#quadra type 66 javelina
spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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mynonsenseistingling · 2 months
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The Nomads
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gameforestdach · 10 months
Achtung alle Geschwindigkeitsdämonen und Cyberpunks! In Cyberpunk 2077 stehen über 50 Fahrzeugoptionen zur Verfügung, von rostigen Wracks bis hin zu ultramodernen Hypercars. Egal, ob du ein Auto-Kenner oder ein Adrenalin-Junkie mit einem Hang zur Geschwindigkeit bist, dieses Spiel enttäuscht nicht, wenn es darum geht, automobile Wünsche zu erfüllen. Wir haben die Top 10 schnellen Bestien für deine Bequemlichkeit zusammengestellt und ihre Herstellung, Höchstgeschwindigkeit, Preis und Kaufort angegeben. Aber warte mal! Lass uns einen Gang hochschalten und uns auf das Beste konzentrieren: die Top 5 Speedster, die du unbedingt in virtuellen Händen halten möchtest.Die Schwergewichte: Die schnellsten Autos auf den Straßen von CyberpunkGib Gas, denn hier ist unsere handverlesene Liste der schnellsten, elegantesten Fahrzeuge in Cyberpunk 2077. Diese glorreichen Maschinen verbinden atemberaubendes Aussehen mit atemberaubenden Geschwindigkeiten.Der Herrera Outlaw GTS: Berühmt für seine präzise Handhabung und Kontrollierbarkeit, ist dieses Fahrzeug eine elegante Mischung aus Stil und Geschwindigkeit.Der Quadra Type-66 'Javelina': Dieses robuste Monster ist eine von Nomaden angepasste Version des klassischen Type-66 und verfügt über eine gesunde Balance von Geschwindigkeit und Leistung.Der Rayfield Aerondight 'Guinevere': Dieses Hypercar ist ein echter Ritter der Straße. Mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 190 mph kann Guinevere bei Wkako Okada gekauft werden.Der Mizutani Shion 'Coyote': Ein Symbol für Kraft, Stil und Geschwindigkeit, bietet der Coyote eine Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 190 mph.Der Rayfield Caliburn: Der unumstrittene Geschwindigkeitschampion mit einer Höchstgeschwindigkeit von unglaublichen 211 mph. Dieses Fahrzeug kann durch Abschluss der Mission 'Murk Man Returns Again Once More Forever' verdient oder von Dino Dinovic für 127.000 Eurodollar gekauft werden.Diese Speedster bieten mehr als nur phänomenale Geschwindigkeit. Mit einzigartigen Funktionen und voller Stil sind sie mehr als nur Fahrzeuge. Sie sind eine Aussage deiner Ingame-Persönlichkeit.Detailfahrt: Mehr als nur ZahlenDoch es geht nicht nur um die Zahlen. Jeder Supersportwagenliebhaber weiß, dass es auch um das Erlebnis geht. Der Rayfield Aerondight beispielsweise ist inspiriert von futuristischen Spionageautos, die vor Gadgets nur so strotzen. Der Mizutani Shion 'Coyote' hingegen hat eine fantastische ästhetische Eigenschaft, bei der die Auspuffrohre bei hohen Drehzahlen leuchten! In jedem Detail dieser fesselnden Welt gibt es ein Thrill zu entdecken.Jetzt bist du dran!Mach dich bereit, den virtuellen Wind in den Haaren zu spüren und die Begeisterung von Hochgeschwindigkeitsverfolgungen in Night City zu erleben! Welches könnte dein Traumauto sein? Lass uns in den Kommentaren unten wissen. Und denk immer daran, während Geschwindigkeit berauschend sein kann, vergiss nicht, die Straße zu genießen. Denn in Night City ist der Weg das halbe Vergnügen! Wir sehen uns auf den Straßen, Nomaden!
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burntheartist · 2 years
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For my #Cyberpunk2077 friends out there. What's your favorite ride in the game? I love most of the bikes. But I really dig the Javelina. The Nomad modded Quadra Type-66. Off road, in the city, through a bunch of armored goons. I think it's my favorite all arounder.
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talesofotherworlds · 3 years
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Racing through the sandstorm.
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eurodynamic · 3 years
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"Although the Quadra Type-66 was designed with city streets in mind, you can still find them out cruising the desert wastes. These modified models, called Javelinas, are equipped with light armor plating and expertly tuned engines. And thanks to CrystalDome technology, the driver can remain unseen while still maintaining a full, unobstructed view of their surroundings."
Rides of Night City [3/?] → Quadra Type-66 "Javelina"
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arcandoria · 2 years
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mandatory car slav squat for male v monday from the resident balkan
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docscars · 3 years
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interiors of nomad cars and their regular counterparts
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durchlauferhitzr · 3 years
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a-pirate · 2 years
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Vincent Kennedy and the Quadra Type-66 "Javelina"
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hazellblogs · 3 years
About Talbot
Name: Talbot Greene
DOB: 28/08/2039
Age: 37 (During events of Cyberpunk 2077)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Star Sign: Virgo
Hair: Grey (Originally Dirty Blonde)
Eye Colour: Gold (Originally Blue)
Height: 6ft4 (193cm)
Nationality: Irish
Hometown: Castleknock, Dublin
Occupation: Solo/Merc (Barkeep in 2078)
Mother: Laura McGuire (Deceased)
Father: Michael Greene (Deceased)
Some of his favourite things/Likes:
Coffee: Takes his coffee black. His coffee order is a Double Espresso Shot
Music: Classical (Kerry Eurodyne is his guilty pleasure music)
Time of Day: Early Morning
Season: Summer
Vehicle: Quadra Javelina Type 66
Alcohol: Whiskey or Beer
Scent: White Musk
Accessory: 24karat Gold Jinguji watch left to him by his late Father
Weapon: SPT32 Grad, his body.
Hobbies: Playing piano, singing, working out (he really enjoys running in the early morning in particular), playing chess, cleaning his place, reading, early morning drive through the Badlands.
Dislikes: Wasting time (his specifically), loud people and obnoxious behavior, wool, wet socks, being cold, people who are pompous/stuck up, romance and comedy movies, messiness.
Talbot throughout the years:
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Talbot was born and raised by middle class parents in Castleknock, Dublin, Ireland. His Father, Michael was a hard working man however, the struggles within the family could not be ignored. Sadly at the age of 12 Talbot’s Mother, Laura died from a drug overdose. Talbot is an only child. Even though it’s harsh to admit Michael found it easier to succeed and look after his only child without the hardship of his wife spending money on drugs and the abuse she would dish out to Talbot when Michael wasn’t home which on some occasions would be for days. She was never emotionally attached to Talbot.
Michael wanted to do all he could to make sure that the rest of Talbot’s life was a comfortable one, he found a better job that allowed him more time with his son. The hardship for Talbot continued with bullying and beatings at school on a regular basis. Michael needed to start fresh and applied for work in several different countries with hope to emigrate with Talbot. Arasaka in Night City, California, USA got back with the best offer. At the age of 17 he and his Father moved to Night City.
The advertisement of what Night City was from outside of the USA was a lot different than expected but the deed was done and the payment and benefits offered at Arasaka were to great to pass up. Talbot was not allowed to sit idol, his Dad was a working man and he expected the same of his son. Talbot started working in construction at 17 and continued to do so until the age of 22.
His years of working in construction were miserable. The hours were unsociable the work physical and taxing. He developed sleep issues in his early teens and even though he’d return from work exhausted he still couldn’t get a straight nights sleep. Due to the hardship of his childhood Talbot was already a quiet person, introverted and kept to himself. He went into work pretty much straight away upon his arrival to Night City. Because of him being so timid and reserved he was often ignored by his co workers and was too tired to be social, he never really made any friends. He saved most of the money he had working in construction. The only things he would spend his money on would be his part of rent, beers, musical equipment and other general inexpensive hobby items.
When he turned 21, things started to look up for him. While still working in construction his Father informed him that Arasaka were looking for interns in Administration, he just needed to wait until the end end of the year to start. Michael at this point made a name for himself in his department, however, Michael was doing this at the cost of his own health and well being.
Since Talbot saved up during his time working in construction he didn’t mind too much about being an intern for 6 months and not being paid. He was a hard worker and followed by his Father’s example and it showed. In a way his lack of social skills and his willingness to work hard and keep his head down saw him being hired permanently. Even though he was hired because of his hard work the fact that he was Michael Greene’s son hung over him and he would often be misjudged by others as the guy who got a job because his Dad was who he was.
At the age of 28 he started dating a woman from a nearby cafe from where he lived. A place he would go often. The relationship was mostly pleasant at first but because Talbot was so socially unexperienced it didn’t last long. He couldn’t really manage his time with her well and she cheated on him about 6 months into their relationship. He hasn’t been with anyone since. However, that isn’t to say Talbot didn’t have admirers, he just never catches on.
At the age of 31 Talbot’s father passed away in his sleep due to heart failure. At this point Talbot was living in his own apartment and only found out about his Father passing due to him not showing up to work. Michael never missed a day of work and he knew something was wrong. Trauma Team informed him and Arasaka HR of his passing. At this point Talbot considered himself completely alone and became even more quiet and reserved than before. He didn’t smile much but now he’d never smile at all. His sleeping issues worsened and his depression was at it’s worst point. Talbot was allowed a week of leave, this wasn’t enough for someone in his state of mind.
Talbot barely left his apartment and stopped showing up to work and was eventually fired. He didn’t care at this point he felt he had nothing left and was ready to die.
One night at around 3am when he was ready to end it all he heard one of his and his Father’s favourite songs on the radio and remembered a time when they both were listening to music together, having a few drinks a rare moment for them both. They had a conversation about how Michael wanted to retire and own his own Irish Pub in Night City. Talbot there and then decided that if his Father never got to realise this moment he’d open the Pub himself, someday.
Thankfully, Talbot was smart with his money and always saved up, his Father also left him money upon his passing. The money his Father gave him went towards the opening of the pub and was never touched. He heard that mercs did well in Night City when they put the work in. In short, he trained in firearms, focused highly on his workout routine, installed Gorilla Arms and other Cyberware to ensure that he was fully ready to become a Merc and make a name for himself. His name spread as a reliable Merc thanks to Wakako Okada.
People knew him at this point as a mountain of a man with very little to say, never smiles with tired eyes that could tell a story. He was efficient as a Merc, never disappointed his clients, something he took with him from his work at Arasaka.
With his work as a Merc he was saving to ensure that he could open the Irish Pub he and his Dad always wanted. In 2078 at the age of 38 he finally achieved his goals and opened up “Mikey’s Irish Pub” on a quiet, secluded corner of Heywood. He named the Pub after his Father. Patrons would often assume that he himself was Mikey and would call him just that, Talbot would never correct them. Only his regulars new his actual name, they would also call him “T” or “Big T”.
His pub was a safe haven for some. One quality that Talbot always had was being a good listener. He was made to be a barkeep and would listen to his patrons troubles and care about them even if they never showed up again. After spending most of his life as someone who people would avoid Talbot finally overcame his fear of social interaction and people finally wanted to know him and be around him. He was finally content with his life.
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solo-net · 2 years
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Name: Vincent Villanueva
Age: 27
Sign: Libra
Former Snake Nation nomad, currently lone wanderer, Vince is the guy to go to when you need to find something hard to come by or when you need something smuggled discreetly delivered within the city confines. He lives in a trailer in a secluded spot in the East Badlands. Occasionally, he takes part to (illegal) car races in his red and blue Quadra Type-66 Javelina.
Would Vera date him?
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mynonsenseistingling · 7 months
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Quadra Motors
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americanegg · 3 years
egg’s digestible guide for attainable rides: cyberpunk 2077
(cheap to mad expensive) post then later a (free quest cars) post
Car Model >  €$ (Fixer). All details about each are my own experience. Location of vehicle by district and waypoint.
(Reminder that if you’re short on eddies you can do Gigs, Sidequests, and “Assault in Progress” mini quests to get rich and level up.)
1. Thorton Galena G240 > €$ 13,000 (Regina)
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Rusty hunk of junk but functional, especially after your car gets bodied in the beginning of Act 2. Located in the garage of your apartment building.
2. Makigai MaiMai P126 >  €$ 14,000 (Wakako)
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Small. Super fucking small but decent and could turn into a red bullet on the highway at the cost of absolutely no control on your turns. Located in the southern part of Charter Hill, Westbrook sitting neatly in a small parking lot.
3. Mahir Supron FS3 >  €$ 16,000 (Reyes)
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Sort of van type situation but compact. Cheap and definitely made of plastic. Like it says that in the lore. Located East from Hargreaves St waypoint in Arroyo.
4. Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson >  €$ 17,000 (Padre)
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It’s a smooth ride, I’ll give Padre that. Long in length and takes years to turn with but it’s not made for street racing so it’s still decent for traffic and looking like a corpo. Located directly South of the Pumping Station waypoint in Wellsprings.
5. Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight >  €$ 19,000 (Dino)
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Another van-type situation with plenty of seating. Could drive your kids to soccer with this one and get there in one piece. Average vehicle overall but can go 210mph if needed. Located SouthWest of the Downtown Central waypoint and sitting in a parking lot.
6. Thorton Galena “Gecko” >  €$ 21,000 (Dakota)
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Found in the Badlands this is a great choice for rocky roads at 100mph. Go crazy and go stupid outside the city with this bad boy. Shred rubber and whatnot. Be wary of turns and speed in rocky areas as you can make as much airtime as a dirtbike on a ramp! Located SouthWest of the Old Turbines waypoint in the Eastern Badlands.
This is where Street Cred Level will come into play along with your pocket full of eddies:
(cred = streetcred level)
7. Kaiba Kusanagi CT-3X >  €$ 22,000 > 12 cred (Wakako)
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Right after Jackie’s Arch, this is my favorite ride in the game. She’s sleek, perfect for bypassing traffic, and very well-designed. Located in an abandoned parking lot in Japantown, Westbrook directly NorthEast of the Skyline and Salinas waypoint.
8. Archer Quartz EC-L R275 > €$ 29,000 > 12 cred (Regina)
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Another great set of wheels for burning rubber and kicking up sand in the Badlands, if you have the eddies for it. Located South of the Offshore St waypoint in Northside and immediately next to a Neutralize the Perps mini quest.
9. Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar >  €$ 32,000 > 12 cred (Dino)
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First of the heavy duty SUV you acquire at 30k eddies. Didn’t drive this one very much since I’m a small and sleek kinda dude but if you need to ram a taxi or show off to your video game girlfriend your chunky ride, here is the car for you. Located in Corpo Plaza SouthWest of Arasaka Tower waypoint or NorthWest of Reconciliation Park waypoint.
10. Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor >  €$ 37,000 > 12 cred (Padre)
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If you want to look like an asshole you can check this one out. Pretty much a bougie limosine type situation. Long car so long turns my guy. Located in Wellsprings, Heywood sitting in a parking lot West of Berkeley & Bay waypoint. 11. Thorton Colby C240T (aka Thorton Colby C125) >  €$ 39,000 > 20 cred (Regina)
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Vehicles to pick up your gf/bf and go to a drive-in theater with? This one. Smooth ride with plenty of seating to do you know what at said drive-in theater definitely not watching Bushido 3. Located Northside, Westbrook South of the Docks waypoint in a small parking lot in front of the Ded Zed clothing store.
12. Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Green) >  €$ 43,000 > 12 cred (Reyes)
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Imma be honest... I’m a slut for Thorton car models. This one is straight up satisfying to my ears and eyes. Located in the parking lot of PieZ waypoint in Rancho Coronado, Santo Domingo.
13. Thorton Colby “Little Mule” >  €$ 49,000 > 12 cred (Dakota)
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Truckin and fuckin around the Badlands? This is definitely the car for you!  Located near the Sunset Motel parking lot in the Eastern Badlands.
14. Quadra Type-66 Avenger >  €$ 55,000 > 20 cred (Dino)
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Remember those Need for Speed games? No? Well imagine it for a second and look at this preem ride. Got that image in your mind? Now look at your wallet. Located West of Metro: Republic Way waypoint tucked under the Empathy club building.
15. Quadra Type-66 “Jen Rowley” (aka Quadra Type-66 640 TS)  >  €$ 58,000 > 20 cred (Reyes)
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If you haven’t noticed, Quadra Type-66 are very good at designing cars that make you look like you shred these streets since you were a babe. Like, Baby from Baby Driver would fuck this ride up, you know it choom. Located West of Kendal Park waypoint in Rancho Coronado, no more than 2-minute walk away.
16. Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate >  €$ 62,000 > 20 cred (Padre)
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Another Limo! I’ll be honest, six wheels on a car this low is crazy but Villefort always finds a way. This is the ride you’d drive to your corpo apartment to go pick up your corpo wife so you can take your corpo ride to a nearby corpo restaurant and only drink Spunky Monkey in a wine bottle. Located directly West of the Palms View Way waypoint in The Glen.
17. Herrera Outlaw GTS >  €$ 62,000 > 30 cred (Dino)
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Limousine type body but god damn if it ain’t gorgeous to look at. A real sexy piece of wheels, this one. Located in Corpo Plaza, North of Ring Road waypoint. 
18. Quadra Type-66 “Javelina” >  €$ 73,000 > 30 cred (Dakota)
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God am I a fan of rides that pick up hefts of sand and dirt? Yeah, I am. Do I love how this car looks? Absolutely. As a Nomad V, is this one of the sexiest rides you can get? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. Located in Southern Badlands near the Protein Farm waypoint.
19. Mizutani Shion MZ2 >  €$ 75,000 > 30 cred (Regina)
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Not gonna lie, this is the car that occupies my headspace every time I boot up Cyberpunk. Maybe it’s the name, maybe it’s the design, maybe it’s the car I would take to my honeymoon, idk. Located in the same garage as the Thorton Galena in Little China, Watson.
20. Quadra Type-66 “Cthulhu” >  €$ 76,000 > No cred requirement (Regina or Sampson)
Condition to receive for free: Sparing Samson in “The Beast In Me” side quest
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Okay other than Beast which is a chonky beast this one is a very speedy beast with classic racecar features but bulky armor. The wiki literally says this ride has 666 horsepower so you KNOW this shit is gonna slap as soon as you get in and hear that engine, dawg.  Can be found in Little China, Watson in Megabuilding H10.
21. Brennan Apollo >  €$ 94,000 > 30 cred (Padre)
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If you thought Jackie’s ARCH and the Yaiba Kusanagi was sexy boy you will not be disappointed. Smaller and more compact but a speedy on the highways and countryside. Side Effect is you’ll look like the coolest pizza delivery driver in Night City. Located in Vista Del Ray, Heywood a short walk away East of Delamain HQ waypoint. 22. Mizutani Shion “Coyote” >  €$ 115,000 > 20 cred (Dakota)
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... Look at her. Just... just look at her. Look at those wheels, that build, the spoiler, look at her! I would own so many Hot Wheels and have her in a display case alright. Like, you know what you’re signing up for at 100k eddies for Dakota. Like this car that was originally used for scooting around the city was LITERALLY modded for the Badlands. As a Nomad this is a must-have. Located in the Eastern Badlands, North of the Sunshine Motel waypoint.
23. Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 >  €$ 128,000 > 30 cred (Reyes)
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The most SUV that ever SUV’ed in Night City. Reyes calls you for this one and shit, it’s new, it’s spotless, it’s a shiny new car, and trouncing down Badlands, the streets of Kabuki, Pacifica, name it. This beaut does go maximum of around 150mph but with how big this bad boy is, it can charge through the highways but be wary of how you turn corners! Located around the block from the Red Dirt Bar waypoint to the East in Arroyo, Santo Domingo.
24. Quadra Turbo-R 740 >  €$ 129,000 > 30 cred (Wakako)
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TURBO-TASTIC ride. Again, of racecar design, you can almost smell the 1980s nostalgia from the picture alone. Located in the Dynalar building/waypoint in Charter Hill, Westbrook.
25. ARCH Nazaré >  €$ 138,000 > 40 cred (Wakako)
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Writing this guide up to this point I have discovered that Old Lady Wakako knows what “fucking nova” means because all the cars she offers are fucking bangers so of COURSE she would offer an ARCH bike like this bumblebee badboy. You can see all the fun bits in and around the bike to know what you’re getting into so expect some hella smooth sailing. Located on the way TO the Drive-In Theatre in the lot of the Gig: A Shrine Defiled. South of Drive-in Theatre, North Oak, Westbrook.
26. Rayfield Caliburn (White) >  €$ 157,000 > 40 cred (Dino)
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Dino actually coming in clutch with this last call for vehicles he offers. Like, I had to look up what “hypercar” meant to logistically know how hype this car makes me every time I hit the gas. At high speeds the engines purr like a cat, which is a whole other satisfying experience after driving hunks of junk. Located West of the Corporation St. waypoint in Downtown, City Center.
27. Rayfield Aerondight S9 “Guinevere” >  €$ 225,000 > 50 cred (Wakako)
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Um... so... this is- this is the last car from Wakako. I haven’t even gotten to the point of being able to afford this... this... work of art. I can only imagine, with the Rayfield brand, that it’s better than the Caliburn. Which I don’t even think that’s possible but once I buy it I’ll let you know. Located North of the Columbariam or directly West of the North Oak Sign waypoints in North Oak, Westbrook.
Yo, if this guide helps you or makes your day or think it’s absolutely genius or dogshit don’t forget to like/reblog! Share with your friends!
Free Vehicle Post coming soon!
Images from gamesatlas.com, cyberpunk.fandom.com, & game-maps.com
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wanderingaldecaldo · 2 years
14, 15, 21, and 31 for the ask meme? :3
Thanks for the ask! 💖
14. what is their weapon of choice?
If we're talking physical weapon, usually that means the shit's hit the fan so Val is going for her shotgun. She doesn't have any one particular favorite, but she does prefer one that's holds 5+ rounds, and has a pretty tight spread. Second choice is Mantis blades, and once those come out.... Yeah. 15. what is their preferred vehicle or transportation of choice?
Nine times out of ten it's Jackie's ARCH. The other time it's a Quadra Type-66. Before she leaves Night City with the Aldecaldos, her car of choice is the Avenger, but then she switches to the Javelina.
21. do they have any favorite spots around NC?
She's got a couple of spots she loves. She likes to wander the Kabuki market and people watch. There's also a spot downtown with some real live grass but she won't share the coords for that spot. (Sorry.)
31. who are their closest chooms in NC?
After Jackie dies, she really only has Misty. She didn't really have many friends before she went to Atlanta, and she lost touch with them. She really bonds with Panam, though, enough that she asks her for help when things get really bad.
Cyberpunk OC Ask
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talesofotherworlds · 3 years
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Quadra Type 66 Javelina roars down a dirt road at sunrise.
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