#team nightsky headcanons
mewintheflesh-2 · 3 months
Nightsky cursed to fall into obscurity as he’s sent one hundred million years back into the past, nobody will remember him, he’ll be more lonely than ever. He’ll die soon after like enough. Climate shock for one, and his stomach woudlnt be able to handle any food he may find there. And who knows about the fucming water. How long has the earth been around again lmaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoaoao Nightsky’s going to die. :( The only ones who will remember him will remember him in a bitter malice.
I really. Don’t want to make this canon in my canon. Like. At all. Unless he can somehow make it back to the present?
cursed to die 100 million years in the past of a world that’s not your own. Alone. Starving. Dying. Cold. Dying. Dehydrated. Dying. Decomposing. Dying. Why were you even here? What even happened? Why continue? Why go on? He’d proabably try his best to find a way out as much as he could at first until he exhausts himself so badly he can barely move anymore.
and woudlnt it be so cruel if the time traveling made him immortal?
sorry, no. I’m not over the fact HE WAS SWNT TO DIE ONE HUNDRED MILLION YEARS IN THE PAST. AFTER FIGHTING SO HARD. AFTER LOSING EVERYTHING HE’D EVER KNOWN. HE FOUGHT SO HARD. HE WENT THROUGH SO MUCH. AND FOR WHAT. TO BE TOSSED AWAY AND FORGOTTEN LIKE A PIECE OF GARBAGE????????, NO!!,!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!”!!!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!,!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need Nightsky to come back disheveled and fucming on the brink of dying and jsut wobbling towards Mikey with such a deadly anger in his eyes as he tries to kill him again. Woudlnt it be so cruel if Mikey thought it was funny and he just sent him back again! And Nightsky jsut kept coming back and back again and Mikey jsut kept sending him back and back again in an endless game of torture for Nightsky. Mikey im going to kill you die die die die die seid Eid ie
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I’m going to maim someone
let me kiss him on the lips
How will Mikey feel knowing now he has blood on his hands? How he deal with the overwhelming guilt of taking the life of another! Did it really even matter if he didn’t belong in this reality? Was he even alive? Doesn’t it even count as murder? How does Mikey feel? That he killed someone? Even if they were trying to kill him first? You can’t tell me he didn’t fall to his knees in exhaustion and pain after sending Nightsky back in time. You think he’d try and visit him? And find his disheveled mess of an almost dead body on the ground and jsut… stare at him? Nightksy woduktn even have the energy to do anything aside from glare. Even then he woudlnt be able to do it for long. Lifting his head would take too much energy.
would Mikey take him home? Or leave him to die? Would he watch him die? What would he do? Would he try speaking with him? Would he try negotiating? Would he just grab him off the ground with no explanation and take him back with him? Or try to get a few words out of him first? Only to realise he can’t speak and is jsut a shell of himself even more than he already was. Would Mikey feel guilty? Would he feel vindicated? What would he do? Or would he try to negotiate with him before taking his silence from his throat being too dry to speak as refusal of cooperation and just leave him to die alone. All his Pokémon are fainted too, and god knows he doesn’t know any natural revives in this time period. Or does Mikey just stare at Nightsky before leaving him to die? I don’t think Nightsky would be surprised. He’d have so much bitter anger and malice inside of him after seeing Mikey, the man who did all of this to him. Ruined him. I think he’d want to try and fight Mikey’s hands off of him if Mikey takes him home, but his energy would be too low he couldn’t even twitch a muscle.
Di you think If Mikey just let him die/didn’t go back to try and find him he’d be haunted in his Nightmares akin to how Nightsky was haunted by nightmares of his past self back in his home? How would Mikey even live with himself after that? He wouldn’t.
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arianimates · 8 months
My Team Sky/Nightsky Headcanons
Disclaimer: I am bad at thinking of headcanons, so sorry if these aren't interesting or something (Also sorry if these are cringe lmao) Note: Nightsky Mikey is called Nikey (yes I was inspired by @mewintheflesh-2 's nickname for him) and Team Sky Mikey is called Mikie (like Archie and Maxie and I was inspired by @high-qualitymoron with that) - Nikey got inspired to make a time machine after getting yoinked through a cosmic butthole to Hisui - The Iron Jugulis Nikey has was programmed to follow orders without question, but in the final battle it started to doubt its leader after seeing what Nikey could have been - At first Maxie and Archie thought Mikie was nothing more than a nuisance but after seeing what Mikie/ Nikey was capable of they just went "oh shit"
There are no admins in Team Nightsky as Nikey does want anyone else having enough power to betray him
Some of the grunts in Team Nightsky only are in it because they believe that as long as they follow orders, they'll get the sun they desire
(did a bit of research for dis one) so since there's a dark cloud smog thing covering the entire earth you bet it's gonna get cold real quick, so there's plenty of fire Pokemon that are used in the Resistance that help with the cold
Volcarona is seen as a beacon of hope and there's people in the Resistance who see it as a Sun replacement
When Nikey first took over and covered the earth with smog, many people were unsure and skeptical, believeing that is was just some thing that would go away and everything would be fine (yeah it wasn't)
Nikey's eyepatched eye has a mark on it as a punishment from Arkoos (also Arkoos hates his guts lmao)
While canonically Mikie was chill after the final Team Nightsky battle, in my version he was freaking out afterwards that he fought his supposed future self and won Ok that should be all of em I have so far. If I think of new ones I'll make a new post
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char4925 · 3 months
Team sky Mikey headcannons
He was once friends with Maxie and Archie prior to the whole ‘3 rival teams’ thing. Skykey was the youngest of the three.
Skykey is the sort of middle ground of Maxie and Archie. Being very charismatic and wild, but also being incredibly smart and calm.
He had a feeling Maxie and Archie were in love for quite a while now, they were both just too stubborn, prideful, &/or shy to say it.
He was crushed when they went their separate ways.
Like Archie & Maxie, he has a model ship, he only dusts it every once in a while due to him hating the other two because of everything they did, but deep down still cares.
He would probably be a Eco scientist if this team Magma, Aqua, and Sky stuff didn’t happen.
Bonus Night Sky headcannons!
Probably has a collection of the skulls of his enemies.
He most likely killed his Grunty Boi and Dr Fuse.
He might have spared Archie and Maxie bc he still cares about them. If he did kill them, he’d probably have a special place for their skulls either in his office or in his bedroom (whether he gave them special places bc does still kinda care about them or sees them as his most valuable trophies is up to interpretation).
Might have some cannibalistic thoughts, but probably wouldn’t act on them.
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strange klug
this is very late im so sorry anon
answer under the cut (if it actually works) bc its long
1: sexuality headcanon: *smash bros announcer voice* gay!
2: otp: im not big on otps but i think ayakwug is cute :-)
3: brotp: i like ayasig friendship... like at first sig doesnt like aya at all but eventually they  becom good fwiends and commit felonies together, such as arson. or aya and red amitie. they too commit arson but also team up on bullying black sig for funsies
4: notp: any pairing of them with a girl
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: they really like taking walks at night when its quiet to just look at nature and the nightsky n stuff.. sometimes they sneak out without klug’s permission and go to the ruins to lay down in the grass and look at the stars :-) when they go back klug gets mad and yells at them but they dont care
6: one way in which I relate to this character: cape
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing everything they do makes me do the heart emoji8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? neither? cinnamon roll feels too baby but i wouldnt call them problematic either... i feel like they’re purely misunderstood and are only acting out because of how upset being sealed and having their soul be split in half because of it must’ve made them. their anger is justified and if given the chance i believe they would truly try their best to heal u_u
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
More Nightsky Headcanons :) Mostly About Winona, Mikey, and Nikey.
(Got some whump in this one.) (is it whump?) (I think so idk)
Winona likes to call Mikey Sky-Boy in a taunt kind of way, but a “I love you, idiot” kind of way
Mikey is not good at hiding his emotions as I’ve discussed, so sometimes he’ll just look at Winona in like any formal-wear and he just “Uhhhh, uhhhh einwidheiwneieneie hi” and his face is like red as a tomato and Winona’s just like LMAO Arceus I fucking love you
FOREHEAD KISSES all the time, hand kisses, they’re very comfortable with moderate PDA, but they’re like all over eachother when they’re mostly alone. Constantly hugging, holding hands, you know the drill. They’re so fucking adorable
Mikey is pretty decent at flirting, but Winona is always on top of her game. Flirting between the two almost always starts with Mikey saying something pretty good, and then Winona just knocking him to the ground metaphorically with something he could’ve never even guessed, something that leaves him absolutely stunned in the best way possible. He wants to someday find something he can say that will make Winona feel the same way.
Also, the outside of Team Sky’s base is decked the fuck out with wind chimes of all kinds. The area it’s in gets a shit ton of wind, which has also resorted in the base being partly wind powered.
anyways back to the Nightsky
Nikey often finds himself holding his own hand when he’s alone just to have some sense of what he used to have with Winona
Despite him very much being cursed, people outside his close proximity only know it to be a rumour. He prefers to keep it that way and will very much dock the pay of anyone who is too persistent to know.
The skin around the cursed eye is like… really gross. Like Marvel’s Spider Man 2 Symbiote Suit gross. The green dot below the eye has the texture and material of marble. The red iris can burn through almost any fabrics aside from one, which is exactly what his eyepatch is made of. He is EXTREMELY insecure about how the skin around his eye is and if anybody brings it up, he will either A. Threaten to kill them. B. Hurt them physically. Or C. Just leave and then hide away from everything and everyone. Depends on his mood.
There was a point in time where he got deadly sick for like a week, almost died, and nobody knew because everyone assumed he was just self isolating again. He didn’t think of his sickness as much at first, just a small cold, he’ll just wait it out. But as it went on, and he began to feel worse, he began having intense physical symptoms, began to be unable to stand even with a cane. He began to rely on dry snacks in his house as he couldn’t do anything to cook for himself, which only worsened his condition as it was mostly unhealthy food. He was lucky he even had any water in his room in the first place, otherwise he surely would’ve been dead long before anyone found him.
He couldn’t call for help either. His voice was too quiet and hoarse to call out for the bodyguards standing guard right outside his house. He began to experience extreme delirium and even when he was breaking things inside his house in an attempt to call attention to someone, anyone- to help him. The guards just assumed he was having another episode. Constant burning inside his body, jolts of pain coarse go through his body like lightning any time he moved. He couldn’t sleep either, which only worsened his delirium and caused more intense hallucinations. Hallucinations of people he loved, people he lost, whether by death or otherwise. Hallucinations of people he killed.
It wasn’t until he crawled to his front door, scratching and clawing, unable to stand up to reach all the locks he had brandished on the entrance to his house, that someone finally opened the door and saw the horrible state he was in. His hair was a mess, his skin was dirty, he was barely clothed, and his eyepatch was missing. He began to be treated on sight by his personal doctor, who was called for an emergency to his house. But his condition was far too severe for that to suffice. He was taken to the nearest hospital and put into emergency treatment.
Turns out, the reason he had fallen so deathly ill was due to a deadly poison known as “Parasect G” which is known to kill any recipient within the next 24 hours after consumption. The doctors said it was a miracle Nikey had even survived for as long as he did, especially with how he was handling it. The doctors also found that his body had been suffering from long term and deadly amounts of intense stress. They ended up keeping him in the hospital for months to get his body to be even remotely healthy.
Nikey hadn’t realised just how exhausted and in pain he’d been for the past 5 years. And when he found himself alone in his hospital room, all he could do was cry. He’d been so… tired. All this time he was so tired- and now he was feeling it, all at once. He just wanted to curl into a ball and dissipate into pure light. All he could do now… was make the most of his hospital-ridden state, and just take the time to just… rest. Weeks after recovery, Nikey found himself vaguely wishing that it had taken him out. Or that he could atleast be that close to the brink again, because atleast then, he could be taken to the hospital again, and have time to breathe again. He has a purpose, he’s the ruler of the world, and yet… he feels so lost. Like he’s waiting for something that’ll never come, that he doesn’t even know what it is. But he’s holding out for something.
And he will get that something. Whatever it may be.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 9 months
MORE NIGHTSKY MIKEY HEADCANONS AND ALSO (MAINLY) WINONA HEADCANONS (and other related things LMAO. Mostly under the cut. And also mostly about before Nikey lost.)
Winona is the main leader in the rebellion against Nightsky. She’s seen as a symbol of hope and light by most anyone. She hates her ex husband with all fibers of her being and wishes he would return to how he was before Paldea.
She is very lonely and sorrowful but will not show it for the sake of the others who need hope and guidance from her.
She’s pretty much carrying the weight of the world on her back.
She had black hair with gold highlights <3 that was before she left though, she ended up dying her hair white with blue highlights instead. She’s so so so so so so pretty. (More under the cut, ALOT MORE)
Does not want pity from anyone, something she shares in common with Nikey
Would often say Nikey was the sun in her sky back before Nightsky as a form of endearment.
Nikey in the past tended to wear his heart on his sleeve to his detriment. After Paldea he had to learn how to effectively hide his emotions which was very hard for him after so long of just, not even trying to mask anything.
Autism galore. BY THE WAY.
(Joke) after the divorce Winona got together with me instead <3
Winona is very great with children and is concerned about them growing up in the smog covered Earth instead of how they should be.
Food shortages are common and constant due to crops not getting the sun they need. Plants and crops are commonly grown in hidden underground facilities, as ordered by Winona. They’re grown with heat lamps.
As you can imagine oxygen is also low due to trees not getting sun they need, though it’s not as low as it could be since ALOT of oxygen comes from the oceans plants.
Speaking of water, Nikey hoards most of the worlds clean drinking water for his members.
A lot of people resort to joining Nightsky as a desperate resort to trying to live normally again. It’s kind of like one of those war tactics to starve the enemy into giving up. But Winona and her followers are resilient
Also it’s basically a 50/50 of you evolve your eevee into Umbreon or Espeon because you literally CANNOT tell if it’s night or day. This applies to all time sensitive evolutions.
The world is very similar to how the Ultra Megaopolis is (Necrozma’s world, if you’re unaware.), with only artificial light.
The people who still live on the Earth’s surface are called The Sun’s Children. But it might as well be the name of the rebellion. You’re either a child of the sun or you’re with Nikey.
Winona has many of The Sun’s Children’s scientists working for her to help purify undrinkable waters, to help grow sustainable amounts of crops, and to help feed livestock with the plants they need. Anything to build sustainable life on Earth again. (Yes she is working with Archie and Maxie)
Zyguarde fucking hates Nikey, Xerneas hates Nikey, Solgaleo hates him, Lunala hates him, Zacian hates him, Zamazenta hates him, Calyrex hates him, Zarude hates him. The legendary birds hate him (not the galarian ones. Except for Zapdos. Zapdos hates him too.), Mewtwo hates him. Ho-oh and Lugia hate him, Celebi hates him, Groudon and Kyogre hate him but are scared of Rayquaza, Jirachi hates him, Deoxys doesn’t care, Palkia and Dialga are in their own dimensions and are indifferent, same for Arceus and Giratina, the Shaymin hate him, Reshiram hates him, Victini hates him, and Diancie hates him. Most all legendaries fucking hate him LMAO.
Winona may or may not have a woman she has a crush on. It’s one of her colleagues. She’s v pretty and so much better for Winona than Nikey. The woman also kind of has a crush on her too. Did I mention how pretty Winona is?
Winona refuses to wear anything to due with Team Sky (old team sky) even if it was from before the corruption of her ex-husband. Such an intense heartache for what she’s lost, she has a hard time dealing with it. She craves that freedom with all of her heart. She won’t let herself get too into feeling her feelings about it, since she feels she’ll be worse as a leader if she does. People are counting on her. There’s a lot of pressure on her.
She desperately wants to love and to be loved again romantically. It took her awhile to crack open again and allow herself to love people even platonically.
Tossed (fucking threw) her old wedding ring into the ocean. Doesn’t know where it is, doesn’t want to. Also HATES gold and black together on clothes
Also just realized a plot hole in the original Nightsky story. How the fuck did Skydios become shiny. Did Nikey just fuck up the time travel so bad he just went to an alternate reality? Might just add that to the list. This is getting very long so I might make another post for headcanons later!
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mewintheflesh-2 · 7 months
Team Sky/Nightsky Headcanons Masterpost!
All the links to all the headcanon posts I’ve made so far :)
Headcanon post #1
(Headcanons for Nikey, Winona, and the battle in the Zero Lab. Warning for mentions of disassociation.)
Headcanon post #2
(Headcanons for Nikey, Winona, and details on the world Team Nightsky exists in, including information on Team Nightsky itself and The Sun’s Children.)
Headcanon post #3
(Headcanons for Nikey, Winona, and details on the world Team Nightsky exists in, including information on Team Nightsky itself and The Sun’s Children.)
Headcanon post #4
(Headcanons for Nikey, Winona, and details on the world Team Nightsky exists in, including information on Team Nightsky itself and The Sun’s Children. Also mentions of Winona’s potential girlfriend. Warning for mentions of Natural Disasters and Murder.)
Headcanon post #5
(Headcanons for how other evil teams would interact/work with/work against Team Nightsky. Includes mentions of Winona and potential mischaracterizations of Evil Team Leaders. Also includes information on Team Nightsky.)
Headcanon post #6
(A very unhinged ramble about Winona and Mikey/Nikey. Includes details on their relationship with eachother. Warning for mentions of divorce and of pets getting sick.)
Headcanon post #7
(A one shot fanfic about Nikey and Winona taking place right before Nikey travels to the past, and two headcanons relating to this event. Also includes the coining of Mikey/Nikey and Winona’s ship name aka clearskiesshipping and cloudyskiesshipping, for Team Sky and Nightsky respectively.)
Headcanon post #8
(Headcanons for Mikey/Nikey and Winona, and details on the world Team Nightsky exists in, including information on Team Nightsky itself and The Sun’s Children. Also includes the introduction of the idea of Harpy Mikey, and more clearskiesshipping and cloudyskiesshipping. Also includes the introduction of the idea that Nightsky Winona time travels to the past as well. Warning for attempted murder and elements of someone being potentially suicidal.)
Headcanon post #9
(Headcanons for Mikey/Nikey, Winona, and details on the world Team Nightsky exists in, including information on Team Nightsky itself and The Sun’s Children. Also includes new Pokémon added to Winona and Nikey’s teams, the coining of Winona and her colleagues ship name (Teatimeshipping), details on what happened after Nikey left, and the introduction of my beloved, Maddie Magician :). Warning for mentions of murder, specifically murdering a friend, eye injury, mentions of death, injured animals, mentions of funerals, behaviors of grieving, and unhealthy relationships/playing with someone’s feelings.)
Headcanon Post #10
(Headcanons for Mikey, Nightsky, and Winona, along with details on the world Team Sky/Nightsky lives in (somewhat?), and details on what Nightsky’s curse looks like. More clearskiesshipping as well :). Warning for mentions of extreme illness and it’s side effects, near death experiences, hospitals, poisonings, attempted murder/assasination, vague/implied suicidal thoughts, along with whump, illness and exhaustion whump to be exact.)
(UNLESS YOURE XERO) DNI anyone who likes anything made by vivziepop
System userboxes under the cut
(All were made by @/Critter-stuff except for the last one I believe)
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mewintheflesh-2 · 7 months
More Nightsky food for thought
Thinking about a Nikey equivalent of The Winter King because my brain has been frosted over by him to be oh so completely honest. (People on the Winter King tag feel free to skip over this has almost nothing to actually do with him besides reflecting on his concept.)
(If you somehow take this as me shipping Simon and Bonnie you are WRONG >:( I do not)
(I mean that genuinely)
Everything seems completely fine about him, though he’s still acting nothing like his actual self. Turns ouuuutttt he put all of his memories of any manipulations and pulling of strings from the Nikey he encountered in Past-Paldea AND his curse from Arceus ontooooooooo DRUMROLL PLEASEEEEEEE His wife :) (maybe. I will continue to say it’s Winona afflicted with these to make writing this out easier. Just know it’s not final.) Anywho, whoever he ended up putting those memories onto, he ended up locking up with no remorse for basically until they die. Which uh, yeah, kind of fucked up, but don’t look at me, look at the fucking Winter King. Yeah he didn’t do exactly that but he did something almost exactly as bad to even more people. (They’re still both shitty though, that’s the point.)
Winter Nikey (his temporary name) seems like he has everything under control but he really just put every spec of strife and any issues he had onto someone else and locked them away to hide them from everyone. The world of Winter Nikey is perfect, better than it ever was even before the smog, everybody loves the guy, nobody questions what happened to Winona. Maybeeeeeee. He built an AI version of her or a clone… AHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEE :D
Regular Nikey figures out what the fuck is up and does everything he can to free the Winter world’s Winona from her prison and take her back to his world with him. Not even because Winona used to be his wife and he still cares about her, but because he know what the fuck it’s like to be under that amount of stress and especially the curse.
Nikey ends up having to kill Winter Nikey to free Winona, basically killing himself, but it wasn’t himself at all. Winter Winona is completely out of it and isn’t even aware she’s being broken out of her prison because she’s just… so… not there. Nikey can’t even look at her face without getting a metaphorical punch straight to the gut.
I think, maybe this all happened because Nikey built another Time Machine before he was truly ready to go home, and accidentally went to an entirely different reality again.
And then I realized, I love men who be cursed <3 And also the ice twink
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mewintheflesh-2 · 7 months
Hi I’m fucking Zcrying right now
When Mikey came back to hoenn from Paldea, Winona was the first person he told about what happened, and all she could do was comfort him the best she could. Syaing things like “We’ll get through this together, it’s going to be okay.” “I’ll be by your side no matter what.” And then she fucking had to divorce him 5 years later because everything was too much for her to handle. Do you know how PAINFUL that was for the both of them. Winona knew that the Mikey she fell in love with all those years ago was still in there somewhere and she had to leave him behind whether she wanted to or not. And Mikey lost the one beam of support he felt he could truly rely on, why do you think he’s so emotionally distant and aloof until provoked, he doesn’t fucking trust anybody else. AND HE STILL WEARS HIS WEDDING BAND. EVERY DAY. EVEN THOUGH ITS A REMINDER HE LOST THE ONE HE LOVED. aimnfucking CRYING. They loved each other SO MUCH. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. DO YOU UNDERTAND HOW KUCH THEY LOVED EACHOTHER. NO!!!!! YOU DONT!!!!!!!! WINONA STILL HAS A FRAMED PICTURE OF THEIR WEDDING DAY IN HER WORK OFFICE AND SHE FUJUST FUCKING LOOKS AT IT ALL THE TIME SHES SO SAD ABOUT IT. SHE WANTS HIS TURE SELF TO BE FREE AGAIN.
ALSO not to mention Mikey almost DIED to his future self THREE TIMES IN THE SAME HOUR. Once when they were battling, again when Nikey threatened to hyper beam him to ashes if he didn’t surrender to him, and AGAIN when he said something Nikey didn’t like and threatened to hyper beam him again if he didn’t take it back. The only reason he surrendered was to protect Arven, Nemona, and Penny, who were promptly kicked out of the Time Machine room shortly after they were threatened to leave or else “I’ll hyper beam you to dust and send your ashes directly to your parents doorstep.” Yeah fucking Jesus Christ Nikey what the fuck
They both started to fall in love after their first gym battle against eachother but everything really started to kick off after Mikey became champion (No, Winona didn’t fall more in love just because he became champion that’s weird.) (I mean that genuinely btw) and they just fucking love eachother so much I can’t fphandle this WHYYYYYYYYYYYY
Anyways they’re both blanket hogs <3 and also they keep Airbud as a pet. Airbuds getting pretty old btw, like he’s over 10 years old. He got really sick one day and had to spend the night at a Pokémon center, neither of them could really get any sleep.
Also if Nikey came back to his time after being redeemed, him, Winona, and the colleague she has a crush on (they get together btw)? Polycule maybe
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mewintheflesh-2 · 8 months
Would Nikey recruit some of the other Pokèmon villains to his cause or would they be on the side of the resistance?
I feel like Team Aqua and Magma would be against them for obvious reasons.
Team Skull is just there and Team Rocket is doing things in their own dark corner.
Team Plasma, Galatic, and Flare could join them as admins with their whole “Taking Over the World” stick.
The Aether Foundation/Lusimine would have mixed feelings. She probably would not like the sky destroying the world made for her beautiful Ultra Beasts, but that would give her motivation to work for Nikey so she can still have sunlight for her enclosure.
QUICK WARNING I might’ve gotten a few of these out of character for the leaders. Specifically Ghetsis and Lysander, those are toughies and enigmas to me, but I tried my best! (I’m so sorry Ghetsis enjoyers)
In one of my previous headcanons posts I did state that Winona is working with Archie and Maxie to help create sustainable life on Earth again.
Team Skull would be just as they are before, just a bunch of hooligans making things way harder than they need to be for The Sun’s Children. Plumeria doesn’t want them messing around with Winona or any of her colleagues though, they’re dealing with enough already.
Team Rocket is of course up to no good stealing peoples Pokémon and money. They’re still operating without a leader though, as Giovanni never came back to Team Rocket, so they’re just treated like regular ol’ criminals. Speaking of Jail, it’s actually a pretty decent place to be since Winona began her leadership.
Team Plasma… Oh Team Plasma. It’s always been a thing with me that Mikey had always hated Team Plasma with all his heart, ESPECIALLY and almost specifically Ghetsis. So when Ghetsis came walking into Nikey’s office all those years later, he nearly had a goddamn heart attack. I mean hey, the dude nearly killed him, and WAS going to kill him if N didn’t step in. (Events of BW2).
Nikey is very uncomfortable with Ghetsis and still thinks he’s a goddamn creep. Ghetsis kept getting way too close for comfort in his visit to Nikey, so much so that Nikey himself started to not be as handsy with people as he normally is even months after he visited. (again, hes not handsy in a sexual way).
He either: 1. Very reluctantly decided to work with him and distance himself as much as possible from Ghetsis, or 2. Threw him into the worst jail cell he had on hand and kept him there for god knows how long. (Can you blame him? Like I said the man nearly killed him.) That or he banned him to live under the gloom. God knows Winona wouldn’t accept him into The Sun’s Children. Maybe Ghetsis starts to cook up his own plans… :)
Team Galactic was reformed after the events of Spear Pillar as we saw in DPPT (and BDSP if you want to count those) under the command of Saturn. As it’s new form was (and I believe I’m remembering correctly) an energy company as they once masqueraded as, Winona would absolutely be working with them as to keep the abundance of artificial lights under the smog lit and working properly. Can’t have a total black out now can we?
As for Cyrus, his whole ideal world was one without spirit or emotion as he was unhealthily dealing with his own mental health issues and took it to the extreme. I don’t think he’d want anything to do with Team Nightsky, especially after the events of Spear Pillar.
As for Team Flare, I don’t really have a good gauge on what the team as a whole acts like, much less their admins. I don’t even really remember their names. But Lysander, if I remember correctly, was similar to Cyrus in a way that he took his own issues with the world and decided to deal with it in an extreme way. He’s a philanthropist who genuinely wanted to believe in the good of people, but it just kept backfiring as he realized just how awful people could be. So he took it to the extreme, trying to end the world and make it more beautiful by be-ridding it of awful people (if I remember correctly). Considering how awful Nikey is, I don’t think Lysander would have any desire to work with him, especially after his loss in Kalos.
And last but not least, The Aether Foundation. I’d always avoided Lusamine’s game counterpart as I believe that her anime counterpart is much more how she actually is, my own personal opinion. As a result I don’t have a good gauge of her in SM/USUM, despite being my first Pokémon games. But I do know that her desires did not stem into most of the rest of the Aether Foundation’s, especially Wicke’s, so I will be speaking on that instead.
The Aether Foundation as we know is made to help endangered Pokémon recover and release them back into the wild. As I’ve went into detail into how the world was effected by the smog in my headcanon posts, we know that wild Pokémon are struggling immensely. This is something Aether has dealt with a lot in terms of natural disasters effecting many Pokémon at once, so they have quite a bit of experience with this. Winona would absolutely work with them to help and rescue wild Pokémon and help them recover. Building more paradises across the world in places Winona does not have reach. If I remember correctly, at the end of SM/USUM, Lusamine does start on a better path, so I have my doubts she’d work with Nikey, and as an extension Team Nightsky, at all. If she decided to stray off that better path for whatever reason, I think she might if she burns through her other options first.
Faba, however, is an enigma to me.
Really quickly I would like to point out that since Nikey had gotten stuck in the past, he would have an opportunity to defeat all of these evil teams himself, which I actually believe is what happened with Team Flare kudos to a reddit comment I received two months ago. So I thought for a moment it’d be interesting for Lysander to originally think Nikey was a good man before his rule, but then I realized that would break my reality of Nikey having accidentally traversed realities instead of just time traveling. I might change Nikey having saved Kalos, I might not. Who knows! I think it’d be interesting for Mikey to see his future self on the news held as a hero for saving the world. Maybe that’s when Mikey realizes Nikey might be having a change of heart. :)
ANYWAYS there is absolutely a gang of assassins out for Nikey’s blood, have fun with that! He’s very cautious of new recruits/people he doesn’t trust being near him. He already has 15 attempts to his name. He rarely lets people come into his office for meetings, unless it’s someone he trusts. Even then he doesn’t really fully trust anyone. Unless it’s- *COGHCOUGHCOUGH* sorry what was I gonna say? Don’t remember ;) Anyways you can imagine why he was so shaken up about Ghetsis being in his office. He got a lot more strict with who he lets into his office after that.
WHOO BOY THAT WAS A LONG ONE. This was really fun to write! Though I might’ve written some peoples actions out of character for them. Honest mistake! Hope you enjoyed reading this!
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mewintheflesh-2 · 9 months
Not feeling the best right now so I’ll throw out a collection of head-canons for Nightsky Mikey. (If you’re unaware I refer to him as Nikey)
During the final battle in the Zero Lab, Nikey fought Mikey together with Turo in a two on one double battle. The reason he lost the battle was just dumb luck, due to a glitch in Turo’s system forcing him to make a not so smart move. He doesn’t know why this happened, Turo wasn’t aware either. He’s supposed to be the most sophisticated AI after all.
Yes this does mean the pokeball lock allowing for only Turo’s Pokémon was changed. Instead of just Turo’s Pokémon, it allowed Nikey’s (and by extension Mikey’s) Pokémon to be able to come out of their pokeballs. This wasn’t a concern however, since Nikey knew Mikey wasn’t a very sophisticated battler compared to him.
Winona did end up leaving him after he started taking things way too far for her tastes.
Very comfortable with passive physical contact, a trait he carries over from his past self that is now amplified. As a result he’s a little too handsy (not in a sexual way though). It’s to the point he almost needs it to keep himself grounded. Finds himself squeezing his own arms when he’s alone in silence for too long to keep himself in the present.
Cannot STAND dead air. Another trait he carries over from his past self that’s been amplified.
Something I came up with awhile ago (aka a few months ago): His eye was cursed by an unknown source for his actions. The Curse of Arceus’s Eye. Everything Arceus has witnessed, universes ends, cosmic horrors, things Nikey couldn’t have even comprehended before, it’s all he can see in that eye. Nobody knows who cursed him. Was it one of his own followers? Was it somebody who used to be close with him? Or was it something else in its entirety? Some even go as far to say the source was Arceus itself.
Truely believes the entire world is against him, even his own followers and colleagues. Does not believe he has friends or that people genuinely care about him unconditionally, though he is “content” with this.
Eyebags and dark circles galore. This man needs some actual rest for Arceus’s sake.
The first night he was in the past he was in such shock that he couldn’t really physically do anything. He ended up just passing out on some cliff’s edge alone after staring at the stars for hours.
Boy you fucking bet he’s disassociating. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t be and you couldn’t tell me he wasn’t already for the past several YEARS.
I love this wet soggy newspaper of a man so much <3 I’ll probably post more later today if I’m up for it! Like I said I’m not doing too good so we’ll see.
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mewintheflesh-2 · 4 months
Hey by the way if Nightsky was the one who hired Turo to make the Time Machine. What the fuck is Arven’s deal??? I mean maybe I forgot something that was implied but jeez hello???????? (If it’s just a misunderstanding I’m keeping this lore anyways)
As if I hadn’t already come up with a loose interpretation of what happened.
Something something the Time Machine “took years to develop and create”, thought Turo might have been trying to stall for time. Something something
OH RIGHT. Turo sent him to an alternate universe on purpose to stop Nightsky for good so no more worlds would have to be subjected to ecological disaster?? Perhaps?? And the ecological disaster his home world was experiencing caused him (Original Turo, not AI) to take Arven with him in one of the more early stages of the “Time Machine”’s development so Arven could live a life free of the ecologial hellscape that was his home world. Arven would be too young to remember, and Turo would have everyone else belive his child had just gone missing. (You think they don’t have technology to cloak people from security cameras? WRONG. Their deal is kind of like the whole Adblock situation with chrome and firefox. They (Nightsky and TSC) just keep updating their technology to be immune to the others over and over and over again in a never ending war.). ANYWAYS due to Turo having to mostly spend his time in his home world, he cannot take care of Arven like he should, instead perhaps leaving his care to Clavell? He’d of course enroll him in Uva Academy. You’d never be able to tell Arven didn’t come from that world unless you paid close attention. Arven himself has strange memories of a world foreign to him, not being able to make sense of them. No matter who he asks he gets no answers, and Clavell seems to act a little strangely when asked about them.
ANYWAYS yeah. The Time Machine had actually been working for years before Nightsky was ever told it did. Arven was brought to the alternate timeline/world in his very young age (like…. 6 years old? Maybe not even 6, probably like 4 or 5) Now that I honk about it……. (<- Typo but it’s too good to fix) I’m not entirely sure what reason Turo would have to stall for time for that long?? Maybe he needed to work out more kinks to make absolutely certain that it would work. He did take a lot of risks to even bring Arven with him.
OH WAIT YEAH it was a whole thing that Turo was lying about the Time Machine not being able to bring more than one person at a time, so Nightsky needed to wait until it did, because Turo was the only person who truly knew all the ins and outs of the machine, and not waiting until it could bring more than one person could result in Nightsky getting stuck with no way back (which was actually part of Turo’s plan anyways)
Turo (after Arven was brought to his new home) did end up making his AI clone, which upon others seeing, was seen as a a sort of lashing out emotionally to “losing” his only child and family he had left.
something something there also being “risks of being transported to the wrong time”
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mewintheflesh-2 · 7 months
More Team Sky/Nightsky Headcanons including two new ideas :)
Also I wanted to note, if you ever have questions about the world Team Nightsky exists in, please don’t be afraid to ask! I love getting questions about this so much, it actually means the world to me
During one of the fifteen assassination attempts on Nikey, the attempt was a faulty one, only planning to push him off the highest sky island they could get him on. But as Nikey was falling to his doom, he felt almost in complete serenity for the first time in years, that along with the sickening rush he got from the possibility he could die right then and there.
He ended up making a habit of just diving off of the sky islands with no equipment whatsoever and waiting until the last second to receive help from any of his pokemon. The longest he’s fallen would be about 10 minutes, and he’d never felt anything like it before.
Wings are used as metaphor for being free from any and all troubles from life. They’re often seen on graffiti in the ruined regions along with messages like “Just a glimmer of light is all we need.” “May the light of the sun shine upon you.” “The light will set us free.” “May the man of the dark be punished by Arceus itself.”
Nikey has earned himself the nicknames “The Man of the Dark” and “The Shadow”
After Nikey hadn’t returned in months, the world above the smog began to fall into shambles. The admins of Nightsky tried their hardest to keep everything in order, but half of the team wouldn’t even listen to them, they wanted Nikey. But they would never see Nikey again. After Winona heard he hadn’t come back, she began to become even more worried sick than she already was. She was tempted to use the Time Machine and go find him herself, but she would be leaving behind the people who need her
Thinking about a BANGER ASS BATTLE between Winona and Nikey to decide the fate of the world. Maybe they made a deal that whoever won would have control over the world forever. Winona knew she was foolish to accept that but she couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. BUT WITH THE POWER OF DETERMINATION. She fucking wins and it’s BEAUTIFUL. Anyways yes I am listening to Hopes and Dreams as I’m typing this how’d you know?
Winona has had several dreams where the smog had cleared and everything had gone back to normal. She could physically feel in these dreams and see like she was seeing with her actual eyes. It was so… disorienting. And when she wakes up from these dreams, she has to kind of sit there and process that, no, everything is still the same. And it really just takes a toll on her. She almost prefers being asleep if it means she can have those dreams.
Winona has epilepsy BY THE WAY because I said so. If nobody else is around her she has her Pokémon help her through her seizures. If she’s at work it’s usually the colleague she has a giant crush on who helps her
I don’t even really need to outright say it, but yes Nikey and Winona both have depression. Nikey has pretty severe anxiety as well and probably ptsd?? Yeah there’s no way he doesn’t.
Nikey and Winona both have hard times sleeping without somebody else next to them, since they were so used to sleeping in the same bed. Winona has like a cocoon of pillows and blankets around her. Nikey is too afraid to have anything that could even resemble the feeling of human touch on his bed as he’s afraid it’ll remind him too much of Winona. (They were married for like… 18 years?) oh yeah btw Mikey was like 38 before Nightsky. He was 43 when they got divorced. He’s old LMAO
I don’t know if I already mentioned this but it is VERY cold under the smog, like, freezing cold. Most people’s clothes are very warm and thick, either that or windbreakers if they can handle the cold. It’s very rare to see anyone in even just a regular long sleeved shirt without something else over it.
Also, I always love to think of Mikey/Nikey and Winona as more than just human, thinking of them with bird wings is always fun and it provides for even more interesting story elements. Like, it’d be fun if Mikey didn’t even know he was more than human and just discovered it one day and had an entire crisis over it. He just becomes a Harpy out of nowhere and he’s having so much trouble with it and his newfound bird-like instincts and he’s so afraid for Winona to find out that he locks himself up in their room for hours before Winona convinces him to unlock the door. She’s shocked at first, but she’s nothing but supportive. She sits on their bed with him, him having his knees to his chest, not even being able to look at her, and she just sits there petting his wings, comforting him. And it’s just so sweet and I’m totally not crying you are :’)
His wings are very soft/smooth and Winona very much enjoys petting them, they’re pretty massive wings too. If he were to wrap them around himself you wouldn’t be able to see him. It makes for very nice and warm hugs :)
ALSO I think it’d be fun if Winona did time travel, but also fucked it up so badly she got sent to another world. A world where instead of Mikey being the leader of Team Sky, it was her, and she had traveled to past Paldea. Perhaps when she travelled in time and realities she had broken the machine and could not go home, and would need to enlist the help of her past self to get back home. And the whole time she’s just looking at the past version of herself from another reality and is like… “You don’t know how lucky you are.” But not in a malicious way, more in a yearning for what she’s lost kind of way.
Past Winona ends up telling her about Mikey and ends up going on like a 30 minute ramble on everything she loves about him and Nightsky Winona is just smiling looking at her like <:) AND IT SJUST AUGH. And she tell her “Make sure you hold him close to your heart forever. He’s irreplaceable after all. Give him all the love in the world you can muster, okay?” And she’s just so so so sad. Nightsky Winona ends up getting the chance to tell past Winona about where she came from and past Winona is just like “Oh my god?? Are you okay???” And Nightsky Winona just smiles and looks at her like “No <:) but I had people I loved that were helping me get through things I wouldn’t be able to even fathom going through on my own. They were the lights in my life, and were there for me no matter what. They’d do anything they could to help me, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.” And it’s just AGAISGDISHEIEHGHGH.
and Past Winona asks her if she ever misses her ex-husband, and she just nods silently and doesn’t say anything for a minute. Past Winona feels a little awkward for bringing it up, but then Nightsky Winona ends up going on a whole rant about everything, far longer than she would’ve liked to, but she’s been holding it all in for so long for the sake of the other people in her life that it’s difficult not to go on and on and on about everything. She misses her husband, so dearly, and just so badly wants things to go back to normal with him, but she doesn’t know she’ll never see him again literally ever and it’s just so heartbreaking to listen to her talk about this.
She feels so bad for just dumping all this on her past self, but she can’t help herself. Luckily both of them are great listeners so neither of them really mind these long rambles. By the time she’s done she feels like she’s lifted the weight of the world off her back a little bit. Her eyes are sore and red and her body is shaky, but she hasn’t felt so relieved in years.
Past Winona just gives her the best hug she can and says “I know you can get through this, you’ve done amazing in the years so far, it’ll be back to normal soon, I can tell. I know you’ll see Mikey again one day, and maybe by then he’ll have a change of heart? I can’t promise that, but I can promise everything will be okay. I know I don’t know the half of what you’ve been living through back at your home, but what I do know is myself, and by extension you. You’re resilient, and as long as you have the people by your side, you’ll be okay.” And Nightsky Winona is just like <:’) and it’s SO SWEET.
When it comes time for her to leave Past Paldea, Winona gives her past self one last hug and says “Thank you for listening to me, it means the world. I know you’ll continue to be the amazing team leader you are, and I wish you the best in that regard.”
and Past Winona is just like “Of course. Just, remember what I told you okay? Even if it’s just one thing. It’s going to be okay.”
And Nightsky Winona just nods and smiles. “Thank you.” She says. “I think it’s time for me to go back home, it was a pleasure to meet you.”
And she just walks towards the Time Machine and looks back at her past alternate reality self one last time, and waves goodbye. Her past self does the same, and Nightsky Winona walks into the light of the Time Machine, sending her back into the future, and her own reality.
ANYWAYS that’s all canon now by the way :)
Also I realised just how much the song Isle of Flightless Birds fits with the entire world of Nightsky and The Sun’s Children. Like, it’s amazing, PLEASE go listen to that song if you can!
I will not deny that Nikey has very much sadistic traits to him and his habits. It’s scares him sometimes, but he brushes it off most of to time. I won’t go too into detail because those words are being saved for someone much more deserving of those. Someone that I hate with all my heart :)
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mewintheflesh-2 · 4 months
More Nightsky Headcanons but literally only of Nikey (wow haven’t called him that in awhile) except for the last headcanon which is something else.
Wow I haven’t done one of these in awhile. I feel like I’ve almost said everything there is to say at this point? Idk
I feel like after a while of being stuck in the alternate reality of his failures, Nightsky just wants to go home. No matter how hard he tries to deny it, he’s homesick. He wants so badly just to go home and curl up in his bed. But he can’t. He’s stuck here. Forever.
I think he’s just grateful that at the very least, he still has some of his Pokémon left with him.
Sometimes when his mind just won’t let him rest, he likes to just go out and sit on his balcony, taking a light blanket with him and wrapping it around him as he stares thoughtlessly at the barely visible stars in the city night sky. The biting cold of the night helps him feel present in the moment. His Pokémon are usually woken up by his movements and will come sit with him on the balcony, a few cuddling up to him as well.
I think he’d have a secret admirer or two on his apartment floor and at the bar he regulars at.
That’s right, light alcoholism. Yippie!!!!
He’d open up his apartment door to see a heart shaped box of chocolates and be like “………… huh????”
Is very confused when people try to flirt with him because he forgot that yes, he is very much physically here on this place where he’s not supposed to be and other people can see him outside of small interactions. I think the first time it happened he just bluescreened. Need I remind you he still sorely misses Winona with all his heart.
Of course if this was when he was still back at his home, he would likely either ignore them or flirt back. But he’s almost an entirely different person. The scars and scabs of his past ripped and torn right off his skin. Very, very emotionally vulnerable.
He just needs a hug and some therapy
I also think he’s just afraid to be in a relationship again with anybody. He messed it up so badly last time, why risk doing it again?
Also, I just don’t think he’d make for a great partner, atleast for the long term. He’s got shit he needs to sort out on his own first
If you’d listen to Tongues and Teeth by the Crane Wives you’d kind of get the gist of how he’d be in a relationship with someone in his current state, or at least how he was before he failed the Time Travel.
I think at some point he’d try to get together with someone, but he just ends up not being able to handle it and has to break it off.
He wouldn’t admit it, but it’s nice to know at least one person in this world cares about him in some way.
I think he’d be good at playing the piano. I think he’d use it as a sort of way to get lost in something and vent out his emotions. He’s got great vocals too. I think he’d even write a few of his own songs, gaining a little bit of a cult-following.
He’s got pointy teeth :)
ALSO ALSO!! Winona’s colleagues name is Corrie I think
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mewintheflesh-2 · 7 months
More Team Sky/Nightsky Headcanons! Warning for Nikey being a little bit of an ass for the stuff under the cut.
Nikey had to end the life of a close friend he held dear to his heart as they started to make plans to overthrow Nikey and take over Nightsky. Nikey found out right before the planned day of being overthrown, and had no choice but to take their life in order to save his own.
Winona and Nikey both have Pokémon that they rescued personally due to Nikeys actions. Winona rescued a sillicobra she found dying in the cold dessert sands, she took it in, nurtured it, and ended up adopting it. It ended up evolving into a Sandaconda which she always keeps with her, along with her Umbreon and Espeon. All three make a great pairing in case of sudden emergency rescues while Winona is out and about.
Nikey had rescued a Purrloin from certain death of falling off one of the sky islands after getting into a tussle with other wild Pokémon. After Nikey had dropped nearly everything to go rescue this Pokémon, on the flight back up to the sky island it’d fallen off of, Nikey noticed the poor kittens left eye had been scratched out and was causing it great pain. Nikey took the Pokémon to one of his personal Pokemon doctors out of sympathy, and ended up checking on it every day as it recovered. He ended up adopting the kitten and using it as his own pokemon. Anyone who questions him having a land Pokémon on his team gets docked pay.
The purrloin would often also have nightmares due to its traumatic experiences in its life, so this only boosted Nikey’s sympathy for it even more. This purrloin ended up becoming a representation of recovery for him, but he didn’t really take it to heart as much as he could have.
Winona and Mikey’s wedding ring both had a heart with wings engraved on the inner parts of them.
Winona and her colleague’s ship name is Teatimeshipping (I PROMISE the colleague will get a name soon.)
Winona had to hold a pretty much worldwide funeral for Nikey after everyone realized he was never coming back, and everyone accepted he probably had died. During this funeral, it is told the world was united once again under Winona. There wasn’t any bickering amongst the hundreds of thousands of people attending, everyone sat there and listened to Winona’s speech. All her woes and sorrows. Her regrets and mistakes. And everything she went through during the course of Nightsky. Half of the speech was almost entirely about her husband and how much she missed him, and now she’d never get the chance to fix things with him again, which she blamed herself for. The attendees sat in silence and listened until she got everything off of her chest, in which then, the world had begun to see a new light.
After Nightsky was disbanded and the smog was starting to be cleared, there were still some stragglers who didn’t want Nightsky to be disbanded. These stragglers started Neo Nightsky, who’s goals are pretty much more of the same as regular Nightsky’s, but they’re having more difficulties now that the world is finally mostly at peace.
World restoration efforts begin, but they would not be done for atleast an entire century, long after Winona is gone. She has to pass on her legacy to somebody, but I’m not quite sure who yet. Could she have adopted children? It’s very likely.
Winona got the opportunity to see Nikey’s office after he dissapeared and she just ended up sitting in there for hours silently crying, just looking at all that was left of him. Nikey ended up leaving his Purrloin behind, which had been roaming around the abandoned HQ. Winona ends up coming across the kitten and learns about its past with Nikey through a journal of sorts Nikey kept in his office. It wasn’t a diary, however he did have one back at his home. Which Winona couldn’t stand to go to, as she wouldn’t think she’d be able to pry herself away and leave.
Nikey’s purrloin ended up hanging around Winona for her entire visit. Her colleague ended up having to bring her out of the office after a few hours, Winona didn’t protest, but she did take awhile to actually leave, which she did in silence. As she was preparing to leave the island Nightsky’s HQ was on, she noticed the purrloin lurking about near her. She crouched down to its level and held out a hand to it, which it responded by skittering up to her and pressing its head into her palm, purring. Winona was overwhelmed by emotions, and ended up taking it home, along with the rest of Nikey’s Pokémon he had left behind. (Which does not include Rayquaza.)
Winona is the embodiment of the song When You’re Gone by The Cranberries, also Once More to See You by Mitski. Also I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski.
a little bit of a massive mood change under the cut
Also fun fact Nikey had a certain someone he was close with, and was one of the only people he trusted. Her name? Maddie. Maddie is the owner of an actually magic magic hat that she found when she was a child. Unbeknownst to her at the time, this hat would be the cause of her losing her friends, everyone she loved, and being taken in by her aunt, Why? Well, you see, this hat has the ability to summon any legendary Pokémon the wearer desires, except, the only person allowed to wear this hat is Maddie. As if anyone else touched the hat or steals it, they end up in a catatonic state.
Maddie cannot leave the hat behind anywhere, as it will always find her one way or another. As you can imagine this took a large toll on her as a person. One day, she heard about Nightsky, and about Nikey as well. She thought, “HMMMMMMM. Yeah I’ll try my luck with it, sounds like a fun time.” She ended up becoming the teams “magician” (though that’s only a cover for why she’s actually there.) and would often put on performances to boost the moods of Nightsky’s members, beloved by all. Nikey, knowing the magic hats true capabilities, ordered some of his own bodyguards to guard Maddie herself as well.
This ended up with them often spending time together when neither of them had to do anything else. And unfortunately for Maddie, she started to catch a little bit of a crush (a fucking massive one.). This ended up becoming a very unhealthy thing for her as she would do almost anything for him. (Which is what made her so trustworthy to him.). Nikey knew about the crush, it was pretty obvious to him, but he didn’t do anything to try and stop the crush. It was out of his hands either way, and he didn’t want to make Maddie feel bad for something she couldn’t control. What’s this? Is he developing a soft spot for her? Uh oh. Nikey didn’t end up developing any feelings for her back, but would often find himself playing with her own feelings for him. He hated himself for it, but it just became an unhealthy habit, unhealthy for both of them. Nikey ended up leaving before anything could escalate too much, but Maddie still has very complicated and unresolved feelings for him. (DISCLAIMER. They did not end up every doing anything sexual with eachother because NO. BAD.)
IT ENDS UP BEING A WHOLE THING AND GIANT MESS AFTER WINONA FINDS OUT ABOUT IT FROM MADDIE AND SHES LIKE “…??.??.?.?. Huh???” And it’s like she’s upset at first but then she remembers she sort of did the same thing with her colleague except it wasn’t the same thing at all, because they had genuinely fallen for eachother while Nikey was making questionable decisions and it’s just a whole thing.
Maybe Maddie, Winona, and her colleague get together in a polycule after a while. :) I love Maddie she is the woman ever
I’ll post an image of her some time in the future
For now, just know that she is the embodiment of the song Magic Hat by The Scary Jokes
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mewintheflesh-2 · 5 months
I put all of the Team Nightsky Headcanon Posts into an Ao3 post/document!!!! :D Including the character essay I wrote for Nikey all those months ago!!!!
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