#ravio x myth
twidash-ftw-blysse · 3 months
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Ravio and Myth (The Heroes Curse)
Part of my Linkverse called "The Heroes Curse" They're husbands and they love each other.
Myth honestly wants to just settle down with Ravio, but the world keeps telling him no.
Other THC posts:
Fay and Ambrosia
Maybe I'll actually post all my guys later lmao
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cooking (lorule edition]
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
Since it is WIP Wednesday I think I'll post a little bit of one of my current projects.
So some of you may have heard of The Saga of Hilda, aka my lorulian history focusing on the lorulian counterparts to the Chain?
This is about them! It's showing why Ravio was in Legend's house in Hoarder of Legend, and what was going on behind the scenes.
Explanation for the AU here X X
“Did… anyone hear a door close?”
It was Realm who said it. Not surprisingly, as in his world he had to always be on guard, listening for the sound of Miharu tech spying on him.
They all froze.
Sol scowled, orange eyes narrowing sharply. “Of course we have to be here on the one day that some idiot decides to break into the hero’s house.”
Magic cleared his throat, lifting one finger. “Technically,” he said, drawing out the word, “aren’t we breaking into the Hero’s House?”
“Of course not!” Myth said, perhaps a bit more breezily than he had the right to. “I have partial rights over this house.”
Ages turned to glance at Myth, carefully arching an eyebrow. “You tricked him into signing something, didn’t you.”
Myth’s gaze shifted to one side. “…Why are we standing around here when Mr. Hero’s house is being invaded?”
“Windows, everybody,” Sea said, picking up the Sovereign Blade from where he had leaned it against the wall. Swords was already moving in that direction, anticipating Sea’s order, and a moment later he let out a gasp.
Myth changed directions from the original window he was headed towards, running over to where Swords stood. “Are you sure? You’ve never met—” He looked out the window, and a gusty sigh of relief whooshed out. “That’s not Link, that’s some other guy.”
“So it is a burglar?” Flame asked with a faint quaver in his voice.
Ages leaned forward to look, smiling and setting a firm hand on Flame’s shoulder as he did. “Even if it is, we have surprise, skill, and numbers. We can handle it.”
He then looked out the window, blinked, and frowned. “…doesn’t he look like you, Swords?”
“That’s what I was trying to say!” Swords’ voice was somewhat strangled with surprise. “He’s my Link. From the war!”
“Wait, really?” Sol leaned forward, once again taking advantage of the fact that he was the tallest. “…you’re kidding me, it is him.”
“What’s he doing here?” Myth yelped, his Sheerow leaping in surprise. “This is nowhere near his timeline!”
“Do you think this could be from the war?” Sea asked, eyebrows furrowing.
“…Maybe.” Swords said slowly. “But he looks… a little different than I remember. Almost… older?”
“Hey,” Lorule said quietly, “The little guy next to him looks a lot like One.”
Everyone’s gaze swung down to stare at their smallest member.
Their stomachs dropped when they saw the near-painful lack of a smirk on his face.
“That’s him.” One said quietly, glancing away to one side. “That’s the Hero of Four.”
Myth’s gaze bounced from Swords, to the Hero of Warriors, to the Hero of Four, and back to One.
Then he threw his hands into the air. “Just what in the love of silver rupees is going on here?”
Sea leaned on the Sovereign Blade, eyes sharp. “Maybe… if we’re going on an adventure across time and space… who’s to say our counterparts aren’t, either?”
There were a few brief moments of silence as the Ravios soaked this in. Some of them were awestruck, their eyes glittering with excitement at the thought of getting the chance to met their counterparts. A couple (Sea and Magic) were looking at One in concern. Ages and Swords, on the other hand, were giving Sol very careful looks.
Sol grinned, though the expression was sharp and not very pleasant at all. “So would you say the hero of Twilight is here?”
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honey whiskey ; chapter two
i bit the bullet y'all are getting an update today
chapter one is here!
relationships; sky & legend, four & legend, technically vio & legend
ao3 link; x
Legend woke up to the light shining in his eyes. Not a pleasant thing, really, but it is what it is. He swore the curtains had been closed, though.. Shifting to his side, he jumped a bit once he saw Sky sitting near the bed. “Sky?” what’s he doing here? “Ah! You’re awake..”Sky smiled gently. “How are you feeling?” “Um…fine? Why?” “Well…”Sky rubbed the back of his neck. “You decided to become a mini-me today. It’s pretty late in the afternoon. Time got me to sit with you cause we’re all worried about you sleeping in, cause you don’t usually do that, and it’s sort of worrying that you went to bed early and slept so late, and—”Sky cut himself off. “Sorry, I was rambling.” “It’s late?” That doesn’t seem good. Do we usually sleep that long? No…hylia, it’s been years since we last slept more than 2 hours. I, for one, am impressed we managed it. Myth, this usually means something is wrong.. You take all the fun outta things. Where’s the fun in oversleeping? technically we got a good amount of sleep. “Yeah. They got me up early to come see you.”Sky joked, lightly nudging Legend. His arm hit Legend’s side, where parts of the hero’s wings are hidden under his clothes. Ow— don’t wince don't wince don’t wince— Legend winced even though he tried his best not to. Maybe Sky didn’t notice? “Legend? Are you okay?” Of course he did…he pays a lot of attention to us. Too much attention, if you ask me. “Yeah, ‘m fine..” “Really? You seemed hurt when I touched your side—” “I’m fine Sky.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah, Sky.” Could he be more annoying? Be nice, Myth. Sky’s just worried! it’s nice that he cares.. Legend smiled faintly at Sky. “I wouldn’t lie to you.” “Promise?” “Promise.” This is…a new low for him. Lying to Sky of all people. Lying to Four is fine, voi is Legend’s best friend and will understand. But Sky… Sky’s too nice to lie to. But here he is. “Four was worried about you.”Sky hummed gently. “Voi was worried you have a hidden injury or something..” “I don’t.”Legend mumbled, sitting up with a stretch. His back popped. Motherfucker— Myth watch your language. “That sounded painful,”Sky noted quietly. “It’s just a side effect from adventuring for this long, Sky, I’m okay.” Sky gave Legend a look, before sighing and smiling. “Okay. Think you can get up though?” “Yup. Gimme some privacy so I can change, please?” “Oh! Of course, sorry.”Sky smiled. “I’ll wait outside!”He called as he left the room. Legend waited til Sky was gone, before he let out a heavy sigh. i hate lying We know… I wish we didn’t have to, but we do. We need to figure out how to mask the pain. Myth is right. Legend can’t wince when people touch his wings, or where his wings are. It’ll give it away that something’s wrong. He wishes he wasn’t like this. Lying is no fun, especially when he’s lying to people who trust him. Legend huffed, rubbing his eyes gently. Guilt is always the first strong emotion Legend feels after waking up. Never anything else—guilt comes first. It sucks, and Legend hates it. But he has a lot to be guilty over. Guilty over not protecting Fable, guilty over Koholint, guilty that he’s never home to help Ravio out— He’s the living embodiment of guilt. At this point, his middle name may as well be ‘guilt’. …it’d be a lot better than his actual middle names. Shaking his head, Legend tugged at the ties of his binder to tighten it back into, well, a binder, and pulled his red tunic over the black one. He still feels awful today. He’d honestly prefer to hide in the covers all day.. Dysphoria, maybe? seems like it. Hm.. We could try what Fable tells us to. Look in the mirror, convince ourselves that we’re the man we want to be? It’s worth a shot… we’ll look ridiculous if sky comes back in. It’s worth the embarrassment. Legend shook his head, yet sat down in front of the mirror anyways. He gets like this every so often. It sucks, and it always leaves him feeling sorta sick. He’s been called broken before. His uncle…never treated him differently. His uncle let him do what he wanted within the bounds of the law, and taught him that he should just be however he
thinks he should be. He never gave the whole ‘girls cant climb trees’, ‘girls have to be polite’, or ‘girls should behave and cook for the men in their lives’ lectures that everyone else did. He let Legend do whatever. It was great. Legend’s home as a kid was free from all the pressure the world put on him just because he was born in the wrong body. Even if he was a girl—men can and should cook, clean and be polite too! It’s total bullshit that people act like only women are capable of that. ravio’s an amazing cook.. i wanna go home. Ravio’s a really good cook! Here’s hoping Lorule didn’t have these shitty stereotypes. We could always ask him. i wanna go home i miss ravi’s cooking Legend snorted, he can almost hear the whining even in thought, silently picking at the scars on his leg. “Legend? Are you ready to go?”Sky called to him from outside the room. Gathering his thoughts, Legend got up and left after grabbing his things. “You okay?” “I hate stereotypes.” Sky raised an eyebrow as the two began to walk. “What?” “You heard me,”Legend pouted. “I hate stereotypes.” “O…kay?”He laughed, patting Legend’s shoulder. “Anyways. How are you feeling?” how am i feeling..? like shit. Legend chose to repeat that. “Ah.”Sky frowned. “Well, Four said voi wanted to talk to you before we start moving again. Vois in the library!” Legend nodded, watching Sky walk off before turning and heading to the library. Stepping into the building, Legend let out a quiet groan. Why did Four choose to be in a really big library? “Four? Where are ya, bud?”Legend spoke quietly, walking around a bit before he finally found Four. Fae is sitting on the floor with a pile of books, one open, faer purple-rimmed glasses slipping down their nose as fae looked up upon spotting Legend. Four waved him over, and Legend sat next to his friend. “You wanted me?” Violet eyes turned to him, and Legend shrunk in faer gaze. “You know I’m observant.”Four started, flipping the page of faer book. “Red noticed something was wrong with you yesterday. Now, I am not asking you to tell me what’s bothering you—that’s really none of my business.”A sigh of relief from the veteran, before Four continued. “However, I would like to tell you this. We are all worried about you, and if you ever need help, all you need to do is ask. It does not matter what day it is—all of us are available and wish to help you. You are our closest friend in the chain. We want nothing more than to help.” “I’m your closest friend in the chain..?” “Legend, you are the only member of the chain we have told about our…situation. Time discovered it on his own—but we told you about it. Of course you are.”Four cracked a faint smile, the cracks on faer cheek growing as fae did. It’s something Four—well, Vio—hadn’t explained outside of it being a curse. “Oh.” “I know I said I wasn’t going to ask, but…is there any way I can help you in this current moment of time?” Legend paused. is there? I don’t think so… “I’m not sure,”Legend admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Not without telling you what’s wrong which…I’m sorry I don’t—” “That’s alright.”Four assured, still smiling as fae pushed faer glasses back up. “But please, tell me if I can help in any way.” Legend nodded gently. “Okay..” “How do you feel about reading with me?”Four grinned, a crack opening up faer cheek. It was only then that Four stopped smiling, letting the crack fade. “Sorry.” “I think your curse is interesting, Vio.”Legend spoke suddenly. “...want me to tell you about it?” “I’d like that.” And the two sat there for hours, Four explaining what the curse did to Vio’s physical body—and Four’s, by extension.
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