berrychiffy · 2 years
*pokes* Hiya Sof!
Werewolf boi. Ye know what to do >;3
Oh I know exactly what to do! 😏😏 Happy Birthday Fran! I really hope you enjoy this! Eat lots of cake and crack open some green drinks!
For those who don’t know the context— @fluffyfranny was telling me about a werewolf Taka story idea she wanted to suggest to me (which was based off of @suppup17’s amazing artwork, go check them out btw)! So here’s another x reader story with Kiyotaka Ishimaru this time! Hope you guys enjoy!
Note: Reader has no specific gender, so guys gals and non binary pals, y’all are welcome!
Late Night Stroll
The stars glimmered gently in the night as the two of you walked through the woods, talking about everything yet nothing at the same time. It had been quite a long time since your boyfriend, Kiyotaka Ishimaru had taken you out on nature themed dates, whether it’d be a picnic or a simple walk through the woods. Regardless of how long it had been, that didn’t stop you from admiring the way his eyes glistened as the stars shone down on the two of you. They looked like beautiful red roses warmly glowing in a world that seemed so cold and dark. You could just get lost in his eyes forever…
The sky became more visible to you now, as the branches covering the sky weren’t as noticeable anymore. You could finally see the stars in a much clearer light as Taka continued to ramble. Once he had finished, he had a look of realization that he had been rambling for quite some time.
“Oh goodness! M-my apologies! It seems I’ve gotten carried away again! I hope I didn’t bore you…”
You giggled at how flustered he looked and gave him a reassuring smile.
“Hey, don’t be sorry! I like hearing you talk! Besides… you’re cute when you ramble!”
You lit up as Taka blushed furiously at your comment. He was always so caught off guard when you complimented him. That was one of the things you loved about him.
“I—ah, well—th-thank you! Y-you’re quite adorable yourself!”
Gah, he was such an awkward flirt! But that’s what made him so adorable!
You both continued to walk down the dirt path as you talked about some funny stories about Mondo and Leon doing stupid things as usual. In the midst of the conversation, you couldn’t help but look at the beautiful sky above you.
“God, the stars look amazing tonight!”
“Indeed they do! You can really see the constellations more clearly!”
“Yeah. They look extra sparkly! Especially with the full moon!”
At that moment, Taka had suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Surprised, you looked up at his face. He looked… terrified.
No response. He stood as still as a brick wall, staring up at the moon like it was going to crash into the earth.
“Hon, what’s wrong?”
“… run.”
Run? That’s odd. Why did he want you to run?
“W-what do you mean?”
“Just… just run. Go home. It’s not safe here.”
“What are you talking about—
“J-just GO!!”
After he suddenly shouted at you to leave, the sound of a bone cracking could be heard, followed by a shout of pain escaping from Taka’s lips. You panicked as he collapsed to the ground writhing in agony.
You frantically reached your hand out to help him back up, only for him to smack your hand away.
“Ngh… just go home! I’ll be fine!”
“Uh—you don’t LOOK fine!”
“Please! Just get out of here!”
“Wh—no! I’m not leaving you like that! I gotta get you to the hospital!”
“No, don’t! I… I don’t want to hurt you! I don’t want to hurt anyone!”
Before you could say or do anything else, another scream of agony erupted as his spine looked as if it was… readjusting itself? His arms also began to twist and bend in a rather horrifying way, and his screaming slowly turned into something that resembled growling. As this was happening, his hair began to turn from raven black to snow white.
“Okay, that’s it! I’m taking you to the hospita—
You were caught off guard by the terrifying, agonizing roar that emerged from his throat and out his gaping mouth. You also began to notice that his arms became more hairy, his ears became more pointed and curved upward, his fingernails became claws, and his teeth became fangs.
You watched in horror as he now jolted back up to a standing position, his face still looking distressed as he frantically looked around. So many questions you wanted to ask him rang through your mind, begging to be let out. But seeing him so panicked…so scared… you didn’t want to make him feel worse. So… you decided to try and give him a hug. A peaceful, silent gesture. Just to let him know that whatever it was that he was going through, it was going to be okay.
You gave him a sympathetic smile as you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into the hug. He was a little taken aback. That was to be expected. What wasn’t expected however… was for him to push you away and look at you like you were a stranger.”
He didn’t respond, for he was still eyeing you up and down, trying to figure out if you were someone he knew or not.
“Taka, honey. It’s me. Do you recognize me?”
Unfortunately, in the midst of his confusion, he couldn’t recognize you. And so, his dazed eyes became unfriendly and menacing as he began to snarl at you. The poor guy was probably still in a panic.
“Oh, Taka. It’s okay. You don’t have to be afr—
Without warning, he let out an angered roar and violently swung his claws at you. Luckily, you managed to dodge before he could pierce your skin.
“T-Taka, wait! It’s okay! It’s just me—
He swung at you again, this time lunging forward at you. Before he could land the pounce, you managed to run out of the way. You couldn’t stop running though. You didn’t have a choice.
For he was sprinting up to you in all fours at full speed.
He didn’t listen to your pleading, for he kept chasing you with an animalistic, murderous intent. Tears began to flow out of your eyes now as you began to run faster and faster. You hoped to God that he’d stop chasing you soon.
Suddenly, you felt your foot hit something on the ground—perhaps it was a tree root? Before you could catch yourself in time, you fell hard and fast to the ground, hitting and scraping your forehead against the hard dirt pavement. As you could hear Taka getting closer, your vision became blurry as you began to slip into unconsciousness, practically accepting whatever fate was to come to you.
Adrenaline and rage. That’s what rang through Taka’s mind as he chased you down. He wasn’t really angry at you though, despite not recognizing you at first. He was more so angry at himself. Angry that this is happening again. Angry that it happened when he wasn’t alone. Angry that he wasn’t careful enough to ask you to go out on a nature walk with him on a different day. Angry that underneath his hardworking, studious, more human self, was this horrible ugly beast. At least, that’s how Taka saw it.
He came to a stop as you fell to the ground and passed out. Still on the verge of tearing something apart, he pounced onto your unconscious body and snarled at you once more. Only this time…
He recognized you. He… began to remember who was trying to calm him down…
He scared you.
And now… you’re on the ground…
And your forehead… was bleeding…
He… he hurt you…
Oh dear God, he hurt you! He didn’t want to hurt you! He just wasn’t in his right state of mind—
… no. There was no excuse for the way he acted. No excuse for scaring you. No excuse for hurting you.
Tears began to flow out of his eyes and down his cheeks as he let out a whine similar to that of a puppy dog’s. He tried desperately to shake you awake, but to no avail. You didn’t get up.
… this was his fault.
This was all his fault.
Now… you’re not waking up. And he wasn’t certain you were ever going to wake up after a fall like that…
The first thing you felt was something… or rather… someone warm and fuzzy wrapped around you as you slowly came back into consciousness. Then, you felt as if there were soft little kisses being placed on your forehead. You slowly opened your eyes as the sound of tiny, distressed whining, almost of a puppy dog became more noticeable. You eventually realized that you were on the ground, and Taka was on top of you. But… he wasn’t attacking you like you feared he was going to. You could see tears staining his cheeks as the puppy like whining continued to emerge from his throat.
“Nghh… Taka?”
You could see his little ears twitch as he heard his name from your mouth. He looked down at you, making sure he wasn’t hearing things.
“Do you… recognize me now?”
Immediately at the sound of your voice, Taka let out a whine once more and hugged you tighter than ever as he nuzzled into your neck. It broke your heart seeing him so distressed and scared. You gently ran your fingers through his hair and gave him a warm, sympathetic smile in an attempt to calm him down.
“Hey… it’s okay. I’m fine. I’m right here.”
Hearing you reassure him made him less tense as now let out a relaxing purr.
“There there. You don’t have to worry anymore. It’s gonna be okay.”
After a few minutes of of the two of you holding each other in your arms, you realized that Taka had fallen asleep.
“Poor thing… you must’ve been terrified. I’m sorry I scared you…”
Feeling a bit guilty about being the possible reason for his stress, you carefully scooped him up and walked down the path back home as you carried him. You were worried about possibly waking him up with every step you took, but he still slept peacefully in your arms, almost as if he didn’t notice your movements.
You eventually made it to your house as you shuffled through the door and gently closed it behind you. You then slipped off your tennis shoes and tiptoed up the steps and into your bedroom. He gently purred in your arms and continued to dream peacefully as you tucked him and yourself into your bed.
You closed your eyes as the events of tonight had played through your mind. You began to wonder why he didn’t want you to see him in such a way. Sure, he came off as aggressive at first, but despite how differently he acted, he was still the same kind and caring Taka that you fell in love with.
The sweet scent of pancakes filled Taka’s senses as he slowly opened his eyes and looked around the room. After a moment of processing, he realized he was in your room—in your bed and jolted up as he blushed an intense shade of red.
“What… happened last night?”
As he sat there in thought, he suddenly remembered. He remembered chasing you. He remembered that terrified look on your face…
“Dammit! They must be furious with me…”
He quickly hopped off the bed and stepped out of your room. It didn’t take him long to figure out where you were, for the delightful smell of pancakes gave away where you were. And so, he shuffled down the steps and set foot into the kitchen, where you turned to face him as he got closer.
“Morning hon! How’d you sleep?”
Huh… that’s odd. You didn’t… seem furious with him… but… he transformed in front of you… right? So… why were you still happy to see him.
“I… fine, I suppose… you?”
“I slept good! Pancakes are almost done!”
As you said this, he finally noticed the bandage on your forehead and let out a gasp.
“O-oh my god—y-your head—
“Oh! No, it’s okay Taka! I’m okay now!”
“D-did I do that? Did I hurt you?!”
“No no no! Not at all! I just tripped! You didn’t do anything!”
“Wh—I clearly did SOMETHING if I was chasing you!”
“Taka it’s ok—
“No! It’s not okay! I… I scared you…”
You gave him a sympathetic look as he stared down at the floor, disappointed in himself. You placed a hand over his shoulder in an attempt to get him to look at you.
“I… I am so sorry about what ha—
Before he could finish his sentence, you leaned in and gently pressed your lips against his, preventing him from rambling about how sorry he was. After a few seconds, you gently pulled away and smiled as he began to blush.
“It’s okay. You don’t need to worry about that anymore.”
You then turned back at the stove and let the pancakes slide from the pan and onto the plates. You then handed one to Taka, who was still blushing from the kiss.
“We’ll talk more about it later, okay?”
The two of you spent the morning having soft and fluffy pancakes as you talked about something more lighthearted rather than the events that took place last night.
You didn’t care what happened. You didn’t care if he could transform at night during full moons.
You still love him. Everything about him.
And seeing him relaxing a bit and finally smiling as you both had your morning conversation over breakfast made you love him even more.
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anairisq · 4 years
Oh gosh, thank you so much ☺️ Your art is so cute!!! Thank you for sharing 💙
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hyperfixationtimego · 6 years
I just came to say, your art style is really hecking cute?! like?? It's adorable!! Thanks for coming to my Ted talk come back next time for me to say how good your art is!! :0
hhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!! that means a whole lot!!!!
I’ve been checking over my progress from last year until now and honestly I’m super proud so thank you so much!!!
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drawbauchery · 7 years
Your blog is soooo cute AAA and you have wonderful art
thank you!!
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suppup17 · 2 years
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Hiroko the love of my life Hagakure
uncensored can be found on my lewd Twitter @/AliensAtNight I also have a SFW Twitter @/Suppup17
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mangoisgay · 3 years
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I took one look at @suppup17 ‘s oc and KNEW I had to draw littol Suppy! Please check out her blog if you haven’t already she’s a sweet heart!!
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lemonadhe · 3 years
Yooooo blackened Kiyondoo btw this is all @suppup17 s idea so full credit to them
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connor15uwu-blog · 5 years
The Crayon Song (BNHA animatic)
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potatolikesyou · 6 years
Petition to fund my proposal to @suppup17
I need money for flowers, popcorn, and glitter.
I will ride off into the sunset, as a pride flag waves in the distance. It will signal the glitter. As we run I will have crows drop flowers down on us as I rap the theme song to ICarly.
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lemon-king · 6 years
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@suppup17 I realized I didn't have a picture of gun on me so take this super quick doodle from memory and remember kids- if you can't afford to run a full camp, it's time for some campers to get their murder badges !
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luminous-galaxies · 8 years
suppup17 reblogged your photoset and added: “littlejimmy123: galaxybud: Some people say I look like a fresh...”
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