little--beetle ยท 3 months
tips for rad queers with non - rad queer accounts that don ' t want to be dis cover ed
1 . use a differ ent name and pro nouns . 2 . if you post art in one area , don ' t post it to the other . it might even be best not to post art on one account at all . 3 . use a typing quirk , or a new one . 4 . try to talk in a differ ent way . 5 . be care ful of what de tails you share , and if you decide to share it in both places , space it out . 6 . if you have an account for a site you want to share on both accounts , have a second account or only share it in private places . if follows / follow ing are public or people who have open ly rad queer accounts inter act and can be seen by non - rad queers , it might be better to use a second account . 7 . if a media is obscure , only talk about it on one account . 8 . block the people you know from your non - rad queer account .
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www-peacemaker ยท 3 months
[PT: Peacequeer. End PT]
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This is a Blankqueer stance where you just want to live in peace without others judging you while you let others live their lives! This is not either Radqueer nor Anti-Radqueer, it's a blanket term. This can be used by both parties and by anti-proshippers and proshippers.
Either of what each other party did wrong or harmful, let the law judge them.
This was inspired by Peacefic.
And this blankqueer stance was coined by we, The Peacemaker
Emoji Code - โ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ (peace emoji and rainbow flag emoji) / ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ (dove emoji and rainbow flag emoji)
Live and let live
No judgment but others should not judge either
You can have your own believes but you need to save them to yourself and not push to others
Harrassment never shall be made by you nor the other parties, it will never be accepted
Never do something harmful in real life, and if someone do you have the right to judge them by their crimes
Use content warnings is important for either parties
You are in favor of curating your online experience via blocking, muting, and just generally avoiding content that you dont like for whatever reason
You are in favor of curating your online experience via blocking, muting and just generally avoiding people and beings that you dont like for whatever reason.
Respect others "Do Not Interact", if you break someone's "Do Not Interact" on purpose you aren't Peacequeer.
Your opinions on the following do not affect whether or not you can consider yourself peacequeer:
Whether or not you support radqueers or think they are harmful
Whether or not you consider yourself to be an anti, radqueer, pro-radqueer, pro-consang, pro-transID, etc.
You can use Peacequeer Radqueer, Peacequeer Anti, and so on if you want to describe your stance. But remember to not harrass. It also can be used as it's own term.
Also people who use this blankqueer stance may or may not engage with queer discourse, radqueer discourse, transID discourse, and para discourse.
People who use this stance also may block people of the other parties, put them on a "do not interact" list, or complain about the other parties to their friends, but they would never harass, doxx, or suicide bait them.
I'm crosstagging for each party aknowledge this blanket term.
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antiradqueer ยท 10 months
at some points i genuinely think the radqueer community has turned into a sort of maladaptive, harmful way of escaping from reality, if that makes sense. not in a "haha look at these delusional losers" way this is a serious problem that they really need to get therapy or /healthy/ coping mechanisms or some kind of help for.
like they've gotten sucked into a vacuum of "anything and everything needs a label if you don't have all these 3813481348034803480 labels in your label hoard with an in-depth understanding of every single one of them you're not /really/ radqueer you're probably a troll", for one. it's fun to collect tons and tons of labels (i do that! im literally agender and bi and celarsian and xenogender and librafluid and a billion other things) but there's a point where a fun hobby that you engage with casually and healthily turns into an obsession that you can't see yourself living with out and you use to fill a void in your life instead of actually getting help.
this is made worse by the fact that whenever people point this out to them to try and help, they instantly get defensive and act like you're trying to attack them - they've demonized any form of help or therapy or even coping mechanisms (besides "im gonna write porn of an irl minor to cope :3333" which... sure is a thing /neg) to the point where just mentioning "hey maybe you could try some coping mechanisms" will get you banned from a server and get you put on a callout post calling you ableist and anti-radqueer and a TERF and whatever the hell else they decide to pretend you are (i know because this happened to me).
the way this differs from the mogai/liom communities, since ik they're gonna compare it to that, is that the mogai/liom communities are created out of an actual desire to label part of your identity. most transids are not (with the exception of things like "transrace" or "transage" because those often are actually trying to label a part of their identity, although they're usually going about it in the wrong way, but that's not the point right now). im talking transjob and transopinion and transship and transwhatiateforbreakfastthismorning and whatever else - these are so hyperspecific and meaningless to the point where, or lack of a better phrase, it's honestly insulting to the entire concept of transids in a way. i don't support transids, but i can very easily tell what the major transids were originally intended to label (actual dysphoria/a feeling of "this isn't who i am"/etc, ignoring the way they go about helping their dysphoria because oftentimes it's not good at all) and it is very different from the transids being coined now (a coping mechanism turned maladaptive, unhealthy obsession disguised as "it's just for fun, let people live!!").
transid coiners coin these things and add meaningless things to their hoards constantly. it's like they've run out of actual bandages to cover up an injury and started grabbing at everything they could find. and when you try to offer to help them get therapy or learn coping mechanisms or anything besides mentally draining and destroying themselves, they scream at you that you're ableist and homophobic and anti-radqueer and just as bad as a real-life nazi because you want to help them feel better.
the transid community, as it started out, was more like oculoids. i know this because i was in the transid community when it just started out. people were entirely against people lying about their physical age, people were entirely against chrono-adults dating chrono-minors, they were entirely against people lying about their physical race, hell they were even super skeptical of transautistic and transadhd or whatever when those terms first circulated and everyone was at least fully against pretending to actually be autistic and against transautistics identifying as autigender.
and, somewhere along the line, that changed - and young, traumatized kids (because yes, all the people coining transjob and transopinion and whatever are entirely children, i've seen people as young as fucking /eleven/ in this community and i've rarely seen anyone above 14) found a coping mechanism in the community. it was like, okay, fun! coining terms can be fun! it can be a fun coping mechanism, just like any other form of art is (because i consider flag making and coming up with names for terms and other aspects of coining art), but it should be just that. a fun hobby. something you do occasionally, you shouldn't do it constantly and you shouldn't use it as your only coping mechanism and you shouldn't shut out every other form of help or therapy or coping just to coin things to fill the void in your life.
these transid coiners are traumatized, lonely children. im not trying to be demeaning or make fun of them, but they are all young children/teens. they need /actual/ help, because exclusively coining tons and tons of meaningless terms (and yes, terms like "transship" and "transfashion" are 100% meaningless) while in a community full of plenty of people hiding in there, disguising themselves as their friends, looking for vulnerable people to take advantage of, is unhealthy as hell. obsessing over your hundreds of extremely obscure transids that don't mean anything to you or anyone else and that you probably couldn't even name half of is unhealthy. coining can be a good coping mechanism, yes! but not when it's used as your /only/ coping mechanism and your /only/ source of happiness and comfort.
if you're translovecore or transpilot or transmonikaxsayori or whatever and that means a lot to you for whatever reason but you aren't using transids as your only outlet, then cool, you aren't really part of the root problem. a little weird, and i don't understand it at all, but honestly not inherently harmful like some other transids.
to transid people - please read this and you find yourself relating to any of this, get help. not in a "you're delusional" or "you're weird" way, you genuinely need healthy coping mechanisms and some form of help and comfort because it's unhealthy to obsess over and center your life around /anything/ this much.
this turned into an entire essay gah damn i should've started this with "transid community bad, yes? in this essay i will,"
Now this is what im talking about, hope you dont mind me crosstagging lol
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haventhing ยท 2 months
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Transpet !
term for those who feel they should / wish etc , to be treated like a pet
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Cat version
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varii-corvid ยท 7 months
it is revolutionary to exist. it is radical to persist. there is no higher purpose than being your most authentic self. your presence makes a difference in the world. the fact you can read this message means you have come so far already despite it all. you are never truly alone in your efforts. you deserve to take up space and be different. people do care about you and want to see your true self. we can change attitudes and end oppression through solidarity and mutual aid. we can fight for a better world together. in a world built from hatred and violence, the bravest thing to do is to love.
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little--beetle ยท 2 months
the antis are fighting over arrisomei
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wayofthefunkmaster ยท 5 months
Reblog if youโ€™re a Radqueer blog so that I can collect more moots and finally get some Radqueer SWAG buddies
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alfredchrist ยท 1 month
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dogboy stimboard โŸข for my bf ^_^
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magemii ยท 28 days
btw radqueers and endos and paraphilles are everywhere. ur sibling could be a radqueer. that random groccery shopping ? could be an endo. your partner could be a paraphille. your best friend might be trace (knowing or otherwise.), that crush in school you look up to could be transharmed. or transharmful, your mother could be something. YOU could be something and not know it yet, or do know it, or whatever. and buncha other people could be a buncha other things. we are everywhere, just like you! and we wont ever go away. nomatter how many of us you hurt
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uwameshi ยท 2 months
Saying being trace is racist is like saying being transgender is sexist. I get it, new things may make you uncomfortable, but you need to stop with your bias. Trace individuals aren't hurting anyone, the same way Transgender people are not hurting anyone.
Heart breaking to see so many tracephobic Trans people.
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