#revisiting chapter two
thewatercolours · 2 months
PART TWO - Replaying King's Quest, Chapter Two (2015)
It really is beautiful in the rain though. I love the unevenness of the cobbles so that rain pools in lovely puddles. The way the water comes down in sheets off the rooves.
No tapestries on the walls of the hallway leading to Grandpa’s room. Hm – a good Watsonian reason might be that the tapestries are traditionally hung in respect for a deceased king (sob.)
Triumph balloon! (Assuming it’s a balloon, and not a pinata? That would be… weird.)
Balloons with seams in them,
“Does it have a dragon?” (Graham, thinking: “Um, well, technically yes! For about a minute. And if we count my PTSD flashbacks, We can add an extra 30 seconds.) Aloud: “It miiiiiight!”
The “Rapid Escape” theme played on the low, low keys of the piano. Yesssss.
The way Graham just looks gobsmacked by the sight of the goblin king. All he can do is stare, wide eyed.
That goblin that took Graham’s hat must be in high demand for fairy tale re-enactments. His impression of Graham’s jog is spot on.
Graham tries to get respect by assuming the deep voice again. How much have you been been doing that since you ascended the throne, young sir? And has it ever worked?
What?? You can see Graham walking around I the dark cell if your screen is bright enough, not just the ripples? I did not know this! Oh – and now I can’t. Must be a one shot thing.
I remember when I first played and all the salamanders started lighting up I thought for sure we were going to see the dragon fully revealed. A tense moment it was. I had to mentally adjust.
Who would have thought Graham’s cell would be one of the most glittery locations of them all? (It’s luminescent mushroom spores.)
Some hospitable little goblin set him up with a bouquet and a placemat. Good on him.
So many good idling animations for Graham when he’s at 1 health.
The devs really said, “WAIT – we’re the literal people making the game. This angst fic full of stress, and facing your fears, and maturing in the face of terror could be… canon!! We can do ALL the emotions!!”
Mr. Fancycakes’ reputation precedes him. The goblins clearly knew that of all the captives, he was the one who had to be most brutally chained up.
Christopher Lloyd at the end of a sixteen hour recording session: “I didn’t understand much Goblinese, but I think they wanted me to clean up all the webs.”
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vi-enti · 5 months
how to be yourself (who is that, anyways?)
He didn’t deserve an ending just yet. There was too much to fix. / Nobody was healed and only more wounded were going to join them, but… they’d heal. They’d do it together. / Would peace be an option for all of them? / Nothing was right. / "We can make things right."
A story of survival after death, and how to forge something new after having destroyed the world. Where every awakening is a disaster waiting to happen, but not an irreparable one. Unlikely friendships, growing bonds, and some semblance of happiness; if they can bring themselves to believe they deserve it, anyways.
tldr; the remnants of despair becoming beacons of hope again, not for society, but for themselves.
how to be yourself (who is that, anyways?) - Chapter 2 - guravity - Dangan Ronpa Series [Archive of Our Own]
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thatonecrookedsmile · 3 months
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I decided to re-read the bendy books because it's been a while since I read them.
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elaynetrakand · 2 years
I don’t agree that Cersei and Sansa had a mentor & mentee relationship similar to the one Sansa has with Littlefinger. Cersei did try, in her way, to pass on some of her nastier life lessons to Sansa, but Sansa roundly rejected everything Cersei tried to teach her. 
By contrast, Sansa takes a lot of Littlefinger’s advice and learns from him, even if she doesn’t like or trust him, because she knows that much of what he says is useful. She even took in the Hound’s advice about how to survive Joffrey (”He wants you to love him and to fear him”), because although it was delivered in an unkind way, she recognized that there was value in it. But whenever Cersei tried to teach her anything, Sansa was rightly like, “No, that’s fucking dumb, I’m not gonna do that.” She has no respect for Cersei at all lmao. 😂 
At best, Cersei is a cautionary tale for Sansa of everything she doesn’t want to turn into and everything she doesn’t want to be. Apart from that, Cersei’s had little to no influence over the person Sansa has become. Sansa wants nothing to do with her bullshit, and honestly I love that for her. If I ever needed any evidence at all that Sansa is smart, it would be in that fact alone.
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karofsky · 2 months
Posting last chapter of heat fic tonight wahoooo
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whysamwhy123 · 4 months
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
Generally, yeah. I'm a pretty firm planner/outliner - I need to know where I'm going before I start putting pen to paper, so to speak. Most of my fics, I know how they're gonna end when I start 'em. And while I have yet to venture into multi-chapter fics, (not for lack of wanting to, believe me, I have Ideas) I would only do so if I knew for sure how I wanted it to end.
That isn't to say I'm not willing to be flexible though, if the writing process takes me down a different path. A good example of that is Voice in the Dark, Part Two - that fic originally had a very different ending, but when I started writing the second conversation between Hook and Evilhausen, it ended up going in a completely different (and much hornier) direction that took me by surprise and facilitated changing the ending. And even then, that ending had a couple different iterations before I settled on what was posted in the end. To this day, I still wonder how different the reception might have been if I'd gone with one of the other endings.
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ell-arts · 1 year
Summary: She knew that she should’ve done something. She should’ve stepped in sooner, to open her eyes and stop the bullying. She was at fault as much as everybody else was. She was guilty.
And yet, he forgave her.
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
I’m excited for the next two chapters of happenstance because Katara gets to be such a failwoman while also winning it’s hard to explain
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memequeen92 · 1 year
man every once in a while i reread breaking you apart and get such a visceral urge to rewrite it if only because the first two chapters feel so awkward at certain points and it makes me cringe
but also like. the rest of the story doesn't bug me much, just the two first chapters.
but I also feel like it would be weird to go back and just make big changes to them after all this time??
fuck man, it's so easy to tell I was having a manic episode while writing the first two chapters of that fic...
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thewatercolours · 2 months
PART ONE - Replaying King's Quest, Chapter Two (2015)
Opening logo screen as a symbol of what happens to Daventry over Graham’s reign? A new flowering and regrowth, even as he grows and blossoms personally?
For just a moment we can see Graham’s real reflection in the mirror, as the dragon vision fades and the purple ripples spread.
When he’s so breathless and panicked by what he just saw, but he hears the guards coming and just has to run and flail and get to the throne before they come in, so he can look like he’s got it together. I understand why you feel you have  to mask it, Graham – most of them have little confidence in you at this point and vulnerability is a real risk – but I’m pretty sureif you do this on a consistent basis it’s a contributing factor to why this first stint as king has been so distressing for you. His eyes are so huge as he turns aside from the mirror.
Graham does the big, grand, “Proceed” line in a deep voice twice in this game. Once in his twenties, where he’s doing it unironically to try to come off kingly – and it sounds so stupid. But Grandpa also does it in the framing device, to joking invite Gart to come in, and it’s just meant in good fun because he clearly realizes how ridiculous it is. That kid came along, over time.
Number One actually sounds quite excited about the new uniforms.
“Hilarious. Your key decisions are already shaping the kingdom for the better. Yay.” You know what would be hilarious? If this line was utterly accurate because your choice of footrub had consequences. I mean, there are three options. 😉
“And don’t forget your swords this time.” Man, I’d like to know what happened that time. Called out suddenly in the middle of the night, perhaps?
I love the thing where Graham’s getting inundated with decision quests and the time available to make a choice gets steadily shorter while the options get steadily wordier. Awesome way to give just a little touch of the overwhelm while keeping it lighthearted.
My favourite cloak is back! Love the wine red and lighter trim. I forgot it has quite so much sheen to it. It’s the chapter beginning. Of course I am going to spend some time just spinning him and making him move in fun ways (not so smooth with arrow keys, though!)
He’s all upright as he runs and really pumping his arms – I just remembered that shortly he’s not going to do that. Oh… (But also >:D)
Graham has a freckle on his left ear.
Making puns in that small, daunted little voice. Reflexes still kicking in.
The very quiet rendition of Achaka’s musical motif if you keep looking at his memorial.
We don’t get to walk through the palace courtyard, but it looks like an interesting place. Half-timbered buildings, a wagon with big wheels, a great big bench to sit on under a lantern. Doubtless where all the chattering people we could hear in Chapter One were busy. I think I used it as a location once in fic, but I didn’t explore it as much as might have been interesting.
“I guess I was born at the right time. I’m… just lucky.” And it cuts too ways, doesn’t it? He really believes that in this moment. That he didn’t get the crown because he proved himself and did good for the kingdom, but just by lucky chance. But at the same time, he doesn’t feel lucky at all. Not one bit.
No thank you for Olfie?
The town square is gorgeous in the rain. I am going to run around it forever admiring it. (And that is… the only reason I’m just going to keep running round it and not knocking on anyone’s door. Yup.)
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froggi-mushroom · 2 years
I’m finally done with all my mocks so I can hopefully get back to writing soon!
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cospinol · 3 months
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Most insane line ever written
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lonewolflink · 5 months
also “what exactly IS the deal with 2yeon anyways” has me frothing at the mouth. would ADORE the WSC extended universe -hambbyong
if i wrote this oneshot it would probably be like. a non-chronologically ordered collage of scenes from their freshman year through the end of wheel snipe celly revealing EXACTLY what their deal is and how it came to be
(and also exactly what jihyo knows about it)
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choface · 1 year
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iykyk 😔
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neil-gaiman · 10 months
Hi Neil, I just finished watch season two, and apart from emotional devestation of the plot (thank you I hate you I love you), I wanted to say how emotional the sheer Pratchett-esqueness of it all made me. Obviously the easter eggs were a pleasure (CMOT Dibbler, six-inch tall angry scottish men, seamstress humour and the countless more I'm sure I'll pick up on on repeat viewing.) But the street traders meeting felt like something straight from the Discworld. Terry had such a keen eye for the beautiful humour in mundane, silly, regular people. Of course the apocalypse might happen. But people have things to say about the Christmas lights. Of course they do. I started reading the discworld books when I was 8, and the supply was so great (our library would order books in if you asked nicely and had it no limit on how many books you could borrow), I quickly became addicted. I read them all, too quickly, looking back. And then one day there weren't any more new books to read. And today, watching Good Omens s2, it was almost as though I got to revisit a new chapter. And I wanted to thank you. Because Terry's spirit is so present in season two its hard to imagine you didn't come up with it together while eating sushi.
Thank you! That put a huge smile on my face.
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undertalethingems · 8 months
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Unexpected Guests Chapter 10, Act Two: Page 4
First / Previous / Next
Gaster may have shown his face again, but Undyne's more than ready to put a boot right through it--and the wall too...
I've said it before, I'll say it again, even if it's difficult to get right I always enjoy drawing Undyne's action poses! It gave me a good reason to revisit my volumes of fullmetal alchemist for inspiration, even if that meant staying up way too late one night XD
I hope you'll look forward to the next update, coming Oct. 19th!
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