#so all the rest was from memory
moralcandy · 25 days
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kira doodles (close-ups under the cut)
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paul by big thief (masterpiece, 2016)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ thank you @fionnagallagher and @shamelesscreencaps for the screencaps ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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blowingoffsteam2 · 4 months
Still sitting here stewing in the fact that the manga skipped Riku’s sacrifice
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xbraveheartx · 8 months
So I had a moment on stream where I thought I had connected some dots that didn't really make any sense until @/smallartiststuff suggested something in chat.
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Antonia says this at one point, and at first, I had thought I connected what Gemini says later as referring to Carlo ("Someone" being a vague stand-in word for him for literally everything-- "someone's" necklace, "someone's" outfit, etc). But the more we read into the Rose Estate incident... the more things made sense.
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Valentinus was a huge target for Simon. He wanted to be top dog of the Alchemists, but Valentinus was in the way. He was also terribly obsessed with Valentinus's daughter, Sophia, from what we can tell from everything we see at the end. It wouldn't surprise me that maybe Simon decided to do a small, controlled attack on the Estate to kill off Valentinus in the process, and use that chance to steal Sophia away.
The "disappearances" Antonia mentions, coupled with the records saying "No survivors", followed by Gemin's statement below... Tells me there were survivors, and the records don't know the truth.
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And who do we find at the Abbey, trapped in a massive birdcage?
Sophia Monad, eternally trapped under Simon's whim, waiting for you to free her. The Monad Charity House tragedy was a planned attack, where the very first instance of mutation was seen before being taken care of, only for Mr. Cure All "Doctor" to steal the serum later under the impression it was a true cure to the petrification disease, and unleashing that same mutation on the masses with ignorance.
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skunkes · 11 days
if life is categorized by Before Loss and After Loss then I exist in the before but with a countdown to the after. and the countdown is always always present and debilitating. the loss will be debilitating too but i cant help myself. i will always suffer twice.
#i cant let go of it. i cant even enjoy good moments without thinking about how they'll just be memories one day#how they're already memories since moments pass so fast#everything is I'll Miss This and i already miss it and i cant believe once you're gone you're gone forever#and ill never ever see you again. and your shell is in the ground but where did the rest of you go?#should i look at your body one last time? on one hand itll be the last time i see you.#on the other hand it will be the last time i see you.#and the memory of you will die with me too. as if neither ever existed#it impacts me so much too bc i dont feel close to anybody really...and i dont make friends easily#so whats going to happen when the people who have always been there arent there anymore?#im going to be alone for so much of my life.#i will record your voice so im ready for when i cant hear it from the source while also knowing it wont be enough and one day#ill be wishing it lasted longer. it could be 12 hours long and ill want more.#how do you surpass this? it hasn't even happened. when it happens i don't know what ill do. considering my whole life has been#the timer. the countdown. hours and hours of anticipatory grief#and then ill be next. me. some of all thats left of you. it cant be true.#sorry. this gets worse every single year and its been going insane lately#id surprisingly been managing it well for months somehow ! it wouldnt cross my mind...and now its there again#like it accumulated and its all coming out right now. ive been crying for hrs tonight and last night#one day his things will just be things. things ive made and given him will be in my hands again.#talkys#i want to go hug my dad but then ill just cry over how one day i wont be able to....! how do i store it? how do i save it?#how do i preserve it forever....even as i take my own last breath....#i cant believe im the only one of me. and my dad is the only one of him.#i wouldnt want to be reborn as anyone else. i cant believe one day i wont get to draw or eat or be comfy in bed anymore.#i cant take it !! im so scared. ill be scared until the end. and you wont be there to hold my hand. im going to be alone.#and none of those years of grief and joy and memories will matter.#i wonder if it would help to tell him about this. i need something to hold onto for when it happens. anything. but i also know it'll make i#hurt more; obviously. just another piece of him that'll be gone one day
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Angel is rather alarmed one day when he hears Vox call Niffty "Nancy" and she answers to it immediately, calling him "Vaughn" in return.
Names are powerful in Hell– nowhere near as powerful as contracts, but still. When you give someone your true name, they gain a certain level of power over you, which is why contracts are usually signed using human names. Only the most audacious overlords (eg. Alastor, Valentino, Carmilla, Rosie) still use the names they had when they were alive.
Intellectually, Angel knows that Vox isn't in a mental state where he can or would even want to take advantage of this, and it's entirely possible that he may just completely forget Niffty's human name at any moment, but it still puts him on edge. Angel likes Niffty and wants to keep her safe. Regardless of how far Vox has fallen, Angel can't help but still see him as somewhat of a threat.
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ginkashino · 2 years
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A reminder of what couldn't kill you
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girlfox · 3 days
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okay, so .. remind me to touch back on the old, old lore i've written for ahri in the past because i so want to revamp it for the way my portrayal has evolved over the years & the new canon lore she's been given over the years. i used to write short stories on her origins, before ahri ever had any━━and one included her feasting of an entire coastal village in one single slaughter, giving in to her gnawing hunger after denying herself for months in fear of becoming the monster she was slowly evolving into. ( surprise, rejecting your true nature will never end well ). & how she promptly entered a comatose state of fullness and shame, her body buckling under the weight of either, as her mind grappled with what she'd done and her body brimmed with a torrent of new memories and sensations not her own, experiencing each emotion anew like a whirlwind. it took such a toll on her that ahri careened into the forest and took respite inside of a shallow grotto, where she would promptly fall into an endless slumber, her dreams the memories of the hundreds she'd consumed. lasting many years, this grotto would eventually grow, and grow, and grow, nature over-taking it and consuming her, until it became what is known as the garden of forgetting━━a green sanctuary home to flowers that devour memories, nourishing themselves with them. although none knew of the conditions of her years long rest, it could easily be theorized that ahri's over-flowing power nurtured the roots of the garden, gifting them their abilities. only over a century later would ahri arise as a sleeping beauty, resolved to regain control of herself and master the power that had been swirling inside of her all this time, feeding her soul's fox bead.
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drusill-a · 6 months
RTD is so in love with David Tennant that it makes him look stupid, huh.
#listen friends i dont know what to feel#i love everyone involved#I'm so happy that Donna has her memories back and will spend the rest of her life with her best friend by her side#but that ending felt like it was straight out of a christmas Hallmark movie; my teeth ache from all that saccharine sweetness#I'll be able to justify it if RTD is setting the stage for bringing Tennant and Tate into his UNIT spin-off which seems to be in the works#if that's not the reason it's hard for me to swallow this plot twist with the biregeneration#firstly: RTD did something similar at the end of the fourth season—splitting the Doctor to “give” one version to Rose#it's a bit annoying to see him essentially do the same now by letting another version of the Doctor to stay with Donna#secondly: I missed the emotion in this#I spent a week bracing myself for heartbreak but we went a bit too far in the other direction#we got a cutesy ending where everything resolves through a deus ex machina#yet it’s those bitter and grief-soaked moments are what RTD has always excelled at#when it comes to the Doctor's regeneration and farewells to companions#it's hard to feel much about this plot development#some things should remain final and some goodbyes and endings are unavoidable#the conclusion of Rose’s arc (both from s2 and s4) or Donna's ending in s4#were among the most emotionally intense moments in the history of television#I missed a bit of that here#perhaps if there were more bitterness in the 14th Doctor's ending if he had to pay some PRICE for this biregeneration#(like not getting his TARDIS#being told that the Fifteenth takes over the regeneration ability#and the Tennant Doctor will die of old age)#emotionally it would have provided viewers with a cool punch#without that it seems like RTD wanted to have his cake and eat it too#have a new Doctor and give his old characters a last-minute happy ending that doesn't make much logical sense#I was hoping to feel more considering how much I love these characters#but my main reaction is an eyeroll#on the positive side I really hope to see Neil Patrick Harris in the show again he was a great villain#and Ncuti Gatwa’s Doctor is already so freaking great!!! <3#doctor who
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yume-fanfare · 8 months
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also my future masterpiece for when im done with it
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witchofthemidlands · 4 months
tales of the tardis is enough for me, it is, it really is, after all those years, jamie & zoe finally got their memories back & if that's the last we see of jamie mccrimmon that was fantastic, it was more than enough, there is & now will always be a conclusion
if i had to bring any classic who companion back to new (new?) who it would be jamie, it would always be jamie because the idea of jamie meeting a modern doctor sends me just a tad feral, just a a little bit balls to the wall feral.
#jamie mccrimmon#even though i would sell my soul to sarah jane imagine jamie in school reunion#can you imagine if jamie had been in the giggle#i dont know how they would have transported him through time but#yet i think about him being there and meeting fourteen and donna#fourteen sees him and just stops working#donna sees him looking at jamie and she hasnt seen the doctor look at anyone like that aside from rose#she said it was like a furnace looking back at the time she was the doctordonna but when she was the doctordonna i have always thought#she must have seen the doctors memories of jamie i headcanon she saw those memories quite clearly#i wonder if the doctor ever thought about what the time lords did to jamie when he had to wipe donnas mind#imagine donna and jamie interacting#donna wants to dropkick the time lords#donna and jamie being there when the bi regeneration happens jamie is with him this time they wont be torn apart again#apparently all doctors have been hatched across the galaxy the bi regen was the miracle of rebirth#so jamie does leave fourteen and donna#but we see him running towards a different tardis that just landed#because as soon as two was respawned i just know he went back for jamie#jamie gets to spend the rest of his life with his doctor#i love mel i love her i love her i love her but she just pops to earth here and there because glitz isnt gone 😩#they are still causing havoc in space together#i know his actor passed away but it still hit me hard knowing the character is now gone too 🥺#he may have been an antagonist at various points but that dude was snazzy#classic who#doctor who#whoniverse#this is what happens when i dont sleep for 24 hrs
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bunniii-ylr · 10 months
I Love When Something I Like Pops Up On My Gf's FYP Because I Get To Bug Her About Sending It To Me /Pos
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drcuriousvii · 3 months
Void Stranger is good and I want to like it but BY GOD can it be annoying
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monards · 3 months
What do you think of those rhinealice fics by purplesan?
only multishots in the entire fandom 😭😭
Assuming you’ve already read them cause who hasn’t scrolled through ever rhinealice fic on ao3 😭😭
banana. you know me too well. if you saw the amount of times my ao3 account has recorded me visiting both of them you'd audibly sigh. the rhinealice community tradition is actually just rereading the fics about them religiously to the point they memorize the plots.
I am, but a sad, sad lesbian who wants to see the two old women happy. And honestly.. out of any and all content about them; im pretty sure purplesan is one of the only people to let them be unadulteratedly happy together more than once. Which is incredibly funny when you think about it LMAO I always realllyyyy love how there's so many different approaches to rhinealice's dynamic (since. we know like 2 things about them. LMAO) but I like seeing how soft they are in 'attachment' & 'we will meet again' ,,,, call me old fashion but is it truly a crime to just want to see the two absent mother figures kiss. Is it. Attachment is suchhh a cute little ficc.. aughhh..... purplesan has such a wonderful style and reading it feels so human it makes me want to run around my room crying.!! It's such a cute short-fic,, and it's so inherently unserious that its just such a sweet read; especially in the morning when i have nothing do to except stare at my wall for an hourLMAO / Will we meet again is definitely more heavy,, (and has made me cry. thrice. for the counter) but it does suchhh a sweet job at making them both so human. call me insane but I think I'm just so weak to fics where they're soooo human and soft compared to the way they're normally characterized in game (or. alternatively. when its the complete opposite and theyre beat with a stick until they cant even be considered human. i love both sides of the spectrum.) and its nice to see a story that portrays as so much more caring and soft with each other then you'd expect (considering who they. y'know. are. LMAO) plus. we also see Alice's husband get dogged on. so I'm a fan.
TLDR; crepe is a sucker for rhinealice being allowed happiness. as a treat.
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sysig · 7 months
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It always seems like such a good idea in the moment (Patreon)
The first four are in reference to a great idea I had of - since I’ve finished my lower-limit page number testing for making books; shorter fics take up less page space, and just increasing the font size isn’t as handsome! - simply making a mini book! All it would take would be to halve the pages again, right? Just cut them right down the middle! Easy peasy!
As I’m sure you can tell by the second, no. Not easy peasy. Difficult painful un-fun >:(
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Obviously I still did it tho! What do you take me for, someone who could have the idea of an even tinier book and then not do something about it?? No It’s also the only one so far to have a paper bookmark rather than a ribbon!
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All told it’s a bit smaller than your average manga (I love the monochrome covers on these under their dust jackets haha <3) - you can see even with effectively doubling up the pages by halving their size, it was still very small-spined!
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A quick shot while it was still being made hehe ♪ It’s Out! Paired here - and the earlier one, just without its dust jacket haha - with my Zarla SC2 collection (ft. Family, Negotiations are Going...Well, and With No Obligation) - I absolutely kicked myself after the fact for not including Out as the run-up to everything, I was really trying to make a full collection in probably-chronological order! Out would’ve been a perfect start! And it only would’ve taken like four pages!!
Ah well, it was still quite a learning experience - I probably wouldn’t make another standalone of under 4k-ish just for formatting reasons but I did get some good ideas of how to do so if I wanted to! Although, my next project is going to be even more of a formatting nightmare........I’ll get there when I get there! Lol
#Doodles#The impulsive thoughts are always the funnest! But then it's all a matter of actually putting them into reality...#Ahh well like I said under the cut it was a learning experience! And I really wanted a physical copy of Out haha ♪#I don't think I've ever mentioned it - not even in my pre-fic notes :0 - but Out was another one of my inspirations for Drinking Game#I mean - the drinking lol obviously but I hadn't considered what VUX drinking would be like before reading it :)#I wanted to pair it with both physical copies hehe ♫ I'm happy I attempted it! And I have a better foundation to build on in the future!#I ended up using the scrap leftover from making such a small cover as the bookmark haha - and I picked the covers so they'd almost-match :)#They go together! But not quite! Just enough!#The sting of creation has worn off - it's actually been a while since I've made a quick book! - so the itch is starting to come back haha#Well - almost lol - the formatting is still........but I do want to do it! Especially now that I've got a hand-in-hand hobby to go with it#All that later ♪ For now snakes!#And also spiders I am also the same when spiders#I've been escorting a lot of spiders outside lately and pretty much all of them fall under the moniker of ''darling'' to me lol#Still no luck on finding a jumping spider :( But I also haven't got an enclosure set up yet either#There's this one booth that always has such adorable and pretty jumping spider enclosures ahhh I might have to break and get one someday#Same place where I got to hold the snake in fact! :D She was a love <3 Beautiful full-grown female cornsnake if memory serves#She was rather wiggly - she was tired and fussy and didn't feel like being handled by a stranger but she was so polite about it#A real delight to handle <3 And I got to see her babies! So cute and tiny!#The rest is more SCII fic stuff haha ♪ Rereading the Pirate fic was a lot of fun :) Intentionally avoiding Vargas fic(s) does make me a bit#Well I really like Vargas still lol it is candy to my brain so any gesture even remotely in that direction is very exciting haha#I'm perfectly happy with the rest for now tho! I have plenty of things to read and make! >:3c#Heck there's still a SCII fic I haven't read yet that I want to!! I just have to get all my previous SCII thoughts out of my head first haha#I will tho >:3c Always always ♪♫#SCII
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