#tbh I also simp for porco
honeyypotato · 2 years
The Girl in the Woods, Chapter 13: Family
Here's the link to the rest of the chapters!
Word count: 3,269
Content warnings for this chapter: Mentions of experimentation on children, nightmares, y/n has childhood trauma
I have a headcanon that Porco is a bad singer, but he really loves to sing. Everyone knows, so they just put up with it bc he's so happy singing why would u shut him up?
This chapter was a lil heavy but the next one's gonna be fun >:3
(Also, I'm gonna start putting content warnings on my chapters going forward, because there's gonna be smut and other things that probably need specific warnings, so watch out for those pls!)
Two years had passed. You had gone into countless battles with the Marleyans, taking down entire cities and leaving nothing but destruction in your wake. You and Reiner were a strong team; you usually ended up hanging around him in battle, and the other Warriors had grown to think of you like family. 
Your nightmares hadn’t gotten any better, but you had used some money you had to gift Pieck earplugs for her to wear at night, which she was grateful to accept.
Except tonight was different. You were back in that odd, starry desert, bare feet sinking into the sand. Suddenly, you saw the figure of a young girl in the distance. You run towards her, hoping to ask her where you were. Instead, when you reach her, your surroundings change. The two of you are standing on the side of a main road leading out of Liberio. She says nothing, but points down the road into the countryside. Is that where my home is? Your eyes widen and you take off, running down the road. Your lungs begin to burn and your legs ache but you don’t stop until you see the little girl again, pointing in a different direction. You follow her finger, and run to the next girl. And the next, and the next. Until, you’re following her finger to a half-crumbled house–you wake up, covered in sweat.
You sit up, eyes round. You move and realize you've transformed into your titan form in your sleep. Something shifts next to your bed and you turn your head to the side to see Pieck, Reiner, Porco, and Zeke staring at you.
“I’ve never had a dream like that before.” You’re stunned. Reiner stares into your wide, red eyes and then moves to sit on the bed, taking your hand in his.
“Tell us about it.”
When you finish talking, your friends are looking at you like you’re a little crazy. Everyone except Zeke. “You remember where your childhood home was?” It was half a question and half a statement.
You nod at him.
“We have tomorrow off. We should go.” Zeke was dead set on going more than the rest of you, for some reason.
“Wait, do any of us know how to drive?” Pieck’s voice stops the rest of you in your tracks as you head towards the car the Commander had let you borrow.
“Uh, she has a point…” Porco gulped, eyes darting from you, to Reiner, to Zeke, and back. “Unless Miss. y/n has any more tricks up her sleeve she’d like to share with the rest of us?” He smirks at you.
“Porco, we’ve been over this. Paradis doesn’t have cars.” You roll your eyes.
“I can drive.” Zeke says quietly. “Now get in before Commander Magath changes his mind.”
The five of you had convinced him that you needed to get out of the city for at least a few hours, and he finally caved, agreeing that some fresh air would calm you all down. And Pieck definitely didn’t threaten to turn into the Cart Titan and watch him sleep through his window.
You pile into the vehicle and Zeke starts the engine. It had been so long since you had been in a car, and you rolled the window down to stick your head out a little. According to your dream, and some maps Zeke had grabbed, your house was about a two hour drive from the city. Porco and Pieck begin to sing a song they had heard on the radio, and pretty soon the whole car, even Zeke, had joined in. The five of you were on your third repeat of an old sea shanty when you suddenly gasp. 
You had spotted your home. 
“That one.” You voice cuts through Porco, who’s still singing.
Reiner notices how pale your face is and, finding your hand with his, gives it a squeeze. Zeke parks the car and you all get out, tiptoeing around the rubble. You run inside, with Reiner at your back. 
“Y/n!” He hisses, grabbing your arm. “You can’t just run in!”
“There’s obviously no one here–” You start.
“We’ve been on countless missions and you aren’t even thinking about mines or traps!” Reiner’s terrified, and you get it, but this was your home.
“Reiner, I spent 5 years of my life in this place, and my father probably lived here longer. Do you think we lived among booby traps?” You hear Porco snicker and you roll your eyes, knowing his mind came up with an immature joke.
You turn around and walk inside as if in a trance, looking around slowly. The parts of your house that hadn’t been destroyed were exactly the same as you left it.
“It looks like no one’s been here since my father and I left. Everything is in the same place.” You say quietly.
You walk upstairs; thankfully the stairs were still mostly intact. Your bedroom was on the second floor and Reiner has to crouch a little to fit through the doorway. 
Tears form in your eyes, but you’re silent as they run down your face. You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand when the bookshelf across from your bed catches your eye and you remember the dream. You grab the left side and give it a tug, and a hollow click echoes through the silent room as you rotate the bookshelf like a door, stepping inside. The hidden room looks like Zeke’s lab in the research building on the base; sterile-white tiles and walls with fluorescent lights, a metal table at one end next to a chair with restraints too small for any adult you knew. At the other end of the room, a shelf filled with dusty books sat in a corner, and a rather oddly lavish armchair with a small table was angled next to it. 
You quickly crossed the room to the bookshelf. “Zeke, help me with these. What do these mean?” You called him over, you knew he had laboratory experience and some of the book titles were foreign to you.
You hand him a folder filled with papers, and he opens it when his face turns pale. “These are medical records, y/n.”
“Whose?” You peer around his shoulder as he flips through maybe a dozen or so files with pictures of different children, containing their lab results and test scores. Until he lands on the last one. 
“Y/n…is this you?” He shoves the folder at you with shaky hands. 
The young girl in the photograph matches every physical description of you. The shape of your eyes, the angle of your eyebrows, your nose, the tilt of your chin. You look older, sure. But there’s no mistake that it’s you.
“It says…I was born at the Liberio University Hospital.” You’re confused; your father told you your mother decided to give birth to you at home and she passed during labor. 
“They don’t let Eldians in there, y/n.” Reiner’s voice was soft. 
“Then why am I like this?” You whisper back at him. You sit down in the fancy chair in the corner and your friends gather around you as you flip through your folder, handing Zeke any papers with lab results for him to dissect. You find a birth certificate, and the first name matches yours.
“The man who you believed to be your father was a Marleyan scientist, Franz Schuerer. He was removed from the University 20 years ago for disobeying orders to cease his research on the effects of titan spinal fluid in Marleyans. If I had to guess, he never actually stopped his research, he just moved out here to do it in secret.” Zeke is piecing things together a little faster than the rest of you. 
“There are notes on the back of my medical chart.” You’re having a hard time believing what you’re reading, and the handwriting is really messy, which isn’t helping. You begin to read the notes out loud. 
“Y/n. Most successful subject to date. My theories about the completely pure spinal fluid of the first Founding Titan having the ability to alter the genetics of a non-Eldian seem to be true. Regrettably, she was rejected by the Marleyan military for her inability to change in size. Seems these men can’t look forward into a world where titans are no longer our biggest threat…” You trail off.
“There’s more, isn’t there?” Reiner asks softly.
“Yes.” You clear your throat and continue reading.
“...I was instructed to bring her to Paradis or face death. Despite her inability to fully transform, they’re still afraid of her, but I’ve trained her well. She may just survive–and the people there are kind. Maybe someone will take her into their home. I think the higher-ups will have my head anyway, for what I’ve done. All the children I experimented on were stolen from their parents after birth in the University Hospital–I knew no one would want to hand their child over for something like this. At first, my success rate was low. The first four children died immediately after injection. The fifth presented a normal Eldian reaction–that one may have had forged documents. The sixth was unwell from the start and didn’t make it past age 3. Seven and eight died a month after the injection. Nine was a fluke, dead in one week. Ten and eleven were also successful, but their bodies were weak, and they only lasted until around age ten. Y/n is the twelfth, stronger than any other child I’ve raised. I’ve spent so many years perfecting this technique, and although I don’t believe there’s any more pure spinal fluid from the Founding Titan, I’ll note the conditions here if someone were to find these documents:
The dosage is precisely 300mg of spinal fluid, and it must be injected between the second and third vertebra in the neck. 
The spinal fluid must be from the very first Founding Titan. There probably isn’t any more in existence.
The child must be in between their fifth and sixth week after birth. 
The child must be of pure Marleyan descent.
I hope this information will someday save the world.”
You look up at Reiner. 
“We should burn everything here.”
There was a long pause.
“What?! This is cutting edge information!” Zeke was looking at you like you were crazy.
“Zeke–” He cuts you off.
“This could change the tide of the war! Marley would be unstoppable, even against titans! Look at you, he created the perfect soldier!”
“I-I’m really not.” Your voice is weak.
“Give me one reason why you aren’t.” He glares down at you, and you stand from the chair.
“I’ll give you multiple, Zeke!” You’re getting frustrated. How could he want this to happen to more people?
“Go for it!” He says angrily. Reiner shifts forward, ready to jump in front of you in case Zeke decides to throw some punches.
You step towards him.  
“I’m in pain! I’m in pain every second of the day. It feels like I’m burning alive. And when I transform, it feels like my skin is being torn off. My arms bleed day and night; they never fully heal. I don’t get a protective shell like the rest of you when you become titans. The bones in my body change! The only time I feel remotely normal is when I’m transformed, and then everything hurts just a little less. I’m starting to feel like I’m meant to stay that way and never turn back!” You didn’t realize you’d started sobbing. “I can hear and see twice as well as a normal person! I haven’t had a single uninterrupted night of sleep!” You take a shaky breath.
“What you see on the battlefield, and what I am, are two very, very different things, Zeke. And I, for one, never want another person to feel how I do every day. And what if other countries find this? Do you want to have continuous war where countries send drugged children who are constantly in pain off to die?! Is that the world you want to live in?! Because I sure as hell don’t!” You glare at him, a look of shock plastered across his face.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were in pain, y/n?” Reiner moved in front of you to place his hands on your arms, staring into your eyes. 
“Quite honestly, I didn’t realize something might’ve been off until that night where you and Porco were arguing and I told you to shut up. You looked at me like I had two heads, and then I remembered the walls are thick concrete. No one else could hear you.” You sigh, staring at the ground.
Reiner stares at you for a moment. “Y/n’s right, we should burn everything here.”
“I agree.” Porco chimes in. He had been staring at the glassware in one of the cabinets that lined the wall, but he had turned his head and was glaring at Zeke out of the corner of his eye, his back facing the others. “I don’t want a thousand y/n’s attacking me the next time we invade a city, one is bad enough to deal with.” He smirks at you and you shake your head in both exasperation and amusement.
“On top of that, how would the Marleyans react if they heard they were basically the same as Eldians?” Pieck’s point shakes Zeke out of his trance and he deflates, knowing what she’s trying to say.
“Yeah, alright, I’ll admit it, you guys are right. It’s amazing what he did, but it’s not going to help our situation at all.” Zeke sighed. He was hoping to keep the information a secret within Marley, but once Pieck spoke about how the Marleyans would most likely react he knew she was right. It would only fuel their hatred of the Eldians and their families.
“We should do this quickly, before anyone finds us here. If anyone else knows about this we’re screwed.” Reiner hears the urgency in your voice and starts to build a fire. 
“Do you want your birth certificate, y/n?” Pieck is holding it. “You should bring it to Commander Magath and get that armband off.”
“I guess I’ll take it.” 
You fold the paper and put it in your pocket. Reiner had lit a small fire, and you dump the rest of the papers in your folder on the flames. Zeke and Porco begin throwing the books in the shelves onto the fire as well, and soon it was more of a bonfire. You stare at it, flames just barely touching the ceiling, when a hand slides into yours.
“Let’s go home, y/n.” Reiner’s voice was gentle in your ear. You nod, following him into your bedroom and down the stairs out of the house. The two of you turn back to see the entire upstairs of the house begin to ignite.
Satisfied that every last bit of information would be turned to ash, you climb in the car. No one spoke on the drive home. 
Back in your room, you had taken your birth certificate out of your pocket and were staring at it.
“You know your last name now, y/n. Do you want to find your parents?” You look up at the source of the voice to find Pieck standing in the doorway.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I think they may be better off believing I’m gone, than seeing what I am now.”
You pause.
“I’m gonna go show this to Commander Magath.” You say, but you don’t move.
“I can come with you, or I can grab Reiner if you want and he’ll definitely go with you.” She smiles at you.
“Thanks, Pieck, but I think this is something I’ve gotta do alone.” You flash a smile back and stand up, walking to where she was standing and giving her a soft hug. “You’re a really great friend, you know that? I’m glad to have you around.”
She hugs you back tightly. “I feel the same about you, y/n. I believe in you.” Her words instill some confidence in you that you thought you had lost when you figured out what had been done to you, and you walk into Commander Magath’s office proudly.
“Y/n. What’s the occasion?” He looks up from his paperwork.
“This is my birth certificate.” You falter for a second as he glares up at you. “I was born at the University hospital here, in Liberio. My parents brought me out of the country to raise me. I’m Marleyan.” You exhale, trying to calm your nerves.
The Commander takes the paper from you and studies it for what felt like forever.
“Well, y/n, this is either the best forgery I’ve ever seen or you’re truly a Marleyan. I’m gonna go with the latter, seeing as I know how awful your handwriting is.” He stands, walking around his desk to your left arm, and tears the armband in two.
“I never thought I would see this happen in my lifetime, kid. But you’re different, so good job, I guess. I’m too tired to wonder how the hell you got your powers as a Marleyan, so you got lucky by bringing this to me today. You’re not out of your contract with the military, though.” He wags a finger at you.
“Sir, even if I was allowed to walk off this base, I wouldn’t. My family is here now.” You smile at him.
He almost smiled back.
That night, you, Pieck, Reiner, and Porco sat in the room you and Pieck shared while you filled the other two in on what exactly your life had been like before you ran into Reiner, Bertholdt, and Ymir. 
“Shit, y/n. Why didn’t you want to tell us sooner? It’s been 3 years since you arrived in Marley.” Porco was looking at you with probably the softest expression you’d seen on his face since you met.
“Honestly, I was fine with people thinking I was just some random girl. But I want people to know that Marleyans are doing terrible things to even their own people. That scientist, Franz, was also Marleyan, and so were the ones who threw me out of the country.” You sigh. “We’re all just people, Porco. You guys are my family now, no matter what.”
Porco gives you an odd look and covers your hand with his. “We’re with you to the end, y/n. We’ve got each other’s backs.” 
You smile at him, knowing he meant what he said. Pieck crawls forward to give you a hug, and you laugh when Porco joins in, accidentally knocking you over. As you all lay there, you extend a hand to Reiner, who looked a little put out. 
“C’mon, big guy, join the hug!” He takes your hand a little reluctantly but you pull him in with some force. Eventually, he wraps his arms around you and Pieck, and you feel him chuckle softly in your ear.
You all slowly untangle yourselves from the group hug and let the two men go off to bed. Before he leaves, Porco turns to you.
“Hey, y/n?”
“What’s up?”
“I’m sorry…for being an asshole to you when you first arrived. You’re cool.” He blushes a little.
You put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, you’re cool too. It’s fair; you didn’t know me at all.” He smiles down at you and you flash one back at him. “Have a good night, Porco.”
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
hello miss tiffany 🫶🏻
just wanted to say that the emetophobia in me was trying so hard not to gag during this chapter 😭
but despite that, i actually love this chapter a lot.
i saw a comment depict eren as "desperate" and it struck me because (and it might be the team eren bias in me) we are under the impression that reader is the first girl to ever make a lasting impact on eren. of course he's going to act like a fucking simp.
eren has essentially hooked himself onto the feeling of love he feels for reader and will do whatever it takes to continue feeling it, but that doesn't make him desperate in a negative connotation. he just longs for her and doesn't know or have the backbone to go about it.
regardless, i am so incredibly sure i know who the reader is going to end up with in the end. i am extremely firm in my choice and i'm willing to bet money!!
hello hello 🥰💗
eep, i'm so sorry!! this is the first and last time that will ever happen in a chapter, i promise!!🙏
i really love this character analysis for eren 🥺 because yes, he's pathetic and desperate, but also he's in love!!!! for the first time!!!! and exactly like you said, he doesn't know what to do but he just wants to be with her.
so many other readers have been dropping huge comments w their analysis of the characters and the story and tbh it brings me so much joy to read them 😭
tytyty love you so much 💗 and i guess you'll have to wait and see in november if you're right or not 👀
(also dw i saw your other ask about porco and I'll get to that hopefully later this week)
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sukunasfourtheye · 3 years
What the AOT Guy You Simp For Says About You/Your Type
My opinions are totally biased and make no sense and no I’m not taking notes
Warnings: contains 18+ suggestive themes/kink themes, minors DNI, mild anime spoilers (if you’ve seen all of s3 you’re good) Sort of gender neutral but more feminine-leaning identifiers used.
You’re almost certainly into impact play, low key a fucking rope bunny, and you’re generally a subby ass baby 💜. You like pain (and that’s ok bby that’s ok:) ) you probably also have either a breeding kink or just like getting creampied. HUGE overstimulation kink. You like being called a slut (in an endearing way :))—-but, HIS slut. You like being claimed.
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You low key into pet play/ you’re a lil dom in training lol. You get off on feeling power. You prob have a corruption kink too….you are the perfect picture of a badass. You are 100% sexy there’s no going around tbh you’re a 10/10. You may have a bubbling mommy kink you don’t admit to yourself (or maybe you do and that’s awesome)
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You a romantic lil bby 💜 you prob love a good yandere too- you like a hot head who ends up cooling to your touch and your touch alone. You also like when your boo gets a little jealous now and then, maybe a little bit possessive….when other people look at you a little too long and they hold you a little bit tighter….<3
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You like disarming goofballs because you’re kinda shy but silly yourself :) are are precious and tbh honestly you’re prob very very hot 💜 you like amusement park dates or walks on the boardwalk by the beach. You secretly have always wanted someone to win you a big prize at the fair and walk around holding your hand afterwards :)
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You have good taste???? (that’s my baby hit me up we’re friends now) I mean babe there’s no need to deny it. Why lie? You have daddy issues. It’s ok . Embrace it. Accept it. Me too bb me too. You like being used, owned. The idea of being someone’s toy turns you on. You also reaaaaaaaaally like being fingered. Maybe even in public? And you like being made to beg for it. You also are really vocal during sex. don’t ask me how I know all these things about you. I just know. 💜 hint: it’s bc it’s me it’s me it’s me
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You low key a traitor to Paradis but imma let it go because goddamn he’s so fucking sexy. You’re probably a size queen because this dude has a massive dingaling and you love it- the bigger the better. Also you may or may not have a soft spot for fatherly figures. You have an incredibly soft heart that squeezes when you feel taken care of. But at the same time you also prob a breeding / degradation kink. These things co-exist, and you don’t know think it’s too much to ask for in a partner. Again, don’t ask me how I know this.
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You low key a traitor to Paradis but it’s ok bc he’s so cute :3 you like #soft bois, willowy poet types who are super sensitive and sweet. You like fluffy stuff, missionary so you can look in each other’s eyes you’re a huge fan of mutual pining fics. You are a maaaaaaaasssive simp, like you’ve had so many crushes in your lifetime because you fall in love super easily. 💜
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You a size queen/have a size kink. You like feeling small compared to your boo. You like a MANS man, a BIG man, cause baby, erwin is a MAN. You like feeling taken care of, you like being called princess, darling, baby, my love👸🏾 You like someone in a relationship who is UP FRONT- someone who says exactly how they feel bout you, no shyness no confusion. Heart on their sleeve :)
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You got a thing with dilfs. If you watch JJK you would let Nanami fold you in half. It’s beyond daddy issues at this point- you legit like older men, the end. Either one of two things: you like being daddy’s little princess or daddy’s little slut. Or both. Both is good.
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You low key a traitor to Paradis but it’s ok bc he’s hawt. You almost certainly watch AOT dubbed because the English dub voice of porco is fucking sexy as hell but the Japanese voice is aight. I didn’t get the porco hype until I watched the dub. That being said, you have a thing for voices (maybe you listen to audio porn? If not you should :))
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fictionsmooches · 3 years
semi-domestic things the Warriors do.
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Reiner x Gn! Reader , Porco x Gn! reader , Zeke x Gn! Reader
Plot: here are some cute things the warriors would do if y’all lived together <3
Warnings: none
defiantly builds all of his S/O's Ikea furniture. They didn't even ask, his just automatically starts building it from the time he carried the boxes into your place. He also didn't let his S/O carry ANYTHING.
If there's something his S/O didn't like doing, he'd do it no doubt. Example: If his S/O said they hated doing dishes, he would do them every time from then forward.
surprises his S/O with breakfast in bed :") and remembers they way they liked their tea, coffee, or juice.
He'd plant a garden outside his S/O's office / study of their favorite flowers so they have a nice view to look at.
draws a bath for his S/O because he wants them to relax.
big simp energy
i feel like he wouldn't be good at cooking and burns everything but loves his S/O's cooking, and brags about how he has the best lunch at his job because his S/O packed it.
says he isn't clingy but 1000% expects cuddles after a long day. would pull his S/O away from whatever they were doing to cuddle on the sofa or bed (whatever was closest). He doesn't mind whose the little spoon, but on days he's most stressed he would like nothing more then to lay on his S/O's chest while his hair is played with.
Porco LOVES movie night. Sometimes he and he S/O pick really bad movies on purpose to review them. He also shows his S/O movies and TV shows he finds nostalgic.
He makes a whole event of movie night and buys all sorts of snacks and take out.
Has no issue explaining the plot points his S/O missed / didn't understand and would make sure the movie is paused if they need to use the bathroom or had to step out the room for a moment. sometimes he jokes and acts annoyed but then says he doesn't want you to miss anything.
He's also super protective of his S/O in general. If his S/O says they think they heard something outside or in the house, he'll shoot up and grab the closest object as a weapon- and once fought a racoon for waking up and scaring his S/O.
I could go on all day about this man tbh
I feel like he would be so romantic. Zeke surprises his S/O with flowers and treats at random just because he wants to see them smile. He remembers everything his S/O mentions they like, and would go to the ends of the earth for special gifts, no matter the cost, or how hard it is to find- if his S/O said they 'always wanted one' he'd get it somehow.
He puts on old music and dances with his S/O any chance he gets.
loves cooking dinner with his S/O and looks for new recipes to try out all the time, and takes the time to learn how to make all his S/O's comfort meals.
Zeke and his S/O have an inside joke where in the beginning of their relationship that he didn't know what pet name to use with his S/O so he tired out a bunch of them- so he calls his S/O random things and considers it a pet name ie: "little spaghetti" "cutest lamp in the universe" and "butter knife"
He's usually so calm and cool and collected but when he wakes up the first thing he does in his sleepy morning voice is tell his S/O how handsome or beautiful they are.
there isn't a moment that goes by where he doesn't want his S/O to feel loved and wanted.
loves watching his S/O get ready.
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ackermanshoe · 3 years
Just a few things to talk about here: lengthy 😩
Levi being a 2 in teamwork meaning he never had chemistry while fighting alongside others, like ever. But then mikasa happened. As if isayama spelled it out for us that Levi and mikasa’s connection is so special, particularly to Levi, from the beginning. So now you realise that Levi has experiences with mikasa that he has NEVER had before with anyone, ever.
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So you have seen this picture before but I’d like to take the time to dig deep into this. It’s from erens point of view and it most likely shows how he remembers these characters to be most of the time. Connie and admin being playful with each other, Sasha laughing at them, floch and marlo talking and hitch (?) just existing there because eren prolly never interacted with her.
Hanji in the background smiling at the group and Erwin giving them a soft smile. However there’s something particular about both Levi and jean isn’t it? Yeah you guessed it, both of them are looking at mikasa’s direction. ( I saw a post where they were trying so hard to refuse the FACT that Levi was looking at mikasa, even though they acknowledged that Jean was. 🤥🤥)
And lastly mikasa softly smiling at eren. You can clearly see Jean being glaring at that and the fact that isayama drew ALL of their eyes so crystal clear EXCEPT both Levi and Jean,,,, gets me. So you’re going to draw faces of people being themselves but what purpose does it serve you to draw both Levi’s and Jean’s( Jean who is a known mikasa simp) face looking at mikasa’s direction but not draw their eyes ( pupils ) clear? Was it forshadowing their mutual feelings towards her? Since “eyes are the window to the soul” and the drawing does not allow for us to get a clear view of their eyes was isayama implying that both Levi and Jean had hid their feelings for her?
Of course jeans face has a certain darkness to it because everybody is aware of his unrequited love and isayama does little to hide that. But notice how both Levi and his faces are tilted in a way. And the most obvious connection to both Jean and Levi are the way Levi is positioned almost in a line behind Jean, which creates a vector line from their eyes leading straight to mikasa.
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Let's talk about this shall we? See how by placing the dark haired people on the front and centre has created a salient within this frame? Yeah the rest of the people in there are either blonde or light haired, Isayam placed each character there with a purpose. Now I'm not saying the 4 heads makes it look like a heart shape but that's excatly what I'm SEEING. maybe, just maybe this was a forshadowing of mikasa's choice, since she was placed in the middle of both Levi and Eren. Eren, whose face is not placed on the same level as Mikasa and Levi could possibly represent "dream" or a reality which would be hard for Mikasa to reach, therefore giving a hint of chapter 138 and mikasa's headache AU.
Whereas Levi, despite his height, face is on the same level as mikasa's. A form of equality, sameness, familiarity and most importantly symbolising reality.
Since he isn't hard to reach from where is Mikasa is placed. And lastly Gabi, we have all seen rivamika parental mode kicking in the recent chapters and here Gabi being in between Levi and her could possibly hint their parenthood, an option that will only be available if Mikasa choose reality: Levi. Therefore Gabi representing quiet simply Levi and mikasa's possible kid. Ackerbaby 👶
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This panel, I'm dying to talk about this.most important question: is it Levi's tears that's falling?
I have stared at this for houRS, and I still don't have an unbiased answer. Although most would discard this as spit or sweat Levi probably has from yelling, I'm not fully convinced by it. Maybe it's my desparate rivamika mind that's refusing to let it go but how would spit or sweat end up where his bandage is?
On the too right corner we see multiple drops but why would anything but a tear be where you can see that single droplet of water on his bandages? It's literally so suspicious which is why isayama makes me mad, he teases so much and so subtly. He doesn't show Levi's eyes there, he could have, to emphasize on Levi's level of worry which could have been more effective when reading his expression and yet isayama chose to show his widened mouth to showcase Levi's anxiety.
I'm still debating on this however there's no mistaking it that Levi cares for Mikasa more than anyone.
Which brings me to this:
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The similarities that I can not call parallels just yet, between erehisu and rivamika is really comforting as cruel it maybe to mikasa and historia. Levi is willing to have historia eat the beast titan without remorse, without thinking. Where as eren as we all know will do anything but sacrifice historia. Yes, anything. Even if it means putting mikasa ( and admin) on the boat as everyone else and letting them do whatever they want. In a way both of them are treating both mikasa and historia the same way.
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Note Levi’s eyes while talking about historia almost looks psychotic which is unlike Levi and his eyes while looking at mikasa.
Eren who is pressed down to one single choice which might risk mikasa’s life but he won’t sacrifices historia. Protecting her.
Levi who decides to help mikasa has made a choice without any regret, relying on her.
And as for their respective person, both eren and Levi’s gesture and behaviour changes when they are around them. As eren said historia is the girl who saved him and the same way mikasa is the who may bring meaning into Levi’s life. I feel like these two couple has always developed together, take s3 aka rivamika season 🥵
The same way rivamika found trust and a way to bond, so did eren and historia. In their own way they. It’s funny because both of their development are so weirdly ignored by the aot general fandom, gee I wonder why 😒 anyway through these similarities or whatever you may call it you can really see who they each really care for and value over the other.
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LMAO idk how much people considers pieck and Porco canon as potential lovers but this shot of porco really reminded me of Levi’s jealous look. Not to mention pieck resembled mikasa with that ponytail
Although I support jeanpiku I always had this feeling that porco and pieck might have been shipped together and they are, in this scene ( I haven’t watched the ep) I ASSUME porco is looking at her this way because of these men around looking at her and blushing, well it does resemble another grumpy old man. Anyway I’ll never shut up about that scene with both historia and Levi looking at their partners, jealous and shit 💆‍♀️💅💅💅
Okay I’m done talking for now, thank you again for reading as always idk what this post was tbh I didn’t have it planned at all I just really wanted to talk about these that’s been on mind to spark new conversations about them.
I just wanna say I wish i was part of this fandom sooner, not only does this fandom has the best theorists but also such amazing people. I hope our shitposting and analysis of rivamika will not end with chapter 139. Rivamika will always make me happy and this place will always feel like home, thank you for creating this community 😭💜💜💜💜
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moankasa · 2 years
42, please
Mikasa: TBH, ofc Mikasa find Eren hot but i think it’s not 100% bcs his look, but also bcs she likes him so much so Eren look moreeee hot and handsome to her 😭✋🏻 but Mikasa is a normal gurl like us she also find other man hot too 🥴 i would say Porco! But Eren still the first
Eren: This dude is a simp, only Mikasa. The reason why i can ship Eren w/ other chr is bcs SO HARD TO FIND EREN HINT ON OTHER CHR BESIDE MIKASA IN MANGA/ANIME 😭 my boy straightly only looking at her. And I can’t blame him, after seeing how isayama and mappa made her, short hair so Eren can see her neck, big boobs and ass she’s tooo sexy 🧎🏻‍♀️💗
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seiyasabi · 3 years
I hope you don't mind if I ask if you have a couple of Yandere HC for Shuu Tsukiyama, Ayato Kirishima, Porco Galliard, Reiner Braun, Berthold Hoover, Yelena, Setsuno Toya, Twice, Endeavor, Jolyne Kujo, Jotaro Kujo, Zuko, L, Illumi Zoldyck, Silva Zoldyck, Milluki Zoldyck and Takashi Morinozuka could make how they would react to have a darling who loves to wear their clothes. i hope there aren't too many but i'm a big fan of this hc and this blog❤️❤️
Omg you sure stan a lot of people lol. Normally, I’d say that’s way too many ppl, but I’m free rn, so I’ll do them all :)) Thank you for your support, and I hope you like these! 
How would they react to having a darling who enjoys wearing their clothes: 
Shuu Tsukiyama
-At first, he’d be somewhat annoyed :/ 
-He has his suits dry cleaned, and if you chuck on one of his dress shirts, that’s like, 10 bucks down the drain!
-But, when he finally sees you in his clothes- he practically salivates 
-When you stay in, he refuses to let you wear anything BUT his clothes! He absolutely adores it
Ayato Kirishima
-He is v smug
-Thinks he’s the shit bc you wear his clothes, rather than your own
-Will steal all of your clothes, so all you can wear is his
Porco Gilliard
-Another smug asshole
-Teases you relentlessly, until you take off his clothes
-Gets lowkey mad when you take it off lol
-Will force his clothes onto you, and will smack the shit out of you until you put it back on 
Reiner Braun
-He loves how tiny you look in his clothes, and will cuddle you v hard
-He’s honestly hella soft when he sees you in his clothes
-Just wants to cuddle you forever and forget his PTSD tbh
Berthold Hoover
-Goes BRIGHT red
-He’s overcome with emotion
-Honestly believes that you’re suddenly in love w him
-When you realise that he believes that, you don’t wear his clothes anymore, making him cry, causing anyone in the vicinity to put you in your place
-She’s a big bitch (202cm or 6’7 inches), so her clothes are huge on you, fueling her ego
-She wishes to provide for you, and seeing you so small and seemingly helpless makes her heart soar (I simp for this woman tbh)
-Thinks you’re adorable, so she will carry you around, showing you off as hers
Setsuno Toya
-Damn near drowns on his tears
-Loves seeing you in his clothes, bc he, in his delusional mind, thinks that you’re madly in love w him
-Show him a fraction of affection like this, and he’s done for
-Seeing you in his wife beaters makes him confused at first
-Why would you wear his ugly assclothes?
-Then, he comes to accept it bc he thinks you look cute af
-Will spoon you bc he likes you in them
-Way to feed into his size kink
-Loves it, but refuses to speak about it
-Will put you in his lap, and fuck you in his clothes
Jolyne Kujo
-Thinks it’s cute
-Will take this as you liking her fashion, and she’ll dress you up in her clothes
-Now y’all share a closet
Jotaro Kujo
-Loves it, but also won’t say anything
-Let’s you wear anything in his closet
-Will slowly replace your sleep clothes w his 
-Compliments you fervently 
-Loves how you look tbh
-When you’re both alone, you are only allowed to wear his clothes
-Doesn’t understand why you wear his clothes when he bought you pretty dresses
-Shrugs it off, not really affected
-Will breed that hole (lol)
-You never wear his clothes again
-Loves it
-Will hold you in his lap whilst doing paperwork
-Likes to squeeze your bare thighs
-He loves it, so the only question I have is, why tf would you do that to yourself?
-Homie feels like a badass bc you wore his clothes
-Will also breed that hole, amongst other gross things
-You don’t want to do it ever again, but he will force his clothes onto you
-LOVES it!
-He doesn’t want to make you uncomfy, so he doesn’t do anything
-Just admires you from afar
-10/10, respectful king
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
i am the biggest porco thirster, simp, lover, admirer omgggggg and seeing you coming back with all these personality analysis and hcs i am soooooo in loveeeeeeee ofmfmrnndd. and irl if I’m like too late for this conversation but Porco is the SOFTEST BOI. In aot hes only ever a dick to Reiner but they save each other’s lives all the time so 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻 he’s so soft and he cares so much i swear
also hnnnnn i just sent a Porco ask and I forgot to send you a congrats on your 5k that’s hugeeeeeee you deserve it so much :))))))
i could talk for days about porco <3 <3 i love him so much omg best boyfriend award of the year. porco is a dick to reiner and honestly if you knew your sibling died protecting someone you never liked... you would hate their guts too like yeah, reiner isn’t at fault but being angry at him in porco’s situation would be normal tbh
porco is a sweet sweet man and i love him sm <3
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