#failing to meet the expectations
kvaradonaa · 2 months
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Fernando Torres and Andriy Shevchenko
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spicyraeman · 1 month
I love the domestic bliss of shadzel raising lil baby xan, but something about single mom lae'zel is incredibly compelling
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nano30cm · 3 months
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they're gym buddies :)
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wrecked-fuse · 1 year
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pocket billy steve and eddie (brag) about tattoos, and more
🔪🔪🔪 в вк не репостить🔪🔪🔪  
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Comphet Wilson means so much to me
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sporesgalaxy · 18 days
listening to my evil music and thinking about vladlence
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grimxark · 11 months
When will people understand that the lost light isn’t the first time Rodimus has been in charge of something. He had a whole team he trusted and went on adventures with who trusted him in turn. He was essentially a leader of a whole resistance. So many ppl seem to frame him as a bad leader because of the way Magnus talks about him in the beginning but continue to forget that Magnus goes to him for advice and trusts him as a leader even if he does questionable actions. Fail to remember Magnus is harsh on him bc he expects some sort of Tyrest out of him and because he’s seen how good a leader Rodimus can be and knows he can do better. Keep forgetting that Rodimus stopped reading Magnus’ reports before Overlord because they are mundane and petty observations that really don’t matter all that much. Rodimus clearly states he doesn’t read them anymore, meaning he read them before. He says why he stopped. He’s familiar with the way Magnus writes. He knows what’s going on in the ship. Please open your eyes I’m on my knees. He just seems less committed about it because 1. It’s 200 people but he remembers every single one of them 2. Every time he commits to something and cares deeply about it it ends in deep disaster so he’s trying to detach from it and failing sooo bad
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enjoythesilentworld · 1 month
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did you hear that? that was the sound of my heart shattering into a million pieces.
via NN
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blankandhappytales · 3 months
The disappointment when the lift opens up and you're not instantly assaulted by a dozen metallic, wrapping around your to drag you in for forceful conversion into a drone...
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odysseys-blood · 12 days
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literally how i feel any time i read this line. absolutely NOT
i think he's a great mirror type character for the mc depending on how much you draw on the default ra-on and their characterization, but more specifically their feeling of inferiority to solomon (which i take for my mc loyal). both the mc and bael are stuck filling in for a role for a king that neither feels they're well equipped for or were even born to hold and the fact that bael's so used to taking the fall that he's automatically ready to do it for you too is just. man. orz
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a-blip-of-billdip · 4 months
we need more ford haters in this fandom. this dude is a fucking loser. it has nothing to do with him being a nerd, and everything to do with him being a borderline narcissist who has ruined the lives of every single person he's come in contact with
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opashoo · 2 years
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OCtober Day 8+9: Emett and Rani Tuzanh, Sisters
The Pariah and the Paragon. Some things can't be fixed, but a closed fist can become a hand again.
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springboggle · 3 months
Also my bf didn't come down for Chinese because he shares his car with his family and they used it for something yesterday. I guess he didn't even think to Uber or Lyft down or yknow, use the other fucking car they have.
I ordered myself some Subway with the uber eats card I got from the doggy daycare interview, but I'm just retroactively pissed off. All week I was looking forward to Chinese with him. I treated myself but I'm about to start fucking working soon and Sundays will be my primary off day starting next week, now planning will be even more impossible. And he couldn't even find a way to have Chinese with me or something. Or just come at night and go somewhere else with me. Like, I'm legitimately trying to wrap my head around why he can't seem to find a way to make shit happen ever unless I take responsibility and pressure him to be an adult. No fucking thanks.
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eenasbabysmom · 1 year
A beautiful thing about this fandom is that we’ve come to a near universal agreement that in the 13 years of WWX being deaddeaddead, that JC obsessively carried JL everywhere in the cultivator’s boba baby wrap equivalent . . .
A less beautiful thing is that I have not yet encountered this in art form and therefore I am DISAPPOINTED in us.
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br1ghtestlight · 7 months
big bob is very interesting to me (YES i know he's in a total of two and a half episodes. let me have this) bcuz earlier in the show they definitely intended to protray him as an abusive alcoholic father who never cared about bob and always treated him horribly. and that's true to a certain extent
i think when they figured out everything w/ lily they leaned more into big bob being emotionally unavaliable and depressed/greiving and not really knowing how to be a good dad in a really traumatic situation + raising his son in the only way he knew how. not saying big bob was NEVER abusive or that he was a good dad but they definitely reconsidered how he was protrayed in later episodes. he's not cruel he's just a very Mentally ill fucked up old man who had no idea what he was doing raising a child in the 1970s and 80s as a single dad and restaurant owner
weirdly enough there are parallels between jimmy pesto and big bob vs bob and jimmy junior. and on that note do you think when jimmy jr is older they'll be called Big Jimmy and jimmy
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essektheylyss · 11 months
Would I be a calmer person if I was willing to dnf a book? Undoubtedly. But then I wouldn't get to deconstruct exactly what I don't like about the book for my own learning process, and I would lose out on some prime kvetching, so I think it levels out.
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