#roxx’s rambles
roxxeatzgravel · 1 month
I’ve been thinking….
All great fandoms have either a Harry Potter au (WHICH I REFUSE TO TOUCH CUZ I HATE TERFS❤️) or a Percy Jackson AU
I think you know where I’m going w/ this 😈😈
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worldsbiggestnerd101 · 2 months
sry about booping the ever loving shit out of you :((
im just having a lot of fun :DD /gen /pos
no it's ok i like receiving the boops i'm having fun with it too :D /gen
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illustroxx · 2 years
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i'm roxx! this account will be used to dump any doodles or art made by me. mostly doodling in mspaint with a mouse. or using a drawing tablet every now and then
i'm just here to find ways to have fun with my art again. and maybe ramble sometimes. and reblog other people's art too
thanks for visiting!
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roxy-la-londe · 4 years
pesterquest official twitter really said
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dirk being carried by a swarm of doomed daves, colorized. -1998
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i dont post selfies very often but i was really feeling myself when i took this. so hello its me
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gggno · 2 years
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What are their 5 most recent google searches? ingestible food dye / food dye poisonous? / asian market near me / why are t.erfs so annoying / usps service hours
What is their love language? acts of service, quality time
When they're overwhelmed / upset, what do they do to calm themselves? what could someone else do to calm them? she likes to read to calm down, but if the situation is way too upsetting to be solved by reading, she likes to lay down in complete silence, preferably on the floor. deep breaths, deep breaths. a good meal helps, too, if she can’t immediately get home. 
List 5-10 songs that remind you of your muse! oh wonder - landslide / sleeping at last - saturn / nothing but thieves - honey whiskey / glass animals - gooey / utada hikaru - one last kiss / yico zeng - black swan 
How does your muse handle emotions? what does it take to get your muse to cry? what are they like when they’re angry? she is self-aware of her own emotions and usually has a healthy way of digesting them. she keeps a journal of her moods, especially during volatile times, hoping to write some sense out of impossible times. her emotions are fairly muted and controlled, partially coming from a need to remain calm and responsible. she cries over loss and gets angry over injustice. she paces around, raises her voice and gestures more with her hands when she’s angry, while she speaks in a soft whisper otherwise.
Does your muse cuss? do they do it a lot? what usually makes them cuss? if they don’t, why not? if they do, what are their favorite cuss words? she barely cusses. when she does, she is enraged. the words she uses range from a******, b****, c*** and d***. she doesn’t have a favourite cuss word.
How does your muse handle distressing and/or overwhelming situations? she tries to make structure out of messes and solutions out of situations. she tries to reason with the universe and bargain for a compromise. she talks more and faster, hoping to iron out her thoughts. 
How does your muse handle blame/guilt? do they avoid it? find something/someone else to blame? apology is her first reaction, unless the blame was misplaced. in situations where she is to blame, she takes the guilt and swallows it. she takes time to reflect on what she could’ve done better, and what she can do to make up for it, and then she takes action.
What are the last 5 texts they sent and who are they to? 
[ ROXX ] : so i’m at cha time now and here’s what they have. [ ROXX ] : [ picture of the drinks menu. many drinks of rainbow colours. ] [ ROXX ] : [ picture of the pastries. there’re donuts with unicorn icing, cute bear donuts, etc. ] [ ROXX ] : [ picture of a sign board stand. there’s a strange looking yellow figure drinking a boba tea. the text says ‘ strange?   yes.   enter. ’ very strange indeed. ] [ ROXX ] : i think i’m having the donut-miss-this combo. [ MO ] : i want that sign board [ MO ] : unicorn donuts pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [ Q ] : i’ll have the same. [ Q ] : same as roxx, not mo. [ ROXX ] : you can have unicorn donuts too, if you want. [ MO ] : yea don’t be a coward [ Q ] : fine. grab six of those then since there’s a discount.
What’s their usual body temperature? are they always hot/cold? do they easily become one of these? lower than average, around 35 to 36 degrees. hands and feet are the first to get cold. 
Do they still watch cartoons? if so, what are their favorites? she doesn’t watch cartoons regularly but every once in a while she likes to watch spongebob with mo. 
What are some vocal headcanons you have? do they have a stutter? a vocal tic? do they stumble over their words or use a lot of ‘uh’s and ‘um’s? do they have a word they like to say a lot?  her volume is low. softly spoken. long sentences, even when answering a simple yes or no question. feels the need to explain herself too much. “ if ” is her pet word, a favourite introduction to her ramblings. she usually doesn’t make much eye contact.
How do they usually greet people ( people they know , don’t know .etc )? she looks up and nods at people she knows, or people who she doesn’t know but are somehow trying to greet her. sometimes, she adds a nervous little “ hey ” and an awkward wave.
How does your muse react to affection? do they like it or not? are they touch starved? what is their favorite form of physical affection? she likes affection, whether physical or not, but her acceptance depends on how close she is with that person. she doesn’t initiate touch a lot but doesn’t push away either. she is more relaxed when it comes from intimate friends but also makes it clear when she needs some personal space. hugs are her favourite kind of physical affection, be it platonically or romantically.
Is there somebody they haven’t been able to forgive? What did they do? Do they want to forgive them? no such person on a personal level, at least for now. she doesn’t hold grudges but she also doesn’t think about forgiveness much... and she certainly doesn’t forget. she has simply decided to channel her energy on fixing and changing things instead of focusing on whoever did it. to her, there are atrocities in this world so beyond forgiveness that the discussion of whether or not to forgive is useless.
Do they pick wildflowers? only if the flower is already on the ground. she likes to keep a few potted plants in her living space. flowering plants make her so happy.
How does your muse handle bad people? are they a fighter? do they avoid conflict? she is not a fighter, but she is learning to throw punches when she needs to. she avoids unnecessary conflict but will not walk away at someone else’s expense. she will always try to talk and bargain first. given her lack of physical strength, she will resort to rather deadly defenses if need be.
When does your muse ask for help? ( when things get bad , before they get bad .etc )? she asks for help when she needs it. when things are feeling out of control, when she feels uncertain, when she needs a second opinion. she isn’t shy to ask for help, even though help doesn’t always say yes.
What are some trinkets your muse has? she likes enamel pins, pottery and glass art of nature, animals, flora, etc. she is very proud of her slowly expanding pottery collection, especially those that get put to actual use on the dining table.
On a road trip, are they the driver, the DJ in the passenger seat, or one of the people eating snacks and huddled under the bags in the back? she’s the driver. mo’s the dj so quentin won’t put on a three-hour long seminar on the road.
Is your muse open about their struggles or do they bottle everything up? why? she opens up about their struggles but only to a select few. she is also more eloquent in text when talking about her feelings, since saying it out loud makes her feel weird.
List some things that remind you of your muse! ( the forest , books , rain .etc ) the sound of rain, an unfinished book on the armchair, a deliciously hearty meal after a long day, a watchful eye, a held breath, women holding women.
Do they sleep in normal clothes or pajamas? To what degree are they clothed? she sleeps in pajamas. her pajamas used to be boring and plain but that changed after mo. all her pajamas now have cartoon on it.
Do they have a sensitive spot/s? inner thighs, inner arms, neck, ears.
Where is their favorite place to be kissed? anywhere above her neckline, anywhere you can find a pulse, inside her wrists, knuckles, etc.
Does your muse ever want kids? if so, how many and would they adopt? if not, why? she has never considered kids of her own but she is willing to foster kids who need a home. adoption is one of the things she can imagine herself doing.
What type of tiktoks do they watch? she doesn’t use tiktok. she watches youtube videos like cooking, furniture making, garden scaping, and all sorts of diy stuff.
How much does your muse care? would they die for the ones they love? she thinks about people she care about a lot. what do they need? what do they want? what do they like? what do they hate? and she tries to carve it out for them, whatever it may be. she feels like a coward, honestly, but who knows? when you want to protect people, you don’t think about how it may turn out for you. whatever happens next won’t be relevant to her decision.
Does your muse know how to cook? are they good or bad? she knows how to cook, she’s good at it and she likes it. she tries to learn new recipes regularly, and she also enjoys cooking with family and friends. when the world is a mess, she is glad she can still make a lovely stew for those around her.
Is your muse good at taking care of themselves? or do they need constant reminders to eat/drink/rest? she is quite good at taking care of herself. if she’s under a lot of stress, she may need a reminder from someone else.
tagged by : @khozmoh​ tagging : anyway who’s interested!
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szivtalan · 3 years
HEY there Vee~ I wanted to send in my boi Kagami's name for the four different headcanon ask <3
AYYYY thank u Roxx u know how I like rambling about my boy 🥺
Headcanon A (realistic)
My most realistic headcanon is that Kagami doesn't get into the NBA like he wants to, because reality is harsher than the dreams we have and sometimes you don't make it even if you have the necessary tools to do so. But he does finish college (sociology or business) because even though he says he'll drop out if he doesn't get drafted, he starts to like studying a lot and doesn't want to miss out on the college experience. He works with his dad for a while before going their separate ways and ends up with a steady income at a job that allows him to coach kids on the basketball court on the side.
Headcanon B (while it may not be realistic it is hilarious)
He is Competent with a capital c, but god he cannot fix stuff around the house for his life. He needs to call someone to change a lightbulb.
Headcanon C (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends)
His dad was abusive to him. We know about neglect, to an almost extreme extent even, but his dad also treated him bad at times, especially when he was drinking. And Kagami doesn't realize, or process this. He has one clear memory of Himuro asking him about a bruise on his cheek and how he couldn't answer and instead got mad and pushed him away. He only ever comes to terms with the fact when he's already financially and otherwise independent and haven't talked to his dad in years.
Headcanon D (unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own)
Kagami is gay! Kagami is gay and he's known it since he was a little kid, but he never really felt the need to come out or be loud about it. He has a few friends in California he's hooked up with and they know it explicitly but it's never been a big deal. For most of his life he never really desired a full-blown relationship and he believes he'll find the right partner when the time is right.
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jamieroxx · 5 years
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★ Watch a Video of Theirs Below: ⬇ ✔ Mark your Calendars! Wednesday Aug 21, 2019, on #JamieRoxx’s Pop Roxx Radio #TalkShow & #Podcast w/ Featured Guest: Coldville (#NewRock) LIVE at 6pm EST, 5CST, 4MST, 3PST .. 2300 GMT UK or catch the #Podcast anytime you would like after. ☎ Lines will be open (347) 850.8598 So call in with your Questions and Comments Live on the Air. ● Click here to Set a Reminder: http://tobtr.com/11439115
Click to Watch the Video Coldville - Do What's Right (Official Music Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh6ddb3DeYc Pop Art Painter Jamie #Roxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes #Coldville (New Rock) to the Show! ● www.coldvillemusic.com ● www.facebook.com/ColdvilleMusic ● twitter.com/coldvillemusic ● Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/yxuk6e8b Reckoning with the shadows of life while retaining a spark of hope, Coldville ignites the human spirit. With a deep sense of urgency that bleeds through every distorted chord, the rambling cast of musicians emerge from the smoldering ashes of heavy rock to create a shimmering beacon of possibilities. Surging with fierce guitars, wild drums and rattling bass, the band summons soul stirring anthems for the broken and the outcast. Anchored in West Michigan since 2013, the group is comprised of Luke Poncé (vocals), Aaron Lutz (guitar), Jimmy Blankenship (bass) and Matt Millering (drums). The collective’s most recent release, 2019’s “Worlds Apart” (released on White Elephant Records) is filled with resilient spirit and driven by muscular compositions. ★ Media Inquiries for Coldville: Curtain Call Records www.curtaincallrecords.com
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howlingcliffs · 5 years
tell me abt,, All ur ocs. every sinbgle one of thrm. do not spare any details ....... i want 2 hear u ramble
so let’s start with my warriors ocs! here’s the full cast of main characters from the lost three all the way to spark (these all take place in the same timeline):
The Lost Three:
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The Valley:
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(im just putting up any refs i have because i am. sleepy (characters that dont have refs will have ms paint doodles))
Four Storms:
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Burning Shadows:
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and that’s all the main fellas! im not gonna be doing anymore ms paint doodles tonight but i might add some more later, since a few refs (sandwatcher’s mostly; he’s yellow now) are out of date. but onto the summaries!
The Lost Three:
three cats named Rook, Poppy, and Robin live in a group of cats called The Islanders! they live on an island in the middle of a lake. Poppy doesn’t like living there anymore, and neither do Rook and Robin, who are distraught from the loss of their mother (Star). Rook, Robin, and Poppy make an announcement that they’re leaving, and a few cats decide to come with them. Roxx, the kittypet next to Robin, shows up later in the story. basically, this is how RookClan, PoppyClan, and RobinClan were founded!
Twigtail, a RookClan warrior, has visions of his Clanmate Beestripe attacking his fellow Clanmates (Duskmoon, Frecklenose, Oakwing, Patchspark). he has no idea what to do about them, and when he decides to do something it’s already far too late, and Frecklenose- now Frecklestar- is in danger, along with RookClan as a whole.
The Valley:
Cedarmask wants to leave RookClan. she can’t stand being there anymore, knowing Mistpelt, her ex-mate, is watching her. she occasionally speaks with Windshade of PoppyClan and Stoneheart and Moorfoot of RobinClan, who all often talk about leaving the Clans too. eventually, the four of them decide to leave their lives behind. sadly, this’ll cause great pain to one of them, and it won’t just be physical.
Four Storms:
Snowbreeze had never known his father- or his sister that much. both of them had gone missing when him and his brothers were young. he notices that while him and his brothers are training that something seems to be wrong with Sandpaw- and his worries are confirmed when Thunderfang asks to leave RookClan to become a kittypet, and Sandclaw has an outburst at him. what could be wrong with his littermate? where did all of his scars come from? and what’s the Prophecy of Storms?
Burning Shadows:
Firelight never followed the rules. the tomcat was a free spirit- always walking into other clan’s camps. eventually, he gets to know a RobinClan cat named Wolftooth. they often talk at gatherings and joke around together, and things are pretty great.. or so they seem to be.
Pyrepaw loves her dad. she loves her Clan, her friends (ashspirit and bearface), and just everything about everyone. she loves it when the clans get along, and when her dad isn’t all nervous and reserved. but when ashspirit vanishes, and she finds out the truth about her father, that happiness is ripped away from her.
so those are the warriors ocs! six stories that crowd most of my brain,, it’s a jolly fun time. im tired and dont wanna type anymore, so if you guys wanna ask about formality (oleander’s story) or ask for any details about these stories, id love to awnser them!! i’ve worked on all these guys for four years now (the valley is the oldest story) and i love them all so much.........................
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roxxeatzgravel · 7 days
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I giggled so fucking hard about this
I love Tumblr
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fishintheclouds · 3 years
sup. you can call me cloud or roxx. I have no idea how to do this but I mean that goes for a lot of things. 
This blog is just for my ramblings. Maybe something productive will happen here eventually. For now tho, just rambles and vibes. Talk to me about nerd shit and we will be friends. It is inescapable. When i have enough posts to justify a system of organization, it will be here. 
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roxxeatzgravel · 2 months
Hey erm could you guys give me some Wallaby/Barnly/Applebite suggestions in my Asks? I’m currently losing my mind <33
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roxxeatzgravel · 19 days
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Chat this is so real
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roxxeatzgravel · 1 month
I’m going to KMS if I see that G O D D A M N Hypnotic addiction AU one more time /j
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roxxeatzgravel · 3 months
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Actively stimmed when I saw this notif /pos
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roxxeatzgravel · 2 months
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Dead ass how it feels to have older moots sometimes /lh /hj
(Looking at you Emi 👁️👁️ @doggwwoggy23 /lh /hj)
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