#sorry if this readmore doesn't show up on mobile everyone
thursdaysshepard · 7 years
Solas( 2,4,5), Sera (1), Cole (1,2), and Dorian (1,2) for Mahinnah! :D
hey! thank you for asking!! :D
DA companion+quizzy asks (under the cut for some lengthy rambles):
2. Did they agree with his opinions about spirits, that they were friends and trustworthy? If not, what did your inquisitor believe instead?
- Spirits were never a fearful topic to explore, and he appreciated Solas’s broad ideas and willingness to discuss mysteries of the Fade. However, he still couldn’t believe all of them were trustworthy even after Solas’s attempts at convincing. Some things in the Fade were better left alone.
4. Did your Inquisitor think of Solas as Fen’harel or did they continue to think of him as their companion, a friend, if he was one to them, even after discovering who he was?
- After the reveal Hinnah’s past opinions and feelings about Solas became so twisted up in everything he had once heard about Fen’harel. Separating the two was near impossible. He tried to continue and think of Solas as a friend, but next to someone thousands of years older and weary with experiences he could never share in, he felt disjointed and tiny, convincing himself the Inquisition had only ever been a gateway to Solas’s endgame. It was a strange kind of loss that left him angry for a long time.
5. What did they choose, stop Solas or attempt to redeem him, and what motivated their choice? Fear? Love?
- He chose redemption. Potentially having to kill Solas was never an option, even if, after all his other reasonings, some small, confused, afraid part of him still admired the wolf’s efforts his mother told him bedtime stories of. There had to be another way to restore Thedas, if only he could make him see. 
1. What did your Inquisitor think about the Red Jenny organization? Did they choose to be apart of it?
- Mahinnah didn’t jump at the opportunity, per say, but he did try (fail) to contain a lot of excitement. For a while after the events in Trespasser, he was part of a small Red Jenny cluster in Orlais with no specific aim, before traveling to Tevinter to aid in breaking up slavery where he could. Sometimes Sera would join him out of the blue, popping up and starting a conversation as if they had just seen each other yesterday, and other times his efforts were his own. He kept in contact with a few trusted other Jennies he met along the way. Some of them recognized him. For the others, he made up increasingly ridiculous stories about how he lost the arm.
1. Before Cole’s personal mission, how did your Inquisitor feel about him? Were they comfortable or uncomfortable around him?
- Hinnah took the side of the mages, so his introduction to Cole was not as personal as it would have been had he taken the templar route. It’s possible he could have been less wary regarding Cole’s presence if he had seen the boy’s kindness and unrelenting desire to help initially. Getting to know him was difficult, but Hinnah did his best to be gentle around him. He mostly saw Cole as a kind of starkly interesting background presence in the Inquisition, up until his origins and true nature of a spirit in a human’s body unraveled. He had never been uncomfortable around Cole to begin with, but after his personal quest he spent more time up above the tavern, having quiet conversations and listening when he needed to.
2. What did your Inquisitor think of Cole’s ability to see into people’s thoughts?
- It’s an odd thing, surely. Can all spirits do that? Then again, we’re not exactly certain what Cole is. Is it magic? I don’t necessarily mind, as long as he’s using it to help others. Perhaps this ability could help the Inquisition overall? Oh. No, no. Please tell me he’s not relating aloud what I just thought about Dorian, Creators, I take back everything, it’s not a useful skill and I hate it.
1. How does your Inquisitor feel about Tevinter? Did Dorian change their feelings at all about the Imperium?
- His feelings on Tevinter were mixed before meeting Dorian. He had always been fascinated by the culture and history, but their treatment of elves and the constant rumors and misconceptions colored his perspective. A changed outlook wasn’t something he actively fought against, however; negative perceptions grew softer the longer he knew Dorian, and began to understand Tevinter was something worth reviving.
2. How did your Inquisitor feel about the Necromancy specialization? Were they intrigued? Disgusted?
- More intrigued than anything. He understood it wasn’t the past souls of the dead coming back to reanimate the bodies, but rather spirits called down only temporarily to fight with them. Knowing your boyfriend could quite literally raise an army of the undead to assist them whenever he wants (and seeing those very much non-preserved undead alongside him) is something he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to.
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boncorner · 3 years
Character Analysis: Karamatsu
Conclusion before we start:
So I've recently gotten back into Osomatsu-san after being away for a long time, and I have just finished season 2, season 3, and seen the movie. This means that my memory of season 1 is a bit fuzzy, and season 2 may have taken me some time to fully process again.
Yesterday I decided to try and get back into roleplaying again, and of course, I would first have to break down Karamatsu's character before I could do that.
This analysis will not contain details about season 2, and keep in mind that I have yet to rewatch season 1, there may be things I need to look over again to remember or draw parallels to. This is purely from memory! In time I'll deep-dive for sure. Also keep in mind that I did this privately just to solidify the character for myself, so if anything seems hasty, it's because I was kinda spit-balling
But yeah, spoilers for season 1, 2 to some extent, 3 and also the movie!
Also sorry for the lack of a readmore, mobile Tumblr lost the rights to have them I guess,,
Season One Observations
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• Karamatsu is flashy and bothering everyone with his fashion-sense and catchphrases.
• His behaviour could be seen as narcissistic, but much more so delusional;
- He seems to almost live in a different world from everyone else, even saying things that have no relation to the topic at hand at all.
- He talks himself up like he's irresistible and that everything he does and comes up with is genius.
- He carries around a pocket mirror and continuously wears clothes with his own face on them.
• His relationship with his brothers is very poor, where they continuously forget about him, dismiss him or ignore him. It does sometimes go so far as to escalating to physical abuse, many times for no reason at all.
• However, his own relationship with his brothers is much different;
- He continuously seeks their approval, going so far as to do insane and dangerous things for the sake of them being happy (to comedic extents mostly)
- Despite all the abuse, he just takes it, and will despite it all, still go on about how they're all precious to him.
- Also when push comes to shove, he doesn't always come through for them either... It's more like he looks for their love than actually trying to actively achieve it, in these circumstances.
• Despite the love he shows towards them, he never does conform to their wishes and expectations. He continues on dressing and acting however he wants, despite their complaints.
• At the very end of the season, he shows to care deeply for his brothers once more, and showing a more sensible and responsible side of himself. He cares about them all intensely, and since Osomatsu doesn't take his role as the eldest seriously, he feels the need to step in and act it out in his place. There's clearly a disconnect between him and his brothers, but he will still do anything for them. Even go between them. It's shown that there's clearly more going on in that head of his than he lets on.
Current Thoughts
[Spoilers for the movie]
This behaviour could be a response to his lack of confidence as a teenager, where he was a scaredy-cat that sort of lingered behind everyone and never got his voice heard. It is clear that he eventually tried to "reinvent" himself, as seen when he joins drama class, despite clearly being shy, fragile and introverted.
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This could possibly be when he got introduced to the idea of acting.
Acting puts you in somebody else's shoes. It makes you feel less self-concious about yourself, if you can pull off an act that you're being somebody else. Roleplaying, living in the moment, feeling feelings that might not be your own.
However I don't necessarily think that he acts the way he does because he wants to pretend like he's hot shit. I believe that he truly believes that if he acts like he's got a great confidence, if he dresses in what he considers cool despite it feeling like a performance, and if he acts out a persona that is all those things he wishes he was... Then maybe he could truly become all those things. And maybe he'll become a happier, more fulfilled person this way, too.
He wants to be cool. But what he wants even more than that, is to feel good about himself.
Season 3 Observations+Thoughts
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[ Obvious spoilers, I'm skipping 2 since this has been building up]
• Karamatsu in this season is much more toned down. We rarely see him dress up for the sake of being flashy anymore, and if it happens, it's not very often. Comparing it to season 1, it's almost like it's 2 different people.
• The narcissism is practically gone, it seems like he's completely given up on it all, save for occasionally wearing the face-shirts. Perhaps a habit that's hard to break at this point? He does claim that he's handsome and doesn't understand why he's not popular, which seems a little out of nowhere with how not... Painful he's been this season. But it could make sense if you take into consideration what I wrote in the earlier post; he just wants to feel good about himself, and if he tells himself these things, maybe they'll come true, and maybe he'll actually feel that way.
• It's clear that Karamatsu now does things without consulting the others, and will actively avoid getting involved in anything stupid. Quitting while he's ahead you could say, he seems to have realised that whenever he joins in on their bullshit, he always seems to get shit on, or maybe he's just tired of it all. Maybe it's the depression getting worse. After all, he doesn't find what he used to get involved in to be funny anymore, he lacks energy, preferring to just read instead of engaging in conversations, and walks off on his own a lot, which is a clear sign of your mental health getting worse, depression or no.
A ton of the things I've spoken about up until this point could all come back to this episode, but really, it's just the episode where it all becomes a focus, even for just a moment.
• Exclusive-Matsu
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His response to this nickname was just perfect, perfectly summarising all his feelings towards his brothers and what they dare to demand from him. They've never cared about how he feels before, they've dismissed him and hurt him so many countless times, the idea that he'd just willingly open up to them is an incredibly selfish and thoughtless one, just because they're on a roll of shitting on each other. Yes this begins to be about pizza, but they are the ones that change the topic.
"Let's talk about you Karamatsu".
Why? Why now? They just want to shit on him, and it's all pointless anyway. They're trying to decide what to order for an imaginary situation that they can't go through with anyway.
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Again it comes back to his mental health steadily declining, and him just growing tired with trying when he doesn't get anything out of it. He tries to deflect and get away, but he fails, and he knows that them asking how he actually feels is not because they want to know how he actually feels, but rather just come down on him and criticize him. Criticize him for something that, let's be honest, they're partly to blame for. What goes around comes around, and this is the response they get.
Eventually he seems to calm down, and ends up changing the subject, possibly in an attempt to get away from the tense situation. The mood lightens up, and they end up fooling around. When the question about sushi comes up, he seems to have levelled enough with them to feel like he's able to relax and fool around again. Heartwarming? I wouldn't really say so. It's ignoring all the issues, not resolving anything, and it's a typical situation of an unhealthy family-situation, where you act like a fight just didn't happen and move on, because you have to, to keep the peace in your dysfunctional lives that you have to live together.
Again, he sacrifices himself for their sake. The things he was tired of doing, but perhaps some things just never change.
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We managed to go on a week long vacation with my gf's parents (in the house that belonged to her great-grandpa who won it on a game of cards, but that's another story) but god, at what cost
Our cat couldn't come with us on the grounds of my gf's mom being severely allergic, so we were waiting for The Roommate to come back so she could watch over her (and her own cat too), but after two weeks (of a supposedly ONE WEEK TRIP) she finally told us that she was only coming back TWO DAYS AFTER my gf's parents were supposed to be back so no fucking vacation for us I guess?
We wanted at least to spend a weekend away from this house that has been in the middle of a moving since GODDAMN MARCH full of boxes and trash everywhere, so we had everything set up for gf's uncle to come over and feed the cats for two days. Once we finally got to the vacation spot, The Roommate calls us to say that she got someone to watch the cats.
Time to drive ALL THE WAY BACK to relieve the aforementioned uncle from duty and bring our keys to the person who was supposed to watch the cats. Turns out it's this old judgy neighbour lady who was annoyed that we wanted to show her where the cat food and litter were, where we had made a neat pile of clean pet bowls and plates for them, the lists with how much and how many portions to feed them, our phone numbers... and then she got pissy because "[Roommate] said I only had to feed the cats once a day"
Anyway we reiterated the importance of getting the cats fed and their water changed twice a day, and hoped The Roommate had chosen a dependable person to take care of the cats
*narrator's voiceover* turns out, in fact, that she hadn't
Roommate calls us two days later to say that the catsitter called her with her panties in a twist because there were maggots in the cat food and she had to toss it all away, that she was calling another lady to pick up the catsitting, that in the end the new lady was going to buy more cat food, and and and
"It's okay, she handled it"
"But we have enough food, there's a metal box full of wet food and a full bag of kibble"
"It's okay, she handled it"
"We have to come back to town tomorrow to get our covid vaccine shots, if there's the need for more food we can stop by the pet shop on the way"
"It's okay, she handled it"
The gods gifted me with many virtues
Patience is not one of them
And at this point the gf was already restraining me to not yell at the phone, and we agreed on not stopping by on Monday to not stress the cats further with showing up and going away, and trusting the new caretaker, that had already watched over The Roommate's cat before, to not be a complete moron
We overestimated her
We came back today to find the new caretaker, who did not even invite us in for a coffee, all pissy about The Penny having bitten her this morning when "all I did was trying to pet her". She gave us back our keys and we walked into our apartment, where The Penny was already screaming her little lungs out
The apartment
Penny's litter box hadn't been cleaned, at all, ever since we left
She had one bowl of water instead of the two we had left
The tray we place her bowls on was FILTHY
And I don't know what the fuck was in her kibble bowl, but boy
It was NOT the kibble that we had prepared for the week and left in a glass jar right in front of the tray
We thought that was all, but nope! Walking into the kitchen made the nightmare even worse! The food that we had set aside for the cats, that the lady claimed was gone so fast because it was filling with maggots, was still sealed on the shelf with the little notes on how to portion it attached. We had laid out wet food for a week, of which not even HALF had been used, and The Roommate's cat's kibble didn't even seem to have been touched. Instead, there were two boxes and a bag of SHIT ASS cat food of a brand we had never seen before, full of grains and coloring and other bullshit, not to mention the bag of kibble for fixed cats. WE are responsible pet owners that fixed our baby as soon as she was old enough, but The Roommate refuses to do the same to her cat (that has been constantly in heat for a while, mind you) but feeds her kibble for sterilized cats. If you're wondering if this makes her cat underweight and low energy, well, BINGO! We had finally convinced her to change into better kibble, and this FUCKER comes around and buys this shit under the premise that "poor kitty cat had no food" while there were TWO BAGS IN THE KITCHEN AND PENNY'S JAR IN OUR ROOM
And the bowls. My good lord, the bowls.
Penny eats out of steel bowls that we wash after every meal, and the water one gets washed once a day. The Roommate isn't nearly as organized with her cat's stuff, but she keeps telling everyone who listens for at least ten seconds about how her cat's whiskers are particularly sensitive and therefore she cannot eat out of regular pet bowls (instead she keeps feeding the cat in plastic plates that only get washed once a blue moon but we'll get to that in another ranty post). We specified on the notes taped to the food shelf that she has to be fed on open plate, and what did the asshole do? WELL, OBVIOUSLY NOT THAT. She grabbed a random Penny bowl and filled it with kibble, another random Penny bowl and filled it with water. And completely ignored the tray we had laid out for the other cat, with her little plate and the wider water bowl, putting the "meal" she prepared on the kitchen counter instead
Unlike Penny's litter box, that hadn't seen a scoop since we left the house, the other cat's stuff had been cleaned. Once. And the bag with the litter trash was still open in the bathroom for everyone to see and smell, because obviously, it's not like the cat would maybe just maybe like to have a room that doesn't smell of her own fucking shit, specially if said room is right besides the one where she sleeps
Now it's the following morning and I'm still seething, I cannot believe the fucking audacity. We would happily (okay, maybe not happily, but we definitely would) skip the vacation if there was no one to watch the cats. They're little living creatures that need attention, and we happily provide when we're around. It's not a crime to say "I can't watch over your pets, sorry", it doesn't make you a horrible, rude, inconsiderate person. You know what does, though? ACCEPTING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SOMEONE'S PET AND DOING A SHIT ASS JOB OF IT
We laid out everything. We left clean bowls and plenty of kibble and wet food. We left clean scoops to clean their litter boxes. We explained everything and literally left a phone number taped to the food shelf in case they needed us for anything. Instead, the first bitch called The Roommate to complain and the second one just deadass did whatever the fuck she wanted (also I'm convinced that she was overfeeding the cats kibble and not giving them wet food to avoid maggots instead of, you know, sticking around until the cats finished eating and putting the food away when they did. Which means The Penny gained weight in this week, a LOT of it). And ignoring the things we had prepared and explained with so much care to 1) make their lives easier and 2) MAKE IT AS SAFE AND NOT STRESSFUL FOR THE CATS AS POSSIBLE.
We've been home for twelve hours and Penny still hasn't stopped being whiny, which I'm pretty sure is only partly because she is annoyed at us for spending a long time away, but also because she has been bored out of her mind, since these people act like cats are part of the furniture and don't need attention besides some horrible slop thrown into their food bowls. Our cat missed having play time with her wand toys, hanging out with us while we watch tv, eating together (obviously, her having a little bowl of cat food while we eat human food, that we do NOT give her because we aren't stupid), sleeping in the same bed. Of course you're not mandated to do that if you're just hopping by to check on the cats and give them food, but don't act like they're furniture and then get pissy when they try to bite you because they're under stimulated! CATS NEED TO HUNT, and if you don't provide a prey in the form of a toy they're gonna hunt your fucking fingers, and my only regret is that Penpen didn't rip that asshole's hand off
I don't think there is a point to this post, I'm just angry and annoyed and frustrated, but typing everything out in an angry rant is better than yelling and scaring my already sad toebean of a cat, I guess?
Anyway if you read all of this I'm sorry and have a picture of Her Catship The Penny Dreadful
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twlvie · 4 years
(read: tumblr mobile nerfed the readmore button)
i love my ffxii 'everyone lives but gets really, really weird au' because of some reasons
highlights: also, please read every part of this as if its' happening in a slice of life sitcom. that's how i see it and its also funnier that way
vayne is pronounced "dead" by the government (read: larsa telling everyone he's dead so he doesn't force himself to work) and lives in the archadian palace as a practical cryptid, zargabaath sees him once sneaking through the halls and almost faints because he thinks he's seen a ghost (after his 'posession' by venat his hair grows in white-grey, and he practically looks half dead once the mist leaves him, further cementing the fact that he looks like a ghost
venat personally obliterates the sun cryst and enjoys every second of it, they still attack gabs bcos they think he's trying to defend it tho. they later figure out that that was Not the case but ! whoopsies !! give it a few centuries and they will feel less bad about it
gabs now has to deal with two solidor scoundrels™,, and he is obviously in NO STATE... to deal with either of them because vayne is Absolutely Fucking Horrible at being dead and larsa is a literal child emperor who is doing his best
it's heavily implied that on vayne's Very Important And Official Visits To Draklor, For Political Purposes, Definitely Not To Hang Out W/ The Homies literally all he did was accidentally break really fragile machinery to the point that almost all of the staff knew not to let him touch anything
balthier inherits the family manse and it turns out no part of it functions ever. it's all highly mechanized but since The Father was practically living in draklor for the past 6 years it's fallen into a Bit Of Disrepair and nobody Quite Knows How to Fix It
vossler's life might be one small catastrophe to the next but he hasn't made an expression in like 10 years anyways so nobody can tell if it bothers him. basch might but if he does he doesn't mention it to anybody because gods forbid vossler INCONVENIENCES SOMEONE,,,
basch n noah get back on 'speaking terms' re: they literally make up lost time by being absolute rascals as if they were still 16 . this amuses nobody but ashe and larsa who think it's literally the funniest shit known to man.
fran becomes a viera ambassador after finally convincing jote that working in tandem with humes will help them as a whole. unfortunately she very often disappears for weeks at a time only to show up with a different, significantly more tricked-out hoverbike every time
anders/alexandra (balthier's mom, in hc,, where he got the pirate blood from) didn't die! whoops! just kind of disappeared after her private aircraft went down in the salikawood and was pronounced dead but nobody finds this out until far later and she just Shows Back Up In Archades one day like 'wassup ive been living in sochen and phon as a hunter for the past 8 years. sorry about your like whole childhood kid' and balthier just . . turns around and walks back inside like. this is enough bullshit for one lifetime ..
vaan gets a ship and names it the tiamat, penelo paints a dragon on the side of it, they become rlly mysterious sky pirates that work out of balfonheim [balthier voice]: they grow up so fast ............ :')
ashe brings in a bunch of the dalmascan lowtown kids and their parents into the palace in rasler's name, if vaan and penelo came from the slums and helped save all of ivalice, imagine what these kids could do for their future
rasler, raminas, and reks still die which makes me sad but quality of life wise i couldn't see a way to keep reks alive half dead and poisoned/raminas needed to die to progress the plot at all/rasler also had to die to let the plot advance and also like. ashe needed righteous anger in there im SORRY boys :'(
reddas helps vaan out a little bit and practically becomes vaan and penelo's dad. they love being pirates and since they're knew they get into some close scrapes but always miraculously get out of it fine... definitely not with the help of a certain pirate king...
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vaiyamagic · 5 years
So, my roommate has been trying to get me to play the Mass Effect original trilogy since we moved in together, like, 3 years ago, because I like Dragon Age so much. I tried for a while and hated the combat system. And I mean, hated. Managed to just barely force my way to the Citadel and leave again and I was done.
He continued to kind of prod at me with, "It's not about the combat, it's the story and characters that make the game." To which I would concede but add, "But I can't get over the combat to GET to the characters and story."
He lets it go for a while, but brings it back up a couple months ago. I say the usual, and jokingly add, "I mean, unless you wanna play the game for me, and I just tell you where to go and what dialogue options to choose."
He is silent for a moment, and finally says, "You know... that could work."
So, long story short, I (we) finished playing the trilogy unofficially a couple days ago and officially tonight. (We beat ME3 a few days ago, but downloaded the Citadel DLC after and finished that tonight.)
I really enjoyed it. And enjoyed playing it like we did. (And he's agreed to play Dragon Age in a similar fashion, with me playing and him choosing, as he has not played more than getting to Ostagar in DA:O)
SO! I feel like showing off my Shepard! (That was actually the point of this post.) ((You can't see it, but she has a ponytail.))
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ME1: Colonist/War Hero. Vanguard. All paragon. Got all party members, let Rachni queen live, talked Wrex down, left Kaiden to die (at the roommate's request, because his playthru he saved Kaiden, and wanted to see an Ash survivor,) romanced no one (because I already knew Garrus was romancable, but was NOT aware that he was not an LI until the 2nd game, and roommate failed to correct my assumption until it was too late.) Did not like that the Consort touched my face.
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ME2: Mostly Paragon, but started picking a few renegade options there. Hates that Cerberus got rid of her lip scar when they reconstructed her. Every time someone was like, "You're working for Cerberus?" She insisted that, at best, she was working WITH them, and does not trust them at all, and really just needs their resources to save the galaxy. Again. Got all party members, including the DLCs. Lost Kelly and half the crew, but mamaged to keep all the actual playable party members alive on the suicide mission. (Roommate said he had to bite his tongue a few times with some of my decisions in the final mission, but it seemed to work out ok.) Romanced Garrus, but I was really tempted to go for Thane for a while there. Was not too fond of Samara. Or Miranda. Liked Jack. Liked her more once she put a shirt on. Loved Mordin. Her first fish died. She managed to keep the second group alive. Every store on the Citadel is her favorite. (How is doing that Paragon???)
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ME3: 1008% done with the galaxy's shit. Why does no one listen to her? Still mostly paragon, but renegade seeps through because seriously, wtf people. Do you want to save the galaxy or not???? Still bitter about her lip scar. Garrus romance all the way baby. Cured the Genophage. Lost Mordin. Lost Thane. Thane she saw coming. Mordin, she did not. Somehow managed to glitch Kasumi's mission so that she didn't return for the Citadel DLC. Started to like Miranda. Still meh about Samara. Realized Anderson was basically a father to her... Too late. :( Both hate and love Javik in equal measure. Didn't like James at first, but grew on her. Beat his pullup record. Saved the galaxy by making everyone have green glowing eyes and giving the plantlife circuitry. Feels really bad about leaving Garrus alone. (I may or may not have come up with a fix-it to bring her back because damnit, she deserves a happy ending!)
If you managed to read to the end, wow. Sorry there's no readmore cut, I'm on mobile. If you somehow want to know more, feel free to ask. I'll answer all questions, assuming tumblr doesn't eat them, as I suspect it does....
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