#social phenomena
atlasinlimbo · 7 months
Are we what we do.1
What if I stop being active? What if I didn't evolve or grow or perform as everybody does around me today? That would produce a sense of self disgust and make me ashamed of my lack of will, my lack of vitality? Would i stop deserving to be alive if I didn't matched all the goals set up sine qua non life isn't being used correctly as it is supposed to be dedicated to a mission within society, within the social media...Every day that passes and every face I will cross is the significance of my satisfaction with myself, the expectations for what comes out of a being whether it is words, ideas or commitment are no longer qualitative but quantitative. It is possible that instructors and scholars have stopped looking for what a content is truly about in a frenzy to produce as much content as possible but what for? If i work for money, I would probably work as an advocate for the system of money and if I am rewarded for an achievement it is not so much for the achievement in itself but because i have placed or rather invested my reward and the significance of what is rewarded in the hands of this or that prominent influence that made a lot of money at a certain time and keep on making money because it transmitted the validity of its purpose into a sufficient number of people's psyche. Every second of life is about shifts and elevators and signing up. You have a number of possibilities to sign up for a trail and the delay to do so, both will lead you somewhere in opposition to the existentially distressing idea "leading to nowhere". Time, space and the actors embodied by us are in a board game and depending on how many trials you enroll yourself in, your position on the board game is eloquent and satisfactory to look at or pitiful and dissatisfactory. The closer you are to the end of the game before the end of life the more alive you will feel, the closer you are to your beginning square, the more isolated and purposeless you will feel which will cause self hatred, depression and anxiety. The most elementary rule is that it is only in the power of those who finished the game the earliest, the quickest before their own timer breaks down (death) to become the administrators of the game and maker of the rules the upcoming participants crossing the starting line will be playing with. But what if the winners of a game could only reproduce the same kind of rules as the ones that led them to victory regardless of what challenges the newest participants bring along with them. What if to become a board creator rather than board participant you needed to find a way to stop playing and extract yourself from the entire board not by crossing its finishing line but creating some underground tunnel that leads to another side of the reality you've been thrown on? What if it is not your name in a basket with many others all establishing their territory step by step harmoniously that mattered and was significant to fulfill some true happiness but giving all the attention to the phenomena your being creates and surfs on no matter what is being asked from the outside world, that invisible yet sensorially vivid magnetism almost triggering and somehow disturbing.
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ratedc · 10 months
we literally have no clue how much of the horrors in genloss actually represent the content creators’ actual feelings about content creation and how much of it was just thrown in to make it a better story. i want to throw up.
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topnotchquark · 4 months
What @moonshynecybin said in her fic notes about Vale being very good at being a Celebrity and having fun with it as opposed to explicitly performing has given me so much to chew on. What is the clear line of distinction between knowing you're a spectacle vs performing to come across a certain way. What was it about Vale that time and again made it so that people always seemed to be charmed. How much of it was a product of the time in which he was at his best. How much of it was down to a certain type of world we lived in where celebrities were spared the scrutiny of social media and the public eye was decidedly masculine in its sense of consumption. How is it that he found fame so young and managed to understand it's machinations so well without an excessive amount effort put into it. How did he bring his authenticity to it time and time again while keeping his privacy intact. Anyway send me asks about this if you would like and also go read the fic in question (x)
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noknowshame · 9 months
today during a research meeting I reached into my backpack and pulled out my copy of Violence & the Sacred and before a word even came out of my mouth my advisor said “…not this guy again”
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llycaons · 4 months
I don't actually have a strong sense of the aro/ace inclusionist tumblr cultural climate rn except like 'guyyys we were so mean to them :( let's let them in now come on' or like....really agressive and condescending posts asserting their validity and ~obvious~ inclusion in the lgbt community without any genuine followthrough or explanation
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honeybabymp3 · 9 months
literally the population of tumblr (gay) likes to look at insane gaylor stuff and go "wow they are so insane" but they are missing the crucial context that that is actually how all swifties are
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eileenleahy · 6 months
soo much historical revisionism on the left it's mind-boggling. "the us suffrage movement was super racist bc all its leaders opposed black men's right to vote" i think you dont know anything about the suffrage movement? like i think youve only ever heard of susan b anthony and maybe elizabeth cady stanton
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meaganfoster · 13 days
doing two ask games at once….top five colors and 11 20 29!!!
hello jules top five colors yippeeee um 1. guts (album) purple 2. guts (body) sticky pink 3. mahogany 4. gray rose 5. sunlight
11. what do you consider romance is one of the most interesting qs on the list to me....well i guess marriage is inherently about conformity or at least that's how i see it.....sorry did i say marriage i meant romance. romance is literally abt marriage its schrodingers marriage. not always but socially structurally etc. you can take pleasure in that conformity in a myriad of ways and take pleasure in how you're capable of creating a good portrait with blood as yr paint but still the validation comes from everyone knowing the blood existed and satisfied by it so the painting is for your happiness..which is perfectly fine and often sexy. mostly im thinking about how most people both hate it and want it and how im no different but like. in a new inspired way that totally makes all the difference !
20. what do you love about the night !! the stars are great friends. and due to its like an oven in here night is the world opening the door and placing you on the counter where delicious smells of you are wafted down to everyone in the house. night is relief and potential
29. what do you do when youre sad. well unfortunately im kind of the worst at being sad but also i cant get enough of it....i mostly watch a tv show or read a book until the dam breaks and regret washes over me. but at least there's always the indulgence of carefully scheduling the crying
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cuntstable · 9 months
i do think its sad when people dont make an effort to try and understand something from another persons perspective LOL like yes maybe going ”well i cant relate to that” is a fairly basic human reaction but it just feels like base level compassion to at least try to push through that be it in online or irl communication
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28mindgames · 1 day
a rigorous sociological study of american woman in their 40s obsessed with two men who have not been seen in the same room since 2016:
- fixation with a specific era (both in their early 20s)
- projection and reproduction of dichotomies: gender and ethics
- the self-perception of "saviors" "judges of truth"
- distortion of arguments and facts
- confinement in an online community
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cursezoroark · 3 months
there needs to be more pokemon trainer ocs in this cruel world i want pokemon oc lore. make your trainer go through some Character Development.
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blanketforcas · 3 months
if you think a post sounds a little harsh, it's probably cause there's some nuance missing. and you'll probably find it in the notes
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ratedc · 10 months
once i move back home it's over for my roommates (i will explain the entire plot of genloss when i encounter them in the kitchen)
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haggishlyhagging · 8 months
. . . [F]inancial incentives are increasingly being introduced in social realms, bringing our market identities—as consumers, customers, service providers and workers—to the forefront of our attention. And when market norms displace social norms, the effects can be hard to reverse, as demonstrated in an experimental study in Haifa, Israel in the 1990s. Ten children's day-nurseries all introduced a small fine for parents who were more than 10 minutes late collecting their children at the end of the day. The parental response? Rather than arriving more promptly, twice as many parents started arriving late. Introducing a monetary fine effectively wiped out any feelings of guilt and was interpreted as a market price for overtime care. Three months later when the experiment ended and the fine was removed, the number of late pick-ups rose higher still: the price had gone, but the guilt hadn't come back. The temporary marketplace had, in essence, erased the social contract.
-Kate Raworth, Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist
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kaibump · 4 months
I dunno man between all these 'have you watched' 'have you read' 'do you know this character' type of poll accounts it really seems like people under a certain age bracket straight up barely consume a lot of media or bother to watch anything older than current seasonal fodder and it's kind of sad tbh
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stayathome-ts · 7 months
"But I don't want to look like I'm copying my friend by doing X" firstly it's not copying if you both like something, secondly you're already two variations of the same person so there's already got a lot in common here, thirdly who give a shit.
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