booperbeanv3 · 8 months
I love your June art so much. :3 perhaps June and vriska?
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spider8reath more like spider8oo8ies haha
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spoopdeedoop · 2 years
I asked another artist for this but wanna see it in your style too, could we get a turtle tot- em pole? Ralph on bottom then Donnie then Leo then the baby Mikey all with silly lil faces? Pwetty pweeze 🥺
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they r silly
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teal-skull · 1 year
Jeretoniinia? No perkele, kyllä täältä pesee:
Jeretoniini (subsantiivi) [ˈjereˈtoni:ni]
Mielihyvää tuottava kemikaali, joka virtaa aivoissa, kun ajattelee vantaalaista räp-artistia Jere Pöyhöstä eli Käärijää esimerkiksi katsomalla kuvia ja videoita, joissa hän hymyilee tai nauraa. Jeretoniinia voi saada myös kuuntelemalla Käärijää. (Liittyviä sanoja: Kts. Käärityt aivot.)
"Mul on puutetila Jeretoniinist."
"Mielenkiintona Jeretoniini, ja Tumblr."
(Alla joitain mun screenshotteja, jotka voisivat antaa Jeretoniinia)
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Ja lopetan tämän postauksen kaupallisiin tiedotteisiin: Jerenix, on Jeretoniini...
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moruboru · 9 days
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answer u smoke too tough. your swag too different. your bitch is too bad. theyll kill u...........
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defiledtomb · 1 year
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ok who woke the bear
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ikilledtvguy · 4 months
Hey!!! I love your art can you draw five x seven where sevens trying to flirt but theyre like a total dork and not smooth at all
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catmanbowser · 2 years
thoughts on konbart...........
Mgngmgnngngngm yeah......yeah...i love them...they're the duo everyone deserves to know and witness
Just guys being dudes. The two silly homies yknow?
Just kon-el n bart allen
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They are so very dear to me…
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fearoffun · 6 months
hi there!! there isn’t a need to publish this ask I literally just am so curious if you had any resource or tutorial regarding your neocities! I’m sorry if this is so out of the blue but I saw your site and really adored the layout!! I’m specifically just wondering about the method you used for your blog posts - I’ve found some recommended ways to do it but i feel like yours is integrated really well imo :) also if you’re not comfortable answering or anything that’s totally fine lol pls don’t feel obligated. lastly your art is so gorg!!!
i'm finally going to answer this ask...!! it's going to be a very long read so i'll keep it all under this cut
i know you are specifically curious about the blog posts page but i figured this was a great time to thoroughly explain my website layout too since i had another person asking about it (i'll put that at the bottom though) :D
please bear with me btw because i... i have never made a tutorial like this before LOL
blog posts guide
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1. scrollbox
i made a super low effort format for my blog entries. i honestly just wanted it to be a super simple scrollable box with all of my entries being in one general place. CSS to do this, i created an all encompassing <div class> that had the styling property of overflow.
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fyi, i also added a <div class> within the scrollbox class that would handle the padding but TBH i'm not sure... i needed to make an entire class for that LOL REFERENCES - scroll box
2. date & time
HTML ok honestly i just used a <p> element and made it bold....
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3. images (optional)
HTML i don't always attach an image to my entries but when i want to, i use this <div class> that sits below my date & time. i style it with an <img class> that i created and add an <alt text> too to make it more accessible!
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CSS this is what the <img class> looks like. i like my images centered and on their own "line."
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4. status
HTML again, another <div class> specifically made for the status. i just made the font size smaller to visually differentiate it from the actual entry itself.
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5. blog entry text
HTML my blog entries are simply typed up between <p> tags and i use <br> to start a new line... it literally just looks like this LOL....
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THAT'S ALL...>!!!!!! :)
website guide
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1. general page layout
HTML in order to establish where i want all of my blog's content to lie, i created a <div class> specifically to store it all.
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CSS the styling for it is pretty simple! just setting a max-width to limit the size of everything that will be in it and also centering the page with the margin.
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2. sidebar
HTML my sidebar just comprises of a heading tag and navigation links.
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CSS this is all personal taste aside from the fixed position
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REFERENCES - fixed sidebar - responsive sidebar
3. main content
HTML because everything is stored in the <div class="content">, the sidebar and the page contents are limited to the constraints of the it.
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that is all pt. 2...... bless <3
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mixtercandy · 1 year
Can I request a Mincinno?
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Yes you may!! such a simple design but so cute!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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asexualkiba · 5 months
kankuro vs hinata (for the ask game)
what thats so hard!! think it's her but omg
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make me choose!
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whompthatsucker1981 · 8 months
I feel like a lot of this can anti ai sentiment can also be boiled down to people worshipping auteurship and clout. Its like people have a weird hierarchical relationship with art where Artists with Things to Say are imparting culture on the masses and the ideas presenting in such works Must Be Revered. When the creation of art is intrinsically contextual and requires a dialectical relationship between artist and audience. meaning is created in the dialogue. Culture is made in the sharing and not every artist is going to cite or even remember all their inspirations. Like why does credit matter for non-commercial works where we're not considering fair compensation for labour input?
I think it's kind of disappointing to see that people are so poisoned by this Big Wig IP propaganda that's all about protecting the sanctity of auteurship when art is inherently collaborative. Movies are made with whole cast and crews, huge installations often have helping hands setting up and helping with manufacturing. Most notably, all artists will be inspired by other artists and be incorporating styles and aesthetic sensibilities from those that came before them. Even Picasso "inventing" cubism wouldn't have happened without exploring abstraction found in African art. There's nothing that AI does that's intrinsically that different from manual artists, other than the incorporation of machine logics which is an exciting and developing field of interest and culturally on our minds. Medium is the message etc etc sorry it got long bestie x cheers
yeag ^
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treasury-secretary · 18 days
Soree about ur finished paperwork…
I eated it all🤭
It can't have been palatable. The ink hadn't dried.
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rpfisfine · 5 months
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paleiido · 3 months
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Hey 🦭
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eastend-if · 2 months
join? like a hive mentality?
No like melting into them :) Getting buried alive , etc.
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months
I DUCKKNG FOUND UR TIMNLR ACCOUNT 🫵🫵🫵 I just wanted to say I lode ur fics so much I hold a special place in my heart for berrywrites ao3
??????? woah hi!???? /pos thats literally wild dude thank you?????? omg ??
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