samanthahirr · 9 months
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With Heart Hardened
Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1,416 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James Bond/Q Characters: James Bond, Q (James Bond) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Angst, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Torture
Summary: James Bond has been ordered to complete an impossible mission. Q vows to bring him back alive, even if Q has to risk his own life to do it. But Bond will do whatever it takes to stop Q from following him into danger—even betray the trust of the man he loves.
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criminol · 1 year
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Rohypnol is a brand name for a drug called flunitrazepam, a powerful sedative. It is a tranquilliser around ten times more potent than Valium (diazepam). Usually rohypnol comes as a white or dark-green pill but it can be crushed into a powder.
The effects of rohypnol start 20-30 minutes after taking the drug but may continue for up to 12 hours after. The person may collapse and someone who has taken it will experience loss of muscle control, confusion, drowsiness, slow reaction times and amnesia. Sometimes people who have taken rohypnol cannot remember what happened when they were on the drug.
Medically, rohypnol is used to treat insomnia however it has gained a notorious reputation as a date rape drug due to the fact it is tasteless, odourless and dissolves in liquids, leading it to be used by people to commit sexual assault.
Spiking drinks is illegal in most countries but often goes unreported.
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semienthusiastic · 3 months
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
this is kind of a personal and traumey question so obviously only answer if it feels comfortable. but if you've ever either been roofied or treated with rohypnol, can you describe what it feels like to try and remember stuff? if you've had other memory loss as well (eg from drinking) does it feel the same or different?
to me it feels like there's two sorts of memory loss I guess. I think of them as 'fuzzy' and 'cut'. Fuzzy would be the sort of memory loss where you're like. aware that the memory exists, although you might not be able to actually recall it - like dreams, there's an impression that There Was An Experience, and if you remember bits there's a sense that they're attached to something either side that you can't quite make out. if you are told something that happened you might get a hazy memory surfacing connected to that even if it's just a sense memory or a surge of emotion. Whereas cut would be the kind of memory loss where there's just nothing, no sense that you have at any point experienced that time. Any memories that exist within that time are snapshots with no sense they attach to anything before or after, and if someone described something that happened during that time it wouldn't ring any bells, it would be effectively new information, like hearing about something you weren't there for - it might make sense and fill in some puzzle pieces but it isn't REMINDING you of anything you already knew.
I suspect I know which of these two rohypnol falls into bc of the conversations I've had in the past with people who've had rohypnol treatments for getting surgery while conscious.
but if you have had rohypnol related memory loss, I'd be interested to know how it stacks up to your experience of any other types of memory loss (eg from alcohol/other drugs/exhaustion/head injury/seizure/traumatic experiences) both in terms of the cut/fuzzy distinction and in more granular comparisons (eg with both alcohol and exhaustion I tend to feel sick during the time my memory goes, but with exhaustion I have trouble discerning dreams and reality which isn't my experience with alcohol)
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tilidinknockout · 2 years
GHB macht in entsprechender Dosierung schläfrig, vergesslich und wehrlos. Es kann auch Krampfanfälle, einen langsamen Herzschlag, eine langsame Atmung und ein Koma verursachen. Die Wirkung setzt innerhalb von 15 bis 30 Minuten ein und hält 3 bis 6 Stunden an.
Rohypnol wirkt entspannend. In hohen Dosen kann es zu Problemen bei der Kontrolle der Muskeln, Amnesie, Verlust von Hemmungen und Bewusstlosigkeit führen. Die Wirkung setzt in der Regel innerhalb von 30 Minuten ein und erreicht ihren Höhepunkt etwa 2 Stunden nach der Einnahme. Bereits 1 Milligramm kann eine Wirkung von 8 bis 12 Stunden haben.
Ketamin ruft Benommenheit und Halluzinationen hervor. Es kann auch Magenverstimmungen, Erbrechen, hohen Blutdruck, Veränderungen der Herzfrequenz, Krampfanfälle oder ein Koma verursachen. Die Wirkung tritt innerhalb von 30 Minuten ein und hält ein oder zwei Stunden an.
Alkohol macht in niedriger Dosierung der Regel entspannt, gesprächig und selbstbewusst. Je mehr man trinkt, desto instabiler werden allerdings die Gefühle, die Hemmungen fallen und die Kontrolle über den Körper geht verloren. Wer zu viel trinkt, kann ins Koma fallen. Alkohol gelangt in der Regel innerhalb weniger Minuten in das Gehirn.
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angelholme · 4 months
And his name is really "Cleverly"?
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nomoresilence2020 · 8 months
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Very happy for this form of justice! #IsupportJenniHermoso #nomoresilence2020 #druggedandraped #Rohypnol #metoo
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karlstardapotek · 8 months
karlstardapotek.com är den bästa onlineapoteket i Sverige. Köp högkvalitativa mediciner från vårt onlineapotek till lägsta priser. Ta en titt på våra medicinska produkter på vår hemsida och gör ett urval baserat på dina hälsobehov för att förebygga eventuella sjukdomar. Våra onlineapoteksbutiker erbjuder ett brett urval av läkemedel för olika hälsosjukdomar för både män och kvinnor. Köp läkemedel online till de bästa priserna i vårt apotek som - Rohypnol, Ksalol, Ketamin, Ritalin, Oxynorm, Lyrica, Morfin, Adderall, Stilnox, Phentermine, Tramadol, Oxycodone och Xanax alprazolam.
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oralliquid · 1 year
Millionen Frauen in Deutschland leiden unter Ängsten und Schlafstörungen. Viel zu viele Ärzte verschreiben ihnen leichtfertig und verantwortungslos Schlafmittel, die süchtig machen. Die Geschichte eines Skandals.
Nachts wälzt sie sich stundenlang im Bett und grübelt: über die Raten fürs Haus, den Chef, ihren Ex-Mann. Morgens fühlt sie sich völlig zermürbt und schreit die Kinder an. Sofort tut es ihr leid. Was ist, wenn sie jetzt auch noch im Job Fehler macht? Gerade jetzt, wo ohnehin Stellen gestrichen werden? Es muss etwas geschehen. Sie geht zum Arzt. Und der verschreibt ihr erst mal ein Schlafmittel.
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ketacontrol · 1 year
Ketamin, in der Szene als „Special K“,  „Super K“, „Vitamin K“ oder schlicht als „Elefanten-Betäubungsmittel“ bekannt, ist als klare Flüssigkeit und als weißes oder gebrochen weißes Pulver erhältlich. Ketamin als Droge in Pulverform (100 Milligramm bis 200 Milligramm) wird in der Regel in kleinen Glasfläschchen, Hartkapseln, Aluminium- oder Plastikbeuteln und Papiertütchen verkauft.
Wie wird Ketamin als Droge missbraucht?
Zusammen mit anderen Substanzen ist Ketamin als Droge bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen in Tanzclubs und auf Raves verbreitet. Auf dem Schwarzmarkt ist es als Pulver oder als Flüssigkeit erhältlich. Das Pulver wird meist aus pharmazeutischen Präparaten hergestellt, indem die Flüssigkeit mit Hilfe von Heizplatten, Wärmeschalen oder Mikrowellenöfen verdampft wird. Dieser Prozess führt zur Bildung von Kristallen, die anschließend zu Pulver gemahlen werden. Das pulverisierte Produkt eignet sich zum Schnupfen oder Rauchen, letzteres in der Regel in Marihuana- oder Tabakzigaretten. Flüssige Präparate werden injiziert oder in Getränke gemischt. Die Substanz kommt häufig auch in Kombination mit MDMA, Amphetamin, Crystal Meth oder Kokain zur Anwendung.
Im Hinblick auf die halluzinogene Wirkung ist Ketamin als Droge mit LSD, PCP, Psilocybin und Meskalin vergleichbar. Es gibt auch mehrere Substanzen (zum Beispiel GHB oder Rohypnol), die, ähnlich wie Ketamin, wegen ihrer amnestischen oder sedierenden Wirkung missbraucht werden, um sexuelle Übergriffe zu erleichtern.
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beruhigung · 2 years
Bei K.o.-Tropfen handelt es sich meist um flüssige, farblose und nahezu geschmacklose Substanzen. Sie wirken bereits nach kurzer Zeit einschläfernd, muskelentspannend oder auch enthemmend. Diese potenziellen Knockout-Mittel können sowohl als Tropfen, Pulver oder Tabletten unbemerkt in Getränke oder in Speisen gemischt werden. Seltener injizieren Täter sie sogar mit einer Spritze, zum Beispiel in den Arm. Die Opfer sind nicht nur wehrlos gegenüber Diebstahl und sexuellem Missbrauch – K.o.-Tropfen können lebensgefährlich sein.
Als K.o.-Tropfen werden unterschiedliche Substanzen bezeichnet, die meist im medizinischen Bereich als Schlaf-, Beruhigungs- oder Narkosemittel eingesetzt werden. Dabei steht die Abkürzung K.o. für das englische Wort "knockout" und heißt so viel wie "außer Gefecht setzen". Folgende Stoffe gehören dazu:
Das Narkosemittel Gamma-Hydroxy-Buttersäure (GHB) oder seine Vorstufe Gamma-Butyrolacton (GBL) – sie ist auch als Liquid Ecstasy bekannt.
Das Narkosemittel Ketamin
Die Beruhigungsmittel aus der Gruppe der Benzodiazepine. Dazu gehören Flunitrazepam, Alprazolam und Diazepam. Besser sind die Mittel unter ihren Handelsnamen bekannt: Rohypnol, Xanax, Valium.
Diese Substanzen sind nur teilweise verboten. Aber: Es ist in jedem Fall illegal, einem Menschen Knockout-Tropfen, ohne dessen Wissen zu verabreichen. Das ist gefährliche Körperverletzung. Die Straftat wiegt natürlich noch schwerer, wenn weitere Übergriffe dazukommen – beispielsweise sexueller Missbrauch.
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detund · 2 years
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DU™️ #Repost @loamm_jab ・・・ | s e g m e n t : Rohypnol — Segment [NW0035] | new reference available via Polygon Network bandcamp on digital + cassette limited edition. https://polygonnetwork.bandcamp.com/album/rohypnol-segment-polygon-network-nw0035 > Rohypnol [Bilbao, sp] is an abstract techno project based on hypnotic lines with different atmosphere layers slowly evolving to create a mesmerizing context. Programmed and mixed by Rohypnol Mastered by Dual Spectrum #abstract #techno #experimental #minimal #texture #rohypnol #segment #polygonnetwork #ponek #bilbao #basquecountr https://www.instagram.com/p/CdORyyOF3pg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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knockoutdrogen · 2 years
Knock-Out-Drogen werden zur Erleichterung der Begehung einer Straftat eingesetzt. In der Regel handelt es sich um Raub oder einen sexuellen Übergriff. In den Medien wird häufig darüber berichtet. Belastbare Zahlen dazu sind aber immer noch Mangelware. Das liegt unter anderem daran, dass viele Straftaten dieser Art gar nicht erfasst werden.
Bei Sexualdelikten ist in 40 bis 60 Prozent der Fälle Alkohol im Spiel. Zunehmende Bedeutung haben illegale Drogen, von Cannabis bis hin zu Kokain oder Heroin. Unfreiwillig eingenommene Substanzen sind nur in etwa 2 Prozent der Fälle nachweisbar. Meist handelt es sich dabei um Benzodiazepine wie Valium oder Rohypnol. Andere Hypnotika kommen seltener vor.
Eher gering ist in der Statistik der Anteil der “klassischen” Knock-out-Drogen GHB und GBL. Die Dunkelziffer dürfte allerdings sehr groß sein, da diese Substanzen nur für wenige Stunden im Blut oder Urin zu finden sind. Haarproben können zwar einen Nachweis noch mehrere Wochen später liefern, geben aber nichts über den genauen Zeitpunkt des Konsums preis. Aufgrund des schwierigen Nachweises kommt es in Deutschland nur selten zur Verurteilung von Tätern.
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mattgrayspenis · 1 month
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This is all of the Tech Dif at Tom Scott
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tilidinknockout · 2 years
Zu den gängigsten K.o.-Mitteln  gehören Alkohol und einige Medikamente. Das Opfer verfällt in einen verwirrten Zustand, kann sich nicht mehr verteidigen und sich später nicht mehr an den Vorfall erinnern.
In der englischen Sprache werden diese Substanzen auch als „Date Rape Drugs“ (Drogen zur Vergewaltigung bei einem Date) bezeichnet. Dieser Name ist insofern irreführend, als solche Verbrechen nicht immer bei einem Date stattfinden. Ein Täter kann auch jemand sein, den das Opfer gerade erst kennengelernt hat, oder jemand, den es schon eine Weile kennt.
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Quite The Unexpected (Pt.18)
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Steady breaths
He inhaled and exhaled at the so ever familiar voice that had been plaguing his mind in his slumber.
His breathings turned a bit more laboured, his lungs felt heavy and oppressed, the air came through his nostrils tighter. The sudden surge of intense and painful pleasure took over his body and so was the stench of iron. But it felt wrong in all the sense of the word.
It's your fault.
His eyelashes fluttered open, his eyes finally taking in the source of his suffocation. You. Body naked, lurched towards him, and that when he smelled it. Blood.
It oozed from every inch of your body, staining the many tattoos that covered your skin, A cruel and devious smile plastered on your shadowed face, revealing only your mouth.
You let them take me
The more you spoke, the tighter the grip on his throat was, and even so, his body refused to act and try to stop you. His vision begun to sway, his muscles spasmed in a slow yet desperate rythm, his mouth opened, trying to catch as much air as he could.
Look what they did to me, Aiden
Your voice echoed faintly in his ears, darkness slowly claiming his consciousness. He fought, but the air was no longer there to fill in his lungs
You're always breaking promises, aren't you?
His body sunk into the scorching mattress that creaked upon the shifting weight. And only when there was an audible crack in his windpipe, he could finally see your face.
It was unrecognizable, except for the fresh hole in your forehead that was burnt into your flesh and the swollen black eyes that stained your sclera with bloodshot crimson.
People are so much better without you
His windpipe cracked again, finally giving in under your crushing pressure.
He gargled and coughed, as if trying the air for the first time. His knuckles were white as they clung to the soaked in sweat bedsheets. His eyes looked around, frantically and his breaths almost matched his heartbeats.
Shaking hands wiped his damp face, trying to restore a balance in his aching and tormented self. He was alone in the double twin bed, he coughed almost involuntarily as his throat felt burning and raspy. As if he had screamed on for hours.
Aiden didn't trust his limbs enough to take him away from the bed yet, since his feet succumbed to the sudden numbness. He felt cold, as the sweat had started to stick and dry everywhere.
Focus, Pearce
His nostrils quivered as he inhaled a good load of air, and it was shakier as he exhaled.
Your voice rang so clearly on his mind that he nearly whimpered uncomfortably. Nausea was taking over, replacing the once lack of air, forcing himself to move, he dragged his almost awake body to the bathroom, where he expelled bile and fears down the toilet.
He slumped against the wall and sighed, as his hand wiped his mouth
"Fuck" he spat on the floor and crawled up to the sink. He always looked like shit, but this time he did not only looked like, but felt like it. His nose still detecting an iron-ish smell around him.
Even though his limb coordination was not top notch at the moment, he managed to rinse his face and mouth. Never in his fourty three years of life had he looked so rundown and felt defeated. The water splashed again on his face, trying to erase his fraught reflection.
He didn't care if it was still there or not after a couple of blinks, carefully he supported his weight on the nearest surface he could rely on to finally reach the small pill bottle forgotten in his desk next to the laptop and popped one in his mouth, dryly, to then chew it for a faster absorbtion.
His stomach unable to hold anything together at the moment. The Rohypnol would at least put him to sleep for a long while. After all it was an illegal drug in the country.
It's getting worse
His mind chanted, only to be silenced with his eyes focusing on the so ever dull gray ceiling. Sometimes, he refused to sleep due the vivid nightmares that never missed the chance to torment him.
You would never hurt him, at least not like that. Aiden wasn't sure what to believe anymore after a nightmare. Reality was often confusing, and the only anchor he had was tech, a punching bag and lots of information to process. Not this time though.
He needed rest, he would just have to wait for the pills to buzz in his system so he could sleep.
He didn't know the time, nor cared. But it was bright enough to look around three pm. He groaned and stirred, almost yanking himself from the damp pillow. He smelled salty and musky, his left side of his aged face was coated in a thin layer of dried and flaky saliva.
If he had to be reminded why he didn't took sleeping pills, was exactly because of how powerful they ended up being. He didn't dream again of you, the constant churning in his stomach made him groan, and indulge on a glass of water to appease the uncomfortable feeling.
He then searched over his fridge finding nothing but rotting groceries in it. The mouldy, humid and pungent smell didn't help his overall state. He ordered food and some other medicines that would ease his sickness.
The day felt sluggish, it didn't help his mood either. He put the money outside the door a couple of minutes before the delivery man arrived. The least he wanted was to interact with anyone at the moment. Once he was sure the man had left, he retrieved his food and medicines and sat on the two seat-table to eat.
He had ordered an egg drop soup, some noodles for later and some lemonades among some other citric beverages along some gastric protectors and mild pain killers. The soup felt almost heavenly on his upset stomach.
The quietness from the place made him relaxed. There was no voices whispering, no people crying, there was no you that threw at his face how everyone were better without him in their lives. Nothing that hunted his mind.
Once he was satisfied and his body felt functional enough again, he took a long warm shower, that ended in a cold one to wake up completely. He then trimmed his growing stubble and dressed in sweatpants, and sneakers. The AC unit was turn on, allowing to cool down the servers and his apartment in general.
He sat before his laptop and began working. Yvgyeni was gone, and so far none had asked for him. Not even his contacts had reached out. Aiden took the now dead man's phone and wired it to a separate burnt-in drive, creating a copy. His eyes read in as much as they could, finding little to no relevant sort of information.
There was a couple of messages on the log that were previously deleted, Some were his own threats along with some nonsensical phylosophy. The only relevant thing was a couple of messages with numbers that resembled a log of coordinates.
Of course he'd see where the numbers took him to, but the location was pretty much non existant. The 404 code displayed in his tor navigator, but the screen blinked and turned black. A single word on the screen, 'C O N T I N U E'.
His eyes narrowed, as his computer ran an anlysys in a shared screen and so far there was no sign of any intrusion. His VPN was foreign anyway and this revealed a location in Italy. His hand clicked on the link and the screen blacked out again to then show a live sort of transmission but stopped to show a roulette on his screen.
It only had four colors with four numbers in it. The 'Pick one' message popped up in a bright yellow. The analysis showed four sourced videos that were uploaded to the page. As the analysis ran it revealed the name of each.
The first one read as 'Play Tag', the second one as 'Mussolini Style', The third one as "Chainsaw Tune" and the fourth one as  'Meat Market Pt. 4'. Knowing the nature and place of the videos he knew that it wouldn't be easy to digest. But the last one called his attention the most.
Giving a quick breathing he clicked on the second one. The screen was black again and the caption 'Rabbit Hole Productions' appeared. He could hear the volume increasing until the pleading voice of a woman echoed perfectly through the speakers. The image was slowly fading into a more HD video.
Aiden's heart almost flipped upon seeing a very familiar face. He was about to watch Jane Ferguson's butchering. The men in the video wore blank masks with just an overstretched smile drawn into them. And despite it, Aiden could make out Ilya's silhouette, he didn't recognize the other helper.
But Ilya was the one that took the camera as the other guy picked up a set of syringes, wich contents made Jane sleepy and sluggish. Only then he began butchering Jane as she was barely conscious.
Even though he had seen and experienced first hand the gore, he wasn't a fan, never enjoyed it anyways. He stopped the video and clicked the fourth one. To his unpleasant surprise it was another gorey video, but this time he recognized Antoyev in it by the posture he had in the video.
The menu was presented as the men that participated in the video, showed a fresh cut from a woman's body. Breast, glutes, outer labia, thighs. It was like a meat store commercial and Antoyev the main vendor. Even the music was upbeat.
He stopped and sighed. A weird taste in his mouth appeared. The analysis kept running and soon the screen displayed a new message.
'Meat Market Pt. 5 coming soon.'
The analisys ended as the mysterious landing page took him to another, this one was a website that had a rabbit logo in a top corner, the user interface seemed to have been updated a year ago, and so we're their last interactions. Mostly of them offering women. Like an auction.
He copied and created a back up link from both pages and sent them to T-Bone.
The latter called him almost right away
Aiden nodded and hung up the call. Once his uneasyness was settled, his attention focused directly on Alekzei Garin. Just as T-Bone had told him, Alekzei had a Tinder where he showed a completely different self from what he saw. It was like the old cliché of a lanky nerd suddenly turning into model material.
"You going through the Deep Web now?"
"Don't click on the contents, just take a look at the pages and tell me what can you find. I wanna know the IP address."
"You sound like you found a gold mine."
"I did. It's the Videnko's website. The Rabbit Hole."
"Let me know if anything happens or if you find something. Gotta go hunt the accountant."
"Wait, hasn't anyone checked on that Pavel guy?"
"Not a soul."
"Guess he does disappears often, still be careful, pal. Make the most out of it. By taking down his accountant, people will start reaching for Pavel."
"Hopefully it'll make Antoyev come out from his hiding."
But thanks to the app, he found his digital print on several websites. Antique torture machines, BDSM blogs and Betting sites. Mr. Garin spent his free time betting large amounts of money, and thanks to his recent activity log, he could see the amount of it invested.
Or rather lost to Antoyev
Aiden smirked upon the brewing idea in his mind. He wouldn't even have to get himself involved directly, rather just be the catalyzer for his death to happen. He had gambled against a kingpin from another state in the name of Bratva, and lost. Big time.
Nothing but 50k in a night. Then another 25K.
Garin had been careless and by the looks of it, Antoyev was unaware of his money being lost. Despite the organization earning millions, almost 100k wasn't an amount that would go unnoticed in the bank accounts. When Aiden traced back the account's owner he nearly laughed.
Garin is not only gambling behind Antoyev's back, but it's using Ilya's money to do so.
The Fox had three options now. The first one would be to give out Garin's data to the Kingpin and let him do the dirty work. The second one would be sending an anonymous email with evidence at Ilya's younger brother, Alek and at Mikhail, and let them do the rest.
If there was something Aiden had learned in his life was that treason was something unthinkable within an organization.
They'd probably expose him and then kill him.
And then, it was the third option that seemed the most adequate for the situation. Leave the contact information of Alek and Mikhail to the Kingpin and let them to deal with it. The Fox could go directly to his dispatch and kill him, but the least he'd want was to attract unneeded attention.
He wanted to give Antoyev some false sense of stability before he'd take him down. Choosing the third option would take time, time he'd probably had to make the most out of, since the FBI were also tailing The Bratva. If they'd arrive first, they'd jeopardize his whole investigation.
Better to leave them deal with their own issue.
At the end, he hacked in the cameras and watched as the Kingpin, identified as Stefano Ruggiero, a hardcore drug supplier and intimate friend of a politician, received the information. His reaction was more or less of what he expected. Careful, a bit mistrusting but satisfied.
He called in some of their men, discussed something and minutes later they'd bring a bundle of money and put it on a manila folder. Stefano gave it to one of his henchmen and he disappeared outside. There was a call and Aiden intercepted it.
He could hear the formalities shared between Ruggiero and Alek, the latter a bit confused by the call, both talked with respect and Stefano was the one to break in the news. By the constant angry mumble in russian the man had, it meant that hell was about to break loose.
Alek asked for evidence and proof before anything would unfold, the italian kingpin explained that he would have evidence delivered to him within a couple of minutes.
Even though mostly of the world was flooding with technology, Stefano wanted to make sure that the information that was sent to him via a link from an untraceable number, was true. Aiden had sent every incriminating move Alekzei had done after all.
It went from the screen shots of the several money withdrawals in a span of three days, of 10K each, the log messages Ruggiero's henchmen had sent Garin, advising him on how to do the payments, more money withdrawals, to a simple confession shared between Garin and Stefano's accountant saying he would deliver the money to a bank account, but it was never transferred. Aiden just had to wait.
In the meantime, he switched to the cameras on your home. It was empty and as usual, tidy. Except for the sprawled blankets on the couch, the single pillow and an abandoned bottle of beer on the floor.
Sleeping on the couch?
He rotated the cameras and switched to the outside balcony's one. Some flowers had dried long ago, others were soon to share the same fate. It was full of twigs and weeds that surely sucked all the life from the yet to bloom flowers. The distant rumble in the recording just made him aware of the storm approaching.
He switched the camera to the entrance,  just to reveal more lone scenarios, with the occasional neighbor walking down the hall or taking the elevator.
He checked on the recordings of the previous day and clicked on the play button.
You had woken up around 5:30, tussled hair, yawning and wearing a copper, thin strapped and short nightgown. Something he saw you wearing once with a pair of sweatpants and a robe. And after an half hour you came out, towel wrapped on your hair and body. He took a look to the tattoos in your skin, paying actual attention to them for the first time.
Besides the Ygdrassil tree, the minimalist raccoon tattoo under your breast he knew you had, the dog one on your right wrist's arm, a geometrical owl design on the forearm, a pair of ghosts singing, he found it surprising that there was a small and almost cartoon-ish looking fox in your upper shoulder.
It almost made him smile. And by the looks of your back, it seemed you'd have a new tattoo soon, probably something big. He then moved to your thighs and made out the silhouette of a steampunk spider. Even though he had seen your naked body more than once, he never paid full attention, until now.
In your left arm were a couple of things that he didn't recognize until he zoomed in the video. The Fibonacci sequence, flowers like hydrangeas, daisies and tulips, a bird with a daisy on it's beak, some skulls and futhark runes and some portraits with fantasy decor.
You were a walking art Gallerie, however  due to the hospital's policies, you had to wear long sleeved shirts under your scrubs so you could cover up the arms and avoid trouble with the higher ups in the nursing division. It kind of reminded him Lilly's words long ago about you making some patients uncomfortable.
You had packed up your lunch and left for work. He sped up the video and saw you returning at 6 pm. If he remembered, on wednesdays you had a full shift and Thursday, meaning, today, you'd be in the evening's half shift and wouldn't return until 9 pm or later.
In the video, you always put your things in the stand next to the door, the keys on a pale green ceramic tray and, how you'd undress on the laundry area. Leaving yourself with only your panties on.
His eyebrow raised in confusion as to why would you get naked in the laundry and not in your bedroom like a regular person would do.
Her home, her rules I guess.
He chuckled and watched you going to the bath again, you didn't eat, rather came out almost two hours later, wraped in a towel, got yourself changed into warmer clothes and headed to the living room with your blanket and a pillow.
He just stared at your form through the screen, slumped and just covered by the sheets, staring at nothing in particular. You stared at the phone for a couple of minutes but whatever desicion you were making, died in the spot as you just tossed the phone one the small coffee table before you and laid on the couch.
By the looks of it, you didn't seem uncomfortable, since you were short and after tossing and turning for what it seemed a long time, you finally remained still and asleep, and then you woke up at five thirty am. It was odd since, you always slept arround nine fourty, but by that time you were already K.O.
He then looked up into your phone, with the surprise of having little to no calls. All of them from work. Except for an outing call to his number, but the call never rang on his end.
Maybe she hung up before it connected.
His green eyes looked at your message log and found nothing. The only deleted messages found were your last conversation with 'Erik' and his own messages. He paused to rub his eyes and sigh. You'd probably delete his phone number eventually and he would stop and trying getting yours.
That's how things had always worked for him. You had un-installed some apps, like Tinder and that made his heart to leap both in relief and doubt. It was like as if you were curious on it, but also decided against it.
That's good.
What actually bothered him was that the FBI hadn't contacted with you ever since your meeting with Liutenant Pieck. He could focus on it later, the buzzing of incoming messages that cloned Alek's phone made him to pour his attention in the plan once more.
"Urgent meeting, drop by the club.
"??. In the middle of a meeting. I'll go once it's finished. Got new info.
"It better worth the wait.
His eyes returned to the cameras back at Stefano's, and found that all the information he had sent the kingpin was already downloading on Mikhail's drive. And it was at 72%. Ruggiero only wanted to make sure the source was trustworthy enough to risk in messing with The Bratva.
"You have no idea 
The Italian Kingpin wasn't with a mob or a club, he represented a small group and himself and it was enough. He got a good cut of money but always kept a low profile to avoid any other investigations, plus having a politician as his friend wasn't exactly a good thing.
Aiden's fingers clicked on the mouse and changed the tab once more on your cameras. It gave him a sort of gloominess seeing the space empty and so quiet. It was like mirroring his own place, the only difference was that he didn't feel at home ever since he left. He'd never feel at home ever since Lena's death.
The idea into hacking in your work's cameras crossed his mind, but the new message prevented from reaching out again.
But duty called and if possible he'd make sure to keep you under a peaceful life. Something he often found himself drifting to when overthinking took over.
He only had to be selfish for once and live a life that only appeared in his thoughts he believed forgotten.
The plan was in motion, his hunger could wait. He ran an analysis on the security system in Alek's building, It was good, but nothing too difficult he couldn't handle. He had a couple of monitors set up. In one he could see Alek's and Stefano conversation, in the other one he was tracking Garin. He was some minutes away from the building.
"On my way"
- Garin
To his little surprise there was one in the hacker team involved. Ivan Yaroslav. The fourth member.
Probably caught Garin in the act and he decided to cut him in, in exchange of his silence.
Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he could trespass the security system, and saw Ivan sitting on a nearby chair. There was a screen on as other cameras showed Garin arriving.
He took a deep breath and soon the whole show began. The screen activated again and this time Stefano and his accountant showed up. Both members paled and Ivan stood up. Alek pulled out a gun and pointed at him, ordering him to sit down. Another car had parked outside the building. It was Mikhail.
Aiden could only watch as Garin loosened his tie and exhaled. He had nowhere else to go or anything left to do but to accept his fate. It was something he sort of admired from the members he had encountered by far, their willingness to accept death and knowing when to stop. Ivan on the other hand had his hands shaking, not willing to look directly at Alek.
Stefano paused his speech of how much and the time the transactions were made, Mikhail didn't waste time and pulled out his laptop after entering the room. It was like seeing a younger version of Antoyev, with shorter hair and less prominent beard along a pair of golden round glasses.
"How much do they owe you?" He asked to Stefano as he opened the database on the bank accounts and motioned Garin to come closer, he obeyed.
"Seventy five thousand. And the blond one," He looked in Ivan's direction, "twenty five thousand."
"I see. May I have your account number?"
There was a text message almost instantly on Mikhail's phone with the required data.
"Thank you." Mikhail kept imputing data and soon, Alekzei took over. It took him some minutes to finish what he was doing, Mikhail nodded in approval.
"The transfer is done. We owe you nothing. Please refrain from contacting us ever again."
Stefano held up his hands in defense, with a light smirk.
"I just wanted my money back, boy. Grazzie*."
The screen went black and Mikhail sighed. He pulled his gun and without any word, shot Ivan on the forehead. Alekzei jumped and recoiled to his own self, a meek attempt to go unnoticed. Mikhail sighed and sat down across him.
"Twelve years, Misha."
" For howlong have you worked for us, Alekzei?"
Garin looked at him with fear, doe-like eyes, his throat went dry.
Mikhail almost scowled at him calling him in such a familiar way.
"And still, you stole from us. Have we not sheltered youfrom the American system? Have we not given you everything youhad asked for?"
Garin nodded with his head down, panic surging through his body.
"Then, why? Why biting and spitting the hand that feeds you?"
Garin gulped as he looked at Alek. He just glared back at him.
"I-I was stupid."
"Da. Very stupid of you. Look at the mess you did, Alekzei. Ivan was good. He knew how things worked around. But you corrupted him."
"There is only one way to prevent that from happening again. Can't let an apple ruin a whole bunch." Misha looked at Alek, who seemed eager to pounce on Garin.
"Please, Misha... look. I know what I did deserves more than a bullet into my head. I will transfer my money to you, all of it that I have extracted from the accounts I manage at my work. But hear me out..."
Mikhail rubbed the gun against his temple and for a second Aiden wished he'd pull the trigger accidentally.
" Surprise me." Misha loaded the gun and pointed at Garin's head.
" W-We had a meeting with a new client today. And he first asked for the regular services, insurance and the like. Turns out the man is part of the FBI."
Mikhail did nothing but to raise an eyebrow at him, unamused.
Mikhail just snorted at the name and nodded.
"I-I overheard a conversation on his phone as I was registering him in the company's data. Apparently he knows Elliot Keller."
"He is Keller's subordinate. And told me that he felt uneasy and that his own life was at risk, he started to prepare things for his family due his work. That something big was coming"
Aiden frowned at the bit of information he had just acquired
"He was delivering a message." Alek spoke from behind Garin, this made the accountant's skin to crawl.
"Nah. He is just one of those big mouthed American men that don't know when to shut up. FBI agents often use  insurance to secure new properties, goods of great value or even their lives when they are the head of the operation." Mikhail explained, he seemed satisfied.
"Even better. Anyways-"
"Anything else on Elliot?"
"Not really, by how he talked about him, I'll take my guess that they don't like each other that much."
He nodded once to Alek who suddenly slit Garin's throat with a pocket knife. Both Videnkos just watched as life escaped from Alekzei's throat, ear to ear, with coughing and gargling sounds, until he stopped moving.
"Call the cleaners."
Mikhail packed up his things and left Alek alone. Now Aiden had one new task. Look up for this mysterious man's identity before Mikhail reached to him first. But to do so, he'd have to hack in the company's server.
Can't do it remotely.
He geared up and left his place.
Weather was cold and rainy, what seemed to be a normal and kind of sunny day, turned into a grey and cold day around your evening shift. The place was busy, phones rang, speakers echoed calling the surgeons and doctors to their respective areas, you were taking blood samples and took them to the lab. Then moved to the ER section.
There was a couple of cases that demanded attention. You went for the most urgent one. A woman that just came out of an Anaphylactic shock, you helped her to get to a bed and started stabilizing her.
She had explained that she experienced the shock as she was driving and a policeman noticed her erratic behavior behind the wheel and helped her out.
"I'll put you some IVs so we can elevate your blood pressure, and you'll remain here in case the symptoms return, ok?"
The woman nodded weakly as you helped her to put on an oxygen mask and elevated her legs with the help of some pillows.
You then reached for the IV kit and begun the cleansing and soon enough, you got her wired to serum, and let her rest after making notes of her condition and her allergies for the doctors to check.
"Any food you are allergic to?"
You then moved to the next patient, a teen that had a small wound that required little stitching. It took you a couple of minutes. However, just as you were finishing two men barged in the ER.
One of them was half dragging himself as the other tried hard to keep him conscious and steady while giving him a pep tal on how would he make it. A bloody trail on their wake as they moved on a bed, almost pushing away a patient that was assigned to it. Rita immediately stepping in.
Your stomach flipped as a bad feeling sunk in deep. The man looked at you expectantly and you removed the clothes and exposed one of the biggest wounds you had seen. The inside of his thigh was torn open, exposing tissue, muscles and his femural artery.
"Sir! I need for you to calm down, okay, we cannot help you if-"
"Just shut the fuck up and help him!" The man yelled and soon, you were called in bya very upset Rita, you rushed to the man and quickly put in a new set of gloves, and cut the clothes around the soaked up area. The wounded man's pants had a hole that looked like someone had tried to rip away something.
"Shit..." You mumbled, "He needs surgery ASAP, Rita" you spoke as Rita hooked him to the monitor. Warm and crimson liquid seeping into the bed. Your hands begun shaking.
"Apply pressure. Now."
As you pressed your hand's heel inches away from his groin, the bleeding 'sprayed' you, staining your pristine blue scrub top and pants with warm blood. The bleeding man's companion yelled, but you were focused in trying to stop the bleeding, ignoring his demands.
"Sir, I need you to back off!" Rita yelled as the frantic man hovered over you like a hawk, not listening at the instructions given.
The wounded man was paler than when he first came, he was tall, white, short hair along some tattoos on his legs. Just like his friend who seemed at the verge of a nervous collapse.
The slow and almost faint beeping of the machine put the three of you to a brief stop. Darlene had applied the coagulant drug, but to no avail.
"I fucking swear David, if you die! -"
"Sir, please I really need you to stay back! Darlene, gauzes and TXA, now! (Name) for God's sake do not stop applying pressure!"
"The bleeding doesn't stop, Rita! It's not clotting!!" your voice raised and full of underlying panic, cause no matter how hard you applied pressure, blood kept oozing and spilling on the floor.
"No..." you gasped and pressed as hard as you could. "No no no no! C'mon buddy!" you gasped and checked out his decreasing vitals. David, or so his friend had called him, gave a weakened gaze your way, and in matter of seconds, the light in his eyes faded. Your ears buzzed
You put gauzes as the wound kept flooding, drenching you in blood. Your ears shut off, you could only hear your own agitated breathings, Rita tried to apply pressure as well but everything went still. The echoing and monotone beep from the monitor brought you back to the present.
Rita's voice soft yet firm, "He is dead." Your heart made a painful beat and a consecutive loud bang made you to drop to the floor and cover your ears, trying to soothe the acute ringing in them. You were dragged by the gruff of your uniform as David's friend held you next by the collar of your shirt and pointed the gun to your head. The heat irradiating from the cannon made you wince.
"(Name) stop..." You were trying a cardiac massage
"No... we... we have to-"
"(Name)! Stop!"
He striked your head with the base of his gun's charger, once, then twice. Pain blooming in your forehead. There was a light-headedness that took over your senses briefly as everyone who could, had scrambled away and screamed towards the emergency exit. The rest of the nurses had rushed to the most vulnerable patients in the room. Rita got down and moved to press a panic button.
"You let him die" the man's voice dripped octaves with venom
"No... No I didn't-"
"You fucking let him die!"
The now cold blood made you slid on the floor, your hips colliding against the wet floor adding a new stain in your uniform. You saw the man fiddling with the surgical tools and he approached to you with a scalpel on hands. You coud hear the distant cries from children and grown ups alike.
The man hauled you once more by your collar, and slashed across your right arm's shoulder and forearm. Hissing and crying out in pain, you tried to push him away by smashing a flower vase to his head, trying to neutralize him.
"Please, stop!"
"You let him die."
"I-I couldn't control his bleeding!" no matter how you tried to explain to him, the man was out of himself.
Rita was yanked from her hair and pushed away, colliding against the monitor that crashed on her back, and before the man could assault you again, you heard the police, Michael snuck behind the assaulter and hit his shoulder with a metallic tube, forcing him to drop the weapon as he groaned loudly.
You shrunk next to David's bed, applying pressure to your wound. It wasn't as deep as David's, but surely he had caused damage. Then, bracing yourself as another gunshot ensued, and saw the  man drop to the floor, holding his leg in pain. He was quickly apprehended.
Chaos slowly was settling down and your brain just shut itself off. Darkness taking you over.
The Fox had reached to the company's quarters and with the help of the cameras, he surveilled the area. He made sure everything was clear before hacking in the security systems.
It took him around ten minutes to find the right server, and soon began to install a backdoor and make a copy out of the files. To anyone who passed by he'd look like he was playing a mobile app, most just minded their business.
The download completed and soon he wiped any digital trail left behind. He immediately began sectioning the information and soon enough found a list with new associates. The bad thing, he'd have to go through the thirteen of them all.
To speed the process he started to use the profiler to try and identify each one of them. The connection was lost however as T-Bone called.
(Name)'s workplace
"I'm in the middle of something right-"
"Fuck that!!, look at the news! There was a shootout in Sacred Heart's Hospital! Isn't that-"
His hand held the phone tighter as his breathing hitched.
"I'm on my way."
His heart pounded, his feet took him with long strides to a nearest vehicle, a motorbike and took it. Immediately speeding to the hospital.
A million scenarios came flooding his mind as he got closer. Had the Bratva finally caught up to you? Who would sell you out? We're you okay?
It took him a couple of minutes to arrive, after all he had ignored the red lights, almost causing a crash in the process.
The parking lot was free, but as he got closer to the lobby he could see agents almost everywhere, guarding and asking for permits and IDs to anyone that approached. There was a couple of reporters outside and he hid, waiting for you to come out.
Time kept passing and still there were no signs of you yet. His palms were moist by his own sweat and his breath hitched upon seeing a group of policemen, covering someone and getting them away from the media. Uniform stained in blood, despite the blanket draped over your shoulders.
It was you. You looked so horrified and scared. You were taken to a police car and they sort of interrogated you before letting you go. One of the officers took you home. The rest seemed to start dispersing and returning to their labors.
Finding a way to your forgotten car wasn't as easy as he actually thought. He had some close scares with some agents scattered on the parking lot, and when he identified your car, he saw Rita from afar, trying to open it as her left arm was casted and with a sling.
Carefully, he walked and came closer, but his reflection on your car's windows alerted Rita.
"Ay, Dios Santo, Aiden! Pendejo*!" Rita sighed and held her chest, "You scared me!"
"May I?." he extended his hand and she glared at him for a second  but gave the keys to him. Aiden opened and then he opened the door for Rita, but she refused to get in.
"Where is (Name)?"
"At home. Cops escorted her. I'm taking her car to her place." She sighed, annoyed and kept on tinkering with the lock.
Rita sighed and shook her head.
"What are you doing, Aiden?".
"Let's go check on (Name)."
He nodded with a frown and revved the engine to then drive away.
"I think it's better if you do that. Trust me I want to check up on her, cause she was half sedated and shaken to the core. But I'm really I'm not feeling that good. And you just showed up, so go."
"Want me to-"
"No, don't worry. I've got it. Go check on (Name). But, Aiden?"
"Yes?" His tone impatient
"She's had enough. Don't push her further."
Push her further?
Rita disappeared from his sight, she didn't ask questions neither seemed to care at the moment.
He hopped in the car and drove away. A couple of items on your car. It smelled like lavender thanks to the diffuser plugged in the vents. Your car was just like your place, organized and fresh smelling. Except for some empty takeout paperbags in the back seats and some cardigans, and sneakers.
He was glad his interaction with Rita was brief. She seemed to understand to not ask and just move on. She was discreet.
The traffic back to your place was light and soon he arrived. The adrenaline pumped in him once more as he went up the stairs. He heard some police officers walking down the hall and taking the elevator. He waited for them to go, and soon, he was at your doorstep.
He knocked. But none replied. His breath turned more agitated and he knocked once more.
His fist clenched and there was a small thud from the other side. It was enough for him to jam the door and get in, then closed it to find you. There was some fidgeting on the bathroom and then a sob.
"(Name)" He called as he pulled out a gun. The sobbing stilled. He heard the sniffling as he came closer.
"I-I'm here. I just fell down" There was a crashing noise and he spreaded the door wider. There was an unusual painful stab in his chest upon his eyes gazing at your form.
Right arm bleeding, despite the stitches on them. Some droplets had smeared on the floor and a ceramic container, now in pieces all over the floor. You were crying and curled in the furthest corner.
He put his gun back to it's holster and kicked some of the shards away, to make a small, safe path.
"C'mon." He kneeled at your side and picked you up with rather ease. One hand securing your torso, as the other arm scooped you away from the floor, avoiding your bare foot to touch the floor. He felt for a moment your hands clinging to him tightly before he came out the bathroom.
"Thanks, put me down, please." He did, carefully as you limped your way to your bedroom.
You sighed and rubbed your face in annoyance.
"Need help?"
"No. I'm... I'm fine."
"That's Bullshit."
"Let me do this. Please. I can do it."
You nearly tripped again and he sighed, against your protest, he held you by your torso and helped you walk to the bed.
His hands fetched the clothes and handed them over you.
"Get me those sweatpants and that tanktop, please."
"Your stitches are bleeding"
"They can wait."
His eyes adverted from you as he stepped out the room and closed the door.
"I'll change. You can wait outside."
"You being naked isn't news-"
"Just because I shared my body with you back then, means I wanna do it now, Aiden."
"... Right."
Exhaling, he stared at the door for a moment, and let you to change. In the mean time, he prepared some medical supplies. Alcohol, gauzes, iodine, and some tweezers and put them on the coffee table in the living room. You were not okay, that was much obvious, and he was trying his best to not add any more stress on you.
You came out some minutes later with a messy bun and the tank top smeared with some blood on it.
"Can you get me the stitching kit, please?"
You moved to the couch and saw the tools on display, Aiden returned with the things you had asked.
"Can I know what happened?"
You sank into the couch, and exhaled deeply. He sat next to you and took your arm softly. You hissed lowly as he examinated your damaged limb. He looked at two cuts. One over the Yggdrasil tattoo and the other one on the geometrical owl. It now looked sliced in half.
Sensing your silence, he soaked a gauze in alcohol and as carefully as he could dabbed it on the bleeding stitches. You gave a sharp inhale but didn't complained. You stared at the ceiling, the Advil still buzzed in your system.
"Someone died on me today." your left hand clenched on your sweatpants and your gaze casted down, ashamed. You bit your lip softly and looked at your feet as he kept cleaning the dried blood away.
"I literally saw the shine fading from his eyes as he looked at me."
Oh, how he related, still it was the opposite from your experience. You were trying to save a life. He was ending one. He still remembered the face of his gym instructor as he strangled him to death. The light slowly fading from his eyes as the man watched Aiden in utter fear. It was one of his core memories.
"What happened?"
Shaking your head, you wiped the menacing tears both from emotional and physical pain with your unscathed limb.
"I failed. That's what happened. No. matter how... hard I pressed, the blood kept flowing and flowing until there was no more. I tried..." you sobbed, ignoring his hands working to patch you up. Only then he realized the small white patch in your upper left forehead, stained in some blood, along some small cuts that looked like scratches on your face.
" But he died. I... I couldn't save him." Your voice cracked, defeated. Your breath shivered and sighed.
"And then this man just... attacked me."
The back of your hand wiped the tears again.
"And... now the hospital is facing a lawsuit, I must go to trial, my nurse division's manager is opening a case and investigation to see if... I was in all my faculties at the time of the incident."
"I'm tired of getting beaten just cause I'm trying to help. I don't deserve this. What am I doing wrong?"
"It's not you, it's the people." He nodded as he prepared the stitching kit. He always paid attention to your hands whenever you made a procedure on his flesh. Now it was his turn to prove and practice what he had learned.
Aiden listened as he prepared the needle with the stitch. He only had to replace two stitches. A bit of muscle peeking through the two open small wounds.
"That's plain bullshit."
"I swear... I'd never do something to endanger my patient's lives. I swear I tried. I was going to give him PCR after the cardiac massage but... It was too late. He was way too gone. His bleeding would never stop."
He nipped the excess of thread and cleansed the needle to the begin on your other stitch.
" We tried coagulants, gauzes, but it wasn't enough. I wasn't fast and strong enough."
" Why you think so?" You hiccuped as he  began sewing your skin together, earning a hiss through gritted teeth.
"Cause I panicked. I... I can still feel his warm blood on my hands. It seeped through my gloves. His flesh was just... shattered."
His green eyes scanned your face for a minute and soon he was finished. You didn't spoke, just dwelled in your own grief and failure. He finished patching you up after a couple of minutes, and offered you a clean gauze to wipe your eyes.
"There wasn't much you could've done if his artery was busted."
"I could've saved him. But his blood wouldn't clot."
His fingers slowly reached for your face. You were burning. His thumb and index finger took your chin and slowly turned your face to look at him. The cuts a bit more prominent if he looked closer. He grabbed a new gauze and damped it in alcohol.
He cleaned carefully the small cuts and red welts that instantly made you to flinch.
"I know." he nodded apologetically as he removed the white bandage off your forehead to reveal more stitches and held your hand gently. His anger simmered the more he looked at them. You squeezed it as tightly as you could as he cleaned them up.
"I'll be done soon, ok?"
"It hurts."
you half choked half cried, trying to stop his hand with the little strength you felt.
"I'm scared, Aiden."
His eyes wandered to yours and he gave your hand a brief squeeze.
"There is nothing to be afraid of, (Name)"
Shaking your head you squeezed his hand, gently this time.
"You don't get it. I might... start falling, for real. And that is so scary." your hazed eyes struggled to be awake as fever cooked your body with full force.
"I don't want to." You sobbed as Aiden finished cleansing everything.
"You don't have to." again you shook your head and mumbled half awake, half sleepy. Today's event finally making your body to crash slowly.
"It's cruel cause... you deserve to be happy to. Not just me. And... I hate it to be a one sided thing."
He chucked, genuinely amused at your words.
"That's how life works, Peachy. Besides, you can do so much better than me."
You groaned, uncomfortable by the sudden heat in your body.
Despite his amusing, he couldn't help but to test your resolve once more.
"Fuck that. P-Promise me that one day you'll..." you paused, fighting off the wave of sleepyness that came over you, "You'll stop being the Vigilante and... you'll get help."
"I thought you wanted me here." he poked at your chest, above your heart.
"I do, but... we gotta be better for..." you yawned, " For ourselves first before anyone else." Your fingers traced his jawline and your head plopped on the cushioned surface of the couch.
"Too bad that's not happening anytime soon." His eyes were unwavering, frowning, yet they seemed to contemplate for a brief moment your words.
He chuckled and fetched the thermometer and placed it on your  forehead. Your temperature reaching a thirty eight and a quarter more. You had closed your eyes.
"But when it happens, I hope I can be there to witness it."
"You're quite optimistic"
"I'm not." you mumbled between agitated breaths, the aching in your body felt worse. "Just... 'ave a good' intuition.
"Always pushing my buttons..." He scooped you once more and took you to bed, draping the sheets over you. He removed his black leather jacket and placed it on the couch, His blue shirt matched the black jeans and shoes. He had dressed up to mingle on the crowd for his task of the day.
Speaking of which...
He sent a text to T-bone and asked to plant a bug on his phone., so whoever called him, would have a register.
Rubbing his face he looked at the copy he had managed to obtain and searched up through the files, resuming what he left behind before T-Bone called him.
To his surprise it wasn't that hard to find him. He went under the name of Phillip Monroe.
Eventually he went to the guest room, to sleep, if anything he would help you. He was a light sleeper anyways.
Little did he know that the camera inside your living room zoomed in his way as he left.
+Grazzie- Thanks
+Ay, Dios mio! Aiden! Pendejo!- Oh my god! Aiden! You idiot!.
Sorry for the long-ish chapter, had to make up for the previous one.
Hope you like and enjoy! :)
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