#self doubt coming thru in clutch
stormyjisung · 11 months
Really regret giving my article and poem for the school magazine. :)
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hotluncheddie · 2 months
omg I didn't realize you wanted chubby steddie asks 🙈
as much as we love the babygirlification of Steve Harrington..... I'm obsessed with boyish manly Steve who is chubby and Eddie is obsessed with him!!!! I'm thinking about your one fic with the sweaty tank top!!!!! do you have more thoughts on this??
yesssssss!!! anon yes yesssssssss!!!!!
not me being like 'yeah! sweaty task top fic nice nice' then realising i have like three different posts that have Steve in a sweaty tank top lol
thankfully @scoops-aboy86 came in clutch with a new tank top sciario <3 (and held my hand thru writing the end lmao ty pal)
but i just love an ex jock trope, i love bulk under muscle and i think big beefy hairy guys are hot - and Steve harrington deserves to be all of that, and more
and also, importantly, eddie munson deserves to have all of that too, in and around him, all the time, in the form of Steve Harrington.
Eddie had come to accept the wealth of things he could be into, the actual buffet of people and scenarios that could get his dick hard. He's had more than his fair share of knuckle biting orgasms over the ex chief of police Jim Hopper. Before and, maybe worse, after getting to know him.
So he knew what it was to have something of a shame wank. To enjoy a moustache or two and a paunch at a middle.
But nothing, no deep seated daddy issues or fantasy of being held down, could ever prepare him for Steve Harrington.
Post upside down, post eventual college and transition to work. Post two bed apartment with Robin, then two bed apartment with Robin and Eddie. Then actual full blow house with Eddie, and more often than not weekend guest Robin. Dating Steve for as long as has was one thing, loving Steve with everything he had was another, and being loved by Steve was something he still had nights of panic about - silent tears as fear and self doubt gripped his throat, nightmares about it all being an elaborate prank that sneak their way in even with Steves arms wrapped tight around his middle.
but Eddie had him.
Was allowed to love him, and worship Steve for all that he was worth. It was wonderful. Eddie knew that.
But it had its challenges. Nothing past Eddie could've done would help current Eddie for what he was in for.
Like how Steve had bulked up over the years, settled and filled out in a way that made those visions of Hopper, and guys from bars he really shouldn't have been at, all come surging back.
Steve was thick, and strong and still so achingly beautiful. Boyish in his actions at times but also protective and capable in a way that made Eddie swoon. Honest to god. Made him feel like a main character in one of those bodice ripper books he had seen (taken out and read) at the library.
And then Steve made it worse.
So so so much worse.
Because Steve went and got a tattoo.
Well, another tattoo. He added roses to go along with the robin and branch on his arm, adding to its greenery with red petals and thorns that Eddie knew were secretly for him. He’d said, offhandedly, that they were his favourite and he knows, because he knows Steve, that thats something he'd listen to and remember.
He’s a die hard romantic.
And now Eddie is going to die, hard.
Soon, if Steve doesn't put a proper fucking shirt on.
Steves been wearing his stupid, old, cropped, white tank top since the appointment. He's "letting the tattoo breathe", "doesn't like the feeling of the healing skin against the fabric", "wants to do it properly". "hates Eddie and wants him to die of hard dick, big-fat-ball disease."
He glares at Steve from the other end of the couch, and maybe only three of those things are something Steve's actually said, but, he thought them. All of them. Must have.
Because Steve's tank is so old it's nearly see through, the peak of his pink nipple evident and distracting. The cropped end keeps rolling up and exposing his wider bellybutton and soft sides. And, as always, with any tank top, with any tank top on Steve, hit tits are there - hairy and lovely and out.
'Steve, please.' Eddie whines, he doesn't think he can take much more.
Steve just raises his eyebrows, taking a swig of beer and not looking away from the tv. 'If I sweat too much, it'll mess with the healing.' He says.
Eddie just crosses his arms, sinks lower into the couch. ‘Can you put on a normal shirt at least? For my sanity, for that alone, please?' Not wanting to sound desperate, but he is desperate.
Steve sighs, muting the TV. 'C'mere.' He holds his arms out and Eddie crawls into his lap. Still sulking, arms still crossed. ‘Eddie, you’re the one who gave me the tattoo. I’m following your instructions.’ Steve says gently.
‘M’firing Robin for getting you to sign the info form.’ He grumbles.
Steve smiles at him, tucking some hair behind his ears. ‘You can’t fire her for doing her job baby.’
‘Maybe not’ Eddie sniffs. ‘But I’m not sharing my baby blue ink with her next time she gets one of her slutty little lady sailor pin ups booked in.’ He mumbles to himself.
Steve pulls Eddie in closer, hands on his waist as he leans in to whisper in Eddies ear. 'Aren't I being so good though? Following what you said, no strenuous activity for two days right?' His voice a little breathy, soft.
And that makes Eddie pause, makes his insides churn and his heart rate increase. 'Ye-yeah.' He rasps, eyes wide. 'So good Stevie.'
'So we have to wait until tomorrow, like you said, yeah?' Steve asks, eyes all big and sweet, lips in a little pouty.
Fuck. He's right. Eddie dug his own grave.
'Yeah.' He sighs. He can do it, for Steve.
Steve smiles sweetly at him, tapping Eddie on the ass and shifting him closer so Steve can unmute the tv and keep watching his game. 'Good boy.' Steve says, kissing Eddies temple.
…Wait. Eddie scrunches his eyebrows, half hard and confused.
But Steve just holds him closer. Eddie buries his head in Steve's neck, and whines.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 5 years
Can I uuuuuuu hhhhh get some fries with a side of maggie and boleyn headcanons
sir this is Hooters. we don’t have a drive thru
• Maggie cried when she first saw Anne in their second life
• She literally ran and jumped into Anne’s arms
• Anne had a lady in waiting who she “loved as a sister” and that lady in waiting is now Maggie I don’t care about the others
• Maggie is Baby and that immediately means Anne would protect her
• But Maggie is also fiercely protective of Anne
• Anne sometimes Mom Friends Maggie
• Anne and Maggie are heelys crocs solidarity
• Anne teaches Maggie how to wear heelys okay it’s canon
• Because of this Maggie once rolled across the stage during a MegaSix and Anne went fucking nuts
• If they ever watch documentaries together, Maggie will always yell “HEY WHAT THE FUCK SHE NEVER DID THAT!!” when something is obviously inaccurate about Anne
• Maggie is only slightly jealous of Anne and Katherine’s close relationship and inside jokes
• Anne sneaks fidget toys onstage for Maggie to fiddle with during the parts of the show where she doesn’t play
• Maggie was reincarnated with the prayer book Anne had given her before she was beheaded and it’s her most prized possession
• Maggie has nightmares about Anne’s execution, since she had been there when it happened. She usually wakes up in a panic and will call Anne, but sometimes she’ll beg her to come over because she thinks she’s just hearing voices that sound like Anne and it isn’t actually her. She needs to know for sure she’s alive
• Anne always comes over and they just hold each other for a long time
• Maggie sometimes truly blames herself for Anne’s death, which is absurd but not surprising given her record of self doubt and hatred
• Like, intense survivor guilt
• She thinks she could have saved Anne if she had just tried a little harder
• Watching your best friend die is haunting on its own, but in a way that’s as brutal, heartless, and gruesome as beheading? Witnessing their neck get cleaved through? Seeing the blood splatter and spray and gush out? Looking into the interior of their neck? Watching their head roll across the stage?
• It’s traumatizing
• And it did things to Maggie that stuck with her even in her new life
• She clutches the prayer book to her chest when she has thoughts like that and tries to remind herself that it wasn’t her fault, she did all she could, she shouldn’t blame herself, but she still does anyway
• Even Anne telling her she shouldn’t doesn’t help that much
• The ending of Don’t Lose Ur Head makes her wince and flinch a lot. That’s usually when those thoughts bite with force
• She always wants to run and hug Anne but can’t really move from the band area
• Anne will sometimes look back and smile at her and that makes her feel a little better
• There’s a section in the prayer book written specifically to Maggie ("Remember me when you do pray, that hope doth lead from day to day.") and she repeats that in her head a lot
• They’re her comfort words
• Anne heard her once whispering them and she was so touched that Maggie remembered it
• She was even more touched when she realized Maggie still had the prayer book
• Maggie gets anxious when unfamiliar people get close to Anne
• Flashes of silver and red also make her nervous because it reminds her of the sword and blood
• If there’s something bad happening in London, Maggie always tries to get to Anne so she can protect her
• She’s just making up for what she couldn’t do in their first life
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Teenage kicks chapter 8
A/N: AH! We’re so close to the end, and it both makes me sad and super happy. I really love this story, and I love that you guys love it – this story has been so fun to write, so I hope you’ll stay with it for the last two chapters.
This was born from a request from @theboundlesssoul, and I really hope you still like it!
This story is also dedicated to the amazing and sweet @redeyedvixen, and I’m hoping you love it as well.
Well, read on, my friends!
Remember, I always say yes to requests and feedback feeds the writer (please give me feedback, because I love it so much, even if it’s just a keyboard-smash)!
Teenage kicks masterlist
Buy me a coffee (and get something personal written for you!)
Pairings: Dean x reader
Warnings: language, implied smut
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I pulled the last box from my car, and sighed deeply, annoyed at the constant ache in my back; pregnancy was really not my fucking cup of tea. As I walked towards the small house, I spotted a shadow from the window; Dean had, to his credit, instantly jumped on board and had even bought a goddamn house – a really big fixer-upper – a few weeks later. I bumped the front door open with my hip, the box weighing heavier than ever. “Hey, asshole, maybe the not-pregnant man should carry the damn boxes from the car and to the house instead of the pissed off, pregnant woman!” I yelled through the house – Sam and Dean poked their heads out from the living-room, paint splatters on their face. Dean rushed to my side with a smile and took the box. “Kitchen.” I mumbled, ignoring the heat in my cheeks. Damn it all to hell, I was falling back in love with the fucking moron.
Fucking broken condoms.
I walked into the small living-room and looked around – it had been painted in a white, the hot sun gleaming off the still wet paint. Sam stood next to me, a paint-brush in hand. “when are you going to tell him? I mean, I know you’ve moved in together as co-parents here, but seriously. You can’t keep pretending to hate him.” Sam said, nudging my shoulder a little. I groaned. “Shut your mouth, Sammy-boy. I’ll tell him when I’m dead, how’s that?” Sam just shook his head, and bend down to be at eyelevel with my growing belly. I frowned. I couldn’t see my toes anymore. “How’s he growing?” I slapped his head. “Who says it’s a boy, you douchebag?” Sam grinned and stood up, ruffling my hair. “Listen, I’m going to get some stuff to fic your pipes, because you’d probably shower in rust, if we don’t get them fixed.” I nodded thankfully. “thanks, Sam. I know I’m giving you a hard time here, but you know, collateral damage and all that shit.” Sam just smiled and walked out of the house – Dean stepped inside the living room with a bottle of water and handed it to me.
“Where’s he going?” I turned to him. “Something about shitty pipes, I guess.” I sat down on the lone chair, we had assembled and sighed deeply. Dean stood in front of me with a look of uncertainty on his face. “Out with it, Winchester.” I said with raised eyebrows. He sighed.
“Listen… I just… I’m really happy you agreed to move in with me, and all that shit, but we need to figure out how this is going to work, okay?” I looked at him. He sat down on the floor in front of me. “We can’t keep doing this. Like, I love your snark and sass, and I get it, you think I deserve it, but our kid can’t grow up with you calling me an asshole or swearing at me half the time.” I nodded. “that’s fair enough.” I said, before sipping a little of my water. I felt the little bean kick around a little, almost as if it was too cold. I smiled softly. “Also…” Dean started, but clamped up again. “Seriously, dude, just fucking talk. The worst that happens, is that I try to waddle away, and you’ll catch up to me in five minutes.” Dean grinned. “Okay. I just… I wanted you to see something.” I raised my eyebrows, but he just smiled and stretched his hand out to me; I took it, trying to ignore the flutter in my stomach (bean was always moving extra hard when Dean touched me) and pulled me out of my chair. He held on to my hand – I didn’t protest – and led me upstairs, where he had spent the majority of his time the last week. The entire house needed to be fixed – every part of it was full of cracks, peeling paint and rotten floors. I was worried whether or not it’d be done when I popped the fucking kid out, because at this rate, we’d only have new pipes and a bed to work with.
The house was small, but cozy. The first floor was comprised of a small hallway, that led from the stairs and down to three rooms – the master bedroom, a small room, which Dean had said he’d move into, and what would become the nursery. “Close your eyes.” He mumbled, leading me towards the nursery. I did what he asked, slightly worried he might just carve the kid out of me and leave. “Open them.” As I did, I couldn’t help but gasp; I wasn’t a girly girl, but I was tearing up at the sight in front of me. It was the nursery, completely finished.
Dean had painted it in a soft, green color, something reminiscent of a lake in the forest, and he had put a line of small stickers along the back wall; teddy bears, flowers, bees and a bunch of other shit, was plastered to the wall. He had assembled every piece of furniture, we had bought. The white crib was standing against the back wall, just below the open window, a white mesh hanging down over it – I could spot a teddy bear and a blanket in there, gifts from Sam. A rocking chair stood next to the door, a soft, fuzzy blanket thrown over it, and pictures hung on the wall – ultra-scans, pictures of Sam, pictures of Dean, pictures of them together, and pictures of me. Pictures, I didn’t even know he had taken. Some of me, standing in front of the house, just as we had bought it, cradling my stomach protectively. Some of me smiling of something unknown, me hugging Sam. It was truly beautiful. I felt a small pang in my chest when I realized, that there wasn’t a picture of me and Dean, until I was the picture on the wall next to me: I didn’t know this even existed. Me and Dean, looking around 16, were sitting under the willow-tree’s shadow in Bobby’s garden, grinning at each other, fingers weaved together. I was sure Sam had taken the picture way back when, and I silently thanked the little, big shit for doing that.
“Holy shit.” I didn’t know what to say. Dean stepped inside the room, pulling me along by my hand. “I got to tell you something.” I focused my eyes on Dean, who looked scared. “I know you think I was a dick. I was. Back when we were 16, I really was a fucking dickhead. No, not even that. I was the hole in the dickhead. I know you probably don’t believe it, but I seriously didn’t mean shit of what I was saying. I wanted to stay, I wanted to stay with you, but my dad had me convinced that a curse rested on us or some shit, and… Well, I didn’t want you to die. I should have tried to find you later. I should have done so much, but I was sure you’d be happier without me.” He drew a deep breath and locked eyes with me, his hand still clutching mine.
“I was so in love with you back then. I really, truly was. Sam knew it, I knew it, Bobby knew it. I thought… Anyway, when I saw you that day, where you saved our asses, I was blown away and I acted like a dick again. I think I just turned into 16-year old Dean again, and I was standing in front of you, drooling like a fucking moron, and I just…” H sighed – his hand was sweaty, and his eyes wet, but I couldn’t pull away. My heart was hammering in my chest, like I was a goddamn school-girl. “You know what? I want to be someone, you can love. I want to be that person, that you love. Because, whether you like it or not, I fucking love you. I love you, Y/N, and I love the kid, you’re brewing and I just… I love you.” He finally let go of my hand, and he stood there, in the middle of the fucking nursery, shaking from head to toe. And he had said those three magic words, the ones that I had half-way hoped to hear but didn’t expect to ever hear come out of his mouth.
“You’re calling me a brewery?” I asked. That was the first think in my head!? What the fuck!? Dean chuckled a little. “Sorry.” He was waiting for me to respond, and I didn’t know what to say. The idiot had just – again – turned my fucking world around, and now I had to take care of it again. I wanted to say something back to him, but I suddenly realized that I was terrified of him leaving me. I was scared to death, to stand alone with a kid, him just leaving with harsh words yet again, and I’d be left alone with lingering self-doubt and a kid on my hip.
But Dean stood there, looking so fucking frail and so far removed from everything I knew him to be, that I couldn’t think that this man, the one in front of me, surrounded by baby-stuff, would ever hurt me again. I didn’t know what to say, so I did the only fucking logical thing I could think of; I sprang on him.
Our lips met, and I instantly knew I was goddamn ruined. I was ruined by this man, this asshole in front of me, and his lips were on mine, desperate for more; I wrapped my arms around his neck and his fingers fell to my hips, gripping me tightly – my lips felt burning hot, and it felt so fucking right to kiss him. It felt as if a piece of the puzzle that was my fucked up life had finally fallen into place; damn him, for making me feel this way.
I pulled away by the need for air. I looked into his eyes and was surprised to see that they were wet with tears. “Did we put furniture in the bedroom?” I asked in a low voice. He looked confused. “yeah, why?” I moved slowly out of the nursery, backing into the bedroom behind me. “Because I think we should christen our bed.” I said, taking my shirt off.
It wasn’t heated or full of anger. It was slow, deliberate and intimate, a sense of absolute belonging as we were joined. My bump made it hard to do anything but to do it spooning, but it didn’t matter – it felt as if we were joined together, the slow, gentle thrusts making me cry out in joy. Dean was holding me tightly after spilling inside me, breathing deeply and resting his head against my shoulder.
“Is this okay?” He asked. I knew he asked about the whole ordeal – his confession, what we just did, what we did seven months ago, and I smiled softly, grasping his hand in mine.
“I’ll allow it.”
TAGLIST: @greenarrowhead ead, @baconlover001 @hobby27 , @trustnobodyshootfirst @mypage-myfandoms​, @chicagolove88​, @jenbarb10​, @imascio08
FOREVERLIST: @supernaturalmagicfolk​, @redeyedvixen​, @al1y , @roonyxx​, @sherlockstolemyname e​, @tayyfvck​, @heyitscam99​, @starletzombie​, @jensenyourdeanisshowing​, @linki-locks11
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dylanissicc · 5 years
Friday Night Pyro
October 4th, 2019
Greenville, South Carolina
* Bon Secours Wellness Arena
Opening Segment: World Champion Jake Awesome bursts out of the backstage curtain with lots of energy and plays up to the excitement of this extra hot crowd tonight. Jake soaks up the crowd for a moment longer than normal and eventually grabs a mic and says “Greenville South Carolina!!!!!* Crowd Pop^
“Friday Night PIE ROW!!!!!! ^Big Pop
Jake: The wrestling world has been set a blaze. Thank you AEW. Thank you FOX Network because this right here, this building, this promotion! Is the hottest thing going today and no matter how Box office it gets or how elite it can go the wrestling world still wants to know where is the PYRO and it’s right here!!!!!!!!
Jake: Last week I was challenged by the new Juniorweight Champion of the world Jordan Oliver ^Crowd Boos^
Jake: *points mic towards crowd*
Jake: Survey says....I’m about to catch a charge in Greenville for beating a minor. Jordan, get your punk ass out here
*drops mic*
Jordan Oliver music plays
^Will Ollafub enters^ Oliver lags behind with the Juniorweight Title around his neck
Ollafub: Jake, Jordan Oliver just doesn’t fall for silly gimmicks. My client needs rest. My client needs*Oliver grabs mic from Ollafub mid sentence*
Oliver: Willy. I got this. Listen close Jacob. Last week I approached you like a grown man. I walked in between those ropes and I called you a 6 foot 9 inch bum. And one week later I couldn’t agree with myself more. Jake you washed up homie. You pushin’ 30. I’m gonna be young forever. I’m gonna be the biggest star this company has ever seen and all these broke boys in Greenville South Carolina know that that’s why they can’t stannnnnd me. ^Crowd boos^
Jake: I think I agree with all the fine people of South Carolina. Matter of fact I got a gift for all the people here tonight and Jordan this gift even applies to you. How about your shut your mouth and do this. Tonight I’m going to put the XPWEW World Heavyweight Championship on the line against you! Under the condition that you put that up!
*Crowd Pops*
Oliver: Jake you pushing 30 in age. Homie you pushing 300 in weight. You have absolutely no business holding this title.
Jake: Well sane to you. I may be pushing 260 pounds nowadays but if you think you can ever win this title, you ain’t even pushing 180 pounds. Jordan I doubt you could even lift this title with both hands. So are you gonna stand there like a bitch clutching some gold like you ain’t had none yet, Or are you going to put that title on the line. I mean if it’s champion versus champion; What’s the point. Greenville if you would treat me to chanting “Asshole” at this man’s
(Ollafub starts shaking no to Oliver thinking)
Oliver: You got it. I’m putting my Juniorweight Title up
*Crowd Pops*
Jake: The hell with waiting half an hour. You look ready. You aren’t a bitch you said so let’s do this right now. Ring the bell.
Jordan Oliver storms down fastly to the ring and then gets on the apron..Jake is leaning forward ready to battle and Oliver jumps back down and walks up the ramp to a chorus of boos from the crowd
Jake grabs a mic
Jake: Woah Woah Woah are you serious.
Oliver: *no mic* (mouthing words) I’ma do this match on my own time pimpin’
You don’t control me
Jake: You Lucky son of a bitch, You think your slick but ima see you later tonight
*XPWEW Appalachia commercial*
Music: Man of Constant Sorrow theme
+ Regina Clausen joins commentary and talks about her new found friendship and alliance with Amy “Primetime” Lee
M1: Amy Lee & GG defeat Chrissy Rivera & Siaka Lexoni
After the match: Regina Clausen raises the hand of Amy Lee and says with the raw power of Primetime it will lead her to her first gold in XPWEW; Women’s Champ Doxy Deity enters to a nice pop and begins our next match
M2: Doxy Deity defeats Regina Clausen w/ Amy Lee (at ringside)
During the match Rosemary comes down to the ring and interferes in the match long enough to pluck a hair off the head of Doxy (probably to assist in the voodoo doll of her they revealed last week on PYRO.)
Kiera Hogan watches from the ramp However does not interfere
Backstage: All Man putting ice on his still injured left leg from falling off that ladder two weeks ago at Anarchy Rules
All Woman looks at him and says “So when do you plan on using this briefcase, exactly”
All Man: “Why? I have like 9 months left”
All Woman: “I don’t think you’ve been aggressive as you were when you first won. Like when you stood up to The Rock that was really admiring and now your nursing 2 week old wounds that you suffered from no offense Ms. Ryu who couldn’t wrestle her way out of a paper bag”
All Man: What is that suppose to mean? I’m hurt! My leg hurts every time I move it. This briefcase guarantees. Guarantees that I will be the World Heavyweight Champion. It guarantees it, Trust me All Woman I wont “Brodie Croyle” this situation.
Brodie Croyle turns around and heard that
Croyle: You won’t what?
All Man: I said I won’t ....Soak...these Boils. I gotta soak the boils. I got boils. On my leg. Underneath this cast. Bad rash. Big red bulbous....boils. I know it sounded like I said Brodie Croyle but I said “Soak these Boils.
Croyle: I’ll see ya out there *slaps All Man’s legs*
All Man: Owwwww!
All Woman: Your gonna have to man up and if you don’t cash that briefcase in soon then consider this partnership....Over.
M3: Brodie Croyle defeats All Man
After the match: All Woman looks visibly disappointed in the All Man’s losing effort tonight, All Woman says “I want that world title All Man, Win it for me...*All Man nods affectionately* As in do it right now
*Jake Awesome enters*
{All Man looks baffled that All Woman is kind of forcing him to cash in on a fresh Jake Awesome}
Awesome storms down the ramp and is hype and All Man looks at All Woman and acts like he’s about to do it
All Man starts amping himself up, stomping the ring, slapping his briefcase
_All Man sucks out of the ring
*Golden Bryce / Dr. Disrespect Twitch Ad
Interview with Nick Simmonds: Referee Danny Coleman announces “I know Troy Clausen might wanna hear this, I still plan on getting MY revenge at the pay-per-view coming up on the 20th of the month. I have official word that Romey Zelli gave *points at self* Me! Champagne Clausen will get a world title match. However I will be the special guests referee.
Troy Clausen enters
What’s up homie. I’ve been doing time in the state penn, I’ve been swimming with sharks while you collect a check at home away from doing what you love Daniel. What you love is refereeing for this promotion
-Jacques Dudley enters
Troy why don’t you...........
Jacques is awestruck by the grill in Troy’s mouth
Champagne Clausen enters
- What?
- It’s called a grill and Jacques you keep finding your way into my business I’ll rearrange yours.
- Jacques Dudley attacks Champagne Clausen and they get into a complete brawl until Freight Train grabs Jacques and drags him to the ring for our next I guess impromptu matchup
Freight Traun “Jack Dudley you think you real smart being mean to my friend Champagne Clausen, need to get ya French behind in the rang fore I thump ya”
- Jacques counters into a unique walking on the guardrail move then jumping onto the apron into a moonsault
M4: Jacques Dudley defeats Freight Train
After the match Troy Clausen nails Jacques with a champagne bottle
Troy Clausen grabs a mic “is this what you wanna do Jacques. You wanna make me go back to the man I am. The man I scared the entire Harrison County Prison with my rage........I’ve had it with youuuuu
7 years you’ve been a constant thorn in my side and now my family’s side
Jacques try’s to get up and attack Troy
Amy Lee, Freight Train and Regina Clausen hold him down
Now what I’m about to say has been a LOOOOOONG time coming
It’s gonna be Appalachia. Welch, West By God Damn Virginia
Troy Clausen
Jacques Dudley
No! Holds! Barred!
I’m gonna embarrass you but just Incase you wanna try to embarrass me I’m going to embarrass you first
Troy: Son, Get the tables
*Pop from crowd*
Champagne Clausen gets the table
Amy Lee acts as Buh Buh and Champagne acts as D-Von and they hit the 3D on Jacques through the table
Commercial: Lockdown 7 countdown
Backstage: Masato Tanaka tells Golden Bryce that maybe his world title aspirations are a little too soon but good luck in tournament match tonight against Joe Gacy
M5: Leonard McGraw & Dragon Kid w/ Ms. Ryu at ringside Defeat Alveno LaFlare & 3M Ultra
{Alveno ofcourse substituting in for M3 Quintillo Who was injured at the hands of Joe Gacy at Anarchy Rules}
Skype Interview Audrey Carbine says she’s still hurt from going thru the Clausen-Mobile at Anarchy Rules from the hands of Amy Lee but she will return October 20th at Appalachia and seek revenge against Lee & Regina Clausen. Beware.
M6: Priscilla Kelly defeats Lola Starr
Slayer joins commentary
M7: International Title Tournament
Golden Bryce defeats Joe Gacy
{Gacy goes for the yellow mist, Bryce ducks in the nick of time, scoops Gacy up for a supreme-plex and then hits the Kamakamahe spear for the 1-2-3
*Slayer stands on the commentary booth and grabs the mic and cuts a damn good scathing promo calling Golden Bryce a man in limbo; A man who’s lost. A man without a country. Golden Bryce, you have a child on the way entering this world and I’m going to leave you malignant after I advance in this tournament cause I think Jacques is going to be easy pickings.
*Bryce responds quick*
Hold up what you say to me
Because it sounded like you said you was gonna Whoop my ass
Slayer I know we ain’t been formerly greeted but I am not a pushover and I ain’t for a damn second gonna let you get the best of me. I hope. You advance. I hope I get a chance. Get it. Got it. Good........
Champion vs Champion
Both titles are on the line !
XPWEW World Title & Juniorweight Title
M8: Jake Awesome vs Jordan Oliver
*Insanf Fuckin’ Classic of a match*
{During the match All Woman comes down running with the CYL briefcase pushing All Man in a wheelchair down the ramp and amps him up to cash in on an ^at the moment this happened^ A prone Jake Awesome.
All Man gets in the ring and stomachs up the courage to hand the new head referee
Kevin Madrox. **Out of nowhere** Leonard McGraw hits a devastating clothesline from hell on All Man and the match gets called a Disqualification by Referee Kevin Madrox and the crowd boos the outcome. Ollafub gathers the Juniorweight Title to a near KO’d Jordan Oliver and then in the crowd Eddie Edwards disguised as a fan snatches Ollafub and yanks him over the guardrail and locks him in the crossface. Oliver scampers with his belt like a coward while Awesome comes to the aid of Ollafub in a way not to help Ollafub but to get more shots in on Edwards who assaulted his little brother Casey Alfonso some weeks back. Jake Awesome starts punching Edwards until he scampers away on his own avoiding Awesome’s ambush.
{Dust settles}
Crowd pauses only to cheer a still standing and still world champion Jake Awesome
{Awesome grabs his title and jumps the rail}
Awesome slowly looks back and sees a destroyed Ollafub
Awesome motions to the crowd and says audibly “Should I get him Greenville?”
**Crowd Pop**
Awesome pulls Ollafub over the guardrail and hits the awesome bomb on him through the announcers table but it does. not. break.
Awesome then does it again which it doesn’t break again.
Awesome then carries a near KO’d Will Ollafub up to the top rope and hits an amazing super awesome bomb thru the table *it finally breaks* and still lands on his feet and the crowd goes absolutely berserk
{Show Ends}
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/worlds-biggest-oil-companies-urge-donald/
World's biggest oil companies urge Donald
Several of the arena’s largest fossil fuel companies are telling Donald Trump to live inside the Paris Agreement on weather change.
Ben Van Beurden of Royal Dutch Shell instructed NPR that he needs the USA to commit to the historical weather exchange agreement, signed by almost two hundred countries in December 2015, so that there may be “predictability, consistency, and a stage playing field” from which groups in his sector can perform going ahead.
Mr. Trump has waffled on staying inside the agreement and announced he would wait till after the group of seven (G7) assembly in Italy on later this month to make a decision.
Andrew Logan, Director of the Oil and Gas Program at sustainability non-income Ceres that works with massive traders, informed The Independent that “shareholder stress is absolutely a part of the equation” in the back of Mr. Van Beurden’s announcement.
They are not the best ones to place pressure on the industry and the United States. Many private region buyers, in particular managers of multi-billion greenback pension budget and outlets, have referred to as on the president to understand whether trade and the reason of the settlement using his tons-touted enterprise competencies.
Food Capitals You Need To See Around The World
Food and travel are probably the two things in the world which have the capability to bring joy to all and sundry’s face. And while the plan to travel so that it will consume, properly let’s just say that makes the whole revel in two times more enjoyable. Our international has quite a few extraordinary cuisines to provide and all you have to do is stretch out a chunk and make a take hold of for them. Some locations around the world are well-known for the meals that they supply to their purchasers and we’ve made a list of such locations for you. So clutch your baggage and get a flight of Cathay Pacific Airways to the sort of meals capitals around the arena.
1. New York, USA
Because New York is home to actually heaps of humans from many one-of-a-kind backgrounds this place can offer you any sort of cuisine that you might crave. They have warm puppies on the street and sparkling bagels in the morning. And you also get to revel in the sector finest morning espresso right here at Starbucks. Other than that, New York additionally offers a few hauntingly scrumptious Chinese take out which is light on the pocket as properly. And if you need something it truly is even more highly spiced than we endorse which you go for Indian cuisine if you want to certainly be a blast to your flavor buds.
2. Barcelona, Spain
Everything in Spain or with an origin related to Spain is amazing. And this principle applies to meals as nicely. The food presented by way of Spain is special and amazingly clean for the taste buds. Barcelona is the location in Spain that is heaven for any food lover. It gives a large number of cuisines. But in case you want a true enjoy, then we recommend you strive the sea meals right here. The Paella that is a rice dish combined with sea meals is a mouth watering delicacy that you want to attempt at the least as soon as to your lifetime.
3. Paris, France
The French are famous at some stage in the world for their mouth-watering delicacies including the fine buttered croissants and pastries. And Paris has the atmosphere, environment and the first-class cultured sophistication to offer you the entire enjoy of the French Cuisine. Their meals are mouth-watering, the view is breathtaking and the fees are reasonable too. And the first-rate part is that regardless of in which you move, whether or not it’s a 5 big name restaurant or even a street supplier or a road aspect cafe the food may be superb everywhere and everywhere.
4. Sydney, Australia
Australia can be on one corner of the world however it has food delicacies which are famous throughout the arena. They feed you such things as snow eggs and cakes egg pasta with the intention to go away you wanting increasingly more. And even though japan is a long way far away from here you still get to flavor some first-rate Japanese stones right here.
Self-Leadership Challenge: The Two Biggest Time-Wasters That Great Self-Leaders Avoid
As a government teacher, I’ve reviewed the time logs of masses of senior managers and bosses. In those logs, in which leaders tune their movements at 15-minute increments for two full weeks, the 2 largest and maximum constant time-wasters that superb self-leaders avoid having jumped out from the web page: (1) attending meetings and (2) writing/responding to emails. Does this sound familiar to you, too? Let’s discover every of those, one at a time.
#1 Time-Waster: Meetings that Hijack Your Time. A survey performed amongst 2,000 British employees highlighted that the average UK worker will attend 6,239 conferences in the course of his/her profession. Is that only a “British thing?” Not consistent with the time logs of my clients, who hail from over 60 nationalities and 70 industries.
The wide variety of meetings held every day at any given organization is fantastic. And for the reason that senior leaders seem to be invited to the bulk of this conferences-and frequently sense obliged to wait for the victim mentality regularly kicks in when I discuss this topic. “But I ought to go to that assembly. I don’t have a desire,” I hear leaders say. This, notwithstanding the truth that a whopping 60% of the human beings in that same British survey said they find conferences “quite unnecessary.”
If attending meetings is one of your largest time-robbers, too, by no means worry. There is something you could do about it.
As a teaching, I’m often asked to shadow execs in their administrative center, typically in conferences. I sit down there quietly looking at in order that I can provide remarks later approximately what I noticed and heard. As I look around the one’s assembly rooms, I sometimes pause to consider the amount of total income it is being spent by using the organization to have all of those people inside the equal room on the equal time. Can you consider?
If this is actual for you, or in case you discover yourself in an assembly that does not actually require your presence, pause and reflect: You may also without a doubt be doing a disservice in your agency via attending that assembly. Think about it: Every minute you spend at some stage in paintings hours is a corporation asset. Just like you wouldn’t misuse an employer vehicle or waste workplace system or substances so that you should not waste your constrained time in conferences that don’t without a doubt want your skills and interest. Your duty is to apply some time the agency’s asset within the best way possible.
How Do Great Self-Leaders Use Their Time Wisely? They Choose Their Meetings Wisely
The secret’s to get actual about which conferences you truly do and do not need to wait. That means announcing “sure” best to meeting invitations wherein your presence is definitely required and you can upload cost. How can you inform if a meeting is important or if it’ll be a time-waster?
Financial Planning Service Companies – Why Select the Best?
The world without any tremendous doubt can be effortlessly considered as one big market. Trade and enterprise are the only matters that maintain the world going for walks. Yes, there are innovations and discoveries as nicely, however, they’re additionally traded to get thru with an enough quantity of profit.
People can easily come around with one or the opposite shape of an enterprise. Either they own it or paintings for it. Each of those groups thus has their financial statements and facts. Without those, the business may additionally nicely disappear.
There are many forms of a budget that someone would possibly practically address. There are the mutual fund investments. There are the hedge price range and lots of greater. There are many satisfactory economic services organizations that are gift these days that help human beings.
These monetary services businesses make sure of the very fact that people do get the excellent outcomes from the commercial enterprise that they’re in. There are diverse advantages that humans may additionally revel in if they lease the financial service organizations.
Financial planning:
Before moving similarly on the topic, people ought to remember the fact that what precisely is the monetary making plans? This is something that can assist human beings in a long route of time and thus help in dealing with the budget the high-quality.
Why Recruit the Financial Service Companies?
There are many motives why a person needs to think of hiring these offerings. Financial offerings can be well taken into consideration as one of the very important services, and the subsequent are the diverse blessings that the companies providing them can assure:
• Consulting: Yes!
The economic consultancy services are one of those maximum critical things which are necessary before any selection to invest. Consulting facilitates in various things. People can make certain that they’re getting through with an essential knowledge of finance and those groups do offer with that. • Taking Care: the principle intention is to attend to each and each economic profits and loss inside the organization. Evaluating them and taking the vital moves. These can be finished by the experts handiest, and that is the most effective cause why humans should make certain that they do have any such economic groups to aid them.
Apart from those two essential advantages that humans can come round with they should also ensure that there may be plenty greater blessings if humans pick the first-class ones for themselves. Only the very pinnacle financial services businesses can make certain of the reality that the first-class services will be provided.
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addcrazy-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Add Crazy
New Post has been published on https://addcrazy.com/the-way-to-save-a-life-first-aid-advice-youll-simply-take-into-account/
The way to save a life – first-aid advice you’ll simply take into account
The hat could you do in case you noticed a person disintegrate, clutching his chest? Spring into action, or consider that somebody else would possibly? Maybe it’s no longer that extreme, I assume he’ll be Good enough. Wouldn’t want to cause a fuss, proper? Well pretty probably he isn’t Ok, and, consistent with a brand new report, simplest three or 4 in 10 of us intervene in these situations, at the fee of hundreds of lives.
Resuscitation to Healing, published this week via the British Coronary heart Foundation (BHF), reveals that a loss of self-assurance and schooling – or even a worry of embarrassment – are killing cardiac arrest victims. The stats are stark: survival probabilities drop by using around 10% with each minute without a surprise to the Heart, either by using CPR or a defibrillator. After 10 minutes, survival probabilities drop to 2%.
“The maximum common element humans say to us is that they wouldn’t do anything due to the fact they wouldn’t need to make matters worse,” says Clive James, an instructor with St John Ambulance. “However in the case of cardiac arrest, you may make it worse because in case you don’t do something that man or woman will die.”
Looking forward to an ambulance isn’t an alternative, and the document estimates that 1,000 lives a year may be stored with improved education and consciousness, and the availability of more public defibrillators, which bring simple instructions.
James, 52, who started out studying first useful resource as a 9-12 months-antique cadet, says aide-memoirs are essential in making advice stick and giving humans the confidence to behave. in the case of CPR, he advises providers to compress the chest to the rhythm of Stayin’ Alive with the aid of the Bee Gees (a method famously endorsed through Vinnie Jones in a 2012 BHF advert). “It was once Nellie the Elephant, however, the secret is that it’s faster than human beings assume,” he says (about a hundred a hundred and twenty beats in keeping with minute).
St John Ambulance also makes use of “Speedy” for recognizing the signs and symptoms of a stroke (Facial weak spot; Arm weak point; Speech troubles; Time to call 999). For choking victims, there are 4 steps: a cough; slap; squeeze it out; name for assist (inspire the man or woman to cough, use five sharp blows to the lower back, squeeze out the obstruction the use of up to 5 belly thrusts or Heimlich manoeuvres, then, if all else fails, call). The very last step names for help.
The brand new file also illustrates how the first-aid recommendation evolves, incorporating new studies. “When I began there are things we’d remember to be barbaric these days,” James says. Damaged collar bones had been bandaged forcefully in this sort of manner to separate the bones. “Now we simply say get the arm into the coziest position for the person to get them to the health facility.”
In 2014, St John Ambulance issued new advice on helping choking babies. Formerly, parents had been advised to place the kid face down along one forearm and strike the child’s back with the alternative hand. Now the advice is to place the toddler on a thigh even as sitting down, helping it with one hand while striking with the opposite (5 instances with the heel of the hand among the shoulder blades).
Amazingly, first-useful resource education remains not required in colleges. In 2015, the BHF, St John Ambulance and the British Purple Go expressed their dismay after Tory backbenchers blocked an invoice that might have made it obligatory in secondary faculties. in the period in-between, the focus is key. “No person need to ever be afraid to assist a person in need,” James says.
Discover ways to store an existence Thru First resource schooling
First useful resource education courses are fantastically popular in Australia. Many jobs require a certification in the first useful resource. The first-time dad and mom frequently pick out to undergo training as a way to defend their toddler as a whole lot as possible. Locating the elegance this is right for you is not difficult, given that many top notch options are available.
The right Brisbane first resource elegance will teach you the whole lot you need to recognize, ensuing in legit certification while all is said and performed. Whether you want to come to be licensed in emergency techniques as a part of your task, because you are about to come to be a brand new parent or without a doubt because you need to be of assistance to others, you should don’t have any hassle accomplishing your purpose.
First aid schooling As An activity Requirement –
Many agencies require their employees to be taught in first aid. A very obvious example of this will be a lifestyles protect at a public pool; such a character has to realize How to administer life-saving techniques if an emergency arises. Nurses, doctors, and other medical experts certainly need to be certified in these types of methods. Day care centers and nannies ought to continually be modern and up to date on their first resource certification, on account that they paintings closely and frequently with toddlers and small kids. In truth, you’re not likely to get plenty enterprise as a nanny or carer if you aren’t certified in first aid.
Being Organized As a brand new figure –
While you emerge as a brand new discern, you count on an entirely new stage of obligation for your existence. You clearly want to guard your infant as a whole lot as possible and are simply willing to do something it takes to hold her or him secure and out of harm’s way. As such, you should certainly undergo first resource schooling so you realize what to do in an expansion of various emergencies. clearly assuming that dialing 000 on every occasion something unfortunate happens is ideal sufficient is foolhardy; you have to recognize The way to manage matters in your personal, considering help is not capable of getting there Speedy sufficient.
Being Of assistance To Others –
Every now and then, the best Samaritan in us prompts us to obtain first resource schooling so that we may be of help to others in need. Considering how easy it is to get licensed in the first resource, there may be surely no purpose to do that. Whilst you know what to do in emergency conditions, you may come to be a precious asset anywhere you go. The subsequent time you’re at an eating place and a fellow diner start of evolved choking, as an example, you’ll realize simply what to do. Be somebody’s hero sooner or later: get first resource training and Learn how to be cool, calm, amassed – and an existence saver – in an emergency.
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