#caliburn next :)
wraithsoutlaws · 6 months
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Tagged by: @kharonion, @breezypunk, @rosapexa, @chevvy-yates (thank you all! i had a lot of fun reading your interviews and writing these out!)
NICKNAME: I've only got the one, and I'm thinking you know it already.
STAR SIGN: Knew an old woman once who told me the sky was black at the time of my birth. No light, no stars. Nothing but the charred dark pits of the devil's eyes. Take that as you will, but I don't ascribe to the shit myself. Stars don't make a man. Certainly not me.
HEIGHT: Six foot three last I checked.
ORIENTATION: My daddy never had a kind word to say on it, I'll keep it at that.
FAVE FRUIT: I don't often get the luxury, but I found a plate of strawberries in a corpo's fridge once. The real 'ganic shit, right next to a bottle of chateau worth more than a brand new Caliburn. But if you ask me, I think they paired better with his blood.
FAVE SEASON: I like it when the sun don't waiver.
FAVE FLOWER: I look like a man who knows fuck all about flowers? No, I never got the privilege of a green thumb.
FAVE SCENT: I could tell you its the warmth of a fresh layer of blood splattered against my steel, but tell you the truth...there's something real sweet about the spark of a freshly lit smoke.
COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE: I ain't a picky man, but I don't make a habit outta drinking dirt.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: I don't tend to bother with it.
DOG OR CAT PERSON: Dogs give their affections too easy and cats will turn on you quick as a rusty can of scop. Hard to respect either. You want a reliable partner you're better off picking a rat outta the gutter.
DREAM TRIP: I look forward to marching up on the gates of Hell. Bet the views are just to die for.
FAVE FICTIONAL CHARACTER: That old motherfucker, claws on his fingers. Freddy Krueger. Always gave me a laugh.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS THEY SLEEP WITH: How many goddamn blankets does a man need? Lucky to have the shirt on your back let alone a bed. If it don't fit in your pack then you learn to fair without it.
RANDOM FACT: A skilled butcher can skin a whole body with one swipe of his blade. Hows about I give you a demonstration?
Tagging (no pressure!): @faepunkprince, @therealnightcity, @dreamskug, @nightcxty @mhbcaps, @drunkchasind, @aldecaldhos, @pinkyjulien, @jaymber, @streetkid-named-desire, @genocidalfetus, @sammysilverdyne, @morganlefaye79, @elvenbeard (I'm sorry if you've been tagged before it's hard to keep track!), + anyone else who wants to do this c:
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adracat · 1 year
G Witch and The Door to Eternity
In the aftermath of ep21 I was a bit stumped ngl. I was convinced someone would offer the very clear feminine Utena machine to Suletta, and it was baffling we got a new one styled after Caliban instead. Where were they going with this? After looking at this screenshot, it clicked.
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QZ is a coffin with Aerial trapped inside. Those of you who've seen Utena already know the connotations but let's dissect this season for a moment. We have a betrayal, and then Miorine in the rosebride's stead bearing the 'swords of human hatred'.
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But the same could be said of Aerial. A betrayal and bearing Prospera's sins as Anthy does for Akio.
Now we see QZ and its a coffin of all things, opening a door to Eri's eternal existence. We just went through Utena 39 throughout this season. But what happens next?
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Akio attempts to bash down the door using brute masculine force. Note, this is the Sword of Dios. A sword of a prince with a name meaning God. Caliburn is a holy sword used by King Arthur. The connection is overt.
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And Calibarn is just as obvious with paying homage to this sword and minor antagonist in the Tempest. Yet Caliban, like Akio, is a violator who cannot conceive of anything but brutish solutions. He's pitiable but ultimately doomed to remain in servitude. Like Akio he does not achieve what he wants.
I'm uncertain if Suletta will pilot this 'monster' but if she does, she's ultimately doomed to fail. A violator and abuser cannot open the door to eternity.
Finally, Utena takes her turn. She tries like Akio to force open the door and fails. Akio is certain she cannot open the door without a sword. But in the end it's not force or swords that transform the door into Anthy's coffin, where she hid and allowed herself to bear the world's hate. And that's not what finally frees her either. It's unconditional love that allows them to finally see each other fully at last.
This parallel means, in my opinion, a monstrous gundam like Calibarn cannot reach Eri and it's only a gundam that emobodies feminine attributes, the symbolic lovechild of Mio and Guel's good intentions gone awry, that will allow Suletta to reach her. It's not hard to liken the crumbling imagery here to QZ after Eri is freed as her counterpart in The Tempest. I might be wrong, but it's no accident imo that the Schwarzette bears Movie Utena's uniform colors and coded with Mercury symbolism. If I'm wrong, hey it's fun food for thought!
Note: I have considered that since Caliburn is a temporary weapon, we’ll see Suletta fail like Akio and need to try again thus completing the parallel. Arthur is given Excalibur by The Lady Of The Lake. Considering the OP with Mio sinking in water, could be intentional assuming it’s not a gaffe. DUB will clarify
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Blue Exorcist 147 Recap and Notes
We begin this Chapter with Shura fighting Asmodick.
He's clearly a sicko and trying to manipulate Shura's emotions to find some sort of weakness. He is somehow able to read Shura's energy and knows that she's been through some shit, and he's hoping to exploit her. He also seems to realize that her confidence has taken a hit because her sword has limited power. He might be hoping to possess her, steal her body as his own. Because this level of demon can do these things all the time.
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I have faith in Shura. She knows how demons work; she's incredibly smart and has already gone through a lifetime of abuse by Hachiro. She's dealt with Yukio's pent-up anger and stress and knows how Rin suffered from a lack of confidence in Kyoto when he couldn't draw his blade. Shura's got the memo on demons and their manipulations and has learned many things mentoring Rin and Yukio through their teenaged years.
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Back to Chapter 147
One thing we notice about Shura right away. Shura doesn't look scared when confronting Asmodeus. Just tired and sick of all the shit, and Shura, I acknowledge that fucking mood.
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That part about Shura interests me; Kato is in her 40s, and so am I. This is how a woman feels in her 40s; you reach maturity when you don't fall for the hollowness and cheap lines. Empty talk bounces away and doesn't mean shit. Shura's character is both young and old...and acts like a much older woman. I identify with Shura because Kato identifies with her, so I greatly favour this character. I'm telling you that Asmodeus has zero chance of breaking her will. Shura won't cave emotionally, won't feel fear, and won't emotionally weaken. But it's her sword that might fail her. She needs a new demon in that sword.
So what about Asmodeus? This guy can't feel anything because his time in a body is so fleeting. He reacts because he has no foundation, no love, no stability. His eternity is that of a hollow fuckboi. He lives to feel the pain, aggression and complex emotions of others.
How does Shura defeat him?
If this was Yukio vs Asmodeus, Yukio would use pure aggression and hatred of demons to kill, maim and destroy the demon back to Gehenna. He'd make a fake contract to trick the demon into its destruction.
But Shura ain't Yukio.
But what if Shura gave the demon empathy. And yeah, I know, it's cliche as hell (There's a big part of me who wants his tail cut off.)
But Shura isn't like Yukio and is more willing to try and understand a broken demon's brain. (Rin's half-demon thoughts were a start.)
Shura desperately needs a demon in her sword, and Asmodeus wants to feel...well...anything. Could Asmodeus live through Shura while living inside Fang? As previously mentioned in theories, Shura would add another powerful temptaint to strengthen her body and resilience. Caliburn lusts after and lives through a contract with Angel. Maybe in some bizarre capacity, Asmodeus is Shura's type? Maybe he's the weak one who desperately needs Shura's strength?
And this is Shura's next stage. She needs to learn to collaborate with demons more. Why? At some point, she will need to collaborate much more closely with Mephisto, and that idea is still too bitter a pill for Shura to swallow. Mephisto may someday need someone strong enough to save him. Potentially taking on his B'aal heart. Asmodeus could be that stepping stone. Arc knights seem to have very close connections and relationships with demon familiars, and Shura is ready to be promoted.
Speaking of Mephisto. Where the hell is he?
He's not anywhere.
I studied all the drawings, and I saw Amaimon bouncing around as Shiemi's security detail, carrying her around like Ariana Grande, but no Mephisto. Wherever he is, he's not doing much of anything.
(I stand corrected. I was told by Marblewolf, he was in the manga...on Shiemi's back in one panel as the dog.) :D
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Rin and Yukio
Cold fish Yukio doesn't go back to save Shura; instead, he leaves her behind for the mission. And I hate to say it, but he could be running headlong into a trap. Blue exorcist is about love and family and Yukio's fixation on the mission instead of his friends. It's not the right choice at all.
The rest of the team is trying to figure out a way beyond Satan's wall, and they can't. This situation freaks me out because only Rin and Yukio could have found that secret entrance. Two sons of Satan are immune to Satan's power. They need to work together to beat the riddles and traps before them. That means Satan is helping Rin and Yukio accomplish their mission and makes me believe there is something nefarious at the end. Mephisto was the one who made the map, so he knows more than he's letting on.
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Last but not least, we have Amun, the son of God. Ancient Egyptian fashion Ken. And Osceola cracked his precious ring. In retaliation, he's going to blow himself up and possess a new body shortly. The demon would willingly kill himself to stop the exorcist's attack.
But fear not, Osceola hasn't eaten his mushrooms yet. We will see the Arc Knight get even more vicious, if that's even possible. But does that mean that Osceola will die? Will he martyr himself like the Sun Demon? Yes, he would.
Osceola is almost dead now, and if he goes berzerk from the mushrooms, it might use up the last bit of his life. But Osceola wouldn't hesitate to give up his life for the others, not because of the mission, but because he's brave and loves them. He loves Lightning.
Lightning is like his son, and he would want him to live on.
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Lightning warns Osceola not to take his mushroom snack because Lightning doesn't want him to die. Osceola smiles when he warns the old exorcist against using it because he knows Lightning cares. Lightning is very much like a demon and cannot express emotions readily, but because of his years and years of caring for Osceola, he has developed a capacity to love. And I'm convinced that Lightning will return to save his mentor and father figure.
Mission be damned.
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12neonlit-stage · 1 year
STH // Returned Prince AU
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In this AU, sonic was a lost Prince who ran away and instead lived his life as, well, sonic Honey assisted him in that, her being his confidante when they were children since her father was the royal seamstress, and ran away to become a fashion designer
In the end, Aleena, queen and bio mother of Sonic ends up passing away, leaving an empty throne And once sonic was discovered to be the true heir, he was set to become the next in throne Honey also found herself back to her old role as confidante but now also a royal seamstress
(more below)
Sonic isn't allowed to see his old friends/family for the most part (unless he sneaks out, or they sneak in) other than those of royal/ noble blood (those being Blaze, Elise, and thanks to a loophole, knuckles too)
Also weird addition but sonic has a slight British/cultivated Australian (??) accent whenever his displinary teachers make him talk formally It's involuntary
And he reads a lot but is still a little punk who likes to sneak out and who's often considered a 'rebel prince'
He's also a skilled swordfighter (thank caliburn for that)
All in all, he dislikes the prince life and the fact he lost a lot of his freedom but still tries his best to be positive about this new life of his And he's doing his very best to lift the ban from seeing his friends
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pirateswhore · 10 months
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Her White Wolf
With Rumple gone, Belle is left to pick up the pieces on her own. Could a certain wolf help mend her heart? Mid season 4 AU (aka giving Belle the brain cells she needs and resolving my first queer disappointment on the show).
thank you @xarandomdreamx for being a lovely beta !
for - @caliburn-the-sword
Prologue and Chapter 1 published on Ao3:
Prologue - In the Aftermath.
It hurt like nothing had hurt before. Finding the gauntlet that she thought he had traded for her years ago. Using it, foolishly thinking it would simply point towards her, only to be led to the dagger. The dagger? Didn’t he give her the dagger? She picked it up and felt its heavy weightin her hand and an intense pull, nothing like she had ever felt before with the dagger she was given. A fake. Obviously. He lied to her, like he had so, so many times.
The next few minutes now feel like a blur. Appearing before him, seeing him holding Hook’s heart in his hand, squeezing it. Commanding him to take them to the town edge. Forcing him over it. His cowardly cries and pleas for forgiveness. And then he was gone, and she dropped on her knees and buried her face in her hands so she didn’t have to see him scramble away like a pathetic, injured dog.
The next thing she remembers is a hand and hook on each shoulder, urging her to stand up, leading her to the back seat of a yellow bug. She couldn’t quite remember or care for what they told her, spending the entire car ride back to her house staring out the window. They helped her out of the car, led her to her front door, told her something about reaching out if she needed help, and squeezed her shoulder in support. And then she walked into the flat, took her coat off and climbed into bed, pulling the covers over her, hoping it was all an awful, awful dream that she would soon be waking up from.
“Hey, Belle.”
She lifted her head from the coffee cup in front of her to see Hook standing next to her table. 
“Mind some morning company, love?”
She sniffled and nodded and he scooted into the chair opposite of hers. He ordered a coffee himself and they sat in silence for a while, her gaze dropping back down to the table.
“Thank you. For saving my life,” he spoke quietly, treading carefully through the conversation, “I wouldn't be here if you had not intervened the other day.” Days? Has it been that long? This was the first time she’d left the flat since… the incident, having spent all her time sobbing in bed. She looked up at him, meeting his gaze - gratitude, pain, remorse. He strained a little smile and tilted his head down slightly. She returned the smile and straightened her back, sniffling back a sob.
“Of course. The least I could do.” He reached out his hand to meet hers. 
“I’m not sure how much of this you heard when Emma and I took you home, but just know that we are here for you, whatever you need, okay? You have both our talking phone numbers, we’re just a call away,” he squeezed her hand and she was barely holding back tears. How was he still so kind to her after all the crap her husband had done to him? When she was too blind to see through his lies and do anything to stop him for such a long time. She didn’t deserve any thanks from him, or anyone. She could have stopped all this so long ago. All she could do now was squeeze his hand back and nod.
They drank their coffee in silence, commenting about their day and plans every so often. She confessed her remorse over not stopping Rumple sooner and Killian stated how guilty he felt over doing his bidding, at which Belle shot him a smile. 
“I'm sure we could find a way to release the faeries.”
“You think?”
“Sure! We have everything originally used to trap them, the hat, the dagger-”
“Me,” he chuckled. She rolled her eyes and continued.
“I'm certain Rumple has some books on it. Or maybe Regina does. We could set up a base camp in the library, it’s not like either one of us has anything better to do, and it could help us relieve some guilt.”
His smile dropped a little. “You’d be okay with working close to me?”
“Of course I would! Why shouldn't I?”
“I… I tried to kill you. I shot you.”
Her shoulders relaxed and she placed both hands over his. “Killian… I don’t hold that against you. You’ve changed since then. I’ve forgiven you.” 
He smiled, tears stinging the corners of his eyes. They ordered breakfast and talked about the details of researching the hat and its magic and she actually managed to forget the pain her ex husband had caused her and others. Maybe she could make up for not seeing through his charade sooner. After they finished their food, they ran down to the sheriff's station and told Emma about their plan, who seemed proud and enthusiastic, and Regina, who seemed dismissive but still offered them help if they needed it. She still had keys to Rumple’s shop, so she asked Killian and Emma to take out any books they may find useful - she couldn't bring herself to go in there. Within the hour they were walking past Granny's again, stopping to pick up a to-go order for the lunch she had placed before they left. 
She walked into the diner, seeing as Killian was trying to balance a stack of books with his hand and hook and couldn't carry anything else. Granny waved her down and said her order would be bagged in a minute, so Belle took a seat by the bar. She could hear people talking behind her, throwing a few glances her way before whispering amongst each other.
I heard she pushed him over the town line herself. Yea she finally came to her senses about him. Wonder if the pawn shop is still open? I feel sorry for her, he manipulated her. 
The pity in their voices sounded almost derogative to her. She should have been smarter, seen through his lies way sooner, left him before he could hurt her and others the way he did. But she didn't. She gave him chance after chance only to be met with deceit and disappointment. She was stupid. She knows that now. She pushed the thoughts back, trying her best not to focus on them. Just pick up the order and go, Belle. Five minutes. 
"Order for Gold?" A voice called out. She winced and made a mental note of annulling the marriage as soon as possible and getting back to her maiden name. 
She looked up and her mouth dropped open a little. Ruby. She hadn't seen her since they all came back from the Enchanted Forest (granted, she was busy) and couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. 
"Oh- sorry, is it still Gold?" The woman handed her two paper bags.
"Yea… I need to go down to the mayor's office to revert it to my maiden name. It's good to see you again Ruby."
"Yeah, it's good to be back."
"You left?"
"For a little bit, I was feeling restless and hoping to find someplace I belong. That didn't really pan out so I'm back here. Plus Granny needs my help with the diner."
"Maybe we could catch up sometime soon."
"I'd like that."
They exchanged smiles and see-you's and Belle walked out of the diner and headed to the library with Killian. Moving on and picking up the pieces was going to be hard, but perhaps she didn't have to do it on her own. 
Chapter I - Moving On
Ruby's return to Storybrooke brought with it mixed emotions. She didn't feel like she was part of the town, or fully accepted by the townsfolk. But there was nothing for her in the Enchanted Forest and here she at least had her grandma. Even if it meant working in the diner all her life, it was better than nothing.
Today, she was on delivery duty. Which meant driving around town in Granny's run-down delivery van all day, trying her best to not get the orders mixed up. She got back into the car and looked at the next delivery's notes: B. French, 2 grilled cheese sandwiches, 1 large fry serving, 1 medium onion ring serving, 2 sodas. Deliver to Town Library at 12:30pm
The brunette had made herself a regular at the diner over the last week, stopping for coffee and a bagel every morning. Talking to her made the otherwise insufferable morning shift actually pleasant for Ruby, even if for just a few short minutes. Belle usually had her order to-go, saying that Killian was waiting for her at the library.
"What are you two up to in there anyways? Killian often doesn't come back to his room until after dinner time." Ruby had asked her once. The question made Belle stir in her seat for a moment.
"We're uh... We're trying to undo some of what Rumple had done. Starting with getting the faeries out of the hat."
"Oh! That's so sweet of you. Any progress?" Belle's face sank at that and she shook her head slightly. "Ah... well I'm sure you two will figure something out. You're smart."
If she didn't know any better, Ruby could've sworn she saw the blood rush to the other woman's cheeks as she mewled a small "thank you".
She rounded the corner and parked the van near the library. Ruby knew from the order that Killian was probably there as well, but a part of her hoped it would be just Belle. She couldn't pin down exactly why she wanted that and she didn't want to think too much into it. She walked to the library and pushed the heavy door open, calling out that the delivery was here. There was no response and after stepping inside, Ruby was met with an empty reception desk and no sign of either Belle or Killian. There was a corkboard in one corner with photos and notes and red string pinned into it.
"Belle? Hook?" she called out again and waited for an answer, focusing her ears to any sound they would pick up. She both liked and despised her heightened senses. They were useful most of the time but she could do without overhearing certain conversations and comments, especially the ones pertaining to her. Some people still feared her, feared she would turn into a wolf and ravage the diner's clientele at random.
She's been getting better at controlling it, or at least subduing it. She cut off a trim of her cloak and wore it on her at all times, in her hair, around her neck, or tucked into a pocket. It helped prevent any emotional outburst from triggering a transformation. She still hated the full moon however; being turned against her will and having to hide herself away all day, trying to contain the beast. Before the Moon rose into the sky at night, she was snappy, aggressive, every little inconvenience made her blood boil. The new moon, in turn, left her weak and lethargic and all she wanted to do was sleep. It had its ups and downs but she was doing her best at managing it.
Her ears picked up on the faintest of sobs and her head turned towards the back of the library. She left the order at the reception desk and made her way into the library, through the shelves and towards a back room. The sobs got louder and standing in front of the door with a ‘Employees Only sign, she could hear them clear as day.
"Belle..." she could tell it was her, the sweet perfume she wore lingering in the air. It hurt Ruby to hear her cry, and not just because it was so loud for her - Belle crying was not something Ruby ever wanted to see. "Belle?" she called out a little louder, tapping on the door. The sobs and whimpers stopped and the inside lock released, creaking the door open just a smidge. Ruby pushed it open wider and saw Belle hunkered down on the floor, sitting on a book stack with a tissue in hand. "Hey," she whispered out weakly, straightening her back but not looking up at the woman standing in the doorway.
Ruby crouched down, running her hand up and down the woman's shoulder, hoping to soother her. "I came in with your food and heard you crying, is everything okay?" Her eyes wandered to a book lying on the ground (it was unlike Belle to drop books, she treated them like sacred items). It was a Disney book, based on this world's version of "Beauty and the Beast" movie, featuring art and scenes from it. Ruby glanced back at Belle and urged her with a small smile.
"I found the book while sorting something," she started, "and it just... it hurts. That's how we were supposed to go, he was supposed to change and be a better man because of love. But I wasn't enough for him, no matter what I did."
"Oh Belle." Ruby moved closer and sat down next to Belle, putting an arm around her. "Some stories are just that - stories. And some stories have different versions, in yours it simply didn't work out." That caused another sob to escape Belle's chest and Ruby's clenched at the sound. "I'm so sorry he hurt you, but you can't put all the blame on yourself. When we love someone, we do our best to look past their flaws and see the best in them."
"Even if there isn't any good?"
"Belle, you have the wonderful tendency to see the good in anyone. Please don't let what Rumple did discourage you from it."
"What if I'm wrong about them again?"
"You weren't wrong about me, were you?" That seemingly calmed Belle's crying so Ruby went on. "When the entire town was dead set on hunting me down, you stayed by me. I'll never forget that.
Belle went silent for a while as Ruby continued to rub her shoulder. She hadn't noticed how close to one another they were, how their thighs pressed together or how good Ruby smelled until now. She also didn't realise that, with the way her head was hung, she was staring directly down the she-wolf's cleavage. Blood rushed to her cheeks but she made no attempt to move away, choosing instead to just lift her head to meet Ruby's eyes. She smiled down at her but concern was still painted on her face.
Belle had always been fond of her. She hadn't forgotten that Ruby had helped her in the past, and she was forever grateful for it. Ruby was fun, outgoing, openly flirtatious and spontaneous at times - all the things Belle had trouble expressing. She'd spent too long suppressing who she was and what she wanted in favour of coaxing Rumple to the side of good, hoping to calm the beast down long enough for the man to come out, thinking that, if she appeared more appealing than magic, he would give it up for her. Some good that had brought her.
"You good?" she finally asked, cocking her head to the side slightly. It reminded Belle of those videos of dogs, tilting their heads when intrigued by something. It made sense, she figured, considering Ruby was part wolf.
"I just don't know where to go from here," Belle confessed, "I spent so long doing everything I could to make myself good enough for Rumple. And now that he's gone? I have no idea what to do with myself."
Ruby's smile widened at that and she stood up. "There's time for you to figure that out. You won't have to do it on your own, you have friends to help you through it." She extended a hand and helped Belle up.
"Emma and Killian have been very supportive. It feels like they're the only two people in town who don't pity or resent me over Rumple."
"Wrong," Ruby stated. "There’s at least three people who feel that way."
"Of course, silly. You're dear to me, would I have helped you if that wasn't the case?" Belle opened her mouth to say something, but simply nodded in agreement.
Ruby wasn't lying, but she wasn't being completely honest either - Belle was dear to her, but it went deeper than just friendly affection. If she had to put a name to it, it would probably be 'crush', although that felt too inane. From the moment she met her, she felt a pull towards Belle, a primal desire to help and protect her igniting deep inside her. Something about her made Ruby's heart dance; the way her face lit up when she was excited, how her eyes sparkled with an ever present hope she had for people, her undying loyalty to loved ones and her inability to give up on them. Ruby admired her for that but it hurt her too, seeing the physical embodiment of sunshine be rained on and pushed around time and time again. The love and support she had for others abused and mistreated.
It was exactly that love and devotion that had her running back to Rumple, believing all his lies and promises. Ruby respected that, she knew that Belle truly did love him (even if, in her mind, that love was misplaced and ill-appreciated) so she never made a move. However, now with Rumple gone and Belle left to once again, pick up the pieces, Ruby wished for nothing more than to be there for her. She knew she'd have to tread carefully so as to not come off as predatory, seeking to take advantage of Belle's heartbroken state.
Ruby smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind Belle's ear. "I'm here for you, whatever you need. Just as I was before."
"Thank you, Ruby. And I for you, alright?"
The two smiled at each other and for a moment Ruby felt like leaning just a little bit closer, closing her eyes and just throwing caution to the wind (she wasn't a stranger to that), but the ring of Belle's phone whisked that daydream right away. She glanced down at it, pouting at the message.
"Killian says he got caught up sailing with Henry so he's running late, but he'll be here in a few minutes."
Fuck, Ruby had forgot all about her delivery duty. Granny was going to kill her.
They made their way to the front of the library, Belle checked to see if the orders were correct and handed Ruby the money for it."
"I should get back to delivering orders, but please, Belle, know that I'm here for you. Don't be a stranger, reach out whenever." She reached out and squeezed her hand, smiling at her. Belle smiled back and pulled her into a hug, squeezing tightly. Ruby's cheeks reddened, surprised at the sudden (but very welcomed) contact.
Walking back to the van, Ruby couldn't help but feel warmth radiating off of her entire body.
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weirdozjunkary · 1 year
Golden heart [a SATBK au fic] chapter 10 (end)
Finally here we are. The climax, and sadly, the ending to it all. This was a fun ride, and surprisingly, my first multy part fanfiction. Thank you all for tuning in to read this story, I hope you had a blast reading it. Take care, ill see you in the next post!
Chapter1 Chapter9
Chapter 10- Time Trials
The sun had long set beyond the horizon a long time ago now, leaving the sky an inky darkness that was only separated by speckles of starlight, caught amongst the tall trees that aggressively swayed and writhed from the wind that the two blue hedgehogs were creating. The elder one had trouble keeping the pace as his younger self chased after him. He wasn’t used to running this fast.
“Blue please stop!” Sonic called out. “Let’s talk about this!”
“Stay out of this, Sonic! This doesn’t concern you!” The king yelled back.
“It does when you are about to do something that you’re gonna regret!”
The king raised the sword and slashed off the thick branches of the trees along their path, trying to block the hedgehog from running further. The blade sliced through them with ease, it only took one strike before each branch fell onto the path with a heavy thud. The branches barely slowed Sonic down as he jumped, swerved and dodged each falling branch. He wasn’t going to let anything stop him.
“Sonic please! Whatever you are planning to do, it’s not worth it!” Caliburn pleaded. 
“Be quiet!” Blue said through barred teeth. “I already was stick of your nagging! I don’t want to hear more!”
Tailing behind the speedy hedgehogs was the black knight Lancelot and sat atop his shoulders, the blacksmith Miles. The knight struggled to keep a steady fast pace. He was fast on his own, but the twin hedgehogs were faster, especially without something on their shoulders. It didn’t stop him from racing on despite the extra weight he was carrying. 
The hedgehogs left the forest and into open fields. The ink blackness of the sky fading away as the stars shone bright as ever. It would’ve been a beautiful night any other time. Sonic called out to the king, he wanted to fix things. Things would be better if he just stopped and talked. The king wasn’t interested in talking. 
Fed up, Sonic ran his fastest and stopped just a few feet away from the king. “Come on Blue! Can we just talk about-“ The king didn’t stop, he ran at top speed towards the blue hedgehog, raising caliburn out to strike. He missed, thankfully, but only by a hair. Sonic watched as Blue continued to run towards his goal. And judging where he was running to, his goal was not something good.
Sonic furrowed his brow. “Guess I have no choice!” He spun and launched himself into the back of the king, falling to the ground. The king still didn’t let go of the sword.
Blue stood himself up, using Caliburn as a crutch. His legs shook as he struggled to stand again. It’s been ages since he ran like that. He swung his leg at the second blue hedgehog but missed him by only inches. He swung his leg again, and again at Sonic, attempting to strike him somewhere, anywhere. The king was fast, and Sonic could keep up just as well. 
“You are such a nuisance!” Blue cursed.
“Heh, thank you! Being a nuisance is my specialty!” Sonic ran to the king and reached for the blade.
The king held it up high and struggled to push Sonic away from him. “I told you that this doesn’t concern you!” 
“And you should know that I NEVER back away from someone in need! And I know you wouldn't to!”
Blue growled. “If you won’t leave… THEN YOU WILL PERISH!” His leg slammed into Sonic's body, tossing him to the ground. He jammed the handle of Caliburn into his side, creating a loud and painful yell to come out of him. Sonic held his wounded side as the King kicked him over again. 
He gripped his fist tight as he walked off, speeding up the further he got from his young double.“I don’t need your pity…”
Sonic got up onto his knees and groaned. That was the hardest he’d been hit in a long time, he forgot what it was like to have the wind kicked out of you. 
“Sonic!” A young voice called out.
“Are you alright?” A deeper voice called after.
“Miles? Lancelot?” Sonic noticed. “What are you doing here?”
“Following, to make sure that the king won’t do something stupid.” Lancelot growled.
Sonic stood up and stretched his back. “Yeah, I’ve been trying to talk to him, but he’s not listening to me. And I don’t think he’s gonna listen to you either.”
The knight nodded. “I know. But-“
“Don’t worry! I’ll do whatever it takes to knock the sense back in him! I have to try!” Sonic put his hands to his hips. “I just need to figure out what he’s planning on doing before he does it…”
“… He’s going to the volcano..” Tails said.
“There’s a volcano not far from here. It’s lava is so hot it could melt even the densest materials…. He’s going to destroy Caliburn!”
“That has to be it! Something happened to him back then with Caliburn, he must think that getting rid of him would fix things!”
“Well he’s not gonna do that on my watch!” Sonic spun his legs around. Revving up before dashing away. “I’ll get him to stop! No matter what!”
“Sonic! Wait!” Lancelot called out, but he was already across the horizon. Too far and too fast to hear anyone.
He was already at the base of the volcano, a gigantic hill that hid burning hot lava in its center, waiting for the right conditions to burst its fiery contents onto the forests below, destroying the foliage and the people and animals that lives in it. The magma inside of it felt all too familiar. He was the volcano. The king clenched the sword in his hand. Maybe for a moment he second guessed himself.
“Blue.” Sonic stopped a few feet away from the other hedgehog. He didn’t give him so much as even a glance. Sonic gave a deep sigh. “Come on, let’s talk about this. Just… talk…”
“What else is there to say?” The blue king stepped along the steep path.
Sonic grabbed the kings hand, preventing him from progressing further. “Please, Blue! I want to help you! But I can’t do that if you keep shutting people out!”
“Then stop trying…” the king glared at the blue hedgehog. He ripped his hand from his grasp and moved up the side of the volcano at the speed of sound. Sonic followed after.
The two hedgehogs bickered and tussled, grabbing and pushing at each other. It was only slowing the kings quest to the top. He wasn’t going to let some younger and more naïve version of him from another world stop him. He’s never going to stop. Something that he and his younger self had in common. 
“Blue please!” Sonic cried out in desperation. “Do you really think that DESTROYING caliburn is going to fix things?”
“STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW WHO I AM!” He struck sonic in the face and sent him tumbling a quarter ways down the volcano. He was quick getting back onto his feet, and Blue was just the same getting up to the top.
He stared through the mouth of the volcano, down at the white hot bubbling lava. It was the entrance to hell. Or maybe, the final circle of it. Despite the heat emitting from the lava, the king felt ice cold. His body shook. His hands shook. He struggled to lift caliburn up, extending him over the glowing hole. His fate was coming, and if he had a body he would be breaking out into a cold sweat. 
Blue stared into the swords’ eyes. His green eyes, despite how dull, shone through his brow. His expression was firm, and it could only be described as frustration or anger. His hand was firmly attached to the sword. Perhaps he didn’t want to let go. Caliburn didn’t say anything. He didn’t know any words that would deter this hedgehog from the things he was considering. Or the fate he was bringing him to.
“Blue! Please! Just stop!” Sonic panted. He finally caught up with the king.
“Why not?!” Blue snapped. “Everything- EVERYTHING is because of this thing!” He addressed caliburn like an object. “He was the cause of ALL OF THIS! The magic that’s inside of him- if I hadn’t used it, none of this would be happening!” He gritted his teeth, baring his gums. He gripped caliburn even tighter than before. “The magic of Excaliburn corrupted me… turned me into a monster that I can never forget. I was filled with rage and sadness… I needed everyone to feel my pain.”
“And why did it change you? Why did Excaliburn bring out the worst in you?”
“BECAUSE MY FAMILY IS DEAD! THAT IS WHY, SONIC!” The yell pushed all the air out of his lungs. “MY MOTHER, MY FATHER, MY UNCLE… THEY ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF THAT TYRANT! They were so kind… they pushed me to be who I am… and now they are NOTHING BUT ASH!”
“Even so, would they want you to be like THIS? A shut in, sad and pathetic, about to kill one of his friends! Is that what they pushed you to be?”
The king struggled to hold back his tears, his throat throbbed and burned and he struggled to breathe. He bared his fangs at Sonic and resisted the urge to scream at him. He needed to scream. His body shook again.
“I don’t know what you’re feeling, but it’s okay to feel these things. Excaliburn may have gave your emotions a physical form, but they aren’t who you are deep down, I can see that.” Sonic took a single step towards the king. “Blue, I know you want everyone to be happy. You want good things to happen. You want everyone to be free to do what they want to do. I’m like that to.”
“But the sad truth is that there is always gonna be someone, or something that’s gonna try and stop you from doing that. That’s why you need to step up and show the world who’s boss! You’re a good person, Blue. Please, put down Caliburn and let’s just talk. Okay?”
The king stared at sonic in his calm eyes, his own were sharp. Trying to stare daggers into the younger hedgehog that looked like him. He acted so much like him, full of positivity and hope for others, so naieve. No, he wasn’t naieve. 
He knew just as well of the horrors that could come, and yet he persisted in staying his sickeningly optimistic self. He was just like him. He was him. They were each other. Both of them were just as likely to be the one in front of them as likely as they were to be themselves. 
The hedgehogs broke eye contact and drew their attention to the fox, who stood not far from them. He didn’t look angry or upset, he was determined. He looked at the king through firm eyes, only then, now, the king finally softened.
“Go away, Miles…” He squeaked through his throat.
“No” Miles said flatly.
Blue put a hand over his face, tilting it away from the fox. “You shouldn’t see me like this… I don’t want you to…”
“I know, I don’t care.”
“You’ve done bad things, I know. But I don’t care about that. They don’t define who are are! You are a kind person, Sonic. A kind person who’s helped so many people.” The fox walked up to him. “The whole reason you’re king is because Caliburn chose YOU! He chose you because he knew you were a good person. You’ve done so many selfless things for others, I can’t even count! You are King Arthur because you DESERVE to be!” He chuckled. “I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true.”
Blue glanced his tired eyes at the ground. “How do you know it wasn’t a lie?”
Miles raised a brow, then shook his head and sighed. “I don’t. But it doesn’t mean that what I’m saying ISN’T true. I think you are the best person alive! Youre someone who's very important to me!” He reached up and took the kings hand and held it in its own. He smiled. “I love you, big brother.”
Tears streamed down Blue’s face as the emotions inside of him burst open like water from a broken dam. He collapsed to the floor and sobbed, dropping Caliburn to his side who continued to stay silent. Miles wrapped his arms around the king and let him sink into his chest. He sobbed and cried and whined, letting out years of built up emotions of pain and regret, he was so sorry. So sorry about everything.
Sonic picked up Caliburn and sat on a rock not far from them, his eye caught Lancelot standing a bit of a ways down the mountain. This wasn’t his business to be in, but he didn’t want to leave them completely alone. Sonic rested his cheek against his hand and smiled. 
“You are a lot like him.” Caliburn finally spoke. 
Sonic chuckled. “What? The king, or mister dark and brooding?.”
Caliburn laughed. “You know who I mean.”
Sonic returned the laughter. “Yeah I know.”
“I am surprised, though. That you do act like him, when he was younger. But you are from somewhere different. Somewhere where none of this exists. It’s like you came from his past.”
“Maybe. Or maybe I’m just this good in every timeline!” He winked.
“I see you also have his ego…”
“Guilty as charged.”
“Sonic.” The dark hedgehog appeared in front of him. “I wanted to say that even if you’re actions are extremely reckless… thank you, for doing it.”
Sonic raised a brow. “You’re thanking me? For screwing stuff up?”
“I know I haven’t been the best host to you, none of us really have been. But I am glad you came here, and I am glad you helped the king. Hopefully things will be much brighter now. The king, and the kingdom.”
Sonic grinned widely. “Heh. It’s no biggie. I do this stuff all the time!”
Lancelot shook his head and smiled and Sonic returned it. 
“You know, Lancelot. When I first arrived, I thought that everyone was just a version of my friends. Ya know, just putting on a costume with a slightly different backstory. But I know that’s not the case now. You may look like them, but you aren’t them, you’re different.”
“How different am I to your friend? I believe his name was ‘Shadow’?”
Sonic chuckled. “Well for starters, he’s SOOOO serious about everything! He’s the guy to ask questions later. He calls ME a hazard, yet the times I’ve met him, he’s the one looking for trouble!”
“He sounds… interesting.” Lancelot said with a brow raised.
“Perhaps he should take lessons from you, Lancelot.” Caliburn said.
Lancelot shrugged. “Perhaps.”
The young fox came towards them. His and the king hands were locked together tightly like two pieces of a puzzle now united. The king looked tired, not like how he used to though. He was tired from crying, expelling all his energy into the fox that was much younger and smaller than him in comparison.
“… I’m sorry for what I’ve done… and what I’ve tried to do.” Blue said sorrowly. “I understand if you think less of me. But now ill be better, for everyone. Ill make up for the hurtful years I've caused.”
Lancelot scoffed. “you don't need to, because I never thought of you liked that.”
“Of course. I knew back then you weren’t yourself, and I know now that you weren’t in the right mind either.”
Blue smiled, relieved at his comment. Lancelot smiled back, but just as quickly it turned into a smug grin. “Though, I hope that something like that doesn’t happen again. I don’t want to run all the way down to the town to grab the Fox, just so you can stop whining.”
“You remember I’m your king, right?”
“Of course. Why else do you think I said those things?”
Blue couldn’t help but laugh at that, and the others soon joined in. Even though the sun had long set, things felt brighter. There was no weight of the word, no weight of guilt. Not anymore, not ever for the time to come. Things were okay now. Finally. They were. Okay…
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one-way-dream · 1 year
The King's Shadow - Ch. 3
Rating: General
Words: 4900+ (9600+ Total)
Media: Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic and the Black Knight
Pairing: Sonic/Lancelot (Sonic/Shadow)
Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Developing Feelings, Pining, Alternate Universe - Medieval (Check AO3 for any tag changes!)
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Chapter: 3/3
Link to the original work
AO3 Summary/Excerpt:
The other’s embarrassment slowly melted away into a resigned sigh, before turning into a smile; mischievous in appearance, but nothing short of putting the sun’s radiance to shame. And then Lancelot truly felt the carefree and trusting weight, the sheer warmth of the newly crowned king’s hand in his own.
And he knew more than ever that his life now belonged to him.
Author's Notes:
cheesus christ i think this is the first time i've ever finished a multichapter fic…….. a short one but multichapter nontheless….. dang
ANYWAY i hope you enjoy :] hope you heeded the warning at the end of ch1
THANK YOU FOR READING I HOPE YOU ENJOY (also thank you for 150+ kudos on ao3 that is WILD) ❤❤❤
Sonic put his quill pen down with a sigh, before quickly catching his inky mistake of leaving the near-dripping calamus exposed on the expensive desk as he scrambled to place it back in the inkwell. 
He leaned back into his extravagantly lush and velvety chair and stared up at the expanse of the accented wall, flourishing with delicate patterns and complemented by rich silk fabric in reds, blues, and golds. While he hadn’t tested it out for himself, the bedroom looked large enough for him to do laps in probably— no, definitely. Just by eyeballing the area, it was more than likely twice as large as Tails’ workshop.
At that name, the pang in his chest came back, harsher than ever before.
Sonic sighed again heavily, lacing his fingers behind his head and running his eyes up the wall until they hit the ceiling, right at the giant gunmetal-steel chandelier that seemed larger than his whole body. A sense of unease crawled through him every time he entered his bedroom; it was the only place where the other knights or Merlina weren’t allowed to visit, and thus, the loneliest place in the entire kingdom.
It was like the room was trying to swallow him whole; like it knew that he didn’t belong there, that he was an intruder bestowed with riches that didn’t belong to him – tearing out pages from the book of legends and rewriting himself into it.
He always believed in deciding his own fate, but… he couldn’t decide for the others unless they wanted it too. He couldn't change the course of their world like that just on a whim. Sonic smiles a little melancholy to himself, thinking about how that line of thinking was probably the most king-like thing he’s done thus far. After all, it wasn’t always about fighting bad guys around these parts, was it?
Even if the others did consent to his continued ruling, now he had a choice – to go back to his own time, to Shadow and the others, and let the people of this world decide their destiny, or he could stay with the kingdom, with Lancelot.
As he looked down at the two letters on his desk, one stamped with red and the other with gold wax, he knew his answer. A pressed violet rested soundly in one letter, while commands almost befitting of his soon-to-be-lost title as a king lay in the other.
Sonic took in a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut.
His gut feeling wouldn't let him down.
King Sonic had not made his nest in Avalon for very long, and yet Lancelot felt his presence permeate every inch of their lives with relative ease, making a friend out of everyone he possibly could, regardless of whether they were a peasant or noble.
Each and every townsman had felt it too, Lancelot could tell by their charmed expressions as he accompanied the king on his rounds. He’d insisted on travelling alone, putting his faith in Caliburn should anything take a turn for the worst, but his advisors were persistent. However, when Lancelot’s company was suggested to him, he was surprisingly quick to give in; one could even say that his eyes lit up, though the knight knew not to be so hopeful as to expect the king to enjoy his company above the rest. He could only hope that he didn’t greatly mind Lancelot cherishing their time together. 
Even the nobles that had once upturned their noses at the new king, relented to the fact that he was indeed unique – however, that came with a hesitancy, deciding whether or not this new king would be good for their kingdom would be judged in due time, but for now, Lancelot could breathe easy knowing they trusted him for the time being.
But still… what if the rumours were true?
Lancelot’s stomach churned at the mere thought.
The two of them passed a quaint little shop at the far end of the town’s main street, something of a food and trinket vendor that rotated their inventory every other week. They’d been struggling a lot with thieves in the past month or so, but when word got around to the king, he’d rounded up the knights to tighten up the security within the town. And then just like that, those petty thieves were a mere tale of the past.
Much like King Sonic may one day be, Lancelot thought to himself, heart sinking in his chest.
He caught a glimpse of the shop owner standing behind a stand full to the brim with apples; some spotted and bruised, but otherwise perfectly edible and polished with care. Lancelot watches with a newfound fascination as the owner exchanges a bag of seasonal berries for a small bag of what he assumed was coin.
Lancelot curiously fished around the small brown bag secured around his waist, hoping for at least a few shillings to leave behind as they walked past.
The king however, had no intention of simply passing by. He silently gave the knight the sign to wait for the exchange to finish entirely before beelining for the shop with an eager wave. Lancelot glanced to his side, quietly smiling at his king and his ever-so charitable heart of gold.
“Your highness!” The shop owner beams at the approaching hedgehog, “How do you do?”
“Not bad, not bad! I’m happy to see you doing well. Have those thieves come back?” Sonic grinned cheekily, happier and more relieved than ever to hear the shop owner be so easy going about his presence, “I wouldn’t mind giving ‘em a personal message, if ya know what I mean.”
The owner pauses for a moment at the king’s words, a perplexed expression just barely lining the features of their face as they helplessly glanced at the knight and then back at Sonic – it’s a look Lancelot knows far too well. After all, he too was guilty of bearing such an expression at Sonic’s unusual speech mannerisms at the beginning. But they seemed to adjust quickly enough, perking up again with a light laugh as they shook their head, “I think I understand, sire, but there’s no need; there hasn’t been a single robbery ever since you assigned guards to patrol the town.”
Sonic smiles, giving a thumbs up that Lancelot wasn’t sure the other understood, but took politely anyway, “Good to hear it, buddy! Keep up the good work! Oh, and here—”
He fishes through his own mostly-empty bag, frowning when he feels only one coin. He pulls out a single silver penny and lays it on the counter, “Really sorry this is all I had on me. I don’t want anything; it’s just my way of saying good luck. I think silver means good luck, anyway!”
They look back at the king, at a slight loss for words at the sudden donation before Lancelot strolls up to the king’s side and neatly places a stack of coins on the table as well. Sonic’s expression changes from surprised to pleased as he shoots him a wide smile from the side, and Lancelot makes the mistake of looking right at him. He curses himself for being drawn into his gaze, distracted, while they were in the presence of another. The knight swallows thickly and pulls away, face heating up despite not being under the harsh sunlight anymore.
It was… strange how it was sunny much more often. Or maybe it was Lancelot’s imagination.
“T-thank you… it’s truly a miracle that a king like you has come to rule our kingdom, but…” They look away, a forlorn expression on their face. Lancelot can’t fight off the icy dread nipping at his heart, his mind begging away the premonition to no avail, “Forgive me if this isn’t my place, but… I have heard rumours that you will be heading back to your world some time?”
The anxiety hits him full force once the question lands, gauntlet covered hands curling into fists at his side. He knows he can’t bear to look at the king now. Not now. But… like always, he still can’t find himself looking away from the other.
Except the flash of regret, – of sorrow and melancholy, –  in Sonic’s eyes devastates him like nothing else.
And it’s only for a moment, and not a moment longer, but it’s enough for Lancelot to understand.
“Yes, I—” He clears his throat, smiles as he scratches his head nervously, “The royal wizard, Merlina, has found a way for me to get back home.”
“I see… how much time do you have left, sire?” Lancelot almost couldn’t hear the owner’s voice over the sound of his own heartbeat.
“…I will be leaving in three days.”
For a moment, Lancelot feels nothing. Almost as if he’d been expecting it since the very moment he laid eyes on the king; but that couldn’t be true – deep down he knew that he wanted to serve King Sonic until the end of his days, and no one else. Until his final breath. Until crimson spilled and met with the soil beneath his feet in the name of honour, or until his old age finally put his battle-worn bones to rest.
But no thoughts of a peaceful or honourable death could put his mind to ease when the anguish suddenly poured in, as if the floodgates had shattered all at once.
He didn’t know what to think. What could he think when he couldn’t even figure out the source of his pain, let alone put a name to it? All he knew was that his chest hurt unbearably, and that he couldn’t bear to let go of someone like Sonic the Hedgehog.
“—H-hey, are you okay?!”
When the world came back into focus, he found both the shop owner and the king looking back at him with worried looks on their faces. Those wondrous, lively eyes so full of worry for him. For him.
Suddenly, he was overcome with the urge to laugh. Had he become so delusional to think that his feelings ever really mattered to begin with?
As a knight, he had a responsibility. And surely, as a mortal hedgehog, he had a heart. He knew well enough that he could not carry both in his hands, and so he chose to be a knight until the very end, just as he’d promised on that fateful day that he took the king’s hand and swore his life to him.   
“I’m… quite alright, my liege.”
Lancelot looked back at Sonic with all of his courage, and smiled at him with every bit of strength he could muster.
The king then sighs, face pulling into something almost irritated. Amidst the new surge of fear, Lancelot suddenly finds his wrist captured by the other as he’s pulled into a dark and damp alleyway near the back of the town, ignoring the questioning looks from the other townspeople.
He could barely make out the king’s face in the dim light from the side, but really, it was probably better this way. Although, who was he kidding? He’d already memorised his face down to the small, healed nick by the bridge of his nose that Sonic himself probably hadn’t noticed.
The king relented his grip on Lancelot’s quivering wrist, as they both stood to face each other, their backs to the walls. He huffs, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently, “Okay, what’s up?”
“I mean—” Sonic pinches the bridge of his nose, “What’s the matter? What happened? Are you not feeling well or somethin’?”
“I’m… fine, sire—”
He clicked his tongue and sighed, “Take off your helmet; it’s easier to talk to you face-to-face.”
Lancelot stiffened. He… didn’t usually take it off while outside – it made it easier to obscure his face and somehow, he just felt more comfortable having it down during patrols. But it was rare to hear the other truly ask something of him, and so he was in no position to decline as a knight serving under him. Still, before he could stop himself, he spoke, “Is that a command, sire?”
A look of hesitation flashes over Sonic’s features, opening and closing his mouth before finally sighing, letting his arms fall to the side, “I… no, it’s not. I just wanted to—” He shakes his head, looking away a little embarrassed, “Never mind, forget it.”
There’s a careful beat of silence between them.
“…Is this because I didn’t tell you first?”
The shock that ran through Lancelot’s body was vicious, heart stopping at his words. Yet he shakes his head, even though he was far from incorrect in his judgement of Lancelot. Pathetic, pathetic Lancelot.
“It isn’t like it was my right to know.” He tries to steady his voice, despite the pin-pricking sensation in his chest, “It… doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter. You’re my right-hand man. You’re— you’re the person closest to me in this whole kingdom and I…” Sonic stops himself, unaware of the way Lancelot’s heart was caught in his throat, “I wanted to tell you first. That’s why I brought you out today. I didn’t mean for you to find out like this…”
Lancelot finally breathes, the tightness in his chest alleviating a little at the king’s reassuring words. Even if he weren’t his king, Lancelot would trust and respect him all the same; he’d earned that much all on his own. And with that, he loosens the sides of his visor, sliding it all off slowly as his red and black quills trickled out. Sonic looked on with surprise, shoving down yet another pang of nostalgia and longing as he saw the other as he was, stunning ruby eyes, quiet honesty, and awe-inspiring boldness in action. Lancelot set his visor on top of an old crate pushed against the grey stone wall, before setting his sights back on the king, similarly ignoring the way his heart rate spiked at the way Sonic had his eyes set on him.
Slowly his expression falls into something a little more downcast, ears drooping as he breathes out deeply.
“I’m sorry, Lancelot. You deserve better than this.”
This time, Sonic could see how Lancelot’s eyes widened at the words, and his heart ached in wonder of how much he’d wordlessly endured until now. It must not have been easy for him, serving under such a clueless and carefree king right after dealing with the abuses of a corrupt one.
But in Lancelot’s eyes, all he could think about was the fact that someone cared enough to that extent; to reach out a hand to him in battle even when he was covered in mud and grime, to laugh with him at small things, share a meal with him, to race with him against the sweeping winds that spoke to him tales of freedom and adventure, to walk him to his quarters at the end of each wonderful and star-speckled eve. He couldn’t possibly, reasonably, ask for more.
Yet, Lancelot couldn’t help but still be mysteriously drawn into him, almost like it was magnetic.
Could he really be blamed?  
“Is, uh… is there something on my face?”
Lancelot doesn’t catch the words at first, far too lost in thought. Too lost in Sonic. Anxiety doesn’t line his breaths anymore, just for a moment, because all he can think about is deep blue and emerald. All he can think about is how he wants to reach out and touch him, make him real – as if he, too, would disintegrate before his eyes like an illusion, like the fallen King Arthur.
But Sonic wasn’t like that.
Even if he would no longer be a part of this world in a few short days, he’d never give in or fade out, stubborn as he is. He’d never disappear like that, would he?
He was all courage and stupidly charming wit and a true follower of his own heart. And perhaps that was why he had such a hold over Lancelot’s own. He was forever burned into their lives, into their memories, regardless of whether he was there to lead them as king or not.
And so he reached out, heart pounding in his chest.
“W-woah,” Sonic laughed nervously as he watched Lancelot’s hand grow closer, “Lance, what are you…?”
“What am I…?”
He paused, mind fully going blank for the first time in his life.
“Oh. There’s… ah, dirt, on your left cheek.” Lancelot fibbed as he scrabbled to pull out a handkerchief, ice running through his veins despite the way his face burned all the way up to his ears. He willed his hands to stop shaking with all his might, and brought his hand up to the other’s cheek, ignoring the wide-eyed and flustered expression the other wore, “M-may I?”
Sonic slowly nodded, unblinking as the soft cotton of Maria’s handmade handkerchief brushed his cheek. Lancelot had hoped that he bought the lie, because he didn’t know what to do if he didn’t.
He doesn’t even know what to make of his own actions, after all.
His strokes are a feather light touch on short-hair peach fur that bloomed a delightful rosy tint that Lancelot would have savoured any other time. But right now, all he could do was hold his breath and hope that the other wouldn’t catch the way he couldn’t take his eyes off of him.
With his heart in his throat, Lancelot shakily breathed out a little carelessly, making the king’s shoulders flinch at the warmth as his eyelids fluttered shut. Despite that, he hadn’t said a word about all this. The knight finally pulled away and tucked his handkerchief back in his bag, leaning until his spines met the wall. It’s only then that he realises that they met in the middle, far closer than they needed to be, and yet King Sonic still hadn’t pulled back.
He looked at the ground, eyes stinging from embarrassment. The king truly is… a wonderful person.
And Lancelot couldn’t begin to think of how despicable he himself truly was.
On the way back, they walked in silence, tension too thick to cut through with their usual easy conversation, which only pained Lancelot more knowing how little time he had left to cherish their moments together. But right now, he couldn’t fathom thinking about anything but their time in the alleyway.
Shame burned like acid inside of him.
Why… had Lancelot done that? Why couldn’t he pull away like always? He knew better than to suspect the king of using witchcraft like he did before – he just wasn’t that kind of dishonest person, and he simply wanted something then he knew that Lancelot would lay down his life for him at his word. If anything, Lancelot was at fault for doing something as disgraceful as touching the king like that, but…
More importantly…
…Why was Sonic looking at him like that?
Lancelot slides a sealed letter under Gawain’s door, stepping away just in case the door swings open. Despite him feeling apologetic, he wasn’t keen on having a face-to-face conversation, especially not after what happened the last time he tried having one.
He made his way through the winding hallways, footsteps muffled by the crimson carpet laid out before him that seemed to run endlessly. The walls were a decadent light cream, framed portraits of gold lining the walls every fifty or so metres. Lancelot had spent enough time in the castle to count just how many there were; he knew this castle like the back of his hand.
At the end of the hallway, he finds one of the guards with a letter in his hand, carefully wrapped and tied with a dark blue string that would’ve looked black to anyone else. He nods to the guard as he hands over the letter to Lancelot, although the knight has a feeling he knows where it’s from and what it’s about.
Lancelot unties the letter, the string undoing itself rather gracefully with one swift but careful tug. He reads its contents once, and then again, just to really burn it into his memory. It was King Sonic’s handwriting after all, and at this point, what did he have to lose?
A heavy feeling settles into his gut, contrasting the steady beat of his heart pounding. He couldn’t let up now – he couldn’t be afraid.    
He swallows dryly, although it does nothing to clear the lump in his throat. Both reading the letter and saying it in his mind made it real, as much as he didn’t want it to be real; today really was the final day.
Lancelot had humbly requested the king’s presence; a request that defied everything he had been taught up until his knighting. But… King Sonic was a strange one; full of life and humour and charisma, full enough that he had no such room for attachment to formalities. Each time he’d been addressed as king, there was a hint of shyness that was easily overtaken by his usual demeanour not a moment later, followed by words along the lines of, “Just call me Sonic!”.
If this had to be his last day, then Lancelot would adhere to a balance for his sake, even if it wasn’t commanded of him. He was such an unusual king, uprooting all that they’d known and creating a pact uniquely his own; to follow your heart, so that you may do good for yourself and those around you.
Any other king, Lancelot might’ve questioned those words. But King Sonic had just as much strength as he did grace and imperfections, and that made him all the more beloved to his kingdom.
He held a fondness for his king that he’d never felt for the fallen King Arthur. A fondness that feels familiar but different in many ways from his sister. A fondness that he still didn’t understand to this day.
Try as he might do his best to defend Arthur’s honour as a king, he could die for his sake, but he could never say that he would weep for him, even if he was ever good.
But… King Sonic…
He was different. He was always different.
Lancelot steps out the castle gates, Arondight tucked into its sheath by his hip and a showy confidence in each step that he wished he truly possessed. It was all just a performance; no one could begin to gauge the ache from the gaping hole in his chest as he pushed through the crowds of townsmen, gaze focused on the violet fields at far reaches of the grassy plains, right where the horizon kissed the outskirts of Camelot.
As soon as Lancelot’s shoes touched the grass at the end of the stone path, he took off at full speed. He couldn’t bear it anymore – he couldn’t bear to waste a second longer away from the king. Their king, his king, even if he could no longer remain as such. But only Lancelot would know how much he meant to him, and maybe it should simply stay that way.
The deep woods aren’t as thick or treacherous as they usually are, and it’s only after a moment that Lancelot notices the dirt path leading out. He smiled to himself as he followed it, knowing full well that the only person who could do something like running back and forth enough times to make a permanent path in the forest would be the fastest thing alive, Sonic the Hedgehog.
At the end of the clearing, he sees him, armour-free and vivid blue against the violet-spotted grass, and it takes every ounce of self control in Lancelot to not trip up over himself at the sight of the king. Even besides being undignified, he couldn’t bear to think of how he’d feel if Sonic saw and tried to help him up. He still couldn’t forget the lingering feeling of Sonic’s hand brushing against his arm from days past.
And oh, how he would miss it dearly.
When the king turns around, his expression brightens tenfold. Lancelot can’t even fight off his own smile as he approaches the other, heart thrumming against his ribcage like butterfly wings batting wildly. 
“You came.” Sonic breathes out, closing the formal distance between them. 
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. After all, it is I who requested your presence.”
“Took you long enough to finally start making demands of me.” He laughed lightly, toothy smile as charming and heart warming as always, “Too bad that… it's the last day.”
A silence treads between them; questions, hundreds of them probably, lingered in the space between whiffs of fragrant flowers and sun-kissed fur. Yet only one honest query made it past Lancelot’s lips.
“Sire…” He starts hesitantly, clearing his throat before Sonic catches onto the tremble of it, “Forgive me but, is this really what you wish?”
“I…” Sonic stops himself, shakes his head as if he can’t make himself say what he truly wants to. Lancelot wishes he would. “It's like I said, everything has its end. Every adventure has its end. I’ll… be leaving to see Merlina after this – I just wanted to see you first.”
Lancelot stops breathing for a moment as Sonic pulls out two letters from his quills, a flash of vulnerability across his expression that he just barely caught.
“This is for the next person who pulls out Caliburn,” He smiles at Lancelot though it doesn’t reach his eyes, handing him one of the letters before pulling out the letter with the gold stamp and placing it firmly in his hand, overlapping his own, “And this is for you. Please… don’t read it until later, okay?”
And before another word could be uttered from the knight, he was held in a sudden embrace, Lancelot’s body stiffening from the contact but melting into the touch within moments all the same. There was just something different about him, something he couldn’t place his finger on quite yet – something he should have been able to figure out as he felt the king’s heart race against his own bare chest.
Sonic pulled back hastily, “I couldn’t do that to you. I couldn’t do that to my… Shadow.”
“Your… shadow?” Lancelot wondered why he was referring to him with that old name again. He hadn’t heard it since they first met, so why now?
There was a fond, but melancholy look on his face, as though his eyes were searching for something beyond Lancelot.
Something, or someone, just was great as the king was.
“Yeah.” And there was that smile. “My shadow.”
This time, he looked straight at Lancelot; emerald eyes boring into his, with a voice that was drenched in a longing sadness he’d never imagined the king would bear within him. A burden Lancelot so desperately wanted to bear, so that he may alleviate his troubles. Anything to cease his suffering.
But something within him cried out, as if warning him that learning the truth behind those words would undoubtedly crush him.
“It is alright, your majesty…” Lancelot pulled farther away from his touch, already feeling the cool air creep in absence of the other’s warmth. But that was quite alright, because the cold was still familiar enough. “I think I understand.”
And then he heard the king’s breath hitch.
Till the end, he was certain; his life belonged to him.
Even as he kneeled, as he’d done so many a time before, no one’s presence filled his soul so overwhelmingly. Nor his heart so deeply.
Lancelot reached out his hand to hold the king’s in his own, just as he’d done during his inauguration. Feeling the wind begin to settle, he felt King Sonic’s hand gently slip into his with care.
He hung his head, hearing his very own heart pounding in a way he didn’t know what to make of. And over the sound of the howling wind, he heard the words…
“Thank you…” A beat of silence between them as the world stood still for just a heartbeat, “Remember that your destiny is in your hands, but… someone will come for you. I promise, Lance.”
A sharp chill ran down Lancelot’s spine as Sonic squeezed and then carefully pulled his hand away; something about his tone, the uncharacteristic vulnerability behind it, made him look up to face the king against his better judgement.
Just like before, he was gone without a trace. Without another word. 
And so Lancelot thought hard to himself, emotions running high while he remained rooted on the spot, as to what everything could mean.
Whether these feelings were ones meant between the strongest of kings and the most loyal of his knights.
Whether such ideals even applied to a king such as Sonic, who had no desire to adhere to a set-in-stone knight’s code, and would rather follow his heart.
Or whether this is what it meant to truly follow his heart. To know affection so deep, a pull stronger than what Gawain knew as honour, and what Percival knew as duty. Far stronger than what Lancelot knew as loyalty.
The blow of reality coursed through him with such a crushing force that it would only be described as heartache. Because even if that rang true, it would not be until he was gone like the wind, that Lancelot realised he had been in love with the wind itself. 
It was always destined to be a fruitless endeavour, he thought as he felt his heart fall to endless depths in his despair, and as his vision began to blur.
After all, he was a shadow of the flame that burned the brightest.
And one that went out just as quickly.
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saline-coelacanth · 11 months
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Here's the Black Knight designs for Kai and Lloyd aka Merllin (spelt with 2 L's because it's Lloyd)
The main issue I've been dealing with for these designs is how complex the outfits are normally and then I have to try and simplify them. Merlina especially has A LOT of detail in her outfit that I just couldn't include for Merllin's design. I also had to simplify Caliburn's design because if I had to draw all that detail I would probably die.
But yeah, I know I kind of spoiled it already with the fic snippet from earlier, but Kai takes Sonic's role in the story and Lloyd is Merlina. I'm probably gonna get to work on the Knights of the Round Table next, and I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be too hard to figure out who those are gonna be
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ayastronaut · 1 year
People have already made comparisons between G-Witch and The Tempest (one of my fav Shakespeare plays) but with the reveal of the Caliburn Gundam and nearing the end of the season I can't help but speculate on the ending.
We've already seen parallels between many of the major characters. Prospera and Prospero were both betrayed and exiled, raising their daughters to be dependent and obedient. Suletta and Miranda are both very kind but very sheltered and naive. Ariel and Ericht are bound to serve their masters and although the bond in each case is different, they both want to be set free. There are some minor parallels between Alonso and Delling butDelling has mostly been absent so its harder to make anything more than a surface-level comparison. Ferdinand and Miorine are very similar in the start, both being naive, at the mercy of their fathers and falling for Miranda/Suletta fairly quickly. However, Miorine gets far more agency and development as the narrative progresses.
There's also a comparison to be made between the name "The Tempest" and data storms but the former is the major inciting event and the second is shaping up to be the narrative climax.
Many of these parallels are not one-to-one but there are just too many references for me not to want to speculate on the ending. Caliburn+Suletta will go against Prospera but I think the parallels end there. Unlike in the play where Caliban, Trinculo and Sebastiano (drunkenly) attempt to attack Prospero, Caliburn will probably be the main threat to Prospera's plan. This could foreshadow a tragic ending for Suletta (pls no). Another speculation could be Prospera using the relationship between Suletta and Miorine to win her safety/freedom like Prospero does in the play. She'll probably loose but she's a little to crafty for me to be certain she'll get what she deserves. Finally, like Ariel, Eri will likely be "set free". Take that as you will.
I'm sure there will be tragedy in spades these next few episodes, and though I think Mio Mio and Suletta will make it through together and alive, they'll have to face even more traumatic events before its all over. I'm eagerly awaiting the next Suletta Sunday.
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: Black Knight Amy
Replaces: Pavitr Prabhakr / Spider-Man India Made by: @sstorminghearts; idea by @jackattack90909
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Art by sstorminghearts
"Nobody can truly achieve perfection, Caliburn. Mistakes are simply part of who we are, and nobody can make no mistakes. And what we learn from our mistakes is what makes us who we are and helps us grow as people. Well, that's how I can see it, anyway."
You can find the official reference and story for Black Knight Amy in the post linked above, and be sure to follow sstorminghearts' account. They deserve the attention for creating such an amazing concept! I'll simply sum up what was mentioned on the post here before describing her involvement here.
So basically, after Merlina's spell to revive her grandfather accidentally corrupted the Knights of the Round Table, she casted a summoning spell to bring a hero to help save the land. Normally, this would be Sonic, but this time, it was Amy who got dragged into the chaos.
Using the magical "Amulets of the Lake" Merlina granted her, which have the ability to control the Misty Lakes and their magic, she helped purify the kingdom while Merlina taught her how to use this magic to her benefit, all whilst Caliburn watched from the shadows so as not to be spotted.
This time around, Merlina STAYS a pure bean right to the end of this journey. However this time, it's Caliburn that wanted to cause a nasty change once all the Knights and King Arthur were purified. He waited until the last moment to unite with the scabbard and become a corrupted version of Excalibur.
To him, Merlina is imperfect because of her mistake, and anyone who makes mistakes is a threat to his idea of a "perfect" kingdom. He wished to wipe out Camelot and rebuild it from scratch to erase all imperfections, but thankfully, Amy and Merlina put a stop to his plans, teaching him that everyone is flawed and that imperfections are just part of who we are.
During the big explosion in More than One Universe, Amy felt this presence that was calling her to continue protecting worlds beyond hers and Camelot. And so, she re-equipped her Amulets and set out to use them to assist in protecting the OMT universe from harm.
She's also one of those who lacks a "canon event" due to never really losing anyone close to her, especially due to her branching from the official Sonic canon. Following the OMT universe being saved, she became the eighth official member of the Blur Gang thanks to her help overall.
I'm not sure if her and Sonic are a thing yet back in their universe, but who knows? Though she might be crushing more on her Honey as time is going on.
In future stories, it's shown that Amy is REALLY not a fan of the "Department of Redundancy Department" trope, like when people say terms like "PIN number", "naan bread" or "chai tea" in her hearing range, akin to Pavitr disliking it, alongside Indian stereotypes. OMT!Tails, Sleet AND Crimtake all end up falling afoul of this at different points by complete accident.
OMT!Tails: Chai tea, huh? BK!Amy: Tails! "Chai" means "tea"! It's like you're saying "tea tea"! Would I ask you for a "coffee coffee" with a side of "cream cream"? O-Oh! Sorry, heh. Got a little carried away there. (Many More Heroes case) Crimtake: I'm on a journey of, er... self-improvement! Yeah, that's it. BK!Amy: And you came to Shamar of all places to do so? Are you trying to invoke one of those Western culture clichés, or something? Crimtake: Wait, nonono! That isn't what I meant! BK!Amy: So, what next? You're gonna ask me about saffron? Or cardamom? Or "naan bread", the exact same way of saying "bread bread" or trying to say "chai tea"? Crimtake: Ooh, I love chai tea! BK!Amy: NOT YOU TOO!!!
In Many More Heroes, she ended up almost being forced into a sadistic choice; helping save a train her Sonic was helping out, saving Merlina from an oncoming storm, or saving a little girl from harm's way. Under normal circumstances, this would've caused her "canon event", but OMT!Tails being there to help put this right by ensuring all three of them could split the responsibilities evenly.
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This brave act got BK!Amy closer to OMT!Tails and more inspired to help him stop LM!Sonic and Crimtake and defy the canon expectations. And even after that, she was happy to be on hand to help save the day with the rest of the Blur Gang, feeling more and more renewed with each passing day.
If you have any questions related to Black Knight Amy, be sure to ask sstorminghearts about it, since they know more about the character than I do.
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nightsong-vp · 2 months
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❤️ OC Storytime ❤️ This may be a super weird ship for some ppl. but I love to see Faith Valerie with Wade aka Mr. Hands :3 She's always been more into "older" and more mature guys, after her failed relationship with Kerry, she was heartbroken but Wade soon made her smile again.... ❤️ The Story of Mr. Hands & Faith Valerie
How they met and how their relationship started:
While Faith Valerie was doing business in Dogtown, she finally met the mysterious "Mr. Hands" Wade Bleecker, in person. Of course he already knew exactly who she was. He was also well informed about her "personal circle", her friendship with the nomands, her relationship with Kerry Eurodyne, Night City biggest Rockstar and last but not least: the attack on Arasaka.
Faith Valerie started doing gigs for him, he trusted her with very important clients and the more she worked for him, the more time went on -  the more she noticed that something's changed in the way Mr. Hands looked at her. Not only he looked at her differentely, he also gave her only the best gigs.
As soon as the relationship with Kerry ended, Faith Valerie began to spend more time with Mr. Hands. She sometimes stayed in his domain after a mission for a little talk, sometimes they discussed biz or talked about the newest events in Night City.
As time passed by, Mr. Hands became more unhinged about his feelings towards her. He sent her flowers, wine, diamonds - he was eager...  Faith Valerie wasn't too interested at first - Eddies mean nothing to her, she only needs them to survive... She could not see the gentleman behind all the money and the fame. Also her relationship with the sucessfull artist and everlasting rockerboy Kerry made her cautious about famous people and being in the spotlight. She does not like that much attention, especially not the whole city watching her relationship. But things with Hands changed at one point. And it weren't the diamonds, the money or the overall very large amount of eddies she made while working for him... it was HIM. It seemed, that Faith Valerie also grew feelings for him.
On a very rainy evening, Faith Valerie was returning from a gig in Dogtown and wanted to discuss some details with Mr. Hands for her next mission and maybe have a little smalltalk, as usual. As she entered his domain, he was sitting there on the couch as if he waited for her. He smiled when she walked through the door but there was also a serious hint in his eyes.
"Faith. I know, you must have had a hard day. Please, let us have one drink together and just talk a little. There's no need for discussing business today. Today we're going out! Let's go downstairs in the club. I know someone here -  that's why we get VIP treatment." he smirked. Faith Valerie couldn't hide a smile. And she was so ready for a drink or two.
"Kay. But let me dress right up for this. I'm back in 45 minutes." she said. 'Guess nothing wrong with two chooms drinking a glass together' she thought when she drove to her apartement. After a quick shower and a even quicker tour through her closet (time was running :D), she was all dressed and styled up and drove back to the club.... one question crossed her mind, while she drove her Caliburn through the Dogtown-Border: 'what has this night to offer?'
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liminalpsych · 1 year
Development of Arthur - Geoffrey of Monmouth
1138 - Historia regum Britanniae and 1150 - Vita Merlini, by Geoffrey of Monmouth
Physical appearance
In battle, wore "a golden helmet with the carved likeness of a dragon upon the crest"
Carried the shield Pridwen, "which had the image of blessed Mary, Mother of God, painted upon it, keeping him always mindful of her"
Wielded Caliburn, "greatest of swords, which had been made in the isle of Avalon"
In his right hand during battle, carried the spear known as Ron, "long and broad and keen in warfare"
At 15 years old, described as "a youth of outstanding virtue and largesse. His innate goodness made him exhibit such grace that he was beloved by all the people". Possessed "both great courage and generosity".
"Such an outstanding man that no one could match him in virtue" according to Merlin
Takes counsel from advisors and vassals, listens to them, takes their advice into consideration.
Willing to engage in mercy if asked sufficiently, but more inclined to mercilessness as a default, and swift to punish treachery. E.g.: let the surrendering Saxons go back to Germany, then hanged all the Saxon hostages when the Saxons turned back around and attacked the Briton countryside. E.g.: had made the decision to let none of the Picts and Scots live, but the bishops and clergy of those lands approached him and begged for mercy, such that "pity finally moved him to tears".
Fierce fighter and battle-leader, even at a young age, often even rushing into the front lines to inspire and rally the troops and successfully killing… lots of men. (470, in one of his first campaigns.)
Loyal and protective of his vassals.
Rejoiced at being universally feared after his conquests, and desired to "submit all Europe to his rule", so he conquered Norway, Denmark, and Gaul (over the course of a 9-year campaign). Eventually also fought and defeated the forces of Rome (though didn't get to conquer all of Rome due to Mordred interrupting by taking over Britain).
Unhesitant to accept single combat, and would even seek out challenges (for example, fighting two different giants in single combat and winning). "For King Arthur possessed such strength and courage that he scoffed at bringing the entire army against such monsters. He wanted to impress his men by vanquishing the creature himself" and so would do stuff like get Bedivere and Kay to steal away with him so he can fight a giant in single combat
Eloquent and well-spoken, able to give speeches "bedecked with a truly Ciceronian eloquence".
Intelligent and well-educated.
Had a portentous dream (about a dragon and bear fighting), not very good at interpreting it though.
Reasonably devout Christian.
Wife: Guinevere, "from a noble Roman family", who had been brought up in the household of Duke Cador of Cornwall and "surpassed all the other women of the isle in beauty."
Mother: Igerna, married to Gorlois the duke of Cornwall when Arthur was conceived. Her "beauty surpassed that of all the other women of Britain".
Father: Uther Pendragon, who was disguised as Gorlois when Arthur was conceived, then later married Igerna after Gorlois' death. Poisoned to death by the Saxons after defeating them. Buried in Stonehenge (the "Ring of Giants") next to his brother Aurelius.
Sister: Anna, "whose sons and grandsons will later rule the kingdom of Britain" per Merlin's prophecy. Married Loth of Lothian, lord of Leis, "a most experienced soldier, wise and mature".
Another sister? Possibly a half-sister from Igerna and Gorlois? Unclear and unnamed, but married Budicus the king of the Armorican Britons over in what's now part of France.
Nephew: Hoel, king of the Armorican Britons. Arthur and Hoel were very fond of one another, "united by love and a common blood", and Hoel was a strong ally. Arthur dropped everything to rally to his rescue when he was ill and besieged, and they showed affection to each other more than Arthur is described as doing with anyone else in Geoffrey's narrative. (I get the sense based on the timeline and interactions that they're of similar ages, but I don't have evidence of that.)
Nephew: Gawain, son of Loth of Lothian and Arthur's sister Anna.
Nephew: Mordred, son of Loth of Lothian and Arthur's sister Anna.
Brother-in-law: Loth of Lothian, Earl of Lothian and King of Norway
Paternal uncle: Constans, eldest brother of Uther, prior king of Britain before Vortigern and Vortimer, former monk, puppet of Vortigern, deceased before Arthur's birth.
Paternal uncle: Aurelius Ambrosius, older brother of Uther, prior king of Britain after Vortigern and before Uther, deceased before Arthur's birth.
Grandfather: Constantine, king of Britain before Constans, deceased before Arthur's birth
Grandmother: Unnamed woman from a noble family "who Guithelin had personally raised"
Arthur's birth prophesied by Merlin to Uther, along with the birth of his sister Anna.
Conceived at Tintagel Castle in Cornwall when Uther lay with Igerna while disguised by Merlin as her husband Gorlois, who he was at war with at the time (because he wanted Igerna).
Uther and Igerna marry shortly thereafter, as Gorlois died in battle while Uther and Igerna were conceiving Arthur. They "lived together as equals bound by mutual affection".
Arthur's sister Anna is born to Uther and Igerna.
Uther becomes ill and places Loth of Lothian in charge of the armies to fight the invading Saxons. Uther is carried in a litter to command the battle when Loth is unable to command the Britons successfully, manages to mostly succeed until the Saxons assassinate him by poisoning a spring.
The leaders of the various provinces of Britain ask Archbishop Dubricius of Caerleon to crown 15-year-old Arthur as king.
Arthur "upheld the ancient custom" of gift-giving to soldiers who joined him until he ran began to run out of gifts, so then he attacked the Saxons to distribute their riches among his men.
Drove out the Saxons, then also the Picts, Scots, and Irish from Britain (the Britain of the time, which is now Wales and some of England).
Rebuilt the churches that the Saxons had destroyed.
Married Guinevere.
Subdued Ireland and Iceland, and then the kings of Gotland and Orkney surrendered to him before they could get invaded.
12 years of peace, during which Arthur invited "all the bravest men from the farflung reaches of his domain to join his household," and cultivated "such refinement in his court so that people far and wide sought to emulate it," and "every young nobleman was tempted to hang himself unless he could dress or bear arms like the knights of King Arthur's court".
Possibly around this time is when Arthur fights the giant Retho atop Mount Aravius, when Retho challenges him to single combat to add to Retho's kingly beard collection? (Retho was collecting beards of kings to make a fur coat.) Timeline is unclear here.
Conquers Norway and Denmark. Establishes Loth as king.
Spends 9 years conquering Gaul, holds court at Paris, gives Neudtria (Normandy) to Bedivere and gives the province of Anjou to Kay.
Big fancy feast/tournament/celebration at Caerlon, is ceremoniously bestowed the royal crown. Rome sends a delegation to threaten Britain, tell Arthur to come to Rome in August, and that Britain still owes Rome tribute. The Britons are outraged, Arthur tells Rome they should give Britain tribute instead.
Rome advances towards Britain. Arthur leaves Britain under custodianship of Mordred and Guinevere and invades Rome.
Arthur sneaks off with Bedivere and Kay to fight and kill an unnamed giant in single combat while waiting in Gaul for the rest of his armies to arrive.
The Britons defeat the Roman forces somewhere between Paris and Rome. Arthur winters in the Allobroges, continuing to conquer the area, and wants to cross the mountains to invade Rome when summer comes.
Arthur receives word that Mordred has "proven himself to be a tyrant and a traitor", seized the throne of Britain, and "now took his wicked pleasure with Guinevere, who had broken her marriage vows".
Arthur returns to Britain and wages war against Mordred, who's allied with the Scots, Picts, Irish, and Saxons. Guinevere joins the nuns at a church in Caerleon when hearing of Arthur's arrival and victories.
~542 C.E.: Battle of Camlann. Mordred is killed Arthur is carried off by Merlin, Barinthus, and maybe others to Avalon to be healed by Morgen. Constantine, son of Duke Cador of Cornwall, becomes king.
Other notes
"The Boar of Cornwall" in Merlin's prophecies refers to Arthur.
Most described court events were at Tintagel or Caerleon.
Merlin does not show up in Arthur's story after his conception. In "The Life of Merlin", Merlin implies that he helped bring Arthur's body to Avalon as well.
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winterpinetrees · 4 months
This is 1500 words. Tumblr is infectious and the symptom is “write about your ocs and post it online”. I don’t think I’m even using consistent tenses, but it exists. @caliburn-the-sword and @lokiwaffles, this is for you and also your fault.
There was no way that the computer on the table was making it to the end of the road trip. Sierra has her (heavily modified, like the car) laptop on open to a google map of West Coast highways. The rich kids have been arguing over it for half an hour. In that time, their acquaintance had (re?) introduced himself. His name was Martin, his family was somewhere in the elaborate network of power that the boys had grown up in, and details weren’t important. The important thing was where they were going next.
“We should go south to Los Angeles, and then west. That way we’ll be in the desert for the solstice and have the most hours of daylight.” That was Clay’s plan. He had a goal to visit as many national parks as possible.
“If we do that, we’ll be in the desert for the hottest part of the summer! We go north on route 101 and follow the ocean all the way to the Canada border”. Brian explains for at least the fifth time.
“You only want to follow the ocean because you’ll die if you go a summer without surfing” Clay replies.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. We can go to Redwoods!”
“We live in San Francisco. We have been to Redwoods a dozen times”.
“And they rock! Those trees are thousands of years old. We can drive the car through a tree.”
Martin speaks for the first time in a while. “The hottest part of the summer isn’t the solstice. It’s a few weeks after that. Anyway, the Mojave desert will be miserable until October. You want to go north”. They’d almost forgotten he was there. It was a little shocking. The boy carried himself with confidence that didn’t feel like it should be ignored.
Clay immediately yields. “Fine. We go north to Redwoods.”
The boys put away their things and walk outside. Martin -Marin, whoever he is- follows behind them. Telling him to leave was unthinkable. Literally, the thought never crossed their minds. They walk down smaller, empty streets. Oddly empty. Well, it isn’t good weather, and that mild earthquake two days must have everyone a bit nervous. That must be the reason. Brian keeps looking over his shoulder though, especially as the fog grows and their visibility drops.
Sierra fidgets with the zipper of her sweatshirt. “Why is the fog so thick? It’s the afternoon?”
It shouldn’t have been a big deal, but there was also movement, and lights down a side street. Sierra’s vision flashes electric blue. She knows that humans sometimes see blue light when exposed to high amounts of radiation (It’s called Cherenkov Radiation, but where would it come from?) but she also remembers a rumor that a strange glow might be your only warning if supernatural danger is near. She reaches for Brian. The taller boy has already stepped away to stare down their strange acquaintance, but Martin looks even more afraid than they do. He swings the messenger bag off of his shoulder. “I’m sorry I dragged all of you into this. You need to run”.
Brian takes another step towards him. “Dragged us into what?”
Sierra finally grabs his arm. “I think I know. Run.”
By this point, Clay is already fifteen feet away from them. Brian does not run. Instead, he and his friend watch as -somehow- Martin reaches an entire arm into his small bag. He spins on his heels and draws an entire quarterstaff. His ears grow pointed, his hazel eyes begin to glow, and as if waiting for that signal, four figures step out of the fog.
They are from a different genre. That’s the only explanation. The soldiers around them hold glowing guns and shining blades and wear helmets that completely cover their faces. Lines of colored light run underneath the silver plates of their armor, which seems made for speed instead of true protection. One, tall and thin and wearing the electric blue that Sierra recognized, dashes at Clay fast enough that they are only visible as a blur. They have the human boy in a chokehold within a second. Another, more broad and colored pale yellow, turns to Martin and yells something in a language that is very much not English.
He throws his messenger bag at the remaining humans. “Grab the gun and turn the dial all the way to the left. We win or we die!”
Martin turns back to his attacker and snarls a reply in the same language. He drops into a fighting stance and briefly flickers like a hologram. Brian catches the bag and they finally run, ducking behind a car parked on the street. He passes the bag to Sierra, who puts the entire top half of her body inside, “It’s bigger on the inside! ...wait”. (She refuses to die making a Doctor Who reference).
The bag is at least the size of their car. She hears the sci-fi sounds of guns firing outside and pulls the rest of her body in. Sierra grabs a gun, hopefully the one Martin told him to, and crawls back out. The gun is pretty big, more like a rifle than a phaser, and she needs both hands to aim it. It’s a difficult task. The five elves in the fight are all moving faster than they should, and her acquaintance (ha) keeps blinking in and out of sight. Sierra checks to make sure that the dial is to the left (Is that the stun setting or the kill setting? What is she about to do?) and fires the moment one of the faceless soldiers pauses for breath.
A blast of emerald green energy shoots out of the gun and nearly misses the figure. Instead, it hits the soldier just above the elbow and all but takes off their left arm. They fall to one knee, then disappear with a faint pop and a bit of cobalt blue light. Simultaneously, the kickback sends Sierra to the ground. Brian picks up the gun and fires a useless shot. He manages to stay standing, at least. Three enemies remain. The speedy blue soldier who knocked out (Brian can’t let himself think about the alternative) Clay, the yellow leader, and a short cyan one that has raised its gun at- oh no. Brian ducks back behind the car and reaches back into the bag as light sears the air right above his head.
The boys hiding behind the car look at eachother and reach a silent agreement. Sierra takes back the gun. Their inhuman ally seems to be winning, at least. He’s impossibly fast and is keeping up with all three opponents. With the cyan one distracted, Martin takes the opportunity and does something magical that leaves the soldier on the ground. They vanish with a pop, and unlike Martin, don’t come back. Clay, thank god, starts moving again. He makes eye contact with Sierra just as the blue soldier knocks Martin’s staff from his hands. The prince looks towards the humans behind the car. He seems terrified. The leader charges at him, holding their shortsword in a backward grip. They say something again, quietly, and Martin doesn’t respond. He tries to vanish again, but some magical pulse from the leader reveals his location. A blue blur knocks Martin to the ground and points its gun at his head.
Sierra tosses her own gun at Clay, and Brian vaults over the hood of the car towards the fight. He is still holding the bag in his left hand. The leader notices the 6’3”, adrenaline-fueled teenager running at him and turns away from Martin. Wild humans, even untrained ones, are very dangerous. Brian pulls something heavy from the bag as a sword swings at him. He dodges the weapon on instinct and feels the edge of a blade skim his chest. He lifts whatever it is he’s holding. A club? A crowbar? Brian holds it in both hands like a baseball bat and swings like his father is watching. The bat connects. He brings twenty pounds of pointed steel down with arms that can hit a baseball at 100mph. The armor over the soldier’s chest cracks- and so do the bones. They gasp and their armor begins to glow far more brightly. Brian is close enough to see two blindingly bright eyes behind their dark faceplate. Then a bolt of energy hits the soldier in the back and the light fades. They sway for a moment and fall with their sword still clutched in their hand. Clay glares at the body over the barrel of his gun. He adjusts his glasses without blinking.
The blue soldier is gone as well, also having been shot while Brian charged his enemy. The street is quiet again. The fog begins to lift. All four of them cautiously move towards the fallen leader lying face down on the pavement. Whatever these soldiers are, they bleed red just like humans do.
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gritsandbrits · 8 months
OCtober Day 1: Introduction
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Found a cute little prompt for OCtober so I decided to do one for mine!!
Gwynn: Gwynn is one of three main OCs in my Shrek Canon. She is a dancer and barmaid at the Poison Apple, and Charming's love interest. Gwynn's shrewd free thinker knowledgeable in many things from politics to mime language. However this also makes her uptight, brash and a bit of a know-it-all. She also had a contempt for Happily Ever Afters before rediscovering her passion for singing.
Rhodanthe is Artie's best friend and love interest. She's a shy and mellow young lady with a stubborn side and a knack for healing magic. As the designated Lady of the Swan Lake her job is protecting magical creatures including ogres. She can transform into a swan at will. While Rho is nice, she tends to doubt herself and can be too trusting. She loves to sing, paint and write, and has extensive knowledge of plants and fauna. I created her so that Artie could have a real friend and to show you don't need to punch people or be aggressive to be a great hero. Oh and she can fight with a sword - bit of an oxymoron but Someone has to keep that braggart Lancelot in check!
Bruce is the final main OC and the villain, Real name Uther Pendragon. He's your hypermasculine, dashing rogue whose taste for women equals his taste for blood. Underneath all that "Be A Real Man" persona lies an apathetic coward who refuses to take responsibility for his actions, and holds a petty grudge against Harold for who he believes stole his rightful place. He neglected his duties in Camelot in favor of walking the Earth in search of the next conquest, resulting in Artie disowning him for good. Bruce also once dated Fairy Godmother, and it's implied but not confirmed that Charming is also his son. Bruce uses Caliburn to transform into a juiced up version of himself, essentially making himself an evil bitchy version of He-Man.
Prompt by @/ohprcr on Twt
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morganlefaye79 · 11 months
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I was tagged by @chevvy-yates and @kittynomsdeplume thank you both! 💛💜
I'm back on my Valaire/Kerry longfic and I'm gonna crack the 15k with the next chapter 🥰
So in the bext chapter Valaire will meet Kerry's kids for the first time, needless to say he is quite nervous, and Kerry is not much help.
When we rode through the gate, I couldn’t see anyone. A table was set up in the garden, nicely decorated for dinner. I frowned, it was way too much for just a barbecue. Kerry must have seen my face and he commented, “That’s my girl, always more effort than necessary.” “So, in your language, she is just as much of a perfectionist as you are.” “It sounds like a bad thing when you say it like that.”  “Sometimes it is.” “Tsk” Was the only thing Kerry had for an answer. “They are probably waiting for us inside.” Kerry parked the Caliburn next to his Guinevere, “I miss my car.” “You mean your brick on wheels?” I grinned widely because I knew I could poke him with that. “I’m old, I care for my safety. Your car is a hellspawn.” “That’s exactly why I love it.” “Ted would agree with you, last time he asked me if he could have a ride. I didn’t allow him to take your Caliburn of course.” “Why not? This is a fun car.” “Don't give him ideas! He can have a car, I don’t care, but not one like this. He gets himself killed.” “You’re no fun, old man!” I snorted. I was just making jokes, of course I wouldn’t give a young man a Caliburn when they don’t have enough practice with cars. “I’m a dad, I’m not supposed to be fun. That’s what stepdad’s are for!”  My grin suddenly vanished, I had never thought about this before, but he was right, I was in fact kind of their stepdad. “Thanks, now I’m nervous again.”
Tagging without pressure:
@ghostoffuturespast @gloryride @wanderingaldecaldo @jaymber @genocidalfetus
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darknessawaits28 · 23 days
Get your head in the game Choomba- Cyberpunk 2077 Pt. 1
*Phone ringing*
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"V here."
"Hey V, it's River, wanted to ask if you was free?"
"At the moment...yeah I'm free....what's up?" V smiled as she drove her cotton candy colored Caliburn down the freeway at 120 miles per hour.
"Uh...wanted to invite you over for dinner at Joss's....if you can make it?"
"Huh, dinner, that sounds interesting."
"Yeah...we'll be waiting...hope to see you."
"I'll be there River, no need to pout."
River laughed on the other side of the phone call before hanging up and getting himself ready; aka showering, putting on some nice cologne and clothes for V.
As V continued to drive, Johnny magically appeared next to her, glaring daggers at her. "What now Johnny?"
"Nothing, I just am laughing internally because you don't seem to notice what is going to happen next" Johnny gagged a bit, knowing for a fact that V was going to fuck River tonight.
"Excuse me, what happens to my body is my choice Johnny, you're just a passenger" V grumbled as she changed lanes to head to the Red Peaks' Trailer Park.
"You sure about that?" Johnny smirked as he lifted his right hand, forcing V to do the same with her right hand.
"Fuck Johnny, stop it, I'm driving at high speeds, you wanna kill us both!" V shouted worriedly as she held the wheel with her left hand.
"Pull up by Kendall park" Johnny ordered.
V rolled her eyes as she got control back in her right arm and turned into the wrong exit, heading to this so called park. As she pulled into the parking lot, she parked her car, glaring angrily at Johnny. "You could've seriously killed us you fuck head!"
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"Relax, you're a good driver, I wouldn't have done that if you weren't" Johnny snickered, pulling off his glasses and putting them on the dashboard.
"Okay...so now what?" V sighed, hoping that this was quick because she had to get to River's place soon.
"V....I just.....ugh....I don't....whatever....".
"Come on, spill" V chuckled, crossing her arms as she waited for the whole pep talk he was going to give her.
"I just...after all this time we've been together V.....I'm starting to fall for you....more and more." "I mean not just because of your clusterfuck of hormones you have...but because you're such a great friend to me" Johnny admitted.
V, taken aback by his response, sat there in silence, trying to figure out what the fuck to say. "Johnny I....-" she gulped. "How would this even work?" "Not trying to be a bitch in this moment but you're just a relic in my brain, how can we be together?"
Johnny nodded, giving her a side smirk, "I used to know a girl that would always brag that she can copy engram's and clone them into a body." "We could see if she's still alive or find someone that can do that."
"Johnny, seriously, now you tell me this, after all this time of you being in my fucking brain!"
"Hey, hey, hey, they're not gonna actually fix you up and take the relic out of your slot, but they can like slice a part of the relic and make a copy of my signature." "I think the copy can last up to two weeks but that's it."
V groaned angrily as she rubbed her temples, trying to figure out what should she do next. "Fuck, let me go to River's at least, have some dinner, and then we bounce; sound good?"
"He's gonna try and fuck you V, I saw it in his eyes" Johnny chuckled, grabbing his shades and putting them back on.
"I mean he is hotter than the Sahara desert" V bite her bottom lip in a sexy manner, causing Johnny to take control of her right hand and make her slap herself.
"What the fuck, Johnny!?" V jumped slightly, Johnny beginning to laugh hysterically.
V simply rolled her eyes and put her car in reverse and headed out of the parking lot to the trailer park where River asked to meet her.
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