volgacankaya · 7 months
“Forgetting: The Benefits of Not Remembering” with Dr. Scott Small
People aspire to have a better memory and to retain information effectively. However, there are instances when memory fails them. Not too long ago, both individuals and memory scientists believed that forgetfulness served no discernible purpose. Yet, recent research across diverse fields such as medicine, psychology, computer science, and neuroscience has revealed a different perspective.
It turns out that forgetting is not a flaw of the mind; rather, it serves a vital role. In fact, it contributes positively to people's lives by fostering creativity and benefiting their overall well-being. Forgetting clears the clutter from the mind, enabling better decision-making.
Forgetting appears to be an independent cognitive function, distinct from the processes governing memory retention.
As Schacter explains, the act of remembering and retrieving memories is a practical process, albeit not without its flaws. The memory system possesses inherent imperfections that people encounter daily. In his book, 'The Seven Sins of Memory,' Schacter identifies seven common memory failures: transience, absentmindedness, blocking, misattribution, suggestibility, bias, and persistence. He argues that these 'sins' should not be viewed as flaws in the memory system; instead, they are intrinsic features of memory.
Schacter further asserts that memory serves the needs of the present, and that current knowledge, beliefs, and emotions influence the recollection of the past. This function is orchestrated by the Default Brain Network, an intriguing system responsible for both remembering the past and imagining the future. It's a remarkable case of a single network managing two distinct processes.
The ability to forget plays a pivotal role in helping people prioritize, think more effectively, make decisions, and enhance their creativity. In the delicate balance between remembering and forgetting, mental flexibility emerges, allowing individuals to extract abstract concepts from their stored knowledge, ultimately enabling them to see the bigger picture.
Forgetting, far from being a hindrance, is a natural and beneficial aspect of human cognition.
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onyv · 11 months
Instructions and Tasks : Количествени данни - какво може да се направи, когато има количествени променливи за измерване и оценка – време, тегло и някои други количествени фактори, като отговори на затворени въпроси в проучване
Количествените данни имат предимството да бъдат стандартизиран процес на измерване. Появата на бърза глобализация и дигитализация означава, че дизайнерското мислене и творческите процеси се приемат от все по-разнообразна публика. Изправени пред нови култури и нарастваща фрагментация на пазара, дизайнерите са открили, че понякога се нуждаят от различни методи, различни от традиционното използване на етнографията, за да запознаят дизайна си с конкретния краен потребител и да оправдаят дизайна си пред новонаетия професионален свят. По този начин много пъти се използват комбинирани методи с качествени и количествени подходи. Прегледът на литературата, който извършихте, ви води през различните методи за анализ на данни, които са били използвани в подобни проучвания, в зависимост от парадигмата на изследването, методологията и вида на събиране на данни. Това важи и за анализ на данни. Вашите изследователски въпроси също трябва винаги да ви водят: „Какво искате да отговорите?“ Така че започнете от края и след това вървете назад. Трябва да вземем предвид променливите и времето, с което разполагаме. Има два типа зависими от времето променливи. Данни от кръстосано сечение, което означава, че различни хора са взети в извадка за различни периоди от време, или панелни данни, когато работите с едни и същи хора многократно. Факторният анализ се използва, за да се определи кои критерии са свързани един с друг в съзнанието на потенциалните потребители. Да кажем, че този „размер“ ще работи като независима променлива срещу „лекота на използване“. Този статистически метод се използва за описване на променливостта между наблюдаваните променливи по отношение на по-малко ненаблюдавани променливи, наречени „фактори“. Наблюдаваните променливи са моделирани като линейни комбинации от факторите плюс термини за „грешка“. Получената информация за взаимозависимостите може да се използва по-късно за намаляване на набора от променливи в набор от данни. Този метод често се използва в психометрията и поведенческите изследвания науки, социални науки, маркетинг, продуктов мениджмънт. Факторният анализ може да се използва за проверка на вашата концептуализация на представляваща интерес конструкция, например използваемостта може да бъде съставена от гледна точка на фактори за опит и резултати от опит. Представете си, например, че сте разработили въпросник по тази тема и сте създали няколко елемента, за да обясните връзката между тях. След това ще трябва да тествате своята концептуализация. Когато анализирате вашите данни, вие правите факторен анализ, за да видите дали тези фактори за опит наистина се обясняват с измеренията, които сте избрали. Ако го направят, ще можете да създадете скала, за да ги измерите. Регресионният анализ е друг метод за количествен анализ, който може да се използва, за да се обясни колко силно всеки от избраните от вас фактори ще повлияе, например, на „възприеманата стойност“. Тук „възприеманата стойност“ е значително свързана с „полезността“ на решението, потвърждавайки удобството на мобилната услуга според нейното използване. Регресионният анализ е много полезен процес за прогнозиране. Също така често се използва, за да се разбере кои от независимите променливи са свързани със зависимата променлива и да се изследват формите на тези връзки. Трудно е да се вземе решение между качествен или количествен подход. Комбинираният метод и на двата ще ви даде богатството от качествени знания и устойчивостта на количествените. Изследването обаче никога няма да замени вдъхновението, творческото мислене и упоритата работа. По-скоро това е средство за нас да разберем по-добре света и да оборудваме по-добре нашите проекти и творения.
Learning Activities :
Опитайте се да формулирате изследователски въпроси, които ще съберат количествени отговори. / Try to formulate research questions that will gather quantitative answers.
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phistar · 2 months
Watch latest video how to write protocol.
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priyakhurana · 2 months
Social Science Classes in Singapore: Delve into the complexities of human society and culture with Kiya Learning thought-provoking Social Science Classes in Singapore. From history to sociology, our courses explore various aspects of social science, encouraging students to analyze and evaluate societal issues and trends. Through discussions and research projects, students develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.
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A working definition for Integrative Human-Environmental Research
Integrative Human-Environmental Research:
Incorporates socially equitable participation and strives for co-production of knowledge through methods of observation and analysis centering social-ecological systems and human-Earth dynamics. These methods seek to improve the relationship between societies and their environments, with an understanding of the large-scale impacts of industrialized human activity in the Anthropocene which have transformed the natural and climate landscape, investigating how, in turn, the consequences of these transformations return to the global human system.
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aimlayworldwide · 6 months
What is PhD thesis in English literature?
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A PhD thesis in English literature represents the culmination of years of academic research and is a significant milestone in the life of any aspiring scholar. This lengthy and intricate document serves as a testament to the candidate's expertise, dedication, and contribution to the field of English literature. In this 1000-word essay, we will delve into the essence of a PhD thesis in English literature, its purpose, structure, and the journey that leads to its completion.
A PhD thesis in English literature is an extensive research project that aims to make a substantial and original contribution to the field. It is the final step in a doctoral candidate's academic journey, and it demonstrates their ability to conduct independent research, think critically, and engage with the existing body of literature. The thesis serves as a platform for scholars to explore, analyze, and advance the knowledge in their chosen area of interest within the realm of English literature.
Purpose of a PhD Thesis in English Literature
The purpose of a PhD thesis in English literature is multifaceted. First and foremost, it is a means for the candidate to showcase their expertise in the subject matter. This expertise is honed through years of rigorous study, coursework, and, most importantly, the extensive research conducted during the doctoral program. The thesis allows the candidate to demonstrate their mastery of the subject, including their understanding of literary theory, research methodologies, and critical analysis.
Furthermore, a PhD thesis is a contribution to the existing body of knowledge. It should offer fresh insights, innovative perspectives, and new interpretations of literary texts or themes. Scholars are encouraged to explore uncharted territories within the realm of English literature, shedding light on overlooked works, authors, or themes. In this way, a thesis adds to the ever-evolving discourse in the field.
Structure of a PhD Thesis in English literature
The structure of a PhD thesis in English literature typically follows a well-defined pattern. While there may be some variations depending on the university's guidelines and the candidate's specific focus, the following elements are generally included:
Introduction: This section provides an overview of the research topic, its significance, and the research questions the thesis aims to answer.
Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing literature and scholarship related to the research topic. This section serves as the foundation for the candidate's research, demonstrating their knowledge of the field's current state.
Theoretical Framework: Here, the candidate outlines the theoretical framework that will guide their analysis and interpretation of the literary texts.
Methodology: A description of the research methods employed, including data collection, data analysis, and any other relevant procedures.
Chapters or Sections: The body of the thesis is composed of several chapters or sections, each addressing a specific aspect of the research topic. These chapters may include critical analysis, close readings of literary texts, and discussions of themes or motifs.
Conclusion: The final chapter summarizes the main findings, discusses their implications, and suggests avenues for future research.
Bibliography: A comprehensive list of all the sources, both primary and secondary, used in the research.
Appendices: Any additional materials, such as transcripts, questionnaires, or illustrations, are included in the appendices.
The journey towards completing a PhD thesis in English literature is arduous and demanding. It begins with the selection of a research topic, a process that can take considerable time and thought. Candidates must choose a topic that both excites their intellectual curiosity and offers a significant contribution to the field.
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Once the topic is chosen, the candidate embarks on an extensive literature review, delving into existing research to identify gaps and opportunities for their own contribution. They formulate research questions and hypotheses, develop a research plan, and select the appropriate methodology for their study.
The data collection and analysis phase can take several years, as it involves reading and analyzing literary texts, conducting interviews or surveys, and critically engaging with the materials. This process demands a high level of dedication, as scholars must balance their research with other academic responsibilities, such as teaching, coursework, or publishing.
Throughout this journey, candidates often receive guidance and feedback from their advisors or supervisory committees, who help refine the research and ensure it aligns with the highest academic standards. The process culminates in the composition of the thesis, which can be a daunting task in itself.
In the end, the completion of a PhD thesis in English literature is a momentous achievement, reflecting not only the candidate's academic prowess but also their perseverance, critical thinking abilities, and contribution to the field. It is a testament to the vitality of the discipline and the enduring quest to uncover new insights and interpretations within the rich tapestry of English literature.
A PhD thesis in English literature is a significant undertaking that represents the culmination of years of rigorous study, research, and critical thinking. Its purpose is to showcase the candidate's expertise, contribute to the field's body of knowledge, and provide fresh perspectives on literary texts and themes. The structure of the thesis follows a standard pattern, with an introduction, literature review, theoretical framework, methodology, chapters, conclusion, bibliography, and appendices. The journey towards completing a thesis is a demanding one, requiring dedication, intellectual curiosity, and the guidance of mentors. Ultimately, the completion of a PhD thesis in English literature is a testament to the candidate's academic prowess and their enduring commitment to advancing the discipline.
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tadcourses · 8 months
UX Research Bootcamps
Ultimate Guide to UX Research Bootcamps
A Guide to UX Research Bootcamp
UX research is an essential aspect of the UX design process. It helps designers to gain insights into the needs, goals, and behaviors of users, and use that information to create products that meet their needs. UX research optimizes the design process by providing designers with valuable information that enables them to make informed decisions about the design. To learn UX research, an online UX design course with a bootcamp can be effective. The bootcamp expedites the learning process and gives learners the potential skills they need to become proficient in UX research. By mastering UX research, designers can create user-centered products that meet the needs of their users and deliver a great user experience.
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Data-driven insights
UX research involves gathering and analyzing data about users' feelings, thoughts, and perceptions of a product or service. Through UX research, designers can gain valuable insights into how users interact with a product, what they like or dislike about it, and what needs they have that are not being met. This accumulated analysis of people's perception can then be used to tailor designs to better meet the needs of users. By using data-driven insights, designers can create products that are more user-friendly, intuitive, and satisfying to use. UX research is an ongoing process that allows designers to continually refine and improve their designs, ultimately leading to a better user experience.
The research process
The research process involves different methods that are available for businesses to choose from. The choice of method depends on the resources available and the specific business goals that are being pursued. UX training highlights different methods available and how to use them effectively. UX research is critical in uncovering user demographics, daily lifestyle, behavior, expectations, pain points, and goals. By understanding these factors, businesses can create products that are tailored to the needs of their users. UX research provides businesses with valuable insights that can be used to improve the user experience and create products that are more effective, efficient, and satisfying to use. Through UX research, businesses can gain a better understanding of their target audience, and use that knowledge to create more successful products and services.
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Approaches of UX research
UX research is an essential component of the UX design process, and it is divided into two main categories: quantitative research and qualitative research. UX training can help designers understand the differences between these two categories and how to apply them effectively. Quantitative research involves gathering and analyzing numerical data, such as usage statistics, click-through rates, and conversion rates. This data can provide designers with insights into user behavior, but it does not provide information on why users behave in a certain way. Qualitative research, on the other hand, involves gathering and analyzing non-numerical data, such as user feedback, opinions, and attitudes. This type of research provides a deeper understanding of user needs, motivations, and pain points, and helps designers to create more user-centered products. By combining quantitative and qualitative research methods, designers can gain a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and design products that meet their needs.
Skills needed
To excel in UX research, a UX designer needs to possess a range of technical and non-technical skills. UX designer training can help develop these skills, which include analytic skills, time management, communication, research method understanding, working knowledge of design, critical thinking, persona creation, attention to detail, and empathy. Analytic skills are critical for interpreting data and drawing meaningful conclusions from research findings. Time management is essential for meeting deadlines and delivering projects on time. Communication skills are necessary for collaborating with other team members and presenting research findings to stakeholders. A working knowledge of design principles is vital for understanding how research findings can be implemented in the design process. Critical thinking skills are necessary for identifying potential design problems and finding effective solutions. Persona creation skills are crucial for understanding the user's perspective and designing products that meet their needs. Attention to detail is vital for ensuring that all aspects of the design process are thoroughly executed. Finally, empathy is essential for understanding users' needs, behaviors, and motivations, and designing products that meet their needs.
Honing research skills
The process of learning the skills needed for UX research varies depending on the individual's background and experience. TAD's UX designer programs offer many options for those seeking to develop their skills in UX research. Traditional degrees in fields such as psychology or computer science can provide a solid foundation for UX research skills. Bootcamps and online courses are also popular options, providing a more immersive and intensive learning experience. Regardless of the path chosen, a learner should have a strong interest in understanding user behavior and a willingness to apply critical thinking and analytical skills to research findings.
Choosing the right UX research course 
Choosing the right UX research course is crucial for anyone seeking to develop their skills in this field. Learners should also consider their preferred learning style when selecting a course. Live online classes can be an effective way to learn, as they provide opportunities for interaction and collaboration with other learners and instructors. It is also essential to consider the language of instruction, as this can impact the learning experience. TAD's UX designer programs offer online classes in a variety of languages, allowing learners to choose the language that is most comfortable for them.
For more info :- https://www.tadcourses.com/
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onlineassignmentshelp · 9 months
Crafting Engaging Video Essays in 6 Simple Steps
When conducting research, the way you select participants can significantly impact the quality and relevance of your findings. One method that researchers often employ is purposive sampling. This technique involves deliberately choosing specific individuals or groups based on particular characteristics, traits, or criteria that align with the research objectives. In this article, we'll delve into the concept of purposive sampling, explore its various types, and provide real-world examples to illustrate its application.
Understanding Purposive Sampling
Purposive sampling, also known as judgmental or selective sampling, stands in contrast to random sampling where participants are chosen entirely by chance. In purposive sampling, researchers purposefully select participants who possess the desired attributes, knowledge, or experiences that align with the research focus.
Types of Purposive Sampling
Expert Sampling: Researchers target individuals who possess expertise or specialized knowledge in a specific field. These experts can provide valuable insights and in-depth information related to the research topic.
Criterion Sampling: In this approach, participants are selected based on specific criteria, such as age, gender, education level, or occupation. This ensures that the chosen participants match the desired characteristics of the study.
Snowball Sampling: Often used in studies involving hard-to-reach populations, this method involves starting with a small group of participants and asking them to refer other potential participants who share similar traits or experiences.
Maximum Variation Sampling: Researchers intentionally select participants with diverse backgrounds, viewpoints, or experiences to capture a wide range of perspectives on the research topic.
Homogeneous Sampling: This technique involves choosing participants who share common traits or characteristics, which helps in studying a specific aspect of the research topic in-depth.
Examples of Purposive Sampling
Healthcare Research: When studying a rare medical condition, researchers might purposively sample patients who have been diagnosed with that condition to gather detailed information about their experiences and treatments.
Market Research: In a study focused on a specific consumer segment, researchers might purposively sample individuals who belong to that segment to understand their preferences, behaviors, and buying patterns.
Educational Studies: When investigating the impact of a new teaching method, researchers could purposively sample teachers who have extensive experience with that method to gain insights into its effectiveness.
Cultural Studies: In ethnographic research, researchers may use purposive sampling to immerse themselves in a specific cultural group by selecting participants who are deeply ingrained in that culture.
Advantages and Considerations
Purposive sampling offers several advantages, including the ability to target specific groups or individuals relevant to the research question. However, this method can also introduce bias if not carefully executed. Researchers need to be transparent about their sampling approach and acknowledge any limitations arising from it.
In conclusion, purposive sampling is a valuable tool in qualitative and exploratory research, allowing researchers to tailor their participant selection to the research objectives. By understanding its types and considering its applications, researchers can leverage purposive sampling to uncover rich insights and make meaningful contributions to their fields.
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shoresdevelopment · 10 months
Research Methods – Methodology
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volgacankaya · 4 months
“Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness” with Professor Nicholas Humphrey
Introduction: Human existence is intricately tied to our capacity for consciousness, a phenomenon that forms the bedrock of self-awareness. Professor Nicholas Humphrey, a distinguished neuropsychologist, explores the origins and evolutionary history of consciousness in his seminal work, "Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness." This article delves into the key concepts presented in the book, examining the transition from cognitive to phenomenal consciousness, the adaptive nature of consciousness in living organisms, and the intriguing possibility of consciousness emerging in artificial entities.
Exploring Cognitive Consciousness: Humphrey's work delves into the realm of cognitive consciousness, raising thought-provoking questions about how early animal ancestors possessed this cognitive awareness and how it subsequently evolved into phenomenal consciousness. The inquiry extends to identifying potential thresholds, such as neuron count, processing capacity, or brain size, that played a role in this evolutionary development. A central query emerges: can consciousness transcend organic life and find expression in artificial intelligence?
The Characteristics of Consciousness: Consciousness, as Humphrey elucidates, is intricately tied to short-term memory and can manifest independently of sensory inputs. It exhibits a remarkable capacity for attention and the ability to entertain alternative interpretations of complex or ambiguous data. Such attributes underline the significance of consciousness in shaping our perception and understanding of the world.
The Neuroscientific Correlation: Neuroscientists have made strides in correlating specific brain activities with corresponding subjective experiences. From feelings of hunger to pleasure and pain, there exists a discernible connection between certain types of brain activity and conscious awareness. This correlation provides a foundational understanding of the neural underpinnings of consciousness.
The Emotional Roots of Consciousness: Contrary to traditional views, Humphrey suggests that consciousness may not have evolved solely for the purpose of creating internal representations of the external world. Instead, he posits that consciousness may be an extension of primitive emotional influences. These emotional stimuli, originating from primordial instincts, prompt a response in organisms, preparing their brains for adaptive actions.
The Development of Conscience: A captivating question emerges: when did humans develop a conscience? Archaeological consensus places this pivotal moment approximately 45,000 years ago, marking a cultural evolution towards modernity. This milestone raises intriguing inquiries into the interplay between consciousness and moral awareness in shaping the human experience.
Conclusion: In Professor Nicholas Humphrey's exploration of consciousness in "Sentience: The Invention of Consciousness," a nuanced understanding of the evolutionary and cognitive aspects of consciousness emerges. This article has sought to distill the key themes from the book, offering a glimpse into the profound implications of consciousness on human existence, its potential manifestation in artificial entities, and its intricate connection with our emotional and moral landscape.
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onyv · 1 year
Ще разсъждаваме върху темите, които ви интересуват, за да можете да започнете проучване. Първо, трябва да изберете широка област на интерес, като видове дизайн на работното място или тема, която обединява материали от различни области. Но трябва също така да вземете предвид типа обучение, върху който искате да се съсредоточите. Но сега трябва да помислим да започнем да пишем, веднага! За да ви помогнем с това, можете да следвате предложенията на някои експерти, като Susana Barreto, Bruno Giesteira и професор Dirk Loyens.
Интервю със Susana Barreto, PhD от Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design School of Art: Лондон, Обединеното кралство. Университет на Порто, Факултет по изящни изкуства, Департамент по дизайн. „Целта на изследователското изследване е да се знае много за много малко. Така че, да речем например, едно нещо е да гледаме на дизайна… португалския дизайн по широк начин. Съвсем друго е разглеждането на португалския дизайн в определено време и пространство. Или, още по-конкретно, да се съсредоточа върху двама или трима автори.“ Интервю с д-р Бруно Гистейра. Професор в научните области на дизайна и дизайна на взаимодействието, когнитивната ергономия и човешките фактори. Старши изследовател в INESC TEC. Сътрудник в ID+. „Какво прави една добра тема за изследване? Е, според мен този, чиито резултати се превръщат в иновация. Така че иновациите не са творчество. Така че е измеримо чрез финансови резултати или подобряване на продукти или услуги. Мисля, че това е, което прави една добра тема за изследване.“ Интервю с Дърк Лойенс. Професор по научната област Продуктов дизайн, изследовател в INEGI. Сътрудник в ESAD IDEA. „На първо място, добрата изследователска тема трябва да бъде нещо, което ви мотивира, интересува ви много, много дълбоко. Ако няма мотивация, вероятно няма да има добро изследване."
Второ, трябва да е нещо, което можете да изследвате, което не е твърде широко. Трябва да е нещо много конкретно, нещо, което можете да опишете в едно изречение. И трето, разбира се, трябва да е нещо, което е съвременно, гореща тема, а не нещо, което вече е било изследвано преди 10 години, преди 20 години, преди 50 години. Трябва да е нещо, което представлява интерес сега. С вашата дисертация ще имате възможност да проучите задълбочено някои аспекти на теорията, методите, знанията или уменията, с които сте се запознали в миналото. В началото можете да обмислите много идеи, но след това трябва да ги стесните в рамка на изследване (намерете връзки). По този начин можете да използвате произволни думи: можете да изберете предмет или съществително и да го свържете с изследователска концепция, за която може да се сетите. Храната, например, може да бъде свързана с дизайн за устойчивост или моден дизайн и инфографика… или градове и визуална комуникация… След това направете мисловна карта на тези начални думи в голям лист хартия; поставете го на стена в хоризонтално положение: основните идеи трябва да са в средата и свързаните теми да се разклоняват от нея; идеите трябва да бъдат разделени и трябва да се простират до ограниченията на вашата страница. Мисловните карти ви позволяват да правите мозъчна атака и да записвате идеите си на хартия по-бързо. Те насърчават особено свободното сдружаване. Като регистрираме и след това бързо преглеждаме свободно генерирани идеи, можем да открием връзки и нови взаимоотношения между концепции, които иначе бихме пропуснали. (Цели на обучението) Може да имате неясна представа за вида на целите на обучението, които искате да постигнете. Какъвто и тип изследователски проект да изберете да направите, не забравяйте, че основната цел е да подобрите собствените си познания в областта по ваш избор. Възможно е да не сте в състояние да дефинирате много точно тези учебни цели и дори да го направите, те може да се променят по време на вашия проект. Опитайте се обаче да помислите върху вида на учебната цел, която преследвате, и я преразгледайте. Трябва редовно да преглеждате целите по време на процеса на вашия проект и да се запитате дали все още са уместни, като вземете предвид това, което сте научили досега. Ако коригирате целите, може да се наложи да коригирате и методологията, така че работата ви да остане последователна. Възможно е целите, които сте си поставили в началото на вашия проект, да са много различни след това, тоест в края на вашата работа. Изградете хронограма за вашите задачи, за да определите своя план за действие. Както във всяка друга работа, проучването има свой собствен процес и е много полезно да създадете своя собствена хронограма: вземете под внимание задачите, които може да трябва да изпълните, и времето, което имате на разположение за тази работа.
Вземете предвид времето, което ще ви е необходимо, за да разберете, например, състоянието на техниката - трябва да вземете предвид времето за преглед на литературата и времето, за да разберете какво вече е направено в областта на вашите интереси. Вземете предвид времето, което ще ви е необходимо за всички задачи, свързани със събирането на вашите данни. Помислете за времето, което ще ви е необходимо за четене и писане.
Тази хронограма трябва да бъде оценена от вашия ръководител, който ще бъде много полезен не само като ви помогне да определите вашите изследователски цели и теоретични подходи, но също така ще ви посъветва по практически въпроси, като правилния подход за получаване на добро интервю.
Build a mind map of a potential research problem with the data you already own and make connections;
Write two paragraphs (around 250 words) describing a possible research problem and possible learning outcomes.
This work is not mandatory for delivery, it is just a contribution to your literature review.
Изградете мисловна карта на потенциален изследователски проблем с данните, които вече притежавате, и направете връзки;
Напишете два параграфа (около 250 думи), описващи възможен изследователски проблем и възможни резултати от обучението. Тази работа не е задължителна за предаване, тя е просто принос към вашия литературен преглед.
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clinicalbiostats · 11 months
Biostatistics course
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Philosophia is a Greek word formed with two names, PHIL and SOPHIA. 'Phil' means 'knowledge', and Sophia means 'Love', so the meaning of philosophy here is the (Knowledge + Love) love of knowledge.
Understanding research philosophy for Masters and PhD students. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of Ontology? This philosophical concept has been a topic of discussion among scholars and intellectuals for a long time. The debate between Objectivism and Subjectivism is at the core of Ontology. Objectivism asserts the existence of objective reality and believes that knowledge and truth can…
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