wtfearth123 · 10 months
Sound vibration creates patterns on sand by making the sand move to the areas where the vibration is minimal. These areas are called nodes, and they form different shapes depending on the frequency and shape of the sound wave.
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deepspace-nasty · 3 months
i think jayce t and gale have crazy sex. they talk about science and magic theory as foreplay, and they don't stop talking until they both cum. theyre both switches/verses but their relationship ends up being "two subtops trying to fuck each other" more than half the time. gale definitely does astral sex w jayce à la the hextech explosion at the end of act 1. jayce (mis)uses hextech on gale and takes notes and gale has to make a conscious effort to not bust every time one if the hextech crystals, with pure arcane power and energy, gets too close to the orb. crackling with energy as jayce notes gale groaning and jerking around.
honestly it could be like that with jayce g too, but i dont have brain power to think about them together lmao
anyway what i wouldnt give to be a fly on the wall when they meet
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knowledge-first · 20 days
Ever wondered why your popcorn pops?
It's all about a tiny kernel of drama happening inside! Each kernel has a bit of water trapped inside a hard starch shell. As the heat rises, that water turns to steam, building pressure. Eventually, the shell can't contain it anymore - POP! Out comes the fluffy, delicious popcorn we all know and love.
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techyosvio · 23 days
Discover the Magic of Science: Dancing Raisins Experiment
Step into the enchanting world of science with our mesmerizing "Dancing Raisins Experiment" video. Witness the captivating interplay of buoyancy, carbonation, and density as ordinary raisins gracefully ascend and descend in fizzy soda, orchestrated by tiny carbon dioxide bubbles. Our engaging demonstration not only illuminates fundamental scientific principles but also ignites curiosity and appreciation for the wonders of the natural world. Explore the dynamics of flotation and gas solubility in this visually captivating journey, where science comes alive in a symphony of motion and discovery. Subscribe now for more captivating experiments and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of science with our enriching content. Join us and unlock the magic of scientific exploration today!
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sitstaystoned · 8 months
make sure to get tf'd first
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satirn · 2 months
Fun fact about me: back on 2014 (when I was 17) I didn't know the ship name for Jimmy x Timmy was so obvious, so I used to call it by a most original one, "MagicScience" or "ScienceMagic", (you may know why) so that's how it's tagged on my blog
!!!!!!!! SOMEBODY GETS IT. but seriously that is a peerrrfect ship name omggg!!!!!!!
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saw5 · 5 months
wait i know they were all under the influence of space sciencemagic but its still so funny how when kira came to apologize sisko was like don't worry i'll let the attempted mutiny and assassination slide ...... THIS time 😉
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elizabethrobertajones · 8 months
6.5 spoilers after the first cutscene
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guy who has only paid 1/4 attention to any of the sciencemagical bullshit going on at any one time (unless it's about dragons) and whose response to Events is "might as well happen, what do I stab?" and not "why did that happen" :')
Anyway thank you for the fan fic jumping off point ser
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cimicherrychanga · 9 months
hi i would like to give you a lil smooch
(and also maybe taste u for sciencemagic research reasons...)
The Worm King's Legal Terms state that any DNA sample taken for the purpose of cloning must be used for the project immediately, and any resulting clone must be brought to The Worm King themselves. So they can make out.
okay!!! ^3^
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I've mentioned before that the Clans in my second sci-fi setting (Disbelieve me if you want, but "mechanized warfare-favoring, technologically advanced 'clans' of genetically engineered warriors is something I came up with before getting into BattleTech enough to know what those were) have significant amounts of genetic tampering, but haven't gone into much detail. As a rough overview, these are some of the changes--I try to balance all of their advantages with at least a minor drawback, partially to jive with the notion that you can't just sciencemagic up a Superman with no downsides, and partially because of my aversion to They're Just Better Than Normal Humans as a premise
First and foremost, all of their modifications and self-engineering (most notably their extremely long lifespans) have resulted in them requiring growth vats to gestate newborns. This is why terms like "offshoot" and "subspecies" can't apply to them: a species is defined as producing viable offspring with itself, and they can't naturally produce viable offspring at all.
Their bones are extremely strong and dense, to the point that their skulls have decent chance at deflecting pistol-caliber rounds without fracturing. The body, naturally, did not evolve to repair bone tissue of this type, and while they have advanced medical technology that can repair fractures and breaks in a short timeframe, without access to these treatments, their bones will functionally not heal at all.
They're capable of digesting most any kind of food, from raw meat to grass at need, and storing energy efficiently enough that one meal every three days is generally a healthy diet. Their digestive systems are, as a consequence, woefully inefficient, and they require these meals to be prohibitively large unless eating their own staple foods (themselves genetically engineered crops of fungus and vat-grown meat described by outsiders as a curious mix of bland and revolting. Perhaps it's for this reason that Clanners consider it an advantage that they have a severely limited sense of taste.) This ties into their enhanced, wiry musculature, disproportionately strong for their lean frames and very slow to atrophy, but also very difficult to build up and trading endurance for raw performance.
Most notably, while they're capable of very quick learning and prolonged states of focus even when staying awake for multiple days at a time (some Clan warriors being infamous for a silent, coldly analytical battle-trance that outsiders regard as paradoxically similar to a berserker state), they're born with lowered emotional responses and even lower sex drives, which fade to a vestigial state as they age past the normal human lifespan. The Clanners themselves, of course, consider lowered emotions and libido, just like their lowered sense of taste (and possibly related, though more likely cultural, disregard for beauty and aesthetics for any other purpose than gross displays of wealth and prestige) to be unequivocal positives, taking pride in being free of "animal thinking"
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luckiestplartt · 2 years
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attack with a bunch of characters from
@magicscience-sciencemagic / artisticMelody
@randombloops​ / randombloops
@jilf / jilf
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enetarch-physics · 9 days
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neosciencehub · 8 months
Skyroot’s Cosmic collaboration with French Space Firms
Skyroot’s Cosmic collaboration with French Space Firms @neosciencehub #NSH #pharma #science #Hyderabad #sciencenews #sciencewebsite #neosciencehub #Sciencemag #magazine #eMAG #emagazine #scifi #molecules #research #sciencehub
Skyroot, the Indian space startup making waves in the industry, has taken a significant stride towards its upcoming Vikram 1 orbital launch and other missions. In a move that underscores India’s growing prowess in the global space sector, Skyroot has inked two critical Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with leading French space companies. Skyroot’s Cosmic collaboration with French Space Firms…
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morgue-xiiv · 8 months
wait I forgot there's art that's criminalised in MY jurisdiction because some dumbass lawmakers imagined it was possible to sectionally exploit a drawing of a fictitious child somehow using sciencemagic. So there would be some limits. which honestly fine cos I'd have to administer shit and would prefer not to use my good face eyes for that.
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bitsinakaleidoscope · 11 months
magicscience-sciencemagic > bitsinakaleidoscope
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nicholasrossis · 5 years
How Many Bits In A Word?
How Many Bits In A Word?
The world has known many languages; some 7,000 are currently spoken. And we use language to inform others. So, are some languages better than others when it comes to how fast we convey information?
A group of intrepid linguists set out to find out.
How many bits per syllable?
Their thinking was simple: words are, basically, bits of information. Some languages have many syllables; some few. Some…
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