#star trek wines
marymoss1971 · 6 months
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He was there at Solum--he and the rest of his crew--trapped. He tried to keep morale up. There'd be a way out of this. SOMEHOW, Starfleet would find them and mount a rescue. No, not just Starfleet--Kathryn.
He thought back to their last dinner together before he shipped out on the Protostar. It was a nice romantic dinner or Risan rose. Kathryn made a point of telling him that the wine was made from actual pink grapes grown on Risa. Always the scientist--she couldn't resist sharing her knowledge of how the universe worked. That was one of the things he loved about her.
He closed his eyes and sent out a wish to the universe. A wish that, as she had so many years ago, she'd find him and bring him home.
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tvictrix · 6 days
My turn!!!
Spin The Wheel for a Star Trek TOS era character :P
Please leave who you got in the tags and what you are... doing to them
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isagrimorie · 6 months
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Seven of Nine | Parallels Star Trek Voyager 4x06 - The Raven | Star Trek Picard 3x10 - The Last Generation
How it started and How it's Going - Still trying to hijack a Federation craft, from stealing a shuttlecraft to taking back the Titan.
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youngpettyqueen · 7 months
I wish Julian and Martok would interact more cause I think they could have the funniest possible dynamic. they spent 5 weeks together in a Jem'Hadar prison I just know they have a friendship that looks fucking INSANE from the outside looking in
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hellodarjeeling · 2 years
August 1995 Playboy TNG Drinking Game
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Prime Directive: Have one sip of beer per successfully met condition:
Anybody says: - "Open hailing frequencies." - "Medical emergency." - "Belay that order." - "Energize." - "You have the bridge." - "Hell," "damn" or any other profanity (see Riker's special swearing rules that appear later in this list).
Picard says: - "Make it so." - "Engage!" - "Proceed." - "Come" (two sips if it is said in his personal quarters). - "Captain's log"; two sips if it's supplemental.
Worf says: - "Impressive." - "Admirable."
Data says: - "Fascinating." - "Interesting." - "Accessing."
Riker: - Swears (two sips if it's "hell," whole beer if he asks, "What the hell is going on?") - Walks forward as if he were trying to knock down an imaginary door with his forehead. - Brags about his trombone.
Picard: - Straightens his uniform. - Tries to speak French.
Data: - Performs a self-diagnostic. - Reveals his innards. - Pets or holds Spot.
Geordi: - Sees something other people can't. - His VISOR is taken or is knocked off.
Beverly: - Can't figure out some bizarre medical problem.
Troi: - Talks about chocolate; two sips if she eats something chocolate. - Has an empathic insight about something that's really obvious.
Wesley: - Talks back to his mom.
O'Brien: - Speaks.
Anybody: - Drinks; four if it's Picard drinking Earl Grey tea. - Reads a book. - Is addressed by first name; two if there's some kind of sexual tension going on. - Appears in dress uniform (one sip per scene per officer). - Appears in casual clothes (one sip per scene per officer); two of it's Beverly in a sweater or Picard in his chest-revealing bedwear. - Plays an instrument; two if it's Data. - Preaches the Prime Directive; two if it's not Picard. - Preaches about "humanity's unique potential." - Implies that Ten Forward is a happening place.
Alerts: - Yellow alert: one sip. - Red alert: two sips. - Intruder alert: three sips.
Any time: - There's an argument in a turbolift. - A shuttle craft seems like an unsafe place to be. - Something goes wrong with the holodeck. - An "old earth saying" is brought up; two if Data has to have it explained to him. - Klingon is spoken; two sips per scene in which Klingons are alone and have no obvious reason to speak English but do so anyway. - A female character has flawless makeup after she's been through the wringer. - There's a token alien in the background with no lines; two if it's a Vulcan. - A communicator isn't working or is blocked. - Somebody uses a communicator or intercom without going to a panel or touching anything. - There's a countdown. - The Enterprise does battle (shots must be fired): two sips per scene. - The living quarters of the Enterprise separate from the ship before battle: the whole beer.
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rouge-forever · 1 year
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Facebook wine mom McCoy part 1
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rsclopez · 3 months
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When a Romulan stalks, I mean woo’s you and you ask something from them, they go all out! Welp its 1700 somewhere in the galaxy.
@deepspacedukat @toebeans-mcgee @romulanspacecat @stormandsparks @spookysnooty @fentah @chrismarilein @vreenak @vulcankisseshuman @minymo1234 @zierzim @fuckyeahromulans
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cuterefaction · 8 months
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Trektober Day 23, "Lockdown". A guard check in Internment camp 371. A more innocent group of prisoners you never did see, defs not planning a breakout, nope nope nope.
On which note, I consider it a minor crime that we never get followups of all of them hanging out together afterwards, just the lil' scene of Julian and Martok in the infirmary. Guarantee you Martok would insist on the prison break team partying together on occasion, no matter how much it mystifies the other klingons.
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brightspine · 5 months
i'm in the quarner, watching you qiss her
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cucumbermoon · 2 months
I love the way Admiral Ross has absolutely no patience for Martok's Klingon bullshit.
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marymoss1971 · 1 year
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Chris looked at the bottle of UFP Zinfandel--Special Reserve--sitting on the shelf.
He'd acquired the wine recently in anticipation of the next "welcome aboard" dinner he'd host--presumably for the Enterprise's next chief engineer, whoever that might be. The "welcome aboard" dinner was one of his favorite traditions. However, he couldn't think about that now-- not with Una under arrest.
Maybe he'll serve the wine after they get Una out of this mess. And they would, he promised himself. They had to.
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spatulahat · 1 year
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I love this running gag of no one liking Picard's wine.
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letsallgotothelobby · 8 months
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Live Laugh Lhonour
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sophiainspace · 2 months
Work is FINALLY DONE* and now it is time for STAR TREK DISCOVERY and possibly even THE MAGNUS PROTOCOL (unless I want to hoard that for the weekend, but I'm having to scroll very quickly past so many tumblr posts that it might be time)
*Except for that pesky couple of hours of editing I ran out of time for and now have to do tomorrow but that is tomorrow's problem
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bevthespecial · 1 year
(Bev would SO have got her Enterprise theatre group to do Mamma Mia at some point, dont even try to tell me otherwise)
(Lwaxana Troi would be onboard for playing Tanya, obs)
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jailpuppy · 3 days
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He's uncomfortable
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