#round tables
kramlabs · 3 months
“The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. … The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and direct injury of all other economic groups.”
—Carroll Quigley
H/T: https://substack.com/home/post/p-142249640?utm_campaign=post
for search: Militarized Index Funds descended from Anglo-American Whig Mercantilism
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sevenoaksbanquets · 4 months
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Just some of our round table set ups! Wanted to share this so anyone can see what we can do to make tables look pretty, plus some visuals to how it looks in our room!
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brisbane-furniture · 2 years
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Channel your inner Parisian with a stylish and quintessentially French furniture range 🇫🇷. The Parisienne range from Brisbane Furniture offers a wide range of provincial style timber furniture all with a touch of Paris thrown in. With an extensive range of dining suits, tables, chairs and more, the Parisienne range is perfectly suited for lovers 😍 of fine European style wooden furniture looking for unique and stylish furniture pieces to compliment their living space.
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kyomi-shi · 8 months
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Library in Cheshire A large, modern, open-concept living room library with white walls and a hidden tv is an example of a design.
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justaz · 5 months
*merlins magic gets exposed in front of the knights*
merlin, magic user: oh fuck
arthur, finally taking this opportunity to pretend as if he just found out merlin has magic after agonizing for the past month on how to bring it up: you have magic?
lancelot, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic: no! i have magic
gwaine, merlin defender, already knew of merlin’s magic, lover of chaos, ride or die: no, i have magic!
mordred, desperate for his hero’s approval bc no matter what he’s done emrys just stares at him with distrust and the poor boy is tired and so close to tears: no…i have magic.
percival, raised by druids and bonded strongly with mordred over that and does Not agree with the persecution of magic in camelot, had an inkling that merlin had magic but no proof: no. i have magic.
*leon and elyan exchange a look, elyan, amused and leon, exhausted, elyan shrugs*
elyan, knows how much gwen adores merlin and completely understands her stance bc merlin…is merlin, down to clown and put on a show, really playing up the dramatics: no! i have magic.
leon, exhausted, has known of merlin’s magic since he stepped foot in camelot, knows of his feelings for arthur and arthur’s feelings for him, knows arthur knows of merlin’s magic and wouldn’t harm him, thinks everyone is being absolutely ridiculous:
*the knights stare hard at leon and even merlin looks slightly offended at leon not jumping to his defense with the rest of the knights, arthur hasn’t said anything and is staring at leon expectantly*
leon, sighing: …no. i have magic.
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daenylothbrok · 9 months
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Oxfordshire Mudroom Hall Large trendy ceramic tile and white floor entryway photo with white walls and a black front door
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coreglia · 10 months
The Dinner Party
From left: Barb, Tim, Cheryl (eating and smiling), Larry (eating and not smiling), Sue, Jim, Dante, Mike, Gail is missing as she’s the photographer. “What I want for the people I cook for is for them to enjoy their own perversions at the table, to feel free to exhibit a lack of constraint.” ― Rebecca May Johnson Let’s talk dinner parties. Some people fear throwing a dinner party more than…
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kozykornerfirepits · 10 months
Buy Fire Pits Online
Shop stylish and durable buy fire pits online at best prices. Select from a wide range of stylish designs, colors & sizes. For more details call us at 1-855-569-3473.
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rentrightforall · 10 months
Party Table Rentals in the USA: Choosing the Perfect Tables for Your Event
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When planning a successful event, whether it's a wedding reception, corporate gala, birthday party, or any other special occasion, selecting the right furniture can significantly impact your guests' overall ambiance and comfort. One crucial element in event planning is choosing suitable tables. Party table rentals in the USA offer a wide range of options to suit various themes and sizes of gatherings. In this article, we will delve into the world of party table rentals, exploring the types of tables available, their benefits, and critical considerations for making the best choice.
Types of Party Tables
Party table rentals offer a diverse array of table types, each catering to different event needs and styles:
Round tables
Round tables are popular for events as they encourage conversation and facilitate a sense of togetherness. They are versatile and can accommodate varying numbers of guests by simply adjusting the table arrangement. Round tables come in different sizes, typically seating 4, 6, 8, or 10 guests.
Rectangular Tables
Rectangular tables are well-suited for events with a formal seating arrangement. They offer a sleek and organized look, making them a preferred choice for corporate events and seminars. R rectangular tables can seat more guests depending on the length while optimizing space.
Cocktail Tables
Cocktail tables are ideal for standing events or gatherings where guests mingle. These taller tables provide a space for drinks and appetizers, promoting a lively atmosphere. They are often used at cocktail parties, networking events, or outdoor gatherings.
Specialty Tables
Depending on your event's theme and requirements, specialty tables such as sweetheart tables, cake tables, and buffet tables can add a touch of elegance and functionality. Sweetheart tables are perfect for weddings, offering an intimate space for the newlyweds. Cake and buffet tables ensure a designated area for culinary delights.
Benefits of Renting Party Tables
Choosing to rent party tables instead of purchasing them outright offers several advantages:
Renting party tables is cost-effective, especially for one-time events. Purchasing tables can be expensive and may not be justifiable for occasional use. Rentals allow you to access high-quality tables without the hefty price tag.
Variety and Flexibility
Party table rental companies offer various tables, ensuring you can find the perfect match for your event's theme and size. This flexibility allows you to create a cohesive and visually appealing setting.
Convenient Setup and Takedown
Renting tables includes the convenience of delivery, setup, and takedown services. This saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of event planning.
Critical Considerations for Table Rentals
When selecting party tables for your event, consider the following factors:
Event Type and Theme
The type of event and its theme should guide your table selection. A formal gala will require different tables compared to a casual outdoor party.
Guest Count and Seating Arrangement
Estimate the number of guests attending and choose table sizes accordingly. Additionally, decide on the seating arrangement, whether you prefer round tables for socializing or rectangular tables for formal seating.
Venue Space
Consider the dimensions of your event venue. Ensure that the chosen tables fit comfortably within the space without causing congestion.
Material and Aesthetics
Select tables that complement your event's aesthetics. Whether you prefer classic wooden or contemporary glass tables, ensure they align with your overall decor.
Personal Experience and Expertise
Having organized numerous events, I have gained first-hand experience in the significance of selecting appropriate party tables. From weddings to corporate conferences, the choice of tables plays a crucial role in shaping the event's atmosphere. For instance, I opted for round and rectangular tables at a recent charity gala to accommodate socializing and formal seating.
Party table rentals in the USA offer many options to cater to various event needs and preferences. From round tables fostering camaraderie to cocktail tables encouraging mingling, the choice of tables significantly influences the success of your Considering factors such as event type, guest count, and venue space, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your event's vision. So, whether planning an elegant wedding or a lively birthday celebration, make your event memorable with the perfect party tables.
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smallarmystrong · 10 months
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Transitional Dining Room - Dining Room Example of a mid-sized transitional concrete floor and green floor kitchen/dining room combo design with green walls, a standard fireplace and a brick fireplace
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maxie-fallon · 20 days
Merlin and the knights playing never have I ever
At first, it's innocent stuff and Gwaine complains that it's all dull trivia and they need to start getting into the more interesting questions. Leon looks him dead in the eyes and says "Fine. Never have I ever been arrested" Literally everyone but Leon drinks.
From that point it becomes a challenge to see who's done the most outrageously criminal shit "Never have I ever been in a bar fight" "Never have I ever committed identity fraud" "Never have I ever broken someone out of the dungeons" "Never have I ever stolen from the royal vaults" "Never have I ever committed treason with the King still in the room" And Merlin. Just. Keeps. Drinking. Now it's about trying to find something Merlin hasn't done but one of the others has. The answer turns out to be "Never have I ever been banished from a kingdom"
Merlin passes out before he runs out of criminal things he's done. Magic is the only reason he's still alive the next morning after how high his blood alcohol level was.
After Merlin passes out the knight just look at each other wondering how Merlin hasn't been executed yet with all the shit he's done. Gwaine chuckles and shakes his head "Perks of being the king's mistress"
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kramlabs · 3 months
Liz Truss:
"What I found out when I got into No. 10 is, I thought that if I got to the top of the tree, I would be able to implement those conservative policies... And what I discovered was that I was not holding the levers. The levers were held by the Bank of England, by the Office of Budget Responsibility, they weren't held by the Prime Minister or the Chancellor..." LINK
George W. Bush
“Glenn, don’t worry, whoever sits behind this desk, in that chair, is going to have the same advice given by the same advisors and they’ll realize, the President’s hands are tied.”
Woodrow Wilson:
Daniel Inouye:
William Pitt:
Benjamin Disraeli
“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
“I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but the politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.” —Putin
*for search: Militarized Index Funds descended from Anglo-American Whig Mercantilism
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tiphaineaileen · 1 year
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Burlington Basement Idea for a basement with a large traditional look-out, a medium-tone wood floor, a regular fireplace, and a stone fireplace
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lesbicosmos · 2 months
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there's an obvious answer
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pixie-lated · 2 years
"video games have buffering"
one of the DMs I play with has, like, 70 slips of paper that say, "Loading," with bits of random D&D mechanics advice ("partial cover grants +2 to AC") that he slots onto his DM screen when he needs to look something up, assemble something, or think up a mechanic for player bullshit.
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myths0f01d · 8 months
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