#se pj
pjplayground · 6 months
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This is his final redesign, I swear.
Bio: Being the son of your entire region's number one tennis coach can be a lot, especially if you're the eldest. PJ here struggles with being expected to live up to his father's model, but he'd rather study other things. For a while, he's been secretly studying Battlemage magic under Nightmare's guidance - Nightmare being their history teacher for third period.
Basic Info Full Name: Paperjam Candy Charcoal Brightwell Nicknames: PJ, CC (by Cocoa Berry only) Age: 18 Height: 5'4" Gender Identity: Demiboy (he/they) Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Demisexual Medical Issues: Autism Spectrum Disorder [ASD], Depression, Anxiety Can't Leave the House Without: Glasses, phone, earbuds, backpack, car and house keys, something with octagons on it
Relationships Error - Father, not as good as either them want it to be Cocoa Berry - Mother, decent Cil - Brother, trying to bridge gaps Lemon Zest - Sister, annoying Undyne - Best friend, basically siblings Hunter - Friend, salty buddies Skrunkly - Friend, yippee kin Wallace - New friend, getting used to the weed smell Romper - New friend, wants to design a logo for their band Papyrus - New friend, always gets sampled secretly Outer - New friend, thinks he's cute BonBon - New friend, she likes their art Starbone - New friend, can't quite understand him... yet Alphys - Acquaintance, they have fun trash talking normal people
Miscellaneous Little Facts - He has the second name "Candy" because of his mother. On her side of the family, everyone has two names corresponding with food, as per tradition. If Error didn't intervene, PJ would've been named "Cake Pop." - The symbol in the middle of his octagram is the symbol for Loyalty, and its color is represented with purple. - PJ struggles with explosive anger. When I say "explosive," I mean that literally. - They play tennis. - He wears mostly comfy clothes, like sweaters, overalls, sweatpants, baggy jeans, etc. - Error wants PJ to eventually play tennis on a regional level, but they don't wanna do that. They see tennis as more of a hobby. - PJ is a pretty good artist. - He has a Rumblr blog where he posts his art called Flowy Paintbrush. - Due to playing sports most of his life, he's endured a lot of injuries. - Although their relationship is a little rocky, Error and PJ still work out every Sunday. This is why PJ is a little more toned compared to his peers. - Charcoal was his grandfather's name (on his dad's side). - He's allergic to dust. - They got into Battemage magic from Nightmare's class. It came up in a lesson and PJ wanted to know more. - PJ's anger issues have given them the reputation as the aggressive athlete type around school, and even in some pockets around town. - When he graduates, he plans on signing up for the "Gates to Education" program, which will allow him to study magic in a whole other Realm. - They're part Fire Elemental. This is from their mother's side, stemming from their Grandpa. This is why their anger is especially explosive. - He sucks at math. - Mac and cheese is his number one comfort food, and that will never change. - Some days after school, PJ goes to work for their mother at her bakery. - In two years, they'll inherit their mother's family recipes. However, they already have a couple of their dad's family recipes. - Yes. You can roast marshmallows over their head when they flare up. They get that hot.
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pjunicornart · 1 year
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Since Cross has unofficially-officially won the badass Sans vote, he gets to meet Little Bean SE! PJ.
If this post gets to 100 notes, I'll draw a bunch of AU Sanses as Little Beans. Mark my words.
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rydrzg · 5 days
📍 Cafetería
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Un jadeante Ryder se sienta en el comedor sin fijarse quien está en la mesa, cansado, mala idea volver a querer estar en forma haciendo la misma cantidad de ejercicio que hacía antes de ingresar a la academia " ¿Nos quieren preparar para las olimpiadas o qué? " suelta al aire luego de tomar de su botella de agua, exsausto, mirando en dirección a donde estaría la comida, hasta ese momento se dio cuenta del hambre que tenía. " Comida" canturreo tratando de levantarse rápido, pero su mismo cuerpo le recordó el agotamiento prefiriendo quedarse en el asiento.
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artistakai · 3 months
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Spent the whole day drawing these
I thought I'd nickname her “PJ” was cute bc she wears pajamas and her name starts with a ‘P’
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myll3s-blog · 2 months
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[ lunes-1-de-abril , 10.55 am. ] hay colores que no le agradan a las vacas: el amarillo, por ejemp ― ― voz masculina fue sustituida con la música de un comercial que apenas duró dos segundos, porque el video que gaia estaba reproduciendo a unos cuantos metros del establo rápidamente se vio interrumpido por una pantalla de carga. un suspiro fue soltado por quien creía haber hallado un escondite de sus compañeros. ' señal de... ' no terminó de pronunciar el insulto, la presencia de alguien más fue percibida antes. ' uh. no estoy holgazaneando, si es lo que parece. '
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noisuwa · 10 months
— ¿Cuál debería llevarme? —preguntó al sentir a alguien más en la tienda, alzando ambas prendas para que pudiese ver sus opciones—. Aunque podría escoger las dos. Quién sabe cuándo será la próxima vez que nos dejen salir del complejo de la Clave... También deberías aprovechar, en esta tienda hay mucha ropa de buen gusto.
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srtapinklips · 7 months
Es la una de la mañana
Es la una de la mañana pero me la RESUDA porque acabo de leer el post de cierre que me ha hecho @gamberroymaleante con Jarrik y he dedecir que estoy completamente inokay porque:
Por eso se había quedado junto a Annya. Porque, con suerte, un gesto sí tenía el mismo poder que una espada. Porque, tal vez, en esos pequeños actos de gentileza podía hacerse del mundo un lugar mejor. Un futuro en el que ni ella ni otros tuvieran que esconder el llanto.
Osea, ¿ese párrafo? Me desamayo. El post entero ha sido precioso, pero ahí me maté yo.
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mrdarcv · 4 months
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en la penumbra, darcy se sumerge en un ambiente de reflexión. con un gesto pausado y respetuoso, sus dedos acarician las inscripciones, mientras sus pensamientos vagan entre el presente y el pasado. "es curioso pensar en la especulación que circulaba hace apenas unas semanas, sugiriendo que mi destino podría haber sido compartir morada con uno de los difuntos" pensamiento se presenta en un tono sereno, dirigido al silencioso entorno que lo rodea. la atmósfera del lugar parece absorber sus palabras "la vida nos depara sorpresas inesperadas, ¿no le parece?" agrega, se encontraban despidiendo al príncipe después de todo.
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tyggr · 1 year
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" robar la bebida de otro no es lo más inteligente, ¿cómo sabes que no le escupí antes?, ¡vamos!, he estado esperando por esa copa casi una hora. "
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ihuerfanas · 1 year
                     starter abierto:  2da gen. cestlavie. 
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      ‘  te juro no quería hacerlo...  lo siento ’  termina con esa gran frase que alguna vez escuchó en una canción;  esperando que la muchacha terminara de escribir la dedicatoria.  ‘  ¿listo?  por favor,  envíalos a las dos direcciones que te di  ’  incluso había tenido el descaro de elegir el mismo arreglo floral.  ‘  ay,  basta...  no necesito tú mirada juzgadora  ’  dice a la persona de al lado que ha estado escuchando todo su plan para disculparse con las afectadas.
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pjunicornart · 1 year
Zentangle, 2 years later
A redraw that I did of something I found while looking through my old binders. It's a zentangle piece of what SE PJ looked like at the time. Original piece on the left, new on the right.
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I remembered that a fundamental part of zentangle is the contrast between black and white (traditionally). So I made a lot more of the patterns include stark black in them. I kept the color, though. It would look weird as just black and white. These colors are a lot more cohesive, and less garish!
If you haven't, try doing zentangle. It's basically just patterns. Draw a simple shape, then fill it with patterns. That's like, the beginner idea. Best part about zentangle is you don't have to worry about being perfect. Zentangle is all about just letting the pen guide you, as cringe as that sounds, ha ha. If you just Google "zentangle" you'll get pattern ideas, but you can make up patterns, too.
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pjplayground · 10 months
Critter Jocks!
I finally finished the revamp of the Besties playlist - renamed to Critter Jocks. Why Critter Jocks specifically? Well... one day I was drawing PJ traditionally, and my mom peered over my shoulder and was like, "Oh, are you drawing one of your critters again?" Mom straight up called PJ a critter, lol. Anyway, here's the new cover for the playlist! It features all the Jock Paperjams we have made as well Rebooted NaJ PJ, rocking some glittery lip gloss.
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I'll provide bios for the ones you may not know! Saving Our State PJ (created by @arinthehunter) - He's blue because of an inside joke between us. Anyway. Him and all of his friends play football at a little sandlot after school. His eyes are cloudy because he's legally blind. He's a real sweetheart. Tragic Mystery PJ (created by @thecrispykoala) - His family just inherited a mansion and huge fortune from a distant relative, and this mansion - and by extension his family - just so happen to have a lot of secrets. His life became super dramatic, perfect for a theater kid. Exchange Students PJ (created by me) - Him and his best friend Fresh have a passion for music! Fresh plays electric guitar and PJ sings - together they make the ultimate duo!
(Direct link to playlist.)
Pssst... hey... If you're the first person who correctly identified who the characters on TM! PJ's beanie were, you can suggest a playlist idea to me. Or have me do something else. Your call. And you have to get their names! You can't just say where they're from!
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ichivro · 8 months
📍: parque kitanomaru .
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era muy extraño las ocasiones que decidía dar un paseo por la ciudad, de lugares más frecuentes, animándose a rodearse de humanos y de bullicio. sin embargo, justo al estar apenas un corto tiempo en aquel parque, es que llega apagón, algo no tan oportuno pues la noche recién había caído. no sabía aún si era mala suerte o buena suerte para él. fosas nasales siguen impregnadas con petricor, comenzando ahora su camino de regreso a su piso y es preciso momento en que casi topa con otra figura mas alcanza a detenerse. ' uh ' musita mientras se coloca derecho, reconociendo rostro que le parece familiar. ' no pensaba encontrarte por aquí ' en un lugar tan familiar y lleno de personas.
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adrven · 1 year
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presa del hastío y aburrimiento, el carboncillo se mantiene en movimiento sobre el cuaderno al alumbrarse con la luz de emergencia. lleva unos minutos creando un retrato de la persona cercana, con la precisión de quien necesita despejar la mente. ‘ hey ’ avisa al concluir, girando el resultado para que pueda ver. ‘ ¿qué puntuación le das del uno al diez? ’
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seddenostalgia · 10 months
tag game: characters that I think are me-coded
tenkiu @dickggansey me costó un poco porque no tengo memoria para 9 personajes la vrdd pero amé hacerlo <3
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tagging: @two-hands-toward-the-sun @virfujiwara @tomicaleto @microfeelings @fatheriimaginedyoutaller @idon-twannabeperceived @tortademaracuya
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chichincol · 2 years
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lleva un rato leyendo en este parque que es nuevo para él y ardea; distraído de su entorno en un intento por olvidar los ojos imaginarios encima de él. pero es cuando siente que ardea ya no está echado a su lado que levanta su mirada para verlo correr hacia une desconocide. así que le sigue, sus cosas olvidadas en el pasto. “¡hey, ardea! ¡detente! ¡recuerda que no corro rápido!” y es solo cuando detiene sus pasos cerca de la figura y su perro que arregla su cabello y su respiración es pesada. “lo--- uf, lo siento, es solo... juguetón... ¿estás bien? ¿te molestó?” 
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