#specifically about teruko and fyodor and fukuzawa and-
cut-out-paper-stars · 3 months
may I offer you some fukufuku in these trying times
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kitkatnerds3 · 9 months
I have not finished the episode yet but I've just gotten to the Fukufuku backstory (specifically the part where they just met and its night and they're lying on the floor together) and, these two are fucking dark timeline Renga from sk8! 'The way of the sword is enjoyable!' and 'I'm going to master the sword alongside you' vs 'skating is fun!' and 'I want to skate with you infinitely' I swear Fukuchi even did the same hand movement that Reki did at some point. Energetic sunshine (at least at the moment) x calm and collected. I am getting such strong Renga vibes from that scene and it's driving me insane.
DONT DO SYMBOLISM WITH THE FUCKING BIRDS YOU DUMB SHOW! I SEE WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING DOING! For context, they were having a conversation but the focus was on these two egrets? herons? anyways, and then one of them just flew off when Fukuchi said that he was gonna be promoted and sent to the battlefield , which is what separated these two. I'm going to die, I'm not entirely sure why but I am. /pos
Fuck it, I'm committing to the live blog. enjoy seeing my live uncut reactions folks!
The animation is so pretty bro, bones adores their old man yaoi.
Ok, old man yaoi backstory is over , and before I move on to the next thing I just wanna say, young Fukuzawa was so fucking cute! He was an old man even when he was a baby! he was adorable! and honestly so was Fukuchi! I'm very sad that he became the way he is now, war really does stuff to people, huh?
Ok I'm a little bit confused, I didn't realize that he had told that United Nations guy the half-truth. But whatever, that's on me I guess.
God, Fukufuku are so gay. I know that stabbing someone isn't exactly romantic but he Fukuzawa did the thing where you grab onto the other persons clothes and after Fukuchi stabbed him his head ended up resting on his chest. This is PEAK romantic tradgedy.
Teruko, I love you. She looks so pretty and she is so hecking smart and I just adore her. She let Atsushi go! Woohoo!! Also, Atsushi's hallucinations are really coming in full force, huh? He is seeing so many people.
Dazai and Sigma are so silly, I love them, Dazai stop flirting for two fucking seconds challenge. Also, it's fun to hear that Dazai is screwing around with Sigma while thinking of Kunikida! Truly every ship is being fed this season! Except sskk, but we did get Aku in Atsushi's hallucinations doing a thing so that's kinda a win for the gays!
Wow! What a nice elevator! I'm sure nothing bad will happen here!
Oh catgirl, you left us too soon.
I must say, I don't really have much to say on the Meursault section. It was good! The animation was great as it usually is for the Meursault sections, Sigma was so pretty I love him and! Dazai did the thing where he played with Sigma's hair! Woo! Fyodor was his usual level of kinda ugly in anime form, Dazai is showing emotions! more of the sillies, Dazai fucking stood on Sigma, which is delightful, aaaaaaand it's started to flood! Fuck!
Anyways, back to the very start of this episode before I was overcome by the homosexual-ness of Fukufuku, Aya Bram Kunikida and Tanizaki got yoinked! Fuck! I still have a theory that Tanizaki could be doing an illusion and I will make a post about it one day. And also, please excuse me for saying this because while I am still upset about Ranpo being hurt... watching Fukuchi pick him up by the scruff of his neck like a cat was kinda hilarious. Also, Teruko I love you. You're the only hunting dog that heard about Fukuchi's real identity and didn't immediately die. Girlboss fr. Also also, where are Lucy Kyouka and Yosano :D? W-where did they go? Asagiri please I need to see my girls.
And to once again revisit the old gays, Holy Shit that was so gay. Nobody told me that the Fukufuku backstory was a Sports Anime tm that turned into a war drama in the second season! I knew we said they were divorced but I never realized just how married they were before the separation! Wow! Fukuzawa smiled so softly at Fukuchi! They were such sweet kids! Aagh!
This was a good episode! I liked this! Excited for next Wungo Wednesday!
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amethystroselily · 2 years
/Bsd 104 spoilers/
(I’ve read it, but I don’t think most people have yet.)
Ok, so I’ve heard people say the island Fukuchi got deployed to is the same one where Yosano’s backstory took place. So I think I know where this is going.
I think we’re getting Fukuchi and Mori meeting next chapter. Because like, there’s no way they’re going to drop that piece of information and it not be relevant.
I think if he met Mori and saw what he was doing with Yosano or at least just heard about his ideas about the use of abilities, it make him more susceptible to Fyodor’s anti-ability user philosophy.
And like the timeline technically fits. I did the math (on the assumption Fukuzawa and Fukuchi were 14 during the original flashback (because that’s Asagiri’s go-to flashback age. And that’s just how Harukawa draws 14 year olds)) and it would only be like four years between Fukuchi and Fukuzawa falling out and Yosano’s backstory. I don’t know exactly what the timeline would be for how long he stayed there but considering this is around the most intense part of the war, and it seemed to be a very important battlefield, he might have been there that long. Or at least long enough to meet Mori. But like what if he was the commander ((?)I don’t know if that’s the right word), because I don’t think we ever actually saw who was in charge, just that Mori was the head of the medical division. WHAT IF FUKUCHI WAS MORI’S BOSS? (Kind of don’t think he met Yosano. But also she has a little bit of trauma induced amnesia already. I guess it’s possible she wouldn’t remember all of the details. Or like maybe he just didn’t really interact with her. Because he was rarely injured due to his ~fighting skills~.)
Also I still think Fukuchi probably met Teruko in the military pre-hunting dogs. Probably not there. But it might have been. He said he was taking a bunch of his students with him to the island.(edit: think I misread that specific part but oh well) I wonder if she was one of them. Wouldn’t it be fucked up if she was like the last one alive. Not super likely, but fun to think about.
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littencloud9 · 2 months
okay!!! so, these are very american instruments bc it was like four am when we did this, BUT:
fukuzawa: head band director
kunikida: drum major (plays clarinet)
dazai: trumpet
ranpo: xylophone (front ensemble/pit)
atsushi: baritone
jun'ichirou: color guard
naomi: color guard
yosano: trumpet (also the instrument doctor - she fixes all broken instruments)
kenji: either sousaphone or base drum (drumline)
kyouka: mellophone
haruno: marimba (front ensemble/pit)
katai: synthesizer (front ensemble/pit)
mori: color guard director (so sorry... the vibes...)
hirotsu: marching director
chuuya: originally trumpet but he can't be in the same section as dazai, so he switched to trombone
kajii: tenor drum (drumline)
akutagawa: timpani (front ensemble/pit)
tachihara: (alto) saxophone
gin: (base) clarinet
higuchi: baritone
kouyou: color guard (plays flute outside of marching band)
q: glockenspiel (front ensemble/pit)
fitzgerald: music director
melville: brass tech - comes and helps out brass specifically, played mellophone when he was in band
john: (alto) saxophone
mark (tenor) saxophone
lucy: trumpet
louisa: clarinet
lovecraft: color guard
margaret: mellophone
nathaniel: (wanted to play harp in pit) mellophone
poe: baritone
fukuchi: the retired band director who visits (drunk) and heckles the band
natsume: writes the drill for the band
fyodor: drum major (plays baritone & flute)
ango: drum major (plays clarinet)
sigma: flute
tecchou: (tenor) saxophone
jouno: marimba (front ensemble/pit)
teruko: trumpet
nikolai: color guard (but can also play snare drum)
bram: color guard (their show is about vampires)
ivan: sousaphone
pushkin: sousaphone
aya: baritone
mushitaro: sousaphone
shibusawa: flute
agatha christie: flute
... idk how this happened at 4am but... it did lol
oh my GOD AKSJFKFJ. im not familiar with band instruments but my brother is in band (symphonic tho not marching, but most instruments crossover) so i told all this to him. he heavily agrees. especially with kenji and the sousaphone + chuuya swapping sections + sigma and the flute! he says youre so correct for that HAHA
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feralshadowdemon · 2 months
IVAN, bram, fukuchi, and a fellow of your choice
woah. so many (this got pretty long, so click the keep reading to see all of them) ivan sexuality hc: gay, possibly demisexual/demiromantic(?) gender hc: transmasc/ftm (occasionally), cis (primarily) a more in-depth hc, however, is i think he honestly is so. he isn't connected to gender really, he likes he/him and that's what he's stuck with, but if he was in the right situation, he might experiment a ship i have with said character: shibusawa x ivan, which is almost entirely based off of aus, a BROTP i have with said character: i don't really have one? but ivan & pushkin deserved more screentime together. imo. a NOTP i have with said character: i don't like f.yovan at all personally. it just. doesn't work for me and never will most likely a random headcanon: he has tics!! it's a random headcanon i picked up one day but i've held it close to my heart since + body imagery issues would be real for him general opinion over said character: my beloved blorbo i picked up randomly after deciding to write him one day. he deserved way more screentime than when he got, i'm so curious about his past and also his dynamics with other characters besides fyodor? i want to see a conspiracy board of everything about him ever. wish i had more to say but canon doesn't have much to work with so i am cooking him in my little pan
bram sexuality hc: ace spectrum, male preference gender hc: he's probably cis for me. wish i had more to say about it but that's it a ship i have with said character: bram x lovecraft <3 a BROTP i have with said character: bram should interact with other older characters in bsd (hirotsu, fukuzawa, etc.) that's. that's my take a NOTP i have with said character: none a random headcanon: chronic pains even after regaining the rest of his body, possible mobility aid needed like a cane or such general opinion over said character: i loved him since i saw him! i loved him even more after reading dracula. i do really like how the vampires (and him) seem to have a regeneration ability like the original vampires in dracula, it's a small detail but i do really Love how bram's ability works and also just his design?? and how he has claws/long nails?? i hope he and aya get to bond more fukuchi sexuality hc: ....i don't actually have any for him gender hc: probably cis, possibly he/they pronouns if he feels like it a ship i have with said character: fukuzawa x fukuchi but specifically past fukuzawa x fukuchi a BROTP i have with said character: dont think i have a brotp for him. but i do think we need more fics exploring his dynamics with the hunting dogs!! Please a NOTP i have with said character: none that i can think of at the moment, besides possibly teruko and fukuchi's shipname if they have one a random headcanon: he has specific signals for the hunting dogs in situations where he has to be subtle somewhat or has to get their attention (i.e: whistling to tell them to stop what they're doing, if he claps it's a sign for them to regroup, snapping fingers means scatter/spread out) general opinion over said character: underrated character. i wish he had more fics but a lot of people don't really? write him? which is fine, but i have never seen that man get a character study despite how many rambles i could go on about his character. i love him a lot and i think he'd give the best compression hugs ever. i need to write him asap. fellow of my choice: beast!mori
i unfortunately, do not have many headcanons for him at all however, general opinion over said character: i think people don't talk about him and beast!elise enough, imo. they fascinate me and i like seeing a universe where mori strays off of the port mafia boss pass and becomes the orphanage director, not to mention he seems to become a better person? though because of the little content we get of them (and it's on the last volume, iirc) we don't really get good grasps of their characters. i'd love to write a fic with him taking care of the orphans and atsushi though
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mixiury · 4 months
Requests: Open
Hi Hi!! If you are here is because you are interested on requesting something. Please make sure of reading the whole post before hand!!
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General details:
I write: One shots and headcanons.
Character limit: 3 for one shots, 5 for headcanons, 2 for both.
Fandoms I write for: Genshin Impact, BSD (Including Beast), Persona 5.
I don't write for ships, modern AU or poly relationships. I also only write one fandom per request.
Make sure to specify if you desire one shots, headcanons or both. If you don't I will just write headcanons by default.
I accept repeated requests with other characters, however, if your request includes more than the character limit i will just cut off some.
All requests involving N$FW, pregnacy and cheating will be delated/ignored.
I only write gn reader without specifics to keep it inclusive to everyone UNLESS the gender or description is relevant. (ex: Trans mtf reader feeling dysphoric; Chubby reader feeling insecure about their body; [Character(s)] with a blind reader.)
I'm okay writing for mental health issues and disabilities as long they aren't demonized/disrespected in your request.
Sending requests when they are closed is allowed, but they will be taken more as suggestions. I may or may not write them and, in case I do, i will probably change some characters or the request itself.
Characters I won't write for:
Persona 5: Tertiary characters.
Genshin: NPCs, any kid, Chevreuse, Noelle, Yun Jin, Xinyan, Eula, Aloy, Keqing, Baizhu, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Mika, Gorou.
BSD: Tertiary characters, Mori (Beast Mori is okay), Fukuchi, Fukuzawa, Kyoka, Junichiro, Naomi, Ichiyo, Motojiro, Koyo, Teruko, Fyodor, kids.
Depending of how many characters you ask for I will take more or less time. If your request is taking too long feel free to ask me about it, just don't be mean or spam me— (If you do your request will be delated and you will be blocked.)
That's all, have fun!! :D
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midwinterrmemento · 2 years
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— blog guidelines and rules for requesting!
⋆⁺₊⋆ I don’t have many specific rules, except that I want any visitors to my page to feel safe and respected, regardless of their age, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc., so any displays of hate or rudeness won’t be accepted here (although I hope that goes without saying).
⋆⁺₊⋆ Currently, my requests are open.
⋆⁺₊⋆ I’ll happily write for any of the following characters, but the names in italics are the characters I enjoy writing the most:
Bungou Stray Dogs
Armed Detective Agency . . .  Nakajima Atsushi, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Yosano Akiko, Edogawa Ranpo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Miyazawa Kenji (platonic only), Izumi Kyouka (platonic only), Tanizaki Jun’ichirou
Port Mafia . . . Nakahara Chuuya, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Higuchi Ichiyou, Ozaki Kouyou, Tachihara Michizou, Akutagawa Gin, Oda Sakunosuke, Yumeno Kyusaku (platonic only), Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud
Hunting Dogs . . . Suehiro Tecchou, Jouno Saigiku, Okura Teruko (platonic only—I know she’s actually an adult but it still makes me a little uncomfy)
Decay of Angels . . . Fyodor Dostoevsky, Sigma, Nikolai Gogol
Others . . . Sakaguchi Ango, Ayatsuji Yukito, Tsujimura Mizuki, Edgar Allan Poe, Louisa May Alcott, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mark Twain
(I will also drop anything and everything to write Suegiku content)
Ikemen Vampire
Mansion . . . Napoleon Bonaparte, Isaac Newton, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dazai Osamu, Leonardo da Vinci, Le Comte de Saint-Germain, Sebastian, Vincent van Gogh, Theodorus van Gogh, Jean D’Arc, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 
Castle . . . Vlad, Charles-Henri Sanson, Johann Georg Faust, William Shakespeare
(lowkey I would write for the suitors’ rivals, too, if there was an interest)
Ikemen Prince
Rhodolite . . . Chevalier Michel, Clavis Lelouch, Leon Dompteur, Jin Grandet, Licht Klein, Nokto Klein, Yves Kloss, Luke Randolph, Sariel, Rio Ortiz
Benitoite . . . Silvio Ricci
Jade . . . Keith Howell
Obsidian . . . Gilbert von Obsidian
Ikemen Revolution
Black Army . . . Ray Blackwell, Sirius Oswald, Luka Clemence, Fenrir Godspeed, Seth Hyde
Red Army . . . Lancelot Kingsley, Jonah Clemence, Zero, Edgar Bright, Kyle Ash
Others . . . Blanc Lapin, Oliver Knight (in a context similar to Teruko), Harr Silver, Loki Genetta, Mousse Atlas, Levie Castell, Dean Tweedle, Dalim Tweedle
(please please give me requests for Blanc, Mousse, and Levie, I adore them and they get no love even from Cybird smh)
Ikemen Sengoku
Oda Forces . . . Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, Date Masamune, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Ishida Mitsunari, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Maeda Keiji, Mori Ranmaru
Uesugi-Takeda Forces . . . Uesugi Kenshin, Takeda Shingen, Sanada Yukimura, Sarutobi Sasuke, Imagawa Yoshimoto, Naoe Kanetsugu
Others . . . Kichou, Mouri Motonari, Kennyo
⋆⁺₊⋆ It’s possible that there will be NSFW content on my page at some point, but anything that is explicit for any reason will be marked clearly. What I can say for sure, however, is that my writing will not feature themes of... rape/non-con, extreme age gaps, abuse, incest, or anything like that. I’d also prefer to avoid writing yandere/dark content, but if you have a NSFW request that does not fall into those categories, then I’d be happy to write it for you! 
⋆⁺₊⋆ Finally, any writing that I post here will also be posted on my AO3 page. Reblogs are totally welcomed and appreciated, but I ask that you please don’t repost my writing anywhere else unless I know about it. :)
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nikadoesanart · 3 years
“Other Worldly” Ability Users
Since I’ve been seeing a bit of talk of this panel/page (chapter 76, page 12) as of late, I might as well discuss it next!
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For reference I read akai-koutei’s translation of the chapter so check it out here if you haven’t already (or to refresh your memory on it).
Also I do mention things from up to chapter 90, Stormbringer and Dead Apple towards the end so keep those spoiler warnings in mind!
Quick summary of the pages leading up to this panel: the fight between Teruko and Sigma is coming to a conclusion and Teruko is trying to convince Sigma to surrender. She claims that he’d have to fight prodigies, going off of Sigma calling himself an ordinary man. She then tells him, “Welcome to our world” and Sigma seems to envision this group of ability users due to her words.
Analysis: why/how is this vision shown
As for why I believe it was Sigma imagining this, it’s mainly due to the panel order. As for how he saw it, I believe that it’s equally likely that he either used his ability at this moment to find out what Teruko meant by “prodigies” and who is a part of this “world”, OR Sigma grouped these people together himself based on information he had received in advance from the likes of Dostoyevsky (ie. ability users to watch out for)
Analysis: the selection of the people in the vision
Teruko, Fyodor, Dazai, Tecchou, Chuuya, Fukuchi, Fitzgerald, and Jouno are all considered to be “of a different world” because of their sheer strength, skill, and/or wit.
Some of these entries should be fairly obvious, given how powerful some of the skills are directly in combat alone (Chuuya, Fukuchi, Fitzgerald Tecchou). Continuing with the capabilities of their skills: Teruko, Fyodor, Dazai and Jouno are included due to how game changing their skills are in a fight. Dazai and Teruko can easily render their opponent powerless with a single touch. The restrictions and capabilities of Fyodor’s ability are currently unknown, but it is hinted that it involves death or fatal injury upon contact. Jouno, the least obvious member of this grouping, has hearing so powerful that he can read people’s heartbeats, and with that read people’s reactions. It wouldn’t be far fetched to believe that he can also predict people’s movements with this (ie. the shifting of their weight or a change in breathing), making him very difficult to outsmart in battle.
In regards to wit and intellect being a factor in this grouping, this really applies to everyone in the group. Maybe not so much chuuya and tecchou, (and possibly teruko too) as they’re more combat oriented and skilled then strategizing. For starters, we know quite well just how good Dazai and Fyodor are at predicting others’ actions, and with that being able to strategize far in advance. Fukuchi is a skilled and trained fighter, and as we learn from his fights we’ve seen so far (up to ch 90 at the time of writing this), he more than knows how to strategize in a fight, as well as with larger decisions. We also have evidence of Dazai, Fyodor, Fukuchi’s, and Fitzgerald’s capabilities of strategizing as leaders. Chuuya must clearly be skilled in this too, seeing as he is an executive, but when it comes to fighting we know that he’s more focused on the combat of the fight than the strategy of it.
Analysis: the people that weren’t included, even though you’d think that they would have been.
→ Akutagawa and Atsushi aren’t a part of this group, despite being considered the “new double black” and Atsushi’s ability being described as one of the strongest that can cut through almost anything → even together, the two of them barely stood a chance against Fukuchi. Even when working together, the infighting and their own self doubt of their own individual capabilities is likely part of what’s keeping them from being in this group. We know that they don’t compare to the likes of Dazai and Fukuchi when it comes to wit/intellect/foresight. It would be interesting to see them fight someone else in the group though, like maybe Chuuya (as in for sparring/training purposes, doesn’t have to be as enemies)? They’ve beat Fitzgerald when working together but on their own, they struggled.
Chuuya get your butt over to Mersault, break out Dazai, and fight Fukuchi with him, please
→ Fukuzawa and Mori aren’t in this group, despite Fukuzawa being able to draw his sword so fast that it can’t be seen and Mori being the one that taught Dazai his strategizing skills. This is likely because their abilities would be considered much less extraordinary by comparison, as Teruko can age anyone and Dazai can nullify abilities for example, which both may not seem combat oriented but they can render their opponents powerless with a single touch vs Fukuzawa having a more simple support ability that only does so much and has specific activation requirements
→ Tachihara also isn’t included despite being a Hunting Dog and his ability having already been revealed by this point. Although we still don’t know the full limitations of his ability as of chapter 90, we do know that he can wield it very skillfully (ie. moving a life size mannequin with convincing realism, being hinted that he could do something about the vampirism). We know that his wit and intellect doesn’t compare to those in the group, as he admitted that he needed Mori’s help with realizing that Fukuchi is an enemy and why (though to be fair, he was under the influence of the writing in the page.
Post @chazukekani’s Stormbringer summaries addition: having Chuuya be included makes even more sense now due to the uniqueness of his ability (without spoiling too much, not only is Chuuya’s ability a god’s power implanted in him, but also how using Corruption is tied to ability singularities)
Post DEAD APPLE novel addition: why was Shibusawa not included in this group? Based on how Ango refers to him, Fyodor, and Dazai as aliens, then shouldn’t he be included too? The government was also keeping Shibu alive and safe because of how unique and valuable his skill is.
“But the government kept protection’ him anyway because he was a valuable skill user who could counteract a nationwide invasion of skill users.” (p 121 of the Yen Press translation for the Dead Apple novel)
Chapter 76 came out late 2019 so plenty of time after DA released. It could point to Shibu’s canonicity being questionable and (more importantly) there’s also the fact that he’s long dead by this point of the manga, but I don’t know why else he wasn’t included because Asagiri did say in his DA novel afterward that DA has had some influence on the story.
“Chronologically, the story takes place after the second season of the anime—in other words, after the war with the Guild, which puts Dead Apple somewhere between the ninth and tenth volumes of the manga.” . . . “The novel also ended up affecting the main story in numerous ways,” (p 196 of the Yen Press translation for the Dead Apple novel)
That’s it for my analysis of this! I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on why certain people were or were not included in this grouping, as well as feedback on my own reasonings!
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joeys-piano · 4 years
BSD: Ability Categories & Subcategories
Part of being a writer that specializes in worldbuilding, I get really curious about the ins and outs of the stories I consume. Since I’ve been in a researching mood, I thought it would be fun to group together and categorize the different types of abilities we’ve encountered in the Bungou Stray Dogs timeline.
This listing isn’t thorough. Had it were, there would be way too many subcategories branching out. I wanted to keep things simple, but still highlight a few subgroups that I could identify. Each subcategory has a very general definition of what it is, and it gives y’all some insight into how and why I grouped characters together.
Existence & Time
Alternate → these are abilities that can create or manifest an environment by the user’s choosing
Arthur Rimbaud
Edgar Allan Poe
Continuum → these are abilities that manipulate the flow of time
Herbert George (H.G.) Wells
Louisa May Alcott
Future Sight → these are abilities that can foresee into the future
Andre Gide
Oda Sakunosuke
Curses & Illusions
Omens → these are abilities that manifest an inexplicable force onto the world
Agatha Christie
Ayatsuji Yukito
Spectre → these are abilities that alter an individual's mental state 
Kyougoku Natsuhiko
Yumeno Kyusaku
Veil → these are abilities that allow their users to camouflage into their surroundings 
Tanizaki junichirou
Physical Manifestations
Adaptation → these are abilities that enhance their users’ physical forms
Francis Scott Fizgerald
Fukuchi Ochi
Kajii Motojiro
Miyazawa Kenji
Jono Saigiku
Conditional → these are abilities that require a condition to be met before they could be activated
Fukuzawa Yukichi
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Yosano Akiko
Transference → these are abilities that facilitate in the transfer of miscellaneous objects or things
Alexander Pushkin
Higuchi Ichiyo
Sakaguchi Ango
Transformation → these are abilities that alter their users’ physical forms
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Nakajima Atsushi
Okura Teruko
Shibusawa Tatsuhiko
Void → these are abilities that cancels out the effects and properties of another
Dazai Osamu
Object Manipulation
Alteration → these are abilities that manipulate or enhance specific, man-made items 
Tachihara Michizo
Nikolai Gogol
Suehiro Tetcho
Tayama Katai
Conversion → these are abilities transform the state or properties of an item 
Kunikida Doppo
Being → these are abilities that allows its user to manipulate their cells or physiology
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Element → these are abilities that allow their uses to control elements of nature
Ivan Goncharov
John Steinbeck
Margaret Mitchell
Forces → these are abilities that manipulate the properties of matter and energy
Hirotsu Ryuurou
Nakahara Chuuya
Paul Verlaine
Familiar (Type I) → these are abilities with little to some autonomy from their users
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Herman Melville
Lucy Mad Montgomery
Mark Twain
Tsujimura Mizuki
Oguri Mushitaro
Familiar (Type II) → these are abilities that exercise full autonomy from their users 
Izumi Kyouka
Jules Verne
Mori Ougai
Ozaki Kouyou
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aspoonofsugar · 4 years
Hewwo! I read Chapter 83 of Bungou Stray dogs, and I have no words. I'm rather surprised by the identity of the mastermind and I wonder what's going to happen now. So I was wondering, with the reveal of the mastermind, what's your opinion on chapter 83? :)). Thank you and stay safe!
Hello anon!
I am very happy about the reveal! It actually makes the whole arc and especially the last couple of chapters even more enjoyable!
As a matter of fact, even if I liked the latest chapters, it seemed to me as if the arc was becoming a little bit too fragmented. By this I mean that the arc had been mostly driven by the conflict not only with the Decay of Angels, but also with the Hunting Dogs. However, the latest twists seemed to suggest the dogs would have become allies of the ADA. Even if I am not against it per se, I would have liked for it to happen after the conflict between the two organizations had been settled in a meaningful way. In particular, I want the arc to make full use of the Hunting Dogs thematically. I have discussed here some ideas about this group:
In short,  the HD are imperfect humans just like everybody else and they have  found a reason of living in their organization just like the members of  the ADA and of the mafia did.
This is also why they are so easily  manipulated. It is because in order to truly think about “right” and  “wrong” in a constructive way, they should let go of the labels they use  to read the world. However, they can’t because if they did they could  very well lose themselves.
In the end the HD are foils of the detectives just like the mafiosi, but they are so in a different way.
The  mafiosi are who the detectives could become if they were to completely  lose themselves in their most violent and darkest parts, while the HD are who the detectives could become if they were to embrace simplicistic  ideals over people. This is also why this arc has been particularly  hard on Kunikida since among the members of the ADA he is the one who  risks to do so the most.
In short, having the HD simply work with the ADA after all the time they spent after the protagonists and after they have almost killed them would have been a little cheap. To be more specific, it would not have led to any growth in the HD whose  modus operandi (follow the rules and Fukichi’s orders) would not have been challenged at all. Thanks to Fukichi being the mastermind, instead, all the themes introduced since the beginning of the arc are strengthened and all the characters can be challenged.
-Fukuzawa will be forced to face his old friend. What is more, this whole ordeal marks another step in Ranpo’s growth. As a matter of fact, as I have written here, the arc starts with Ranpo disagreeing with Fukuzawa. Facts proved him right. What is more, in chapter 80:
I  think that Ranpo’s behaviour in chapter 80 might tie to what is satetd  above. On one hand, in the past, Fukuzawa used to be the one protecting  and saving Ranpo. On the other hand we have seen Ranpo trying to save  Fukuzawa at all costs in Cannibalism. However, in that arc, Ranpo  ultimaley fails. What is more, his wish to save Fukuzawa in that  situation puts the whole Yokohama in danger adn goes against what Fukuzawa himself wants.
However, in chapter 80 we see Ranpo   successfully saving Fukuzawa and the other ADA’s members. He does so by taking action by himself with the help of a connection he himself made (Poe). At the beginning of the arc, he showed to have a better grasping  of the situation when compared to Fukuzawa and in chapter 80 he manages  to save his father-figure on his own. To me, it seems that Ranpo might  have already reached a point where he does not need Fukusawa’s guidance  anymore. However, he still chooses to depend on him, as seen when he  asks for Fukuzawa’s order as if Ranpo himself doesn’t perfectly know  what is better to do.
Despite all of this, once Ranpo takes Fukuzawa back, he immediately goes back to completely rely on him and on his judgement. If Ranpo had immediately used his analytical skills to deduce who Kamui is, he would have avoided finding himself in the current pinch. However, Ranpo preferred to follow Fukuzawa’s orders and to trust the person Fukuzawa trusted. This dependence led to the current situation.
-The Hunting Dogs will have to face their shortcomings. As I have written in the meta linked above:
The HD are proud because they see themselves as heroes of  justice. They are not stray dogs, but dogs selected and adopted by a  master (aka the governement) and this makes them better than others. At  least, this is probably what they force themselves to believe.
The ironic thing is of course that all of them are portrayed with attributes society would consider problematic.
Teruko  is sadistic and violent, while Jouno enjoys psychologically torturing people. Finally Tachihara is in the HD simply because he wants to find a  place to belong.
All in all, among the four subordinates, Tecchou  is the one who probably genuinely believes in justice, but his idea is  simplicistic and naive as it was explained in point one.
The Hunting Dogs are basically Stray Dogs who are made feel “special” by the government. They work for the government and for Fukichi who is the greatest hero of the world, so they are heroes as well, right? They wil soon have to face that their leader is not only the leader of a bunch of policemen, but also the leader of a terrorist group.
It will be especially interesting to see how Teruko and Tecchou will react. As a matter of fact both have shown to genuinely believe in “justice” even if they are cruel in their pursue of it. That said, there might be a difference between the two of them and the current twist might make it more obvious. As a matter of fact, among the dogs, Teruko is the one who believes in Fukichi the most. She is fond of him and is never shown to dislike anything about him (differently from the others who are annoyed by Fukichi’s behaviours). So I think that it will be especially challenging for her to face the truth. Tecchou is instead the person who, among the dogs, seems to me to embody justice the most, so I wonder how he will react when he discovers he has been helping terrorists all along.
When it comes to Jouno, he is the one who has always fitted the least among the HD to the point that I wonder if he knows about his boss’s real identity or not. Whatever the case his reaction is bound to be interesting.
Finally there is Tachihara who has already started to move past his role as a HD thanks to his experiences in the mafia:
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Tachihara being able to break the book’s spell because of his ties with the members of the mafia is symbolic of how he has managed to develop more empathy for criminals because of his relationships with some of them. Tachihara is different from the other HD who do not see criminals as people because he got to personally know and to grow closer to some of them.
-This leads us to the fact that I expect the mafia to get involved pretty soon. After all, Tanizaki and Kenji are still under the mafia’s protection and the mafia is the shadow of the detective agency:
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All in all, BSD is a story which deals with the concept of jungian shadow a lot. The abilities of the characters are nothing, but repressed parts of them and the the same can be said of the mafia as a group. This is why Dazai and Atsushi are both escaping from what the mafia represents for them. For Dazai the mafia is proof of his criminal past, while for Atsushi it is a reminder of who he could have become. The strong link between these two organizations is why they are often fighting, but also why they are so strong when they unite. It is because the ADA can’t let its shadow take over (so it can’t let itself be destroyed by the mafia and must criticize their violent methods), but at the same time the agency can’t ignore the mafia or that the people in there are similar to them under many aspects. Because of this, now that an alliance with the HD seems more difficult to realize, I wonder if we will soon see the mafia or not. In particular, it has been a while since we have seen Akutagawa, so I wonder if he will once again team up with Atsushi towards the end of the arc.
Finally, this reveal makes Fukichi himself much more interesting as a character. In a sense, it is as if he embodies the dychotomy explored in this arc between justice and terrorism, laws and anarchy. Apparently, the two enemy organizations represent these two opposite concepts. The HD are justice and enforcers of the law, while the DoA are terrorists who want to destroy all laws and to rewrite the world. However, the reveal shows that the leader of both organizations is the same person. So Fukichi comes to embody both concepts. He embodies “justice”, but also the that feeling that justice is deep down unfair. Hence why it is necessary to act outside of it. In a sense, it is as if Fukichi, as a person, is prisoner between two roles. On one hand there is the legendary general (Fukichi’s persona aka the image he projects of himself and what others see about him). On the other hand there is Kamui (Fukichi’s shadow aka his hidden desires to act outside the law and in an unheroic way). However, the person “Fukichi Ochi” is kind of lost between these two big characters:
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Fukuzawa mentions how Fukichi was jealous because he had found his path in life before Fukichi himself. This means that his career as a soldier is not something which gives happiness to Fukichi. He probably feels that he lacks something and his current actions are very likely an attempt to fill this sense of void. At the same time, I would not be surprised if he has targeted the Agency because of the envy he feels for Fukuzawa who has become happy.
In conclusion, the fact that “Kamui” means God reminds me of this:
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If the world is chaos and unjust, then I will become the God who fixes it. I wonder if Fukichi’s line of thought is similar to Fyodor’s. If that is the case, then it will become obvious why the symbol of justice has also become a terrorist. It would not just be a contradiction, but a natural evolution of an ideal which twists itself in its pursue of righteousness. After all, when ideals forget about people, they often become rigid ideologies and end up embodying what they were fighting. I wonder if something similar happened with Fukichi as well.
Thank you for the ask!
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