#sometimes these descriptions did not match the impression that their teammates from other clubs had
kvaradonaa · 3 months
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Fernando Torres and Andriy Shevchenko
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hi! Can I ask scenario about Rakuzan manager? Rakuzan (and Akashi) female fans attacked her, but Rakuzan team protect her.
A/N: I’m writing this while imagining Rakuzan’s fans to be those typical hardcore ones you sometimes see on SNS, and oh boy... (☉_☉) Also, I hope you don’t mind that I changed the concept of attacking the manager a little bit and made it go into the direction of bullying. 👀  Now, I know that Mayuzumi isn’t really visible in the image below, but this was the only one I found that fit the description of them looking intimidating, so sorry for that (っ◞‸◟c) hope you enjoy it nonetheless! ♡  
Tags: Rakuzan x reader ✅  SFW ✅  friendship/camaraderie ✅  slight fluff ✅
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A capable manager - Rakuzan x reader
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Being Rakuzan’s manager wasn’t an easy task. Not only were you burdened with the team’s immense success and reputation, but also with five problematic personalities who also happened to be the club’s representatives.
It took you quite some time and effort to get to know them, and have them trust you enough with their personal training regimen, let alone their private affairs and problems. However, you still managed to overcome all these difficulties and became quite close with the five young basketball players. The more you interacted with them, the more you realized just how helpful and pleasant their company actually was, especially Akashi’s.
He was quite notorious for his perfectionism and for the way he treated his teammates. In the beginning, you were also treated as one of his minions. Still, after you spoke up about how he might lose the entire team if he continued behaving like that, Akashi luckily listened to you and decided to pick a new approach. You expected him to change himself, but instead, he went ahead and recruited people who were actually able to keep up with his antics. It frustrated you a little to see just how incorrigible he was, but the fact that the captain was sticking to his ideals impressed you quite a bit.
The team respected you very much. You had joined them the moment you enrolled in Rakuzan high and always made sure to give it your all, no matter what. Naturally, you made the members and their wellbeing your first priority, so whenever someone decided to disrupt the harmony of the team, you were always the one to protect and upkeep it. This was one amongst many other reasons the club members adored and looked up to you. It was really fortunate that you had earned such a status, it made many tasks less difficult to fulfill since you knew these boys on a personal level, but not every problem was that easily overcome.
Rakuzan’s fans were one example.
They would always cheer while the entire squad entered the gym and went to the benches to discuss the plan for the game, but you couldn’t help and overhear some comments that were addressed to you.
Is that their manager?
Yeah supposedly...
What the hell, she doesn’t even look like she knows what this sport is about!
Totally! Just look at her!
You’d try and ignore them as good as you could, but the fact that your back was literally facing the stands didn’t help out at all.
“(Y/N)-chan, is everything alright?“
Reo always had a knack of noticing when something was bothering you, and he’d always make sure to ask you about it so that he could figure out a way to help you out somehow. You appreciated the gesture, of course, but what you wanted to avoid the most right now was distracting them from the upcoming match, so you brushed it off, put on your typical fake smile, and nodded firmly.
“Yes, no problems here!”
Luckily he knew that one of the things you hated most was when people pestered you about something you didn’t want to talk about, there were times when you welcomed it, but now wasn’t one of them. Pushing your slightly hurt feelings aside, you gave the five players a quick rundown on their enemies’ playstyle and preferred modus operandi.
While they were out there scoring one point after the other, your concentration was disturbed multiple times by the permanent gossiping of the fans, who had now moved on to questioning your strategic abilities, claiming that some of the boys weren’t in their top form today and who was to blame for this? You, of course. In an attempt to block their constant chatter out, you closed your eyes for a moment. The coach, who noticed your short moment of frustration, asked you the same question as your black-haired friend, and the moment you opened your mouth to answer with the exact same words as before, something light hit your shoulderblade, startling the both of you in the process.
“Oops, sorry, my friend pushed me, I didn’t mean to throw that at you!“
Another forced smile and a slight shake of your head were your answer to the obviously fake-sounding ‘apology’ you’d just received. With a disappointed and slightly annoyed face, Shirogane picked the paper ball up from the ground and looked at it with disgust.
“(Y/N)...maybe we shoul-“
“It’s ok coach, I’m fine so please don’t mind this.“, you said as you bit your lower lip in frustration, “Let us continue observing the match...and please don’t mention this to the others...them not playing at their full concentration because of something as trivial as this, is the last thing I want right now.“
His dark eyes rested on you for a short while, but he soon averted them and continued watching the young men play. So did you, but what just happened still lingered in your mind.
It was quite frustrating to see that some people let their jealousy distort them to such an extent that they would start harassing you just because of your position, gender, or whatever other reason they might have. All they saw was the way you entered the gym alongside the boys, talked to them, gave them drinks and towels, and that’s when they start to think that this is all you do. You were quite disheartened that people with such limited views on things were supposed to represent your clubs’ fanbase, but that’s just how things were.
While you were lost in your thoughts, your teammates were out on the field completely dominating the game (as always), but some of them had noticed what went down a short while ago, and they didn’t like that at all.
The halftime whistle is what brought you back to reality. Typically, it was you who provided the players with drinks and towels, but this time the coach had assigned this minor task to one of the underclassmen. He thought that he might help you out with it, but he only made all of it worse.
Oh my god, do you see that?
She calls herself the manager, but can’t even do her tasks right.
Pathetic, ‘ain it?
Just as you were about to sit up and speak your mind, someone placed a towel on top of your head and patted it. You didn’t feel the need to look up, since such a massive palm could’ve only belonged to one particular player. Instead, you just looked at the ones that had surrounded you. 
“Alright then, what’s your next brilliant plan manager?“ asked Kotaro with his typically loud voice. 
The others joined him and began talking about different and pretty much trivial stuff they usually avoided, making it plainly evident that their main objective was to distract you from the spiteful comments of the spectators.
You had to admit that the kind words they occasionally mixed in were indeed making you feel better, and after a while, you had succeeded in forgetting about it for the time being...you had a team to manage after all.
After a short while, the referee announced that the game would resume shortly and warned both teams to wrap the talk up. With an encouraging smile, you motivated each of them to keep up the marvelous play, have fun but also be cautious of possible tricks from the opponents. When Akashi’s turn came up, you simply smiled at him, unsure whether to try your luck with motivating this seemingly invincible player or not, but before that happened, he spoke up first.
“(Y/N) I know what happened.” 
His statement threw you off quite a bit, but there was no time for you to question its meaning since the time to get back on the field drew near.
“I know it’s frustrating and painful to hear something like that, but you shouldn’t mind such useless comments from commoners like them. You should ask yourself on which basis they are actually making all of these assumptions about you. Do they know how much effort you’re actually putting into our team? Have they seen just how late you always stay behind just to make sure that everyone leaves? Are they aware of the amount of knowledge you needed to obtain before you could even give us tips on how to play? The answer is always no, so make sure to keep that in mind.”
“Sei-chan, it’s time.“, whispered Reo as he gently caressed your back, flashed you a quick smile, and entered the court. Said man barely nodded and placed his own slender hand reassuringly on your left shoulder.
“You’re doing a perfect job as manager (Y/N)...thank you.“
And with that, he left you standing there, blushing lightly at his sudden and unexpected compliment. Hearing something so reassuring as that coming from such a capable person like Akashi puts you instantly at ease.
H-He’s right...what am I even doing at a time like this? Doubting myself while my team’s out, there is really not suitable for my title. 
Alright (Y/N)! Get yourself together and watch them play, that’s the least you could do at the moment.
While you were hyping yourself up, you failed to notice a peculiar group amongst the other spectators that were looking at you with malicious intent...
After the game finished, you congratulated your five boys for the expected victory and promised to wait for them at the main entrance, so that you could invite them to a small celebratory meal.
You checked your phone for any possible missed calls or messages when suddenly someone slapped it away from your hand.
“What the hell w-“
“Shut up, you damn witch!“
As you looked at the group of girls standing in front of you, you frowned, wondering just who they actually were and what kind of problem they had with you that they needed to throw insults at you as well as damage one of your most valuable possessions. Upon closer look, you noticed that they wore some kind of fanmade shirts which had Akashi’s face plastered all over them.
So these are his fangirls..?
One of them stepped up to you and grabbed your jersey’s collar, almost scratching your neck with her absurdly long fake nails.
“We are very busy women, so make sure to listen up, missy?”
You scoffed and tried to pull her hand away from you as quickly as you could, and when you finally succeeded, you proceeded to pick your phone up from the ground.
“Hey, are you even listening?“ asked another one whose entire face resembled that of a clown, that’s how much makeup she had randomly put on. 
You stifled your laugh before answering: “No, I’m not really listening to you, since you appear to have quite enough time to come out and trash-talk me, despite being so busy, as you claim.“
The smug grin that adorned your face wasn’t well-received by them, and just as they opened their mouth again, a familiar calm voice called out your name, stopping them in their tracks.
A tall, grey-haired young man approached the group and stood there with his hands in his jacket’s pocket, his eyes entirely focused on you alone, completely disregarding the others.
“So, that’s where you were (Y/N)!”
“We’ve been looking for you manager!“
Two arms wrapped around your shoulder from each side, and as you looked up to see who the owners were, you couldn’t help but smile. 
Kotaro and Nebuya...
“W-What is Sir Akashi’s team doing here?“
“I-I don’t know..“
“Weren’t t-they supposed to be at the aftermatch meeting?“
As if on cue, Reo joined Mayuzumi and flicked his hair back dramatically.
“Oh, sweetie...it seems like you not only have no clue on how to properly put your makeup on, but also have no idea of what we’re doing.”
She was about to retort something, but a certain man’s voice stopped her.
“The manager is an essential part of these meetings.“
You turned your head and saw your team’s captain picking your phone up from the ground. Both arms that rested on your shoulders released you so that Akashi could take the item, the captain was about to hand to you, back. He gave you a warm smile that instantly darkened, the moment he looked at the women who had now been surrounded by his entire basketball team. His eyes looked at each and every single one of them, and he quickly caught up that they were his fans.
Well...isn’t that convenient.
With a firm nod of his head, he signalized the other four to leave; you, on the other hand, stayed behind. If there was something you knew about this young man, then the fact that he’d always speak to you if he needed something.
“S-Sir Akashi! It’s such an honor to personally meet you!“
“We’ve been your fans for so long an-“
“Silence.“ he hissed. That cold demeanor was something his ‘fans’ had no idea existed, but you as the manager had known about it since day one. He took another look at all of them and sighed.
“Listen up. I don’t care if you are my fans or not, I couldn’t care less that you’re cheering me on or if you’re working multiple jobs so that you can afford tickets for all of my games. I have no need for such useless gestures...what I need is results: clear, flawless, and indisputable results. People like you cannot give me that, but this woman right here..“ he took a short break to point at you “..she can, and she does. If you have any problem with the fact that she has earned this position by hard work, pure dedication, and conviction, then that means that you also have a problem with Rakuzan’s success so far. How else do you think are we able to be that victorious? Don’t tell me you thought that it all depended on talent?“
All of them just cluelessly looked at each other, trying to figure the answer out, but before they could even begin thinking about it, Akashi just continued with his speech.
“There is indeed a part of basketball where you just have to rely on talent alone, but it’s mostly strategy and the team’s combined power. And how do you think are we able to achieve that without a capable manager like her?“
They were left completely speechless, and without even waiting for their answer, the young man just gently took you by the wrist and began walking away. You couldn’t deny the fact that your situation was very much the same as theirs, you were confused yet impressed by the way he had stood up for you, he even went as far as to insult his own fans. The happiness you felt at that moment was a little inappropriate, but considering the hassling you went through today, it was a good payback.
And like that, the two of you joined the other four and began walking toward the restaurant, where you promised to celebrate their victory at today’s match.
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hockeyownsmyass13 · 4 years
Second Chances/Mat Barzal
Description: As All-Star Weekend drew close you couldn’t help but wonder if Mat would remember you. It was less than a year ago when you two had met in NYC. Now you were on your way towards your dream job as a sports journalist. And with this gig at the NHL’s ASG, the last thing you needed was to be distracted by Mat. 
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: A few swear words
Author’s Note: I have a lot of Barzy feelings so I hope you guys like it. I have an idea for a part two might include smut if I’m feeling bold so please lmk what you think! Thanks for reading loves ☺️
“How does this all work again?” you asked your best friend while putting on your makeup at her Manhattan apartment. 
“I’m going to text Isaac when we get there and he’s coming to meet us and take us in. Usually they sit us at a table with a bunch of other girls and bring a bottle or two to start. From there it’s pretty much up to us, we can do whatever we want.”
This whole VIP clubbing experience was completely out of your element. Izzy, your former teammate in college and close friend had become a model since moving to the city. She knew guys like Isaac who were big time club promoters and could hook her up with pretty much anything NYC nightlife had to offer. You just tagged along for the ride. 
Since you arrived at the club however you’d been able to relax. All Izzy’s friends were super nice and fun to be around. Between all the drinks and dancing however there was a group of guys who kept catching your eye. Izzy warned you that 1 Oak often had celebs but you weren’t quite sure if you’d seen them before. While the girls were dancing you took a break to rest your feet (heels hurt sometimes) and sat down at the table for another drink. That was when he approached you. You honestly didn’t even remember the first words he said. It was as if your brain had paused for a moment, wondering why a guy this attractive had come up to you. 
“Mat” He said. You gave him your name, unsure if you should shake his hand or not. How do people greet at clubs anyways, you thought to yourself.
“Are you from here or just visiting?” 
“I live in Boston, well Cambridge technically. I’m in my last year at harvard” 
“Damn smart girl I see” Mat said. He seemed like he was flirting but also genuinely impressed at that name drop.
“I got a soccer scholarship, I’m not really that smart” you laughed back. “Izzy lives here, she was my teammate the last 3 years” you gestured towards her and the others dancing. 
At first it was a little awkward but quickly you figured out how much you had in common.Talking about favorite foods, music, TV, and of course sports. The last subject was interesting. He seemed so excited at first yet turned around, seeming a little shy to give any details. .
After a little more conversation you followed him back to his table to grab a few more drinks, and that’s when you figured it out. The slight hint of a Canadian accent along with his friends all looking young and very in shape gave it away. This guy was definitely a professional athlete. You guessed hockey but didn’t want him to think you secretly knew who he was so you hid that guess.
“What sport do you play?” A little smirk dancing across your lips. 
“How’d you know?”
“Educated guess” 
“Hockey, we all play for the Islanders” He looked a little shy, running his fingers through his hair. 
Internally you were freaking out just a bit. Growing up near Boston the Bruins were like a religion in your hometown. The NHL playoffs had always been your favorite time for any sport. There was just a level of intensity and excitement that couldn’t be matched. But on the outside you kept your cool...somehow. And after a little more chatting he pulled you over to the dance floor. 
Eventually Mat’s friends were ready to head home and so were yours. He lived with an older teammate since it was his rookie season and you were crashing at Izzy’s place, so that small part of you who wanted to go home with him (even though you really don’t leave places with boys you’d never met before) was out of luck. 
“I’d ask for your number but my phone died” He said, the cute shyness from when he confessed his job was back. 
“Give me yours” you said, handing him your phone. Alcohol was certainly not a negative when it came to confidence. 
But the next morning you woke up. And the insecure part of your brain convinced yourself he probably had lots of girls texting him every day and it wasn’t worth the possible embarrassment.  Plus it was nearing the end of your trip to NYC and it was almost time to head back to school for senior fall; aka the last season of your college sports career. 
So you never texted him, figuring he would forget soon enough and you could save yourself the heartbreak of falling for him just to find out you were only a number on his list. It wasn’t easy. Boys like that didn’t come around often. You looked at his name countless times in your phone, debating on calling. But the longer you waited the more it seemed weird to reach out. Would he ask why it took so long? Would he even remember you? 
All star weekend 
St. Louis was the perfect place to host. After winning the cup the city was buzzing with excitement over hockey. While you were a little nervous to be at such a big event, this wasn’t your first reporting experience. You’d done tons of interviews with other D1 athletes around campus and even filled in for a week as the rinkside reporter with the Bruins.
When you first entered the locker room on Friday it was impossible not to scan around for him. When Mat wasn’t there you couldn’t decide whether it was a relief or a dissapointment. There wasn’t a lot of time to dwell on things however, interviews needed to get done. It was mostly just fluff, funny questions for some social media content, You were talking to Sid, the usual polite yet unrevealing way of avoiding his private life, when someone entering the room immediately grabbed your attention. Mat had walked in. You could feel your heart start to beat faster. It could be the nervous anticipation of a potential awkward encounter. Thankfully your brain still worked and it quickly brought your attention back to Sid. 
“And Conor McDavid comes up short. Mat Barzal is your new NHL All-Star fastest skater” The announcement rang loudly throughout the arena. 
Mat won. Mat just won. It kept repeating in your mind like an echo. Because you knew what that meant. You had to interview him. He was laughing with some of the other guys as you watched the producer approach him. Chatting with the cameraman seemed a good option to avoid looking like you were starring in his direction. As he walked towards you his expression was blank. 
“Congratulations on winning the first event of day one. How does it feel to know you dethroned a three time winner?” 
Silence. Your eyes widened, hoping to provoke an answer.
“Um yeah it’s pretty cool. Conor’s a really fast skater so I feel a little lucky.”
“I know you guys don’t get much time to warm up. Is the crowd a big energizing factor in something like this?”
“Sure” Silence again. 
“Uh I mean we’re here because of the fans. So uh yeah we want to do our best and give them a good show” 
The rest of the interview went about the same. You were sure the others watching could feel the awkwardness in the air. Although he didn’t show any signs of recognizing you, Mat wasn’t known for being cold towards reporters. Something must have been your fault for the less than stellar interview which thankfully was over. 
It wasn’t a question but more of a statement. You looked down at your feet, even though you’d been looking him in the eyes the whole interview. It was a little late for shyness but the absence of the cameras and knowing he recognized you took away any semblance of confidence you previously had. 
“Hey Mat” 
“Why didn’t you call me?” 
Shit. You knew this question was coming but you’d hoped he would at least make some small talk first. Maybe enough to give you a chance to think of an answer. But now he looked just as worried as you, running his fingers through his hair. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. I just….I don’t know, I enjoyed talking to you that night and I just figured you would and then you never did and I couldn’t do anything,,,,” He trailed off getting quieter at the end, 
“I’m sorry, You’re not crazy Mat. I had a really great time that night. I’m not sure what to say. I know it’s a stupid excuse but I was leaving to go home to Boston so soon and I just convinced myself you were, ya know, this impressive star athlete and it wouldn’t matter if I never said anything because you would forget which I know isn’t fair since you’re a perfectly nice guy and..”
“Come to dinner tonight.” He cut you off.
“I’m supposed to go out with some of the other guys but a lot of them have family or girlfriends coming too. So you won’t be crashing guys’ night or anything.” 
“t’ll be low key don’t worry” He added, sensing your hesitation. 
“Okay, I’ll go” 
“I have to get back, but text me and I’ll send you the details” 
“Sounds great” Biting your lip did not do enough to hide the smile growing on your face. It was a group dinner, but no matter how you looked at it, you were going to dinner with Mat Barzal. Who ever said second chances don’t exist.
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1/2 Can I have a Mashup for haikyuu? I'll be Owen Anon, my age is 18 I'm 5'0 and male. I'm more introverted and get easily scared when meeting people. But once you get to know me I'm kinda the mom friend and use the words "buba/baby/hun/love" a lot. I'm trying to get into vet work because I absolutely adore animals, cats are my favorite! I usually spend my free time drawing, writing, and sometimes I just go outside at night to look at the stars. I have freckles but I'm very insecure about them.
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Hello Owen! I hope I didn’t make you wait too long. I actually kinda went through your blog and in your description you seemed to like Noya a lot I’m not a stalker, I promise!!! But if I had matched you with him, that would be way too predictable. So after thinking long and hard and drawing a whole pros and cons table with various characters, I came to this conclusion. It’s your first matchup so I really wanted to make it as special as possible. Lemme know if you don’t like this and I can try to rewrite this with another character!
Hanamaki Takahiro
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How You Two Met
You guys were classmates for a very long time all throughout school, but the first time you two noticed each other was in your third year when you were seated behind his lanky ass. You had trouble seeing the board, and you didn't have the confidence to ask him to move to the side a little. That is until it became too much for you when you couldn't copy the lecture off the board that was important for the upcoming test. You shyly poked his back with the clicker part of your mechanical pencil, he turned around with a bored expression on his face and raised a thin brow in question. You quietly told him that you couldn't see the board, he muttered a monotonous apology and moved his shoulder so you could see the board better. From then on, he always remembered to sit in a way that would make it easier for you to see the board easily without craning your neck. Whenever he forgot to do that, all you had to do was gently poke him in the back, and he would move aside without a word. That was all the interaction between the two of you until one day you arrived in class and saw him sitting in your seat. He saw you and waved lazily, you were confused, but you waved back nonetheless. He gestured for you to sit in his seat, "It's easier for you that way." From that day onwards the two of you often made small talks, sometimes, though very rarely, he would even sit with you during lunch. It was a comfortable friendship. You guys would often joke and throw around sarcastic comments at each other. He became close enough to you for you to call him ‘buba’.
How He Asked You Out And Your First Date
You knew Hanamaki was in the volleyball club, but you never watched any of his games, nor did he ever bother inviting you. So one day you decided that you would visit him during practice, not because you liked him! It was only out of curiosity, yes, that was it was, just curiosity. You were surprised that the gym was packed with spectators, all cheering for that one brown-haired pretty boy, but your eyes were drawn to Hanamaki. It's not like he was playing extraordinarily but because he looked so different from when he was in the classroom with you, even when he had the same bored expression on his face. You saw him interacting with his teammates, joking around and teasing his friends, your heart may or may not have skipped a beat. He noticed you among the crowd, you were the only one looking at him; he flashed you a grin and a peace sign. Unbeknownst to you, his heart also did a flip when he saw you watching him from the sidelines. Maybe it was instinct, or maybe you guys were way too obvious about your feelings but somehow you both knew that you two liked each other. You were the one who asked him out, this fucker kept grumbling that he wanted to ask you first and how you beat him to it, but he said yes. On your first date, he made it clear that he wanted to do the things that you liked. Oikawa (even though he didn't ask for it) advised that dates find it impressive when you tell them that. He expected you to swoon, but you just shrugged and led him around to your favourite places. Don't get me wrong, your heart did leap in your chest when he said that, but you weren't gonna give him the satisfaction of seeing you flustered. You guys interacted, how you usually would when you two were in class, joking and teasing, but this time you two were more aware of your feelings for each other. Hanamaki noticed a lot of things about you on your date. He noticed how fond you were of cats when you two were at the pet cafe, the way you passionately talked about wanting to become a vet; and honestly, he could not have found you anymore adorable. Since you were the one who was in charge on this date, you insisted on walking him home He laughed but he was secretly so moved. You two walked to his house hand in hand It was a fun date, he was a fun guy to be with.
Whats Your Relationship Like
He finds it so cute when you worry about him and keep reminding him to drink water and eat his snacks, he teasingly calls you mom. He's very observant, so if you're ever feeling down, he will take you out to do your favourite fun activities without saying a word. On chill winter nights, you two will go out onto the rooftop with a bunch of blankets and hot chocolate, and just stargaze. He'll probably rest his head on your shoulder and stick his tongue out at you when you complain how heavy his head is. I see him as the type to not really care much about science but he listens when you wanna talk about it, he'll even ask questions. Though, he'll intentionally try to sound as dumb as possible just to irritate you. He regularly visits animal shelters with you and you two play with the little kitties, he got scratched on his wrist pretty badly. He always insists to let him read your writing but doesn't push too hard if you don't want to. He does, however, badger you on and on about drawing him like "one of your french girls", fucking headass. He doesn't say much about your height, but he loves the difference and often bends down to kiss your forehead or the top of your head. In fact, Hanamaki does not say anything about any of your insecurities but shows you that he loves each and every part of you with small gestures or hidden compliments. You say that you don't like your freckles and he will just hmm in response but sometime later he will walk up to you and grab your face and kiss all over your freckles and just walk away. He likes to lay his head on your lap and just take long naps like a house cat, but when you lay your head on his lap, he starts to bounce his knees, just to mess with you. He gives up after a good laugh and just lets you sleep and absentmindedly strokes your head as he watches TV or scrolls through his phone. Oh shit! You say you can't focus, you have a short attention span? Well, good luck asking for help from this annoying fuck, he won't do shit. In fact, he is so unbearable sweet that he will distract you even more, he'll poke your back and sides in class when you're trying to focus. All in all, you guys are a couple that is also best friends. He understands you even when you don't say anything. He never gets tired of you, everything you do is so cute and endearing to him. He looks bored, but only you know how much attention he pays only to you. I think you guys have a cute and fun relationship. Also, don't let him become unemployed, I beg you.
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