#sso dream
lukas-crowsong · 2 months
had a dream last night i opened up star stable and bought one of the new horses so i guess i have no choice now
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opalbrain · 2 years
since everybody been having sso dreams, my brain hopped on the bandwagon and I dreamed sso introduced pegasus horses
They were perfect. in color and anatomy, and the wings were gorgeous. there was a white (grey) horse and a palomino tobiano, which had a curled mane and tail. I got to take the white one out for a test fly and the flying mechanics were so dreamy....
I woke up thinking 'oh shit lemme grab my wallet so i can buy one' and then i WOKE up woke up and immediately was very sad lol
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windforestsso · 2 years
I dreamed it was halloween and I was going to do the haunted trail ride.
But it started outside of goldenhill valley and went towards the riding area.
I remember thinking "oh? It starts in cape west?" thou.
It also started on top of a hill that I know doesnt exist there.
I dont remember what poped up on trail but it wasnt like the actual trail ride. It had check points like races and not like the free ride trails are.
One check point was decorated like war. With like barbed wire and bumbed ruins.
When I was going to run through the check point two tanks was coming through from the other side aswell, so I run to the side so I wouldnt be run over by the tanks and then go back through the check point after they had past.
But the canon on the first tank started to aim at me, and because I stood still my horse took its time to get up to speed and out of the way. We werent fast enough and the tank shot us and I got a "you been injured" message plus I failed the trail ride.
I woke up shortly there after.
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foggy-milk · 5 months
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toruq · 9 months
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rowsmary · 6 months
if you want to date me you have to defeat my 7 evil horses
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nisaconite · 6 months
imagine it's your first day at riding camp. your instructor tells you that you're going to be having your lesson with someone else. you're like, "cool, who?" she points behind you. you turn around and it's lisa fucking peterson the rock star what the fuck and she waves and says, "it's a pleasure to meet you!" then she invites you to have lunch which is very awkward because she and her friends spend the whole time interrogating you on what kind of dreams you've been having lately. then she tells you very ominously that she thinks you're in danger so she's going to be watching you. then she goes on a music tour and disappears into an alternate pink hell dimension.
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nuggetland · 1 year
if a breeding system ever is implemented in sso i really want it to have a foal stage because ever since the horse progression update i’ve been having so much fun running around with my horse following me and.... imagine running around with a foal... so cute....
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jorvikzelda · 9 months
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This is apropos of absolutely nothing but can we all take a moment for this Aideen concept from the 2023 roadmap update because I think about it at least twice a week
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centeris2 · 1 year
what SSE wants in the SSOCandle hashtag: pretty game and irl photos of horses, barns, and players
What I want in the SSOCandle hashtag: posts supporting Elli and Helena, posts denouncing AI when SSE could have used literally any other candle making company if they wanted to make candles so bad, and a truckload of Jankee Candle images
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foggyfjord · 7 months
you know what. when are we getting mules
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lukas-crowsong · 2 years
so i had an sso dream.
i want to preface this by saying that i'm a natural lucid dreamer (no ritual, no sleep paralysis, it's the way i've dreamt since i was born). i dream almost exclusively in third person, and i always know when i'm dreaming.
this dream was in first person: me at my laptop playing sso. i could feel myself and my actions the way i would irl. i could even see my reflection. very strange and new sensations considering that i've dreamt first person maybe once before a long time ago. is this why so many people fail to realise they're dreaming? if not for the absurdity of this dream i would've struggled to realise, and even then it took picking up my phone to take a picture only for it to respond with a blank, uncracked screen for me to affirm this was a dream. the game had no special effects or misty skies or race checkpoints or npcs to indicate this was part of some special event -- i was simply riding through the changing landscape of a part of jorvik i'd never seen before
tw mention of spiders!
it opened on (i believe) my new account alexis galloping along a dirt path on a horse from my main account lily (alexis only has two horses and it wasnt either of them, but i dont know which as i was too preoccupied) (in hindsight it mightve been my bay andalusian?). my surroundings were mountainous: through gaps in rocks i could see a mountain range below, so i must've been high up, but not at the peak for the easy slope of the land. it was similar to riding through the red string trail, but without grass, with dead weeds, and with fossilised structures of giant spiders. some half-submurged in soil but clearly huge arachnid bodies, other legs so disfigured and discoloured they could've been gnarled trees. this area was devoid of life but clearly had once harboured it. i didn't pause, eager to leave the ominous atmosphere, following the dirt path.
this dirt path eventually led away from there (i dont know how, my brain didn't fill that in) to much greener pastures -- literally. the path connected to a cobbled road much like the main roads through jorvik. it looked much more like jorvik as well. a sign similar to those of sso shops or irl pubs depicted a simple image of oats, sso style. when i passed the sign, one item of oats entered my inventory as would a quest reward. i have no idea why. i stopped at the road to take in my surroundings. the road came from the north to where i stood then meandered to the west. the rest of the road seemed lacking anything but green grass as far as the eye could see, so this location was the focus. there was a little thatched cottage at my side of the bend of the road with a care station frame attached to the side, typical props of buckets and tools and such lying around. on the other side of the road a perfectly normal oak tree stood on a small mound of dirt. along the western road on the same side as the tree was a group of four jorvik wild horses of different coat colours (im not sure that all of them are present in game but i havent looked at jwh for sale in a while). they were lined up in a row as if for sale, slightly at an angle southwest-facing from the road, but had no indicator as to their purpose. i trotted around them then decided to click on one. its coat puffed up (comparisons i would make would be a fluffy pufferfish, that post about a jwh getting a blowdry, or a fluffy pombom ball). at the same time, a tutorial-type box of text popped up and instructed me to click on each jwh to fluff up their coats, then i had to dismount and click them again to have my character hug them before time ran out. a strange quest, but not one i was going to refuse. hug fluffy jwh? yes please!
it was here that i tried taking a picture on my phone (so that i could post about it/show ssoblr this new quest lmao) only for it not to turn on and apparently be uncracked, which confirmed my suspicions that i was dreaming. also i believe the quest title to have been something to do with lisa peterson being warm and cuddly? four words, i think. with how much i adore her that makes sense
with nothing else to do here, i rode northwards down the road
this final part of the dream made the most sense of this unseen jorvik. my brain didn't bother to fill in changing scenery here either, so i next found myself in a magical forest at the threshold of a village. it was signposted as (my memory fails me) something along the lines of 'jorvik lost vala'. i was standing at the signpost just before a wooden bridge which led over a narrow purple river. not a sickly, threatening kind of purple -- rather one that simply seemed to fit with the theme/colour palette of the village. it glowed faintly. the village itself was much like valedale in design. individual small thatched stone cottages lined a dirt pathway deeper into the forest. on my side of the bridge, there were two cottages either side of the path, more over the bridge and out of sight. each window emanated purple light, but again it was not obviously malicious -- more like ambient lighting, i suppose. moss and other plants and fungi grew around the houses. to sum up the environment, i would say 'magical mushrooms'. the trees were draped in hanging curtains of moss instead of leaves. it was nighttime now, so anything that could glow was glowing. while the trees obscured the surrounding forest in darkness, the village did not feel like a safe haven. it was simply a location within the forest. from what i could see, any residents were not out of their houses. magic hung in the air like potion fumes. the dream ended before i could ride across the bridge
and that was my strange, slightly unnerving but also enjoyable sso dream! did not happen the way i expected an sso dream to manifest, but brains are weird :)
i, for one, would love to see this lost vala village in sso ;>
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katjadarkrider · 10 months
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sagapinehill · 1 year
Imagine that
It's Christmas Eve and you happen to spend it alone, so you decide to visit the Winter Village to get some festive vibes. And as you ride around the Christmas tree, you spot a familiar rider on a huge jet black horse. Amber eyes stare at you and your face immediately breaks into a wide smile.
It's Sabine.
You get to spend the evening together, you even manage to make her try hot chocolate (it's dark chocolate with chilly flavor) and she doesn't slam your head into the table when you laugh at her because some whipped cream ends up on her nose. After hanging out more, participating in races and slipping around on the frozen lake you decide not to go home but sleep in one of the houses of the village.
When you wake up in the morning, you can't see her anywhere. You're sad as you had to wake up without her but then you notice a tiny amber medal on a leather string and a small note beside it which says
"Merry Christmas".
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luciana-silentstar · 1 year
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I am still entirely obsessed with this horse btw. Like.... Look At Her.
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hrtdream · 11 months
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live laugh love dnf
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