#But it drives me ABSOLUTELY INSANE that some of these scenes exist
amethystina · 15 days
I'm waiting so excitedly for your updates, old and new, I can't begin to tell you! You are the fandom treasure! And as I'm waiting and biting my nails I wanted to ask something, what do you think about the final scenes of episode 8 where Gaon has dinner with his professor and tells him he chooses Yohan's side. How come Yohan knew where to find them and the precise moment to come in and pick Gaon up, was he following them or did he and Gaon had a deal?
And what's with leaving his car to stand next to Gain and look at professor? I love this scene so much but I don't know if I understand its message right. Was it posturing, laying a claim on Gaon or what? I tend to feel that Yohan was possessive of Gaon when it came to professor and his police friend and I think I feel some of it in this scene but I'm not sure, I just don't have a clear grasp on it. Would love to know your thoughts!
Aww, thank you so much, sweetheart! This is definitely the first time I've been called not just a fandom treasure, but the fandom treasure. Thank you 💜
Ah yes, the "Ga On runs off with his new sugar daddy" scene. Or, as I sometimes like to call it, the "You just don't understand, dad professor — I love him" scene.
I'm joking, obviously.
(... or am I?)
I would say that Ga On and Yo Han made an agreement beforehand, yes. They probably talked about Ga On's choice to switch sides and while Yo Han would no doubt have loved for Ga On to continue on as a double agent (feeding Professor Min intentionally faulty information) Ga On is way too honest for that. So he probably insisted that, no, he'll call Professor Min, meet up with him, and just flat out tell him that Ga On's spying mission is over. He's now going to elope work with Yo Han instead.
And I find it hilarious to think that, most likely, Yo Han was just sitting in his car, perhaps scrolling through his phone, waiting for his newly acquired sugar baby to finish telling his semi-father figure that he's going dark side. Because Ga On gets up and starts walking before Yo Han drives up, meaning that it's not like Ga On saw the car coming and went "oh, better wrap this up now." It was probably the other way around, where Ga On leaving the table was the signal for Yo Han to come pick him up.
So yes, they definitely had an agreement, especially since Ga On seems to know in exactly which direction to walk, even before the car shows up, and doesn't look the least bit surprised by Yo Han's arrival.
They planned that shit.
As for the fact that Yo Han gets out of the car? Well, buckle up, my darlings, because I think we should take a detour to discuss intent.
Now, intent isn't necessarily important when you want to interpret a scene, but I like the extra nuance it can offer. And by intent, I mean what the scriptwriter/director might have intended with a scene. Why is this scene here? What was the plan behind it? How is it supposed to impact the overall story? How does it tie into the rest of the plot?
Which is never something you can say for sure, of course, unless there are interviews expressly stating it, but, a lot of the time, we can guess.
The intent behind this scene, in its simplest, purest form, is to show that Ga On is switching sides. And, with that in mind, it makes sense that he crosses that road to Yo Han's car (if you know me and my metas, you know how much I love lines, characters crossing said lines, and the symbolism of that) and stops to stand next to Yo Han. It's a very simple yet effective way to show Ga On's choice and where it will take him.
Into Yo Han's arms.
NOW. Intent is very useful because, depending on how skilled the person writing is, you can hide a lot of subtext and leave room for a lot of interpretation with a cleverly formulated intent. That's how censored shows get away with so much, because they can point to the perfectly reasonable, heteronormative intent behind a scene and pretend that there aren't also a lot of subtler nuances to the reading.
And, if they're extra bold, they also add hints in the presentation and execution.
The scene where Yo Han invites Sun Ah to the house is a perfect example of this, where the intent is to make her feel lonely, like an outsider, as she's invited to observe this warm, comfortable family. Not a bad tactic as far as manipulation goes, I have to say. So, in other words, very reasonable intent — makes sense with what they're trying to achieve.
The fact that it ends up looking more like Yo Han is proudly showing off his doting, doe-eyed househusband who's passively-aggressively and not-so-discreetly staking his claim is... well, that's just an accidental side effect, isn't it? Not intent at all.
And that's true. It's not intent that makes it look gay.
It's the presentation of the intent.
(Sidenote: To be a fly on the wall when Yo Han and Ga On came up with this strategy. Because, clearly, they were both in on it and, I mean, how did that conversation go? Inquiring minds need to know.
Like, how did they go from: "We need to throw her off balance. We'll invite her to the house, show what she's missing out on, but also give her hints that she could have it all, if she's willing to surrender" to Ga On going: "I'll cook a fancy dinner. That'll make her jealous."
I mean, he's not wrong but, like, Mr. Sugar Baby. What? x'D
Also, imagine Yo Han's face. Transcendent.)
Anyway. Intent can also ruin a story. I think most of us have read a fanfic and gone: "... that character wouldn't do that. This makes no sense." That could be a sign that the author's intent is clashing with the characters or the story they're trying to tell. Or, put more bluntly, that the author is so focused on forcing an idea that they don't realise that they're going against the logic of the story or characters' personalities. Things happen because they want them to, not because it makes sense, meaning that the intent isn't tied to the story or characters, but what the writer wants. This is badly planned intent.
And, most of the time, readers can tell when the intent is off, even if you might not be able to put your finger on it while you're reading. But if you're feeling a niggling doubt at the back of your mind, wondering why this scene is here, what this scene even means, or why this character suddenly seems to act so strangely, it could be that the writer didn't plan it well enough.
That's not to say that a reader must always know the intent behind a scene. Ideally, the story should be good enough that they don't have to stop and think about things like that. If the intent and internal logic are sound enough, it should just flow naturally.
Because, when it comes down to it, pretty much all scenes in a story have an intent and that intent should be in harmony with the characters' personalities and how they would choose to behave. And I don't mean that there can never be conflict or that characters can't disagree — I mean that all scenes should have a reason for being there. It doesn't have to be a deep or complex reason, but there should be a reason that ties into the overarching plotline. And characters shouldn't be forced into a scene they have no business being in. Intent is very important from a crafting standpoint.
And intent is one of the things that makes The Devil Judge such an absolute joy. Because while there is always a perfectly reasonable — and very heterosexual, we promise — intent behind most scenes, they often choose to present the scenes in a way that leaves room for a much queerer reading. Now, that can happen with almost any story, but what sets The Devil Judge apart is that it seems to be entirely intentional.
The presentation is by no means subtle or accidental.
Like, they didn't have to make Ga On shuffle up in a soft, comfortable sweater and greet Sun Ah like a caring househusband, but they did. That was a conscious choice.
And this scene you mention, with Yo Han getting out of his car when he's picking Ga On up, falls into a similar category in my mind. The surface-level intent is clear — show that Ga On is switching sides — but he could simply have said so. He could have borrowed a car and driven himself. Yo Han didn't have to come pick him up. And he certainly didn't have to get out of the car.
But he did.
And that might be what you're picking up on when you're saying that you're not sure if you're understanding the message correctly. Because in a drama this clever, that puts so much effort into details and, again, intent, it feels almost a bit odd to leave this gaping hole, doesn't it? Yo Han stepping out of that car should mean something, right?
And, once you've gotten this far, you've got a couple of options to choose from to fill in the blanks. Either you can assume that it was just something the creators chose to do because it looked/seemed cool and therefore might not mean much at all. And considering that this drama does that a couple of times, this could honestly be the case. Maybe they just thought it would be more effective to have Yo Han to step out of the car? To really hammer it home to Professor Min what's happening?
Your other option is to bring in the harmonisation between intent and characters. Because, if the writer is good and their characters consistent, you should be able to pick up on secondary layers of intent, running parallel with the main one. Because while each scene has an intent, each character IN that scene also has one (though perhaps it would be more comfortable to call it purpose at this point?).
In other words: If "it looked cool" isn't the answer, could we find it in the character's behaviour instead? What is their intent, based on their personalities and previous actions? Does that give a more satisfying answer?
What reason would Mr. Kang "Abyss" Yo Han have for stepping out of that car?
I, personally, think that the answer is pretty simple.
He is absofuckinglutely staking a claim.
He's stepping out of that car because he's a Possessive, Dramatic Bitch and wants to rub it in Professor Min's face. He wants to show that he's won, that he's turned the spy Professor Min sent, and that he's, quite literally, taking Ga On away.
Yo Han is basically going: "Thanks for the sugar baby — I'll make sure to ravish savour treasure him."
So while the main goal of that scene is to establish that Ga On is switching sides, the intent Yo Han adds with his actions leaves room for a very gay reading. In fact, I'd argue that doing so only makes the scene more believable, since Yo Han's actions are otherwise kind of... unnecessary? He has no reason to step out of the car and make himself known, unless it's for the dramah.
Again, the presentation of the intent is where the magic happens.
So, why this long, godawful rant about intent, you ask? When I could just have answered the question right away?
Because while I know that I'm preaching to the choir in terms of this drama being gay as hell, I just want to highlight the importance of intent and how it can change the reading of a scene. I think intent — or specifically the harmony between characters and intent, and the various layers of intent — is absolutely fascinating, especially in this drama.
Especially if you want to argue that it's gay.
Because there is, in fact, some scenes where I just... I can't. The intent and characterisation don't match at all — unless you add a queer element. Like, this drama is so clever. Not perfect, mind you, but so clever. And so careful with especially Yo Han and Ga On's characterisation. Very little is left to chance.
And so, if you keep everything I've said about intent and characters in mind, and I ask you to explain the intent behind this one, singular shot, can you do so without making it gay?
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I'm not joking when I say that this scene, right here, was the one that definitively made me go "oh fuck, this is gay gay."
Because in most others — if not all — I can find that safe surface-level intent which means that the people behind this drama can claim plausible deniability. Of course it's not gay! Look at this perfectly reasonable, heterosexual intent!
Except this one.
There's no explanation for this. Ga On has no reason to look this jealous unless his jealousy is the main intent behind this shot. There just isn't. And it's only made worse by his huff and the way he clenches his jaw a couple of seconds later. Not even the argument that Sun Ah is their enemy so letting her fix Yo Han's tie might be dangerous can justify this, since that's not a look of concern or alarm — that's jealousy.
The intent is jealousy. Plain and simple.
And that's why intent is important. Because, if push came to shove, the intent behind this one, singular screenshot could, theoretically, be the only evidence you need if you wanted to defend a queer reading of this drama.
Because there is, quite frankly — in my humble opinion as the fandom treasure — no other way to explain the look on his face in a drama this meticulous and obsessed with details.
In this scene, unlike all the others, the queerness isn't just in the presentation anymore — it's in both the intent and presentation.
So, if you want the scene that says "this shit's gay, fam"?
This is the one.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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You know what drives me absolutely insane about Tristamp, something that is specifically emphasized in ep 8, it’s the existence of different accounts about someone or something surviving even in the wake of the most devastating of disasters, this being the Big Fall, as seen with Brad having brought back to Ship 3 the black box, and Rem’s belongings, which include a few photos of her, Vash, and Nai, and A JOURNAL, something I desperately wish that we get to see the contents of in S2, maybe in a flashback by Luida and/or Brad, or maybe in present day by Meryl, like I wonder if she wrote in code or in a different language to make it a little harder to decipher if anyone else got their hands on it, if the accounts in her journal start before she joined the SEEDS Projects and boarded Ship 5, like when her boyfriend Alex was still alive, or if they start after she boarded Ship 5 to chronicle her journey alongside what remains of humanity across the stars in search of a new planet to inhabit, or maybe if they even started when she discovered Tesla and Conrad and the rest of his group of Plant specialists began to tear her body apart in the name of science not long after that, since she was one of, or maybe the only one in Tristamp, the few who protested against the group’s treatment of Tesla only for her to be ignored, so it could have been a way for her to express and process her thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout the whole ordeal.
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(I STILL like to think that this recording pad she used to film Vash and Nai's first birthday somehow survived the Big Fall even if it wasn't shown along with the rest of her belongings that Brad recovered from Ship 5, if only because there's quite a bit of emphasis put into it with the framing of the scene and all, though who knows maybe it was just a way for Studio Orange to make a smooth and believable transition between a flashback and present day but I still have hope.) And then there’s Vash who’s also shown writing on a journal of his own, another thing that I also desperately wish to see the contents of in S2, in his room prior to Luida coming in to give him his red coat. With Luida going off to bring Vash back to Ship 3, leaving Brad to do some much needed self-reflection on the choices he’s made and the actions he’s taken, I wonder if, since he was looking through his things in hopes of finding some sort of clue he left behind about the other Independent, he actually took a look at it, and on the off chance that Vash hadn’t written his accounts in code or in another language, maybe he would have been able to read Vash’s own thoughts, feelings, and experiences throughout his time on Ship 3, the Big Fall, his time with Rem and Nai on Ship 5, maybe even his discovery of Tesla, and everything that had gone down with Rem right after that.
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Back on the topic Ship 5’s black box Brad had recovered from the ruins, and repaired 5 years after the Big Fall, I noticed that when he and Luida were listening to the audio recording, HE MUTES THE RECORDING RIGHT AFTER NAI SAYS THAT VASH WAS HIS ACCOMPLICE SINCE HE WAS THE ONE WHO GAVE HIM THE ACCESS CODES. With how people have pointed out how Studio Orange likes to play with unreliable narrators like Vash omitting the fact that he was the one who gave Nai the access code which made Nai’s claim that he was his accomplice in the Big Fall in episode 1 more plausible for example, this has to imply that there was more to be said in that audio recording and if Brad hadn’t muted it to fixate on the fact that Vash lied to them about the other Independent being alive and come to the conclusion that he had been lying to them this entire time, that he was never on the side of humanity to begin with, then things might have gone as badly as they did, maybe Vash wouldn’t have ran away from Ship 3 to find Nai on his own, maybe he wouldn’t have had to lose his arm to keep him and the everyone else in the scene from being swallowed by his gate. @tristampparty
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desertfangs · 10 months
The parallels between the first time Armand kisses Daniel as a mortal and the first time it happens right after Daniel is turned are driving me insane!!!
As a mortal:
"He'd come silently out of the shadows into the moonlight, a young boy in dirty jeans and a worn denim jacket, and he had slipped his arm around Daniel and gently kissed Daniel's face. Such warm skin, full of the fresh blood of the kill. Daniel fancied he could smell it, the perfume of the living clinging to Armand still. (...) Daniel had been trembling, on the edge of tears. And why was that? So glad to see him, touch him, ah, damn him!"
As an immortal:
"He steadied himself, but the sight of Armand made him want to cry. Even in deep shadow, Armand's dark brown eyes were filled with a vibrant light. And the expression on his face, so loving. He reached out very carefully and touched Armand's eyelashes. He wanted to touch the fine lines in Armand's lips. Armand kissed him. He began to tremble. The way it felt, the cool silky mouth, like a kiss of the brain, the electric purity of a thought!"
Armand: *puts his mouth on Daniel's*
Daniel: *instantly starts shaking all over*
So much had changed, so many years had passed, but Daniel's reaction stayed the same. Armand's kisses made him lose his mind! He began trembling and wanted to cry, scream, touch, kiss, and never let go. My boy is absolutely head over heels 🥲 Imagine their first kiss post-reunion, Daniel was probably like one of those toys with shaking heads that start wobbling like crazy when you touch them 🥲
Anon, I want to thank you so much for this ask!! Because oh my gosh, yes, he's totally head over heals, totally desperate to be close to Armand and touch him, you're so right! Both kisses are so intense and powerful! Daniel trembling and shaking with desire and the sheer overwhelming emotion of it is just chef's kiss. You can absolutely feel the love he has for Armand in both scenes.
I think a lot about how in that first passage, Daniel was probably scared Armand had vanished and he'd never see him again. He's trying to write, trying to find some semblance of normalcy in the world when he knows the monsters it contains, trying to cope with the fact that vampires exist and he may never find them again. And then suddenly there Armand is, kissing his face, arm around him, burning from the blood of someone he'd killed (Of course our boy is into that! Daniel being so into Armand as a monster is my jam) and he's literally on the verge of tears with relief.
The second time, he's just so enamored with how he sees Armand with his vampire vision, the way he notices every little detail of his face, the light in Armand's eyes, and the way the kiss now feels like such an electric connection fusing them together. Anon, I'm going to cry!
So their reunion kiss has to be equally incredible! Daniel nervous and trembling, because it's been so long, because time and distance have created a gulf of uncertainty between them. But then there Armand is in front of him again, his personal devil, his immortal lover, his beautiful maker, and I'm sure in some ways it suddenly feels like nothing has changed.
I don't know when it happens. Is it a stolen kiss in some empty room of Trinity Gate, a brief encounter because they've snuck away for a moment to be alone? Is it on the street in New York after they go hunting together, the streets slick and glittering with rain? Is it back in Armand's bedroom, Daniel standing there unsure if Armand is going to kick him out before sunrise?
Wherever it happens, I have no doubt it's an incredible moment, Daniel's hands trembling as he grabs fistfuls of Armand's shirt fabric because he's clinging so tight, Armand trying not to tremble himself as he reaches for Daniel and their lips finally meet after so many years apart. How soft and jolting the kiss is at the same time, how it quickly turns passionate and desperate as they hold each other and don't want to let go. 😭💖
Thanks so much for the ask, anon, this has been such a great thing to spend my day thinking about. I'd love to know what you (any of you) think their reunion kiss was like, any and all versions of it, because no matter how or where it occurred, it was definitely memorable.
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happyk44 · 1 month
Ya know, I was reading your Siren-Powers!Children of Poseidon post earlier and while I really absolutely love your thoughts on the Children of Hades & Zeus versions of the siren powers, I'd love to offer up some possible alternatives to the Siren!Powers that I think would better match up with those vibes <3
1) What if Children of Poseidon can appeal to the darker parts of the mind? In Ancient Mythology, Poseidon was often known as the "Dark Twin of Zeus" (as opposed to Hades, which we see in modern versions) and so what if, while Children of Zeus appeal to people's sense of justice and morality, Children of Poseidon appeal to their impulsivity and intrusive thoughts? They can't exactly give direct instructions nor can they invoke any immediate reactions through this power, but they can make their "suggestions" swirl around in their victim's heads until it is all they can think about. Like if Percy said to a monster: "What if you fall on your sword right now? What would happen?", throughout the course of the fight, the urge swirls in their mind until it gets stronger and stronger until eventually the monster does that (if they haven't already died yet). It's not an as effective power as it's cousins are but it does drive the victim slowly insane and can offer for some insane scenes if you phrase the questions just right. Basically, they're targeting the mind's intrusive thoughts and turning them 1000%
Another alternative to that is:
2) What if Children of Poseidon can confuse the mind? The Oceans are bottomless, unknown abysses who can easily sink ships and make creatures no longer know what is up or down and what is right or wrong. They invoke frantic survival instincts, even to the greatest swimmers and divers, and a lot of the time it's to the point where humans bring about their own downfall. There's a reason Thalassophobia is so common and exists. So what if Children of Poseidon can manipulate the frequency of their voices to invoke that kind of confusion/disorientation? What if they can make their victims either act out or break down within themselves in an existential panic attack? They could say things like "you don't know what's going on, do you?" while approaching them slowly with a sadistic smile like someone who's trying to talk down a dangerous person would. They could talk circles around someone while further bringing them down into their trap like a siren typically would but Poseidon was originally born to the land so wouldn't his and his children's power be more land-oriented? Food for thought but the whole hc still stands :)
All in all, as usual, this is just a suggestion/proposition coming from a brain who always thought Siren!Powers for Children of Poseidon was always weird and absolutely random--okay, the Oceans I get, but literally nothing else connects Poseidon to the sirens?? If anything, that would be more of Demeter/Persephone's domain because that is where the actual mythological origins lay (in some accounts)? Or with Children of the actual Seas/those who were actually born of the Seas like Children of Amphitrite or Porchys? Or just Nereids in general? Idk man, it just personally seems weird to me /gen--and so they decided to come up with cool and interesting alternatives! Pls tell me if you like them!!! (I absolutely adore your blog-- /shy)
I do like the idea of Poseidon's kids being able to appeal to the inner chaos of people - partly because it makes Dionysus and Percy occasionally beefing with each other even funnier since Dionysus is sometimes thought of as the god of chaos, and is capability of inflicting madness on characters, which, lol, Zeus being his dad is even funnier now that I think about it.
Dionysus: *makes wine*
Zeus: I like this.
Dionysus: *causes people to go insane and riot*
Zeus: I do not like this.
But back to the ocean bugs, them being able to cause disorder as a versus to their cousins being able to cause order fits Poseidon's status as a god of storms! And the fact that when he loses a competition, he immediately jumps to "flood this city, kill everyone". Percy and his siblings being able to inflict this mentality onto other people is a really neat way to look at it. Rather than getting people into line, they get people to scatter even more, maybe even causing them to go against their internal morals.
Water is also associated with chaos in some mythologies (which, yeah I get why), so that's another aspect that helps the idea. As well as the fact that water can distort your perception of things within it because of the refraction of the light, so distorting someone else's thoughts and being able to talk them into something they wouldn't normally do is 👀👀
There's also nitrogen narcosis!
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[ID: Screenshot from the wikipedia page on Nitrogen Narcosis. It is a table displaying the Signs and Symptoms of narcosis, breathing air. The columns of the table are Pressure (bar), Depth (m), Depth (ft), and Comments. The Comments column lists the signs and symptoms of narcosis at different pressures and depths.
Row 1
Pressure (bar): 1-2 Depth (m): 0-10 Depth (ft): 0-33 Comments: Unnoticeable minor symptoms, or no symptoms at all
Row 2
Pressure (bar): 2-4 Depth (m): 10-30 Depth (ft): 33-100 Comments: Mild impairment of performance of unpracticed tasks; mildly impaired reasoning; mild euphoria possible
Row 3
Pressure (bar): 4-6 Depth (m): 30-50 Depth (ft): 100-165 Comments: Delayed response to visual and auditory stimuli; reasoning and immediate memory affected more than motor coordination; calculation errors and wrong choices; idea fixation; over-confidence and sense of well-being; laughter and loquacity (in chambers) which may be overcome by self-control; anxiety (common in cold murky water)
Row 4
Pressure (bar): 6-8 Depth (m): 50-70 Depth (ft): 165-230 Comments: Sleepiness, impaired judgment, confusion; hallucinations; severe delay in response to signals, instructions and other stimuli, occasional dizziness, uncontrolled laughter, hysteria (in chamber); terror in some
Row 5
Pressure (bar): 8-10 Depth (m): 70-90 Depth (ft): 230-300 Comments: Poor concentration and mental confusion; stupefaction with some decrease in dexterity and judgment; loss of memory, increased excitability
Row 6
Pressure (bar): 10+ Depth (m): 90+ Depth (ft): 300+ Comments: Intense hallucinations; increased intensity of vision and hearing; sense of impending blackout or of levitation; dizziness, euphoria, manic or depressive states; disorganization of the sense of time, changes in facial appearance; unconsciousness, (approximate inspired partial pressure of nitrogen for anaesthesia is 33 atm); death
/end ID]
So yeah - siren-like powers focused on causing disorder, distortion, confusion, and so on, make a lot of sense to what the ocean can illicit in people. These are a lot of good ideas 😊
As for the siren thing - yeah, I get it. I haven't really seen people talk about it before, but it doesn't really bother me because it's fun to think of different things.
As for greater fandom, yeah, it's likely because sirens are associated with the ocean. If you're focusing only on "Poseidon is the ocean, has no relation to the sirens outside of that", then some of the other parts of Percy's powers don't make sense - like being able to hold up the Lethe, or keep himself dry from it, being able to drown Ahkyls in her own fluids, and so on, because none of that is technically the ocean. The only link is that people associate the ocean with water/liquid and those other things involve water/liquid.
Or you can look at it the same way I look at Hades - where the link to Underworld is why Nico, Hazel, and Bianca are able to use the powers not related to the dead or underground wealth. Nico hopping through dreams is not an afterlife power, but Hypnos lives in the Underworld, he's connected to Hades by that, and so Nico gets that little boost. So Poseidon is the god of the ocean, and anything and anyone associated with the ocean is linked by that.
Sirens are also associated with merfolk in modern times, so there's that too. I mean, have you ever heard of a mermaid not singing? It might not be a "siren song" but it's still some kind of song. But, lol, don't stress yourself too much about it. If it doesn't make sense to you, that's perfectly understandable and the ideas you've presented are super great!
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loveandmurders · 2 years
Hellou! Not to bother much but I had an idea when I was reading the most recent Sinclair sister au 'chapter';
As usual the brothers get in a fight whit their sister,but this time it was all of them at once so the sister decides to go to her flat to calm down. After a while the brothers get worried because their sister didn't respond to any messages or calls,they think they fucked up more than they thought and go to her flat...
But she's just hooking up whit someone to release all the tension and stress,and was really into it until she heard her brothers at the door-
If you aren't interested or busy it's okay! But I wanted to share the thought whit you since I thought it could end up being funny ^^"
Anyways,that's all! Take care!♡
Hello love, thank you for the request <3 You don’t bother me at all, and I’m always happy to answer any requests <3  I’m not sure it ended being funny, because I’m too much of a drama queen but I hope you’ll still enjoy this. Take care as well <3
And if you want to check the rest of this AU (Sinclair baby sister x Sinclair brothers, House of Wax), my masterlist is here
Warnings: sexual themes and sightly NSFW at the end, controlling brothers, mention of murders, blood
That was it, you were done with your (not so) beloved brothers.
Usually you were mostly arguing with Bo; Lester and Vincent would stay out of it to avoid making things worse.
But this time, things were a little bit different.
It started with a tourist flirting with you.
You were in Bo’s garage, listening to music with him when a car of tourists came by. 
Bo tried to shoo you away, but you were in the mood for some game so you stayed, despite his disapproving look.
You really didn’t think anything could happen to you anyways, with your brothers around you knew you were safe.
Plus it was fun to see Bo trying very hard to keep the tourists’ attention on him, but one of the men was clearly very interested in you.
He wasn’t 100% your type, but honestly you wouldn’t say no to a quick fuck, even with a future wax statue.
So when the guy started to openly flirt with you, instead of pushing him away or asking Bo for help, like he hoped you would, you flirted back.
Bo was really not impressed, and he was wondering what the fuck you were doing.
You continued to play with the man, letting him touch your waist, which was driving your big brother absolutely crazy.
You even started to giggle to annoy Bo a little more, because he couldn’t say anything; he had the other tourists to take care of first.
He thought he would need to be quick because you were up to no good and he didn’t have time for your games.
You were his baby sister, and whether you liked it or not, it was his duty to keep you safe, even against your will.
But you were smart, and while Bo was distracted, you got the tourist in your bedroom, and he was already almost naked when Vincent entered your room.
He had heard unknown footsteps in the stairs, so he was quick to check on you to make sure you were okay.
You weren’t okay, you were pissed.
Because now Vincent was stabbing the man to death.
You crossed your arms on your chest, pouting.
“Seriously, Vince, I just wanted to fuck him.” you whined.
He looked up at you as if you had said the most insane thing in your whole existence.
That was when you knew you were going to be in trouble; Bo being against you, it was a thing, having both the twins was another.
You let Vincent remove the dead body from your room, and you had to clean up the blood as the twins finished to take care of the tourists.
You hoped they would leave you alone, but when it was about you and your safety, your brothers just couldn’t.
You were eating ice cream in the kitchen still pouting about that guy who you could have fun with. It wasn’t easy everyday to be the Sinclair baby sister, you thought.
Bo sat in front of you and stared at you as Vincent stayed behind, but still watched the scene with great focus.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” was all Bo said and you groaned.
“‘S not like ya never play with girls comin’ around here” you replied.
“First of all it’s very different, because I don’t fuckin’ brin’ them in my room. Second of all, he could’ve hurt ya” he said you rolled your eyes at that.
“What if I wanted him to do so?” you said, out of spite to annoy your brothers, because now you were moody and needy, and there was no one who could help you in Ambrose since it was only your brothers and wax statues over there.
You wanted to annoy your brothers, well mission accomplished.
Bo started to scream at you right away, about how no one was allowed to hurt you, how he would kill anyone who would dare touch you in the wrong way, how you should be better with yourself and not just fuck future dead guys like that.
You decided to leave the kitchen, with your ice cream pot but Bo had you sitting back down.
He wanted you to promise that something like that would never happen again.
“Fuck ya, Bo. Ya’re my big brother, not my husband. I can fuck with whoever I want” you said before turning to Vincent “Seriously, Vince, I didn’t expect such a reaction from ya too. What’s the problem, ya’re afraid I’ll ruin your wax statue material?” you asked in pure disappointment and annoyance. 
Vincent felt a little bit hurt at that and frowned before entering the argument as well. For once, Bo and Vincent were in agreement against you, which meant you were really fucked and not in the way you had wanted.
“Ya’re controllin’, and then ya ain’t understandin’ why I don’t wana live with ya’ll” you mumbled and it only added to Bo’s anger and to Vincent’s need to keep you safe. 
Truth to be told, they were simply scared to lose you because of a tourist… or because of their behaviour, but they were only trying their best for you.
When Lester arrived, you really thought someone was finally going to be on your side.
He was quite surprised to see you being yelled at by Bo and Vincent as if you were a little girl, and he asked what happened.
“Wanted to fuck a tourist” you simply said “apparently ain’t allowed” you added and you gestured toward the twins.
Instead of having Lester laughing at the situation like you believed he would, he watched you with widening eyes.
“But why would ya want that, darl?” he asked you in pure shock and you let your head go against the seat.
Before you knew it, your three brothers were arguing with you, trying to make you promise it would never happen again, and that you would be more careful and you wouldn’t let a man flirt with you like that. 
They added there were a lot of weirdos outside and you needed to be careful.
You gave them a look meaning “talking about yourselves?” but they didn’t comment.
In the end, you got fed up, you finished your ice cream and you left.
They tried to keep you there, but you started to yell back before and you finally ran away.
You entered your car before they could stop you and you left to get back to your flat.
All the way back to your place, you were grumbling to yourself and being annoyed.
You thought you would have to finish yourself off when you could have someone to do that for you, and you were really pissed at your brothers for acting like that.
Gosh, if one day you showed up with a man, you knew your brothers would dismantle him right away.
When you arrived at your flat, you met, in the stairs, your hot neighbour.
It had been a while you were silently flirting with each other with little winks and seductive smiles.
This time, you decided it was time to speed up your game.
And you ended the two of you in your flat, naked, in your bed.
You were so glad you were finally getting what you wanted, and at least you were certain your brothers wouldn’t cockblock you again.
You didn’t even hear your phone ringing several times, or the message notifications going on over and over again.
You were having fun and you were finally relieved of all the stress of today and of your week.
The guy was quite good and you were truly enjoying yourself for several rounds, as the man was also up to more with you.
He was about to eat you out when someone knocked at your door.
You swore to God you were going to kill someone today.
You wanted to pretend no one knocked, but soon enough you heard Bo’s voice calling your name and asking you to open the door.
Alright, you weren’t just going to kill someone, you were going to kill one of your brothers.
Your neighbour asked you who it was and you answered him so he wouldn’t think you were cheating on someone with him.
You got up, wrapped the sheet around you and asked the man to stay where he was, because you wouldn’t let him go before he finished what he had started. He was more than eager to comply.
You only half opened your door so no one could see what was going on inside, but your dishevelled and half naked state was quite speaking for yourself.
Bo and Lester looked at you with the same expression of “oh shit, seriously, girl” on their face and you only arched an eyebrow at them.
“Yes, ya’re interruptin’. What do ya want?” you said, so done with them.
“We were worried, ya weren’t answerin’ us no more” Lester simply said, a little bit uneasy and Bo was clearly very uncomfortable too.
“Oh well, I wasn’t cause I was finally getting laid” you groaned and gestured towards the inside of the flat. “Now how ‘bout get the fuck out of here, or I swear ya’ll never see me again in Ambrose” you threatened and Bo was quick to raise his hands up in defence.
“Now, now, no need to say that kind of thin’, love.” Bo said, in a hurry because this threat was definitively working very well with the family man. “And ‘bout what ya said…” he started
“What did I say?” you asked, hoping to get your brothers to leave soon.
“That we’re too controllin’ for ya to wanna stay…” he continued and you groaned.
“Yeah, ya are, now if ya want us to continue that conversation, ya better let me enjoy myself and leave.” you replied
“Come back tonight?” he insisted and you couldn’t say no when he was giving you his best hurt puppy look with his baby blue eyes.
You sighed.
“If ya’re gone in 5 sec, I’ll be back” you promised and it was all your brothers needed to know.
And you finally got some peace with your neighbour.
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chiskz · 1 year
tw: mentions of murd3r, being ch0ked, manipulation, leaving marks
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□ 𝐦𝐯 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲
Both Bang Chan and Hyunjin are in love with Chichi and compete for her love. She submits to them, reassuring each of them that he's the one she loves. The obsession of these two reaches such a level that only slightly encouraged by Chichi, they commit crime without hesitation - they kill each other by strangulation. Chichi, for whom the relationship with men was just fun, quickly forgets about them... or so she thought.
Bang Chan and Hyunjin haunt her nightmares where they commit to her the same crime she manipulated them to commit. Repeated dreams of death and growing guilt drive Chichi insane. Soon, she is no longer able to distinguish reality from the images of her mind, as showed by the final scene - after waking up one morning, Chichi goes to the mirror, where she is horrified to notice a man's hand imprinted on her throat. Is this real?
□ 𝐦𝐯 𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
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□ 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐬
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□ 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
bang chan | hyunjin | chichi | all
I cannot breathe without you being right by my side, I'll die
So can you please come over closer?
Hold me tight, right now
No matter how hard I try to escape, there's no answer
Until I fall asleep in the sun, even deeper
I really wanna know, yeah
I've already lost control, oh
I'm going crazy now, out of control, I
I'm staying up all night again
The moment when I close my eyes
All I see is red lights
Shh, you know I can't leave you alone
You know I can't leave you alone
I just can't leave you alone
Make you feel my love, oh-oh (oh)
On a dark night
Make you feel my love, oh-oh (oh)
You know I can't leavе you alone
Now, tell me you hate me
"I can't handle you anymore"
But I know, you and me
There's no other way
No matter how hard I try to run away, set the mic up
Until the moon falls asleep, even deeper
I really wanna know, yeah
I've already lost control, oh
I'm going crazy now, out of control, I
I'm staying up all night again
The moment when I close my eyes
All I see is red lights (red lights, red lights)
You know I can't leave you alone
You know I can't leave you alone
I just can't leave you alone
I'm going crazy now, out of control, I
I’m staying up all night again (I absolutely can't let you go)
The moment when I close my eyes
All I see is red lights, red lights, red lights
I just can't leave you alone
Make you feel my love, oh-oh (oh)
On a dark night
Make you feel my love, oh-oh (oh)
You know I can't leave you alone
□ 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭(𝐬)
* vlive reaction to mv - coming soon!
♡ special thanks to @g4m3girl, without whom this post would not exist. she was my inspiration, creator of some ideas and beta-reader. i love you and thank you!
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natlacentral · 2 months
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Elizabeth Yu is bringing the heat in Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender. 
In Netflix’s new live-action series Avatar: The Last Airbender, the actress dons the role of Azula, princess to the Fire Nation and foil to her brother Zuko (Dallas Liu) and our protagonists of the story, namely Aang (Gordon Cormier), Katara (Kiawentiio) and Sokka (Ian Ousley). Yu brings Azula to life with depth and thoughtfulness that has never been previously explored. Fans of the original cartoon will be pleased to see that their favourite cold, conniving (and downright psychotic) princess will be given so much more to do. In Book One of the animated series, we see nothing of Azula, but with this fresh retelling, we’re able to see the seeds of ambition, what drives her, the fraying away of her psyche, and everything that leads up to that inevitable breaking point. Yu plays it beautifully, through subtle facial expressions, to her graceful line delivery, we’re able to get a glimpse of what life is like for Azula back home in the Fire Nation while she plots and schemes her way into her father’s good books.
Yu knows what this story means to people being a fan of the animation herself. And while the fandom has been hurt by live-action in the past (we’re looking at you, 2010 adaptation), this series is being told by the fans for the fans. There isn’t a facet of this show that hasn’t been given the attention and love that it deserves; like most retellings, The Last Airbenderwill not be beat for beat of the animated original but will breathe new life into a story we know and love. With that in mind, Yu cannot be prouder of the series and hopes that new and old fans alike will love it just as much as she loved making it.     
In conversation with 1883 Magazine’s Dana Reboe, Yu discusses how she’s feeling about her whirlwind success, working on two massive hits like May December and The Last Airbender, what element she would bend, how she handles imposter syndrome, and so much more. 
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Life has been crazy for you lately between May December and now Avatar: The Last Airbender. How are you feeling? 
How to put it into words? It’s insane. I feel so blessed. I get impostor syndrome all the time; all the craziness that’s been happening doesn’t feel like it’s happening to me. You know, I have to separate myself from it all. It’s incredible.
I’m sure seeing all the billboards with the shows you’re in must be an out-of-body experience.
It’s crazy. I’m waiting for when I go back home to New York, and hopefully, I’ll be able to see some Avatar ones while I’m there. I’ll probably tear up. [laughs]
Take me back to the audition process for The Last Airbender. Did you know right off the bat, what you were auditioning for? Or did they keep it a secret?
They gave me a completely different project name, storyline, and character background. I had no idea when I first read, but for some reason, something within me was like, ‘That’s a codename. I feel it.’ Once I got farther in the audition process, I thought, ‘I know what this is!’ And then they sent my second to last audition, word for word from the original show, just to see if I could do the original material. And so, at that point I was like, ‘You don’t have to put on a show anymore, I figured it out!’ 
And when you officially booked it?
Albert (Kim) called me and said, ‘I think you know what this is for.’ And I was like, ‘I do!’ [laughter]
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Avatar: The Last Airbender is so beloved. What are you most excited to see as a fan? And what are you excited for the audience to see?
Excited to see what we’ve done or what we might do in the future?
What you might do in the future.
Hopefully, if we get to Season Two–
We’re speaking it into existence.
Absolutely! Seasons two and three would be great. The Ember Island episode where they’re all at the beach; that campfire scene has so much character development, it’s insane, I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Favourite scene I’m excited for everybody to see… [Elizabeth thinks for a second] I’m excited for people to see our take on this world and making it more plot-driven. I’m excited to hear what people think about what we’ve chosen to keep in and get rid of and how they think it works. I’m so proud of the way that it’s turned out. But yeah, I’m excited to hear the feedback.
Well, I can tell you my feedback: I thought it was incredible.
Thank you!
Not sure if this is a spoiler since this will be out when the show premieres, but what hooked me was seeing the Air Nomads being wiped out in the first episode. We didn’t see much in the animated series, but this was very graphic, and while I was watching, I was like, ‘Oh, so they’re not afraid to go there.’
That was so important to show because it kind of grounds the audience to be like, ‘Okay, now we know what we’re dealing with, and what the stakes are’, it sets everything up perfectly. 
I agree. And I know the internet is worried about some of the changes that’ll be made, but I thought they served the story well. It’s important to remember this is not a direct retelling. One change I really loved was that Azula was given more to do. You gave her so much depth. Other than the original series, what did you do to bring her to life? And did you touch base with Grey DeLisle at all?
Oh, my gosh, thank you for saying that. First, that means a lot to me. I sent Grey a DM but I think it must have been filtered out. I’m absolutely obsessed with her work. She’s so iconic, hopefully, somewhere down the line with the release of this show, I’ll be able to meet her. That’ll be like an absolute dream come true. I’m so excited. I’ve watched all the videos of people meeting her at cons and stuff like that, getting her to read those iconic lines, I’m getting butterflies! 
I think with the success of the show, that’s definitely on the cards! Two Azulas in one room, I don’t know if we could take the heat [laughter]. Circling back, how did you prepare for the role? How did you put your spin on her?
Albert Kim, our showrunner, kept saying, ‘The original show is the sacred text. We’re going to abide by that as much as we can’ I think that just rewatching the show helped and then there are a lot of these YouTube videos where that are over an hour long that go into the psychology of Zuko and Azula. I watched those religiously, I used those as my toolkit. We also had an awesome onset acting coach, Lee Hutton, who helped a lot. The only way to make these cartoon characters really human is to delve into the way that their mind works.
I caught myself a couple of times, throughout the first few episodes feeling (a little) sorry for Azula. She’s trying so hard to do well in her father’s eyes, and seek his approval, but keeps falling flat. You play it so well.
It’s important to note that she and Zuko, at the end of the day, want the same things. You see Azula in this first season mirrors the second season of the animated series, you see her kind of go crazy. You see that slow build-up; she starts out not that crazy and then gets pushed to that breaking point.
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Switching it up a little bit; if you could choose an element to bend that’s not fire, what would you choose and why?
I vibe with water. I also think the whole blood-bending thing is sick and swamp-bending [laughter] here are so many different things, healing, too! That’s a big one! That would be iconic. If I could be a healer? It’s so useful in battle because you can continuously heal yourself if you’re hurt. Water is so OP (overpowered). 
What about Azula captivated you?
Oh, good question. I remember getting that dummy audition and the character description was Azula. It just fit her. I’ve never auditioned for a character like that. I probably sent out like 400 Auditions before booking Avatar. I’ve never had a character who was a young Asian woman who was smarter and better than everybody else. She is confident and conniving and is just desperate for power. Who wouldn’t want to play a badass?
You said in an interview with IndieWire that your imposter syndrome was massive. In those moments, how do you talk yourself out of it? Or do you just let it pass?
There’s something very grounding and humbling about imposter syndrome. You know, there’s a balance of being able to reward yourself and congratulate yourself for the work that you’ve done, but also understand that the amount of attention that these projects are getting has very little to do with you and has to do with a lot of other people who have worked on them. It’s a mixture and I think impostor syndrome comes through not knowing where that line is between the two, so I think that’s what I struggle with. I don’t have any ego; I say my pleases and thank yous, I’m not going to be that person, and then on the other side of the coin, I did a good job, and I should be proud of myself. I think that especially spending time with my friends from home and being home with the cats and stuff like that, those are moments where I can look at the big picture and be like, I did a good job I should be proud of myself and let’s move on to the next thing.
What have you learned about yourself working on projects like May December and The Last Airbender?
The number of Asian pros I’ve gotten to work with on these projects is a huge, huge part of my proud-to-be Asian journey. I grew up in a white town and I’m half Korean half white. Before I filmed May December or started work on ATLA, I’d never been in a room with more than 15 Asian people. Also, we filmed in Vancouver and the Asian community out there is huge as well. It was amazing getting to talk to people like me and having these conversations I’ve never had before. And in May December, I worked with other half-Korean actors as well. And having this feeling of family with these people, there are many layers to it; not only being Asian, and presenting predominantly Asian, but also being a mixed kid and having that white side of you and then the Asian side of you. These two projects have been so, so integral to me being so proud and loving that part of myself that I, for the majority of my early life, hated. It’s been amazing. It’s like that’s the greatest gift I could have asked for.
It’s so incredible to see these stories come to life with the proper representation they deserve. With films like May December and shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender hopefully, we’re on the road to seeing more. If you had the chance to work with any actor living or dead, who would it be and why? And what would the dream project be?
I’m really getting stumped by this one [laughter].
Do you want to come back to it?
Okay, can I choose two?
You can choose two.
Beyonce, please. Renaissance. Act Two. I’m waiting for it. And number two would be Andrew Scott. He’s absolutely killing it. In another life, I wish I could go back in time, and watch his Vanya that he did. He did a one man show of Vanya. Oh, and his Hamlet, too! 
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It’s good to see him getting his flowers recently. Did you see him in Sherlock at all?
Yes! 13-year-old Lizzy was a SuperWhoLock girl. Do you know what that is?
Of course, I was on Tumblr in those days. I love Doctor Who.
Oh, don’t even get me started on Doctor Who. 
Well, now I have to ask who’s your favourite Doctor? 
Good God, you’re going to get me in trouble. I have to say Matt Smith, but David Tennant is fantastic, too. Like, let’s put some respect on his name. But yeah, I’d definitely have to say the Matt Smith run is my favourite.
Have you caught up? 
I’m not caught up. 
Okay. I won’t say anything. Not a word. Nothing.
I appreciate it [laughter].
Pivoting back – your career is flourishing. What is one hope you have for the future?
Something great about working on Avatar and May December was this sense of family with cast and crew members and the directors and Albert (Kim) showrunner. Both are some of the first projects I’ve ever gotten the chance to work on. You’re able to have this connection with these people. That’s why I love acting; we’re in this together. Let’s make something cool. That’s what makes me want to keep doing it. That’s a goal of mine – to keep making cool things. And I always learn so many new things, all different aspects of my life on every project, I’ve been blessed to be able to work with some amazing people. I just want to accumulate as many of those special moments onset as possible.
And my last question is, what is something you’d like to manifest for yourself this year?
I would like to manifest being booked and blessed, not being too hard on myself, and living my life to the fullest.
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hypernova-blitz-arts · 6 months
Okay so i have an idea- TMC but with a storyline based off of FAITH. basically a crossover. ik it's been done before but i'd like to present my own take on it. Long ass character info list under the cut
Btw if you wanna rb this, please do! It let's me know people are interested
To start, I think the AU would/should be called When Faith Prevails.
The cult still exists, Preacher is the leader of the lower ranking members. The cat is the cult mascot because yes. I'll elaborate later.
All of the humans are traumatized!! Yaaaaay!!!
Mark (Father Heathcliff)
- 36
- absolute wet cat of a man
- takes on a role similar to John
- decided he wanted to be a priest so he could help people. Only wanted to become a priest after an incident in his childhood in which he attempted to finish an exorcism. One which the priest that had been called to the scene died during.
- Continuing the above, the faithful boy did what he could, as he was instructed to by O'Brien. He wasn't fast enough.
- Insomnia, night terrors, PTSD, anxiety, depression
Dave (Father Lee)
- late 50's
- Takes on a role similar to Father Garcia because it's fucking hilarious to me to imagine Dave blasting a demon with a shotgun
- he's too cool that's why he dies later
- cares for Mark a lot, considers him family
- became a priest due to his Visions (TM) as a child. He's been revered as a holy prophet since.
- somehow the most stable guy in this entire AU, had a good family life, decent childhood, stayed out of trouble, a very good child. He's mostly chillin, save for the fact that he Witnesses The Horrors every night in his sleep.
Father O'Brien
- died during an exorcism.
- he done goofed.
Cesar Torres
- Died at 16, somehow aged as a ghost? maybe because he's still attached to his body.
- a spirit bound to what's left of his mortal form. Cannot be at peace until his body is killed.
- an alt possessed him and took his body during a botched attempt to exorcise it out of his house. Turns out there was more than one.
- "talks" to Mark sometimes (leaves things out that mean different things, writes notes)
- "bleeding" constantly
- hates seeing Mark spiral like this
"Cesar Torres"/Alt Cesar
- Killed Cesar and took over his body.
- watch it gain humanity later (i'm sorry but giving Alts humanity and then making them spiral is my favorite thing to do. It's so much fun to watch an unfeeling entity, one made to kill, drive itself insane over being a failure)
- they/it at first, he/it later on.
Sarah Heathcliff
- before i go on, this is only an AU loosely based on FAITH. That being said, Lisa (or any replacement thereof) x John (or any replacement thereof) does not exist.
- 32
- Mark's distant sister, lives in the Cult's apartment building.
- stays away from religion because of her childhood
- some flavor of emotional management issues, that's what makes her so easy for an Alternate to manipulate/begin to possess.
Thatcher Davis
- look, i refuse to make him as young as he is canonically. not as old as Dave, but close. bro is at least in his 40's here. maybe very early 40's but 40s nonetheless.
- cop that hangs around the church for security.
- hangs out with Dave, calls him old man a lot
- trauma. so much trauma.
- Dave taught him how to exorcise an alt out of a given place, but Thatcher has something stronger (a gun)
- "I'm a brave boy" *Sees an alt* "NOT A BRAVE ENOUGH BOY FOR THIS"
Ruth Weaver
- used to live in the cult apartment building.
- She was sacrificed.
- Thatcher is still looking for her.
- He won't like what he finds.
Adam Murray
- He's just Michael Davies here what else can i say
- humanity? gone. none left.
- he's in so much pain all the fucking time help him
Jonah Marshall
- Adam's best friend
- alive. for now.
- anxiety, so much anxiety, hallucinates a lot.
- he knows how to use a GUN in this one folks
Lucifer/The Morningstar/ UNSPEAKABLE
- you see how he looks in canon? make it worse. make it a million times more uncomfortable to look at.
- eyes. All of the eyes. So many eyes.
- limbs? Many. Wings? Yeah, he has those too. They're leathery and bat-like with a layer of blackened feathers along the top.
- merciless
- created the alternates to twist the world to his design.
- likes to watch humans go mental, it's so funny to him <3
Important side characters (mostly Alts)
Six/The Anglerfish
- lures children in to either make them join the cult or sacrifice them, often replaces them with an alt to "spread the vision of it's creator"
- Warned Mark of what was to happen, was there to observe Mark failing his best friend
- bastard. Kill him. Right now.
- him and stanley are one in the same. Six is the anglerfish hiding in the darkness behind its lure. A monster behind a friendly face.
- Kind of equivalent to Malphas but usually takes a form like that of Miriam's
- right hand to the UNSPEAKABLE
- bastard boy bastard boy bastard boy
- manipulative little prick
The Sacrifices
- various sacrificed animals possessed by lower ranking alts
- THE fucked up sacrifice
- little fucking bitchass daddy's boy. Asskisser of the antichrist. Desperate for the UNSPEAKABLE'S attention
- Alu's replacement
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xythlia · 4 months
Hi Kita 💜 I've seen other people doing this since the year is ending so what were some of your favorite fics you read this year??
omg yes there's so many incredible works I read this year but since I lost the ability to edit asks on here these are just the ones off the top of my head rn! I hope everyone has a wonderful new years eve and finds tons of inspiration next year <3
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Tuesdays by @elusivemoon
io is beyond talented and deserves so much recognition this coming year for being one of the best writers on the app! Tuesdays feels like if satoru never became the annoyingly adorable character we know because in ios setting there's no curses, instead he's endearingly sweet and this is a wonderfully written peek into what that version of his life would look like
The taste of your lips by @staryukis
everyone say ty logan for giving us desperate kiss starved satoru <3 I've thought about this at least twice a week ever since I first read it, logan has such a way with description and setup everything plays out so smoothly like a movie in your head plus satoru is adorable in this I love it sm :3
Driving you crazy by @aestrayla
angi's writing is absolutely magical, I couldn't believe this was their first time writing smut because it's just an absolutely perfect portrayal of mammon and impatient needy reader is one of my absolute favorites to find
Sleepy sins by @another-lost-mc
JEALOUS BELPHIE JEALOUS BELPHIE plus the primal kink??? jes has hands down the best grasp on every brothers personality out of anyone in the fandom but this belphie fic is one of my all time favorites, however if I could link the entire masterlist I would because everything they've written is phenomenal!
Angel of small death & the codeine scene by @marble-anime
this reawakened my blood kink SO BAD if you've followed me for a while you know alucard is one of my all time favorite characters and when I found this going thru the hellsing tags my eyes nearly popped out of my head
Know it all by @elusivemoon
io on here twice because if I could link everything they've written I would but we'd be here forever ajdhsksbak it shows immense talent to take a character and put them in a setting like the grecian pantheon and have it be so seamless it's like they always existed there
Intimacy by @vixstarria
A beautiful glimpse into Astarions struggle with sex and intimacy and it also captures in a really gorgeous way the struggle of both parties when navigating something like that with a partner. Especially how Astarion wants a sexual relationship with tav but just doesn't know how to get through to that point, just makes me go insane every time I think about it
Yandere satoru by @yandere-daydreams
I think this one is brilliant because someone with satorus background would feel inherently entitled to nearly everything even if they can "do the right thing" most of the time, including the reader because someone raised wealthy and with power usually struggles with that line of thought. The way he blames reader? ough absolutely delicious
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bones-edition · 11 months
The aforementioned more cohesive* thoughts, or, Harlan Guthrie is an incredible writer:
Okay. So. A few things happened in this episode. I'm going to start with Daniel.
Daniel. There's just a whole nother tragic death in Arthur's life that was arguably his own fault. I mean, it wasn't his fault, but if course he's going to blame himself for it. It seemed like. They were actually getting somewhere. They had a bit of reconciliation going there. And then. Boom. Dead. Why do things like this keep happening to Arthur? And, well, he's still not out in the clear of this one yet, either.
On a semi related note, can we talk about how good of an antagonist the butcher is? Like. He's really just a guy. They've faced things that are, on paper, infinitely more dangerous than him. And yet, he's so scary. The way he seems like some sort of unstoppable force, even though they've managed to stop him before, even though he's just a human. It's the fact, I think, that he doesn't show any sign of distress. His voice never gives any hint of frustration, or even anger. He's so jovial, even while he takes away what hints of a new life Arthur has tried to build. It almost reminds me of someone else, but the butcher's casual, carefree additude is, I think, even more threatening than Kayne's hysterical joy, because even though he's not actually that much more powerful than Arthur, he presents himself like he is. He's just going about his daily business, and there's no conceivable way anyone could hinder him from it. And that, I think, is why he has such an impact.
Might talk more about how good the writing is in a bit, but first I need to address the proverbial elephant. I'm worried about John. It's obvious that Arthur knows something's wrong, and it's obvious that Arthur is worried, too. Towards the beginning of the season, I was worried about the argument it would cause when Arthur found out, but now I'm more concerned that John's stubborn refusal to let Arthur in on it will be both of their downfall. All we know about this deal John made with Kayne was that John would get Arthur to New York in return for being reunited with him, but we can see that there's something else up with John. And the two of them still have no idea that Yellow still exists, let alone that he's now in Larson. And where does Kayne factor into all this? What are his motives? There's no way for us to know, and it's driving me insane, because I just know it's important. That guy is just absolutely shrouded in mystery, and I know he's manipulating something behind the scenes that we're distracted from because we're focusing on the current happenings in New York. Also, tangentially related, but the song that John recognizes? What's up with that? I'm so goddamn invested in this story.
Also I continue to be incredibly impressed with the writing of every episode. The progression of this one was masterfully done. It incites our concern about John early on, and then quickly overshadows that with more concerns. John and Arthur emerge fairly successful from the conversation with Oscar, and things, are, overall, going well. And there's just a hint of time for that worry about John to surface before we're thrown into the interaction with Daniel. This has been something that has been building up for a long time, a climax of sorts. And tensions are high at the beginning, but the listener grows gradually more relieved throughout the course of the conversation. And then, just as Arthur mentions the butcher, the action picks back up again. The phone rings, we start to worry about the name situation, and things just start piling up. Oscar's on the phone, he sounds concerned. Oh no, Daniel left his address at the hotel, anyone could have found it, the butcher could have found it. Now there's someone at the door, the butcher knows the address, this is Not Good, and like that, Daniel's dead, Arthur's efforts were for nothing and there's not time for him to grieve because there's never time for Arthur to grieve, he has to run again, he has to run and hide and try to survive, again. And then the episode ends, leaving us stranded in that moment to try to process everything that just happened.
Anyway, I just really liked this episode. I really liked all the episodes. I really like the podcast. That's all. I feel slightly more insane than usual today, perhaps I spent too long outside and the smog is getting to my head.
*More cohesive as compared to the things I posted during the period of time I was listening to the episode. Not, you know, cohesive by some objective measure of the quality. That would be far from what I could hope to achieve on a Tumblr post about malevolent.
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strangerhands · 6 months
10 fandoms/10 characters/10 tags
waaaaaa omg thank you for the tag em 🫶 @runa-falls!! its been 800 years since i got to do a tag game (and make my own post for once..) so thanks! this actually made me happy but also a little "oh shit. people know i exist..?" i also made this post unnecessarily long but its me so whats new
ummm its all. only. oscar. not sorry (a little sorry)
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1. marc spector + steven grant + jake lockley, moon knight-my absolute beloveds. moon knight is so special to me. the boys are so special to me. theres really nowhere near enough i could say here about them but if you get it, you get it. its also what got me into oscar (even though i discovered immediately that he was in annihilation and x-men: apocalypse WHICH I WATCHED YEARS AGO GODDAMMIT)
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2. robbie paulson, law and order: criminal intent-listen. hes my girlfriend. my babygirl. my love. my sweet boy. the one plaguing damn near every Thot. most niche character here. wish he was real. wish there was more content of him out there but good god if fran (@/midgardian-witch, who also made that gif) hasnt been holding it downnnnnnn. bless.
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3. poe dameron, star wars sequel trilogy-beautiful brave sweet husband who would maybe drive me a bit insane irl but in a good way (mostly) i wanna protect him. (also the only star wars films ive seen sorryyyyy sorry. yes it was for him. and adam driver.)
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4. miguel o'hara, spider-man: into the spider-verse + spider-man: across the spider-verse-ohhh you beeg grumpy beautiful man. he would not like me. bite me pls (also still my two favourite movies oat.) craving some milk and cake suddenly... (his hair wings..<3)
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5. cecil dennis, revenge for jolly!-pathetic little dirty alley cat man my beloved. my little princess. also my babygirl girlfriend little guy loser boy. (AND THE CURLSSSSSSS. AND SAD COW EYES.)
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6. nathan bateman, ex machina-asshole who i unfortunately love. we would not get along irl but thats what fics are for!!!! he would make me cry. (but what if i could fix him..) i have a soft spot for him...
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7. llewyn davis, inside llewyn davis-sad beautiful talented man. you can crash at my place any day. i would let him leech off of me idec lemme help you baby. i could show you what love is. (the curls and outfits...... i Crave.)
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8. santiago garcia, triple frontier-woof. this guy. damn. yeah. sorry santi but i wanna bite your knees
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9. blue jones, sucker punch-literally. asshole piece of shit but good god. whore. so slutty and beautiful and PATHETIC. i would let him be mean to me and then cry in private. but also put him in his place. its complicated. (whoever did his eyeliner and club wardrobe in that movie... i owe you my life. thank you. thank you. you deserve everything. thank you.)
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10. mikael boghosian, the promise-oh. sweet beautiful intimate lover man. THAT scene... absolutely killed me. THAT SHOULDVE BEEN MEEEEE. i need him. (i am taking this moment to remind yall of the titty bite. yea. not sorry. youre welcome.)
honestly i couldve put nearly all of oscars characters but alas.
no pressure tags, hope none of you mind! i know this is very sudden and unexpected from me. only tagged some mutuals so its not 10 :p sorryy (sorry if youve been tagged already)
@my-secret-shame @saturn-rings-writes @spacecowboyhotch @villainsoftheweek @f4nrir @kouichijo @mugensword
again, no pressure to do this. hope everyone tagged is doing well! i havent interacted with some of yall in a long time<3
all gif credits go to their respective creators! i have no idea if tumblr automatically shows who made them or not, so sorry if it doesnt.
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greatunironic · 1 year
Hey!! I absolutely love your writing. You always strike such a good line with emotion, characterization, and background character management (I'm looking at that scene where Will is running book on Steve and Eddie). I was wondering what your writing process is like? You just fit so much in so seamlessly and its just so good.
aw shucks thanks -- that means so much!! also this got long so i'm dropping it under the cut so i don't clog up people's dashes, and folks can ignore me rambling pretentiously about The Process lol.
(i should also preface this with saying that i am a very type a person, and i like lists + guides, and the idea of writing a story without an ending in mind makes me want to break out into hives.)
(and also everybody is different!! write how you want to write, write what you want to write and what makes you happy, and have fun, and if you find something valuable in this, that's awesome! if you don't, that's awesome too!!)
so my personal background with writing comes from playwriting, specifically, and then screenwriting, so i feel like i come at it from that angle a lot? or, at least, it informs how i think about structure + storytelling + planning...
when i'm getting started, i like to do a sort of logline, which helps solidify the main story thrust for me; often these will become my summaries, which you can see for "remarkable" specifically + also the regency au.
from there it depends on if i want to do a one shot or something with parts. if it's a one shot, i'll expand the summary and write out the major events that i want to happen in a list; if it's a multi chapter project, i'll write out the major events for each chapter. for example, here's what i did for the first three parts of the regency au:
part one: introductions to steve + the harringtons, loch nora manor, robin, the town; we go to market day, listen to some gossip, begin to see a little something going behind steve’s mask part two: the new tenants arrive + steve, robin, chrissy go to say hello; eddie is introduced; we also get a glimpse into something that happened to steve post-eddie, that only mrs hopper (nee byers) and max (hopper’s ward) seem privy to part three: steve finds himself becoming part of the hopper family’s day to day existence, after the children find out he is an excellent rider, all of them demanding lessons from him on his gentle bay mare bimmer; steve is slowly befriending hopper’s demon horse as well, is determined to ride it at some point; he attends a few dinners with the hoppers, etc etc; two encounters of note: one with mrs hopper, and one with eddie; we also introduce heather in this part as a potential love interest for eddie
this is also when i write out the list of characters i'm using, and the roles i want them to play in the story. another regency au example: "joyce: a former governess, now his wife – knows steve’s darkest secret from when she was a governess for the hargroves ". depending on the story, these will be more fleshed out here + there in an attempt to make sure everyone has some sort of internal life i can reference, even if they're not the main focus of the story. sometimes this gets unwieldy; i have a genuinely insane document in my google docs called "remarkable apocrypha" that details the lives of the kids and other characters off screen for that story.
if we're covering a lot of time, i also write out my timeline around this step for any prior major events that may have happened preceding the story, so that i can easily reference them + make sure i'm internally consistent with said timeline.
also, if there's any specific research i want to do for the story, i do that around this time too, and give that it's own google doc. (each story or universe has it's own folder in my drive, so i can manage it easier lol.) i compile any musical influences, or mood boards, here too to get my vibes in line. (i talk a little about that here in reference to titling stories.)
after i have those written out + organized, i do an outline; these typically look like the diary of a crazy person, to be totally honest. it's stream of conscious stuff, lots of asides to myself, occasionally actual lines and phrases that i want to use. it's really about fleshing out smaller events around the main beats that i want to hit with the story-telling. having written all the character + timeline stuff previously, i pick + chose from there too to add any background color for people, or throw away jokes (specifically like will running book on them in "remarkable").
once i have the plot completed, i'll start writing in earnest, using my ramblings as a guide post. obviously, things change. (if you're reading the regency au, you'll see above that the part three summary makes no mention of the dance -- this idea appeared when i was outlining/plotting it out.) sometimes my ideas don't work, or sometimes i think of something else to add, and i need to shift some stuff around to make something make sense. sometimes i get long winded and end up writing 8k about a fictional dnd encounter and have to add an entire extra chapter to something because i've lost control of my own life! shit happens!!
all of this to say: this is why i find all the leg work i do leading up to writing the actual story super valuable, because if i write myself into a corner, there's usually something in there that helps me get out; or, if i'm writing + posting in real time, it helps me adjust course + fine tune ideas based on reader feedback or observations or, indeed, those verbal sojourns into nonsense (but fun) interludes.
then, after i get a part (or a story, if it's a one shot) finished, i let it marinate out of sight for a few days before i circle back. this is when i like to read it on a different device than i wrote it on -- personally, i write on a laptop and then read it on my phone. something about the way it looks helps on a different screen helps me see it in a new light as i begin the first phase of editing. i also like reading aloud here and there, because that also helps me catch typos or overly repetitive lines, and if the dialogue actually sounds like a human being and not too overly poetic or pedantic.
i edit it myself a few times like this, switching between devices and sometimes just even changing the fonts or background colors (i'm in dark mode constantly on my phone and it's a white background on my laptop), i'll try to send it off to one of my homies for a final pass + edit from a different set of eyes. usually, tho, i'm pretty happy with it at that point -- usually by the time i'm writing, i've worked out most of the bugs through the outline or the idea generation stage, but sometimes someone will suggest different pacing, or moving a scene around.
finally i set it free in the world (and catch a few new typos on the ole ao3, naturally) and anxiously await the approval of the readers like i'm sweet dee in "it's always sunny". (tell me that was good tell me tell i'm good tell me i'm good tell me --)
anyhoodle. i hope this answered the question, and i hope if you got to the end of this there was something interesting in it lol.
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jittyjames · 8 months
for the fanfic writer asks!!
3, 11, 13, 19, 20, 24, 33, 39 (bc your fics drive me insane and i need more of your incredible works), 42, 45, 69 and 74!!!
sorry that i put loads, just choose whatever ones you want to answer out of the ones i’ve asked <3
3- ok so my process is basically non-existent, but i'll walk you through it anyway. so i'll have an idea for a scene literally at any point. sometimes it can be a single sentence or sometimes it can be a vague concept, but i always write it down. if i have my phone it's almost always going in my notes app. from there, i just kind of expand on the idea as it develops when i get back to my laptop. i tend to write the exciting and important scenes first in a very rough fashion, and then go back to fill in the blanks. then i go back and polish by combing over it for grammar mistakes and adding a few more details. that's pretty much it!
11- OOO! i'll do three for hamilton and three for jcs to appease both sides
FAV HAMILTON FICS AT THE MOMENT ARE a more perfect union by holograms (thanks to crys for introducing me to THIS), the monticello furlough by michelle_a_emerlind, and death of a nation by cyanspica
FAV JCS FICS AT THE MOMENT ARE obviously the incomparable ruined ambition series by @solarflicker (which i literally trip over myself to go read every time i get the email that it's been updated), picking up the palm fronds by onetrueobligation, and the cup that can't be filled by @ohsoldier (literally the good omens/jcs crossover of my dreams)
13- "write for yourself, your dick, and your six closest friends." SHARED BY @fireballdance
19- my most used rating tag is mature, my most tagged ship is hamilton/laurens, my most tagged character is hamilton (obv lol), and my most used additional tag is hurt/comfort
20- i use a lot of rain imagery i think. actually i use a lot of weather imagery bc i'm annoyinggg. and then ofc i use aspects of my trauma in most of my fics (even ones you wouldn't suspect) but no one really would pick up on that since y'all don't know, but themes of abuse are certainly littered through out. obviously biblical imagery, too. i can't think of any phrases, SO IF YOU KNOW OF SOME THAT YOU NOTICED I'VE USED A LOT LEMME KNOW.
24- the worst advice i've ever gotten is if you're stuck, delete everything and start over. absolutely not. you can start over, but i wouldn't ever delete anything. even if i don't use lines in one fic, i can always recycle and put it somewhere else. NEVER DELETE. YOU'LL REGRET IT. TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.
33- YES I WANT TO BE PUBLISHED. i have so many original novel ideas and i want to write southern gothic literature so badly. i doubt it will ever happen but that's the dream. i would also really like to write my own plays :))) but for now, i'm sticking to universes and characters i'm already familiar with
39- OOOO I HAVE SO MANY WIPS BC OF WHUMPTOBER (currently have a little bit over 30k words written 👀👀 and that's not even counting the kink stuff BUT I'M NOT GOING INTO THAT WITH YOU BC YOU ARE A MINOR) BUT LEMME PICK ONE I THINK YOU'LL LIKE
Philip’s forehead burned under his hand.  Alexander felt something in his chest and stomach plummet to what seemed like hell. He remembered the feeling of this. He remembered how hot his mother’s flesh had seared as she shivered against him, her arms wrapped tight and secure as she hummed shakily to him. He remembered how she soothed her hand over his hair as she whispered te quiero over and over.   He remembered her going still and cold. 
42- THE LAST FIC I READ WAS calm you and anoint you (envy) by a_trick_or_two_with_lepers AND ABSOLUTELY. I LOVE IT. GO READ IT RIGHT NOW.
69- hmmm i'm always embarrassed when i post smut but i'm not really embarrassed that it exists. and the fics i were embarrassed about have long been deleted from the internet SO NOT REALLY ANY OF THEM I GUESS
74- if it's a fic posted in an obscure musical fandom about trauma and has my long-winded ass writing style, it's probably me :)
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kitamars · 9 months
hope you don't mind me sending in another ask so soon but i always find this kinda stuff interesting- now that you've survived two big serious arcs how would you rank the main cast in terms of like. favs & stuff?
don't apologise for the asks at all!! i love answering them and rambling about my thoughts so actually thank YOU for giving me a viable outlet haha
so I had to pull out my notes app to draft this one bc i can't do things simply apparently. i can't rank characters for shit so I'm just gonna rate the main ones (at least to me) out of ten and that's that lol, so onward beyond the cut!
Gintoki: I'm in love with him. 10/10.
He's captivated me with his dead fish eyes and pathetic charm, the way he subverts the general shonen protag archetype really works for me (bc i tend to get annoyed with the genre every now and then) but other than that he's such an interesting character on his own that I cannot get into for fear of rambling too much but yeah. I like him a lot. I might cry about someday in the tags of some art or whatever
(also beam saber arc is UNDERRATED (to me) and its very much overshadowed by everything before and after it but I DON'T CARE it has some of my favourite gin character bits this is my propaganda i just felt like i had to put this here THANKS)
Shinpachi: the human-wearing-glasses gag is absolutely hilarious and I hope it never stops. 8/10.
I love shinpachi a lot I promise, i love how dedicated he is to the straight man role and also the times when he's not. Honestly he could have very easily annoyed me after a bit, but he's genuinely just so loveable and a lot of his charm just comes from his VA's delivery, I've never heard anyone else able to convey the emotional range that I've heard from shinpachi in this anime fnsnjrjgjs
I do think he needs more screentime though (watch beam saber arc),,,kagura tends to get a lot of the spotlight (which I'm not mad about) but he also needs some love!! he's just some guy yk gotta give some appreciation!!
Kagura: queen of kabukicho and the queen of my heart. 10/10.
SHE IS LITERALLY EVERYTHING TO ME. i don't have words to express how much I love her, she's one of my all time favorites ever. She's just doing her thing, eating gin-san out of house and home and kicking ass while she's at it and she's so valid for that.
A big part of why I like her is also just her relationship with the yorozuya. the amount of times I've felt like exploding when I see her and gin or shinpachi just interacting in the background of a scene or something similar is impossible to count. She's my little mimi and she deserves literally the world
(Also there's this one compilation of her singing on YouTube and i listen to it RELIGIOUSLY kugimiya rie is a blessing for this character for real it's insane)
Sadaharu interlude: Big ball of fluff/10 (he's adorable)
Hijikata: this man makes me feel a similar range of emotions I feel cramming the night before a final, if not more. 10/10.
He drives me NUTS. you know me, i love my dark-haired chainsmoking men with issues, and he's just chock full of them, it's like a dream come true. Every arc that's focused on him has been absolutely incredible, and even on his own he's such an interesting and funny character. Fully biased towards his VA btw, i don't think anyone else could voice him as effectively, the delivery is always top notch.
His dynamic with the rest of the shinsengumi is honestly one of my favourites, he's got so much range as a serious and gag character, especially when the plot decides to chuck his coolness out the window with that little mayonnaise addiction of his (now everytime I put mayonnaise on anything at all i give myself a dirty look, idk why).
Also i should mention that tosshi was one of the only things that made my watching experience truly difficult. I'd just cringe out of existence everytime he opened his mouth it was. An experience. I still love him very much. Too much maybe.
Sougo: sadism has never looked more fun. 9/10.
I don't think I really have much to say about him? he's genuinely a really fun character, and his endless quests to smear hijikata across the asphalt is always the highlight of any viewing experience. i loved him regardless, but the mitsuba and farewell shinsengumi arcs gave him that extra bit of depth that really solidified him as a fav hehe
kondo: gorilla gorilla/10 (9/10)
thi guy is just the fucking funniest. he's one of the perfect examples of how gintama does characterisation through comedy because by introducing him with all his hilarious gags, you start to care a lot more about him when things actually get serious. Plus the joke never really gets old with him, if he shows up in an episode I know I'm about to have a great time.
but as a serious character as well he's just so good. Him being the glue of the shinsengumi is incredible and sometimes in the plot (crisis and farewell arcs) you can see exactly what it is in this man that makes people want to follow him to the ends of the earth, he is just a good person and I love him for that.
also he's the reason i realised I have not grown out of my 14 year old dick joke phase so there's that
Otose: gintoki's overdue rent/10 (9/10)
I enjoy her so much actually, she's already incredibly fun, but whenever they show more background to gintoki and her's relationship, all of a sudden i am in a puddle of tears on the floor, it's one of the most important things ever to me, the foster parent trope is my weak point.
evidently, kabukicho four devas was my kryptonite (in a really really good way)
Catherine: the heavy accent is pretty funny. 7/10.
I don't really have strong feelings about her tbh, she's alright and funny enough, that's pretty much all I can say
Tama: total number of her leukocytes/10 (9/10)
I LIKE TAMA SOOOOO MUCH SHES SO SWEET AND KIND AND ADORABLE. all of the tama centric arcs have been really fun and each episode involving her is so nice. Finding out she was the time traveller in the bfy movie was such a great twist but immediately made sense bc OF COURSE she would go that far for her very first friends!!!!! i love her innocence so dearly and the way she simply just wants to help others, also otose seeing her as a daughter makes me so emotional
Hasegawa: the madaodog madaonaire episode made me choke at the speed at which I got that reference. 8/10.
Incredibly funny character, the fact that he cannot win a single W is both hilarious but also a bit sad and pathetic, but he's authentic to himself regardless.
He also ruined my later attempts at trying to watch NGE
Otae: the price of one dom peri/10 (8/10)
I love her SOOOOO much she's so entertaining...again I don't have much to say but it's not really in a bad way, i just like her a lot and that's mostly it hehe
Kyubei: otae love/10 (9/10)
as a nb person I have a huge bias towards kyubei, their struggle to figure out where they stand in the binary is pretty relatable, and while I can say that you don't always see a character like that in media who is also hopelessly in love with a woman (so real for that though) i can also admit that this show isn't the best handling of it all, but honestly it's a very "take what I can get situation" so I try not to be too bothered, dekobokko was a bit strange but the ending for kyubei is better than most other instances I've seen, even if it doesn't stay consistent in the series
Also where is jugem jugem? i miss that little bastard so much that arc was so good
Tsukuyo: where does she stash all that kunai. 9/10.
no but seriously she's a really fun character, and I love everything about her and yoshiwara and her relationship with hinowa and seita and he hyakka and ACK. yoshiwara in flames and the red spider arcs were really good for her, and her slightly confused air at most times is so charming, i love her muah
Sacchan: uhhhhhh huh. 7/10.
I'm gonna be honest, she's one of the only characters I really didn't like since she was introduced, i just found her so incredibly annoying all the time. But then came shogun assassination and suddenly I could stand her a lot more when her personality didn't revolve around gin-san's massive d– (but like. I hate that I can relate to her)
also I don't know where her strange friendship with tsukuyo came from but I actually genuinely like it a lot..........sillies with sharp knives, what could possibly go wrong?
Okay I'm running out of steam here honestly so if I've missed anyone (I'm very sure I have) feel free to ask in replies and I'll tell you what i think jgjekkfkd
this is terrible. Everyone is a main character in my eyes
katsura: 10/10.
One of my all time favourite characters ever, literal definition of head empty no thoughts, he is so stupid and I want to kiss him passionately under the moonlight
Sakamoto: 10(00000)/10
He is my everything. He needs more screentime. I'm begging on my knees. He is the perfect man.
Takasugi: 9/10
He's great. Shogun assassination made me cry over him. I'm forever sad about him now he was so mochi.....and then the trauma.............ue
Anyways now I think I'm done. time to atone
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Alright, happy Thursday hoes, lets get to this.
Mothership first
Okay… interesting open…
Omg…how many times are they gonna use the trope of “don’t touch that!” “who the hell are you?” surprise it’s the new laywer…
Not surprised its another old white dude, but at least he’s not as old as mccoy
Okay seriously…. If they get rid of Samantha I will not be watching this show anymore..
I wonder if they’re going to bring this staff change up on svu too considering this guy is also now carisi’s boss… but the writers seem to have forgotten that these shows all exist together until they want to do a crossover.
If this was svu the ada would be storming into the squad room yelling at the detectives for making a mistake that’s gonna cost them their case. Why don’t we get to see that on mothership? I want more crossing over between departments, cops never show up in the gallery either, just to testify if they’re needed.
Oooo yesss that maroon suit. I see you ma’am!
Man they’re just right fucked with this case aren’t they?
This defence attorney is super crusty
How come these videos are coming up NOW and not before things went to trial??
This judges office is barba’s office. They really only have so many sets, hey? (also the continuity of that office on this show/universe drives me fucking insane).
My subtitles keep cutting in and out and that is also driving me insane
Toronto time.
Will I pay attention? Likely no
JESUS FUCK talk about a cold fucking opening wow.
Big surprise I stopped paying attention halfway through the ep. Like, it’s fully muted right now and I’m working on writing LOL
SVU time
BRUH is this maria stuff ive been seeing all over twitter legit?! I thought people were fucking clowning LOL
Olivia in uniform just fucking makes me so fucking weak every single time
Clearly the other captain hasn’t been in the field a lot if that was her immediate reaction to that crime scene
Okay… hear me out… olivia literally saved maria’s life and stayed on the phone with her ALL night. We all know she has a habit of taking in strays… there’s no doubt maria became a cop because of liv… maria would have reached out TO HER about her graduation, not the other way around…
Velasco getting actual screen time finally. I do have to say, im back on my Velasco bullshit…
LOL. I know it was unintentional but the harshness of velasco’s knock on the door killed me.
4 hours of law and order is too much. Im getting bored and this is the show I actually like. I think imma start skipping Toronto cause mothership does hit some days
If this girl has a good enough lawyer she could easily get off on an insanity type plea… tbh this episode would’ve been way better on criminal minds. That would’ve been bad ass.
This episode is almost over and we got absolutely NO closure on the maria thing AND we didn’t get to go to court. Im OVER this fucking show man lol
Liv being back in her bac nail polish era is bomb though
Fin doesn’t strike me as a scotch guy… this is weird..
Okay… liv is really not okay. Like this girl needs support, she needs proper and regular therapy, she needs a break from work. Go home and spend time with your son instead of drinking cheap wine alone in a bar? Also while we’re talking about drinking alone after work being all sad, can we touch on the fact that her mother was an alcoholic, and that was what *killed* her… this is incredibly worrisome and I doubt we’re ever going to touch on it/get it fleshed out like we should…
Okay we at least got some maria closure. Thank you.
OC time!
Jet *attempting* to control stabler, woof. At least someone’s trying loooll
This bitch is so dead
Part of me feels like its bullshit that se wouldn’t know any of this about her own brother, but also I never talk to my family so…. LOL.
Fuck he’s creepy as shit
The fact that it took THIS long for someone higher up to question his anger/trauma/etc affecting his job is wild.
THE BARTENDER IN ME IS FUCKING DYING. I had a PHYSICAL reaction to that conversation.
“you’ve never had a long island ice tea?!” “I don’t like ice tea it’s too bleh” guy promptly orders two to prove that theyre good? THERE IS NO ICED TEA IN LONG ISLANDS
Cragen’s really just gonna be in the last second of this episode isn’t he?
Everyone: proper ear pieces
Jet: nah. Air pod.
I really thought that stabler was gonna be missing for a like, a good chunk of time with no one knowing.
OHHHH right! The foil he found in the bathroom garbage and immediately licked… right… I forgot about that. Now the question is who it belongs to…..
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galacticwildfire · 3 months
Damn Olivia Cooke does look so much like Natalie Portman, it's unreal. Just popping in to say I hope your day is good and also I was struck with some curiosity and was wondering what songs you associate with Hope (or/and Hope & Poe)? ← endlessly curious bc putting music to my ocs and pairings is maybe my favorite part of the process
Hi, thank you for the ask and I hope you're day's good as well! And yesss, I absolutely love putting music to my oc's. It's literally the first thing I do when I start writing a story. I have a whole second spotify account with my playlists for them here. I'm the type who puts like 80 songs in a playlist and I need to cut them down but I've got a couple I listen to on repeat. I have three separate playlists for the story, one for hope, one for her and Poe, and then one for the solo family.
With Hope I've got a lot of Halsey/Marina on there. A couple songs for Hope that I'd play the most would be;
Nightmare - Halsey
Devil in me - Halsey
Seventeen - Marina & the Diamonds
You asked for this - Halsey (heavy on this one)
Who am I living for - Katy Perry
This is me trying - Taylor Swift
The Family Jewels - Marina & the Diamonds
Crossfire - Stephen
Which Witch - Florence and the Machine
Burned - Grace Vanderwaal
Animal - MISSIO
The Tradition - Halsey
Then I've got quite a few for her and Poe as well. With their relationship I'm going to put it through a bit of hell. With the Oddy arc there'll be some mistrust and major fights there when Poe worries that she might be being blackmailed into spying, and then there'll be a tough period between them realising their feelings and actually getting together before she'll be taken captive and brainwashed by the First Order. So there's a mix of really upbeat songs and then downright tragic ones.
The entirety of Taylor Swifts Reputation album but in particular
Call it what you want (heavy on this one)
Getaway Car
Fransesca - Hozier (this one is definitely their relationship after she's imprisoned and the lengths Poe goes to to get her back)
Drive - Halsey
Maroon - Taylor Swift
Look after you - The Fray
The Reflection - The Neighbourhood
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Starman - David Bowie (I'm making David Bowie exist within SW specifically so they can drunkenly sing this)
Dangerous - David Guetta
Cruel Summer - Taylor Swift
Powerful - Major Lazer
Mirrors - Justin Timberlake
My Tears Ricochet - Taylor Swift
Friends - Chase Atlantic
Fire Meet Gasoline - Sia
The Chain - Fleetwood Mac
Young Gods - Halsey
Out of the woods - Taylor Swift
Flawless - The Neighbourhood
False God - Taylor Swift
Lovers on the sun - David Guetta
Leaving tonight - The Neighbourhod
Train Wreck - James Arthur
Hold on - Chord Overstreet
Just give me a reason - Pink
I'm finishing up the final chapter of the prequel atm before I really get back into the main story, I have a lot written for it but it's editing and getting from point a to b. They're relationship for the next few chapters will be going pretty strong, then there'll be the oddy arc and it's going to be pretty messy for a while but with the two of them the constant thing is that no matter how mad they are with each other they just can't hate each other because they really do accidentally become best friends (who keep accidentally flirting with each other in front of everyone.) It's essentially going to end up a very dramatic slowburn situationship until they blurt out that they're in love mid fight.
I have one scene coming up where her and Poe have a major major blow up after she disobeys orders to save his life in a dogfight since she still feels pretty safe in the assumption that the first order won't kill her whilst everyone else just thinks she's genuinely delusional. Poe's convinced she's actually insane which she kind of is but she wasn't wrong. It's going to be during that spy arc and they both genuinely go a little insane during that fight, so she takes off and goes to lay low with Lando for a while and he gets the whole earful, only for Poe to show up at his door the next day to bring her back and Lando is just in stitches over it. "Hope, there's a handsome resistance commander here to see you" and she's just dumbfounded that he had the guts to come after her (and falls a little in love).
But in the next chapter I'm writing atm they're going to be pretty cute. Poe being her willing assistant as she compiles their intel into a motion for the senate, bringing her caf and gossiping when she catches Snap leaving Karé's room at like six in the morning and Poe being offended he wasn't the first to know, running to wish her luck as she goes to leave and then bailing her out of jail the next day. When they're a mess they're a mess but when they're cute they're insufferable to everyone around them.
I'd love to see what playlists you have as well <3 because honestly making playlists for oc's is one of my favourite parts of writing!
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