#raja krishnappa bairya
ramcharantitties · 2 years
Lil bitch boy is mad his pose and gun got taken
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@burningsheepcrown do you like it it was inspired by your style
@infusedchaos @yehsahihai @rambheemlove @zaddylokiandthorsimp @rambheemisgoated @thewinchestergirl1208 @budugu @dumdaradumdaradum
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milla984 · 2 years
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Rocky meets Ramika Sen K.G.F. Chapter 2 (2022)
@ramcharantitties, @nyotamalfoy, @thewinchestergirl1208, @vidhurvrika, @theclumsypanda, @raajali3
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aaric-s-haven · 2 years
How Does it Feel Raja
Aka a Rocky x Male!OC nobody asked for but I wrote cuz I have this urge to write more kgf fanfiction as there is barely any
Set after kgf 1, canon after that takes all lil trip to idc where
“How does it feel Azaan?" Rocky asked in the mocking imitation of the question he had had to face every single time when the man in question would manage to get away from him. Currently he had him pinned beneath him in a way even the most slippery eel would have to admit defeat. 
Rocky had met Azaan a few months ago on one of his trips to Russia. He had been playing a bunch of his stupid bodyguards into a debt that even the next three of their generations would have been unable to repay. Of course the meat heads had decided that the best course of action was to eliminate the man. Which proved to be a mistake. Like an ant to sugar, Rocky had been attracted. They were meat heads but they were HIS meat heads. Vanaram would not even bear the thought of anything lesser than the bestest killers in the whole subcontinent serving as his protection. What he had found was the supposed best protectors hospitalized, taken out eight against one. The bill had already been paid by the one who landed them there. His team had managed to track the mystery fighter down and Rocky himself had flown in to confront him.
To everyone’s surprise and Vanaram’s offended dismay, he hadn’t gone there to get vengeance. See he had a simple rule, he needs to be on top. At all times. Top of the food chain with everything that is the best in the world, guns, jobs, men, women. Even his fling with Reena had happened because she was singularly the most arrogant and fiery rich brat in Bangalore. Rocky had tried preserving what he had felt for her, though getting together with her wasn’t his intention when he kidnapped her. That was a fear tactic for her father. And he had loved the layers of her that he had started seeing, the strength, the playfulness, the care and the anger. Unfortunately she was not used to his brutality. He had let her go after the threat of her father had been eliminated.
Now this man, this one man army that had managed to injure his men heavily enough yet hadn't killed a single one, he wanted this man. As his guard or commander or what he didn’t know. But he clearly was one of the best and so instead of putting a bullet in his head when they surrounded him, he offered him a seat. First thing he noticed about the other man was his eyes, they seemed a normal brown but kept shifting into darker shades that made him look as unhinged as Rocky in the depths of his bloodlust. He had a slighter and shorter frame, Rocky was built like a wall, Azaan was all lean muscles and grace. At a passing glance, he would be brushed off as a non threat. But quite obviously he was not a non threat. He was a good enough threat to fight Rocky himself to a standstill and show a finger at any and all ambition. He was an enigma and Raja Krishnappa Bairya was nothing if not a curious man who couldn’t keep his fingers to himself. And Azaan turned out to be the kind of motherfucker who got a kick out of nearly dying and out of dancing on the head of an angry animal.
Azaan smirked and moved his head up towards him instead of down, getting close enough that their breaths mingled. Rocky refused to move back. In his long twenty nine years of life, moving back was not an action he had been able to learn. So even though his breath had effectively started malfunctioning without his fucking permission, he stared right back into the asshole’s stupidly magnetic eyes, with a sinking feeling that he was whipped however hard he tried to fight it. And fight he did. Every single one ending with the damned question.
“How does it feel, Raja?”
How does it feel to not be able to win every fight, to not get everything you want… how does it feel to have everything so close to you yet not in your hands…
A positively disturbing smile crept up Azaan’s face before he closed the distance between them and awkwardly brought their lips together. Raja lost his grip on Azaan as well as reality as his brain struggled to process what was happening. In that second, the other man had not only freed his hands and gripped his locks to make it a proper kiss but also used his lack of concentration to roll them over. He had bit and coaxed his way into his mouth with him subconsciously responding right back. By the time his brain had stopped showing error, the little shit had moved off of him and had already started walking backwards towards the exit. Grinning down at him as he tried to collect enough words to form a sentence, he asked the question again, this time slightly different.
“How did that feel, Raja?”
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pottermeow22 · 2 years
Peḷli cēsukuṇṭāvā, baṅgāraṁ?
Rating: Not Rated
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: ಕೆ.ಜಿ.ಎಫ್ | K.G.F (Movies)
Relationships: Rocky/Reena, Rocky 'Raja' Krishnappa Bairya/Reena Desai
Characters: Rocky/Raja Krishnappa Bairya, Reena Desai, Rajendra Desai, Kamal Bhargav
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Marriage Proposal, Arranged Marriage, Fix-It of Sorts, Tags will be modified as it goes on
Summary: An Alternate Universe fic with context to KGF chapter 2, this explores the 'what if' of what would have happened if Rocky had chosen to come for Reena himself. And makes a pretty last second appearance at that, at Reena's rushed wedding to one Kamal Bhargav.
Language: English
Published: 2022-06-19 Updated:2022-06-19
Words:3161 Chapters:1/? Hits:0
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popmovie888 · 2 years
K G F Chapter 1 เคจีเอฟ วีรบุรุษเหมืองทองโกลาร์ (2018) ซับไทย
ตัวอย่างหนัง K G F Chapter 1 เคจีเอฟ วีรบุรุษเหมืองทองโกลาร์ (2018) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KfsY-qwBS0 เรื่องย่อ K G F Chapter 1 เคจีเอฟ วีรบุรุษเหมืองทองโกลาร์ (2018) K G F Chapter 1 เคจีเอฟ วีรบุรุษเหมืองทองโกลาร์ (2018) หนังสือ El Doradoของผู้สื่อข่าว Anand Ingalagi ซึ่งมีเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับเรื่องที่Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) ระหว่างปี 1951 ถึง 2018 ถูกสั่งห้ามโดยรัฐบาลประเทศอินเดีย แม้กระนั้นช่องข่าวสารทีวีหาสำเนารวมทั้งสัมภาษณ์เขา ในปีพุทธศักราช 2494 ข้าราชการของเมืองได้ศึกษาค้นพบแร่ ทอง ในเมือง Mysore ทางตอนใต้ ซึ่งในวันเดียวกันนั้น Raja Rocky Krishnappa Bairya ได้เกิดขึ้นในสตรีที่ยังไม่บรรลุนิติภาวะอย่าง Shanti ดวงอาทิตย์วรรธน์ หัวหน้ากลุ่มผู้กระทำผิดกฎหมายที่มีอานุภาพซึ่งตามข้าราชการมาฆ่ารวมทั้งเช่าที่ดิน 99 ปี โดยกล่าวถึงว่าเป็นการวิ่งของนราชิหินปูนของฉัน แต่ว่าริเริ่มตั้งขึ้น KGF อย่างลับๆเขามีผู้มาร่วมงานห้าคน: Rajendra Desai ผู้ดูแลการขนส่งทองแท่งที่ผ่านผู้กระทำลั่น; Kamal ลูกชายของ Rajendra Desai; แอนดรูว์ ผู้ดูแลการลักขโมยลอบค้าทองในริมตลิ่งตะวันตกของประเทศ Guru Pandian ประธานพรรค DYSS ในรัฐบาล; แล้วก็ Adheera พี่ชายของ Suryavardhan ซึ่งเป็นหัวหน้าหน่วยรักษาความปลอดภัย KGF Suryavardhan มีอาการป่วยด้วยอัมพาตแล้วก็แต่ง Garuda ลูกชายคนโตของเขาให้เป็นผู้สืบสกุลในอนาคตของ KGF Suryavardhan มุ่งมาดให้ Adheera ปฏิบัติหน้าที่เป็นผู้ช่วยของลูกชาย แต่ว่า Adheera พากเพียรลอบฆ่า Garuda ไม่เป็นผลสำเร็จ ในทางตรงกันข้าม Garuda ก็ระเบิดรถยนต์ของ Adheera แล้วก็คาดคะเนว่าเขาเสียชีวิตแล้ว สมัยก่อนเพื่อนร่วมงานของ Suryavardhan กำลังจับตาความมั่งคั่งของ K G F Chapter 1 เคจีเอฟ วีรบุรุษเหมืองทองโกลาร์ (2018) ร็อคกี้มาถึงเมืองบอมเบย์เมื่ออายุได้ 10 ขวบเพื่อสืบเสาะหาความร่ำรวยรวมทั้งอำนาจดังที่เฉลียงตำหนิอยากได้ รวมทั้งเริ่มดำเนินการให้กับเช็ตตี้ นักลักลอบค้าทองแล้วก็ผู้ใต้บังคับบัญชาของแอนดรูว์ ซึ่งชิงชัยกับคู่แข่งขันอย่างอินายัต ค้างลิลในดูไบ นับเป็นเวลาหลายปีถัดมา เขาได้รับตำแหน่งรวมทั้งดูแลการมาถึงของ ทองแท่ง แอฟริกันที่ริมฝั่งบอมเบย์ อิทธิพลของร็อคกี้เริ่มที่จะเป็นคู่ต่อสู้กับเชตตี้ แอนดรูว์ที่มองเห็นร็อคกี้เสนอตัวให้บอมเบย์เพื่อแลกเปลี่ยนกับการลอบฆ่าการูด้า ร็อคกี้สารภาพคำแนะนำและก็มุ่งหน้าไปยังบังกาลอร์; เขาได้เจอกับ Reena บุตรสาวของ Desai หลงเสน่ห์คุณแล้วก็ไล่หลังคุณให้สารภาพเขา ทำให้ Kamal น้องชายของคุณรู้สึกผิดหวังมากมาย มีการจัดพิธีการเปิดรูปปั้นเพื่อล่อครุฑออกมาจาก KGF แม้กระนั้นความพากเพียรนั้นกลับเลี่ยงก่อนจะเริ่ม ร็อคกี้เป็นผู้เห็นเหตุการณ์ถึงอำนาจและก็อำนาจที่ครุฑสั่ง เมื่อมองไม่เห็นช่องทางอื่นสำหรับเพื่อการฆ่าครุฑ ร็อคกี้ก็เลยเดินทางไปยังเคจีเอฟ ฆ่าลูกน้องของครุฑเพื่อเข้าไป คนงานในเคจีเอฟซึ่งถูกบังคับลักพาตัว จำเป็นต้องอยู่ภายใต้ข้อจำกัดที่เหี้ยมโหดและก็ถูกปฏิบัติเสมือนเป็นข้ารับใช้ ร็อคกี้แปลงเป็นหนึ่งในนั้นและก็ถึงจะเฉยเมยในตอนแรก แต่ว่าเขาก็รู้สึกติดใจกับการฆาตกรรมอย่างใจร้ายของแม่แล้วก็ลูกชายโดยผู้พิทักษ์ ร็อคกี้แอบเข้าถึงแผนที่ของเหมืองในห้องซ่อมแซมระหว่างการเรียกตัว และก็รอดชีวิตอย่างเฉียดฉิวภายหลังที่เพื่อนพ้องข้ารับใช้คนหนึ่งสละชีวิตตนเองเพื่อช่วยเมียรวมทั้งทารกในครรภ์ของเขา แอนดรูว์ ติดอยู่มาล รวมทั้งเดไซได้รับข้อมูลไม่ถูกๆเกี่ยวกับเหตุดังที่กล่าวถึงแล้ว และก็คาดคะเนว่าร็อกกี้ถูกฆ่า K G F Chapter 1 เคจีเอฟ วีรบุรุษเหมืองทองโกลาร์ (2018) Ingalagi สรุปว่า Rocky ตั้งใจเลือก KGF เป็นสถานที่ลอบฆ่า Garuda เพื่อที่ว่ากองทัพข้าทาสจะได้ช่วยเขายึดอำนาจ และก็ยังแสดงว่านี่เป็นเพียงแค่จุดเริ่มแรก ข่าวสารการุณยฆาตไปถึงราไม่กา เสน นักการเมืองหน้าขรึม Adheera ที่ยังมีชีวิตอยู่มีแผนการจะเผยตัวอีกที รวมทั้ง Khalil ก็เช่นเดียวกัน ภาพยนตร์หัวข้อนี้จบสิ้นลงด้วยการที่ Vanaram สั่งให้คนของเขา K G F Chapter 1 เคจีเอฟ วีรบุรุษเหมืองทองโกลาร์ (2018) จู่โจม Rocky แล้วก็กองทัพของเขา หนังออนไลน์ Read the full article
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riyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa · 2 years
KGF:Chapter 1' set the tone for a slick gangster franchise-high on style and details. The first part was all about establishing the intentions and power of Raja Krishnappa Bairya aka Rocky Bhai. The second part has managed to create hype with its promotional content that gives a peek into the film. Does the film manage to match the build-up? It does and provides a better sequel and also has a big surprise for fans in the end, too.
The film begins with Vijayendra Ingalagi, the son of Anand Ingalagi, taking over as the narrator. Rocky has won over the people of KGF and he is now in the process of dreaming bigger and treading more dangerous paths. In this process, he encounters Adheera, who is inspired by the Vikings and evokes visceral fear, who wants KGF back. Simultaneously, he also has to encounter the righteous Prime Minister Ramika Sen, who also wants Rocky taken down.
The story progresses at a brisk pace in a racy tale of Rocky's journey to the top. The film, like the first part, presents a dark, dreary world that is stylishly shot. While the first part took time to prove who the protagonist was and included more time to establish the same, this second part moves quicker and one gets to meet more characters. The conflicts and battles are more interesting this time.
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adarshswaroop · 2 years
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#KGFChapter2 #Review: #Yash, #SanjayDutt, #RaveenaTandon and #PrashanthNeel deliver a #seetimaar #action entertainer. Movie Ratings : ⭐⭐⭐⭐½ tars The first instalment, KGF: Chapter 1, concluded on a high note and piqued interest for almost 3.5 years. With the release of KGF: Chapter 2 today (April 14), Yash and director Prashanth Neel have once again outdone themselves. After defeating Garuda, Raja Krishnappa Bairya AKA Rocky Bhai (Yash) is now the monarch of Kolar Gold Fields (KGF). Rocky has constructed an indestructible empire in KGF, according to Prakash Raj, with his intelligent thinking and quick wit. His rivals enlist the help of the great Adheera (Sanjay Dutt) to put an end to his intentions to expand his dominion. From there, it’s a machismo showdown. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ramika Sen (Raveena Tandon) is concerned about Rocky Bhai’s rapid rise. The tale revolves around how they deal with Rocky. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVFee_pMtG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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diurnalnews · 2 years
KGF Chapter 2: Movie Review: A nasty tale of raw machismo with hints of a third chapter.
KGF Chapter 2: Movie Review: A nasty tale of raw machismo with hints of a third chapter.
Image courtesy: Twitter KGF chapter 2 Plot: Raja Krishnappa Bairya aka Rocky Bhai has become the ruler of KGF after killing Adheera. But as he decides to own the world, he finds bi g foes in the form Adheera and Ramika Sen. Does he still get his ‘duniya’? KGF chapter 2 Review: KGF: Chapter 1 set the tone for a slick gangster flick franchise high on style and details. The first part was all…
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newhindimovies · 3 years
KGF 2 - kgf chapter 2 release date
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KGF Chapter 2 Or KGF 2 यस की ब्लॉकबस्टर मूवी KGF का दूसरा पार्ट है। जिसके यस KGF में रॉकी भाई का रोले निभाया था है। KGF 2 Release date का इंतजार हर किसी को है और हो भी न क्यों , जिसके परदे में आते ही लोगो के चेहरे में एक अलग ही झलक आ जाती है। Kgf chapter 2 के ट्रेलर को ही लोगो ने बहुत ही पसंद किया है Kgf chapter 2 के ट्रेलर के हो ही 130 Million से भी ज्यादा बार देखा जा चूका है , इससे आप अंदाजा लगा सकते है  दर्शको को Kgf 2 release date की कितने बेसब्री से इंतजार है । केजीफ 2  से जुडी एक बड़ी खबर उभर कर सामने आयी है जिसे जानने के बाद आप भी झूम उठेंगे। फिल्म मेकर ने केजीफ 2 को रिलीज़ करने की डेट फाइनल कर ली है। काफी टाइम से केजीफ Chapter 2 की रिलीज़ डेट की तरह तरह की खबरे आ रही थी , कुछ दिनों से ऐसे खबरे आ रही थी की केजीफ 2 को OTT प्लेटफार्म में रिलीज़ करने की तयारी चल रही थी , लेकिन फिल्मकार केजीफ 2  को थिएटर में रिलीज़ की तयारी कर रहे है। लेकिन जब केजीफ के टीजर ने लोगो के बिच धूम मचा दी है तो यह पूरी तरह से साफ है की KGF Chapter 2 थिएटर में ही रिलीज़ हो सकता है। केजीफ 2 2021 के बेस्ट anticipated में से एक है। kgf chapter 2 की मुख्य भूमिका निभाले वाले यश और सनजय दत्त की यह मूवी एक नए बेंचमार्क स्थापित करने के लिए सक्षम मूवी माना जाता है KGF 2 - KGF Chapter 2 Cast Kgf Chapter 2  Caste की बात करे तो मूवी की सबसे मुख्य भूमिका निभाने वाले यश की जो रॉकी भाई का मुख्य रोले निभाने वाले है , निचे में हमने आपको मुख्या भूमिका निभाले वाले एक्टर की लिस्ट दिया गया है । - Yash - as Rocky aka Raja Krishnappa Bairya - Shrinidhi Shetty -  as Reena Desai - Anand Nag  - as Anand Read the full article
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Sita's Box
(Alluri Ramaraju x reader)
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Sangam Tera part 2
7 minutes
tera rasta chhodun na
piya ji ke desh mein
aaj ibaadat
tera aadi ho gaya
barfaani raatein
Nadi kinaare
raghuvan, teri raah nihaare (completed) with @dumdaradumdaradum
when Ram returned home after years of study, he didn't expect such chaos to fall. What will happen when an educated man betrothed to another falls in love with the owner of a brothel? - Ram x oc, akhtar x oc, bhansali!au (almost)
Ram and his wife adopts a daughter under unfavorable circumstances, how will their life turn out now? - Ram x reader, oneshots
bandook meri layla with @rambheemlove
RRR au, where Ramaraju is assigned a case where he finds out who caused the RC organization art expo bomb blast and exactly why was one of the top trader of arms in India was present there. - Ram x mafia!oc, Akhtar x Jenny
Tumhe jo maine dekha (completed) (nsfw)
Ram sir, were your theatre professor in uni. Far away from your city, you found the best college to take admission somewhere foreign to you, but he was one hell of a support. And something more. - Prof!Ram x Stu!reader
Accha Lagta Hai
a short series of Ram and Y/n's domestic life - RRR au, Ram x reader
Other Woman (completed)
Ram was the best husband. The most caring and wholesome, and no one could love you more than him. There is no way he will leave you, right?- RRR au, Ram x reader, cheating fic
Rasiya (completed) (nsfw)
It wasn't like you weren't getting any action, but you always felt that Ram held back so he does not hurt you. Maybe this potion Jenny got you will help in some way?- RRR!Ram x fem! Wife! Reader, Aphrodisiac fic
Rangrez (ongoing)
Alluri Sitaramaraju, crosses paths with Kainat, a woman with a mysterious past. They gradually uncover each other's hidden pasts, discovering that both have been deeply involved in the struggle for freedom- for or against? Heeramandi(oc) x RRR(Ram)
how i picture y/n in my fics (rrr)
dekha tha
dhivara (amrendra bahubali x reader)
chot (kala bhairav from magadheera x reader)
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Drunk convos
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milla984 · 2 years
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Rocky kills Kamal K.G.F. Chapter 2 (2022)
@ramcharantitties, @thewinchestergirl1208, @jrntrtitties, @vidhurvrika, @theclumsypanda, @raajali3​​
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jyotishingala · 4 years
K.G.F: Chapter 1 Kannada movie
K.G.F: Chapter 1 is a 2018 Indian Kannada-language period action film written and directed by Prashanth Neel, and produced by Vijay Kiragandur under the banner Hombale films. It is the first instalment in the two-part series, followed by K.G.F: Chapter 2. The film centres around Raja Krishnappa Bairya "Rocky", born into poverty, who arrives in Bombay (now Mumbai) in the 1960s, on a quest for power and wealth as desired by his dying mother. Involved with the gold mafia there, he is recruited to kill Garuda, the oppressive heir-in-waiting, in Kolar Gold Fields. Yash stars as Rocky, while debutante Ramachandra Raju features as Garuda. Anant Nag narrates the film while also playing a supporting role alongside Srinidhi Shetty, Vasishta N. Simha, Ayyappa P. Sharma and Harish Rai. At the 66th National Film Awards, the film won 2 awards for Best Action and Best Special Effects.
Journalist Anand Ingalagi's book El-Dorado, that detailed events at the Kolar Gold Fields between 1951 and present day, has been banned by the Government of India and all published copies burnt. However, a television news channel procures a copy and interviews him circling the events.
Ingalagi narrates that ore of gold was discovered by commissioned government officials in the southern part of India's Mysore State (in present-day Kolar district, Karnataka) in 1951. Raja Krishnappa "Rocky" Bairya is also born on the day of the discovery in the Mysore region, to a poor and widowed woman. Suryavardhan, a local don who accompanied the officials, kills them. Discerning the increasing demand for gold by the Cold War belligerents, Suryavardhan deceitfully sets up a company, Narachi, in that land, bought for a lease of 99 years on the pretext of mining limestone. He has five associates, all of who operate away from KGF: Kamal, the son of a former associate Bharghav; Rajendra Desai, the father of Reena, Andrews, who oversees operations in the Konkan and Malabar Coasts; Guru Pandian, a powerful politician and president of the DYSS party; and brother Adheera. However, each of them has their eyes on the mines. Andrews' underboss Shetty is a gold smuggler in Bombay, the city that also has another smuggler, Dubai-based Inayat Khalil's eyes set on.
Rocky arrives in Bombay as a ten-year-old on a quest for power and wealth as desired by his dying mother and begins to work for Shetty. He becomes Shetty's right-hand man later and oversees the arrival of gold bars from Africa to the Bombay coast with an iron fist, and soon rises in strength and power rivalling that of Shetty's. This attracts Andrews who offers him Bombay in return for assassinating Garuda, the younger son of Suryavardhan, who was seen to inherit KGF after his paralysed father's passing. Rocky accepts the offer and heads to Bangalore where an event is staged for the purpose. Once there, he witnesses the sheer presence, authority and power that Garuda commands and has the attempt averted.
In 1978, at the KGF, a bedridden Suryavardhan announces Garuda as his successor overlooking Adheera, who he wants to serve as the latter's aide. Garuda's ruthless way of functioning aided by his commander Vanaram comes to fore. Rocky soon makes his way into KGF evading a unit of henchmen. Once there, he witnesses the brutality that the slaves are subjected to. Although apathetic at first, he is moved by a couple of incidents involving a cold-blooded killing of a mother and son at the hands of an overseer and the slaves' children hoping that he rises to liberate them. Beginning his attempt at it and to indicate to Desai and his men through informants, Kulkarni and Garuda's virtuous brother Virat, that he was alive, as planned, Rocky engages in a fight with a unit of twenty-one overseers killing each one of them in order to save a blind slave they were to kill. With the act, Rocky emerges as a hero in the slaves' eyes.
An alerted Vanaram now informs Garuda who heads toward the mines from his palatial residence. To avert thousands of slaves being killed due to his fury, Virat smothers father Suryavardhan to death and sidetracks Garuda, who rushes back home. At the mines, Rocky seizes the opportunity, conspires and unsuspectingly heads through a tunnel to the site where Garuda has decided to behead three slaves as offerings to a deity. Upon Garuda's return to the site and sacrifice of two slaves, a concealed Rocky emerges and beheads him. The ecstatic slaves accept him as their leader as they cheer him on. The narrator concludes that Rocky intentionally chose KGF as the site to assassinate Garuda, in order to earn the will of an "army of people", the slaves, before he seized KGF to his control but still there are people who are waiting to acquire the throne and how Rocky will face them as one man army and why he was given a death warrant by Prime Minister Ramika Sen will be shown in Chapter 2.
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milla984 · 1 year
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Title: There will be no more tolerance. I also have forces: we call them the Army, the Navy and the Airforce. We shall seek and destroy.
Creator: Milla984
Giftee: @meastradeur
@celebrrration Holiday Swap 2022
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milla984 · 2 years
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Rocky meets Ramika Sen K.G.F. Chapter 2 (2022)
@ramcharantitties, @thewinchestergirl1208, @jrntrtitties, @vidhurvrika, @theclumsypanda, @raajali3
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milla984 · 2 years
The Pooja Thaali scene from K.G.F Chapter 2 where he STRUTS UP TO HER IN THAT FUCKING TEAL SUIT, and raises his goddamned chin and Reena puts the tika on his forehead.
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K.G.F. Chapter 2
@vidhurvrika, @ramcharantitties, @thewinchestergirl1208, @jrntrtitties, @theclumsypanda, @raajali3
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milla984 · 1 year
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K.G.F. Chapter 1 - Salaam Rocky Bhai
@thewinchestergirl1208, @jrntrtitties, @vidhurvrika, @theclumsypanda, @raajali3, @bromance-minus-the-b, @astrafangs, @kokoreram
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