mishapocalyse · 1 year
This is a request! The reader can be like teen's daughter and just like him when he was younger. (Bi disaster, loves pie, driving, and kind of same clothing) He never knew that he had her. Also she's 15 with lots of piercing and instead of a hunter she's explorer. Kind of like a mix of Jumanji and uncharted 4 if you seen those.
Like Father, Like Daughter
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Note: Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy this little Drabble of mine!
He stared at you with a confused look on his face. Raising the photo you had in your hand, he immediately recognized the woman and him standing arms around one another.
"Holy shit. I'm a dad?" He held his face in his hands.
It was a couple dates 15 years ago, and the woman in the picture he was handed had a daughter.
"She couldn't have bothered to call me?" You cleared your throat, stepping past him and into the house.
"My mom couldn't have called you. She's dead." You blurted out nonchalantly. "So I am the next of kin to take care of you? I- that's." He stumbled over his words until Bobby had come through his hallway and peeked at who Dean was talking to.
"Y/N! Kiddo, it's been six years. You sure grew up." You waved to Bobby who smiled as he stood there.
"I cannot be your dad." He kept repeating.
"Dad. Daaaaad. DAD!" You shoved him from the recliner as your old man hit the floor with a loud thump.
"What?" He groaned, but immediately began snoring again. You grumbled to yourself.
If he wasn't going to wake up from that-he surely will wake up to what you were about to do.
You went straight for the stereo, plugging in your phone, turning the volume up as loud as it went. Metallica's "From Whom the Bells Toll" began blasting from the speakers.
"Holy Shit!" Dean bellowed. "I'm up kid-I'm up." You laughed, shutting off the music.
He grumbled, "What do you want?"
You held up a file folder that you had found on the Bunker's table.
"What's this all about? You're not a cop Dad." He snagged the papers and files from your hand, getting up from the floor. He sighed , rubbing his face.
"It's a long story. I'll tell you after I've had my coffee, okay?" You nodded.
"And no more blasting Metallica when I'm trying to sleep."
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billiewena · 3 years
there ain’t no party like a casgirl party because a casgirl party don’t stop
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onequartercanadian · 8 years
Make Hell Great Again
Lol, wonder where he got that slogan
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itsachaosworld-blog · 8 years
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fandomsonrequests · 9 years
.:::any time:::.
Fandom: Supernatural Character: Gadreel Reader: Fem! Summary: Sam is still Gadreel’s vessel when he confesses his affections towards you. It doesn’t feel right since he is in Sam’s body and he killed Kevin. One day, he’s gone and months (probably a year) passes and he goes back, willing to start over. A/N: I’ve been sending this plot to so many people. I guess I’ll try writing. Notes: fluff, a little tiny angst, and a few cusses and crappy writing. 
Crystal tears pooled at the corner of [Name]'s eyelids. 
 "I love you." 
Those three simple words of affection brought her pain instead of joy. Gadreel was still using Sam as a vessel when he confessed to her.
As much as she want to say those words back, it would cause a lot of consequences. Gadreel wouldn't go back to his old vessel and wear Sam probably for a long, long time. If that happens, the old Sam would be gone, Dean wouldn't have his brother and who knows what else would happen.
Before [Name] could respond, she felt a pair of lips on hers. “Gadreel’s” lips. Her eyes widened and the woman pushed him away and he stumbled back. Her push was harder than she thought.
Salty tears fell down the (h/c)’s cheek. The fallen angel looked up with a surprised and hurt look. He touched his lips and tasted a little blood. Apparently, [Name] had accidentally cut Gad’s lip while pushing him away.
“G-Gadreel.. I'm, I.. I'm sorry.. I do love you it's just..” 
The woman’s (e/c) eyes met with the sad green ones of his. 
“I understand.. It was foolish of me to confess to you in Sam Winchester’s body knowing the consequences..” 
The living room seemed quiet. Dean was out on a hunt and would probably come back tomorrow. So knowing the fact that it was just the two in the large and empty bunker just made the whole situation even more depressing.
Gadreel stood up from the couch and before he disappeared into the hallway, he turned to look at [Name]. 
“Sleep well, [Name]...”
“You too...”
He went into Sam’s room leaving the woman groaning in frustration into a pillow. 
“What do you mean he just left!?” The (h/c) raised her voice.
Dean shrugged. “I dunno. He just poofed outta here saying that Sammy is good enough to be on his own.” 
Standing up immediately, the (nationality) grabbed her coat and her motor keys and stormed outside. She got on her motorbike and sped off somewhere. Her vision was blurred and she couldn't see where she was going.
She ended up somewhere late at night and crying her heart out. 
[Name] was outside a diner and waiting for her friend to finish her shift when it started to rain. 
“Fucking rain..” The female hunter cursed as she got off her motorbike and under one of those big umbrellas near the diner. “Great. I'm soaked to the bone.” 
“Need an umbrella [Name]?” 
That voice. It had been months, maybe even a year. She turned to meet the familiar voice. 
Before he could respond, she moved to hug him which surprised the angel. After a while, he hugged her back.
“You are not mad at me?” Gadreel questioned. 
“Of course I'm mad at you.” Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes. “But I can't say mad at you forever...” 
Burying her face in his chest, [Name] let her tears spill down her face and Gadreel hugged her tighter than before. 
“Then I suppose.. You give me another chance?” 
The (h/c) kissed him softly before resting her forehead on his. 
“Any time.”
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missfortune4 · 9 years
Supernatural night.
Time for my weekly dose of emotional trauma.
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daaes · 10 years
How do you say your Tumblr name?
Hmmm. I'm not a phonetic master so I don't know how to correctly write it out, but basically: "die-ays" but with no space, all one fluid word.
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apple-freaking-pie · 10 years
The shipping name for Crowley and Dean should be Crowlean. I've thought about this for 3 years now. Let's make it happen.
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toxiccontainment · 11 years
Can we make a Supernatural video game?
Can this be a thing. You can play as Sam or Dean and you get your missions and have to drive the a impala around and can call on Castiel for support on certain demons. I can see Bobby being the one to call and give you assignments, Can this be a thing?
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impalafullofgrace · 11 years
Well Shit
Friendly reminder that Martin Creaser WAS A FUCKING HUNTER jeez i cant breathe send help
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icestorm1196 · 12 years
Poor, poor doctor. It is really sad for him.
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