#shinji miyadai
anamon-book · 2 months
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学校的日常を生きぬけ-死なず殺さず殺されず 宮台真司・藤井誠二 教育史料出版会
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2022/12/10 English
BGM: Bob Dylan "World Gone Wrong"
I met a leader of the group home. I gave him the money for various payments. He and his staff helped me a lot this year as usual (really thankful for that). I passed the money and got shocked because it was really tiny. Yes, I'm poor. How can the next year be? After that, I learned that the next book of Shinji Aoyama's "Turtle in Takaraga Ike never sinks" so I sent a LINE message to the leader if I can buy it. We decided that I send LINE messages if I find the book I want. He said that we can think about it after I will get the extra money as a "bonus". But "bonus" will be given to me?
I read Asa Itoh and Takao Murase's "Dementia and Altruism". This is based on the letters these two authors sent to each other, and it becomes an interesting one that describes the real estate of this highly aged society. They try to think about the reality of aged people who need help by using the word "Dementia" as a trigger, and also describe how this world is. Aged people with blurred minds are not impossible completely to understand, but they must have their egos and personalities to live in this world (yes, this is really a clear fact but I must admit that I often forget it). So they try to write and seek about how to live with these aged people together peacefully.
I am an autistic person so often think that it is impossible to understand myself. Like Arthur Rimbaud, do we think about ourselves as "I am the other"? Touching that kind of "otherness" of ourselves is as same as touching the "enigma" of this world therefore we can touch how this world is profound. I remember the movie reviews by Shinji Miyadai, a famous intellectual in Japan. Miyadai was the person who tried to discuss the "enigma" of our world and lives through various movies such as Shunji Iwai's, and tried to approach the real estate of this world (at least, for me). How does he read this book?
This evening, I had time so read Shinji Aoyama's that book (at last). Aoyama was a famous Japanese director and it is his diary. I was impressed because he had tried to "watch" various media. Movies, dramas, music... I listened to Bob Dylan's masterpieces like his and learned that he must have an "anachronic" and keen eyes as a point of view to understand this world. He was never a snob, a fashionable person who must be liked by "cinephiles". I missed him as an important person... but you don't say to me that "everyone is important". R.I.P.
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radioshiga · 1 year
Professor universitário esfaqueado num campus de Tóquio
Professor universitário esfaqueado num campus de Tóquio
Professor universitário esfaqueado num campus de Tóquio Um funcionário universitário foi levado ao hospital após ter sido violentamente atacado em um campus em Tóquio. Fontes investigativas dizem que a vítima é sociólogo e professor da Universidade Metropolitana de Tóquio, Miyadai Shinji. A polícia recebeu um chamado por volta das 16h20 desta terça-feira (29), informando que um homem havia sido…
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dotomtom · 7 years
内発性というのはいきなり生まれるのではなく、自己の試行錯誤によって獲得されるもので、試行錯誤には当然、自発性に基づいた活動が含まれる。 いろんなことをやって、内的に確かな美学、使命感、一線ができ、それらが内発性のエナジーとなるのである。
unique_critique:自発性よりも内発性 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression, radio version - Ep 50, Sep 2016 - Public reading of erotic literature in library, Dobashi returns from Brazil (with condoms).
They start this episode by announcing that this is the 50th episode, and they can't quite believe they made it to 50! They thank the listeners for making it happen by tuning in every week late at night.
Right from the beginning this time, they welcome Tokyo Sports in the form of Dobashi, who has made it back to Japan after spending the entire Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Dobashi comments that English was useless in Brazil, and the only Portuguese he knows is 'obrigado'.
Kaoru's first news topic is about a library in Hida city, Gifu prefecture, where a live reading session of erotic literature was held for the first time, and named 'Adults' hour'. Sessions are to be held once a month by one of three of the library's female staff. Joe thinks this is a good idea, and asks Kaoru how he feels about sexually explicit material being read out in the library. Kaoru says being in the library probably takes much of the erotic element out of it. He can't say for sure, not having attended, but he gets the sense of it being quite clean.
Joe goes on to explain about an interesting article appearing in that months' edition of Rolling Stone, which deals with the topic of why the student political organization SEALDs are so hated. Joe spoke with sociologist Miyadai Shinji for this article. Miyadai said that the most hated thing in Japan is anything that is 'KY' (空気読めない/kūki yomenai), meaning anything that is difficult to comprehend, or anything that has no logical answer. Since the mid 90s, the two most KY elements in Japanese society have been politics and sex. This is because neither can be explained in a straightforward, logical sense. E.g. Students persevering with going to political demos, even though they may lose their employment potential if they are caught there, etc. In 1995, two irregular things happened that caused this KY trend in Japanese society. One was the Aum Shinrikyo Sarin gas attack. The other was the Hanshin-Awaji earthquake. As both events were very difficult to comprehend, people have desired simplicity/logical answers in society since then, and have tended to deny things that are difficult to explain in words. A good example of this is that since 1995, works of art or theatre performances that appear illogical to audiences have been labeled failures. If an audience doesn't get the point of any particular work, it is simply seen as failed. In terms of literature, sci-fi has been increasingly unpopular since '95 (the entire concept of sci-fi is illogical), and detective novels have become increasingly popular (no matter how complex the story is, there is always a logical answer at the end). This is how Miyadai sees Japan since '95. So, with politics and sex being the most KY elements of society, public attention on them has become extremely tabboo. Because of this Joe feels like there is a deep sense of meaning to this public erotic literature reading session, in a good way.
Dobashi re-joins the show next, and repeats that he has just returned from Brazil. Joe says he had fun talking to Dobashi via the phone during the live broadcast, but can't remember what they talked about. Dobashi reminds him that the talked about condoms, specifically, the free Olympic condoms. Dobashi has brought some of them with him to give away as presents to the listeners. They were apparently freely available to all media personel in the toilets at Olympic locations. They were in dispensers kind of resembling kids' toy dispensers. Kaoru mentions that the show did get a message from a listener requesting some Olympic condoms, so they will give one to that person first. Along with the condoms, Dobashi has also brought back some Olympic beer cups, so they will include these as a set prize for three listeners, a beer cup + condom set.
Joe asks Dobashi, 'How was it overall?', (meaning 'How were the Olympics?'), Dobashi replies 'I wasn't having sex'...as if Joe's question was referring to the condoms...Kaoru laughs out loud at this. Dobashi then describes his daily work routine while he was in Brazil, which ended up with him getting about 2 hours sleep a day (no time for sex/testing condoms).
Kaoru and Joe are both happy that Dobashi made it home well, and Kaoru asks him if he will be reporting on sports from now on. Dobashi isn't sure. Talks are currently going on in the office as to whether he will move to the the sports division or stay in the culture division. He says if he stops appearing on this show, its probably because he's moved to sports.
To finish Kaoru plugs his upcoming tours, and his new idea for this show. With the theme 'Freedom of Expression', he wants listeners to take photos of the outfits they wear to the Dir tours and send them in to the show. Some of the photos will then be chosen and uploaded to this show's newly created Instagram page. Any photos that get more than 50 likes will revieve a sticker as a prize. A photo of Joe has been uploaded as an example shot already. Speaking of outfits, Kaoru and Joe are actually wearing the same outfit by chance today. Joe had asked Kaoru before about the name of a specific brand he was wearing. He then got it for himself and wore it to the studio today. Kaoru was wearing the same item, and it feels a bit weird.
Songs - Dir en grey/Lotus, Finch/What it is to burn, Dir en grey/Utafumi.
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danchbroadcasting · 4 years
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14 year old sociology
Fan Art of Shinji Miyadai
illustration by Naomi Enoshima
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matthewchozick · 4 years
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本日発売、ele-kingの新刊『山本太郎から見える日本』を僕も執筆。Amazon政治部門で第1位!内田樹さん、宮台真司さん、望月衣塑子さんの知的な話。僕は、山本太郎現象、立憲民主党や自民党の面白い分析、海外の新鮮なアイデアなど、ユーモアをまじえて政治を語りました。ぜひチェックしてみてね! New book out today! I wrote a chapter for this anthology on Japanese politics and it somehow happens to be #1 on Amazon Japan right now. It also includes sociologist Shinji Miyadai, journalist Isoko Mochizuki and a bunch of other bright people. I didn’t expect all my naughty Japanese political jokes to make it to print without being cut, so I'm elated. #政治 #マシューチョジック #matthewchozick #山本太郎 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_AEFSSlgL7/?igshid=or7n1qwq7wqz
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29hisako · 4 years
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ktsugita · 4 years
そもそもアートは誰かの心を傷つける。宮台真司さん 「生半可な覚悟で見に行けば不快になって当然です」 | ハフポスト https://www.huffingtonpost.jp/entry/shinji-miyadai-interview_jp_5e06a0c4c5b6b5a713ae3f5b
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murmurrec · 7 years
(murmur records.jp)
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straycatboogie · 2 years
2022/07/10 English
In the afternoon I thought while I ate udon as lunch. At last, I lived with a leftist. Probably I will die as so... but why? why does the left idea attract me? I can't see. TBH I have to say that I have never read Marx. Also, I have never learned about Foucault or Deleuze. Yes, I have to learn more. I just believed that the idea that helps me as one of the weak people must be the left-liberal idea, not the right-nationalistic idea. I want to rely on a peaceful concept, not a sublime concept as Japan itself.
Indeed, I am an idiot. I have to confess that my thoughts or ideologies have been made by some fishy things, not serious books of thoughts. The policy I have been made by the music of Blur and Fishmans which I had listened to a lot as a university student, and the manga as "Azumanga Daioh". I have read the novels as Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood", Kazushi Hosaka's "Plainsong" and Genichiro Takahashi's "Farewell, Gangsters", and also watched the movies of Yasujiro Ozu, Hirokazu Koreeda, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, and Takeshi Kitano. Also, I have been influenced by the columns by Toshiyuki Horie and Susumu Sogo. I am just an amalgam or a cluster of hamburger steak, that has been made by various pop cultures.
My rare thoughts as an amalgam have grown up with affirming themselves and grown up to be a hybrid ideology with the influence of thoughts of some old-fashioned leftists like Toshiya Ueno. Therefore 'pure' left people call me I am cynical. Also, 'pure' right-wing people say I'm left or liberal. But I believe that 'hybrid' thoughts are die-hard like 'hybrid' cats or dogs. I would live more as a 'hybrid' old dude like Charles Bukowski, who was neither left nor right.
I worked early today. After coming back, I read Kenichiro Mogi's "Brains and Qualia". I have been impressed by Mogi's passion, which is similar to Shinji Miyadai's passion for sociology. Qualia is everywhere in this world. The sublime taste of banbanji I ate today, and the 'sensational' melodies of Suede's song I'm listening to, are qualia and therefore precious. That is not just a phenomenon of some chemical neurotic reactions in our brains. The fact that there are some attractive arts such as Toshiya Ueno's books and Suede's songs, and the fact that my life meets those arts. I have to think like this like Oasis's "Champagne Supernova". Why, Why, Why...
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dotomtom · 7 years
「自発性」と「内発性」は違う。「自発性」は人為的環境で生じる。限定された課題が既に与えられ、評価してくれる人がおり、同じ競争ゲームの参加者がいるような疑似環境。疑似環境が消えれば動機づけは枯渇する。  「内発性」はこれと違う。どんな環境にあっても自分に必要な課題を発見して前に進む力だ。「自発性」は環境に「依存」するが、「内発性」は環境から「自立」する。「自発性」がさして役に立たないのは、学校から社会に出た昨今の若者を見れば、瞭然だ。
平井雷太『新版 セルフラーニング どの子も学力がつく』[新曜社]に寄せて - MIYADAI.com Blog
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tossyblr · 12 years
もちろん、多変量解析がだめというわけではなく、それで語れる現象がたくさんあることは承知しています。にもかかわらず、インターネットがこれだけ浸透した社会で、ふつうの人たちの日常の情報がツイッターやフェイスブックなどを介してこれだけ膨大にあふれている時代にあって、それを直接解析の対象にしないなんて、こんなにもったいないことはないと言いたいのです。新しいものだけが有効な分析装置だとは言わないけれど、そこを十分わかったうえで、新しい時代に合うかたちの新しい分析装置を持つ必要があると思います。 たとえばミクシィのコミュニティ名なんかは、まさにアンケート票の選択肢そのもので、そこで書き込まれているテキストはフリーアンサーだと認識すれば、今までとはまったく異質な社会調査が展開できるはずです。もう調査者が自分で選択肢を考えるような必要はなくて、質問肢そのものがネットユーザによって作成されており、それをいかに活用して調査をするか、その方法を思考すればいいということです。 (師匠から幾度と無く聞いた、アイスクリームみたいな言葉。甘くて、溶けやすいけど、やっぱり食べたい。)
社会システム理論: 不透明な社会を捉える知の技法 (リアリティ・プラス) / 井庭崇, 宮台真司, 熊坂賢次, 公文俊平
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straycatboogie · 2 years
2022/06/21 English
I started having an interest in Haruki Murakami again. I want to read his debut novel "Hear The Wind Sings". It's just a novel about ordinary life. The characters spend their time listening to The Beach Boys with minor activities such as girl-hunting, chatting with beers, and listening to the radio. Yes, those are all... But he wrote about those minor activities in a novel and rewrote the tradition of Japanese literature and our point of view (this is my understanding. Maybe I might misunderstand). By reading this novel, I want to have the decision of affirming this 'ordinary life' again.
When I started having my opinions about the world on a young day, we were asking about how to live that kind of 'ordinary life' again. A Japanese cult Aum did the subway sarin gas attack and it brought us the chance of asking how our souls should be saved and also how our lives have their meaning. I was also having difficulty living my life, therefore, having a question about "how to live any meaningful life? What should be the meaning of life?" passionately. "The Complete Suicide Manual" became a bestseller and Shinji Miyadai said that "Live this endless life"... I remember. This boring life never ends. So we have to adapt ourselves to life...until we will die one day.
But this point of view has the pessimism which means 'living this life' must be terrible as its base. Once I had that kind of the pessimistic point of view. Life must be hard, and even if enduring this life I can't leave anything meaningful. In short, life must be just nonsense... I don't want to tell a lie even if it could sound beautiful. 'My' life could be nothing special. Just a kind of 'killing time' as Shichiro Fukawaza says...
But even if it could be true, I don't want to be cynical to live this life as saying "Life is s**t". Maybe it has nonsense, but I exactly feel satisfied with the meals the staff of my group home cook. Those delicious meals make me think about various things. In "Tractatus Logico-philosophicus", Wittgenstein writes "The world is independent of my will".  In other words, there are the facts in the world I can't control or understand. Like the goodness of the meals by the staff of my group home. This simple fact. This clear fact must be a miracle... Wittgenstein says so (At least, I believe so). And I want to follow this 'too simple' point of view of happiness of Wittgenstein.
Anything is nonsense? It's just a joke I said too much. The moment like God stands by us lasts. (Kenji Ozawa "Roller Skates Park")
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straycatboogie · 13 days
2024/04/17 English
BGM: The Beatles - Helter Skelter
It was a day off today. This morning, I went to a library as usual to borrow some books. In front of that library, suddenly I thought this. As you see, I have read plenty of books throughout my life. Why have I needed such many books? Thinking about this, I reached a possibility. In a way, I have already become the mad one who just hasn't been separated from this society - You may say this must be ridiculous, but for me, this is a serious issue. Am I mad?
I need to go back to the most primal point. How can we distinguish between saneness and madness? How can I judge myself as sane or mad? And, if I have already been mad, could I get a certain normality again to become a good person? Thinking about this, I remember some marvelous/vivid books I have read. Bret Easton Ellis's "American Psycho", Haruki Murakami's "Norwegian Wood", etc.
As I have written in this, I was treated as a mad guy at school among classmates when I was young. A creep who enjoys too minor books and music… About this topic, I go back to this opinion. That's this: TBH, crazy is this society itself (Shinji Miyadai, one of the most notorious sociologists who once very influenced my style of thinking, says that "this society is simply SHIT") therefore we must try to keep our sane. Or, we must maintain our illness every day enough not to become fatally crazy outsiders who could have lost their sane completely.
This afternoon, I went to this city's main office. Where a friend of mine has been doing an interesting exhibition, the "NAKAMA Exhibition". NAKAMA is a Japanese word that describes "mate(s)". As I have written above, once I was bullied as a mad student, therefore, I could trust nobody as a mate. Now, I have a lot of mates on the internet and also my real relationship.
By enjoying this exhibition (about 20 paintings are displayed), I reached this idea. These paintings must be the ones from every creator's imagination's reflection - in a way, these are every painter's reality (the world in their senses). What rich imagination movements! Although this must sound rude, maybe we can represent our lovely madness in this kind of creative way.
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straycatboogie · 3 months
2024/01/20 English
How many chapters have I experienced until now if I can use the metaphor of novel to this life? Or what season I'm in right now if I can use the concept of four seasons? I remember - one of my favorite writers, Paul Auster, titled his memoir as "Winter Journal" to describe his life because he is already his 60s. Then, am I in my autumn right now? But, though you would think it must sound strange, actually I've been feeling that now is the "first" youth of mine, not any second prime.
Yes… I am feeling now like this. I have just started my life really recently. Of course, I am in the late stage of my life (I need to look at how my body has got older. My physical power is actually decreasing.) Therefore I might not have to feel like "I am still young" or "forever young." I remember that everything must have its positive side, and also negative side too. I should get a proper balance between the both sides.
But, I tell you about this (why am I feeling such a "great" power? Because of this tunes by Supercar?) - Once I had been really in a kind of hell in this earth, therefore now I've been feeling like I have got out from a jail. I feel like everything I see is really fresh. Oh my! Although almost everyone praises the prime time (our youth) as a beautiful period, I can't believe that. Yes, I am a strange one.
I have written about Paul Auster. And also, I remember some people as my heroes. Haruki Murakami, Shinji Miyadai, Yoshimichi Nakajima, Damon Albern, etc. Now, as an older/senior person, I need to think about what kind of things I can afford to this world, to the younger generation as a kind of heritage.
Tomorrow I will attend a meeting, at where I will tell about Nayuta Miki's books again to the other members (三木那由他『言葉の展望台』etc.). I remember/imagine - what if I couldn't meet them during this life? I write English journal, and also think about this kind of philosophical ideas. I wouldn't do/try this kind of behavior if we couldn't meet - Then, it can mean I would live a completely/absolutely different life. Life must have been consisted by many, really a lot of chances - I must write my autobiography (I wish I could have a certain time!).
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