aresdifesa · 1 month
Collaborazione nella dimensione subacquea tra Fincantieri e Saipem Fincantieri, l’unico complesso cantieristico al mondo attivo in tutti i settori della navalmeccanica ad alta tecnologia, e Saipem, leader globale nell’ingegneria e nella costruzione di infrastrutture per il settore energetico onshore e offshore, hanno firmato un Memorandum d’Intesa per valutare opportunità di cooperazione commerciale e industriale nell’ambito dei veicoli subacquei autonomi e della relativa integrazione con unità di superficie e subacquee. Il Memorandum, siglato a Palazzo Marina, sede dello Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare, è tra le iniziative volte a promuovere e sviluppare le eccellenze nazionali nel settore dell’Underwater. L’accordo mira ad abilitare la partecipazione delle due società a programmi
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ornoirafrica · 8 months
Côte d'Ivoire : Saipem obtient 910 millions de dollars de contrats offshore
La société italienne de services offshore Saipem a remporté deux nouveaux contrats pour des activités offshore en Côte d’Ivoire et en Italie pour un montant global de 850 millions d’euros (actuellement environ 909,8 millions $). Le premier contrat a été attribué à Saipem par Eni Côte d’Ivoire et son partenaire Petroci. Il s’agit d’un contrat Subsea Umbilicals, Risers and Flowlines (SURF) pour le…
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ilbioeconomista · 1 year
Eni Sustainable Mobility and Saipem joined forces with the aim of employing biofuels on naval vessels
Eni Sustainable Mobility and Saipem have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the aim of employing biofuels on Saipem’s drilling and construction naval vessels, with particular attention to operations in the Mediterranean Sea. Saipem has a global fleet consisting of 45 vessels for construction and drilling. (more…) “”
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dynpostraining · 1 year
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#Saipem #sondaj #gemisi filosuna #Santorini'yi katıyor Saipem, yeni inşa edilmiş #yedinci #nesil #ultra #derin #su #sondaj #gemisi Santorini'yi 230 #milyon dolara satın alma opsiyonunu kullandı. #Şirket, gemiyi halihazırda, inşası tamamlandıktan kısa bir süre sonra #2021'de #Samsung #Heavy #Industries ile imzalanan uzun vadeli bir kiralama sözleşmesi kapsamında işletiyor. Santorini iki adet #BOP, otomasyon sistemleri ve #çevresel optimizasyon çözümleri ile donatılmıştır. Şu anda Eni için #ABD #Meksika #Körfezi'nde (#GoM) çalışıyor ve sözleşmesi önümüzdeki yaz bitecek. Samsung ayrıca Saipem’e 10000 ve Saipem 12000 sondaj gemilerini teslim etmişti. Saipem'in açık deniz sondaj filosunun şu anda 1,5 milyar #Avro'nun üzerinde devam eden kontratı var ve filonun %80'i 2023 için ve yaklaşık %60'ı 2024 için taahhüt edildi. Şirket, hem #Afrika ve #Akdeniz'deki #konvansiyonel derin su segmentlerinde hem de ultra derin su sondaj kuleleri arzının "doymaya yakın" olduğu GoM gibi alanlarda güçlü beklentiler görüyor. Yedinci nesil sondaj gemileri için #günlük #��cretlerin #2022'de yaklaşık 400.000 $/gün'den #2025'e kadar 450.000 $/gün'ün üzerine çıkması bekleniyor. https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPGPN2I5Xn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coneicom · 1 year
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Il mercato italiano apre in negativo le contrattazioni di oggi. A pesare soprattutto il comparto bancario. Maglia nera per i tre titoli in figura. 🤔 hai posizioni aperte su questi asset? Parliamone insieme! - - - - - - - - - - - - 📍Coneicom è a Forlì, incontriamoci per parlare di investimenti! - - - - - - - - - - - - 📣 Seguici per maggiori post 👉@coneicom 👉@coneicom 👉@coneicom - - - - - - - - - - - - 🔎 se vuoi conoscerci meglio, visita il nostro link in bio o visita il nostro sito: www.coneicom.com - - - - - - - - - - - - 📣 Please, no investment advice! Il nostro obiettivo è l’educazione volta al confronto. - - - - - - - - - - - - #mediobanca #saipem #trevi #piazzaaffari #borsaitaliana #forlì #coneicom https://www.instagram.com/p/ClN4HHgMYW_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aristiengg · 2 years
3 Ways to Reduce your plant Construction cost by Intelligent Engineering
The plant construction industry has been living through an exciting phase of its life, growing nonstop and facing many challenges at the same time. Some of these challenges are relatively new; others are as old as the industry itself.
There are several different approaches to construction issues, as well. For example, sometimes slow technology adoption rates are treated as a single big challenge, and sometimes it is treated as a multitude of different problems – including communication problems, scheduling problems, problems with documentation, and so on.
Surprisingly high percentage of problems within a construction project is directly related to the lack of faster communication between different teams and departments
So proper engineering solution to synchronize your engineering data to communicate with each department, ensure the availability of correct revision of documents to minimize the risk on increased cost on construction and keep your projects on track.
1. Intelligent Multidisciplinary 3D Model
On this Agile world time is money, concurrent engineering with continuous change in providing an optimized solution is key success to any project. Aristi provides Multidisciplinary engineering services to plant owners, utilities and EPC contractors that detailed engineering,procurementManagement, and construction Management.
Such services require the most advanced 3D tools to ensure a multidisciplinary integrated service covering all engineering disciplines – civil& Structural, HSE, process, piping and mechanical, HVAC Electrical and Instrumentation and Control.
Starting from PID till all the procurement and construction documents the data are synchronized
2. Creating a Walkthrough of the plant
Reviewing the 3D model ensuring the accessibility, removal access, equipment access, valve access, major obstructions, constructability, head room clearance, safety norms well head of constructions and providing proper solutions is one of the keyto save cost.
Aristi utilizes advanced review software to review, comment and ensure the comments are closed in all aspects.
3. Automated documentation productions
Drawings are generated from the approved 3D models / Intelligent software’s so that no manual work are needed which ensure high rate of  productivity with quality deliverables.
Aristi Provides 2D deliverables - including Piping, civil, structural, electrical ,I&C designs and isometrics - are extracted directly from the model, including material take off (MTO) for purchase and fabrication.
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damiedrey · 2 years
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At SolaTech Modern Welding Technologies, We render services in the area of Steel Structural Works | Oil & Gas Pipeline Construction | Construction of Warehouses, factories, pressure vessels & Storage tanks | General Welding services | Trainings. Patronize us today and let's serve you with the best of hands. Follow @solatechmwt on all our social media platforms. Thanks. #welding #arcwelding #argonwelding #steel #steelfabrication #steelfabricators #steelconstruction #training #welder #shell #dangoterefinery #dangote #chevron #saipem https://www.instagram.com/p/ChJY85DIZRw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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santeptrader · 2 years
Ftse Mib: minimi di periodo? Enel, ENI e Saipem che fare?
Ftse Mib: minimi di periodo? Enel, ENI e Saipem che fare?
Ftse Mib: reazione o nuovi affondi? Enel, ENI e Saipem buy? Piazza Affari è alle prese con dei supporti vitali, da cui potrà dipendere il suo andamento nelle prossime settimane. La view di Sante Pellegrino intervistato da Davide Pantaleo. LEGGI L’INTERVISTA SU TREND ON-LINE Ftse Mib Il Ftse Mib sta provando a reagire dai minimi toccati nelle ultime sedute. Quali le sue attese nel breve? Siamo di…
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mezzopieno-news · 8 months
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Un nuovo processo di cattura del carbonio, a ridotto impatto ambientale, è stato ideato e messo in commercio per la prima volta da una società italiana, per decarbonizzare il settore industriale.
Si tratta del primo prodotto industrializzato che utilizza un enzima naturale, l’anidrasi carbonica, il più potente catalizzatore esistente per la cattura dell’anidride carbonica. Questa sostanza chimica si trova in tutti gli organismi viventi che la utilizzano per lo scambio di CO2 durante la respirazione. Il prodotto modulare e flessibile, facilmente adattabile a qualsiasi impianto, è stato inventato dalla Saipem, multinazionale con sede a Milano, ed ha una capacità di cattura di 200 tonnellate di diossido di carbonio al giorno. Questa tecnologia ad alte prestazioni per l’abbattimento della CO2 è rivolta a piccoli e medi emettitori e si applica alle emissioni post-combustione di impianti nuovi o esistenti, è estremamente sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale grazie all’utilizzo del calore recuperabile da fonti a bassa temperatura ed è installabile in qualsiasi contesto.
Questo processo è chiamato Bluenzyme ed è un sistema plug-and-play creato per diversi settori industriali, tra cui petrolio e gas, petrolchimico, energia e produzione di cemento e per numerosi altri settori in cui la decarbonizzazione rappresenta un passo fondamentale verso il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di neutralità. Si adatta facilmente a qualsiasi impianto ed utilizza un solvente non tossico e non volatile a basso impatto e facilmente reperibile.
Fonte: Saipem; foto di Pixabay
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abr · 9 months
E nell’eolico in mare aperto quale futuro intravede? (...) Molti sviluppatori stanno rinunciando ai progetti. Che rischi ci sono?
È un mercato già importante per il Nord Europa e sta diventando significativo anche per il Sud. Ma deve ancora trovare un equilibrio tra la sostenibilità ambientale e quella finanziaria della filiera che deve costruire questo tipo di impianti. Tutta la supply chain è in sofferenza perché le aspettative relative ai costi di investimento fatte dagli sviluppatori sono troppo basse rispetto ai costi che si realizzano nella costruzione degli impianti. Serve, quindi, un nuovo equilibrio e questo chiama in causa i governi che dovranno lavorare su tariffe più sostanziose in grado di sostenere i costi dell'intera filiera.
A.Puliti amm.del. di Saipem, Costruttore, sul Sole24 ore, https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/saipem-la-rifocalizzazione-sull-offshore-e-scattata-svolta-AFydGiS
Traduzione dall'ipocritese ecosotenibile corrente al'italiano: nel Nord Europa di impianti wind offshore han smesso di farne, qua al Sud siamo i fessi che iniziano adesso. L'eolico, peggio che mai offshore, é ancora meno produttivo del fotovoltaico: per farlo stare in piedi sul piano economico servono ancora più incentivi statali, emerge subito già in fase di costruzione, nonostante tutti i maquillage contabili degli sviluppatori per farsi finanziare da quei coglioni delle banche.
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keeezzum · 4 months
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Saipem 7000
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bu1410 · 10 days
Good afternoon TUMBLR - April 21th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Mohammedia, Morocco – 2002
It was beginning of June and I got a call from Rome: the kind Mrs. Sette - HR Representative of TECHNIP Italy - asks me if I am interested to on mission to Mohammedia, Morocco. Of course I am! Was my answer. A week later, I am summoned inside the mega headquarters of Technip Italia, in Rome, to carry out the medical examinations and sign the employment contract. At the time I had just bought a new car, an Alfa Romeo 147, so we organized a trip to Rome with my family. It was a pleasant trip and stay, and we had the opportunity to visit Sperlonga and Gaeta.
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I left for Casablanca at beginning of July, returning to work in Morocco after 11 years. I arrived at Mohammed V airport and with the ''excuse'' that Technip was aware of my past in Morocco, no one was there to welcome me. A Grand taxi took me to the Hotel Sabah as was previsiosly agreed - I would stay there for a few days, until I'll find a suitable accommodation. In the late afternoon I was joined by the Mission's Head, Mr. De Sanctis, a Roman guy, an elderly person with some walking problems. At dinner he explained to me that the team would be made up of a total of 4 people: a civil supervisor, a mechanic, and an electro-instrumental supervisor
THE PROJECT. The SAMIR refinery in Mohammedia, about 20 km north of Casablanca, was built by Italian Snamprogetti/SAIPEM in the '70s. The property had more recently been acquired by a Joint Venture between a Swedish Investment Fund and a wealthy Saudi investor. The new ownership had decided to modernize the complex, building new production plants next to the existing refinery. For this purpose, TECHNIP was contacted to follow up the partial demolition of the existing plants and part of the Tank Farm, and prepare the areas where the new plants would be built. Our mission was to supervise the demolitions of the tanks, and the preparation of the areas with selected materials capable of withstanding the considerable loads of the new installations. SAMIR had not yet appointed the Main Contractor of the new plants - a contract worth 316 million dollars - TECHNIP Italia had agreed to follow the preparatory works to try to ''get a foot in'' the refinery and undermine others competitors.
MISSION TASK FORCE. In addition to the aforementioned Mr. De Santis, the following people were part of the mission: Mr. Rinaldo Cozzi: originally from Cerro Maggiore (North of Italy). He was our electro-instrumental expert. A decent person, even if a little closed off. He only went out with us during the visits of the Technip manager Ing. Petrillo. I will meet Cozzi again in Shah – Abu Dhabi, where he had a position with SAIPEM pipeline. Mr. Mario Maggi, from Piacenza - a jovial and open guy, he was coming from a previous experience in Senegal. Expert in turbines, compressors etc, in truth he didn't have much to do since we were only talking about demolitions.
LIFE IN MOHAMMEDIA. Mohammedia is the seaside city of Casablanca. Equipped with somewhat old hotels, it is made up of residential areas of holiday villas built in the early 1980s. The city has therefore become a destination for medium-low level tourism, also following the construction of the refinery and the Power Plant overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.
LOGISTIC. After an initial period in which I slept in hotel, I found a decent oceanfront apartment through a real estate agency. Inserted in a beautiful park, the apartment was on the first floor of a holiday condominium. The local owner was living abroad, and had entrusted the agency with the task of managing the rent from the apartment. I really enjoyed it, and I stayed in the same apartment for the entire ten months of my stay in Mohammedia.
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Mr. De Sanctis lived in a villa on the Plage Manesmane.
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Mr. Cozzi in another house near De Sactis, while Maggi had chosen to stay secluded in a villa further inside the city.
SUB-CONTRACTOR The Contractor that would carry out the work was chosen directly by the Technical Management of the refinery. Mr. Berrada, the Site Manager was a competent and approachable young engineer. The history of this Company is intertwined in a curious and surprising way with the attack that King Hassan II suffered on 16 August 1972, when the Royal Boeing 727, returning from an official trip to France, was attacked by military jets of the Force Armee Royale. According to the reconstruction of the event, the plane was hit on one of the engines, but the pilot managed to make escape the jet unscathed, and thus saving the life of the Sovereign. That pilot's brother was the owner of a small building Contractor from Casablanca. The pilot's exploits made the fortune of his brother, who in a short time became one of the largest entrepreneurs in the construction sector in Morocco, going so far as to build the so-called ''Twin Towers'' of Casablanca, which with their height of 128 meters are have long been the tallest skyscrapers in Morocco.
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WORK PROGRESS. The rafinery plot was overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The progress of the works was quite regular, the demolition of old tanks continued apace and so did the creation of new areas for the new plants. To the South of the plant, divided only by a reception wall, stood the coal power plant built in the 1980s by the Italian Cimi Montubi Group.
FLOOD DISASTER - NOVEMBER 2002. Everything went well until the beginning of November. Yes, it's true, sometimes we had some problems getting the refinery operators out of their offices before proceeding with their demolition. But it had been raining cats and dogs for three days, even though they told me it was the season. On a Saturday morning the SAMIR management received a call from a dam Director, located approximately 45 km away from the plant. The Director warned that since the water inside the artificial reservoir of Barrage Oued El Maleh had now reached the overflow point, it had been decided to open the gates of the dam, and let part of the water flow into the Oued El Maleh , whose course, after reaching the refinery, flowed into the Atlantic between the refinery itself and the Royal Golf Club. The Dam Director estimated that the flood wave would reach the refinery towards the late afternoon of the same day. As a precaution, operations at the plant should have been stopped. A consultation with Saudi ownership categorically ruled out shut down onthe entire complex. The costs of shut down, lost production, and start-up were the reasons given for refusing to stop operations. Never was a decision more wrong.
At 3.00 PM order had been given to leave the plant. The water from the Ouadi El Maleh had already overcome the barrier set up at the entrance to the plant, and was spreading throughout the area. The area of our offices, lower than the rest of the refinery, was already heavily flooded. We returned to Mohammedia with in mind the worried faces of the operators who were preparing to spend the night in the plant. It was around 9.45 in the evening when the first explosions were heard. I went out onto the apartment balcony and looked towards the South: I could see some flashes that lit up the dark night. Firefighter and Red Crescent sirens. And then an explosion louder than all the others: we then learned that a diesel tank had been blown up. We would find the roof of the tank thrown like a giant frisbee 150 meters away. The fire had attacked the power station, and triggered the explosion when the water reached the high voltage bars. Most of the utilities were destroyed that night. Thanks to the work of firefighters who also came from Casablanca, and of the refinery operators, the fire was contained and did not reach the fuel depot area where there were dozens of tanks full of oil and diesel: it would have been a Biblical disaster.
Two operators lost their lives in the accident, and numerous were injured. When the refinery was made safe, the highest authorities in Morocco came to visit, first and foremost King Mohammed VI. The refinery management asked us to participate in the damage assessment, alongside a specially established insurance team. At the end of the survey, which lasted weeks, the damages were estimated at 157 million dollars. During the cleaning operations from the mud that had invaded the entire area of the plant, many teams of volunteers showed up after King Mohamed VI's appeal on TV. What remained was the regret of a disaster caused once again by a decision dictated by mere selfishness. The questions I asked myself at the time was: ''In his country, would the Saudi owner of the refinery have made the same decision, that is, not to stop the plant?''
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END OF MISSION. At the end of April, the enormous cleaning operation of the refinery had been completed, even if production had not been able to resume due to the enormous damage caused by the flood and the subsequent fire. Our work to prepare the areas was coming to an end, and the most disparate rumors were circulating about the name of the Main Contractor who would win the contract for the new installation. The sentiment was that they would not be awarded to TECHNIP Italia, regardless of our performance during the Early Works.
Italian Giant SAIPEM was awarded the project.
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ornoirafrica · 9 months
Mozambique : Saipem constate des progrès vers la reprise du projet de GNL
Le groupe italien de services énergétiques Saipem a déclaré que des efforts pour redémarrer un projet GNL de plusieurs milliards d’euros au Mozambique pour TotalEnergies étaient en cours, mais s’est abstenu de donner un calendrier précis. Le projet, qui serait le premier développement à terre d’une usine de GNL dans ce pays africain, a été gelé en 2021 en raison de problèmes de sécurité et de…
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enerdatics · 1 year
Renewable Energy M&A: Equinor acquires Danish solar developer BeGreen Energy and its 5.6 GW development pipeline in Denmark, Sweden, and Poland
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BeGreen is currently owned by the Bregentved Estate, which operates as an agricultural and forestry business in Denmark, focussed on the sustainable production of food and energy. BeGreen’s assets under development comprise 4.7 GW in Denmark, 440 MW in Poland, and 202 MW in Sweden. The projects are at early to medium stages of maturity, with an average project size of 300 MW. BeGreen also holds 302 MW of operational capacity and 288 MW under construction, to be operationalized by the end of 2022. The power produced will be marketed by Equinor subsidiary Danske Commodities. The transaction marks Equinor’s largest renewable energy acquisition in Denmark.
BeGreen reported a revenue of $58.8mn and pre-tax earnings of $8.2mn for the fiscal year (FY) 2021/2022, with a net debt of $45mn at the end of the period. The company had forecast a revenue of $218-245mn and pre-tax earnings of $86-119mn for FY 2022/2023, including the sale of new projects. BeGreen is optimistic about its strategy, focussed on developing unsubsidized utility-scale projects in the high-growth markets of Denmark, Sweden and Poland. The company has also outlined plans to enter at least one new market in the current fiscal year. 
The deal marks Equinor’s most significant move in the solar sector and will compliment the company’s existing pipeline in Poland, acquired through the takeover of Polish developer Wento in May’21. Beyond Europe, Equinor is developing solar projects in Latin America, in partnership with fellow Norweigan energy company Scatec. The duo are collaborating on the massive 531 MW Mendubim solar project in Brazil, and in 2021 brought online the 117 MW Guañizuil IIA asset in Argentina.
Equinor has also ventured into the floating solar segment, forming a partnership with Saipem subsidiary Moss Maritime in Jan’21, to test a ‘floatovoltaic’ array in the Norwegian Sea.
The above analysis is proprietary to Enerdatics’ energy analytics team, based on the current understanding of the available data. The information is subject to change and should not be taken to constitute professional advice or a recommendation. 
Read more at: https://enerdatics.com/blog/renewable-energy-m-and-a-equinor-acquires-danish-solar-developer-begreen-energy-and-its-56-gw-development-pipeline-in-denmark-sweden-and-poland/?nocache=33462
#energy #alternativeenergy #renewableenergy #energytransition #enerdatics #decarbonization #equinor #solar #Denmark #begreen
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dynpostraining · 1 year
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#Saipem yeni açık deniz #sondaj sözleşmeleri imzaladı Saipem, üçü #OrtaDoğu’da ve ikisi Batı #Afrika’da olmak üzere toplam yaklaşık 800 milyon #USD tutarında yeni #açıkdeniz sondaj sözleşmeleri imzaladı. Orta Doğu’da, belirli projelerde sondaj ve workover faaliyetleri için üçüncü şahıslar tarafından kiralanan, iki yüksek özellikli #JackUp sondaj ünitesi, #PerroNegro12 ve #PerroNegro13 için iki yeni sözleşme imzalandı. Faaliyet süresi, birinci birim için beş yıl artı iki isteğe bağlı yıl, ikinci birim için üç yıl artı bir isteğe bağlı yıl olacaktır. Her iki projenin de #2023’ün üçüncü ve dördüncü çeyreği arasında başlaması planlanıyor. #Üçüncü sözleşme, 375 fit su derinliğine kadar çalışabilen çok yönlü, kendi kendine yükselen sondaj #ünitesi olan yüksek özellikli Jack-Up ünitesi #SeaLion7 için mevcut bir sözleşmenin beş yıllık uzatmasını kapsıyor. Batı Afrika’da Saipem, altıncı nesil #Drillship #Saipem12000 ile #Ultra #Deep-Water segmentinde sondaj operasyonları için iki #sözleşme imzaladı. İlk sözleşme, #2022’nin dördüncü çeyreğinde başlaması ve sondaj kulesinin bölgedeki mevcut faaliyetlerini yaklaşık altı ay uzatması beklenen #FildişiSahili açıklarındaki sondaj faaliyetleri için #EniCoted’Ivoire tarafından verildi. İkinci sözleşme, #EniAngola tarafından işletilen #Block 15/06’da Angola açıklarında geliştirme ve arama kuyularının sondajı, tamamlanması ve test edilmesi için #AzuleEnergy tarafından verildi. Sözleşme, 12 sağlam kuyunun açılması ve tamamlanması için gerekli süreye (tahmini 26 ay sürecek) sahip olacak ve isteğe bağlı bir süre için uzatma olasılığını içerecektir. Projenin, #Batı Afrika’daki sondaj kulesinin önceki çalışmaları ile devam edecek şekilde 2023 yılında başlaması planlanıyor. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEIuRkIY_n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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coneicom · 1 year
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Saipem cresce in borsa dopo aver ottenuto nuovi contratti in Africa e Medio Oriente. - - - - - - - - - - - - 📣 Seguici per maggiori post 👉@coneicom 👉@coneicom 👉@coneicom - - - - - - - - - - - - 🔎 se vuoi conoscerci meglio, visita il nostro link in bio e scopri tutti i nostri prodotti gratuiti. - - - - - - - - - - - - 📣 Please, no investment advice! Il nostro obiettivo è l’educazione volta al confronto. - - - - - - - - - - - - 📍Siamo a Forlì, incontriamoci per parlare di investimenti! - - - - - - - - - - - - #saipem #saipemoffshore #saipemconstellation #tradingitalia #investimenti #coneicom https://www.instagram.com/p/ClA3AS4Musy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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