the broadcast with Jinjoo by his side, barely hearing her horrified gasps as his world turns, turns, stops. About feeling a familiar sadness, patient and without hope, spreading across the guilt like a moth to a flame.
He remembers the steely cold gaze from Lawyer Ko, the betrayed cries of Elijah, and the quiet murmur of alone, alone, alone. He had no more anchor; Soohyun was dead, a bullet spilling blood onto his hands, his knees, his face. His professor had betrayed him, planted a knife in him and twisted, whispering lies about the greater good. Elijah no longer wanted anything to do with him—as well she shouldn’t, he’s been the one to wreck everything for her.
And Yohan was dead. 
So he fell. He gave in to the stupid ideas, the reckless plan, because if he was going to throw himself off a cliff, he was damn well going to try and take as many people as he could with him. 
Sometimes he gets left in the box, suffocating and cramped, wondering if this is what it feels like to be buried alive.
Sometimes everyone turns their back on him and he never gets in the door, never gets the chance to atone for what horrors he’s done. 
Sometimes he stands there, with a bomb strapped to his chest, and when he closes his eyes all he sees is black. 
He wakes up with tears in his eyes and an ache buried deep in his chest. He presses a hand there sometimes, and rubs as if it’ll make it go away, only for it to linger. With his sleep-slack brain, sometimes he feels the burning aftermath of another touch. 
Because Yohan wasn’t dead. 
No, someone had rushed up in a blur, slammed him against the wall, disarmed the bomb, and asked if he was late. 
His chest still burns with the memory of it, of rushing through every possible emotion at once only for his perception of the world to narrow down to how it feels to have this man, alive, in his arms. To close his eyes and for one moment, have everything be okay. 
Only to have it ripped from his chest. 
He still has nightmares about it. 
About being thrown bodily from a room laced with enough explosives to bring the whole thing down. About seeing Yohan’s face as he closed the door, detonator flashing bright in his hand. About how the ache in his throat is how he knew he was screaming as the bombs went off. 
He remembers collapsing like a puppet with his strings cut and a small part of him wondering what an apt metaphor that was. Because Gaon had never been instrumental in Yohan’s plans, he’d been the one to mess all of them up. If it weren’t for him, it never would have turned out like this. He was a pawn, carefully molded by Min Jungho and Jung Sunah, nothing but a convenient weak point to be taken in and exploited when the time came and he had comported perfectly. 
During one of their earlier arguments, Yohan had almost gotten it right. 
You’re nothing but a stray, he had said, a lost little stray looking for somewhere warm to belong. 
And here he still is now, alone again in the cold, with his tail tucked between his legs and nowhere to go. 
But he had work to do, because his pain would only be felt, not lived, as would someone else’s. So he had stood as tall as he knew how, taken a deep breath, and gone to kneel before Elijah, to explain all the he could and offer himself as whatever she needed him to be. 
A friend, a family member, or someone to crucify. 
But he had found a skeleton of a house and a map, covered in the last thing he expected to find and something to make the unspooling well of grief into something tangible. 
Because Kang Yohan was still alive and he had work to do. 
Grief became a yoke, shackled him to a drive for justice and his shoulders began to ache long before the nightmares began to sort themselves into distinct categories. 
Sometimes the bombs go off and Yohan really is gone; he sees a twisted mangled corpse and eyes that should never be empty. 
Sometimes Elijah screams and beats him, sometimes she looks at him with ice in her gaze, sometimes she cries in the arms of someone who she calls her guardian now, who will keep her away from him. 
Sometimes he goes to the house and drowns in all the ghosts. 
He wakes up screaming from those, chest burning, skin clammy, and reaching, reaching, always reaching. It burns, it always does, and he never gets back to sleep until he’s too tired to think anymore. 
He still has nightmares, but he’s grateful for them. 
Because he doesn’t know what he’d do if they showed him what else could be. 
Kang Yohan is still alive. He’s with Elijah. They’re safe. Elijah is getting treatment and Yohan is getting to breathe. 
But they’re not here. They are thousands of miles away and Gaon is alone. Punishment, penance, justice, even, but Gaon is here in his ill-fitting suits, up to his elbows in trying to make a world that doesn’t need Kang Yohan. 
He will always be a hypocrite, because he needs Kang Yohan. And he will always hate himself for wishing in split-second moments, in the dead of night when his skin burns cold, that he wishes he were really dead. 
Because then it might be a little easier to be alone. 
What he doesn’t know is that thousands of miles away, through cameras installed by paranoia and overprotectiveness, another man sits in the cold glow of a laptop and keeps watch. Over the tears, the screams, and hopes the somewhere, somewhere, Gaon knows that he was never a stray, that he does belong somewhere. 
Somewhere, where there’s a teenager in a wheelchair, a warm bed, and someone who will vow to ensure he never feels alone ever again. 
Ko Inguk: Your boy is pining.
Yohan stifles a scoff as he reads, turning off his phone without responding and glancing back at the footage. Kim Gaon is doing a remarkable impression of someone who is actively reading something, but the slump in his posture and the way he hasn't moved from the current section of the screen in ten minutes gives him away. He toys with the edge of the keyboard.
"When are you bringing him home?"
"Soon." He's given up trying to argue with Elijah.
"Yah, didn't you hear me?"
"'Soon' isn't a date."
He rolls his eyes and clicks over to the browser. On it is the confirmation for a flight to Korea and two return trip tickets. "Are you satisfied?"
Elijah squints at the screen with all the imperiousness of a teenager and sticks her nose into the air. "It'll do."
Yohan opens his mouth to retort when his phone buzzes again.
Ko Inguk: If you don't come get him I'll fly him out there myself.
And again.
Oh Jinjoo: You should really tell our friend about your plans, you know. He hasn't been sleeping well lately.
"Aish, you're all the worst," he grumbles, "I want Gaon-ah to come home just as much as the rest of you, why do you keep acting like I don't?"
"You called him Gaon-ah," Elijah sings and he halfheartedly tosses a pillow at her, "you should say that when you pick him up, 'Gaon-ah, come home, Gaon-ah, I miss you—"
"Listen here, you brat—"
He'd thought his days of being driven to some abandoned building and left in the flickering half-light of a dying lightbulb were over, but when Lawyer Ko shows up and tells him to get in the car, he sighs and gets it over with.
Probably some aspiring politician that wants something, he thinks as he paces back and forth in front of the plastic tarps. A waste of time for them, a potentially career-ending one at that.
A shadow lengthens on the floor.
"You have nothing to offer me," he says before they can say anything, "I won't be another pawn in the games of the elite. Whatever your speech is, you can forget it. Nothing you say will convince me."
The shadow pauses, and for a moment he thinks they'll just leave him and he can go home and—well, not sleep but lie still in the night and hurt, but then they come closer. He barely stifles a groan.
"Seriously, you're wasting your time. Just go while I still have plausible deniability." The shadow doesn't stop. "Listen, it's been a long day and—"
A hand covers his eyes and an arm of steel wraps around his chest before he has time to react, pinning his arms to his sides. He bites back a curse and reaches up—did Lawyer Ko set him up? Was this another plan? Did they know he was here?—trying to grab his attacker's wrist and wrench it away, when—
His fingers clasp a very familiar watch.
He freezes.
Slowly, so slowly, he traces the band as though it would disappear and shatter beneath his touch, relaxing into the hold. As he does so, it softens, no longer a restraint but a gentle support against a solid chest. His head comes to rest against a warm shoulder, the hand over his eyes resting there as his own fingers tremble.
He dares hardly breathe.
No response. He swallows, his throat suddenly dry.
A mouth, next to his ear. "What happened to not wanting me to say anything?"
And it's so perfectly insufferable that it could only be Yohan and he sags with the relief of it, clutching Yohan's arm as his feet slip out from under him. Yohan just chuckles, his hand still over his eyes, letting him lean against his front. "You—you—"
"Me," he says with far too much softness, "still getting used to those legs, are you, baby deer?"
"What are you doing here?"
"I came back for you."
His blood runs cold. "M-me?"
Yohan hums. Has he done something wrong? He's trying, really, he is, he's trying to do what was asked of him, he's trying to do the right thing, but it's hard, it's so hard—
"Elijah has been very insistent," Yohan says, effectively cutting off the thoughts, "as has Lawyer Ko, and Judge Oh. So yes, I've come for you."
Yohan pauses for a moment, then he mutters something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like damn you, Kang Elijah, before his grip shifts and his voice returns. "Come home, Gaon-ah."
"…come home?"
"Yes. Come home to Switzerland, come home to me. That's where you belong."
Gaon swallows. "Can I see you?"
"Depends. Will you come home?"
"Let me tell you face to face."
"You drive a hard bargain, Kim Gaon." And for a terrible moment, he thinks Yohan will say no, will slip back into the darkness and Gaon will be left to chase his shadow all over again, but then the hands are sliding around his shoulders and turning him to face him.
Half-expecting this to be a dream, he opens his eyes.
Yohan looks at him expectantly, the familiar smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Well? Will you—"
He doesn't get time to finish as Gaon throws himself into his arms.
"Yes," he near sobs, "take me home."
He still has nightmares about it.
But now, he wakes up to a low voice murmuring in his ear, a hand rubbing gentle circles into his chest, and a strong pulse beating under his fingertips.
"It's okay, Gaon-ah, it's okay. You're safe, you're home. You're not alone."
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izartn · 6 months
Not the bisexual lighting! And Yohan being avmazing at bulling bullies! Look if when.
WTF was that explosión. (ending ep 2 watch and coming back)
OK as I was saying, if when I was being bullied I had the head clear enough to wreck havoc like that on my bullies? I would have done it too sorry not sorry. My actual technique was for insulting them back in such a way it was both true, impossible to negate with any logic and left them even more furious at me. Temporarily satisfying but only made them keep coming at me and the professors disbelieve I was being bullied bc I fought back, when it was like half of my class in complot against me specifically and my three friends collateraly. Aish.
So like. Whatever Yohan does? I'm with him. The way he like. Fucks with the asshole fast car and hiring servants guys head is also magnificent.
I'm not saying he's a good representation of impartial justice, or a good person, but fuck it, he clearly knows what he's about XD He's like, a what if you had the power to get revenge fantasy.
Also the not subtle religious imaginary and past trauma on his background. Oh boy.
Gaon is clearly munching all the info he's collecting. I have no idea what he's gonna do. Was he faintly smiling when he saw Yohan wreck the car bc his friend would help him investigate now or bc despite himself he liked it or both? Who knows. Not me, not this early on.
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