nihon-go-benkyou · 2 months
こんばんは!Hello! this week I tried out Renshuu! A total 180 from Duolingo for me personally, and you can see why I think so on my Wordpress!
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ayanoou · 3 months
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Family Member
*Original Post: https://nihongostudentdiary.blogspot.com/2024/02/genki-1-family-member.html
Accent: おとうと (?)
(noun) 1. younger brother, little brother, kid brother; 2. brother-in-law (spouse's younger brother or younger sister's husband)
弟おとうとが 牛ぎゅう乳にゅうを よく 飲のむ 。
My little brother often drinks milk.
私わたしの 弟おとうとは 私わたしと 同おなじ ぐ ら い よく 勉べん強きょうする 。
My brother studies as hard as I do.
弟おとうとは 6 歳さいか ら 野や球きゅうを 始はじめ た 。
My little brother started baseball from (when he was) six years old.
* * * * * * * * * * 
Accent: いもうと (?)
(noun) younger sister
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妹いもうとは 海うみで 泳およが な い 。
My younger sister doesn't swim in the sea.
妹いもうとは 買かい 物ものに 出でか け ま し た 。
My little sister went out shopping.
私わたしの 妹いもうとは 有ゆう名めいだ 。
My sister is famous.
* * * * * * * * * * 
お 兄にいさ ん
Accent: おにいさん (?)
(noun) 1. (honorific) older brother, elder brother; 2. young man, buddy, fella, laddie (vocative)
お 兄にいさ ん は 喫きっ茶さ店てんで 待まつ 。
My older brother will wait at the cafe.
私わたしは 君きみの お 兄にいさ ん を よく 知しっ て い る 。
I know your brother very well.
彼かれの お 兄にいさ ん は 先せん月げつ亡なく な っ た 。
His brother passed away last month.
* * * * * * * * * * 
お 姉ねえさ ん
Accent: おねえさん (?)
(noun) 1. (honorific) older sister, elder sister; 2. young lady (vocative); 3. miss; 4. ma'am; 5. older girl
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きれいな お 姉ねえさ ん で す ね 。
What a lovely older sister.
彼かの女じょは トム の お 姉ねえさ ん で す 。
She is Tom's sister.
明後日あさってお 姉ねえさ ん が 帰かえり ま す よ !
My big sister is coming home the day after tomorrow!
* * * * * * * * * * 
お 父とうさ ん
Accent: おとうさん (?)
(noun) 1. (honorific) father, dad, papa, pa, pop, daddy, dada; 2. (honorific) husband
お 父とうさ ん は 地ち下か鉄てつに 乗のら な い 。
Father doesn't ride (use) the subway.
お 父とうさ ん は どこ で す か 。
Where is Father?
彼かれは お 父とうさ ん に 似にて い ま す 。
He looks after his father.
* * * * * * * * * * 
お 母かあさ ん
Accent: おかあさん (?)
(noun) 1. (honorific) mother, mom, mum, ma; 2. (honorific) wife
お 母かあさ ん 、 急いそい で よ !
Mom! Hurry!
お 母かあさ ん は 買かい ま す 。
My mother buys (something).
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aisha-galaxia · 1 year
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I'm sorry but I can't not think about the boys when I see things like this 🥲
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indie-rogers · 2 months
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wrongplaceworsttime · 8 months
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ahaha… wouldn’t it be crazy if somebody played a word in shiritori… just kidding hehe… unless?
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haitabetai · 2 years
Today’s Comic
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lesbianrenjiabarai · 8 months
This May Hurt
Summary: Renji is mean like a bad dog. He wants to bite the hand that comes close to him.
Pairings: Renji Abarai/Shuuhei Hisagi
Length: 4k+
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, rough sex, BDSM elements
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hydine · 1 year
So I'm using this renshuu app to learn Japanese and after every quiz you can use the gacha machine to get coins to collect and
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It's a Marimo coin! Zoro got lost yet again.
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heartiwolf · 23 days
we're fucking studying
i got behind on my daily japanese reviews so we're streaming it :3! come study with me!
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moss-sama-sideblog · 1 month
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Hello Hello!
I've been seeing a few posts about people not knowing what to do after doing hiragana, katakana and some kanji, so I'm going to give some of the things that gave me a guideline to work with!
First off is Tofugu!
Tofugu has a lot of resources and even their own podcast you can listen to, where they talk about experiences (like the jet program), along with words and grammar, when to use them and what to use instead!
But what I'm focusing on is their ridiculously detailed guide to learning japanese! go have a read if your struggling! like they say "raise the floor before you raise the roof!"
Next is Renshuu!
Renshuu has decks you can choose from, be it genki vocab to grammar or N5 and up! they do have decks they recommend at the beginning like Japanese basics which they call N6. (don't be like me and skip it if your a beginner. I went straight to N5 but I'm struggling with the grammar since they are using words i skipped.)
They also have a leveling system where you can evolve your own renshuu for every few levels you've passed! there are also crosswords, mini games and more to make learning japanese more enjoyable!
If anyone has other things they want to add feel free to do so!
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merodythann · 2 months
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screamingfurby · 3 months
I think i scared off my partner
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they haven't responded yet 🙃
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javanikk · 1 year
*Deep tone voice* scrimblo
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I love being annoying.
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solradguy · 11 months
I found this Japanese learning/study resource called renshuu a few days ago that's been really awesome at keeping my attention. If you get bored of trying to grind flashcards or the same exact study formats every day, consider checking this out. There's a bunch of minigames and a customizable garden where you earn coins for buying items by completing study challenges and it's kinda goofy how motivating it's been for me lmfao
There IS a paid/subscription version but the free version comes with enough stuff that I don't think it's necessary to buy unless you'd like to support the devs ( a team of exactly two people). The web version synchronizes with the app version too, which is always nice.
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anime-academia · 1 month
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見て (みて) - to see, to look (after)
すごい - amazing
友達 (友だち) (ともだち) - friends
よかった - that's great (expression of relief/happiness)
もっと - more
お帰り(おかえり) - welcome home
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