#tb 02
stromuprisahat · 3 months
I was trying to be kinder to Juan and his failure at Forli, since I've never really considered Cesare's decision not to pass intel about Milan moving on it, but what kind of idiot, educated in warfare, doesn't watch his own back during a siege, especially if his opponent has powerful family all over the country?!
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jtl-fics · 9 months
So what if I dropped a little teeny tiny request for Foxhole Bake?
WIP Wednesday - Open (9-13-23) | A Foxhole Bake
"This is a bit of egg in some pastry. Sometimes large, sometimes small, we're asking for 12 small ones today." Sandi continues on with a shrug.
"Yes your Quickie will need some meat in it so I hope we're alright with a bit of porking." Noel continues as the majority of the remaining bakers giggled at the joke.
"As always, Prue and paul are very hush hush about the process but they have given you some very basic instructions on what goes into the Quiche." Sandi says.
"Very few instructions needed for a Paul and Prue's Quickie." Noel doggedly continues the joke.
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fullc0llapse · 10 months
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found some oooold photos of tbs i havent seen anywhere. mid-2002 or so?
photos taken by brian woodward. clearly.
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hayannoran · 7 months
DA02:TB WAS AMAZING!! Personally, I enjoyed it WAY more than Last Evo Kizuna, and that's really saying something since I think about DA:LEK a lot. I'll be talking about spoilers and my thoughts down under the readmore line!
Okay, so I'll start off with the one thing I somewhat dislike first before getting to positives and just gushing about details: I didn't really like the fact that the digivices dissolved. That's it, really. This is mostly because I'm a bit worried about how travel between the human world and the digital world would work, now. (Also, maybe this is just my Miyakari brainrot, but I was thinking about how this would make it harder for Hikari to visit Miyako... it's ok, my lore brain comes before any kind of shipping brain, but I'm a little bit sad.) Personally, I'm just headcanoning for fun that they eventually can just. Go into digital screens persona-4-style since I think that would be goofy, but that's probably not going to happen lol.
On Rui: I was really pleasantly surprised at how he's written!! Honestly, I felt his frusturation; honestly, I was a bit peeved at what Hikari said to him when he first told the 02 team about the time he broke his digivice due to what Ukkomon did, because even though I agreed with her on what she was saying, I felt like she was ignoring his point of view and his understandable grief. (People aren't perfect when responding to other people's trauma all the time though, so I don't mind from a story perspective.)
I really liked Ukkomon's weird eldritch tentacle form. The tree branches make me think that it's probably Yggsdrasil that Ukkomon has contact with? Since they didn't specify what Ukkomon's connection is, I really hope they explore it more in the future with more episodes, or maybe even another animated series. (Though, maybe a movie would be better for the sake of a more polished end result? Idk, more digimon content is always welcome to me.)
The one scene of Daiken baiting was kinda funny but a little sad since yknow it's queerbait and we know it won't happen canonically due to the epilogue 😭 and the directors doubled down on the epilogue in interviews so we know its not happening... I remember clearly seeing Daisuke blush, but I think Ken was largely unaffected, which, if that blush is anything other than embarrassment, has some slightly sad one-sided connotations. (I'm a Bi Daisuke truther. Maybe I'm delusional. Who cares it's for fun)
This is just a small detail, but I noticed that Silphymon's voice (in the dub at least) (I watch sub usually but the only viewings near my area for both today and tomorrow were dub viewings) was just Tailmon's voice and had none of Hawkmon's voice, which was kinda interesting? It doesn't matter much, it just stuck out to me. I thought it was kinda funny.
I do wish the 02 cast interacted with each other a bit more, but I'm not nearly as bitter about that as I thought I would be, since Rui was a main character I enjoyed. If there's more digimon media in the future that riffs off of this movie, I *would* like it if the 02 cast got more focus, but Rui is a welcome addition to me. (I hope they all get to meet Wallace again at some point... that would be really fun [said by a person who has Hurricane Touchdown as their favorite movie])
Overall, I thought the movie was really good. It had a few other issues, and as someone who's used to the sub I found that the dub voices weren't *entirely* my favorite (except Rui, Rui's performance was excellent), but they didn't bother me as much as I thought they would, making for an amazing experience imo. Review sites I've looked at put it at a B, but for my personal opinion, it's one of the best pieces of digimon media in a LONG time. I'd recommend that you watch it yourself to form your own opinions though (if you haven't watched it and are still reading this for some reason hah) since that's what really matters.
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tiodalimpeza · 6 months
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hpmort · 7 months
I have been rewatching Digimon Adventure 02 (the dub) with a friend who has never watched Digimon, and it appears that Tai has a Blackberry in 2002 despite later having a flip phone three years later in Tri? Why? Was his fancy technology taken away from him?
“You may have saved the world but you ran off to France without telling me, now you will have more difficulty typing and won’t be able to play Brick Break or Snake.”
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thinkwinwincom · 2 years
Revisión de los auriculares para juegos Turtle Beach Recon 70
Revisión de los auriculares para juegos Turtle Beach Recon 70
Calificación de TweakTown: 71% Línea de fondo Para los amantes del presupuesto que buscan unos auriculares para juegos asequibles para emparejar con varios dispositivos, Turtle Beach Recon 70 ofrece un sonido decente y sencillo. Profesionales + Impresionante calidad de sonido y equilibrio por el precio. + La versátil conexión 3.5 lo hace ideal para consolas + El micrófono abatible funciona bien…
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pambrrats · 2 years
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thecapricunt1616 · 11 days
Chicory (c.b. one-shot)
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♡ Chapter Inspo: Chicory is perfect for love spells, & sex magick, it is also a natural aphrodisiac - this being because it is a great source of the androgen hormone androstenedione. ♡ Summary: You wake up to find Carmy's dirty little book he's been hiding from you, and convince him you want to try some things out from it, too. ♡ W/C: 3.5K+ ♡ Posted Date: 05/28/2024 ♡ A/N: Hellooooo!!! Happy day 3/7 of the Capri 200 Follower Celebration Extravaganza!!! You can find said extravaganza ♡ Here ♡ this celebration will be going until next Sunday (06/02/24)! We're getting todays party started early because I am physically incapable of sleep today I guess!! Lol anywhore - This O/S is based on ♡ This ♡ request, from my Darling Dirty Olive Martini otherwise known as the goddess herself @carmenberzattosgf ! Give her a follow NEOWW!!! I hope you love my dear Martini baby! Your other request is still in the works xoxoxo ♡ Warnings for BTC: Smutty smut smut, embarrassed Carmy, unprotected sex, AFAB!Fem!Reader, Reader not described pic's are purely for vibes only, swearing, and typical TB trigger warnings
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♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ♡
➵ 𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 ♡ ➵ 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 ♡ ➵ 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 / 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘵 ♡ ➵ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ♡
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You and Carmy had been dating for about 2 months, and it was an extraordinary two months. While he wasn’t the best at communication, he tried, and he tried very hard. He was an amazing learner, and would pick up what you put down the second he realized he made a mistake - do his best to fix it, and not make the same mistake again. In regards to the bedroom, your pleasure came first, it was like that from the beginning. It wasn’t something either of you discussed, it was more that Carmy was the one who did the leading most the time, and you followed & told him what did and didn’t feel good. 
Most of the time, he was dead set on solely your pleasure. You could remember the amount of times you’d had penetrative sex with him, as much as you hated that you kept track, it was just in your nature to do so. He hadn’t let you go down on him yet,saying that he was ‘all good by eating you out’. On top of your lack of experience together - he also liked to have the lights off most of the time. You were much more sex forward than he was, so you just chalked it up to being shy, and didn’t think anything of it.
That was until he was sleeping one night next to you, falling asleep after eating you out for a straight 2 hours, you couldn't even remember the exact number of times he made you cum. You also weren’t sure how his jaw didn’t lock up. 
The reason you had woken up at such an hour, was because your hand brushed something hard and papery under his pillow when you stuck your hand under it in search of his to hold. You carefully pulled the foreign book out, and in the dim moonlight that peeked through his navy blue blackout curtains, you read ‘BDSM Kinktionary - The ultimate guide’ and oh - had that thing been read. The spine had been very broken in, it was clear this specific book of his was well loved. 
You flick through it, to see that there were multiple pages that had been dog-eared for later use. You got up quietly as to not disturb him, padding out to the kitchen where he kept the light under his microwave on. Leaning over the counter and flicking through the pages, finding the first one that had been dogeared and reading it. 
Bondage - The restraint of a person, either by physical item (cuffs, rope, etc.) or instruction (known as mental bondage). Restraint can be full-body (vacuum beds, suspension) or involve a single body part such as the eyes (blindfold), mouth (ball gag), wrists or even thumbs. Bondage may include furniture like sex swings and devices like handcuffs. 
It had various photos of different things mentioned and you raised your brows. “Carmy have you been holding out on me?” you whispered to yourself, a small smile on your face as you flicked to the next page that had been marked by a fold and read ;
Cockwarming / Soaking - Where one person puts their cock into their partner’s mouth, ass, or vagina (if they have one), and leaves it there for a set amount of time to, well, ‘keep warm’. Some people use it as a punishment, some people just like the feeling of it, some use it as a more intimate & sexual form of spooning/cuddling, and some use it as a method of trying to conceive after a creampie (see pg. 32).
You see a little star next to the definition made with red ink likely from a pen, and the word ‘creampie’ was underlined as well. Your mouth dropping slightly - this is likely what he wants to try. When you and Carmy did have sex, he would usually cum on your stomach, long thick white ropes of seed painting all the way up to your ribs, dragging his fingers through it before putting it to your lips to which you gratefully accepted and licked them clean. You tightened your thighs a bit at the thought. 
The bedroom door popped open quietly “Babe?” Carmy said, voice gravelly and deep with sleep. You jump in surprise, nearly hitting your head on the side of the microwave as you were bent over trying to read without your glasses in such dim light. “Wha’s up-” he asked padding over. He saw the cover on the counter behind you, eyes widening and eyes flicking back to you. His cheeks go pink “Uhh.. how- how did you - shit - fuck - m-m’sorry babe it was- I-” he ran a nervous hand through his hair taking a big nervous breath.
“Cockwarming?” you said and he rubbed over his mouth and chin nervously 
“It’s - i-it’s- y’don’t have t’do any a’that babe it was just a um-”
“A fantasy?” you cut him off. He bit his bottom lip roughly, swallowing thickly. His whole face and neck were red with embarrassment, he looked honestly like he could cry. Like a teen who’s porno-mags had been discovered. “I think it sounds…really hot” you grabbed the book off the counter. “I know you don’t really like getting head so-”
“S’not that I don’t like it. I just…I haven’t done it alot an’I don’t wanna embarrass myself n’stuff.” he rubbed his arm nervously and you stepped a bit closer, gently resting your hand on his chest right over his heart. You could feel it thumping against your palm like a monarch trapped in a plastic cup. 
“You can’t embarrass yourself with me Carmy, we talked about it. The way our bodies react to things- how fast they react, it’s not something we can choose. I’d never judge you, is that why you didn’t wanna tell me the stuff you want to try? Cause you thought I’d think it was embarrassing?” you asked him softly.
He looked at the floor, shutting his eyes and sighing “yes” he admitted quietly, “how much did you see?” he asked nervously
“Enough, I didn’t even know that was like a thing? But it sounds hot- can we try? I mean..we dont have to- but I could go right now, if you want to” you asked. He held his hand on yours, gently squeezing it. 
“I’ve never done it-”
“So we can learn together then, right? Things are most fun that way, anyways. I love doing new things with you, Carmy. It makes me feel close to you” you admitted. 
He pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face in your neck and holding you close. “Thank you” he muttered into your skin, the tip of his nose chilly since you two had fallen asleep with the window open last night.
“F’what baby?” you asked, rubbing over his back, your finger pads gently brushing over the little moles adorning his skin like tiny constellations you traced over in early mornings just after his alarm went off and he was still rousing for the day.
“Bein’ you” he said and kissed the fleshy bit where your shoulder met your neck and a smile graced your lips, gently petting his hair “I wanna try if you wanna try…I mean really wanna try, not just ‘cause I wanna do it, cause you actually want to” he said. 
You pulled away, tilting his head to look at you “I want to.” you said, your voice honeyed with honesty and desire. 
He tugged you by your hand back to the bedroom, kissing you deeply tugging you close by your hips and his hands traveled down your back, over your ass, squeezing and you moaned a bit, cupping his jaw and rubbing your thumb gently over the stubble that had grown since he shaved in the shower yesterday morning. He hummed softly, carefully sitting on the mattress and leading you to straddle his hips, playing gently with the hem of your panties between his fingers. 
You opened your mouth for him, gently sucking on his tongue when he slipped it in your mouth since you know how much you both liked it and he moaned softly, gripping your ass tighter and pulling at the skin. You smirked into the kiss, pulling off after a few moments with a pop 
“Want y’to touch me” you said sweetly, gently kissing the corner of his slightly parted lips, his breath coming out in soft warm pants against your cheek. 
“Mm” he hummed softly reaching one of his hands under you, gently rubbing at your clit “y’sore?” he asked softly “I wasn’t too rough earlier was I?” he questioned as you kissed down his jaw, and over the hickeys, you’d left a few days ago on his neck. He wasn’t too stressed about them because he would just tell anyone at work to fuck off and there wasn’t going to be another friends and family night for a few weeks. 
“No love, m’okay, that was so nice earlier. Made me feel sooo good, Are you ok?” you gently stroke his jaw with your hand and he smiles a bit 
“Yes babe, m’fine. Feel good?” he asked and rubbed a bit firmer, in response your hips jerked a bit in his hands and a little breathy oh escaped your throat
“Yes jus’ like that babe feels so good, I love your pretty strong hands” you lovingly kiss his temple, resting your forehead on his “I fuckin’ love it when you touch me like that, bear” you said and his cock twitches in his boxers beneath you, already hard in briefs. It never took him much, but especially when you used his name. 
That name, his nickname. The name only the closest people in his life called him, the name that coming from you - made him feel confident, strong, dominant. “Can’t fuckin’ focus when y’bein so sweet baby c’mere” he pulls his lips to yours again, pushing your panties to the side, breaking the kiss of course to ask “thas’ok right?” carefully rubbing his fingers through your slick 
“Mmhmm, Course sweet boy - Feel how wet I am? All f’you baby. Y’so sexy, and so brave for telling me what you want from me, hmm? My brave Bear” you gently play with his curls, combing through them with your fingers. He kissed you again, cock grinding up against your pelvis unintentionally. You knew how much praise turned him on, he yearned for it. He carefully pulled back your hood, brushing the rough pad his middle finger over the sensitive bud. 
You whine into his mouth, hips jerking at the sudden, intense bolt of pleasure and in retaliation you took his bottom lip between your teeth and pull gently. Your eyes then fluttered open to see his hooded blue eyes darkened with need, long eyelashes fluttering his cheeks when he blinked. 
You sucked his lip between yours, sucking gently on it as he carefully trailed his hand down your slick folds, spreading your nether lips with his fingers a sticky click being heard when that same torturous middle finger that was teasing your innocent clit a few moments prior, breached your dripping entrance. Your mouth falls open, letting his lip snap back into place and a moan tumbles from your own lips. 
“Yes- fuck yes baby” you sat back a bit to take another knuckle in and he buried his finger to the palm, curling it and uncurling it around your gummy walls, a lewd wet schlick noise coming from your pussy as he did so 
“Sound so pretty” he breathed arching his finger a bit deeper and brushing against that lovely spongey little spot that made your clit pulse and fire grow in the pit of your belly. “Want another princess?” He asked, and unable to speak, you nodded, jaw dropped. You grind down onto his hand once he added his ring finger, rolling your hips so you were essentially riding his hand as he continued rolling his fingers and pressing on that spot. 
You were feeling that heat shooting to your core, your juices leaking down his palm, and wrist, droplets racing down his veiny forearm to nestle in the crook of his elbow. “Oh- oh-fffffuuuck” you whined out, rolling your hips quicker as you chased your high. “Mm so sweet - y’so sweet Carmy- letting me use your hand like this, thank you” you give him a hot, wet kiss, lingering for a moment. 
“Lemme help you mm?” He pushed your back to lay over him fully, cheek pressed to his chest “I like takin’ care’a’my girl” he said and quickly matched your pace with his fingers, continuing to curl them into that spot with every thrust in to his palm. He groaned softly at the short high pitched little whimpers you made as you went slack over his chest, your hips twitching as your walls fluttered wildly around his fingers, sucking them back in each time he pulled out. 
“Feels so good- sososo good” you rambled, nearly drooling on his chest you were so far away in your orgasm. 
“Y’always do so good princess, always so good, can y’give me one more? Ye’? Then you can fall asleep on m’cock mm? You’d like that I bet, you always whine when I pull outta you” he said hotly in your ear, voice thick with lust and pure need. This was the game you two played, he would fuck you absolutely dumb, so that he got comfortable enough to talk dirty thinking you wouldn’t remember what he said or that you were too caught up in your own nearly atomic orgasms he was determined to lure out of you to be able to hear him properly. 
“Need it- need it- want you-“ you choke on your words, hips arching into his touch as he continued his assault on your gspot, this time adding his forefinger. “There- there right fuckin there I’m- I’m gonna make a mess shit fuck-“ you sob out, thighs nearly shaking with pleasure. “Carmy Carmy- Carmy- oh!” His name fell from your lips like an invocation. 
“Thas it pretty girl. Fuck- so fuckin hot- make a fuckin mess all over me angel.” He massaged that spot with his fingers, the heel of his palm giving delicious friction to your clit that was causing your brain and your mouth to disconnect, the string of lewd swears and filthy moans going unheard by you as you were pretty sure your vision went white behind your shut lids and your legs went fully numb for a moment. 
You came back a few minutes later to him whispering praise into your hairline, littering little kisses over it and gently brushing your wet sweaty hair from your forehead. “So so good baby. Always so good f’me huh? Y’gonna let me take care’a’you now?” 
You picked your cheek up from his chest, your skin sticking to his and pulling away like scotch tape, slow since you weren’t in a rush to move being so exhausted and very comfortable where you were. “Hey you, gonna lemme clean you up so we can try this thing out?” He carefully brushed your baby hairs from your face that were wild and curly with sweat from the encounter. 
In response you hum softly, in agreement, throat feeling dry as you sat up to let him move. He carefully reached over you, opening his night drawer and grabbing the feminine wipes he kept in there for you, as well as grabbing your water bottle from the tabletop.
He holds the straw to your lips “big sip f’me, ye’?” He cradled the back of your head gently. You leaned in, taking the sip he requested, and as soon as the icy water he assured your cup stayed filled with passed your lips one sip turned in to a few big gulps, eyes shutting in bliss. “Goood girl.” He praised gently. Hearing the bubbles at the bottom a few moments later, meaning you’d hit ice and it was empty so you pulled away, your tongue darting out to lick your dry lips
“Thanks” you said softly and pecked his shoulder with your chilly ice water lips gently. 
“You go do what you gotta do, I’m gonna fill this up mm?” He kissed your head and got up, heading to the kitchen. You went to the restroom, making sure to wash your hands which you know he did as well since you heard the kitchen sink while you were sitting on the toilet rubbing your tired face. 
By the time you got back, he was already switching out the fitted sheet for a clean dry one, in clean boxers - his problem still evident, standing tall and tugging at the fitted fabric. “Carm” you said softly and he looked up at you 
“Hey baby- y‘waters there got you a granola bar if you want it too. Wasn’t sure if y’just wanted to go to sleep but i'd love if you had a bite or two- 
” he goes on. The only time you had a hard time getting him to stop talking was when he felt as if you needed taking care of, turning into the male version of his sister, as you’d quickly found out how she treated him the few times you’d met her. 
“Carmy” you said again, stopping his rambling. “What about the book- the cockwarming thing? Did you…you don’t wanna do that with me anymore?” You slipped out of your now wet panties and flicked them into the laundry basket. 
“Oh- oh-“ he watched them fly and land on your shared pile of dirty clothes from the week of you sleeping over. “Uh- no- I-I mean yes yes I wanna do it with you, I can um…let me get a condom just in case I like- accidentally-“ you stopped him once more
“If you came inside me on accident I think that would be really hot.” 
He stopped digging through the drawer and looked over at you, cheeks flush. “Did you…take your thing?” He asked, like it was a secret. You laughed a bit at his boyish awkwardness regarding woman’s products. 
“I don’t take a thing the thing meaning my implant is in my arm. I’m never at risk with it for pregnancy, well - shouldn’t be - but it’s like a 98% thing…I also am pretty irregular? So I dunno” you shrugged a bit “but irregular means I probably won’t be pregnant, especially on birth control, so.” You explained. 
“Okay- um- yeah. Yeah.” He said, pulsepoint visible in his neck from how hard his heart was pumping in anticipation for what was to come next. “So- alright. You- you wanna be on top? I- I don’t wanna like..crush you” he said and you nod excitedly 
“I love sleeping on you! I’m gonna fall asleep, is that ok?” You asked as he slipped his boxers off, cock kissing his naval in greeting as it springs up from its previous restraints. The tip was so pretty and cherry pink, glistening with precum at the tip. Every time you saw it like this you just wanted to fall to your knees and take as much of the beautiful thick length down your throat as you could - but that was a line to still not be crossed by you two. 
“Ye’ s’fine baby. As long as y’re ok w’me wakin’ up hard as fuck I’m probably gonna dream about fuckin you feelin you like that all night” he admits, laying in the middle since you were sleeping together and getting comfortable for you. You crawled on the bed and took his shirt that you’d been wearing fully off so you could be chest to chest, and drape over him like earlier. 
This time, he spread you out with his hands, one on each cheek and guided your hips so his tip was nestled snugly against your entrance. “I’m okay as long as you’re okay” you said truthfully and sunk back on his throbbing cock. He grunted a bit, biting his lip and shutting his eyes for a moment. You knew he did that now when he didn’t want to cum too quickly, just from being with him a few times, you picked up on stuff like that just like he did. 
“Y’so fuckin tight” he breathed once he was able to relax again, wrapping his strong arms around your back and you thought he was going to push you down, seat you fully on his cock - but, no he…he’s hugging you. He’s continuing to let you sink down as slow as you want. When you finally were seated to the hilt, he places a chaste kiss to your jaw. “Thank you.” He nuzzled his nose into your neck, lashes kissing and tickling your cheek as his eyes flutter shut. 
“Thank you Bear. Always treat me so nice” you continued gently playing with his curls as his hands gently rubbed over your upper back, tracing the curvature of your shoulders with his fingers. 
“Oh I’d say it’s the other way around princess, you always make sure I get what I want - y’too good” 
To that, you just smiled, falling asleep a tiny smirk on your face - knowing it was the other way around, you knew he’d never agree. 
But you both wouldn’t have it any other way.
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annylagartinha · 1 month
Minha experiência fazendo 7 dias de nf pela primeira vez!!
e como eu finalmente do imc 22 pra 21
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Gostaria de lembrar que eu não estou influenciando ninguém a passar 7 dias sem comer, essa foi uma escolha totalmente minha e isso aqui é apenas um relatório dessa experiência. Quero lembrar tb antes que comecem a falar, esse nf não tem como objetivo emagrecimento, mas sim apenas limpar meu corpo pra eu poder começar o mês regenerada e pronta para uma nova dieta limpa. Além de fazer uma recuperação das compulsões que eu tive mês passado.
Dia 1: 01/05/24
Peso: 63,7kg
Tive compulsoes o mês passado quase inteiro, não sinto orgulho disso e é justamente por esse motivo que eu estou fazendo isso. Estou animada, ansiosa é acima de tudo desesperada pra completar este desafio!!
hoje foi muito difícil, tive MUITA fome o dia inteiro e acho q por ter passado a semana passada toda recaindo em compulsão, meu corpo desacostumou a ficar sem nada. Senti muita vontade de comer, muita mesmo e tive que lutar muito pra me segurar😭😭😭
mas enfim, barriga roncando e dor significa resultado!! vamos seguir q amanhã é outro dia
Dia 2: 02/05/24
peso: 62,2kg
Me sinto menos inchada, acredito que dps desse desafio eu vá conseguir sair do platô dos 62-63kg🙏🙏🙏
Hoje tive uma crise de nervos no tédio, fui cozinhar pra desestressar e acabei me empolgando, fiz bolo, brigadeiro, torradas, salgadinhos de queijo e mousse de limão. Talvez eu tenha cavado minha própria cova mas tudo bem, pelo menos n comi nada durante o processo.
Confesso que hoje foi difícil, lidar com tédio junto com fome é complicado.. Me senti meio fraca e muito sono de manhã, agora de noite meu estômago roncou demais😭😭 parece que esse dia nunca acaba, socorr😰🕊
dia 3: 03/05/24
Peso: 61,3kg
acordei hoje sem motivação nenhuma, minha única vontade hoje é de sumir. Comecei o resto do desafio com outras amigas e espero q isso me faça pelo menos ter um pingo de motivação pra continuar.
Passei o dia inteiro desanimada. de manhã, minha única vontade era de desaparecer do mundo. De resto, dormi o resto da tarde inteira e dps fiz uns serviços em casa (lavar banheiro e estender roupas), fiz tb dance workout. Senti meu estômago roncando mas n vou vacilar.
dia 4: 04/05/24
Foi horrível dormir na noite passada. Passei minutos e mais minutos mudando de posição e nada😭😭 acordei bem cedo tb, sinto minha boca mt seca (sinal de cetose) e meus lábios estão meio ressecados. Porem, to com a barriga mais seca. Comecei a fazer vacuum e vou conciliar com os dance workouts.
Bebi água com limão de manhã, eu amei pq acabou com toda a minha fome e fiquei muito saciada até de tarde. Vou fazer sempre!!!!!!
Não percebi muita diferença física, mas hj eu consegui entrar em uma saia q tava apertada e consegui entrar em uma roupa tam P ( que eu ainda acho q é M mas enfim)
Passei a tarde dormindo, dps de noite fiz 2 dance workouts e 1 exercício chinês de perder barriga. Fiz tb o método japonês da toalha pra cintura fina e fiquei +/- uns 10min deitada com a perna na parede. Hoje não foi tão torturante em relação a fome, senti minha barriga roncar sim mas aguentei dboa. Me pesei agr de noite e cheguei nos 60kg, meu objetivo é chegar na casa dos 50 até o final.
dia 5: 05/05/24
peso: 59,9kg
Foi horrível dormir noite passada, precisei tomar remédios e ainda assim demorou pra fazer efeito💔
acordei com dor no corpo inteiro por causa dos exercícios e pq o lugar q eu durmo n ta muito confortável. Ah, quando me levantei dps de scordar, minha pressão baixou mt, minha visão escureceu e tive uma mini fraqueza mais intensa q o normal.
to extremamente sem ânimo, tentei arrumar um pouco meu quarto mas desisti logo no começo. Não sinto fome, porém muita sede.. Fiz o almoço hj pro pessoal daqui de casa e enchi de coisas q n posso comer justamente p n me dar vontade dps.
Não fiz exercícios pq me senti sem energia nenhuma.
dia 6: 06/05/24
minha manhã foi péssima, passei o tempo todo desanimada e ainda aconteceu uma situação na escola que me fez ter vontade de morrer. Enfim, meu humor em geral ta horrível (muito provavelmente pq to sem comer mas a gente releva)
Tirei bc hj, minhas clavículas estão aparecendo mais!!!! estão mercadinhos mas n tanto, tenho q relaxar os ombros p elas darem as caras mas ainda assim é um grande passo pra mim!!!!!! sempre achei lindo clavículas marcadas e sempre quis ter, agr que isso ta realmente acontecendo me deixa extremamente animada😭😭😭😭😭
Admito, pensei em quebrar o nf pq me senti sem energia mas vendo q eu consegui bater 130hrs me deu motivação p continuar!!!!!!!
n fiz nenhum exercício hj, acho que vou acabar passando mal se fizer :/
dia 7: 07/04/2024
peso: 58,4kg
foi PÉSSIMO dormir noite passada, precisei apelar mais uma vez pra remédio pra dormir. Enfim, sempre q eu levanto minha visão escurece e tive umas dores de cabeça mas tudo bem pq EU CHEGUEI NA CASA DOS 50KG!!!!!!!!!
apesar dos pesares, n me sinto tão cansada quanto ontem e to com um pouco mais de energia ent pretendo fazer uma caminhada de 40 minutinhos hj.
tenho prova hoje e tb preciso passar no mercado, como hj é meu último dia e n tem nd saudável lá em casa, vou precisar comprar umas coisinhas básicas. Isso é até bom pq vai me livrar do tédio por um bom tempo.
dia 8: 08/04/2024
peso: 58kg
CONSEGUI COMPLETAR 168HRS DE NF!!!!! uma semana sem comer, que meta ein kkkkKKK kkkkKKK
hj eu n acordei com menos peso, achei estranho mas enfim, estou na casa dos 50 e é isso que importa!!
quebrei o nf agora no café da manhã, comi ovos e smoothie. Senti dor no estômago enquanto comia, tb achei um pouco estranho comer algo dps de dias sem nadakkkkkkkkk
enfim, foi uma experiência estressante e bem cansativa mas eu fiquei satisfeita com o resultado. Como meu objetivo não é perder peso realmente, agora vou focar bem na minha alimentação pra retomar com meu metabolismo.
Muito obg por ler até aqui, me desculpem pelo post enorme mas eu amo escrever kkkkkkkkk
lembrando que eu não to tentando incentivar ninguém a ficar 7 dias sem comer, isso é apenas um diário de nf que eu quis postar aqui no blog :)
até logo mais, beijinhos edmigos fiquem bem e se cuidem!! 🦋💗
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stromuprisahat · 3 months
Machiavelli: *sees a pile of trash* Machiavelli: *sees a book in it* Machiavelli: *leafs through that book* Machiavelli:
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putschki1969 · 4 months
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LisAni! LIVE 2024
Yuki Kajiura, her regular FictionJunction members and LiSA all participated in the Saturday Stage of LisAni! LIVE 2024.
Title: リスアニ !LIVE 2024 Date: January 27 (SATURDAY STAGE) Venue: Nippon Budokan Website: https://www.lisani.jp/live/ Appearing artists: illumination STARS & CoMETIK/ASCA/Yuma Uchida/JUNNA/ FictionJunction (Vocal: KAORI, KEIKO, YURIKO KAIDA, Joelle, LiSA)/Myuk UPCOMING ARTISTS:asmi / SennaRin / UniteUp!
🎤Setlist🎤 1.蒼穹のファンファーレ 2.stone cold 3.from the edge 4.Parade
Tweet by Keiko | Tweet by LiSA | Tweet 2 by LiSA | Tweet by ASCA | Tweet by Yuriko | Instagram post 1 & 2 by Keiko | Instagram post by LiSA
Kaji Fes. 2023 Day 1 Broadcast Promo Video
「30th Anniversary Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#19 - Kaji Fes. 2023-」 held at Nippon Budokan on December 8th and 9th, 2023 is set to be broadcast on CS TBS Channel 1. The other day, a short promo video was posted for the Day 1 broadcast.
📺DAY1:2024/02/24 21:00~(JST) 📺DAY2:2024/03/??
※The broadcast date and time of Day 2 will be announced on the TBS channel official website as soon as it is decided. ※You can watch it on your PC or smartphone via “SKY PerfecTV! Streaming”. You can also watch the archived video for one week after the broadcast. [Note: I don’t think this service is available overseas] ◇TBS channel official website
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Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#17~PARADE~ TV Broadcast
In other news, it was announced that the final performance of YKL Vol#17 (2022/8/12) will be broadcast on CS TBS Channel 1 on February 24, before Kaji Fes. 2023 Day 1! 『Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#17~PARADE~』8/1 Tokyo Nakano Sunplaza Broadcast date/time:February 24 (18:30/21:00) TV Channel:CS TBS Channel 1 Website: https://www.tbs.co.jp/tbs-ch/item/o2837/ Yuki Kajiura(Piano/Chorus) Vocal:KAORI・KEIKO・YURIKO KAIDA・Joelle [Guest Vocal] Hanae Tomaru, rito, LINO LEIA [Surprise Guest] Hikaru
Previously, this live was broadcast on the streaming platform "Streaming+" (2022/11/01) so we are not getting any new footage unfortunately. Here are my posts about the broadcast => Live Report | Sprinter Performance
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fullc0llapse · 10 months
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august 2002. from a show in austin tx.
photos taken by elaine boydston
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Paige Mahoney is outside the Republic of Scion for the first time in more than a decade – but she has no idea how she got to the free world. Half a year has been wiped from her memory.
As she makes her way back to the revolution, her journey takes her to Venice, where she learns a dangerous secret – one that could change the face of the war between humans and immortals. Before she can return to
London, she must help the Domino Programme unravel the sinister Operation Ventriloquist.
And it soon becomes clear that the one person who could recover her memories – Arcturus Mesarthim – might also hold the key to saving Italy.
Lyrical, touching and action-packed, The Dark Mirror drives the bestselling Bone Season series forward, showing Samantha Shannon at the height of her powers.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc ISBN: 9781408879443 Number of pages: 368
Published: 25/02/2025
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randomvarious · 9 months
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Today's compilation:
DJ-Kicks by Kruder & Dorfmeister 1996 Downtempo / Trip Hop / Drum n Bass
Although they'd been primarily regarded as a talented remix and production duo, in 1996, Austrians Peter Kruder and Richard Dorfmeister revealed to the world that what they may have actually been even better at doing, all along, was making DJ mixes. That year, they put out a pair of terrific ones: a drum n bass journey called Conversions, and their super chilly magnum opus for German electronic label !K7's popular DJ-Kicks series. And that DJ-Kicks one, in particular, happens to hold a mythical status of its own, as it's been rated by many as the single-greatest DJ mix that's ever been made. Plus, like Conversions, DJ-Kicks had drum n bass on it too, but K&D also blended that dnb with blissful bouts of dub-infused downtempo and trip hop as well 😌.
But what I ended up listening to today wasn't actually that mix, exactly; instead, it was the *double-12-inch edition* of K&D's DJ-Kicks, which collected full-length, unmixed versions of seven of the songs that appeared on the mixed CD edition.
So, if you love loungey chillout music and/or spacious and atmospheric dnb tunes, not only is the DJ mix essential listening for you, but so are all of these uninterrupted versions of some of that mix's own tracks too. Glasgow's Paul Hunter kicks things off with a terrific head-nodder in "Living Free," which is then followed by UK artist Omni Trio's "Trippin' on Broken Beats," a sweet, shuffling dnb-type of groove that incorporates one of my favorite synthesizer sounds of all time: the Korg M1 Organ preset 02, which was famously featured in a bunch of club classics, like Crystal Waters' "Gypsy Woman." And after that, Germany's Hardfloor, the master manipulators of the Roland TB-303—the bass synthesizer responsible for producing the famous acid squelch sound that kickstarted the whole acid house revolution—grace us with a trip-hoppy collage of different electronic sounds called "Dubdope," which sees them far removed from the hard trance and techno that had made them such dance legends in the first place 😊.
Plus, the kings of the globally-quilted chillout sound, Washington, DC's Thievery Corporation, swing by at the end to deliver the ultra-satisfying "Shaolin Satellite" too.
So, since there isn't a single skip-worthy track on K&D's DJ-Kicks mix, it only makes sense that there wouldn't be one on its corresponding double-12-inch version either. As expected, a terrific, little collection of very well-crafted relaxational vibes here.
Small World - "Living Free (Soundtrack mix)" Omni Trio - "Trippin' on Broken Beats" Hardfloor - "Dubdope" JMJ & Flytronix - "In Too Deep" Shantel - "Bass and Several Cars" Tango - "Spellbound" Thievery Corporation - "Shaolin Satellite"
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bloodxhound · 3 months
Ray’s morals and methods begin to deteriorate after leaving the LAPD. The main reasons being:
    01.  Loss of social network and guidance. In the months following his father’s execution, he loses all his faith in the justice system. He’s always harbored misgivings about how things were run in his department, but once he’s not only discouraged but explicitly prohibited from investigating his father’s remaining criminal network, he realizes he cannot stay anymore. All related case files are handed over to senior detectives, while Ray is denied access to information, resources, and entry into relevant places. The reason the Chief gives him? He’s too personally invested to the point of obsession, biased in a way that will unfairly affect his investigation — said in the knowledge Ray has stayed neutral enough to put his own father on death row. It feels like a slap to the face. Though he puts up with it initially, after there’s little to no progress Ray begins suspecting it’s not for a lack of competence but willingness. For some reason his higher-ups have a vetted interest in preventing his father’s connections from getting exposed. So, he quits, taking matters into his own hands. By doing so, he loses two elements that have kept him relatively stable: his social network, and an institution that has provided him with rules and consequences for not adhering to them.
     02. Self-perception. Ray’s perception of himself is that he’s not a good person. It’s not a self-pitying or self-defeating belief, rather a sober acknowledgement of his own capabilities. He would never take a life, but he has little qualms about hurting people, destroying public or private property, and engaging in other questionable behaviors ( lying, trespassing, keeping information from his superiors, etc. ) as means to solve a case if conventional methods fail him. These tendencies worsen after becoming a vigilante. Hostage-taking, torture, sex in exchange for information, posing and operating as a criminal to infiltrate criminal groups and suchlike become viable strategies to him. It’s easier for someone who already believes they’re “bad” to act in ways that will affirm their self-perception; the role he’s played in his father’s death has certainly cemented this perception of himself. Even though he was only doing his duty, exposing the man’s crimes, it takes its toll on him regardless. In a way he really does believe he killed his father himself. It’s what drives him to become as ruthless as necessary to uproot the remainder of his father’s network, to ensure his death wasn’t for nothing.
     03. Guilt. Ray feels tremendous guilt for all the lives his father has ruined, for all the lives that continue to be ruined because his network is implicitly permitted to exist. Though he has no direct involvement in his father’s crimes, he still believes he enabled him to get away for as long as he has, thanks to his dissociative amnesia in regards to the TB-2 incident. If he hadn’t forgotten ( repressed ) what he half-witnessed, if he had been able to confront his memories and connect their implications sooner, many lives could’ve been spared — maybe even his father’s. He perceives this as his own, personal failure, something he needs to redeem himself for. That’s why he doesn’t mind running himself and his morals into the gutter if it means innocent, good people can be saved.
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