#sp vampire craig
beaniebabz · 1 year
Creek Turned AU
I tried doing something a little bit different, so please let me know what you think! Also, if anyone has any suggestions for titles that would be great cause ya girl was struggling HARD. Anyway, I hope you all like it! 🫶🫶🫶
The wind howled in the night. Lightning crashed and boomed in the sky of charcoal-colored clouds, while raindrops heavier than stone rattled against glass panes. Safely indoors, Tweek Tweak sat cross-legged and alone, wrapped in a fleece blanket. He was one of the few people awake at this time, his roommate Jimmy sound asleep in his bedroom. The boy sat hunched over on his couch, flat from years of use, while gingerly holding his fifth cup of coffee. 
Besides the occasional bolt, the only source of light inside the murky room was the TV. If you asked him, he probably couldn't even tell you exactly what was playing. No, the sleep-deprived boy was mentally going through his thunderstorm checklist. Created from information gathered from online articles, this routine, meant to protect his household, is practically carved into his mind.
Whenever this were to happen, Tweek wanted to make sure of two things; Stay away from metal tubing, and openings to the outdoors. He made this abundantly clear to Jimmy every time the sky began to roar. Being near water pipes was not allowed until the gloomy weather subsided. Tweek even brewed his evening pot of coffee in advance. He checked that all of the seats in the two boy’s apartment were away from any exterior exit, including their beds. Even now, Tweek was sitting in the rightmost corner of the worn sofa, as far away from the external chaos as he could be in the living room. 
Tweek’s head whipped towards the window at the sound of rapid tapping. The lack of light forced him to squint to try to make out the root of the noise. A stroke of electricity then raced across the glass and illuminated the source. The boy’s startled expression turned horrified when the flash briefly revealed the silhouette of a looming figure, crouched down and hanging onto a ledge. He let out an ear-splitting shriek at the sight and bolted toward his bedroom. In his panic, Tweek hurled both his drink and quilt across the room; the cup flying into the television and shattered its screen into a sea of sparks. 
The boy slammed his bedroom door shut and flipped the lock. He panted breathlessly as he sat slumped against the door, fists tangled in his mangy flaxen hair. In his frenzy, he didn't get a good look at who or what was trying to come inside. Now that he thought about it…
“…What the fuck was that?"
Tweek racked his brain to try to decipher what it was he was dealing with. If he remembers correctly, whatever it was had long angular legs and slender fingers. Something that large couldn't have been an animal, which meant it definitely was a person. The concept made the boy's sweat turn cold. What was a random stranger doing at his home at four in the morning? How did they even get there? Unless… it wasn't human.
The young boy was no newcomer to the world of the supernatural. The stories surrounding them had always interested him growing up, the certainty that monsters were simple folklore proved to be a pleasant distraction from the constant stress he endured. However, what Tweek saw in the rain flushed all of that previous comfort away. Its nighttime appearance, its ability to climb onto high places, all of the form’s characteristics reminded Tweek of what he read about vampires. He decided to consult his encyclopedia just to be sure. 
Tweek scampered over to his shelf to consult the book. He wiped the carpet of dust off its cover, coughing from the fluttering particles. His fingers grazed its leather cover and golden imprinted lettering. It brought back memories of his teenage years. He purchased the almanac after he saw the movie Twilight, as a way to defend himself just in case pointed-toothed Casanovas infested his school’s campus. Tweek flicked open the guide and quickly scanned its pages. Reading the entry on vampires and connecting it to what he saw, the boy concluded that he was most likely dealing with a fanged merciless creature of the night. He continued to read the chapter. It said that these beings can only come inside if they are invited. As long as Tweek didn't do that, he and Jimmy would be safe. 
The boy decided to confront the unknown intruder with the courage he scraped from this newfound information. The book stated that holy objects repel devilish fiends, so he brought his silver rosary for protection. As Tweek tiptoed out of his bedroom, gripping his necklace, his mind flooded with worry. What if the encyclopedia instructions were wrong? What if the brute was already inside lurking about, waiting for the perfect chance to strike? Or even worse, what if Tweek got bitten and was forced to slaughter people for eternity? Not only does that seem absolutely revolting, but Tweek couldn't even fathom the number of STDs he would get from drinking the blood of complete strangers. 
The floorboards creaked beneath Tweek’s feet as he tiptoed into the living room. The lightning had stopped, and the flatscreen was smashed, leaving the room in an eerie black void. The darkness was so strong that the boy could no longer see the visitor perched outside. He opted to turn on the lamp that stood near the right side of the sofa; Tweek wanted to be as far away from the invader as possible. As he reached for the lamp's switch, he paused at the ding of more tapping coming from the window, promptly accompanied by a male voice. 
“Tweek? Can you let me in, I’m freezing my ass out here.” 
The blonde could swear the man sounded familiar. His tone was dull and nasal, almost as if he had the flu. It reminded him of Craig Tucker, an old comrade who has been missing for weeks. Now curious, Tweek clicked the lamp on. His morpho blue eyes were dumbfounded at the sight of his lost buddy. Why was he here of all places? The two weren’t very close despite sharing many friends. Tweek decided to abandon his initial assumption that the foreigner was of the occult, he was certain that Craig wouldn't hurt him. 
“Dude, stop staring and let me inside.” 
Craig’s blunt statement yanked Tweek out of his thoughts. He was standing zoned out while staring at the boy… who was still sitting in the cold. 
“Oh geez, I'm sorry!” he apologized. 
Tweek darted to the window to let him in. As soon he twisted the latch open, Craig instantly started to wiggle his way inside to escape the downpour. In his haste, the boy's drenched sneakers slipped on the ledge and he tumbled onto the floor with a curse and a weighted thud.
“Agh, I'm sorry Craig! Are you okay?” 
“Stop apologizing. I'm fine, just help me up.” His lips were downturned in a sour expression. 
Tweek scurried down to assist Craig, who grimaced in pain upon their immediate contact. The skin of his palm sizzled from Tweek’s rosary; He had forgotten to set it down. Craig kneeled on the floor while he gripped his burning palm.  
“What the hell, man! Why are you holding that?!” he hissed. 
Tweek was on the verge of shouting yet another apology when he glimpsed two short pearly white daggers on the inside of Craig's mouth. He almost tripped over his feet trying to retreat from the boy, screaming and holding his necklace to his chest as he backed away. Tweek's mouth was aghast as he gawked at Craig. He was wrong in deserting his plan, and because of that now he was doomed to be an undead nightcrawler who treats people like human Capri-Suns. 
“You’re a fucking vampire?! This is why you wanted me to let you in, so you could eat me!” 
“Tweek, calm down. I'm not going to eat you; I just need somewhere to lay low for a bit. You’re always up late, so I came here. Besides, you drink so much coffee I bet your blood tastes like shit anyway.” Craig reasoned.
Tweek felt somewhat comforted by the boy's insult. He had forgotten how vulgar he could be. At least he wasn't going to get killed.
“Alright then, I believe you… for now. I’ll go grab a towel for you, and something for your hand.”
The nappy-haired boy stood up and set out for the items. He grabbed a towel, a dampened cloth, and a gauze bandage. When he returned with the objects, Craig had moved to stand in the center of the room by the coffee table. His pain seemed to subside a bit since his face shifted from aching to a simple furrowed brow. He also stopped cradling his injury. Tweek approached the boy and presented him with the chilled cloth and gauze. 
“Aren’t vampires supposed to have regeneration powers? I figured you would have healed already.” Tweek questioned. 
“Stuff like that only happens in the movies. I have noticed that my body does heal faster than normal, but it still takes a while.” Craig replied. 
A shower of silence fell over the room. Tweek settled as Craig continued to mend his wound. In the meantime, the boy seized the opportunity to finally get an in-depth look at his friend's face. He really hasn’t seen him in a long time, no one has. At first, their group didn't question it. Everyone simply shrugged it off as Craig being Craig, including Tweek. The loner always was the kind of person to not care about others and just disappear as he pleased. However, as time went on with no word from him, the group began to worry that something awful happened. They were all dwelling on his whereabouts, but no one could track him. Tweek knew that this was the reason. 
Still watching on, the caffeine-addict couldn’t help but notice Craig's appearance. While the boys were both fair-skinned, compared to Tweek, the ghouls' skin was a moonlike gray. His eyes were surrounded by dark circles so intense they rivaled Tweek's own. Besides that, oddly not much else had changed. While the color from his complexion had drained, his eyes stayed their rich forest green. The fierce shadows now made them glisten, like wet tree leaves. His ebony locks were the same as well, if not a little longer. Once again, Tweek’s musings were interjected. 
“Okay, dude, I know this whole situation is weird, but you seriously need to stop staring.” Craig remarked. 
“Ngh, I'm sorry…again. It’s just so weird to see you like this. Everyone is worried about you. You just disappeared.” Tweek fiddled with his hands while he spoke. 
“Well, if you couldn’t tell, I've been a little busy.” Craig gestured towards himself sarcastically.
“Yeah, and you still haven’t told me why.” 
Craig did not respond. He soon finished wrapping his burn anyway, so Tweek passed him the second towel. They then moved to sit on opposite ends of the couch. Craig wrapped himself in the borrowed towel, tucking it under his legs at the insistence of Tweek, while said boy sheathed himself in his recovered blanket. The two sat in utter quiet. Tweek attempted to break the tension. 
“Why won’t you tell me what happened to you?” 
“Because I don't want to talk about it.” 
“Okay… Well then how did you end up at my window?” 
“I told you that already.” 
“No, you said you needed somewhere to “lay low for a bit”. You never told me why.” 
Tweek's question was left unanswered again. Craig wasn’t even looking at him, instead staring at the living room's decor. His lack of communication made Tweek want to scream until his voice gave out. It was bad enough that the anxious boy wasn’t skilled at keeping a conversation, but Craig's refusal to communicate was making an already awkward evening unbearable. Tweek was at his wit's end, the vein in his forehead swelling up like it was about to burst. 
“You’re such an asshole, you know that?!” he squawked. 
“I’m the asshole? You’re the one who burnt my fucking hand!” Craig shot a dirty glare in Tweek's direction. 
“That wasn’t on purpose! Ngh… this is all your fault! You came knocking outside my home in the middle of a storm and scared me so badly I smashed Jimmy's TV!” 
Tweek unclenched the grip he had on his hair at the thought of his roommate. He was so caught up in this whole situation that he completely forgot about Jimmy. What was he supposed to tell him when he saw that his flatscreen was destroyed? Tweek wanted to collapse in on himself and disappear. It felt like he was sitting inside against his bedroom door all over again. 
“Jimmy…He’s going to be so mad at me. I’ll get thrown out for sure…” Tweek muttered to himself as he rocked back and forth.
“Wait, Jimmy lives here? You don't live alone?” 
“Live alone? Do you seriously think I could live alone? Oh my God I’m going to have to live alone…” 
“Snap out of it man. He can’t find out that I'm here.” 
Just as Tweek was about to question Craig's statement, he heard a door creek open down the hall. As if on cue, Jimmy must have finally heard them arguing and come to investigate.
“How does he stay asleep during the TV smashing but wake up because of an argument? Can you believe that, Craig…” 
Tweek's sentence trailed off when he turned around. The window was agape and the vampire was gone, as mysterious and sudden as when he appeared.
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orangeamoeba · 11 months
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vampire creek ….. :)
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shruvski · 11 months
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Some oodily doodilies 🫠
Insta: https://instagram.com/shruvski?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
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sakuraxkamiki · 10 days
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✨Couple hours early for me : Happy Birthday, Kyle {Matt]💕
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delivish · 9 months
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Been a little quiet on here because I've been so busy, but look at this absolute BANGER of a commission by @4tkk1797!!!! THANK YOU AGAIN!! TKK is super talented and awesome, and everyone should go commish them!! 💕 Vampire! Creek, based off my fic!! Please go follow TKK and check out their Ko-fi!! Artist: TKK!! Ko-fi: HERE!! TYSM!! 💕
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cherrygloomz · 1 year
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Silly goofy South Park doodles 🫶
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khanaborisyuk · 1 year
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God... Vampire au cryle is soo good i swear 😭
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thetidmouthcompany · 8 months
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The last edits for now, once again by JordyPorgie.
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gender-thief2 · 7 months
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i made this because the template was too perfect (most of these are jokes/headcanons)
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zorzaa · 11 months
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Posting this before I'll decide it looks ugly
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reconnectsp · 1 year
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fthrrabies · 1 year
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panicatthecourtx · 30 days
☆ We are a decently established discord roleplay group who just did an entire plot restart and are looking for new members to fill some much wanted character roles! ☆
☆ Must be 18+, this is non-negotiable as most members are 19 or above.
☆ NO drama will be tolerated. We ask everyone to have fun, but please be respectful of how others portray their characters.
☆ ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18 OR OLDER!! Unless they are a younger sibling, the rest will be 18!!
☆ We do use the Tupper bot as well!
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《Characters currently being played》
Tweek - Craig - Stan - Kyle - Kenny - Cartman - Wendy - Bebe - Kevin Stoley - Pete Thelmen - Henrietta - Annie Knitts - David Rodriguez - Clyde Donovan - Trent Boyett - Bridon - Davey Harrison - Gary Harrison - Christophe - Gregory - Tricia Tucker - BloodRayne(Katie) - Karen McCormick - Michael(Tall Goth) - Pip Pirrup - Damien Thorn - Red - Ike - Jimmy - Heidi - Butters- Mercedes - Porsche - Charlotte - Lizzy - Rebecca Cotswold -
【Active Ships】
Creek, Stary, Kyvid, Bendy, Kenman, Hennie(henriettaxannie), Gregstophe, Revin, Mercyde(Mercedes x Clyde), Brete( Bridon x Pete) and Dip.
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Tolkien Black - Timmy Burch - Scott Malkinson - Mike Makowski - Firkle - Nichole Daniels - Thomas (Le Petit Tourette) - Estella Havisham - Leslie Meyers - Nelly - Bradley Biggle - Shelly Marsh - Jenny Simmons ‐ Lola - Jason White - Alejandro White - Timmy- Pocket - Spencer Hollis- Brimmy - Josh (Hannibal Kid)- Dogpoo- Bradley (Cartman Sucks)- Corey Lanskin- Davey Solokov - Jessica Rodriguez- Marc Cotswolds- Sophie- Tammy- Tommy- Ferrari- Heather- Lexus- Allison- Annie Gelson- Larry- Ravyncrowe- Ryan- Vladimir- Amanda Harrison- Dougie- Flora- Filmore- Jeni - Jenny Harrison- Kevin McCormick- Mark Harrison- Billy Miller
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Any character will be accepted, even if one is not listed! Just let us know what character you want, and that's fine! We are 100% okay with background characters, too. Just let us know exactly who! Otherwise, it's free to choose! You may even choose an adult/parent if you would like, but please let us know due to certain plot points!
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bloddyp0pp · 9 months
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Finally, THIS TAKE ME 2 DAYS, this is Zombie Craig and Vampire Tweek (monster au) I hope you like it
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rainychaii · 1 year
I made a short vampire!tweek x craig comic please be nice about it Ive never done this before🙏 😭
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plugnuts · 1 year
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Six count ‘em six South Park bbies
Original (rough) wbf sketches under the cut:
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