#scorpion 3x12
petite-ursus · 5 months
First workout of 2024 done.
I sat on my yoga mat to listen to day zero of Yoga With Adriene's 30day yoga series. (She does it every year and starting with it last year and building that habit was probably THE thing that kept me moving through 2023.)
Then, since that was only 5 minutes and the yoga mat was out...
Quick yoga flow. Always neck rolls and stretches/holds, arm swings in both directions, cat cows, thoracic twists (my back crackled on one and it was Nice.)
3x12 (8lb dumbells)
Lateral raises
Weighted situps
Leg lifts (single legs and doubles)
3x12 (25lb dumbells)
Strict press (again last 4 single arm)
Again the 25s took me basically to failure. It's. Good.
Then more yoga. Downward dogs into wild thing into pigeon on both sides. Then some scorpion. Some folds over my legs. Happy baby.
Boopin along. My goal is to make it to the box this week.
I "need" (want) to journal. I haven't made an entry since before the ex moved out. It just... so much has happened I'm worried for my baby wrists with all I have to write at this point. 😹 it feels like it will be such an undertaking. I just. Need to start. Take it as far as my hands can handle... and then go back to day by day.
As much as I love posting my thoughts here... I know journaling by hand on paper does other good things that I'm missing out on. I want. That habit. Back.
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mspirations · 6 years
Paige Dineen "Ice Ca-Cabes" - 3x12
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i don't dislike paige's mom or anything, but i severely reject the idea that paige turned out well because of how her mom treated her when she was a kid, because she threw her in the deep end. the worst part is by the end of #faux money maux problems, paige seems to accept that her mom played a role in her personal success.
paige did not turn out well because of her mom. she turned out well in spite of her.
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scribeshan · 7 years
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Quintis Wedding Countdown Day 7 - General: I’ll Be There For You...
“Spending your life scared to connect to someone isn’t any way to live.”
Whatever the season, whatever the reason, I love the little looks and moments that pass between them that underscore that they want the best for each other, support each other and have each other’s backs -- as teammates and friends. Friends who love each other...it doesn’t get any better than that. 
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anthonybrxdgerton · 7 years
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Walter & Paige in every episode: 3x12 “Ice Ca-Cabes”
- I know you get frustrated when I take steps backward, but I don't mean to do it; I just do. There are parts of my brain that work so much worse than others. - I know.
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Scorpion 30 Day Challenge  • Day 26 ► Favorite Case
Aside from what’s above, I really liked the episode where everyone had to put their brains together to save Cabe’s life. I often felt like Cabe was underappreciated on the team, and the fact that people on the team would literally drop their pants for the guy proves just how special he is to them. (But the Waige fan service is definitely a big reason why I like this case, lol). 
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I think Ice-ca-Cabes has been the best ep since S3 started, let it only go up from here!!!
Favorite parts of the ep 
-The scene between Happy and Cabe, THE PIN, THE PIN!!
-Happy starting to sound like the Doc! ah couple goals!!
-Toby getting to show his doctor skills
-Sly being brave for Cabe and facing something that even a season ago would have been immensely difficult for him
-The hesitance and fear of failing to save Cabe from Toby, dear god the emotion from EKT!!
-How much Cabe has come to mean to Happy!!
-That forehead kiss of Toby to Happy and reiterating how proud he is as she sticks her hand in to help save Cabe
-Nakey Paige and Walt, the guy look at her ‘bubbles’, ‘tingling’ the facial expressions. I was dying with laughter. 😂
-Walter saying Cabe was his father
Walt telling Cabe how much he cares, HE CAN SAY “I love you”!! I actually teared up! PROGRESSION!! next step say it to Paige ;P
-The colorful hawaiian ‘Cabe’ shirts
-Protective Happy “reserving final approval until I decide she’s good enough for you ” 
-”Burn your shmackle” oh Sly I love you!
-TOBY AND HIS POINTED RIBBING AT W&P SEEING EACH OTHER’S  ‘parts’!!! “melons and sausages, Cantaloupe and wieners”  “tater tots and salami” 😂😂😂
I think it was quite possible one of the best eps they have done. Well done scorpion writers!!😍😍
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readertypertweeter · 7 years
Scorpion 3x12 Review aka We’re Back on Track
Better late than never right?
Review time! I really enjoyed this episode, and plot/character-wise it’s one of the best of the season, and a VAST improvement on the Christmas episode! 
The Cabe-Walter scenes were great, and for the first time since the Season 1 Finale, I genuinely felt like one of the team was in mortal peril!
The Quintis fore-head kiss was cute, but I don’t want to bang on about them not-kissing again! It was cute, and Happy getting the pin from Cabe was adorbs.
But my main issue with the episode is Paige. Why is she being such a cow? You don’t have to blame Walter for Tim leaving IT WAS HIS CHOICE! And she’s known Walter for two years, and she’s only mentioning Walter not having much emotion NOW! 
Also Sly cracked me up with the snake!
Short review for a fairly straightforward episode..I enjoyed it!
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Queen of the South : Teresa and James journey
1x02: James try to save her from the dissipation of the drugs.  1x03: Warning from James that she may not be able to get out. James doesn’t want to end up in jail. Teresa replied: “If I know too much I’m indispensable. If I know too little I’m disposable.” Also, James vouch for her and takes responsabillity for her. 1x04: James told her that he will not be killed by crossfire made for her. White Bentley. 1x05: James shown as a sniper, “learn you cannot run away from that.” 1x06: Cave allegory Plato, Teresa saved James from the cave the time she could see. 1x08: block market James. 1x09: Teresa saved a witness, “it’s never gonna end.” 2x01: Choose between survival and your heart. King George saying that James has debs on Teresa. Also, their first hug. 2x02: First meeting with Kelly Anne. Sniper James. Teresa said that James is a good person, we are n together in this business. 2x03: We learn that James had combat first-aid training and he was ex-military. He saved Teresa from a scorpion bite. Teresa is mentioned as his “piece of ass”. Teresa is not leaving James behind. James told her “play hard to get” and put a hand on her shoulder. 2x04: James will do anything to protect them. 2x05: Bolivia. Guerro telling Teresa, “I know the way he looks at you.” James and Fireworks. 2x06: Bolivia. “Mayocoyotzin” = she who creates herself. “Good Death”, you had to die to be reborn into my family. We learned that James was in Afghanistan. Second hug and they shared a kiss. Guerro told James that he kept her alive. 2x08: Sunglasses break code. James told her it’s not the moment to play hard to get. “Life doesn’t care about what you want. We don’t get to choose.” Marbella? Teresa saved James. 2x10: King George compare Pote to Chewbacca's the single greatest wingman in the universe.  2x11: James saying to Teresa “I’ll protect you & take care of yourself.” 2x12: James doesn’t kill her. 2x13: To live is to die and to die is to begin again. James saying to Guerro that he never missed a target from this distance in his life and he would never hurt her like he did.”
3x01: James saved Teresa in Malta. 3x02: James saved Teresa in Malta a second time, “I was protecting you. You are only alive because of me. Since the first day we meet I’ve been trying to keep you alive”. Conversation about trust. 3x03: Intention with Teresa are good said to Pote. James saved her from a bullet again. 3x04: Doing business together. 3x05: “I will be ready if they come from you” (by James). “You’re still her that’s something” (by Teresa). She saved him. We are in this together. I don’t deserve that. Everyone deserves that. James referred as “Romeo”. First time they sleep together. 3x06: James goest to Mexico to save Teresa. 3x07: Protect us.  3x08: Teresa saying “I know that you are worried about me, but I’m ok. I don’t regret sleeping with you.” She saved James again. Respect goes both way. Teresa asking Pote what he think about James? “He will die for you.” 3x09: We will do it together. Phoenix is theirs. Second time they sleep together. 3x10: Come back to us. There is James and fireworks. El Santos and his baby? 3x11: “If I mean something to you, you will show up.” Doubting my loyalty.  3x12: I will not be there after. He’s leaving. I don’t want to lose you. 3x13: I have to go. It’s been a hell of a ride. I’m gonna miss you. I’ll see you around. You take are of her to Pote.
Waiting for season 5 to stream on Netflx. 
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fyeahquintis · 7 years
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quintis + s3 kisses
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iconscorpion-blog · 7 years
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credit to tayloswrft
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petite-ursus · 5 months
I stopped having the banwidth to show up to my crossfit box in person for most of this year. Because. You know. The horrors. But I never stopped moving at home, even if my capacity and style had to change... I'm really grateful for that.
But besides my barbell and plates, (which I LOVE but which aren't super functional in the space I have or just for playing around... ) the highest weights I have are 15lb dumbells.
When I wanted to go higher I was either having the use the plates I have for the barbell or really getting some grip strength gains holding two sets of dumbells in each hand (silly.)
I've been. Craving 25lb dumbells which is what I used to be at at the box. It just feels meatier than 15lbs. Substantial.
My brother gave me 25lb dumbells for Christmas. And. I love them. I love them so much. AND. The jump from my 15s to them... after my illness... is Quite humbling. I'm literally flat on my back after each little workout. But also So Freaking Satisfying.
2024. I'm coming for your ass.
I start with some neck rolls and stretches, arm swings and stretches across body and behind back... cat cow, and usually some thoracic twists... really just whatever feels good. I just play around.
When I work out at home I just get the yoga mat out. Yoga has been... a lot of what I've done this year and it's such a good way to get yourself on the mat. And once you're on the mat anything is possible.
Once I'm warm I grab the weights and again... just pick what feels good. Whatever I pick, I basically always try to do that between 8-12 reps 3 times.
Today that was...
Single arm lateral raises
Double dumbell front raises
Weighted situps
(8lb dumbells for all of these because I was still warming up and I always want to keep my shoulders and neck safe.)
3x12 of leg lifts, ( Each set is single legs and then both at once. Just Sitting let's straight out in front, hands clasped in front of chest, lift leg(/s) over an obstacles back and forth. Can be modified with hands on ground. Shockingly hard when both legs are engaged.)
Weighted glute bridges (+ 12sec hold at the top for rep 12)
Floor press
Strict press (last 4 reps of each set single arm)
(These were with my 25lbs. And yes. Humbling. The reason the last 4reps of my strict presses were single arm was because that's how I talked myself out of doing only 8 reps. They took me just shy of failure.)
Then some more stretching. Scorpion stretch was a need for my shoulders and just to be sure I hadn't crunched my back struggling through the presses.
And now. I am. Laying down. I think about last year throwing around 185lb... deadlifting 300lb... it comes down to... I just had more fuel in me. And I still can't eat like I need to do hit the weights I crave...but this is a start and it feels good. I'm so glad I never totally lost this, even if I'm so reduced. The happy chemicals... unparalleled.
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
Day 4 - Favourite Kiss 
The options are: 1x16 (almost kiss), 1x18, 2x12, 2x16, 2x20, 3x08 (almost kiss), 3x13 + 2x17 & 3x08 & 3x12 & 3x18 forehead/top-of-the-head kisses
I love them all, because they all fit into the moments, and are special in their own way, but my fave Quintis kiss so far is the 2x16 “reveal kiss” & my fave non-lips kiss so far is the 3x12 forehead-kiss 
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source: fyeahquintis
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lodessa · 5 years
Janeway/Chakotay Essential Episodes
For @clarasimone (and anyone else who might like to get into/enjoy Janeway/Chakotay, without wading through 172 episodes). 
Here’s your streamlined episode list for Janeway/Chakotay.  I consulted with @manalyzer13, @cheile, @imaginationdrift, @arcadia1995, and @janewayseyebrow for this list.  
I’ve divided the list up, with a primary “must watch” list and then an additional viewing list with episodes that were mentioned but we didn’t have anything like agreement on.
Essential Episodes
1x01 Caretaker
1x02 Parallax
1x05 The Cloud
1x12 Cathexis
2x01 The 37’s
2x04 Elogium
2x14 Alliances
2x25 Resolutions
2x26/3x1 Basics
3x07 Sacred Ground
3x08/3x09 Future’s End 
3x11 The Q and the Grey
3x14 Alter Ego 
3x15 Coda
3x26/4x01 Scorpion
4x08/4x09 Year of Hell
4x15 Hunters
4x18/4x19 The Killing Game
5x01 Night
5x06 Timeless
5x19 The Fight
5x26/6x01 Equinox
6x09 The Voyager Conspiracy
6x26/7x01 Unimatrix Zero
7x11 Shattered
Additional Viewing
1x09 Prime Factors (because Chakotay isn’t in on the going behind Janeway’s back)
1x10 State of Flux (Seska Plotline)
2x02 Initiations (… not actually very J/C but important in terms of who Chakotay is)
2x08 Persistence of Vision (Maybe… we feel Janeway’s Mark related guilt is important here)
2x11 Maneuvers (Seska Plotline)
3x12 Macrocosm
3x21 Before and After
4x04 Nemesis
4x07 Scientific Method
4x21 Omega Directive
5x04 In the Flesh
5x15/5x16 Dark Frontier 
5x18 Course Oblivion 
5x20 Think Tank ( @manalyzer13 swears she pats his butt)
6x22 Muse
6x25 The Haunting of Deck 12
7x04 Repression
7x15 The Void
Some final words of advice:
DON’T WATCH ENDGAME (the series finale). JUST DON’T
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soysaucevictim · 4 years
Week 3 of current regimen!
Oct. 3
I woke up around noon.
After some tunes and browsing stuff, I got in my exercise for today.
First, today’s DD. 5′ punches with EC. I swapped stances every ~30″ and counted 642 punches thrown. Never a bad time to do combat exercises in my book! Very fun and breezy! =w=
Second, Day 13 of the ICC. 3x2′ butt kicks, 30″ rest. Oof, starting to get real now - still kept it at around jogging pace. But I still came off it winded.
Last, Day 13 of the 30MDoY. After tuckering the arms out a bit from all those punches - this sequence took a bit of digging to get through it. Most amount of modification I did here was resting upward dogs and occasionally shifting the planks into downward dogs for a few moments. I did however avoid doing knee plank mods the whole sequence (even though there were many moments where I was tempted to)!
Spent time chatting, watching “Repo! The Genetic Opera” with a friend, and working on that Nepri!Logan drawing.
Got to bed obscenely late again.
Oct. 4
I woke up after 1PM, today.
After a bit of browsing around, I got in my exercise early.
First, today’s DD. 50 plank leg raises with EC (25/25). Very manageable.
Second, Day 14 of the ICC. 3x12 calf raises, done in one go. Still a breezy load for the calves here.
Last, Day 14 of the 30MDoY. I liked how most of this was pretty chill. Except for the 1′ boat and bridge holds. Nevertheless enjoyed the whole sequence!
After that, I made today’s Hello Fresh meal. Magnifico mozz melts. I liked this one a lot - but I still could practice my grill game more. Specifically mitigating a “too much cooking oil“ scenario.
After some dishes, chatted and watched “Rocky Horror Picture Show“.
Then, I basically pulled an allnighter to finish drawing Nepri!Logan.
Oct. 5
I woke up around noon (after a ~2 hour nap).
Got started on today’s exercise shortly after.
First, today’s DD. 2′ high knees with EC. I counted 280 steps made in the duration. A bit of a jogging/running pace, but yeah. I was tired enough as it was.
Second, Day 15 of the ICC. 3x2′ butt kicks, 30″ rest. Similar pace here. I admit I had trepidation to do this while hella sleep deprived. But watching DWIT was a good distraction.
Last, Day 15 of the 30MDoY. 25′ meditation, did in corpse pose because tired. Mind wandered a bit, but I don’t think I dozed off during it. I did observe my heart rate slowing down as I rested and focused on slow belly breathing. (My ANS was probably not super happy about the sleep deprivation thing.)
I spent the rest of my day chatting and working on that Wretched!Remus drawing.
Got to bed late... but not obscenely late.
Oct. 6
I woke up around noon.
Got my exercise in early
First, today’s DD. 4′ arm raise hold with EC (frontal). This was pretty fun and manageable.
Second, Day 16 of the ICC. 3x12 calf raises, done in one go.Still a breezy load for the calves here.
Last, Day 16 of the 30MDoY. This sequence kicked my butt a little, a lot of squatting/lunging. The transition between #5-6 did threaten to get the hamstrings to spasm - but I managed to get through it mindfully. As usual, I really savor those recovery poses (like mountain).
I then installed some software, showered, and made the fam dinner.
After that, spent rest of night chatting and working on Wretched!Remus some more. (I’ll never not laugh about “ sketchy as fiyuUUCK”.)
Got to bed obscenely late again (not the best decision given I needed to be up at a reasonable hour tomorrow.).
Oct. 7
I woke up around 11AM.
Went to Seeking Safety again. It went alright.
Got home, did some dishes and did my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 scorpion twists with EC. This was pretty breezy work.
Second, Day 17 of the ICC. 3x2′ butt kicks, 30″ rest. I had some trepidation doing this on like 2 hours of sleep. But DWIT helped a bit there.
Last, Day 17 of the 30MDoY. I’m happy this was a fairly chill sequence. Did upward dogs relaxed again, though. #2 was pretty meditative, taking a bit of focus to remain balanced/centered.
Spent rest of day chatting and finishing up that Wretched!Remus drawing.
Got to bed earlier than yesterday, but still recklessly late (especially given that I needed to be up earlier tomorrow.)
Oct. 8
I woke up around 10AM.
After watching some YouTube, went to my dental appointment. Been noticing that intake vitals keep reading me with a high HR (but BP is great). It’s certainly anxiety inducing, but I’m doing my best to get through it. Had the filling done last appointment shaped a bit more to mitigate the returned pressure sensitivity. New fillings done today have no complaints (as of posting).
Got home and after some YouTube, did my exercise.
First, today’s DD. 40 single leg dead lists with EC (20/20; staying balanced.) This took me several tries... think being pretty tired/hungry made it a struggle to maintain my balance.
Second, Day 18 of the ICC. 3x12 calf raises, done in one go.Still a breezy load - happy that caps off today’s exercise docket..
Last, Day 18 of the 30MDoY. 25′ meditation. Opted for corpse pose a gain. Did have a hypnic jerk briefly, but I think I managed to not completely doze off. Mind was wandering some too.
I spent rest of day chatting and working on that Tammuz!Virgil drawing.
I got to bed around the same time as yesterday.
Oct. 9
I woke up around 1PM, today.
Did some dishes and only the DD, for exercise (active rest day)... 80 balance swings with EC. What wonders getting more sleep means. :P
Hello Fresh didn’t arrive on expected time. So I spent the rest of the day chatting and finishing up that Tammuz!Virgil drawing.
Got to bed late, but earlier than yesterday.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 5 years
Top 3 Supernatural Episodes Per Season
Warning: Spoilers below the cut. I am SUPER biased. Take everything I say with a HEALTHY grain of salt. 
Season 1: omg they look like INFANTS
1. “Home” 1x09. This episode is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing AND it’s super important to the mytharch AND we get Winchester family drama. One of those early instances of “Wow we need to give Jensen Ackles an emmy like yesterday”. Mary turns up and foreshadows like??? so much??
2. “Scarecrow” 1x11. Super creepy, major “The Lottery” vibes, fuck I just. I love it. 
3. “Hell House” 1x17. Close call between this one and “Something Wicked” but in the end, Harry and Ed and all the hilarity that ensues just. *chef’s kiss* 
Honorable Mentions: “Something Wicked”
Season 2:  ugh so many good episodes season 2 is SO good
1. “The Usual Suspects” 2x07. SAM GETS TO BE SO SNARKY IN THIS EPISODE AND I LOOOOVE IT. Also Diana is a bamf. 
2. “Croatoan” 1x09. UGH YASSSSSSS. Close call between this and “In My Time Of Dying”, though
3. “What is And What Should Never Be” 2x20. Look man, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m cheap as all get out. Dean angst? Gimme gimme. Also it has WYNONNA EARP IN IT.  
Honorable Mentions: “In My Time of Dying”, “Nightshifter” 
Season 3:  half of these episodes suck, the other half are perfect heeeelllppp
1. “Bad Day At Black Rock” 3x03. This episode it just hilarious from start to finish. Also, Bela vs. Dean. 
2. “Mystery Spot” 3x11. A double whammy of HILARIOUS and OH FUCK THIS IS DEPRESSING. 
3. “Jus In Bello” 3x12. It was real hard to decide between this and Ghostfacers but ultimately, Nancy Fitzgerald (aka Ella Lopez) and Victor Henrikson are the actual best and deserve all the love ever.  
Honorable Mentions: “Ghostfacers”, “The Kids Are Alright” 
Season 4: Somehow there is only one episode that is not stunningly amazing?? 
1: “On the Head of A Pin” 4x16. Cas becomes a main character and it is AMAZING and oh my god give Jensen ALL the emmys oh and ALSO we finally learn exactly what Sam and Ruby’s “extracurricular activities” entail. Feels like a movie. We get the reveal that the angels are working to break the seals. Anna is also amazing. Why is this episode so beautiful. I’m fucking crying and so is Dean. I could gush for hours. 
2. “It’s a Terrible Life” 4x17. This episode is just a fucking delight. (Am I giving it such a high score on the basis of The Kink’s “Well Respected Man” alone? Maybe. Honestly I SHOULD be putting Rapture here but oh well. I’m biased.) 
3. “Monster Movie” 4x05. It was hard to decide between this “In the Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “The Rapture” and “Lucifer Rising” (which all deserve all the praise ever) but ugh ugh ugh this episode is ALSO perfect AND I love it a bajillion. It’s in black and white and the guest actress is SO pretty and also I think I’ve already gone into detail about how the MoTW is a Lucifer Parallel. Also Dean says he’s been rehymenated so TRANS!DEAN RIGHTS! 
Honorable Mentions: “In The Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “Lucifer Rising” “The Rapture” 
Season 5: You want to be sad? You also want to watch really good TV? SEASON FIVE IS WHERE IT’S AT! 
1. “Two Minutes To Midnight” 5x21. I know, I know. I should be putting “Swan Song” here but look,, I am easily bought with the promise of Julian Richings as Death. 
2. “Free To Be You And Me” 5x03. Funny Destiel buddy cop film, Sam gets to be filtered through the eyes of an audience-stand-in in universe, also contains Castiel’s ICONIC line “but today you’re MY little bitch”. 
3. “Dark Side of The Moon” 5x16. Narrowly beats out “My Bloody Valentine”, “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”, and “The Song Remains The Same”. I am trash for any pieces of Sam and Dean’s childhoods and also this episode gives me SO MUCH material for beating up John with a baseball bat. 
Honorable Mentions: “Swan Song” “My Bloody Valentine” “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” “The Song Remains The Same” “The End” 
Season 6: We Don’t Talk About Season Six. 
1. “The Man Who Would Be King” 6x20. Cas. Destiel. Ow. 
2. “Mommy Dearest” 6x19. Eve! Sam Smith! idk, I just really like it.
3. “Appointment In Samarra” 6x11. As I said, I am easily bought with Julian Richings. Tessa the Reaper!!! Sam stop trying to murder your father. 
Honorable Mentions: “You Can’t Handle The Truth” “My Heart Will Go On” “Weekend At Bobby’s”
Season 7:  Terrible reputation given the fact that it has SO many great episodes. Sera Gamble? You’re mean. 
1. “Slash Fiction” 7x06. Why is this episode so hilarious???? Robbie Thompson starting out with a BANG!
2. “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” 7x14. In the total goop of “thick. black. ooze.” of this season, 7x14 is a light in the darkness. Every inkling of joy, of spark, of color, of childishness, all of it, poured out into this one episode, wherein Sam totally loses his cool and I love it. Sam looks so pretty at the end. Dean is simultaneously an actual child and an actual Dad and I love it. 
3. “Out With The Old” 7x16. I love me some levis, man, don’t know what to tell you. It’s just so fun!!
Honorable Mentions: All of Robbie’s episodes, “Hello, Cruel World” “Repo Man” “Reading Is Fundamental” “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters” 
(The ONLY reason I’m not including TBAI is bc @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs is slowly converting me to hating Megstiel enough to not watch Destiel episodes) 
Season 8: That one season where we admitted that Crowley’s a DICK. 
1. “Hunteri Heroici” 8x08. CAAAAS!!! Also the only episode where anyone watching actually gives a shit about the Sam x Amelia flashbacks. 
2. “LARP And The Real Girl” 8x11. Super fun! CHARLIE RETURNS. Dean is a FUCKING NERD. Sam gets flirted with :) Real close tie between this one and Pac-Man Fever
3. “The Great Escapist” 8x20. Edlund really gave it his all for this last episode. Cas kicks SO much ass. Sam needs to be protected at ALL costs. Kevin ALSO kicks SO much ass. The actor who plays Sweet Pea on Riverdale is here??? Wow.  
Honorable Mentions: “Pac-Man Fever” “As Time Goes By” “Everyone Hates Hitler” “Trial And Error” 
(See note on The Born-Again Identity for why Goodbye Stranger is not on this list. Again, blame @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs )
Season 9: Sam is mad at Dean for not letting him go
1. “First Born” 9x11. No, I will not elaborate. Tim Omundson speaks for himself. There is nothing wrong with this entire episode and if you try to tell me there is I can and will gut you like a fish. 
2. “Heaven Can’t Wait” 9x06. DESTIELLLLLLLLLLLL. 
3. “Do You Believe In Miracles?” 9x23. Wow it’s the first Season Finale to make it to my top 3!! Metatron gets what’s coming, DEAN BECOMES A FUCKING DEMON. 
Honorable Mentions: “Bad Boys” “Mother’s Little Helper” “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” “Meta Fiction”
Season 10:  Dean is mad at Sam for not letting him go
1. “The Executioner’s Song” 10x14. See my comments on “First Born”. 
3. “The Werther Project” 10x18. SAMWITCH RISE!!!!!!!!!!! 
Honorable Mentions: “Hibbing 911″ “The Prisoner” “The Things We Left Behind” 
Season 11: Ahh, yes. You. Lucifer. Get fucked. 
1. “Don’t Call Me Shurley” 11x20. *slow clap* Robbie Thompson, you have served your country well. 
2. “Red Meat” 11x17. This is gonna sound strange, but this episode is sorta my comfort food?? I’ve watched it literally so many times. I love it. So much. 
3. “The Chitters” 11x19. Nancy Won wrote three episodes for SPN, all in season 11, they are all stellar. Chitters is GAY. She also wrote “Don’t You Forget About Me” and “Thin Lizzie” I’m putting them here so as not to crowd up the Honorable Mentions.
Honorable Mentions: “The Vessel” “Devil In the Details” “We Happy Few” “Baby” “Form And Void” “Into the Mystic” honestly just watch every non-bucklemming episode they are pretty much all amazing. 
1. “The Future” 12x19. DESTIEL. I would die for Kelly. Fetus!Jack. GOODBYE DAGON!! THE MIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. “Stuck In the Middle (With You)” 12x12. Destiel love confession!!!!!! Drowley!! Mary will fight everyone willingly!! SAM GETS THE ORANGE JACKET
Honorable Mentions: Every. Single. Non-BL. Episode. Watch. Them. Now. 
Season 13: JAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!! 
2. “Beat the Devil” 13x21. DICK JOKES GALORE. Also, we must protect Sam at all costs. Gabena is perfect. Samwitch is also perfect. Sabriel is also good. Lucifer can go fuck himself. 
3. “Breakdown” 13x11. It physically pains me not to put “Funeralia” here but alas, I must not show Steve Yockey too much favoritism. Anyways. DONNA!!! DOUG!! CREEPY!!! SAM’S HEART IS WORTH SO MUCH MONEY!! GIVE SAMMY A HUG!!
Honorable Mentions: “The Scorpion And The Frog” “Funeralia” “The Thing” “The Bad Place” “The Big Empty” “Lost And Found” 
Season 14: 
 1. “Moriah” 14x20. Proof that Supernatural will go down in history as ALMIGHTY. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE VILLAIN.
2. “Peace of Mind” 14x15. I still haven’t recovered. Jared must have had literally all the fun in the world. 
3. “Mint Condition” 14x04. Yay!! Very fun!!! (I wanted to put Optimism here, but again, I can’t show Yockey so much favoritism. It’s not my fault! he’s too good!!) 
Honorable Mentions: “Optimism” “Ouroboros” “Unhuman Nature” “Byzantium” “Damaged Goods”
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